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I still think the overall shape resembles Arthur quite a bit personally", "body_html": "

Was based on a slightly altered version of Arthur\u2019s head sculpt, before release. I still think the overall shape resembles Arthur quite a bit personally

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It\u2019s his beta face. He looked like that originally.

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Arthur went through some changes in how he has looked, originally he was going to look like Micah with the handlebar stash and longer hair but changed to how it is in the cover art which you can see when you play a minigame on the photo and in trailer 2 he looks all weird and creepy, like there's barely no detail (which is obvious as the game was still in development) and now the finished model is what we have today

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RDR1 cover doesn't look like John either. They completed the artwork before finalising the appearance of the characters.

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Combination of Rockstars art style and perhaps a \u201cWANTED sign\u201d sketch style, evident on his beard(multiple scraggly straight lines is what you see in those old sketches). \u00a0

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this just sent me down a rabbit hole of early development Arthur, also this makes perfect sense however i still think he looks a bit to different from Arthur to recognize off the bat but i understand why they didn't redo it as the cover has always been awesome.

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Trailer 2 is just the vanilla model. Albedo and materials may have been unfinished but the anatomy is the same. Never understood why people think that\u2019s not current Arthur.

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I believe it looks exactly like a comic caricature of Arthur.\u00a0

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