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Don't do my girl Abby like that

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I don't like Strauss but Micah is greed. Everything he did to fuck over the gang was in pursuit of robbing them of the Blackwater money and getting paid bounties. Strawberry is him acting wrathful but wrath doesn't define him.


Sadie is pure wrath. Everything about her is anger and vengeance. She wakes up wrathful, cleans her guns wrathfully, and hunts her prey like she's possessed by a wrath monster.


Abigail doesn't even belong here none of the camp girls do, they don't ply their trade for personal physical satisfaction.


I guess Molly might fit because its her lust for Dutch that led her to make the choices that led her to live a bad life. I'd say dutch because of his behavior towards MB, but he simply can't move from pride.


Otherwise well chosen. I might not of thought of Bill for envy, but a lot of his issues do stem from feeling like he doesn't get as much as others, be it respect or opportunity. He could be said to do what he does out of envy for what he doesn't have.


Swanson is definitely the most gluttonous of them all while Uncle just sleeps his way to king of sloth.

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It\u00b4s not sloth when you call it lumbago

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Abigail definitely isn\u2019t lust. If anyone is lust it would probably be Charles Chatenay

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Abigail is reformed by the time of the game. Karen would better, and maybe Bill best given his overtures towards Keiran and friendships with Sonny and the Pig Farmers. The move Micah to envy and Arthur to Wrath as Arthur is the gang's chief enforcer while Micah covets both Hosea and Arthur's position with Dutch.

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Dunno bout Abby, she was working for money


And low honor art should be wrath

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Abigail is lust? No. Karen maybe. Or Sean. Definitely not Abigail.

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You leave Abigail out of this!!!!

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Wouldn't really call Abbigal Lust, Karen maybe, but no one really fits that bill.

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Sadie should be wrath.\u00a0

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Bill - Lust (hair pomade) Or Kieran and Karen


Wrath was Sadie's whole storyline

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Abigail as lust is\u2026 yuck. I kinda think fuck you in a way. Seems like punching down. Shitty attitude.\u00a0

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\u201cI got sloth it\u2019s very serious\u201d

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Micah could fit into envy pretty easily too \u201chow come arthur gets a room\u201d

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I mean\u2026Abigail was made fun of for being a prostitute but she wasn\u2019t lustful. I\u2019m sure she would\u2019ve liked not having to be a prostitute.

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Putting Abigail as lust is just ignorant.

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Dutch could represent all of them.

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Whats in the box????!!!

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I think Karen fits Lust a bit better

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All of you are wrong, Uncle goes in Lust

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People driven by lust usually don't charge.

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One night when I was frisky\u2026

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Uncle should be in lust

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I don't think abigail wanted to to that work

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Yall, whyd you put Abby as Lust? Yes, she was a prostitute to begin with, but that was how she survived, not her choice per say.\nIf anything, Karen was horny on main constantly.

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Sex shaming running rampant in this thread. Abigail does not seem to be any more lustful than anyone else, but if she was that'd be fine. Also i think Micah is closer to envy.

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Leviticus Cornwall is definitely Gluttony.

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Uncle wasn\u2019t slothful he had a terminal condition

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I reckon Sean should be in lust because we see him (in camp interactions) try to get with several women in the camp. Which is more \u201clustful\u201d than most other camp interactions.


Maybe Arthur should be in envy, we see in his journal that he seems pretty envious of John because he\u2019s the \u201cgolden boy\u201d, Abigail fell for him, he seems to have it together, and he has a shot of at life. Arthur also seems envious of people who also possess the same qualities as mentioned for John.

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Putting Abigail as lust is just sexist. She was a sex worker to survive and after joining the gang it took a little while to change her ways.

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Quite ironic that reverend is one of the deadly sins.

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Molly is envy, bill is lust. That\u2019s it case closed

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To be honest all of these could be Dutch,except Sloth maybe

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Mary as lust? Arthur keeps coming back to her even when he knows it\u2019s a reopening old wounds.

