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I call this outfit "The Young Gun".

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the hat is spot on, need me one of those. Great cosplay, your eyes make you menacing as hell

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Shi tuff lowkey

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Looks great! \ud83e\udd20

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Clean your mirror

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Nice hat black lung

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Why tf u look angry tho

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I love it, but this is the only lil Arther I will ever love!


Your interpretation is spot on though, and I applaud your cosplay




Credit to TessBrooks for posting the full image, though I don\u2019t know if it\u2019s theirs

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Thanks partner! For the hat, you can go to etsy and there will be a few options. Mine is from Hadzam hats and I got the rope from a craft store \ud83d\udc4c

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Thank you!

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Thanks! \ud83e\udd20

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Just did. My idiot brother was visiting and he got stuff all over the mirror.

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If you go to etsy, you'll be able to find it from a shop called Hadzam hats. The rope came from a craft store.

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Thanks (violent coughing and hacking)

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Lets just say, "I have an unfortunate face"

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OP is referring to the actual canon photos of Arthur as a teenager that we see in game:



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Will definitely check it out, appreciate ya!

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you're a life saver

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Probably cuz of lumbago.. take care bro

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I'm know, and he did a great job. I still stand lil Arther, he's the best boy

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Glad I could help!

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Or the TB. You take care too, partner.

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