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I\u2019d say cattleman but tbh I\u2019ve used Schofield revolvers throughout my gameplay.

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The Colt Single Action Army is THE gunslinger's weapon. The game starts you off with it as well.

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I usually dual wield the double barrels

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Cattleman, and I like to keep it very simple as I don\u2019t think Arthur would want lots of engravings or expensive materials like gold and ivory

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LeMat. Everyone sleeps on it, never seen it brought up anywhere, but it\u2019s the best

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Granger\u2019s on one hand, Flaco\u2019s on another

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I always thought my personal SAA clone was pretty canon to what Arthur would have had. Walnut grips, weathered steel

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Guys hate me but I LOVE the volcanic pistoles

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Cattleman or LeMat, actually I think it\u2019s implied that Arthur uses big guns, because of the mission (I forgot which one sorry) someone passes Arthur a rifle and they say \u201cthis is more your style Morgan\u201d so idk

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I feel like the cattleman is canon but it has really low damage so I use the schofield

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I kinda wanna say the golden double action. I like the idea that we the double action revolver we get through the gta5 treasure hunt is Arthur's old gun

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A cannon

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Cattleman is canon but i\u2019ve been kinda Vibing with the stubby Schofield



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I always main the Schofield when it's unlocked

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The lemat revolvers really suit him.

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Schofield. I think Arthur would have used the same guns as Dutch who raised him and taught him. In game it would be the Cattlemen after he lost his guns in Blackwater - just doesn\u2019t seem like he\u2019s the guy to spend money on guns and drip when the gang needs other things like a $450 boat.

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Double-Action Revolvers

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Personally i think the Cattleman

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The Cattleman is fantastic. Accurate, fast, and inexpensive.

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For me its the dual schofields.


I don't think the cattleman looks right on arhrur.


But dual long barrel blued schofields with a mesquite grip is a perfect fit for Arthur.

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Cattleman and Schofield

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I roleplay deep. I use the cattleman until i pick up bronte\u2019s mauser pistol, arthur takes his cattleman into the bank job no matter what i think, so he loses his cattleman at the bottom of the sea. Upon his return, he see\u2019s no reason not to continue using the mauser pistol that was still with his belongings

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the gamblers cattleman revolver looks fire

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Double action I found in a random ass burnt down near Braithwait manor

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I usually rush the gunslinger quest and use calloway's revolver.

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I dont like how the schofields trigger is exposed when in the holster. Thats a pretty big hazard, so cattleman all the way. Also as the tried and true weapon of choice for any respected gunslinger, the single action army is second to none.


I used to like the 7.5\u201d barrel, but i also dont like how the barrel is exposed from the holster. That would be a big pain to keep clean and dry. But i do sometimes keep a long barrel in the cross draw for horseback, and a short barrel on the strong side for quick draw.

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Schofield. It\u2019s the one he\u2019s holding in the artwork. But I gotta say I\u2019m loving the Volcanic pistol.

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Dual lemat

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Double action.


But the navy long bois online.

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Schofield I stole from the ol Driscoll's in Valentine. Cover that thing in silver an gold, and made it my primary pistol from there on out.

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Granger\u2019s and Flaco\u2019s

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Cattleman because Roger Clark likes it the most

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How do you get the engravings on the left?

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Lemat, after STDenis, cattleman for before

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Main is the Cattleman and for offhand I use high roller

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He starts the game with a Cattleman and that\u2019s the gun that most \u2018high honour\u2019 characters use (Hosea, Sadie, John, etc.)


I do like to think that he bought a pistol during chapter 4 the gang went to Saint Denis, but it jammed far too often and he ended up throwing it away

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I use mods to get me to New Austin so I like to use Otis Miller's revolver. I just think it's just so goofy looking and Arthur is a big hotdog, so I could see him carrying it around like a toy. I wish he had unqiue weapons, like the other gang members.


I think whatever you like is considered your personal cannon.

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My Arthur duel wields 2 black volcanic pistols with pearl grips

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Cattleman with a longbarrel.

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I LOVE the lemat revolvers.


Arthur is a Cattleman.

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Cattleman main-hand, LeMat off-hand.

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Cattleman\u2019s because Rodger Clark said that was his preference

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LeMat in the main holster, Mauser in the secondary in-case things get hair

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Cattleman for high honour, and Schofield for low.

