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Lol. RDR2 has spoiled us all!\n\n \nOn the upside though, you can relate to the NA Map much better now.", "body_html": "

I hear you there. Lol. RDR2 has spoiled us all!


On the upside though, you can relate to the NA Map much better now.

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it's honestly insane how advanced RDR2 is

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Lol it's hilarious when ppl go flying by on horses haha . I'm glad I played it when it released so it doesn't bother me too much. Still a 10/10 game though.

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If someone steals your horse in RDR , whistle for it. The horse will automatically buckle off the thief and come to you

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Should have spammed the mount button. Lets you get on the horse and keep all of its momentum.


Which they removed in the second game in favor of... having the horse walk to you in a leisurely pace and then stopping five meters away from you.

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Yes, but you get to wear a poncho.

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Hmm, I must be weird then. Even after beating both, I still prefer RDR1.

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Yeah chasing rdr horses is almost a rite of passage. Just stand still and whistle.

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I kept trying to say howdy and wound up just aiming my weapon and freaking people out

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RDR1 has much better gunplay though. Feels like enemies actually react more to being shot.

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The ambient 'wandering through the desert' in RDR1 just has such a great Ennio Morricone vibe that RDR2 never captured.

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Bunch of Philistines who can't appreciate a great game here

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Soon you'll prefer it. It's way faster, more responsive, the horse actively tries not to fall off edges if you steer it towards one, you can't fall off the horse unless you decide to spur it until it throws you which you'd pretty much have to do on purpose (no tripping, no crashing into stuff, no getting spooked), and calling it while running so it runs up beside you and you can jump on actually works and very effectively at that, and using weapons while on it isn't a horribly designed system. Plus if it dies (which is more likely as unlike in RDR2 predators attack it) you can just instantly get another one with a horse deed. Also doesn't make a constant loud grunting noise while galloping or require any chores to be done. It's just a case of getting used to the faster movement.

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you know you can whistle for the horse so it comes to you?

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Im playing it now and i cant agree more. Sometimes ill whistle for my horse and itll run the complete opposite way. Just yesterday i was at the bottom of a cliff and called for my horse who was at the top of the cliff. The horse jumped off the cliff and offed itself. Fun stuff.

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Rdr2 makes rdr1 feel obsolete


When somebody ask


I always say play release order

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Its honestly insane how much of the mechanical stuff i used to gripe about got fixed in two. Animal spawn in rates were another biggy (looking at you ninja cougars) and i liked that the camps were more of a place you could do things other than just a place to sleep and collect like the property in 1

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RDR1 has one thing better than RDR2, and it's when you whistle for the horse while running it will run up beside you and let you get on while sprinting.


In RDR2 my horses only ever follow behind me when I call them while running

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I had to play through two other games so I could lose the muscle memory of RDR2 before I played RDR.

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I played RDR1 a long time ago; I recall it also has more random encounters than RDR2, though some of them are repetitive. Do I recall it correctly?

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I played red dead 1 first on Xbox 360 years and years ago when it came out then grew up and got a PC and played red dead 2 for years and then came back after RD1 remastered on PC and I agree it\u2019s definitely a strange feeling

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I really missed the sprint, call horse into full speed gallop in RDR2

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I like rdr1 but RDr2 has way more I like. Going back to rdr1 I also noticed most characters are kinda fucking annoying. They are all outlandish and yelling.

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for me the hardest part of playing rdr2 is its at 60 fps instead of 30fps

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You could\u2019ve shot him.

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I kinda like that the horse won\u2019t trip over everything. But i started with Red dead revolver then red dead redemption so I\u2019m a little biased

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I prefer the original game's horses. RDR2 horses always felt a little overly sluggish and not responsive/snappy enough by comparison.

