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(his right eye is bothering me so much but watercolour makes it so hard to fix mistakes \ud83d\ude13)", "selftext_html": "

Used watercolour and a bit of pencil, not sure if it\u2019s finished yet but was super fun to paint!! (his right eye is bothering me so much but watercolour makes it so hard to fix mistakes \ud83d\ude13)

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Looks rlly good tho love all the intricate details shows a lot of time and effort put in

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Kinda looks a lil like Brad Pitt

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That\u2019s Sawyer from Lost

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Kinda looks like a blacked out version of Owen wilson when he woke up halfnaked in middle of a dessert next to a dead hooker and a cringe ugly lion


Love it btw

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Doesn't look much like Arthur... He has a more square facial shape. Wider features. But it's a great drawing. Honestly. Maybe study Arthur totally clean shaven to get his proportions a little better?

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Is that kid Rock cosplaying as Arthur because that's what I'm seeing here \ud83d\ude02

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Faces and details are hard. Much better than I could do! Well done boah!

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Job well done my friend.

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I see that fake Logan Paul guy pretending to be a cowboy. Good work

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I actually said god damn because of how good this is \ud83d\udc4d\ud83c\udffc

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V v good

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Looks like a meme template 9.9/10

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Sawyer from LOST

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it looks real nice! I think some parts can be improved, you can work on facial proportions and shading in the neck area, it\u2018s kinda blended together, while the face has more contrast. The placement of the drawing could be improved too, it\u2019s a bit big for your paper hence the feathers not being completely present. I really like the rendering of the face though! Details look good too. With a little touch on the top left side of the hat, it\u2019d look more balanced. Keep going! You clearly have the eye for it!

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Ima be honest is not bad it\u2019s not just good it\u2019s good enough\u00a0


No I\u2019m not trying to be rude don\u2019t take it that way

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that's Brad

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What an attempt

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thanks squishy poo\ud83d\ude1c

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Rockstar referenced a famous Hollywood celebrity by making their characters look like a love child of Western movie stars?\u00a0


\u00a0Well I'll be damned \ud83d\ude31

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I can't unsee it now

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Owen Wilson will always be "the little cowboy dude" to me.

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I agree with this especially the great drawing part. The face shape is off but it\u2019s clear you have talent.

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Kid Rock with a touch of Riff Raff cosplaying as Brad Pitt cosplaying as Arthur Morgan

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yeah i definitely see it HAHA

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