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He starts with the cattleman but has a schofield on the box art and thats what i prefer sooo

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Cattleman, but since using mods I prefer the Navy revolver for Arthur.

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Canon is Cattleman

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I like the Cattleman it just doesn't quite do enough damage, so I usually go with a long barrel Schofield with pearl Grips.

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Cattleman then LeMat

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Double cattleman, right hand long barrel, left hand short barrel, dark iron with brass cylinders

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Jim \u201cBoy\u201d Calloway\u2019s Schofield revolver

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For me its the cattleman Revolver

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Colt SAA because it was one of the most popular revolvers around.

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Schofield but I feel arthur doesn't really care what gun he uses

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Cattleman revolver as gritty as it can be. Nickel Schofield if I\u2019m feeling fancy

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Cattleman in the right holster and a shorter barreled Shofield in the other one.

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Neither. Mauser Gang.

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I gave him dual Schofields and start them off heavily inspired by Dutch's and as the game goes on they get closer to the exact opposite style of Dutch's

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since john have a cattleman that look very similar to hosea my theory is that arthur would have a schofield similar to dutch's one like they are kind off taking over them john already have a cattleman with a bone grip like hosea so arthur should have a schofield similar to dutch

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Cattleman, but if the navy was in single player I\u2019d pick it up it suits Arthur.

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I like hero grip cattleman on the right and bandit double action on the left

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i always use the other gunslingers revolvers usually calloways or grangers other than that the pistols tbh

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Cattleman or schofield, double action if low honor

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I just modify the shit outta the cattlemen's I personally find it my favourite revolver both story mode and online

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The Cattleman/Colt SIngle Action Army never did me wrong

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A gussied up cattleman

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An all blued schofeild revolver with a wooden grip

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I see Arthur as a cattleman guy now grant it in the application of Rdr 2 and cover art he uses a Schofield revolver so either way they work

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LeMat is the best revolver in the game

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Usually I\u2019ve used schofields in previous playthroughs, but this time I\u2019ve stuck with dual cattleman and it feels more fitting for Arthur. I like using the high honor/hero pearl grip for the cattleman as Arthur starts to redeem himself.

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Rodger said cattleman

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Cattleman. It feels more western compared to the Schofield imo

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Different one for each chapter...

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While I loved the S&W 1875 No.3 Revolvers the most (Schofield is a specific subtype of a No. 3) The Cattleman lends such an iconic flair that I always found myself wanting to use them again.

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Personally I always use Calloways Revolver. It looks similar to the first cattleman you get in the game (in terms of colour). It\u2019s a Schofield so that\u2019s already a W. And it looks cool af

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Cattleman with a pearl grip

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I use two sawn offs, an Evans repeater and a bolt action with a long scope, sometimes switch out one of the rifles with a bow and modified arrows, if I use a revolver, generally it\u2019s the lemat, because it has a shotgun on it.


Sometimes I dual wield the double action or Mauser, just to rain bullets.


But if I had to de-fictionalize Arthur, I\u2019d think it would be a cattleman.

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I change throughout the chapters. Older single actions revolvers starting out, semi-automatic pistols by the end.

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Cattlemans/Lemats for Arthur


One shcofield one sawed off shotgun for John


In my 100% play through I still mosey around with John once a month or so and I looked at the stats John has compared to my chapter 6 save before the final mission and John already has over twice as many kills as Arthur does with every single weapon. Specifically pistols, carbine repeaters, bow, knife, throwing knife\u2019s, and hatchet.


Safe to say growing up with rdr1 that John is my favorite video game character of all time with Niko Bellic being a close second.

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Dual Schofields

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Cattlemans or lemats I think. Definitely not double action

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Double action is so amazing why is no one saying this

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At the beginning of the game, two short Schofield with blued metal and ivory handles. As the game goes on, my Arthur switches to a blued M1899 with a backup double action revolver.

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I use Lemats or Volcanic pistols as soon as I can. When I get high honor though I use Cattleman's with the hero grip and gold finish near the endgame.

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defintley cattleman its my favorite too

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I just discovered the Lemat revolvers and I\u2019m never going back

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lemat. it just feels arthur-y.