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Lust may be grimShaw or Molly


But everything else is spot on

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Reading all these comments has me thinking \u201cdo they think strippers like them?\u201d

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Bro\u2026 everyone had her\u2026 but he married her

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fr... she didn't want to live that life and she didn't like it, she was a child and doing it for survival

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She was a literal prostitute \ud83d\ude2d

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I definitely agree with your points about Micah and Sadie, I think the biggest difference between the two is that Micah is taking pleasure in his destructive tendencies. Even in Strawberry, sure, he\u2019s getting \u201crevenge\u201d for his guns, but he sure seems to be enjoying himself \u2014 he kills Norman(?)\u2019s wife just for the hell of it

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It\u2019s a slow and painful death, my brother

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*Terminal lumbago.

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The vagina, that is truth!

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Karen is hardcore alcoholic


Not a sex craved maniac

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On top of that, it's pretty heavily suggested that Abigail became a prostitute while still in her teens which makes it even weirder to say that she's a lustful sinner. She may have slept with members of the gang, but those same members of the gang were most definitely sleeping around with other people as well.


If anything, Charles Chatenay is the closest thing to a purely lustful/excessive sinner in the game, not the girl who was forced to grow up as a child prostitute in order to survive.

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What\u2019s low honor Arthur if not just Micah

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I think Dutch is also a contender for wrath

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Abigail slept with almost every member of the gang before the events of rdr2. The real cannon ending is High honor arthur so Ig thats still accurate.

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Maybe Sean.

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It\u2019s not Karen lol \nIt\u2019s Grimshaw/ Molly

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He barely leaves camp before saint dennis

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I was gonna say, having her for Lust entirely because of Dutch's probable lie to piss off John is kinda wild lol

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Prostitution is not the same as sexual desire.

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I\u2019m 99.999% sure that was Dutch fucking with John


Arthur literally has a journal entry saying that Abigail fell for John, and that if she didn\u2019t he wanted to marry her. With a sentiment like that I don\u2019t think she was being passed around lmao

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That makes him the better man

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The lust stands only if she genuinely wanted to fuck all the men. But she didn't. There is no implication anywhere that her lust ever have been a motivation.", "body_html": "

For fun though? The lust stands only if she genuinely wanted to fuck all the men. But she didn't. There is no implication anywhere that her lust ever have been a motivation.

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Women had 0 work chances. She had no choice but to sell her body given the tough situation

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Micha's a bag of sin so he'd be a good candidate for most of these, his philosophy on life seems to treat the sins as aspirational characteristics. Greed just feels like the most consistent part of him that impacts what form his other sins take. He's definitely #2 for wrath from Strawberry alone which was a masterclass in being wrathful. The rest of sins like to make appearances, but greed is always there.


Also Sadie seems to enjoy what she does. Folks tend to approve of her target selection so it's easier to look past, but she does seem to enjoy hunting the O'Driscoll's into extinction, or fighting raiders, or riding on Cornwall Kerosene and Tar.


I hadn't thought about the ride on the refinery when I wrote the initial comment but it's a good example of her unleashing her inner wrathfulness for non 'personal' reasons. She's there because Arthur is there, and Arthurs there to try and save Eagle Flies, but her battle cries show she absolutely thinks the soldiers deserve what they are getting and is happy to help deal it out.

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Yeah honestly none of the gang members really fit lust, if anyone id say the rapist outside Saint Denis


Actually I totally forgot about the Aberdeen pig farmers, they gotta be it with their incestuous shit

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She's still a horndog

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Well, she fucks Sean in John's tent and the rando in Valentine hotel. It's implied they are 'working girls' and Abigail does not commit anything like this during events of the game, even screaming at Susan "I don't do that anymore." I think either Karen or Abby fits but atleast Ab reforms and mother's her son. Karen descends into alcohlism through the chapters

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Oh need to get reminded of later on this replay


Charles seem very upstanding compared to others right now

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That Charles man is a whole ass!

