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he WENT crazy he wasnt ALWAYS crazy he was not always a bad person idk why people say this he wasnt always bad there was a time when he did care for arthur and john and the others he was not always bad i will forever defend him he was a good person before everything bad happened he went through a lot people don\u2019t understand how stressful something like that would be and how it would change a person he did care for the gang he just went crazy because of guarma, everything with the pinkertons, blackwater, seans death and everyone elses like lenny, jenny, mac i think when he really went crazy was when hosea died because he was like his brother and one of the closest people to him and that definitely was one of the main things along with other deaths and guarma i think pre-chapter4 he was a good person but after all the events of chapter 3,4,5 it took a toll on him but in general i think he WAS NOT ALWAYS CRAZY

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He literally wanted to create an outlaw utopia where the government couldn't intervene. His messianic delusions were so strong that when his best friend tried to voice his opinion, he took it as an insult to his leadership. He killed an innocent woman for no apparent reason and literally drove his community into a tundra in the mountains.

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Dutch is a complicated man. I think it is true that he genuinely cared for his gang. Especially Arthur, Hosea and John. But he also has an enormous ego and he sees himself as better than everyone else. When times were easy without the law on their backs, Dutch was able to satisfy his pride and take care of his gang. Ruling it like a little tribe or kingdom. He could afford to give money to orhpans and beggers. But when times got hard and the law was closing in, Dutch's ego won when put against the safety and wellbeing of the gang and his affinity for the underprivileged in society.


Its not necessarily that Dutch changed or went crazy, its more that times changed and Dutch was forced to choose what was most important to him because he couldn't have it all anymore.

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He was always cray cray

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Just because he cared about certain people doesn't mean he was a good person.

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He gathered orphans off the street and honed them into killers. Good people don't do that. He still had positive traits and he did save the lives of many gang members, but they would've been way better off if they'd fallen in with someone who was actually good.

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he WAS a good person

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he wasnt perfect but nonetheless he did take care of them and couldve left them and worse couldve happend

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Worse did happen. Both his surrogate sons lived short lives due to the world he raised them in.

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