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Cattleman's canon but I use Lemat

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No matter how many times I replay the game, I always end up going for twin Schofields


First play through they were Blue Metal with silver engravings and pearl handles


My most recent save has just been Nickel Plated ones with an cherry wood grip

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I\u2019d love it to be the Lemat, but it comes so late in the game that it\u2019s hard to feel the same connection to it that I do with the Cattleman. I want to like the Schofield but something about the handle seems weird, almost like it\u2019s too small so I pretty much just use the Cattleman.

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In the trailer he used a cattleman with a schofield so that\u2019s my go to

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Dual cattlemen for high honor since it's a quick kill at least


Shotgun and double action for low honor for mangling

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Twin Double action revolvers.

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Calloway's revolver. Being paired with the Schofield revolver it becomes the deadliest sidearm if you have no money

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On the cover he has the Schofield so I\u2019d say that\u2019s his canon gun

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granger\u2019s revolver in one hand and flacos in the other,that or duel wield double barrels

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While I'd call the cattleman Canon, flacos is a nice little rp moment for me. 1899 is my side piece.

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I've used the cattleman, since it's what Roger Clark considers cannon, but Arthur is holding a Schofield in the cover art so I use that too

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I agree with the other comments, Cattleman but I personally enjoyed the Double Action more than the Schofield

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Cattleman. It\u2019s THE old west gun of the game.

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I know you can\u2019t get it on SP without mods but my Arthur always walked around duel wielding Navy Revolvers. The Navy has a high pitched component to its firing sound which hits my ear like nothing else. I loved it as soon as I first got one in RDO.

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I use cattleman until i Can get the LeMat in Saint\u2026.. LeMat is by far my fav gun in the game so its a must

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Now, obvious answer is the Cattleman's revolver. Especially with high honour, I based mine off of Lucky from Fallout New Vegas, the black with gold engravings, pearled grip, and some silver accents on the trigger, hammer, and sights, looks gorgeous.


The LeMat Revolver is also super fun. With express ammo, it feels more like a portable cannon than a revolver. The reload may be slower than erosion, but of your aim is at least halfway decent, then everything in front of you should be dead by the time you run dry.


Tried the Schofield and Double-Action, wasn't too big a fan of either of them.


So, gameplay wise I love the LeMat. But Arthur's canon revolver? Definitely the Cattleman's. It's too iconic. Coolest looking revolver too, imo.

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Cattleman until I unlock Lemat

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The only reason I use double is so they take more shots

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I always liked the double action

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Otis miller revolver if I can glitch into the map to get it. If I can\u2019t, my canon revolver is 2 LeMat revolvers, one black and one gold (to symbolize his neutrality. It\u2019s Unique from the rest of the gang members and is an incredible gun that makes sense for him to have.

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Personally, I don't like the Cattleman because it's the "default" and I don't like to use the ones you start off with. My load out for Arthur/John and my Online character is: Schofield, Sawn-off (in offhand), Lancaster, and Springfield.

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none he only needs 3 things, mauser, dynamite, deadeye. 1 bullet. 10 dead.

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So 1899, outlaw, has very fast reload. Has to be Schofield revolver

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I\u2019ve always thought a cartridge converted lemat revolver would be interesting for a western

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Granger's and Flaco's Pistols

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Arthur (both high and low honor) doesn't seem like the type of man who would use revolvers all the time. He was surprisingly progressive and I think he would've switched to pistols fairly quickly. Mainly because they did the job better than revolvers


In my case it looked like this: Cattleman > Double Action for most of the game > C93 Borchardt*.


*Mauser also great, but it sits oddly in the holster. I don't like the M1899

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I like to use the granger and Flacco revolver

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Schofield for Arthur


Cattleman for John

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Algernon pistol

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Whatever goes best with his outfit at the time

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Twin 1899s is all I need. Sure, I have to buy ammunition more frequently, but they're just so fun!

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Cattleman is the only correct answer

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Cattleman is canon, I prefer navy\u2019s

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Schofield, mauser, or 1899

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I like using dual cattleman revolvers, it just looks like the most cowboy-ey revolver to me

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After more than 3 play throughs I start stick with default Arthur outfits, one cattle man and one schofield designed exactly in official trailer. I love metal sound when shooting chofield

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The Lemat is really the only one that wouldn\u2019t make any sense. The others are all real guns that would have been in practical use at the time and were all good and effective weapons.

