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\title[A Channel-Based Perspective on Conjugate Priors]{A |
Channel-Based Perspective on Conjugate Priors\thanks{The research |
leading to these results has received funding from the European |
Research Council under the European Union's Seventh Framework |
Programme (FP7/2007-2013) / ERC grant agreement nr.~320571}} |
\author[B. Jacobs]{B\ls A\ls R\ls T\ns |
J\ls A\ls C\ls O\ls B\ls S\\ |
Institute for Computing and Information Sciences |
Radboud University\addressbreak |
P.O.Box 9010, 6500 GL Nijmegen, the Netherlands} |
\begin{document} |
\maketitle |
\begin{abstract} |
A desired closure property in Bayesian probability is that an updated |
posterior distribution be in the same class of distributions --- say |
Gaussians --- as the prior distribution. When the updating takes place |
via a statistical model, one calls the class of prior distributions |
the `conjugate priors' of the model. This paper gives (1)~an abstract |
formulation of this notion of conjugate prior, using channels, in a |
graphical language, (2)~a simple abstract proof that such conjugate |
priors yield Bayesian inversions, and (3)~a logical description of |
conjugate priors that highlights the required closure of the priors |
under updating. The theory is illustrated with several standard |
examples, also covering multiple updating. |
\end{abstract} |
\section{Introduction}\label{sec:intro} |
The main result of this paper, Theorem~\ref{thm:conjugateinversion}, |
is mathematically trivial. But it is not entirely trivial to see that |
this result is trivial. The effort and contribution of this paper lies |
in setting up a framework --- using the abstract language of channels, |
Kleisli maps, and string diagrams for probability theory --- to define |
the notion of conjugate prior in such a way that there is a trivial |
proof of the main statement, saying that conjugate priors yield |
Bayesian inversions. This is indeed what conjugate priors are meant to |
be. |
Conjugate priors form a fundamental topic in Bayesian theory. They |
are commonly described via a closure property of a class of prior |
distributions, namely as being closed under certain Bayesian updates. |
Conjugate priors are especially useful because they do not only |
involve a closure \emph{property}, but also a particular |
\emph{structure}, namely an explicit function that performs an |
analytical computation of posterior distributions via updates of the |
parameters. This greatly simplify Bayesian analysis. For instance, the |
$\betachan$ distribution is conjugate prior to the Bernoulli (or |
`flip') distribution, and also to the binomial distribution: updating |
a $\betachan(\alpha,\beta)$ prior via a Bernoulli/binomial statistical |
model yields a new $\betachan(\alpha',\beta')$ prior, with adapted |
parameters $\alpha',\beta'$ that can be computed explicitly from |
$\alpha,\beta$ and the observation at hand. Despite this importance, |
the descriptions in the literature of what it means to be a conjugate |
prior are remarkably informal. One does find several lists of classes |
of distributions, for instance at Wikipedia\footnote{See |
\url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conjugate_prior} or online lists, |
such as |
\url{https://www.johndcook.com/CompendiumOfConjugatePriors.pdf}, |
consulted at Sept.\ 10, 2018}, together with formulas about how to |
re-compute parameters. The topic has a long and rich history in |
statistics (see \textit{e.g.}~\cite{Bishop06}), with much emphasis on |
exponential families~\cite{DiaconisY79}, but a precise, general |
definition is hard to find. |
We briefly review some common approaches, without any pretension to be |
complete: the definition in~\cite{Alpaydin10} is rather short, based |
on an example, and just says: ``We see that the posterior has the same |
form as the prior and we call such a prior a \emph{conjugate prior}.'' |
Also~\cite{RussellN03} mentions the term `conjugate prior' only in |
relation to an example. There is a separate section in~\cite{Bishop06} |
