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you didnt sing with the camp members by the bonfire much, or collected the cigarette card of him, nor looked up/found the penny dreaful novel books made of his story.


he was a famous gunslinger and outlaw back in his day.

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Have you heard the Otis Miller song at camp? It tells his story kinda well

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He's an old gunslinger from the past. You'll find a drawing of him in a Cigarette Card. He was murdered by his old friend Charlie Tatum (The Hermit).

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Someone didn\u2019t complete the cigarette cards collection. He\u2019s a famous gunslinger like Jim \u201dBoy\u201d Calloway(who you see drunk in Valentine), Landon Ricketts(who John meets in RDR1), or Black Belle. And a bunch of others. There are 12 atleast as there are 12 cigarette cards on famous gunslingers.

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"Poor Otis had a wife to mourn for his life, three children, they were brave, but that cowardly killer that shot Mr. Miller, has laid poor Otis in his grave. Yah!"


Arthur Morgan - 1899

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Otis had a wife who mourned for his life he had three children and they were brave but then a cowardly killer shot Mr miller and laid old Otis in his grave YA

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First, I recommend putting a spoiler and moving everything after \u201cwhose Otis miller\u201d into the description\u00a0


Second, Otis miller is the first person to rob a train in the rdr universe whom in the height of his career in crime was killed by a fellow gang member who, apon looking at the card of Otis and his gang, you come to find out is the hermit that gives you the rare shotgun.

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I don't believe I have, or if I have I at least didn't pay that much attention to it and just took it as another camp song

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Sung to the tune of "Jesse James"

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More than just to the tune.

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