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For me, I main the double-action revolver. I\u2019ve seen that the canon one is the cattleman, but it\u2019s just the one I could see him using the most. It just looks the most like a revolver to me \ud83e\udd37\u200d\u2642\ufe0f


Also, I played GTA 5 before I ever considered playing RDR2, and the treasure hunt got me the golden one, so I guess I feel obligated to use it since it was gifted to me at the beginning of the game.

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My very first playthrough, I used all of the revolvers, but none of the pistols. Now, I just stick to the Cattlemans since, like someone else mentioned previously, one shot to the head kills regardless of the gun.

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I have a Schofield on the hip and volcanic pistol on the off-hand. But I'm on my second play through going for 100% and only on chapter 3. OG play through I think I went for double double action

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Double action revolvers are better than every gun, they are canon 100%

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Midnights Pistol

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Flaco\u2019s revolver or high roller. I know they\u2019re not the best, they are just slick as hell.

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Silver cattleman revolver with gold engravings and the hero grip

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Cattleman revolver. I dont want to get a new one because repeaters are more Arthur's thing and I feel morw comfortable using repeaters too

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definitely the schofield and cattleman

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Navy Revolver, via mods. It just fits him well.

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Schofield Revolver followed by the Cattleman or LeMat Revolver, love that it can use a shotgun shell too.

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I use Micah's Revolver and Johns Cattleman Revolver as Arthur. I stopped using pistol cause u get 99% of the time revolver or repeater ammo. And I like to think that it fits the duality of the story as Arthur. Good ending and bad ending. High and low honor.

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Golden Double-Action Revolver

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I like the navy revolver

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Idk why I always use Flacos and Grangers

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i dual the cattlemans. long barrel, pearl grip and express rounds

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Navy colt. One gun. Don't need two on your hip with two rifles with you as well.

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During my first play through I used Flacco's and Granger's guns until I got the Midnight pistol, and the Schofield. And the Lemat towards the end.\nAlthough Arthur is quite sentimental I think he is that with people and horses but not so much with things. He is also an opportunist and would grab the best weapon that he could find. So he will use a Schofield over a Cattleman and a Volcanic or a Mauser if he can get one.\u00a0\nOTOH he may just want to use the gun that he is most familiar with ... so that would be the Cattleman.....\u00a0\nOn my current "forever C2 playthrough " I have been using Cattlemans, one with the long barrels, one with the short.\nThe Cattleman just looks like a fun from a western ....\nI did spend hours trying to get Micah's gun in the prologue but now I have it I can't bring myself to use it \ud83e\udd23

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I use dubble action

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Cattleman. But LeMat is my favourite

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Schofield was Arthur\u2019s gun, when I got to John have John\u2019s in the primary holster and Arthur\u2019s in the offhand

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I wanted to give Arthur something unique, and as the Van Der Linde Gang's main enforcer, I wanted it to be big, so I gave him a decorated LeMat inspired by the Inquisitor and the Scorpion of RDRevolver

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High Roller Revolver

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I use a cattleman for the main and in my offhand is a shortened \u201ccustom\u201d Schofield for \u201cduels\u201d and QuickDraw

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cattleman, but i aim better with schofield, and i have over 1000 kills with it

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Cattleman, silver metal, with mahogany wood grips and iron inlayed engravings

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I use Flaco\u2019s Revolver as my secondary and my main is a cattleman with a white grip (with engravings to match)


I always kind of pictured Arthur liking that "classic" look

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Duel Snubnosed schofields

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Volcanic with express ammo. Ammo makes a big difference. I don't like the Schofield because the fire rate seems slower.

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Cattleman. One called Caitlyn the other called Violet.

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I think granger's revolver. Can see Arthur keeping his gun as a reminder of what he does to people that treat him badly

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I mostly use schofild the auto revolver thing painted in all Black and the also black mauser pistol

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It's the Cattleman but I always preferred using the Volcanic pistols - one black with silver accents and one silver with black accents.

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cattleman on arthur, otis miller on john.


after starting the epilogue and settling down on Beecher's hope, i went exploring the new zone while hugging the edge of the map and just...found it there. didn't even know you needed maps


killed micah with it too

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I\u2019d say Schofield or double action revolver, because of the practical improvements. Cattleman\u2019s reloading time is long, but it\u2019s even way longer in real life. Also, despite being reliable is single action.


