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No one knows if it was intentional, a holdover piece of code or a glitch. This one item along with a couple of others get serious shit from everyone. \n\nI made a post sometime back discussing it. More than a few theories thrown around. \n\nhttps://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption2/s/ekoJDXj8tj", "body_html": "

This has been a known issue since launch with the Coyote Scout Coat. No one knows if it was intentional, a holdover piece of code or a glitch. This one item along with a couple of others get serious shit from everyone.


I made a post sometime back discussing it. More than a few theories thrown around.



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Wearing the trapper brown scout jacket, which I think looks better than Pearson's blue one. A flop hat stolen off a Valentine saloon patron and the deer half chaps from the trapper. The whole camp been commenting on my "funny" outfit.


Another rdr2 glitch? It has to be. This is my 1st play through in 2 years. Game seems a lot more glitched than I remember before. Weird shit happening all over the place.

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Oh. Guess this was the first time I've gone after the scout coats. Finally got the request from Pearson. Didn't have any issues wearing his. It started when I got the crafted one from the trapper. John wears almost the exact same jacket for the Sheep mission.

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I've played since launch (2500 hours) .. it's been there for me the entire time unfortunately.

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And it's just this one scout coat specially. Pearsons does not get this reaction.

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