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Would you say RDR1 is still worth it and doesn't feel overly outdated when coming from RDR2? I really want to see what happens next in the story but I also don't really feel like playing another game thats super outdated and very ambitious but limited by the technology of it's time and it may just feel like too much of a downgrade from the perfection of RDR2

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It\u2019s almost like it was made a decade before

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I forgot how much the horse loves too run away from you in 1 but at least the walking is significantly better in 1, John can actually some what turn around like a normal person rather than needing to go a full wall hug just to turn around without going into first person \ud83d\ude44

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I played RDR1 back then and I remember thinking it was groundbreaking at the time. When I played RDR2 my mind was blown.

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Lol. I'm older, but started gaming late in life. Late 2019, just to play RDR2 in fact. Gaming has brought me a lot of joy since. Anything pre ps4 era seems impossible to play. That said, RDR1 was so worth it.


I did play a bit as a kid, mostly when my older brother wanted to play Madden 96 or Twisted Metal. I tried the Twisted Metal 2 port for PlayStation and wondered how the hell I ever played the first. Horrific mechanics, albeit by an unfair comparison.


So I feel you, but push on. It's a fuuuuuunn game!

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This is half the reason I tell people they gotta play RDR1 first!


I love the game, but oof, RDR2 is an improvement in terms of the mechanics, for sure.

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It\u2019s so weird I can play gta 5 then play bully right after and it not be jarring but playing rd2 and then rd1 back to back feels like I\u2019m playing a PlayStation 1 game

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But still really good even by modern standards. I'd take RDR1 physics over any Ubisoft game.

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I grew up with rdr 1. When rdr 2 came out, i remember everyone i knew was confused that there was one before it

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Man! To put it even further, ive been playing The Witcher 3 and that game's horse mechanics make driving a three-trailer semi through venice look like a fucking cakewalk

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I had my brother play rdr2 and he was getting frustrated with the mechanics of the game so I had him play some rdr1 on my old save. He appreciated rdr2 a lot more lmao

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He sure took your advice and said say less lol

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Red dead 1 really sucks, I stopped playing just cause of the bad gameplay and mechanics. I don\u2019t care that I only played the second one it\u2019s a good game and fun to play thats whats important.

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To be fair the horse mechanics in RDR1 were not the best as a kid too. The ragdoll physics in tje first game however beats RDR2 by a huge margin.

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True but rdr1 horse riding still holds today, it's just more noticeable coming from RDR2, where horses are absolutely insane

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Red dead 1 REALLY needs a remake. Not a remaster.

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i grew up playing rdr1 and the horse physics are still rough \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d

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That\u2019s why new players are better off playing RDR1 before RDR2.

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This is my biggest fear when I finally get round to playing it lol

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I played RDR1 when it first came out, it was great. Played RDR2, obviously loved it. Then thought, Im gonna go back and play the first one. Oof. LMAO! I quit very soon.. I just don't know if I can do it! I really want to, so I probably will power through. But jeeeez.... its gonna be tough.

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This was how I felt. I had to play around with the rdr1 horse settings but it\u2019s still pretty ass lol. Just shows how advanced rdr2 is

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Haven't played the first one yet for this reason, waiting (likely another few years) for the inevitable remaster.

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Yeah, I couldn\u2019t finish the first one. Not saying it\u2019s bad at all. It\u2019s just not as good!

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I only recently completed RDR2 having zero knowledge about RDR1 and I'm honestly not even motivated to try #1. I only got it off a recommendation from several friends and I enjoyed 2 enough to instantly start another story mode and take my time to do all the side quests this time. I don't even want to play a game knowing it's not going to be as good as 2.

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FYI shoot his horse next time

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That's hit me over and over playing the original RDR1 on PC; the realization that RDR2 is over half a decade old yet remains one of the most beautiful and technically sophisticated games ever made is nuts

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Even more insane is how we never got undead nightmare 2 a year of work and cockstar makes me millions

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They be going fast Asf! Never thought much of it back in the day but coming back after so many years it was just hilarious for some odd reason. I always picture him busting out of my tv and running my happy ass over

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\u201cOh gotta catch up to the main character\u201d

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Works in RDR2 as well

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I whistled twice after he mounted my horse.