about conjugate priors, but no precise definition. Instead, there is |
the informal description ``\ldots the posterior distribution has the |
same functional form as the prior.'' The most precise definition |
(known to the author) is in~\cite[\S5.2]{BernardoS00}, where the |
conjugate family with respect to a statistical model, assuming a |
`sufficient statistic', is described. It comes close to our |
channel-based description, since it explicitly mentions the conjugate |
family as a conditional probability distribution with (re-computed) |
parameters. The approach is rather concrete however, and the high |
level of mathematical abstraction that we seek here is missing |
in~\cite{BernardoS00}. |
This paper presents a novel systematic perspective for precisely |
defining what conjugate priorship means, both via diagrams and via |
(probabilistic) logic. It uses the notion of `channel' as starting |
point. The basis of this approach lies in category theory, especially |
effectus theory~\cite{Jacobs15d,ChoJWW15b}. However, we try to make |
this paper accessible to non category theorists, by using the term |
`channel' instead of morphism in a Kleisli category of a suitable |
monad. Moreover, a graphical language is used for channels that |
hopefully makes the approach more intuitive. Thus, the emphasis of the |
paper is on \emph{what it means} to have conjugate priors. It does |
not offer new perspectives on how to find/obtain them. |
The paper is organised as follows. It starts in |
Section~\ref{sec:ideas} with a high-level description of the main |
ideas, without going into technical details. Preparatory definitions |
are provided in Sections~\ref{sec:Kleisli} and~\ref{sec:inversion}, |
dealing with channels in probabilistic computation, with a |
diagrammatic language for channels, and with Bayesian inversion. |
Then, Section~\ref{sec:conjugate} contains the novel channel-based |
definition of conjugate priorship; it also illustrates how several |
standard examples fit in this new |
setting. Section~\ref{sec:conjugatepriorinversion} establishes the |
(expected) close relationship between conjugate priors and Bayesian |
inversions. Section~\ref{sec:logic} then takes a fresh perspective, by |
re-describing the Bayesian-inversion based formulation in more logical |
terms, using validity and updating. This re-formulation captures the |
intended closure of a class of priors under updating in the most |
direct manner. It is used in Section~\ref{sec:multiple} to illustrate |
how multiple updates are handled, typically via a `sufficient |
statistic'. |
\section{Main ideas}\label{sec:ideas} |
This section gives an informal description of the main ideas |
underlying this paper. It starts with a standard example, and then |
proceeds with a step-by-step introduction to the essentials of the |
perspective of this paper. |
\begin{figure} |
\begin{center} |
\includegraphics[width=0.3\textwidth]{coin.eps} |
\includegraphics[width=0.3\textwidth]{coin-H.eps} |
\includegraphics[width=0.3\textwidth]{coin-HTTT.eps} |
\end{center} |
\caption{Uniform prior, and two posterior probability density |
functions on $[0,1]$, after observing head, and after observing |
head-tail-tail-tail. These functions correspond respectively to |
$\betachan(1,1)$, $\betachan(2,1)$, |
$\betachan(2,4)$. Example~\ref{ex:efprobcoin} below explains how |
these three plots are obtained, via actual Bayesian updates |
(inversions), and not by simply using the $\betachan$ functions.} |
\label{fig:coin} |
\end{figure} |
A well-known example in Bayesian reasoning is inferring the (unknown) |
bias of a coin from a sequence of consecutive head/tail observations. |
The bias is a number $r \in [0,1]$ in the unit interval, giving the |
`Bernoulli' or `flip' probability $r$ for head, and $1-r$ for |
tail. Initially we assume a uniform distribution for $r$, as described |
by the constant probability density function (pdf) on the left in |
Figure~\ref{fig:coin}. After observing one head, this pdf changes to |
the second picture. After observing head-tail-tail-tail we get the |
