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Parab\u00e9ns, irm\u00e3o!


Por um momento, eu realmente pensei que fosse do pr\u00f3prio jogo, feito pelo pr\u00f3prio Arthur.

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T\u00e1 perfeito campe\u00e3o!!

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Bom demais, OP! Parab\u00e9ns.

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Awesome! I haven't drawn/painted for more than a year now. You gave me a good idea, play and draw at the same time on weekends. Will try.


I've even lost my supplies, maybe I'll start with only a black pen for now.

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al\u00e9m de ter uma arte incr\u00edvel, sua letra tamb\u00e9m \u00e9 de se admirar

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Que inveja dessa letra.

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yoooo arthur morgan reincarnated

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Really good artwork

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Good luck bro, I'm looking forward to seeing the results!

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