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That's RDR2, and it's only if you're bonded with the horse.


(although I admit I definitely tried to do it all the time when I was replaying RDR recently, and was slightly disappointed every time)

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Yeah, I remember doing this back in the day. Trying to finish my RDR2 run before trying RDR1 on PC. It\u2019ll be my first time playing it in over a decade!

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I kind of don't compare them, RDR2 is so advanced, comparing any game to it seems unfair. I like combat in RDR1 better, for example. Both games are 10/10 to me.

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Both games do so many things so well, it's hard for me to even compare them. I have played both games every year since each has released and never get tired of them.


RDR1 has a more condensed story, like a film. With a clear beginning, middle and end, and a very focused character arc. It was amazing for its time and still holds up so well today. The characters and humor are top notch in my opinion, often better than the sequel. The inclusion of Mexico as the "second act" of the story ties together the very old-western feel so well.


RDR2's story is more long-winded, like a tv series. Each time you progress to a new camp it's almost like a new "season" of the show. I tend to prefer the film-like structure of the first game, but I still love the sequel's story. Obviously the gameplay, graphics and crazy attention to detail are much improved and the map is enormous, giving you much more "game" to play as well.

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Overall, the music in RDR2 is better, but the music in 1 is more present, dark, and atmospheric. Must be part of why I\u2019ve always had a creeped out feeling in RDR1.

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If you listen near the end, you\u2019ll hear I whistled twice.

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Aren't they doing that in the video?

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Unmute the video

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I've lost three horses just casually walking into the water and drowning. At least you can instantly get a new one from the inventory. Otherwise I'd be pissed.

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This isn't a haiku

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I'm on my very first playthrough of RDR and decided on playing 1 before 2 even though I know 2 takes place before 1, just because I didn't want to get frustrated on mechanics of the first game and miss out on a great game.\u00a0


I just started playing on Friday and already bought RDR2 for when I'm done.\u00a0

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You hit the nail on the head with the animal spawn rate. The amount of bear spam in Tall Trees in rdr1 is insane. You killed 3 bears in close proximity? Have another one spawn right next to you.

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Yes. In RDR2, every random encounter is more fleshed out, but also only occurs once in every playthrough. In RDR they repeat indefinitely - which imo was a lot more fun. Roaming the world feels very empty in RDR2.

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Yeah, and I could have failed the mission since he had to be captured at that particular point.

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No it doesn't. The game's industry needs to stop with all the remakes of games that have aged perfectly fine. I'm not going to say any of them are bad, but all remaking a game does is waste time and money that could go towards making an entirely new game and erase the original from history to replace it with what's essentially a different game because "it's more modern now" (to be clear I'm talking about games like Resident Evil and Silent Hill where their remakes are literally different games with the same name, which I assume you're referring to considering how much of a trend they've become in the last 5 years or so). Remasters/ports like what RDR1 got are fine. Those are actual preservation; simply making an old game, as it was when it came out, playable on modern platforms. Remakes like the examples I gave border more on game erasure than anything. People acting like RDR1 needs remaking is an example that particularly gets to me because all things considered, the game isn't even that old and it's already playable on modern platforms through either backwards compatibility or the recent ports. I played it for the first time this year on Xbox One and I think it holds up perfectly well and a remake would be a complete waste of resources.

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I would MUCH prefer this to a RDR3


And maybe add some new content, which could also help bridge some storytelling gaps between the two games.

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What would be great is if they added the map east of the Montana river to see how things have changed\u2026 but I\u2019ll file that in things that will never happen, unfortunately

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Interesting, I have already had 500 hours in rdr2 when I first played rdr1 and I had no issues with horse physics.


The same happens when I go back playing old GTAs which have much more simple vehicle physics.


I guess I just have some kind of internal old games mode... But it doesn't work for every game though. I think most of the old games are to janky compared to old Rockstar's games.

