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Hey everyone,


I'm experiencing a consistent issue with RDR2 during 'Outlaws from the West' mission. The game completely crashes, but the music keeps playing. No buttons respond, and I have to force quit the game. I'm using a 7700 XT from Nvidia (Gigabyte). My hardware seems fine with 144Hz, but this issue persists. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!\n.\nEdit: The online mode is working fine without any crashes and the anther games are fine.\nmy pc : 7700 xt i914900k 96 ram

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Maybe check what graphics API you're using? Under settings, graphics, scroll down to "Advanced Graphics", from what I understand a recent patch made Vulkan a lot less stable, so you might try switching to DX12.


Otherwise, if you have any control at all at the beginning of the mission, run off and try to fail the mission over and over again and see if you can skip the checkpoint that its crashing at.

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Thank you for your suggestion! I tried applying your solution, but unfortunately, the issue remains the same. Sadly, this mission cannot be skipped.



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