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Chapter 2:


Sean was freed, Micah is still in jail, and he hasn\u2019t gone to see Mr Downes yet

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When we dance with Mary-Beth at the Sean party

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Beginning/middle of chapter 2 at HO, at least in my opinion. Feels like the only time during the game where there isn\u2019t any immediate pressure or danger. Everyone just enjoying their lives :)

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Chapter 3,everyone is happy,Sadie got over her husband\u2019s death(and doesn\u2019t repeat the exact same greet dialogue everytime you speak to her),everyone is in camp,including Cain,Trelawny etc.

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Chapter 3 with the mission Horse Flesh for Dinner. That early Turkoman was awesome, the Horse Fence was unlocked, & it was the earliest we could obtain the Legend of the East outfit.

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Yea definitely Sean\u2019s welcome home party

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I kept Arthur healthy until returning from Guarma. I kept him fed and he stayed healthy. After coming back, everything went downhill basically.

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I mean it\u2019s gotta be Sean\u2019s welcome home party. For everyone but Kieran.

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Horseshoe overlook, after you break out Sean, everyone is happy and having a good time, I chose to rescue him while Micah was still in jail so it was even better \ud83d\ude00

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Chapter 2. Everyone is alive and mostly getting along, and they are still hopeful that things will work out.

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Good times \ud83c\udf7b\ud83c\udfa9

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Lmao not when it goes down in Rhodes? To me that\u2019s when everything takes a darker turn.

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The St. Denis bank robbery for me was peak Red Dead for me. That\u2019s when shit really started hitting the fan.

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its better when you free micah because he still sets his camp far away for a few missions

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Chapter 3 for me - Micah is out of jail, but in hiding in West Elizabeth. Arthur has seen Downes but has no idea he's sick yet. Camp is in a nicer spot where everybody seems to be constantly fishing. Sadie has her identity back and camp optimism seems high, while even with max medical supplies, food, ammo and all camp improvements, nobody seemed very happy in Ch 2.


I'm chilling out at this point for a while.

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This is also the best base for me since its right beside a body of water.

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Been parked here for 2 months. I also pushed to this point so I could keep Cerberus. Sitting on the tobacco mission currently and squeezing every bit out of chapter 3 I can. \ud83e\udee1\ud83e\udd20

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Same. \ud83e\udee1

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Nah because then you get the ugly off hand holster\u00a0

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Been here for 2 months now. Squeezing THE LIFE out of Chapter 3. \ud83e\udee1\ud83e\udd20

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It's still a free holster. I can't complain.

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I never realised the off-hand-holster was so unpopular.

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It\u2019s just such a nice vibe.

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I like the dual wield mechanic but it wasn\u2019t really needed, doesn\u2019t look that great with outfits, disappears in cutscenes and it doesn\u2019t make sense why John and Dutch would randomly ditch it in the 1st game from a story perspective\u00a0

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It's useful but I wish there was an option to take it off

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