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\title{Empirical Evaluation of \\ Gated Recurrent Neural Networks \\ on Sequence Modeling} |
\author{ |
Junyoung Chung ~ ~ ~ Caglar Gulcehre ~ ~ ~ |
KyungHyun Cho\\ |
Universit\'{e} de Montr\'{e}al |
\And |
Yoshua Bengio\\ |
Universit\'{e} de Montr\'{e}al \\ |
CIFAR Senior Fellow |
} |
\begin{document} |
\maketitle |
\begin{abstract} |
In this paper we compare different types of recurrent units in recurrent |
neural networks (RNNs). Especially, we focus on more sophisticated units that |
implement a gating mechanism, such as a long short-term memory (LSTM) unit |
and a recently proposed gated recurrent unit (GRU). We evaluate these |
recurrent units on the tasks of polyphonic music modeling and speech signal |
modeling. Our experiments revealed that these advanced recurrent units are |
indeed better than more traditional recurrent units such as $\tanh$ units. |
Also, we found GRU to be comparable to LSTM. |
\end{abstract} |
\section{Introduction} |
Recurrent neural networks have recently shown promising results in many machine |
learning tasks, especially when input and/or output are of variable |
length~\citep[see, e.g.,][]{Graves-book2012}. More recently, \citet{Sutskever-et-al-arxiv2014} |
and \citet{Bahdanau-et-al-arxiv2014} reported that recurrent neural networks are |
able to perform as well as the existing, well-developed systems on a challenging |
task of machine translation. |
One interesting observation, we make from these recent successes is that almost |
none of these successes were achieved with a vanilla recurrent neural network. Rather, it was a |
recurrent neural network with sophisticated recurrent hidden units, such as long |
short-term memory units~\citep{Hochreiter+Schmidhuber-1997}, that was used in |
those successful applications. |
Among those sophisticated recurrent units, in this paper, we are interested in |
evaluating two closely related variants. One is a long short-term memory (LSTM) |
unit, and the other is a gated recurrent unit (GRU) proposed more recently by |
\citet{cho2014properties}. It is well established in the field that the LSTM |
unit works well on sequence-based tasks with long-term dependencies, but the |
latter has only recently been introduced and used in the context of machine |
translation. |
In this paper, we evaluate these two units and a more traditional |
$\tanh$ unit on the task of sequence modeling. We consider three |
polyphonic music datasets~\citep[see, e.g.,][]{Boulanger-et-al-ICML2012} as well as two |
internal datasets provided by Ubisoft in which each sample is a raw speech |
representation. |
Based on our experiments, we concluded that by using fixed number of parameters for all models |
on some datasets GRU, can outperform LSTM units both in terms of convergence in CPU time and |
in terms of parameter updates and generalization. |
\section{Background: Recurrent Neural Network} |
A recurrent neural network (RNN) is an extension of a conventional feedforward neural |
network, which is able to handle a variable-length sequence input. The RNN |
handles the variable-length sequence by having a recurrent hidden state whose |
activation at each time is dependent on that of the previous time. |
More formally, given a sequence $\vx=\left( \vx_1, \vx_2, \cdots, \vx_{\scriptscriptstyle{T}} \right)$, the |
RNN updates its recurrent hidden state $h_t$ by |
\begin{align} |
\label{eq:rnn_hidden} |
\vh_t =& \begin{cases} |
0, & t = 0\\ |
\phi\left(\vh_{t-1}, \vx_{t}\right), & \mbox{otherwise} |
\end{cases} |
\end{align} |
where $\phi$ is a nonlinear function such as composition of a logistic sigmoid with an affine transformation. |
Optionally, the RNN may have an output $\vy=\left(y_1, y_2, \dots, y_{\scriptscriptstyle{T}}\right)$ which |
may again be of variable length. |