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It still plays pretty well in my opinion especially the PC version. I've played it once the whole way through after RDR2 came out and Undead Nightmare like 2-3 times because it's very different and short, it's like 5 hours tops.

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The story is worth it.

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It's an incredible game that holds up extremely well. One of the best games ever made. And if not for that it's worth playing just to continue and finish John's story. And to go to Mexico, and to play Undead Nightmare afterwards. It's way shorter than RDR2 (story is about 20 hours, can comfortably 100% it in less than 40 hours). Definitely worth it especially if you care about the story of RDR2 at all, since RDR2 is supposed to be played with the knowledge of what happens later it also enhances future RDR2 playthroughs.

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Honestly I'd say it IS the most technically sophisticated game in existence currently, I can't think of a single game with more attention to quite literally every big and little thing across the entire map

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Yeah they fly in rdr1 it's hilarious looking lol

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Only a shame it never happens. I miss RDR's random encounters :(

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Only if it's max bonded iirc

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Pretty sure it works on RDR 1 as I have never done this on RDR 2 (mostly because I\u2019ve only played through it twice)

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I think it only works during those specific encounters when your horse gets stolen

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Oh dude i had no idea you could do that. Thx \ud83d\ude4f

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Happy cake day!

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I've already had 500 hours in RDR 2 when I started RDR 1 and while I think the sequel is better in nearly every way, the first game is still insanely good for its time. It's much more impressive and innovative than GTA V. Though, GTA V and RDR 1 are the only two games I have 100%'ed on my first playthrough.


P.S. if you are on PC I highly recommend you installing high resolution textures and no enemy icons on mini map mods.

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First of all no, in the second game some random events also repeat it just happens not that often because there are more of them. You still constantly get the dude got bitten by a snake though.


Second, I don't know how you can say the world feels empty in RDR 2, it's probably the most living world in video games. I can only assume you have some mods installed which can screw how often things happen in the game because of memory issues.

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Ah my bad. I didn\u2019t realise it was a mission. Pain in the ass those ones.

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And then make the definitive addition thats just one super long game with a dlc for the time in between the Two. That way by the end of the game you have the ENTIRE map I would love to go Mexico with the modern graphics and mechanics. Challenge level 11. Get from Annesburg to Mexico in 20 minutes without touching water.

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It plays great compared to alot of the games that came out around the same time. Its a great game. Im just saying compared to RDR2, its general mechanics are quite rough and wonky.

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This ain't rdr2 bud u can get a new horse same one easy pzy\nSo apparently this guy is 2 years old and blocked me

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I've never played a game where the world has felt so alive.\u00a0

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I turn it on just to walk, or ride slowly for 5 minutes. Amazing O.o

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Fucking v8 Ferrari\u2019s with 4 legs lol

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There's a couple of random events where you're ambushed and your horse can be stolen where you can do it (a Murfree one and a Laramie one). But yeah it sucks that random events don't repeat like they did in RDR1.

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I had one just yesterday where the guy just tried to steal my horse lol but I shot him before he could pull me off.

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It certainly doesn't work on the PC 'remaster'.


It's been ~14 years since I played the original on console so I'm not going to pretend I remember it with 100% accuracy!

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It's not me who's birthday it is

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Gta V is one of my fave games so I had to try another Rockstar fave and been loving it so far. I'm so excited to play RDR2.


I'm on PS5 so no mods. I wish I had a no enemy icon.

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You still constantly get the dude got bitten by a snake though.


That guy is an idiot.

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Thanks for your assumptions, but no, I olay on PS5.


I'm not saying the world as a whole is empty. I'm saying that, compared to RDR, random events are way less frequent and often don't repeat at all. This feels emptier/less engaging. Like, right now in a playthrough I'm in chapter 6 and quite literally I've had 0 random encounters. I'm just going from mission to mission.