My last point is that the game nerfed the Cattleman because they made it the default gun for everyone (far from reality in the truth, it was quite a expensive gun) so it takes a significant part of it\u2019s value out of it.

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Cattleman, can\u2019t decide on schofield or sawed off for offhand sidearm

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I bought the LeMat after playing a certain but into the story. I immidiatlly made it fully black with a few silver/white parts to symbolize alotta bad with a bit of good. Then I kept the gun as John and inverted the colors cuz I got the high honor ending and wanted to remember Arthur as a Lotta good with a lil bad.

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volcanic pistol

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I like the way the cattleman looks with a long barrel

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Cattleman is simply the most iconic revolver of the Old West, but if I could, I would use Navy in singleplayer. It still has that iconic look, but also performs well, compared to Cattleman.


In the end, Schofield + Sawed-off in singleplayer and Navy + Sawed-off in online.

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Cattleman - end of.

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Akimbo Volcanics cus that's what I used my irl monopoly dough for.

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Either double action or the LeMat revolver

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Navy revolver or the Schofield

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Schofield or Cattleman, I don't really use either (LeMat Best).

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I love the volcano pistol personally

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Fully customized cattleman, best revolver for accuracy, or granger and flaco's revolver

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I agree with those who have said the Cattleman and Schofield for canon. I loved them on my first play through. But I suggest going with Micah's Double Action revolver. Get it while he's in the Strawberry jail, using the glitch. Arthur deserves it. Micah doesn't.

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Personally, cattlemen. But really, any revolver really. No pistols.

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I roleplay Arthur with black and white for a common theme. For the revolver(s), I get a silver, engraved Schofield, with an ebony grip, black metal trigger and sights, with a doe etching. The off-hand, eventually, becomes a black metal LeMatt, engraved with silver, a pearl grip, silver trigger, and an etching of a scorpion (as a reference to the first Red Dead).

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Same I feel to me personally the Schofield is better plus the irl outlaw Jesse James used one as his main weapon I made my online character like him

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The Schofield looks better to me too.

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Y'all use them because they look cool/someone used them irl. I use them because Landon Ricketts thinks they are better than the Cattleman, we are not the same.

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Arthur\u2019s actor has even said that he views the cattleman as being the canon one.


I used to play Schofield but after my first play through I always stick to the cattleman. Click the heads and it\u2019s a 1 shot anyway.

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With the high honor grips.

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The improved riflings great, but the grip carvings provide no tactical advantage whatsoever

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There\u2019s nothing like reloading on the battlefield

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But this is 1890 or something. Single action revolvers are outdated.

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It\u2019s not practical though

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real chaotic vibes on this one

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Charthur Mith

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When you absolutely, positively, have to kill four people standing seven feet or less from you.\u00a0

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Yeah I usually keep mine a nickel or steel color and metal. I do use engravings tho

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It\u2019s like objectively the best. Holds 9 rounds, has a shotgun round too and you can hip fire/fan the hammer like the cattleman. Has all the best features of any handgun. The only issue is the reload time, but when you carry a second one in the other holster you have 18 shots +2 with shotgun shots

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I like lemat to be the cannon because no one in the gang use it, so make arthur with a unique taste. And it's very beautiful, im just think it could have a longer barrel because like the cattleman, but its very good

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I'm honestly obsessed with the LeMat because of Westworld. Not only does it look cool but it really is just the best

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Just did the mission where the O'Driscolls attack, and to get gold, you have to use only sidearms. LeMatt is a cannon. THE one hitter quitter for revolvers. And it had an underbarrel shotgun. BLAMBLAM!

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I don\u2019t know if I\u2019m imagining it but I feel like it has a really crap rate of fire.


It\u2019s powerful and the 9 cylinder is great but it just fires so. damn. slow.

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guns with history. I have to switch back to these every time

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The Double Boner

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What caliber is it?

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Hanged, drawn, and quartered

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Disgusting tar and feather this man!! /S

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It\u2019s a pocket Litchfield. It\u2019s wonderful.

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I also do, even tho it\u2019s not really a gunslinger weapon

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i hate you

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I think they\u2019re sick, but they just aren\u2019t the best

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Easily the best! They are so great.

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I'm with you. I'm a RL Henry fanboy, so I always use the Volcanic and the Litchfield. Except I keep Algernon's revolver in my 2nd holster, just cuz that pearl grip is nice and showy.

