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"score": 1, "secure_media": null, "secure_media_embed": {}, "selftext": "I imagine this has been posted here before but this the location of a guaranteed grizzly bear spawn. This can be useful for hunting or the \"Grin and Bear it\" achievement. It will spawn multiple times a (game) day on the grassless area digging for insects. Directly to the east near the road is a less frequent gray wolf spawn. They will occasionally be found stalking or fighting the grizzly bear. A little further to the southeast of that is a black bear spawn.", "selftext_html": "

I imagine this has been posted here before but this the location of a guaranteed grizzly bear spawn. This can be useful for hunting or the "Grin and Bear it" achievement. It will spawn multiple times a (game) day on the grassless area digging for insects. Directly to the east near the road is a less frequent gray wolf spawn. They will occasionally be found stalking or fighting the grizzly bear. A little further to the southeast of that is a black bear spawn.

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