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This is probably a frequently asked question but if we could have gang members be companions, who would your be your favorite member to run around with, me personally would be sean,Sadie or john

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We already have gang members as Followers thanks to the Companion Glitch!\u00a0


Personally, I would choose Micah. He fires his Double-Action Revolvers like there's no tomorrow.

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Sadie, John, Charles or Lenny as my apprentice.

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Companion glitch?

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Yes. To recruit gang members, lead enemies to camp, & then blow yourself up before the screen fades to black. If you did it right, your Followers will show up as gray dots on the map. Once they appear, create your own camp nearby. Your Followers will run towards you & travel with you wherever you want. They're invincible, so you'll be covered in any shootout even against the auto-aim Pinkertons near Blackwater!

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You just made my day thank you so much

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You're welcome!

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