Traditionally, the update of the recurrent hidden state in Eq.~\eqref{eq:rnn_hidden} is implemented as |
\begin{align} |
\label{eq:rnn_trad} |
\vh_t = g\left( W \vx_t + U \vh_{t-1} \right), |
\end{align} |
where $g$ is a smooth, bounded function such as a logistic sigmoid function or a |
hyperbolic tangent function. |
A generative RNN outputs a probability distribution over the next element of the sequence, |
given its current state $\vh_t$, and this generative model can capture a distribution |
over sequences of variable length by using a special output symbol to represent |
the end of the sequence. The sequence probability can be decomposed into |
\begin{align} |
\label{eq:seq_model} |
p(x_1, \dots, x_{\scriptscriptstyle{T}}) = p(x_1) p(x_2\mid x_1) p(x_3 \mid x_1, x_2) \cdots |
p(x_{\scriptscriptstyle{T}} \mid x_1, \dots, x_{\scriptscriptstyle{T-1}}), |
\end{align} |
where the last element is a special end-of-sequence value. We model each conditional probability distribution with |
\begin{align*} |
p(x_t \mid x_1, \dots, x_{t-1}) =& g(h_t), |
\end{align*} |
where $h_t$ is from Eq.~\eqref{eq:rnn_hidden}. Such generative RNNs are the subject |
of this paper. |
Unfortunately, it has been observed by, e.g., \citet{Bengio-trnn94} that it is |
difficult to train RNNs to capture long-term dependencies because the gradients |
tend to either vanish (most of the time) or explode (rarely, but with severe effects). |
This makes gradient-based optimization method struggle, not just because of the |
variations in gradient magnitudes but because of the effect of long-term dependencies |
is hidden (being exponentially smaller with respect to sequence length) by the |
effect of short-term dependencies. |
There have been two dominant approaches by which many researchers have tried to reduce the negative |
impacts of this issue. One such approach is to devise a better learning algorithm |
than a simple stochastic gradient descent~\citep[see, e.g.,][]{Bengio-et-al-ICASSP-2013,Pascanu-et-al-ICML2013,Martens+Sutskever-ICML2011}, |
for example using the very simple {\em clipped gradient}, by which the norm of the |
gradient vector is clipped, or using second-order methods which may be less sensitive |
to the issue if the second derivatives follow the same growth pattern as the first derivatives |
(which is not guaranteed to be the case). |
The other approach, in which we are more interested in this paper, is to design |
a more sophisticated activation function than a usual activation function, |
consisting of affine transformation followed by a simple element-wise |
nonlinearity by using gating units. The earliest attempt in this direction |
resulted in an activation function, or a recurrent unit, called a long short-term memory (LSTM) |
unit~\citep{Hochreiter+Schmidhuber-1997}. More recently, another type of |
recurrent unit, to which we refer as a gated recurrent unit (GRU), was proposed |
by \citet{cho2014properties}. RNNs employing either of these recurrent units |
have been shown to perform well in tasks that require capturing long-term |
dependencies. Those tasks include, but are not limited to, speech |
recognition~\citep[see, e.g.,][]{Graves-et-al-ICASSP2013} and machine |
translation~\citep[see, e.g.,][]{Sutskever-et-al-arxiv2014,Bahdanau-et-al-arxiv2014}. |
\section{Gated Recurrent Neural Networks} |
In this paper, we are interested in evaluating the performance of those recently |
proposed recurrent units (LSTM unit and GRU) on sequence modeling. |
Before the empirical evaluation, we first describe each of those recurrent units |
in this section. |
\begin{figure}[t] |
\centering |
\begin{minipage}[b]{0.4\textwidth} |
\centering |
\includegraphics[height=0.18\textheight]{lstm.pdf} |
\end{minipage} |
\hspace{5mm} |
\begin{minipage}[b]{0.4\textwidth} |
\centering |
\includegraphics[height=0.16\textheight]{gated_rec.pdf} |
\end{minipage} |
\vspace{2mm} |
\begin{minipage}{0.4\textwidth} |
