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I think its the angle + open mouth mixed with the color of the blood making an optical illusion.


Also murfree brood dudes are so inbred that his jaw might already be shaped differently.

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generally speaking, it\u2019s the jaw that blows you

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If you shoot someone in the face with a shotgun the result is going to be what you'd expect.

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Reword this

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Wait'll you see what a stick of dynamite does

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His mouth is open and he's likely already got a badly recessed chin as do a lot of the murfee's.

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Probably the angle you took the pic, also Murfree Brood members are already fucked up looking

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I wanna blow some dudes jaw.

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His mouth is closed and his jaw is super recessed but you definitely fucked him up

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Oh my!

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"Did I just blow this dude's jaw? Is that a thing in the game?" - Sounds like a classic Rockstar Easter egg!

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Oh it can be worse just pick your poison player

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yeah, I believe you can do that with headshots and in some slow-mo or screen freeze cam with mods you can actually see their jaw bone being blasted out if you pause at the right time.

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The very first person that tried to rob in my very first play through. I meant to just hit her but hit the wrong button.And my sold off shotgun to care the rest. She literally had no head.


Her accomplices didn't do much good either

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Everything is a thing in this game lmaoo

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I'm sorry you did what now? Oh blew it OFF.

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thats what she said

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I think you haven't used the Sawed-Off Shotgun yet x), the leg shots come with a good sound FX.

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no he just needs to mew

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Bro thinks he's radium jaw

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I usually shoot those dudes in the dick every chance I get lmao

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Damn your throat game must be strong

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Stick your pipe in there

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That\u2019s just the bullet hole texture layered over a chinless dude, if you shoot him a couple more times with the revolver in the head or once with a shotgun his jaw will mysteriously reappear but that\u2019s all that will be left of his head

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holy shit

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Ha ha looks like it

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I found out by accident (well, I was shooting them on purpose TECHNICALLY) that the maxim guns cut people and horses in half.

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Well I hogtied a guy and left him at the tracks he got run over and lost his legs lmao\ud83d\udc3a

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Eplosive slugs are fun too

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"well acshually if you shoot someone with a shotgun-", "limbs detach so yeah\ud83e\udd13" well NO SHIT sherlock. What i'm asking is if its possible to do it SPECIFICALLY to the jaw, but apparently it's just an optical illusion

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Yes, if you shoot someone in the mouth the texture removes teeth and lips,

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Limbs detach so yeah

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Bro, I got the futa goth girl execution \ud83d\ude14 (F to pay respect)

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You just did it in the game, why are you asking if its a thing in the game?

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It\u2019s part of the game. I\u2019ve shot noses off and eyes out of people with revolvers.

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Yup!! You can blow a head off, arm, and legs too!

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lol yeah you may be right

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Built different

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Yes!", "body_html": "

Indeed! Yes!

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I\u2019ll never forget the first time I accidentally shotgunned someone in the face.


I went over and picked up the body to move it away from the road, and blood just started flowing down Arthur\u2019s back. I dropped the body and said \u201cwhat the fuck?\u201d out loud. Went into first person and realized that the man\u2019s head was just gone, and the blood flow came from his neck.


I was absolutely horrified.


Good times.

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i shot him with a revolver. also i think that if i would've shot him with a shotgun to the face, there would've been a lot more missing than just his jaw lol

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I call the sawed off \u201cthe face cleaner\u201d bc it will take that thing clean off

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Running up to people and doing this in first person view is so much fun

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Ok you 1000000% look just like my friend.

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This is such an unexpectedly great use of this \ud83d\ude06

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aah shit i just noticed \ud83d\ude2d sorry im not a native english speaker

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\ud83d\ude31 NO WAY!

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bc it could be just an optical illusion (it is)

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what makes you think i dont know that

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Do it 20 more times for science

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Just a torso.", "body_html": "

Once I found out you can pop the head and arms and legs off, even on bounties that can be taken in dead or alive, that's the only way I turn them in. Just a torso.

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Using slugs and shooting for the foot is awesome.

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The first time I accidentally did it and there there was no head. I was....appalled/fascinated. And decided to do it again. Differe leftnt results haha

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If you headshot someone with a shotgun, his head will become pulp

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Try it and find out \ud83d\ude2c\ud83d\ude2c\ud83d\ude2c

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That's not me lol that's Cugine!

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Imma start doing this from now on

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you're a sick man, Arthur Morgan

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\u201cThe face cleaner\u201d i call it

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Deleted a dude's head once. He was on the other side of the wall I popped up and put a slug in his skull and then there was no head.

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Could become the next big ceiling painter

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The exploding shells are the most, well, explosive.

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I just like playing with the bodies.

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Damn. Now I got lumbago

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"I heard you paint houses."

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Not plural, just one

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It's the title of a book about an Irish hit man.

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Ahhhh. The more you know!

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They made a movie about it (I believe, I couldn't get into the movie) called The Irishman with Deniro and Pesci but if you haven't read the book it's worth a read. He makes some rather fantastic claims that strain credulity but it's a good story.

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