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dutch is a contender for all 7 lolz

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Abigail was a prostitute, that\u2019s more survival than lust.

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Is that real?


I thought Dutch was just smack talking in rdr1

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Almost every gang member? She's only canonically slept with Dutch, Bill, and John. Besides, she was a literal child, she wasn't a whore nor did she have any other choice.

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People on here hate the idea Abigail slept with multiple gang members, and they\u2019ll argue against it to the point of madness.

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I don't think it was a lie tho

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Agreed - She was likely doing it out of necessity, to actually have a source of income as a woman in a world where opportunities for female self sufficiency were limited.

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lol Miss Grimshaw threatens to put her back as a working girl in the camp in RDR2\u2026. so yeah

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She was 17 and most definitely started younger than that, so yeah \u2639\ufe0f

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Age of consent in the times of RDR/RDR2 was erm\u2026 up to the individual really. Like during the industrial revolution it was common for girls to get married at 12 so that they could maximize the kids they had to send them to work at the factory. It\u2019s absolutely horrible and disgusting but that was the norm at the time

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Yeah it\u2019s not like she wanted to sell her body \ud83d\ude2d that\u2019s such a wild take. Shit was tough back then for women needing work.

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Haven't seen it


1 time john was trying to get with her and she reminded him that she has Abigail and she rejected him


And John said it's not like they are married


Haven't seen Karen try to seduce a man yet

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Prostitutes are in it for the money


Not lust


And I bet Karen was drunk with sean

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Haha, Charles Chatenay is a different character from the Charles in the camp. Chatenay is a side mission character from St Denis while Charles Smith is the biracial badass dude (and also very upstanding) that's a part of the gang.


I was just using Chatenay as an example of what lust looks like vs Abigail working as a prostitute.

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Yeah this one

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Uncle brought Abilgail in the gang. It's never confirmed who slept with her (Micah and Lenny sure didn't as they weren't around at the time) but she did was the gang prostitute for a while before she and John fell in love.


As a matter of fact, it's probably the main reason John ran away for a year. He likely believed Jack maybe wasn't his son.

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I hope you aren't an adult if you think most women become prostitutes because they're so lustful.

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Not a single person has ever tried to deny Abigail's past, but it's silly to claim shes the sin of lust given how she was a kid who was forced into prostitution

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I don\u2019t think it was \u201ceveryone.\u201d It was probably Dutch, Hosea, Arthur, and John. Those are the only ones I\u2019m for sure on. The dialogue she had with the other men, especially the confrontational stuff, there\u2019s no hint of anyone else being all to throw \u201cOh yeah? Well, I had sex with you!\u201d at her in a bicker-off.


All the other pieces add up Abigail\u2019s time as the camp prostitute towards not being very long anyway. The way everyone is like \u201cOf course Jack\u2019s your son!\u201d To John so assuredly says to me that they stopped having sex with Abigail way before she and John started being a thing.

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Nah I just think Marston has weak pull out game or Abby had the grips

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no it absolutely wasn't the fucking norm lol i am so sick of this narrative. people have known its not good for girls for a very long time.

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There was a story mission about it in valentine

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Again, she fucks Sean. Sure they might have a relationship (debatable) but she is the closest gang member to the sin, closer than Abby imo

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Oh lolz


Haven't seen him yet

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Javier didn't either as he joined the same year jack was born. I doubt Jack was anybody but John's son though, since he resembles John (his 1914 player model was even John's player model).

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No I think most women become prostitutes because it\u2019s a way to make money

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The replies to the top comment are claiming it was only a lie by Dutch, nevertheless she doesn't deserve being put in lust for it

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How do you know hosea?

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Hosea, maybe not, although Uncle seems likely because he introduced her and it's implied he was a client of Abigail's. Depending on when the Callandar brothers joined, maybe them too, but I don't know.