\centering |
(a) Long Short-Term Memory |
\end{minipage} |
\hspace{5mm} |
\begin{minipage}{0.4\textwidth} |
\centering |
(b) Gated Recurrent Unit |
\end{minipage} |
\caption{ |
Illustration of (a) LSTM and (b) gated recurrent units. (a) $i$, $f$ and |
$o$ are the input, forget and output gates, respectively. $c$ and |
$\tilde{c}$ denote the memory cell and the new memory cell content. (b) |
$r$ and $z$ are the reset and update gates, and $h$ and $\tilde{h}$ are |
the activation and the candidate activation. |
} |
\label{fig:gated_units} |
\end{figure} |
\subsection{Long Short-Term Memory Unit} |
\label{sec:lstm} |
The Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) unit was initially proposed by |
\citet{Hochreiter+Schmidhuber-1997}. Since then, a number of minor modifications |
to the original LSTM unit have been made. We follow the implementation of LSTM as used in |
\citet{graves2013generating}. |
Unlike to the recurrent unit which simply computes a weighted sum of the input signal and |
applies a nonlinear function, each $j$-th LSTM unit maintains a memory $c_t^j$ at |
time $t$. The output $h_t^j$, or the activation, of the LSTM unit is then |
\begin{align*} |
h_t^j = o_t^j \tanh \left( c_t^j \right), |
\end{align*} |
where $o_t^j$ is an {\it output gate} that modulates the amount of memory content |
exposure. The output gate is computed by |
\begin{align*} |
o_t^j = \sigma\left( |
W_o \vx_t + U_o \vh_{t-1} + V_o \vc_t |
\right)^j, |
\end{align*} |
where $\sigma$ is a logistic sigmoid function. $V_o$ is a diagonal matrix. |
The memory cell $c_t^j$ is updated by partially forgetting the existing memory and adding |
a new memory content $\tilde{c}_t^j$ : |
\begin{align} |
\label{eq:lstm_memory_up} |
c_t^j = f_t^j c_{t-1}^j + i_t^j \tilde{c}_t^j, |
\end{align} |
where the new memory content is |
\begin{align*} |
\tilde{c}_t^j = \tanh\left( W_c \vx_t + U_c \vh_{t-1}\right)^j. |
\end{align*} |
The extent to which the existing memory is forgotten is modulated by a {\it |
forget gate} $f_t^j$, and the degree to which the new memory content is added to |
the memory cell is modulated by an {\it input gate} $i_t^j$. Gates are computed by |
\begin{align*} |
f_t^j =& \sigma\left( W_f \vx_t + U_f \vh_{t-1} + V_f \vc_{t-1} \right)^j, \\ |
i_t^j =& \sigma\left( W_i \vx_t + U_i \vh_{t-1} + V_i \vc_{t-1} \right)^j. |
\end{align*} |
Note that $V_f$ and $V_i$ are diagonal matrices. |
Unlike to the traditional recurrent unit which overwrites its content at each |
time-step (see Eq.~\eqref{eq:rnn_trad}), an LSTM unit is able to decide whether |
to keep the existing memory via the introduced gates. Intuitively, if the LSTM |
unit detects an important feature from an input sequence at early stage, it |
easily carries this information (the existence of the feature) over a long |
distance, hence, capturing potential long-distance dependencies. |
See Fig.~\ref{fig:gated_units}~(a) for the graphical illustration. |
\subsection{Gated Recurrent Unit} |
\label{sec:gru} |
A gated recurrent unit (GRU) was proposed by \cite{cho2014properties} to make |
each recurrent unit to adaptively capture dependencies of different time scales. |
Similarly to the LSTM unit, the GRU has gating units that modulate the flow of information |
inside the unit, however, without having a separate memory cells. |
The activation $h_t^j$ of the GRU at time $t$ is a linear interpolation between |
the previous activation $h_{t-1}^j$ and the candidate activation $\tilde{h}_t^j$: |
\begin{align} |
\label{eq:gru_memory_up} |
h_t^j = (1 - z_t^j) h_{t-1}^j + z_t^j \tilde{h}_t^j, |
\end{align} |
where an {\it update gate} $z_t^j$ decides how much the unit updates its activation, |
or content. The update gate is computed by |
\begin{align*} |
z_t^j = \sigma\left( W_z \vx_t + U_z \vh_{t-1} \right)^j. |
\end{align*} |
This procedure of taking a linear sum between the existing state and the newly |
