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I noticed I was missing "tracked" on the panther in the compendium, so I baited one around Catfish Jackson. I tracked it through the binoculars while it was feeding on the deer I left with the bait, and checked the compendium but the "tracked" box wasn't checked yet. So I stopped tracking and waited until someone passed by the path. The panther pounced on the unlucky traveler and I walked up to its trail to do the tracking manually. Checked the compendium again after that was done, but turns out the box still isn't checked. In both instances, the "Tracking Florida Panther" text showed up, so I'm assuming it's just a bug...


So, anyone have any ideas on how to fix this? If I'm stuck with this bug, will it keep me from getting the game to 100%?

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There's actually two "species" of panther, "Panther" and "Florida Panther." Both of them can spawn at the Catfish Jackson spot.

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Jesus Christ this game gets on my nerves sometimes... XD

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