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Abigail is devastated, Arthur stays with her in the camp to cheer her up, Micah gets send to mr downes instead. Arthur takes place of John in RDR1 and they all get a happy ending.

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\u201cLong live the king\u201d as he full on throws him off the cliff

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Cut the first 5 seconds out and you can easily convince someone that its a movie scene.

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Does arfa clap them cheeks?

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Damn, officer, didn't know you were police

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I don't know what their problem is. Your post made me laugh, thanks for sharing.

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Don't worry, we all get bad days from time to time, it's probably just one of those for them. Glad you liked the post!

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Don't worry, mate. I get you, humor is always a hit or miss depending where it lands. We're good :D

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You are a good person man, as much as negativity can rub off people, so can positivity and compassion like in your case. Thanks man, you really made my day dude. Cheers

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