third pdf. These pictures are obtained by Bayesian inversion, see |
Section~\ref{sec:inversion}. |
It is a well-known fact that all the resulting distributions are |
instances of the $\betachan(\alpha,\beta)$ family of distributions, |
for different parameters $\alpha,\beta$. After each observation, one |
can re-compute the entire updated distribution, via Bayesian |
inversion, as in Example~\ref{ex:efprobcoin}. But in fact there is a |
much more efficient way to obtain the revised distribution, namely by |
computing the new parameter values: increment $\alpha$ by one, for |
head, and increment $\beta$ by one for tail, see |
Examples~\ref{ex:betaflip} and~\ref{ex:betaflipupdate} for |
details. The family of distributions $\betachan(\alpha,\beta)$, |
indexed by parameters $\alpha,\beta$, is thus suitably closed under |
updates with Bernoulli. It is the essence of the statement that |
$\betachan$ is conjugate prior to Bernoulli. This will be made precise |
later on. |
Let $X = (X, \Sigma)$ be a measurable space, where $\Sigma \subseteq |
\Pow(X)$ is a $\sigma$-algebra of measurable subsets. We shall write |
$\Giry(X)$ for the set of probability distributions on $X$. Elements |
$\omega\in\Giry(X)$ are thus countably additive functions |
$\omega\colon\Sigma \rightarrow [0,1]$ with $\omega(X) = 1$. |
\begin{description} |
\item[Idea 1:] A \emph{family} of distributions on $X$, indexed by a |
measurable space $P$ of parameters, is a (measurable) function $P |
\rightarrow \Giry(X)$. Categorically, such a function is a |
\emph{Kleisli} map for $\Giry$, considered as monad on the category |
of measurable spaces (see Section~\ref{sec:Kleisli}). These Kleisli |
maps are also called \emph{channels}, and will be written simply as |
arrows $P \rightarrow X$, or diagrammatically as boxes |
\ $\scriptstyle\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\tiny] |
\node[arrow box, scale=0.5] (c) at (0,0) {$\;$}; |
\draw (c) to (0,0.35); |
\draw (c) to (0,-0.35); |
\node at (0.2,0.3) {$X$}; |
\node at (0.2,-0.3) {$P$}; |
\end{tikzpicture}}}$ where we imagine that information is flowing upwards. |
\end{description} |
\noindent The study of families of distributions goes back a long way, |
\textit{e.g.} as `experiments'~\cite{Blackwell51}. |
Along these lines we shall describe the family of $\betachan$ |
distributions as a channel with $P = \R_{>0}\times\R_{>0}$ and $X = |
[0,1]$, namely as function: |
\begin{equation} |
\label{diag:beta} |
\vcenter{\xymatrix@C+1pc{ |
\R_{>0}\times\R_{>0}\ar[r]^-{\betachan} & \Giry([0,1]) |
}} |
\end{equation} |
\noindent For $(\alpha,\beta) \in \R_{>0}\times\R_{>0}$ there is the |
probability distribution $\betachan(\alpha,\beta) \in \Giry([0,1])$ |
determined by its value on a measurable subset $M\subseteq [0,1]$, |
which is obtained via integration: |
\begin{equation} |
\label{eqn:beta} |
\begin{array}{rcl} |
\betachan(\alpha,\beta)(M) |
& = & |
{\displaystyle\int_{M}} |
\frac{x^{\alpha-1}(1-x)^{\beta-1}}{B(\alpha,\beta)}\intd x, |
\end{array} |
\end{equation} |
\noindent where $B(\alpha,\beta) = \int_{[0,1]} |
x^{\alpha-1}(1-x)^{\beta-1} \intd x$ is a normalisation constant. |
A conjugate prior relationship involves a family of distributions $P |
\rightarrow \Giry(X)$ which is closed wrt.\ updates based on |
observations (or: data) from a separate domain $O$. Each `parameter' |
element $x\in X$ gives rise to a separate distribution on $O$. This is |
what is usually called a \emph{statistical} or \emph{parametric} |
model. We shall also describe it as a channel. |
\begin{description} |
\item[Idea 2:] The observations for a family $P \rightarrow \Giry(X)$ |
arise via another ``Kleisli'' map $X \rightarrow \Giry(O)$ |
representing the statistical model. Conjugate priorship will be |
defined for two such composable channels $P \rightarrow X |
\rightarrow O$, where $O$ is the space of observations. |
\end{description} |
In the above coin example, the space $O$ of observations is the |
two-element set $2 = \{0,1\}$ where $0$ is for tail and $1$ for head. |