computed state is similar to the LSTM unit. The GRU, however, does not have any |
mechanism to control the degree to which its state is exposed, but exposes the |
whole state each time. |
The candidate activation $\tilde{h}_t^j$ is computed similarly to that of the traditional |
recurrent unit (see Eq.~\eqref{eq:rnn_trad}) and as in \citep{Bahdanau-et-al-arxiv2014}, |
\begin{align*} |
\tilde{h}_t^j = \tanh\left( W \vx_t + U \left( \vr_t \odot \vh_{t-1}\right) \right)^j, |
\end{align*} |
where $\vr_t$ is a set of reset gates and $\odot$ is an element-wise |
multiplication. |
\footnote{ |
Note that we use the reset gate in a slightly different way from the |
original GRU proposed in \cite{cho2014properties}. Originally, the |
candidate activation was computed by |
\begin{align*} |
\tilde{h}_t^j = \tanh\left( W \vx_t + \vr_t\odot\left( U \vh_{t-1}\right) \right)^j, |
\end{align*} |
where $r_t^j$ is a {\it reset gate}. |
We found in our preliminary experiments that both of these |
formulations performed as well as each other. |
} |
When off ($r_t^j$ close to $0$), the reset gate effectively makes the |
unit act as if it is reading the first symbol of an input sequence, allowing it |
to {\it forget} the previously computed state. |
The reset gate $r_t^j$ is computed similarly to the update gate: |
\begin{align*} |
r_t^j = \sigma\left( W_r \vx_t + U_r \vh_{t-1} \right)^j. |
\end{align*} |
See Fig.~\ref{fig:gated_units}~(b) for the graphical illustration of the GRU. |
\subsection{Discussion} |
It is easy to notice similarities between the LSTM unit and the GRU |
from Fig.~\ref{fig:gated_units}. |
The most prominent feature shared between these units is the additive component of their |
update from $t$ to $t+1$, which is lacking in the traditional recurrent unit. The traditional recurrent |
unit always replaces the activation, or the content of a unit with a new value |
computed from the current input and the previous hidden state. On the other |
hand, both LSTM unit and GRU keep the existing content and add the new content |
on top of it (see Eqs.~\eqref{eq:lstm_memory_up}~and~\eqref{eq:gru_memory_up}). |
This additive nature has two advantages. First, it is easy for each unit to |
remember the existence of a specific feature in the input stream for a long series of steps. |
Any important feature, decided by either the forget gate of the LSTM unit or the |
update gate of the GRU, will not be overwritten but be maintained as it is. |
Second, and perhaps more importantly, this addition effectively creates shortcut |
paths that bypass multiple temporal steps. These shortcuts allow the error to be |
back-propagated easily without too quickly vanishing (if the gating unit is nearly |
saturated at $1$) as a result of passing through multiple, bounded nonlinearities, |
thus reducing the difficulty due to vanishing gradients~\citep{Hochreiter91,Bengio-trnn94}. |
These two units however have a number of differences as well. One feature of the |
LSTM unit that is missing from the GRU is the controlled exposure of the memory |
content. In the LSTM unit, the amount of the memory content that is seen, or |
used by other units in the network is controlled by the output gate. On |
the other hand the GRU exposes its full content without any control. |
Another difference is in the location of the input gate, or the corresponding |
reset gate. The LSTM unit computes the new memory content without any separate |
control of the amount of information flowing from the previous time step. |
Rather, the LSTM unit controls the amount of the new memory content being added |
to the memory cell {\it independently} from the forget gate. On the other hand, |
the GRU controls the information flow from the previous activation when |
computing the new, candidate activation, but does not independently control the |