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The storys great, but the real game starts when you start trying to find every animal and all the other stuff. That\u2019s when you see the game for what it is

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I think a lot of you guys would enjoy the Stalker series. The new update to Stalker 2 has A-Life working and the world feels so lively. Doesn't have as many as the sort of "immersive" aspects as RDR2 (chopping wood, hunting, etc) but the world feels very alive in a similar way.

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I don't like turn based games they're boring imo RDR2 clears cause it doesn't feel like your essentially watching an episode of black mirror the whole play sesh

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Wait... i thought the events would repeat over time? With some cooldown time between? I'm a wrong with this? Or are there just so many different random encounters that i did not notice it in 3 playthroughs?

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While I definitely had a number of the random event "templates" repeat in RDR2, the one that only ever happened once that I wanted to re-experience was location-based: riding through a covered bridge and having a pair of dudes stick me up at the other end (with predictable results \ud83d\ude43).


Every subsequent journey through there had me anticipating another go-round that never came.

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Works fine for me on PC. Done it multiple times. Might have to do with horse bonding. It doesn\u2019t have a UI the way it does in RDR2 but it is there to a lesser extent. The longer you use a horse, don\u2019t push him too hard and feed him apples, it\u2019s max stamina will grow. The first time this happens in a playthrough, a message that you bonded with your horse appears in the upper left corner of the screen.

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I could be wrong as OP mentions that he whistled twice. I am almost certain I\u2019ve done it multiple times, so I\u2019m with misremembering or it\u2019s limited to open world encounters

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It's your reddit anniversary, dummy

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You can try playing with the minimap off. Kinda immersive. But it's not for everyone

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This is where the game kinda loses me. So many players are never going to engage with the game in that way. I know I never have, and I have hundreds of hours in the game. The first game is one my all time greats, and the second is up there too. But there's a lot of mediocre missions and parts of the main story that it makes me wonder if perhaps resources would've been better spent on fleshing out the core experience. Make missions less boring and linear, flesh out the wanted system to actually be fun to engage with so you can be an outlaw. It's strange that the game seems to support being an outdoorman over being an outlaw, especially when Arthur often specifically says and has stories told about him that imply he's not a good hunter/tracker/fisher

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Some of them can repeat, and present different scenarios. I believe at a certain point they stop generating as the saved game cannot handle the amount of data that is generated, but I am not sure on that.

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The only ones that repeat are one basic one for some gangs - the camping one for O'Driscolls, Lemoyne Raiders and Skinners and the one where two are looting a camp for Murfrees. Nothing else repeats, if it ever seems like it it's just a similar one. The map really becomes dead if you play long enough, probably the game's biggest flaw.


In RDR1 all random events repeat infinitely and also in random locations instead of set ones, so map is never dead.

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I had no idea. I always assumed cake day was for birthdays.

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Makes the redemption arc of his story have more weight when he\u2019s trying to turn the page at the end, and It makes it to where you only have a few minutes in between go to town, hunting, fishing, before you have to take off, or fend off bounty hunters and lawmen. Go a bit further with a bit of immersion, and hideout in an abandoned house, and they\u2019ll surround the area, and move into the house and start checking for you, or lead them into a bottleneck spot or ambush/ have a standoff. Shoot through the windows, change cover, switch rooms. I also play without aim assist, and it\u2019ll make any gun fight you have in the game more of a risk. Also pitch camp in the wilderness, and get your food/ tonics/ ammo from hunting/ fishing or coming across them in those abandon places or npc\u2019s campsites, craft your tonics and ammo as well. Don\u2019t pay off your bounties when you max them out, and only go to towns to swap clothes, get a haircut or shave, play cards, get a quick meal, maybe reup on gun oil and horse horse provisions but never for supplies or ammo, and stroll from every spot to spot instead of going as quickly as possible, and it\u2019ll turn a ride from one side of the map to the other from a half days journey into multiple in game days. Also never fast travel. Never run either, unless it\u2019s to get away from danger like wolves, cougars, or when getting off your horse to run inside from bounty hunters/lawmen. \nI kept having the same feeling as you where I enjoyed the game and story, but never felt like I was actually on the run, until my recent play through where I implemented all those immersion factors. I didn\u2019t rush through the missions and instead would do a few challenges, and contribute towards completing my compendium, complete a few role challenges while implementing those immersive tactics, and it turned into the best play through I\u2019ve experienced. \nI can honestly say that I think that\u2019s how the game was intended to be played rather then trying to get to point A to point B as quickly as possible, fast travel, blast through the story. Also makes the more sense when it comes to way money works as well to where it simply goes to camp funds, gambling, renting rooms, bathes, upgrading and customizing weapons, betting, getting food and drinks at the bar when you stop into town, or buying horses. Instead of having a pocket full of thousands of dollars contribute 85/90% to camp to where you only have enough to afford those luxuries in town rather then having thousands of dollars and feeling like you have nothing else to spend it on. Give a play through a chance with these types of immersion elements to it, and I guarantee you\u2019ll have a different experience.", "body_html": "

