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Enjoying so far!\n\nhttps://preview.redd.it/pf5plhzzm38e1.jpeg?width=2865&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09922be4fde3c85a46452797c8d87bf7722185a4", "body_html": "

I almost ran with this big beautiful girl on my current run because I was itching for a bigger alternative to the blood bay thoroughbred.


Went with the mealy chestnut Belgian instead. Enjoying so far!



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Have always gone with the Arabian, but just did the mission burning the grays fields and you escape on the shire horse from the wagon. For some reason, decided to keep her. \u00a0Named her Brumhilda and take great pleasure in riding over the top of Alligators, Cougars and bears.

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I love the white shire. When the gangs out riding and I\u2019m next to Dutch, he looks like he\u2019s riding my horses child. Makes me chuckle

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Too big for me

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My online Bay Shire is called Frodo.

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No thoughts

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Most of us could not mount this horse irl without a stepladder lol. Its gotta be over 6 feet to the saddle

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Stabled a Suffolk Punch for a while and it was a surprisingly fun horse. I didn\u2019t really notice any sluggishness from the draft horse handling.

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I've got one at the minute in the epilogue. She's a good horse.

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Arthur looks like a little kid.

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she's cute and suits Arthur

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Where can you get this horse? Also love your Arthur\u2019s look

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haha as you should with your horsebus.


Trample the world beneath Brumhilda's mighty hooves.

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Is that one just a random spawn?

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Every time I play through I have a draft and love towering over Dutch hehehehe

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Every time I play through I have a draft and love towering over Dutch hehehehe

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That\u2019s what she said

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Yea thank you I really I like the coat - sort of reminds me of a creamsicle.

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The Belgian draft is a pretty common horse. Usually pulling a wagon, they can be found almost everywhere. I got this one right in the spot I took the pic which is Hagen Orchards right outside St. Denis.


I made a save there, and just kept reloading. There\u2019s usually a wagon or 2 that spawns unattended. Just waited for the color I want (there\u2019s a different Belgian I think maybe Strawberry Roan?) and took her. This way I didn\u2019t have to kill any NPC\u2019s lol


And thanks for the kudos on the look. My Ch. 4 Arthur keeps the beard he grew when he got captured by the odriscolls then just styles it with chops and a fork chin.


Fancy pants plus collared shirt. Real simple. Also love the native accessory from the trapper.

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My man

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