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Is he fat?

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Everyone was going about their business like some sort of Groundhog Day. Arthur Morgan had been gone for 2 weeks. A mission led his path through Valentine. Folks were on their best behavior, they remembered what happened last time. Arthur looked so handsome on his mare, but Valentine folks appearance changed in the instant. Once lively robust faces gawked with sullen, watery eyes.


\u201cHowdy, mister\u201d, he didn\u2019t even think to agonize them. He knew they remembered. He trotted full speed through the center of town when he got knocked off his horse , supposedly, disturbing the peace. His deadeye unleashed a flurry of red and grey, running Valentinans brain matter stained the mud. The dynamite devoured the ground , their world was upside down. The shockwave ruptured their bowels and caused internal bleeding. Rocks embedded their foreheads and ricochet through their bodies. A fire bottle engulfed horses as they run down law abiding citizens and the Sherrif was made a mockery of, left smoldering in the street! As Arthur rode away he shouted \u201cOk, see you later then!\u201d, and that was that.

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It got worse from last night somehow

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Your cores are low

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Phone pic/10

  • for PC... just hit prntscrn then paste on reddit, or use Nvidia shadowplay for vids
  • \n
  • for PS... use PSapp, it auto uploads pics and vids, save it and share
  • \n
  • for Xbox... Xbox app, same function as PS app
  • \n

For proper pics and vids sharing

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He\u2019s a big boah

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RIP Arthur\ud83d\ude4f

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I disagree

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And so is my honor

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You\u2019re a life saver. Do I need WiFi connection to do this? I\u2019m out in the country on my dads ranch with no wifi

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Well I\u2019m glad you like it.

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Yeah, your console must be online for it to upload pics and vids to the app

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Me too. Looking back at last nights it did look a little quirky

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I\u2019m SOL

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