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So this isn't actually my first time playing, played on ps5 about a year ago. All I know is I was past the train part and then we went into that town, the girls looked for work, Arthur got into a fight, and I had to get a horse or something I forgot. Last thing I remember is hunting down the legendary bear and selling his pelt. Went through a rough patch in between that time and now, but things are back to normal and I just got rdr2 again in the Xbox sale. I'll be playing it after cyberpunk. Sorry for the long introduction, but what I'm trying to say is, what should I expect, with everything taken into factor? I barely remember how the gameplay in rdr2, just the story which was just okay. I'm planning to jump right into it after cyberpunk. Should I wait or something? I know they're both big games and it's very likely I'll be doing another playthrough of cyberpunk, but that could be with red dead 2 also.


Basically, I might spend long on cyberpunk but I really want to play red dead redemption 2. I'm not gonna multitask, but I'm just seeing if it's recommended to play the games back to back, most likely multiple times.

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Stay the fuck away from this sub if you never played it before \ud83d\ude2d

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Expect a fun journey


Chapter 1 can seem very off putting to some, but yeah, once the game opens up, it's super fun

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Get off this sub.


Turn off the minimap.


Walk in towns.


Explore and take your time.

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Chapter 1 can be very slow as the game is giving you a lot of tutorials back to back. Once you get to Chapter 2 (takes most people just an hour or two) that\u2019s when you get to the open world section and can do whatever you want. My main suggestion is once you get to the open world make sure to come back to camp often and talk to the other gang members. Don\u2019t worry about trying to get all the camp and character upgrades right away, they aren\u2019t super impactful and you\u2019ll have plenty of time to complete them as you play. And don\u2019t feel like you need to hunt and harvest everything you see, just do so as needed. Take your time and enjoy exploring and being immersed in the world, a lot of people bounce off the game because they want to constantly be doing something and end up fighting against the gameplay loop.

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It's an amazing game, one of my favorites, but it's basically incredibly chill game, where you can do a lot of stuff, and can experience a lot of random encounters. World is very interactive, people will remember you.


As for story, it's pretty simple and it's good, but it's incredibly slow. Most of the game you will do missions that may feel like fetch quests, but that is the point of this game. It's a game about gang trying to survive in the world where gangs are slowly disappearing. Dialogues are just incredible. So yeah, expect a slow game.

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Expect Chapter 1 to be a little boring. Then expect the greatest game of all time when Chapter 2 starts.

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You're in for a ride, my boah

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I hate you for the fact that you are going to play rdr2 for the first time. Oh, how I\u2019d wish to be able to go through this game as a first timer once again.

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This game will invest you emotionally into the story.


Stay away from this sub. It's like Game of Thrones. Twists won't be as impactful if you get spoiled.


You don't need the sub either way. The game will teach you everything you need.


One advice I'll give is take time interacting with your fellow gang members. They are not generic NPCs, each one has a character and personality. Each one brings something to the gang. Be it joy, innocence, brutality, leadership, insanity, loyalty, etc.

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Having no life except playing video games

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Get some towels at chaper six

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Never played it so idk

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I genuinely do not care about spoilers but yes I will try to avoid it cuz it's annoying at times when I'm waiting for the thing I saw to happen so I'm not actively looking at spoilers it's just if I come across some I won't care.

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Walk in towns seriously is an underrated tip.

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But I'm playing cyberpunk so I'll probably forget most of the things I know (which is already very little and minor, except for dutch betraying I guess but that means nothing to me because I've barely played the game.)

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Honestly. Having the story spoiled isn't as bad as having the sense of exploration and discovery spoiled.


The game makes the map seem vast and alive. Let that last as long as you can.

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