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I have Arthur double fisting pistols with volcanic in left and Schofield in right. I also made one gold and ivory and the other black and gold.

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My Arthur dual wheels the volcanic pistols after chapter 4. Every damn time. It\u2019s Canon in my book. Come at me!

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I use those mini repeaters in online. It's great to be able to oneshot enemies in the body.\nSingle player I use mausers, but I tend to abuse deadeye so I'm starting to question the soundness of the that, maybe I should go to back to sawed offs, volcanics or break actions for extra damage.

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I really love the way Arthur flicks the gun to load another round even if it isn't possible irl

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get out.

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the one where you rob a stagecoach with micah and he gives you and lancaster saying that

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Also the one someone mentions Arthur killed a small game with big rifle

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Express rounds or just headshots makes it more than fine.

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I was waiting for this answer

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Bro that's a good theory, and if you dont make the gta 5 mission you cant replicate the same, actually, now i think this is his cannon gun

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There\u2019s a stubby??

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Was the boat canonically only $450?

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I use them too. I like fast follow-up shots...

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lol funny to see someone doing the same thing as me practically. instead of getting the mauser pistol though, my arthur got the schofield that you can get from the valentine dr\u2019s robbery. i took that into the bank job so he loses it and goes back to using the cattleman when he returns

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Sokka-Haiku by outervolcano69:


Double action I


Found in a random ass burnt


Down near Braithwait manor


Remember that one time Sokka accidentally used an extra syllable in that Haiku Battle in Ba Sing Se? That was a Sokka Haiku and you just made one.

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That's how I carry mine!\u00a0

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He\u2019s said that was the gun he used when they filmed all the motion capture footage for the game.

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You can buy buy it at the emerald ranch fence after the mission "A Fine Night of Deubachery"

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Pretty sure it's the high roller pistol, you can buy it from the fence on Emerald ranch.

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It\u2019s definitely the mest.

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Guys it was a joke i swear

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Arthur was shown as quite progressive\n\nJohn would stick to revolvers I think", "body_html": "

Why no pistols though? Arthur was shown as quite progressive


John would stick to revolvers I think

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Young, clean shaven, dashing renegade Jesse or older bearded, slightly overweight Jesse?


Also, as famous as he was/is, both Younger brothers and other accomplices said that even though he wasn't as much of a hothead, Frank was the James brother you really didn't want to piss off.


And he got away with everything. Acquitted and lived to a ripe old age.

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I like them short barreled because it almost looks like you're just shooting finger guns at everyone.


Pew pew.

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Accuracy for the Schofield with long barrels borders on Carbine territory as far as range.

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Dude that\u2019s one of the reasons why I use \u2018em lol \ud83d\ude02

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Yeah my feelings exactly. I always used Schofield because Landon Rickets says it's the one to John in red dead 1, but after many hours the cattleman seems right. Also it sounds way better than the Schofield does

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Roger Clark is the man\u2019s name.

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You're pretty good

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The Single Action Army is the greatest handgun ever made.


Six shots, more than enough to kill anything that moves

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With special ammo it's as effective as any other revolver in the game, I like going for collateral headshots with high velocity bullets.

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Seemed to serve the gunslingers of the time just fine tho


Don't get me wrong, I'm a Schofield or LeMat kind of guy any day of the week, but the SAA was dominant for a reason.


It was cheap, effective, and easy to use one handed.

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It is if you have good aim. Which Arthur canonically has, even if he\u2019s not quite on Micah\u2019s level with revolvers.

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If you go for headshots it's okay

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Guys I mean like if we were being real a single action army is so slow compared to a model 3

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No sir it\u2019s the most practical of all! Constructed with less moving parts and a full piece instead of an upper and a lower like the break actions.\nStays cleaner longer and withstands more punishment. The reload speed of the Schofield should be faster but in this game it is much slower than it should be so it hampers what should be its highest selling point.


Plus, as I have said constantly on this page and will continue to shout from the heavens, YOU CANT FAN A SCHOFIELD SO IT IS IMMERSION BREAKING!!!

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How so I find it more accurate and better than pretty much all the others

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I mean, neither is the Volcanic... but with the volcanic, you hit a guy in the head and, magically, you're left with a torso...