The Bernoulli channel is written as $\flipchan \colon [0,1] |
\rightarrow \Giry(2)$. A probability $r\in [0,1]$ determines a |
Bernoulli/flip/coin probability distribution $\flipchan(r) \in |
\Giry(2)$ on $2$, formally sending the subset $\{1\}$ to $r$ and |
$\{0\}$ to $1-r$. |
\begin{description} |
\item[Idea 3:] A channel $c\colon P\rightarrow X$ is a conjugate prior |
to a channel $d\colon X \rightarrow O$ if there is a \emph{parameter |
translation function} $h\colon P\times O \rightarrow P$ satisfying |
a suitable equation. |
\end{description} |
\noindent The idea is that $c(p)$ is a prior, for $p\in P$, which gets |
updated via the statistical model (channel) $d$, in the light of |
observation $y\in O$. The revised, updated distribution is |
$c(h(p,y))$. The model $d$ is usually written as a conditional |
probability $d(y\mid \theta)$. |
In the coin example we have $h\colon \R_{>0}\times\R_{>0} \times 2 |
\rightarrow \R_{>0}\times\R_{>0}$ given by $h(\alpha,\beta,1) = |
(\alpha+1,\beta)$ and $h(\alpha,\beta,0) = (\alpha,\beta+1)$, see |
Example~\ref{ex:betaflip} below for more information. |
What has been left unexplained is the `suitable' equation that the |
parameter translation function $h\colon P\times O \rightarrow P$ |
should satisfy. It is not entirely trivial, because it is an equation |
between channels in what is called the Kleisli category $\Kl(\Giry)$ |
of the Giry monad $\Giry$. At this stage we need to move to a more |
categorical description. The equation, which will appear in |
Definition~\ref{def:conjugateprior}, bears similarities with the |
notion of Bayesian inversion, which will be introduced in |
Section~\ref{sec:inversion}. |
\section{Channels and conditional probabilities}\label{sec:Kleisli} |
This section will describe conditional probabilities as arrows and |
will show how to compose them. Thereby we are entering the world of |
category theory. We aim to suppress the underlying categorical |
machinery and make this work accessible to readers without such |
background. For those with categorical background knowledge: we will |
be working in the Kleisli categories of the distribution monad $\Dst$ |
for discrete probability, and of the Giry monad $\Giry$ for continuous |
probability, see \textit{e.g.}~\cite{Giry82,Panangaden09,Jacobs17a}. |
Discrete distributions may be seen as a special case of continuous |
distributions, via a suitable inclusion map $\Dst \rightarrow \Giry$. |
Hence one could give one account, using $\Giry$ only. However, in |
computer science, unlike for instance in statistics, discrete |
distributions are so often used that they merit separate treatment. |
We thus start with discrete probability. We write a (finite, discrete) |
distribution on a set $X$ as a formal convex sum $r_{1}\ket{x_1} + |
\cdots + r_{n}\ket{x_n}$ of elements $x_{i}\in X$ and probabilities |
$r_{i}\in [0,1]$ with $\sum_{i}r_{i}=1$. The `ket' notation $\ket{-}$ |
is syntactic sugar, used to distinguish elements of $x$ from their |
occurrence $\ket{x}$ in such formal convex sums\footnote{Sometimes |
these distributions $\sum_{i}r_{i}\ket{x_i}$ are called |
`multinomial' or `categorical'; the latter terminology is confusing |
in the present context.}. A distribution as above can be identified |
with a `probability mass' function $\omega \colon X \rightarrow [0,1]$ |
which is $r_{i}$ on $x_{i}$ and $0$ elsewhere. We often implicitly |
identify distributions with such functions. We shall write $\Dst(X)$ |
for the set of distributions on $X$. |
We shall focus on functions of the form $c\colon X \rightarrow |
\Dst(Y)$. They give, for each element $x\in X$ a distribution $c(x)$ |
on $Y$. Hence such functions form an $X$-indexed collection |
$\big(c(x)\big)_{x\in X}$ of distributions $c(x)$ on $Y$. They can be |
understood as \emph{conditional} probabilities $P(y\mid x) = r$, if |
$c(x)$ is of the form $\cdots r\ket{y}\cdots$, with weight $r = |
c(x)(y)\in[0,1]$ for $y\in Y$. Thus, by construction, $\sum_{y} |
P(y\mid x) = 1$, for each $x\in X$. Moreover, if the sets $X$ and $Y$ |
