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The game says it happens by saving at safehouses and campsites but that\u2019s not working for me. The internet said it only replenishes if the weapon in question has zero ammo and is presently equipped but that doesn\u2019t work for me either (buffalo rifle is both equipped and at zero, no dice). Is there any actual way to replenish ammo without buying (that works)?

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Open the little brown boxes in safehouses to get ammo. Just running over dead npcs should give you their ammo though.

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I just tried that and it seems to give you a small amount of one specific random ammo. I do recover ammo from corpses but it\u2019s rare for them to carry rifle ammo so far. So it looks my only option is to buy?

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Yeah rifle ammo will often need to be bought.

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lol ig the improved campsite is a scam

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You missed the description of it

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How if I may ask? It says it\u2019ll replenish all types of ammo if they\u2019re empty

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Oh my bad, missed that part


I thought yours wasn't empty

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