To be fair, I recommend doing all the bandit challenges, robbing the general store and gunsmith on the regular, stealing coaches, robbing/ killing npc\u2019s at campsites to lower your honor all the way down as early in chapter 2/3 as you can, etc. to max out your bounty in every state to where it exceeds $5,000, and continue to do so until Arthur get sick in Saint Denis. Makes the redemption arc of his story have more weight when he\u2019s trying to turn the page at the end, and It makes it to where you only have a few minutes in between go to town, hunting, fishing, before you have to take off, or fend off bounty hunters and lawmen. Go a bit further with a bit of immersion, and hideout in an abandoned house, and they\u2019ll surround the area, and move into the house and start checking for you, or lead them into a bottleneck spot or ambush/ have a standoff. Shoot through the windows, change cover, switch rooms. I also play without aim assist, and it\u2019ll make any gun fight you have in the game more of a risk. Also pitch camp in the wilderness, and get your food/ tonics/ ammo from hunting/ fishing or coming across them in those abandon places or npc\u2019s campsites, craft your tonics and ammo as well. Don\u2019t pay off your bounties when you max them out, and only go to towns to swap clothes, get a haircut or shave, play cards, get a quick meal, maybe reup on gun oil and horse horse provisions but never for supplies or ammo, and stroll from every spot to spot instead of going as quickly as possible, and it\u2019ll turn a ride from one side of the map to the other from a half days journey into multiple in game days. Also never fast travel. Never run either, unless it\u2019s to get away from danger like wolves, cougars, or when getting off your horse to run inside from bounty hunters/lawmen. \nI kept having the same feeling as you where I enjoyed the game and story, but never felt like I was actually on the run, until my recent play through where I implemented all those immersion factors. I didn\u2019t rush through the missions and instead would do a few challenges, and contribute towards completing my compendium, complete a few role challenges while implementing those immersive tactics, and it turned into the best play through I\u2019ve experienced. \nI can honestly say that I think that\u2019s how the game was intended to be played rather then trying to get to point A to point B as quickly as possible, fast travel, blast through the story. Also makes the more sense when it comes to way money works as well to where it simply goes to camp funds, gambling, renting rooms, bathes, upgrading and customizing weapons, betting, getting food and drinks at the bar when you stop into town, or buying horses. Instead of having a pocket full of thousands of dollars contribute 85/90% to camp to where you only have enough to afford those luxuries in town rather then having thousands of dollars and feeling like you have nothing else to spend it on. Give a play through a chance with these types of immersion elements to it, and I guarantee you\u2019ll have a different experience.

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Thanks for the info. Yeah i heard this too about the modding with handling the data, like the problem that at some point when you go too far with mods that there are no more passengers in trains or stagecoachs, next to other problems

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Thanks for the info. Yeah, but about playing the game for a long time, still, it takes some time i guess until you really saw the entire content of RDR2 completely.

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Hah, i thought this too first, but yeah, it's for the anniversary of your reddit account.

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