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How do I get my downloaded mods into the game?

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Do you have the necessary scripthook, version.dll, lml, and dinput8 files?


If you do, and you are playing on steam, and have the mods in the correct places, you may need to update your launch options


Add this to launch options on steam:


WINEDLLOVERRIDES=vulkan-1,dinput8,version,ScriptHookRDR2,OutfitChanger,EasyHook,EasyHook64,EasyHookPatch,EasyLoad64,NativeInterop,SimpleHook=n,b %command%

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I don't want to rewrite my response to this post, so here's a link ^.^ Also I'd recommend installing mods manually and not using a mod loader, it's not too hard once you get the hang of it, and there are some mods that don't work well or at all if you use a mod loader.

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are those things fomod?


or you have to modify the actual game files


also, im playing on epic


just wondering for when i replay rdr2 later

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Yeah I don't know what any of that means, can I do it with vortex?

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Watch a YouTube video on LENNYSMODLOADER it\u2019s very simple

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Everytime I try to do it says there is an error

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