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Like seriously, how did my horse send me flying that far? No other cougar, or predator for that matter, I\u2019ve hunted has made my horse do that.

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Lmao it looked like your foot got stuck in the stirrup that's amazing.

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You rolled off the back as it bucked again, it\u2019s ass bucked up and sent you flying. The realism in this game is just always baffling

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Saved your ass from getting mauled. Hope you gave your horse an apple after that!

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My Arthur is just a little silly. He gets flung like 30 feet by his horse, and the only thing he has to say is \u201cdamn\u201d

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I think it\u2019s funny how Red Dead gives us such serious and heartbreaking moments in the story, only for me to get hit so hard by my horse\u2019s ass that I get sent flying

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She\u2019s my good girl, hurling me away from cougars like that

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It\u2019s all realistic tho \ud83e\udd14

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Oh I\u2019m not questioning how realistic it is, just think it\u2019s funny how serious the game can get only to give us silly moments like this

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