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I should rephrase my original comment. I used the term \u201ccommon\u201d as a replacement for \u201cnothing was seen wrong with it\u201d. It was easier to convey the message using one word instead of multiple. You are correct in the fact that it wasn\u2019t everyone doing it, but it was not looked down upon as it would be by today\u2019s standards.

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No, john

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That's not lust


She was just drunk

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Definitely recommend searching him out when you get to St Denis, his missions really dtand out from the rest (in a fun way). Just keep an eye out for a stranger mission at a small bar in the city! Also maybe avoid this subreddit if this is your first time playing because major story spoilers tend to pop up from time to time lol.

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Well I guess I can\u2019t prove it because I\u2019ve been looking all over for a clip of it somewhere, but I swear I had an encounter at Horseshoe Overlook where Abigail is sitting by herself near the cliff, Hosea walks up to her, and very subtlety propositions her. She cuts him off during it and turns him down with something like \u201cStop it, you know we can\u2019t do that anymore.\u201d And he just kinda weakly walks away. Like he knew what he just did was wrong.


And I only remember it clearly because I\u2019ve been replaying the game recently and I was thinking of how full of shit Dutch was with that \u201cwe all had her\u201d line. The way Abigail dismisses all the other men in camp, there\u2019s not way \u201cthey all had her.\u201d I doubt even more than one or two \u201chad her\u201d and Dutch is just being an asshole calling John\u2019s ex-prostitute wife a whore. But then I caught Hosea pathetically sniffing around Abigail and I was like \u201cAw, well, shit. That\u2019s disappointing.\u201d

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She fucks Sean.

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You edited your last comment to include Sean lol. Whatever I just saying she's the closest member of the gang. I don't even hate prostitutes if that's why you defending, all the power to em

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Nah il on repjay


But yeah, feels fresh


Don't remember a lot

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You sure you\u2019re not thinking of Grimshaw? There\u2019s a scene exactly like what you described except it\u2019s Grimshaw is trying to convince Abigail to go back to whoring.


Hosea is like a father to her and she even says so in one scene, so that would be extremely weird.

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She didn\u2019t really seduce him though\u2026 it was more\u2026 something that happens. In fact, I think Sean is more lust than Karen\u2026 he tries to get with most of the women in the camp.

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Oh i Haven't seen that yet


And im willing to bet it's in a Drunken stupor, far removed from lust

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Ah gotcha, people sometimes come here before they finish the story and get spoiled so I had to make sure.


I'm slowly working my way through my 3rd playthrough and I know how you feel, you start noticing a ton of little details when you replay it that you completely missed the first time.

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No, I saw the one with Grimshaw. It was very hostile and loud. The one I\u2019m thinking of was quiet and sad.


I don\u2019t know. Maybe it was a weird mix of incidental camp dialogue and I misheard something. I want to be wrong on this. If no one else knows what I\u2019m talking about, I\u2019ll chalk it up to my brain inventing shit and happily forget it.

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She was really upset after he died though, and that's when her drinking problem got worse

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Yeah, it is. She's just the closest I can think if to lust except Sean I guess.


Or Dutch cause he's definitely creeping on Mary Beth

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for me, it's also just been forever


i played it back in 2021


that's forever ago for me since i play a lot of diff games


i love it tho... like i said, feels fresh. lots of things feel good to get reminded of since i forgot about them already


that said, i don't care about minor spoilers,


esp things without context... that don't bother me and i mention those too. context is what makes a spoiler, just showing a picture with little to no context isn't a spoiler

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I have over 3500 hours in the game and I\u2019ve never come across anything remotely similar to what you\u2019re describing, also there is nothing on YouTube. If it was in the game people would have been all over that, so I think you\u2019re mistaken

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Well thank goodness. I don\u2019t know why my brain would invent that dumbass shit.

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