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Like seriously, besides the \u201cRed dead redemption\u201d mission, he\u2019s always had the most fun missions in my opinion, like breaking him out or both of his stagecoach robberies, maybe even the grays mission even if Sean died in It. Maybe it\u2019s due to the fact he doesn\u2019t really do it professionally, he just solves all robberies by killing whoever\u2019s near, and you get to freely kill everyone when you break him out of jail without honor loss, bad character, sick missions.

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to make up for how insufferable he is

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Ummm, you lose a shitload of honor in Strawberry.


But I do enjoy the Micah missions, even if I hate the little turd.

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I actually didn\u2019t somehow, maybe it\u2019s because I stuck to fighting the vigilantes and law but iunno

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