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It's gotta be plain blackened steel for me


Plus all the metal engravings just... well.. they just look bad in my opinion. Any color, any option, on any gun, they all look bad.

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I make mine lemat all silver with art noveau engravings and white cable

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Black steel with silver ortemental engravings

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I feel like knowing it's a ball and cap revolver takes away from it as there's more practical revolvers of the time, but it definitely looks cool

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How does one obtain 2 of them in story mode?

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Just pop dead-eye on and off for a second. Instantly reloaded.

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My backup is an Evan\u2019s Repeater. Speed means nothing to me next to number of rounds.

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Not that slow, will admit its slower than most. But you can hop fire really fast and you get a shotgun shell to shoot out of it aswell

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Yep. And I don\u2019t know if its a me thing, but I just don\u2019t use weapons that can be bought from NPCs on any game I play

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It was in the Legendary Bear hunting mission with Hosea, he said that Arthur obliterated a rabbit with shotgun

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I see you do your chores in ch. 2 as well. \ud83d\ude03

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All Schofields come with the extended barrel, stubby is just the shortened barrel (short hand for snub-nosed)

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Well yeah, but that's $450 in 1912 or whatever


Roughly equivalent to a couple grand today

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If I were to use any if them, it's the maiser and the 1899.", "body_html": "

Just my personal preference. If I were to use any if them, it's the maiser and the 1899.

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Would stubble cut it because I thought my character looked good so would that be mid Jesse James

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I saw an old west expert talking about the James boys a few days ago on YouTube, he said that everyone that knew the brothers said \u201cIf Jesse says he\u2019s gonna kill you, you can probably talk him out of it. If Frank said he was gonna kill you\u2026 you\u2019re dead\u201d


Paraphrasing btw.

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Yes indeed, hes got a lot of great interviews & panel appearances. I think it\u2019s gameology\u2019s channel I saw it on?


Can\u2019t believe his name slipped me, but then again I barely recall my own name sometimes.

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That must be how John joined the gang.


Arthur: That was some fancy shootin'. Yer pretty good!


John: Pretty... good?

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This gun is the best gun ever!

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Something to remember though is it was extremely unsafe to put all six bullets in. Having the pin sitting on the primer was actually a common way idiots used to die in gun accidents. It was the 1800's version of cleaning a handgun with the safety off and a bullet in the chamber

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People generally only loaded them with 5 rounds though. The hammer would rest on the empty chamber, as it wasn\u2019t safe to be walking around with the firing pin resting against the primer. The slightest knock could set the round off.

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Micah sucks dude. He couldn't hit John standing 15 feet away from him.

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I just ignore this fact and imagine it has shells instead of balls.

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Go to the Saint Denis gun shop and buy 2 if them

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How did you obtain one without visiting the gunsmith?

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Very true, I do like it but the long reload and slightly slow fire rate just don\u2019t suit how I personally play Arthur and the shooter mechanics (I play it very much as a kinda cover shooter where I have a lot of time to reload).

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Knowing that I can get practically every weapon for free, I don't buy weapons during playthroughs anymore


Hell, you can get the semi auto shotgun and semi auto pistol for free in chapter 2 if you go grab em from their respective locations

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How many grains in each round of your preffered ammunition?

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Of course. Without me the camp would be in shambles. Who will move the hay bales from one place to another? Uncle? That mf got lumbago

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I know, just seems kinda weird that that\u2019s, like, less than one gold bar. I mean, the old man who you return to his family at the start of the Rhodes segment of the game gives you 3/4 of that with the gold nugget. Dutch was NOT cooking, dude coulda robbed like 20 random stores and got the money he needed easily.

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Eh I can\u2019t remember my age half the time so your not alone

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you forget thousands of things everyday

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That was a quote by Revolver Ocelot from Metal Gear Solid

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That was a quote by Revolver Ocelot from Metal Gear Solid

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True, but Micah is supposed to be the one better with revolvers and Arthur the one more skilled with long arms during the main campaign. At least from what I remember.


He\u2019s a PoS but he can use his guns pretty well.

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Oh cool, does this mean I can also ignore that Thomas Downes mission???

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You can imagine that it\u2019s using paper cartridges instead of traditional ball. They are way more faster to reload and work on ball and powder guns.

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Thanks, I just did this. Appreciate your help! \ud83d\ude0b

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Uhh hmmm, maybe I\u2019m just confused with online and neve purchased in story mode.