amount of the candidate activation being added (the control is tied via the |
update gate). |
From these similarities and differences alone, it is difficult to conclude which |
types of gating units would perform better in general. Although \citet{Bahdanau-et-al-arxiv2014} |
reported that these two units performed comparably to each other according to |
their preliminary experiments on machine translation, it is unclear whether this |
applies as well to tasks other than machine translation. This motivates us to |
conduct more thorough empirical comparison between the LSTM unit and the GRU in |
this paper. |
\section{Experiments Setting} |
\subsection{Tasks and Datasets} |
We compare the LSTM unit, GRU and $\tanh$ unit in the task of sequence modeling. |
Sequence modeling aims at learning a probability distribution over sequences, as |
in Eq.~\eqref{eq:seq_model}, by maximizing the log-likelihood of a model given a |
set of training sequences: |
\begin{align*} |
\max_{\TT} \frac{1}{N} \sum_{n=1}^N \sum_{t=1}^{T_n} \log p\left(x_t^n |
\mid x_1^n, \dots, x_{t-1}^n; \TT \right), |
\end{align*} |
where $\TT$ is a set of model parameters. More specifically, we evaluate these |
units in the tasks of polyphonic music modeling and speech signal modeling. |
For the polyphonic music modeling, we use three polyphonic music |
datasets from \citep{Boulanger-et-al-ICML2012}: Nottingham, JSB |
Chorales, MuseData and Piano-midi. These datasets contain |
sequences of which each symbol is respectively a $93$-, $96$-, $105$-, and |
$108$-dimensional binary vector. We use logistic sigmoid function |
as output units. |
We use two internal datasets provided by Ubisoft\footnote{ |
\url{http://www.ubi.com/} |
} for speech signal modeling. Each sequence is an one-dimensional |
raw audio signal, and at each time step, we design a recurrent |
neural network to look at $20$ consecutive samples to predict the |
following $10$ consecutive samples. We have used two different |
versions of the dataset: One with sequences of length $500$ |
(Ubisoft A) and the other with sequences of length $8,000$ (Ubisoft B). |
Ubisoft A and Ubisoft B have $7,230$ and $800$ sequences each. |
We use mixture of Gaussians with 20 components as output layer. |
\footnote{Our implementation is available at \url{https://github.com/jych/librnn.git}} |
\subsection{Models} |
For each task, we train three different recurrent neural |
networks, each having either LSTM units (LSTM-RNN, see |
Sec.~\ref{sec:lstm}), GRUs (GRU-RNN, see Sec.~\ref{sec:gru}) or $\tanh$ |
units ($\tanh$-RNN, see Eq.~\eqref{eq:rnn_trad}). As the primary objective of |
these experiments is to compare all three units fairly, we choose |
the size of each model so that each model has approximately the |
same number of parameters. We intentionally made the models to be |
small enough in order to avoid overfitting which can easily |
distract the comparison. This approach of comparing different |
types of hidden units in neural networks has been done before, |
for instance, by \citet{gulcehre2014learned}. See |
Table~\ref{tab:models} for the details of the model |
sizes. |
\begin{table}[ht] |
\centering |
\begin{tabular}{c || c | c} |
Unit & \# of Units & \# of Parameters \\ |
\hline |
\hline |
\multicolumn{3}{c}{Polyphonic music modeling} \\ |
\hline |
LSTM & 36 & $\approx 19.8 \times 10^3$ \\ |
GRU & 46 & $\approx 20.2 \times 10^3$ \\ |
$\tanh$ & 100 & $\approx 20.1 \times 10^3$ \\ |
\hline |
\multicolumn{3}{c}{Speech signal modeling} \\ |
\hline |
LSTM & 195 & $\approx 169.1 \times 10^3$ \\ |
GRU & 227 & $\approx 168.9 \times 10^3$ \\ |
$\tanh$ & 400 & $\approx 168.4 \times 10^3$ \\ |
\end{tabular} |
\caption{The sizes of the models tested in the experiments.} |
\label{tab:models} |
\end{table} |
\begin{table}[ht] |
\centering |
\begin{tabular}{ c | c | c || c | c | c } |
\hline |
\multicolumn{3}{c||}{} & $\tanh$ & GRU & LSTM \\ |
