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Also should I play the first game/search up the lore first ?", "top_awarded_type": null, "total_awards_received": 0, "treatment_tags": [], "unhide": "", "unsave": "", "ups": 0, "upvote": "", "upvote_ratio": 0.5, "url": "https://i.redd.it/l8ylhqkf3b6e1.jpeg", "url_overridden_by_dest": "https://i.redd.it/l8ylhqkf3b6e1.jpeg", "user_reports": [], "view_count": null, "visited": false, "wls": 6, "created_date": "2024-12-11", "full_link": "https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/comments/1hc7nxx/just_got_the_game_any_tips_also_should_i_play_the/" }, "comments": [ { "MISSING_COMMENT_MESSAGE": "This comment does not appear to be in the comment tree", "STR_FIELD": "id", "all_awardings": [], "approved_at_utc": null, "approved_by": null, "archived": false, "associated_award": null, "author": "Rapidonlyttv", "author_flair_background_color": null, "author_flair_css_class": null, "author_flair_richtext": [], "author_flair_template_id": null, "author_flair_text": null, "author_flair_text_color": null, "author_flair_type": "text", "author_fullname": "t2_kfsh8uov", "author_is_blocked": false, "author_patreon_flair": false, "author_premium": false, "award": "", "awarders": [], "banned_at_utc": null, "banned_by": null, "block": "", "body": "Dont google anything about the game,\nDont come back to this sub reddit because you may get some spoilers", "body_html": "

Dont google anything about the game,\nDont come back to this sub reddit because you may get some spoilers

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Explore everything, this isn't a game that's filled with map markers holding your hand. There's an insane amount stuff you can miss if you don't go looking

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Go in blind for your first play through

  1. Don\u2019t look up anything on YouTube or reddit, people can be very loose with spoilers and the chance of getting spoilers in your feed is very high. All unlockable stuff will be introduced to you through story missions.

  2. \n
  3. There is not a lot of mechanical depth, so it\u2019s not even that necessary to know about the best guns/horses. The way a gun or horse handles can be seen by just looking at it.

  4. \n

Revolvers do pew x6 but not so far


Repeaters do pew tsk pew tsk a little further


Rifles do pew tst-tsk pew tst-tsk very far


Small horses are fast and nimble


Medium horses have a lot of stamina


Large horses have a large health pool but handle sluggish


Of course some guns and horses are (slightly) better and rarer, but headshots are headshots and traversing the beautiful landscape is never a chore. Its not like a rare horse or gun will make you fight that much better or gallop that much faster anyway.

  1. White story markers are optional missions, and will disappear after the completion of certain main story missions.
  2. \n

Rdr2 relies on storytelling and world-interaction (interacting with interesting npc\u2019s, discovering cool locations, etc). Following twists and turns or discovering things in the world is where Rdr2 exceeds

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My go-to advice for new players:


If you care about spoilers then get off the sub right away, if not then it\u2019s all good.


Having said that, don\u2019t believe the people who say a certain white horse is the best and must to get. It\u2019s not, don\u2019t waste your time on it. Those people get mad at me for saying this.


Collect the free lancaster repeater and bolt action rifle early, and try to craft the LotE satchel as early as possible (Legendary Buck trinket helps a lot). Don\u2019t use repeaters for hunting. Get the Shark Tooth trinket, faster bonding with your horse is always an advantage. Keep at least three outfits in your saddlebag for three different weather conditions. Don\u2019t forget to eat regularly. Change the button prompt for fishing to \u201cHold to Reel\u201d. Make regular manual saves, use the multiple save slots. If you\u2019re not a native English speaker (like me) then turn on the subtitles speaker name. You can turn it off when you\u2019ve known who\u2019s who.


Explore the world, interact with the white dots appearing on the hud. Don\u2019t be hesitant. If you don\u2019t like the outcome of a particular interaction then just reload a previous save.


Avoid MrBossFTW and Nestan videos like the plague.


Most importantly, don\u2019t rush the story. Enjoy the ride!

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First red dead is a sequel to the second. Crazy I know.


So... No.


Don't search up anything and don't play the first game.


Edit: semantics

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No matter what people say go for the volcanic pistol and varmint rifle

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i found the ghost gathering when i played 2 many years ago


but i heard there are aliens in 2 as well, i missed that one


replaying 2 now


what chapter is that from?

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I've seen 2 ufos so far, I believe there are only 2

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