are finite, we can describe $c\colon X \rightarrow \Dst(Y)$ as a |
stochastic matrix, with entries $P(y\mid x)$, adding up to one --- per |
row or column, depending on the chosen orientation of the matrix. |
We shall often write functions $X \rightarrow \Dst(Y)$ simply as |
arrows $X \rightarrow Y$, call them `channels', and write them as |
`boxes' in diagrams. This arrow notation is justified, because there |
is a natural way to compose channels, as we shall see shortly. But |
first we describe \emph{state transformation}, also called |
\emph{prediction}. Given a channel $c\colon X \rightarrow \Dst(Y)$ and |
a state $\omega\in\Dst(X)$, we can form a new state, written as $c \gg |
\omega$, on $Y$. It is defined as: |
\begin{equation} |
\label{eqn:discstatransf} |
\begin{array}{rcl} |
c \gg \omega |
& \coloneqq & |
{\displaystyle\sum_y} \big(\sum_{x} \omega(x)\cdot c(x)(y)\big)\bigket{y}. |
\end{array} |
\end{equation} |
\noindent The outer sum $\sum_{y}$ is a formal convex sum, whereas the |
inner sum $\sum_{x}$ is an actual sum in the unit interval $[0,1]$. |
Using state transformation $\gg$ it is easy to define composition of |
channels: given functions $c\colon X \rightarrow \Dst(Y)$ and $d\colon |
Y \rightarrow \Dst(Z)$, we use the ordinary composition symbol |
$\after$ to form a composite channel $d \after c \colon X \rightarrow |
\Dst(Z)$, where: |
\begin{equation} |
\label{eqn:discretecomposition} |
\begin{array}{rcccl} |
(d \after c)(x) |
& \coloneqq & |
d \gg c(x) |
& = & |
{\displaystyle\sum_{z\in Z}} \big(\sum_{y} c(x)(y)\cdot d(y)(z)\big) |
\bigket{z}. |
\end{array} |
\end{equation} |
\noindent Essentially, this is matrix composition for stochastic |
matrices. Channel composition $\after$ is associative, and also has a |
neutral element, namely the identity channel $\eta \colon X |
\rightarrow X$ given by the `Dirac' function $\eta(x) = 1\ket{x}$. It |
is not hard to see that $(d \after c) \gg \omega = d \gg (c \gg |
\omega)$. |
\medskip |
We turn to channels in continuous probability. As already mentioned in |
Section~\ref{sec:ideas}, we write $\Giry(X)$ for the set of |
probability distributions $\omega\colon \Sigma_{X} \rightarrow [0,1]$, |
where $X = (X,\Sigma_{X})$ is a measurable space. These probability |
distributions are (also) called states. The set $\Giry(X)$ carries a |
$\sigma$-algebra itself, but that does not play an important role |
here. Each element $x\in X$ yields a probability measure |
$\eta(x)\in\Giry(X)$, with $\eta(x)(M) = \indic{M}(x)$, which is $1$ |
if $x\in M$ and $0$ otherwise. This map $\indic{M} \colon X |
\rightarrow [0,1]$ is called the indicator function for the subset |
$M\in\Sigma_{X}$. |
For a state/measure $\omega\in\Giry(X)$ and a measurable function |
$f\colon X \rightarrow \R_{\geq 0}$ we write $\int f\intd \omega$ for |
the Lebesgue integral, if it exists. We follow the notation |
of~\cite{Jacobs13a} and refer there for details, or alternatively, |
to~\cite{Panangaden09}. We recall that an integral $\int_{M} f\intd |
\omega$ over a measurable subset $M\subseteq X$ of the domain of $f$ |
is defined as $\int \indic{M}\cdot f \intd\omega$, and that $\int |
\indic{M} \intd\omega = \omega(M)$. Moreover, $\int f \intd\eta(x) = |
f(x)$. |
For a measurable function $g\colon X\rightarrow Y$ between measurable |
spaces $X,Y$ there is the `push forward' function $\Giry(g) \colon |
\Giry(X) \rightarrow \Giry(Y)$, given by $\Giry(g)(\omega)(N) = |
\omega\big(g^{-1}(N)\big)$. It satisfies: |
\begin{equation} |
\label{eqn:invmeasure} |
\begin{array}{rcl} |
\displaystyle\int f \intd \Giry(g)(\omega) |
& = & |
\int f \after g \intd \omega. |
\end{array} |
\end{equation} |
\noindent Often, the measurable space $X$ is a subset $X\subseteq\R$ |
of the real numbers and a probability distribution $\omega$ on $X$ is |
given by a probability density function (pdf), that is, by a |
measurable function $f\colon X \rightarrow \R_{\geq 0}$ with $\int_{X} |
f(x) \intd x = 1$. Such a pdf $f$ gives rise to a state $\omega |
\in\Giry(X)$, namely: |
\begin{equation} |