\hline |
\hline |
\multirow{4}{*}{Music Datasets} |
& Nottingham &\specialcell{train \\ test} |
&\specialcell{3.22 \\ \bf 3.13} & |
\specialcell{2.79 \\ 3.23 } & |
\specialcell{3.08 \\ 3.20 } \\ |
\cline{2-6} |
& JSB Chorales &\specialcell{ train \\ test} |
& \specialcell{8.82 \\ 9.10 } & |
\specialcell{ 6.94 \\ \bf 8.54 } & |
\specialcell{ 8.15 \\ 8.67 } \\ |
\cline{2-6} |
& MuseData &\specialcell{train \\ test} |
& \specialcell{5.64 \\ 6.23 } & |
\specialcell{ 5.06 \\ \bf 5.99 } & |
\specialcell{ 5.18 \\ 6.23 } \\ |
\cline{2-6} |
& Piano-midi &\specialcell{train \\ test} |
& \specialcell{5.64 \\ 9.03 } & |
\specialcell{ 4.93 \\ \bf 8.82 } & |
\specialcell{ 6.49 \\ 9.03 } \\ |
\cline{1-6} |
\multirow{4}{*}{Ubisoft Datasets} |
& Ubisoft dataset A &\specialcell{train \\ test} |
&\specialcell{ 6.29 \\ 6.44 } & |
\specialcell{2.31 \\ 3.59 } & |
\specialcell{1.44 \\ \bf 2.70 } \\ |
\cline{2-6} |
& Ubisoft dataset B &\specialcell{train \\ test} |
& \specialcell{7.61 \\ 7.62} & |
\specialcell{0.38 \\ \bf 0.88} & |
\specialcell{0.80 \\ 1.26} \\ |
\hline |
\end{tabular} |
\caption{The average negative log-probabilities of the |
training and test sets. |
} |
\label{tab:model_perfs} |
\end{table} |
We train each model with RMSProp~\citep[see, |
e.g.,][]{Hinton-Coursera2012} and use weight noise with standard |
deviation fixed to $0.075$~\citep{graves2011practical}. At every |
update, we rescale the norm of the gradient to $1$, if it is |
larger than $1$~\citep{Pascanu-et-al-ICML2013} to prevent |
exploding gradients. We select a learning rate (scalar |
multiplier in RMSProp) to maximize the validation performance, |
out of $10$ randomly chosen log-uniform candidates sampled from |
$\mathcal{U}(-12, -6)~$\citep{bergstra2012random}. |
The validation set is used for early-stop training as well. |
\section{Results and Analysis} |
Table~\ref{tab:model_perfs} lists all the results from our |
experiments. |
In the case of the polyphonic music datasets, the GRU-RNN |
outperformed all the others (LSTM-RNN and $\tanh$-RNN) on all the |
datasets except for the Nottingham. However, we can see that on |
these music datasets, all the three models performed closely to |
each other. |
On the other hand, the RNNs with the gating units (GRU-RNN and |
LSTM-RNN) clearly outperformed the more traditional $\tanh$-RNN |
on both of the Ubisoft datasets. The LSTM-RNN was best with the |
Ubisoft A, and with the Ubisoft B, the GRU-RNN performed best. |
In Figs.~\ref{fig:music_results}--\ref{fig:ubi_results}, we show |
the learning curves of the best validation runs. In the case of |
the music datasets (Fig.~\ref{fig:music_results}), we see that |
the GRU-RNN makes faster progress in terms of both the number of |
updates and actual CPU time. If we consider the Ubisoft datasets |
(Fig.~\ref{fig:ubi_results}), it is clear that although the |
computational requirement for each update in the $\tanh$-RNN is |
much smaller than the other models, it did not make much |
progress each update and eventually stopped making any progress |
at much worse level. |
These results clearly indicate the advantages of the gating units |
over the more traditional recurrent units. Convergence is often |
faster, and the final solutions tend to be better. However, our |
results are not conclusive in comparing the LSTM and the GRU, |
which suggests that the choice of the type of gated recurrent |
unit may depend heavily on the dataset and corresponding task. |
\begin{figure}[ht] |
\centering |
\begin{minipage}{1\textwidth} |
\centering |
Per epoch |
\begin{minipage}[b]{0.48\textwidth} |
\centering |
\includegraphics[width=1.\textwidth,clip=true,trim=0 |
28 0 0]{nottingham_results.pdf} |
\end{minipage} |
\hfill |
\begin{minipage}[b]{0.48\textwidth} |
\centering |
\includegraphics[width=1.\textwidth,clip=true,trim=0 |
28 0 0]{muse_results.pdf} |
\end{minipage} |
\end{minipage} |
