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When you guys first saw Trelawny, did you think he was the Strange Man? And also, when was the point you started to like Arthur? (If you wanted to play as John) AND, what was your reaction to being able to play as John?

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trelawny, not really no, they just have similar looks. i was mainly surprised that a man like that knew the gang personally


tbh i liked arthur from the start, it was nice to have a fresh protagonist who clearly had a strong (literally) personality and acted as the enforcer of the gang


when john became playable it felt like a direct response to jack being playable in rdr1, who nobody really liked playing as

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Nope.\nAnd right away. I knew I wouldn't be John going into it.

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I still do lol. He's not but I refuse to let him off the hook

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Saw the resemblance with Trelawney, but knew it wasn't the Strange Man.


Bummed when I first learned during the game development that we wouldn't be playing as John, but was curious about who this Arthur guy would be.


I was glad I got to play as John in the end, and that we got to see him slowly grow into the man he becomes in RDR1. I'm in the minority that doesn't despise the epilogue, so I enjoy getting to retire to the ranch.


But while first playing RDR2, I was hoping like hell there was some cure for Arthur, no matter how full of bullshit the explanation would be.

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I was excited to play john. But as the story progresses. I lost my shit slowly. Now I hate to play john. It's like Arthur kinda killed my liking towards john. Not that I don't feel for john as he went through the hell. But he kinda had a house family for 4 years. For an outlaw always on the run and killing people left and right. It was more than what john deserved I feel. Arthur though. I felt he could have done better.

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Damm why does everyone hate Jack so much. \ud83d\ude2d

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Ahh, interesting!

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He wasn't that interesting as a charcter in the first and there's pretty much no story involving him afterwards to give a better idea of his character after the ending. So he's pretty bland.

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One thing that helped was not doing any side missions with John (aside from I Know You, cause this one is only for John), playing all the side missions with Jack actually made me like him more since you'll hear his voice a lot more. It's basically RDR1.5

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Does he have the same lines, or different ones? I'd have liked some story missions with him to wrap it up. Maybe like having him hunt down the Pinkertons and the people who kept pushing them to crack down on gangs.

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