\label{eqn:statefrompdf} |
\begin{array}{rcl} |
\omega(M) |
& = & |
\displaystyle \int_{M} f(x) \intd x. |
\end{array} |
\end{equation} |
\noindent We then write $\omega = \int f$. |
In this continuous context a channel is a measurable function $c\colon |
X \rightarrow \Giry(Y)$, for measurable spaces $X,Y$. Like in the |
discrete case, it gives an $X$-indexed collection |
$(\big(c(x)\big)_{x\in X}$ of probability distributions on $Y$. |
The channel $c$ can transform a state $\omega\in\Giry(X)$ on $X$ |
into a state $c \gg \omega \in\Giry(Y)$ on $Y$, given on a measurable |
subset $N\subseteq Y$ as: |
\begin{equation} |
\label{eqn:statetransformation} |
\begin{array}{rcl} |
\big(c \gg \omega\big)(N) |
& = & |
\displaystyle\int c(-)(N) \intd \omega. |
\end{array} |
\end{equation} |
\noindent For another channel $d\colon Y \rightarrow \Giry(Z)$ there |
is a composite channel $d \after c \colon X \rightarrow \Giry(Z)$, via |
integration: |
\begin{equation} |
\label{eqn:continuouscomposition} |
\begin{array}{rcccl} |
\big(d \after c\big)(x)(K) |
& \coloneqq & |
\big(d \gg c(x)\big)(K) |
& = & |
\displaystyle\int d(-)(K) \intd c(x) |
\end{array} |
\end{equation} |
In many situations a channel $c\colon X \rightarrow \Giry(Y)$ is given |
by an indexed probability density function (pdf) $u\colon X \times Y |
\rightarrow \R_{\geq 0}$, with $\int u(x,y)\intd y = 1$ for each $x\in |
X$. The associated channel $c$ is: |
\begin{equation} |
\label{eqn:channelfrompdf} |
\begin{array}{rcl} |
c(x)(N) |
& = & |
\displaystyle \int_{N} u(x,y) \intd y. |
\end{array} |
\end{equation} |
\noindent In that case we simply write $c = \int u$ and call $c$ a |
pdf-channel. We have already seen such a description of the |
$\betachan$ distribution as a pdf-channel in~\eqref{eqn:beta}. |
(In these pdf-channels $X \rightarrow Y$ we use a collection of pdf's |
$u(x,-)$ which are all dominated by the Lebesgue measure. This |
domination happens via the relationship $\ll$ of absolute continuity, |
using the Radon-Nikodym Theorem, see |
\textit{e.g.}~\cite{Panangaden09}.) |
Various additional computation rules for integrals are given in the |
Appendix. |
\section{Bayesian inversion in string diagrams}\label{sec:inversion} |
In this paper we make superficial use of string diagrams to |
graphically represent sequential and parallel composition of channels, |
mainly in order to provide an intuitive visual overview. We refer |
to~\cite{Selinger11} for mathematical details, and mention here only |
the essentials. |
A channel $X \rightarrow Y$, for instance of the sort discussed in |
the previous section, can be written as a box \ $\scriptstyle\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\tiny] |
\node[arrow box, scale=0.5] (c) at (0,0) {$\;$}; |
\draw (c) to (0,0.35); |
\draw (c) to (0,-0.35); |
\node at (0.2,0.3) {$Y$}; |
\node at (0.2,-0.3) {$X$}; |
\end{tikzpicture}}}$ with information flowing upwards, from the |
wire labeled with $X$ to the wire labeled with $Y$. Composition of |
channels, as in~\eqref{eqn:discretecomposition} |
or~\eqref{eqn:continuouscomposition}, simply involves connecting |
wires (of the same type). The identity channel is just a wire. |
We use a triangle notation \ \raisebox{.3em}{$\scriptstyle\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\tiny] |
\node[state, scale=0.5] (omega) at (0,0) {$\;$}; |
\draw (omega) to (0,0.2); |
\node at (0.15,0.15) {$X$}; |
\end{tikzpicture}}}$} for a state on $X$. It is special case of |
a channel, namely of the form $1 \rightarrow X$ with trivial singleton |
domain $1$. |
In the present (probabilistic) setting we allow copying of wires, |
written diagrammatically as $\copier$. We briefly describe such copy |
channels for discrete and continuous probability: |
\[ \xymatrix@R-1.8pc{ |
X\ar[r]^-{\copier} & \Dst(X\times X) |
& & |
X\ar[r]^-{\copier} & \Giry(X\times X) |
\\ |
x\ar@{|->}[r] & 1\ket{x,x} |
& & |
x\ar@{|->}[r] & \big(M\times N \mapsto \indic{M\cap N}(x)\big) |
} \] |
After such a copy we can use parallel channels. We briefly describe |