\vspace{4mm} |
\begin{minipage}{1\textwidth} |
\centering |
Wall Clock Time (seconds) |
\begin{minipage}[b]{0.48\textwidth} |
\centering |
\includegraphics[width=1.\textwidth,clip=true,trim=0 29 0 0]{nottingham_results_in_total_time.pdf} |
\end{minipage} |
\hfill |
\begin{minipage}[b]{0.48\textwidth} |
\centering |
\includegraphics[width=1.\textwidth,clip=true,trim=0 29 0 0]{muse_results_in_total_time.pdf} |
\end{minipage} |
\begin{minipage}{0.48\textwidth} |
\centering |
(a) Nottingham Dataset |
\end{minipage} |
\hfill |
\begin{minipage}{0.48\textwidth} |
\centering |
(b) MuseData Dataset |
\end{minipage} |
\end{minipage} |
\caption{Learning curves for training and validation sets of different |
types of units with respect to (top) the number of iterations and |
(bottom) the wall clock time. y-axis corresponds to the |
negative-log likelihood of the model shown in log-scale.} |
\label{fig:music_results} |
\end{figure} |
\begin{figure}[ht] |
\centering |
\begin{minipage}{1\textwidth} |
\centering |
Per epoch |
\begin{minipage}[b]{0.48\textwidth} |
\centering |
\includegraphics[width=1.\textwidth,clip=true,trim=0 28 0 0]{ubidata_a_results.pdf} |
\end{minipage} |
\hfill |
\begin{minipage}[b]{0.48\textwidth} |
\centering |
\includegraphics[width=1.\textwidth,clip=true,trim=0 28 0 0]{ubidata_b_results.pdf} |
\end{minipage} |
\end{minipage} |
\vspace{4mm} |
\begin{minipage}{1\textwidth} |
\centering |
Wall Clock Time (seconds) |
\begin{minipage}[b]{0.48\textwidth} |
\centering |
\includegraphics[width=1.\textwidth,clip=true,trim=0 28 0 0]{ubidata_a_results_in_time.pdf} |
\end{minipage} |
\hfill |
\begin{minipage}[b]{0.48\textwidth} |
\centering |
\includegraphics[width=1.\textwidth,clip=true,trim=0 28 0 0]{ubidata_b_results_in_time.pdf} |
\end{minipage} |
\begin{minipage}{0.48\textwidth} |
\centering |
(a) Ubisoft Dataset A |
\end{minipage} |
\hfill |
\begin{minipage}{0.48\textwidth} |
\centering |
(b) Ubisoft Dataset B |
\end{minipage} |
\end{minipage} |
\caption{Learning curves for training and validation sets of different |
types of units with respect to (top) the number of iterations and |
(bottom) the wall clock time. x-axis is the number of epochs and |
y-axis corresponds to the negative-log likelihood of the model |
shown in log-scale. |
} |
\label{fig:ubi_results} |
\end{figure} |
\section{Conclusion} |
In this paper we empirically evaluated recurrent neural networks |
(RNN) with three widely used recurrent units; (1) a traditional |
$\tanh$ unit, (2) a long short-term memory (LSTM) unit and (3) a |
recently proposed gated recurrent unit (GRU). Our evaluation |
focused on the task of sequence modeling on a number of datasets |
including polyphonic music data and raw speech signal data. |
The evaluation clearly demonstrated the superiority of the gated |
units; both the LSTM unit and GRU, over the traditional $\tanh$ |
unit. This was more evident with the more challenging task of raw |
speech signal modeling. However, we could not make concrete |
conclusion on which of the two gating units was better. |
We consider the experiments in this paper as preliminary. In |
order to understand better how a gated unit helps learning and to |
separate out the contribution of each component, for instance |
gating units in the LSTM unit or the GRU, of the gating units, |
more thorough experiments will be required in the future. |
\section*{Acknowledgments} |
The authors would like to thank Ubisoft for providing the |
datasets and for the support. The authors would like to thank |
the developers of |
Theano~\citep{bergstra+al:2010-scipy,Bastien-Theano-2012} and |
Pylearn2~\citep{pylearn2_arxiv_2013}. We acknowledge the support |
of the following agencies for research funding and computing |
support: NSERC, Calcul Qu\'{e}bec, Compute Canada, the Canada |
Research Chairs and CIFAR. |
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