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I bought it in Saint Denis it has great energy and you can go galloping for like 5 minutes before he gets exhausted.

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i loved my arabian, its just small and spooks easily

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For me it was super frustrating. I constantly would get bucked when hunting cougars and die. I swear it also trips over the smallest pebbles on the road at 500mph and kill both of us. This was my first playthrough so I thought this was just how horse riding was. On my most recent playthrough I\u2019ve been giving other breeds a try and I prefer almost all of them to the Arabian, slightly slower, yes. But I like the idea of a loyal horse who won\u2019t bail on you and leave you for dead anytime they get slightly frightened.


All in all the slight boos lt in speed is not worth the trade off of constantly dying in frustrating ways.

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Bond it to level 4 and get the best saddle on it.


Is it worth it for stats alone? No.


The difference is negligible.


But they do feel nippier cause the model is small and skinny. And many people enjoy the look.

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Recently did Angelo Bront\u00eb man of honor glitch and got the deluxe edition reverse dapple black thoroughbred with random horse cheat. Faster and better looking.

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Dog shit horse, overrated asf

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Imo the Arabian is sooo overrated


Sure its fast, buts its tiny and gets spooked at fucking everything \nIstg ppl only like it cause "its the fastest in the game so its best!!!!1!!11!!"

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No. It looks like Arthur\u2019s sitting on fucking My Little Pony when riding it

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Certainly looks nice. Dutch thinks so.

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Depends what you like. If you want a small horse that looks more like a pony and embarasses Arthur, then yeah. People say it's the best and they always say it's the fastest, but if I were you, I'd just get the ultimate edition Thoroughbred or the Missouri Fox Trotter from the Albert Mason mission III

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Is Dutch Warmblood good? I rode it for 3-2 chapters

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Funniest thing is it\u2019s not even the fastest, there are faster horses in the game.

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