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So it is probably some kind of worsted wool fabric? Maybe Velour? velour sometimes shows a clear pattern.", "body_html": "



Judging by the shading, I would jump to say it is velvet as well, but the fabric has a pattern while velvet does not. So it is probably some kind of worsted wool fabric? Maybe Velour? velour sometimes shows a clear pattern.

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It's got a muted color, as where silk or something like it would be bright and shiny.", "body_html": "

Definitely seems to be velvet or a courdoroy type material. It's got a muted color, as where silk or something like it would be bright and shiny.

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Damb i thought i'd get memed on or someshit instead i triggered a debate in which i have to keep googling to understand what people are talking about i didn't see this coming

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You can see some striped texture on the first image, so it could be corduroy.

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This looks like corded or woven cotton.


Not thick enough or rough enough to be wool (no way you wanna wear a wool waistcoat in that climate either)


But not thin or right looking for linen, silk or velvet.


Also you have to consider what likely materials were affordable and abundant in those days - cotton was. And even today a lot of them are made from cotton.


Joe Browns do similar ones if you want to replicate the style.

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Fruit Roll-up

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Even the vest has a plan

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I always thought it was like a svelte

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I always thought it was probably corduroy or a velveteen.

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I think it's velvet or suede

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I always assumed silk but it\u2019s tough to say.

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I would guess either wool or linen--linen typically has a textured finish. I would also guess corduroy, but I feel like it would be too warm.

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On the brightside, Dutch probably doesn't know what it is either, he just saw it and wanted it

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The colour is the same as a very popular moleskin waistcoat, pearlescent buttoned and shot back that crops up from late Victorian era through mid 20th century.

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Don't think it's velvet, almost certainly velour.

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I assumed it was like velvet or suade or something

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Probably a felt or velvet, not suitable for the hot climate of the Bayou

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Looks like a velvet or suede

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Scrotum skin

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Man, I still would love a denim scout jacket with the toggles like Arthur's. Yes I've seen the Levi's Sherpa trucker jacket.

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Dressed like a local taheadian.

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look's like it's some kind of Alpine Jaderoux, maybe even some Tyranian Delbar (what this entire discussion sounds like to someone not versed in the study of fabrics)

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big Steven Seagal vibes

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Looks like velvet

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Velvet or velveteen cotton

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Hes ensconced in velvet.

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I feel like the diagonal texture is supposed to be representing a twill weave? But how matte it is does give the appearance of velvet. Or it could be cut on the bias.", "body_html": "

So many good guesses here! I feel like the diagonal texture is supposed to be representing a twill weave? But how matte it is does give the appearance of velvet. Or it could be cut on the bias.

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Corduroy. Maybe velvet corduroy.

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Crushed velvet.

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Velvet, well worn.

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Some kind of tweed maybe silk?

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Velvet for sure

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Either velvet or corduroy, I don\u2019t know?

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Looks like felt

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Looks like corduroy to me

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The material is Corduroy. The WEAVE is Satin. This gives it that shine.

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I thought it was just thick cotton?

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This close up almost makes it look like corduroy!

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That's herringbone tweed.

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Kif, inform the gang

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Moleskin, a type of heavy cotton.

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It doesn't have the sheen of velvet, but then again I haven't seen velvet that's been worn out in the wilderness by a sweaty outlaw for months on end.


It looks more like corduroy to me.

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If it was socially acceptable I\u2019d drape myself in velvet

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My partner and I have been sitting next to each other, doing a little research and throwing ideas out and we both think it's velvet too. The lapels look like they're corduroy, but we don't think that fits the rest of the garment

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God I love tweed, it really fits so many suit jackets

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Kirk\u2019s chubby era was 1966-1994

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Kif, inform the gang, set course to Tahiti

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Peak Kirk physique

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Exactly it's corded you can tell this best in his guama 'disheveled' outfit, it's the same vest. Linen wasn't really produced in the US and was only really accessible to the very wealthy. That coupled with the fact that he is wearing it in Guarma means it's definitely not wool or he would get heat stroke from the humidity alone.


The collar even occasionally appears as corduroy to me at least.

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This guy's got it.

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Feel it, it\u2019s real velour leela

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Your comment in /r/RedDeadRedemption was removed automatically because you used a URL shortener.


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Please re-post your comment using direct, full-length URL's only.


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I have jo idea ehat thay means i am not versed in tailory at all

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That\u2019s what I was thinking too

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Funny words magic man

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You sir, are correct!

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this guy tweeds

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https://a.co/d/0gm1Bgw Doing a basic search that is pretty dang close

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Arthur, fetch me my sex pants

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Could be more of a velveteen than actual velvet.

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Moleskin is the less shiny cousin of velvet, so possibly it's made of that.

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The other comment got it! I couldn't think of the word. It's like the fabric they use on/in jewelry boxes. That's velveteen.

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Wouldn't corduroy have those characteristic lines? Dutch's vest looks "smooth"

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I think it's old velvet. Source: I live in the southwest and used to do historical reenactments of the civil war as a job. By the end of summer the sheen was gone and the velvet was compressed on the velvet garments in rotation.

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Dutch wouldn\u2019t be caught dead in corduroy

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I was gunna say velvet corduroy so maybe you\u2019re both right

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If you zoom in and look at the texture it 100% looks like corduroy.

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You love velvet, you want to live in velvet, everything with the velvet.

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Zap Branagan as Dutch kind of makes sense lol.

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I'ts a magical place.

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He has such a fantastic wardrobe.


One of the things I noticed even throughout chapter 2 is the how his waistcoats change. He has a few variations in chapter 2, including a lesser-used red with gold details which looks very thick material.


And in later chapters he ONLY wears a lighter one which is black front - red back.

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Look up corduroy satin. It is what you are looking for

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you, sir, are a fish

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A gentleman must know the difference.

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Might be Velveeta /s

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Velveteen Dream...

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The velveteen touch of a dandy fop

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Was also thinking it could be dyed suede.

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He killed two women in cold blood but you draw the line for him at corduroy?


Odd take.

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When you woke up this morning, did you think you'd be typing this sentence?

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I had to confirm my age to watch that.

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Violetta says I creep like the kudzu vines that are slowly but surely strangling our Dixie

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Myyyyyy laaaaawd\u2026

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Dutch can tell you, sinners always look good

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I came here for this comment. Thank you!

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My Lawd

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Odd? More like accurate

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Oh, the doubting\u2026THE DOUBTING.


It\u2019s all part of the plan Lexplosives.

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He was a beautiful man. I knew him... briefly

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I have always been more familiar with sinners than with saints.

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