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why the chelonians of rdr 2 from mary s mission have that stupid turtle like the stupid italian fascist of casapound?

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dawg I have NO clue what the fuck you're onto, shit's just a cute ass little embroided turtle

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You're gonna lose and confuse so many of us with just this line... Where's the evidence at?

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Chelonians are a reptile of the order Testudines (formerly Chelonia ); a turtle, terrapin, or tortoise.


Their single most characteristics is their shells.


Wiki:\nThe Chelonians believe in a utopian society which they call Chelonia, and believe that the only way to be truly safe from the evils of current-day America is to dedicate everything to the cult. They also hold the turtle in very high regard and consider it to be sacred, believing it to be an ancient holy animal that should never be harmed.


Because the characteristic of Chelonians, a "dome, shield or shell" can refer to an Utopia. Away from everything and their own "perfect place"


All this info within a quick google search. I'd recommend it next time

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