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Yeah it\u2019s not for everyone, but it suits my play style well. Also, if you duel wield you have a total of 18 shots, and 2 shotgun shells before having to reload

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I only bought guns from the NPC when I got to the epilogue. Almost forgot they exited tbh. All my ammo either came from looting or from camp and my guns are all from killing bounties, gunslingers, or storyline.

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It\u2019s a slow and painful death!

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If it is a quote then it is a severe case of the infinite monkeys will eventually write shakesphere.\n\nI was just stating why the single action revolver was so outdated and would only be used by actual cowboys and the impoverished, not well off outlaws\n\nEdit: Oh you were quoting something. I thought you were accusing me of quoting something", "body_html": "

I've literally never once even heard of that, its not a quote from anywhere those are my own words. If it is a quote then it is a severe case of the infinite monkeys will eventually write shakesphere.


I was just stating why the single action revolver was so outdated and would only be used by actual cowboys and the impoverished, not well off outlaws


Edit: Oh you were quoting something. I thought you were accusing me of quoting something

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Is this stated somewhere? I know Micah is a beast, but I don't recall anything implying he's better than Arthur with handguns.

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That makes sense now. I\u2019m on my first playthrough and every time the game dumps you in a firefight from a story cutscene Arthur has a long gun. It\u2019s annoying because I like to have Arthur double fisting pistols

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Been doing a fresh playthrough since I just bought RDR2 on pc, and I specifically chose to only hit Thomas Downs ONE SINGLE TIME, as forced to do by the game


Yet, as the game switches to a cutscene, Thomas's face suddenly looks like a grape and he coughs his TB infested blood onto my face.


I punched the guy 1 time, which ends up killing him and infecting Arthur.


Gawd Dayyum boah.

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time since I played through but when Micah gives Arthur the repeater (I think) when they rob the coach the O\u2019Driscolls ambush he states \u201cI think this is more your style\u201d or something (indirectly implying Arthur is more skilled with long arms than revolvers).\n\nAnd when Sean gets killed, Micah is the first to react and start firing. I think he even starts firing before Arthur and Bill have even properly drawn their weapons. I think there\u2019s a couple of things in that mission that indicate Micah\u2019s an extremely skilled user of his revolvers.\n\nI\u2019m sure there must be more, I hate Micah and I can\u2019t think of why I\u2019d have the belief he\u2019s the more skilled with a revolver than Arthur is outside of seeing proof in the lore of the game, but as I say my memory\u2019s foggy on this.\n\nEdit: I suppose maybe all the missions with Arthur playing a kinda bodyguard role are him using long arms? Micah is brought in to be Dutch\u2019s close range bodyguard while Arthur is the sniper during the Colm meeting, as one thing I can remember? I may be misremembering this.\n\nAlso the game auto-equips you with long arms before/during most missions that involve a firefight, as opposed to making you rely on the revolvers. Whether that\u2019s game design or storytelling is up for debate. But Micah, as far as I know, is never seen using anything but revolvers.", "body_html": "

I can\u2019t remember too much as it\u2019s been a long time since I played through but when Micah gives Arthur the repeater (I think) when they rob the coach the O\u2019Driscolls ambush he states \u201cI think this is more your style\u201d or something (indirectly implying Arthur is more skilled with long arms than revolvers).


And when Sean gets killed, Micah is the first to react and start firing. I think he even starts firing before Arthur and Bill have even properly drawn their weapons. I think there\u2019s a couple of things in that mission that indicate Micah\u2019s an extremely skilled user of his revolvers.


I\u2019m sure there must be more, I hate Micah and I can\u2019t think of why I\u2019d have the belief he\u2019s the more skilled with a revolver than Arthur is outside of seeing proof in the lore of the game, but as I say my memory\u2019s foggy on this.


Edit: I suppose maybe all the missions with Arthur playing a kinda bodyguard role are him using long arms? Micah is brought in to be Dutch\u2019s close range bodyguard while Arthur is the sniper during the Colm meeting, as one thing I can remember? I may be misremembering this.


Also the game auto-equips you with long arms before/during most missions that involve a firefight, as opposed to making you rely on the revolvers. Whether that\u2019s game design or storytelling is up for debate. But Micah, as far as I know, is never seen using anything but revolvers.

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