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I finished RDR with 100% and now it's time to do the same with Undead Nightmare. Is there any missable content in that DLC? Getting locked out of something after a certain point in the game or anything similar. I wouldn't like to miss my chance at doing anything so an answer is appreciated. Thanks!

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The only thing I can think of is the fifth Explosive Mastery challenge. After the last mission, you'll be unable to wear the US military uniform, which is needed for the challenge, and it'll lock you out of 100% completion.\u00a0


\u00a0\nAlso, make sure you save your game regularly, especially after breaking legendary horses, as they're incredibly bugged. I once had to delete my entire save file after one of the horses completely disappeared and never spawned again.

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Thanks a lot. I started 20 minutes ago and so far I can only do missions as far as I can see. Maybe the best tactic is to do all side things possible before the storyline? I'm very confused so far, not a fan of zombies and stuff in games but so far I kind of like this DLC haha! Just scared of missing something, even not 100% related.

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