how this works, first in the discrete case. For channels $c\colon X |
\rightarrow \Dst(Y)$ and $d\colon A \rightarrow \Dst(B)$ we have a |
channel $c\otimes d \colon X\times A \rightarrow \Dst(Y\times B)$ |
given by: |
\[ \begin{array}{rcl} |
(c\otimes d)(x,a) |
& = & |
\displaystyle \sum_{y,b} c(x)(y)\cdot d(a)(b)\bigket{y,b}. |
\end{array} \] |
Similarly, in the continuous case, for channels $c\colon X |
\rightarrow \Giry(Y)$ and $d\colon A \rightarrow \Giry(B)$ we |
get $c\otimes d \colon X\times A \rightarrow \Giry(Y\times B)$ given |
by: |
\[ \begin{array}{rcl} |
(c\otimes d)(x,a)(M\times N) |
& = & |
c(x)(M)\cdot d(a)(N). |
\end{array} \] |
\noindent Recall that the product measure on $Y\times B$ is generated |
by measurable rectangles of the form $M\times N$, for $M\in\Sigma_{Y}$ |
and $N\in\Sigma_{B}$. |
We shall use a tuple $\tuple{c,d}$ as convenient abbreviation for |
$(c\otimes d) \after \copier$. Diagrammatically, parallel channels are |
written as adjacent boxes. |
We can now formulate what Bayesian inversion is. The definition is |
couched in purely diagrammatic language, but is applied only to |
probabilistic interpretations in this paper. |
\begin{definition} |
\label{def:inversion} |
The \emph{Bayesian inversion} of a channel $c\colon X \rightarrow Y$ |
with respect to a state $\omega$ of type $X$, if it exists, is a |
channel in the opposite direction, written as $c^{\dag}_{\omega} |
\colon Y \rightarrow X$, such that the following equation holds. |
\begin{equation} |
\label{diag:inversion} |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {$\omega$}; |
\node[copier] (copier) at (0,0.3) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (c) at (0.5,0.95) {$c$}; |
\coordinate (X) at (-0.5,1.5); |
\coordinate (Y) at (0.5,1.5); |
\draw (omega) to (copier); |
\draw (copier) to[out=150,in=-90] (X); |
\draw (copier) to[out=15,in=-90] (c); |
\draw (c) to (Y); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\qquad=\qquad |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,-0.55) {$\omega$}; |
\node[copier] (copier) at (0,0.3) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (d) at (-0.5,0.95) {$c^{\dag}_{\omega}$}; |
\coordinate (X) at (-0.5,1.5); |
\coordinate (Y) at (0.5,1.5); |
\node[arrow box] (c) at (0,-0.15) {$c$}; |
\draw (omega) to (c); |
\draw (c) to (copier); |
\draw (copier) to[out=165,in=-90] (d); |
\draw (copier) to[out=30,in=-90] (Y); |
\draw (d) to (X); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\end{equation} |
\end{definition} |
The dagger notation $c^{\dag}_{\omega}$ is copied |
from~\cite{ClercDDG17}. There the state $\omega$ is left implicit, via |
a restriction to a certain comma category of kernels. In that setting |
the operation $(-)^{\dag}$ is functorial, and forms a dagger category |
(see \textit{e.g.}~\cite{AbramskyC09,Selinger07} for definitions). In |
particular, it preserves composition and identities of channels. |
Equation~\eqref{diag:inversion} can also be written as: |
$\tuple{\idmap, c} \gg \omega = \tuple{c^{\dag}_{\omega}, \idmap} \gg |
(c \gg \omega)$. Alternatively, in the discrete case, with variables |
explicit, it says: $c(x)(y)\cdot \omega(x) = c^{\dag}_{\omega}(y)(x) |
\cdot (c \gg \omega)(y)$. This comes close to the `adjointness' |
formulations that are typical for daggers. |
Bayesian inversion gives a channel-based description of Bayesian |
(belief) updates. We briefly illustrate this for the coin example from |
Section~\ref{sec:ideas}, using the $\EfProb$ language~\cite{ChoJ17b}. |
\begin{example} |
\label{ex:efprobcoin} |
In Section~\ref{sec:ideas} we have seen the channel $\flipchan \colon |
[0,1] \rightarrow 2$ that sends a probability $r\in [0,1]$ to the coin |
state $\flipchan(r) = r\ket{1} + (1-r)\ket{0}$ with bias $r$. The |
Bayesian inversion $2 \rightarrow [0,1]$ of this channel performs a |
belief update, after a head/tail observation. Without going into |
details we briefly illustrate how this works in the $\EfProb$ language |
via the following code fragment. The first line describes a channel |
\pythoninline{Flip} of type $[0,1] \rightarrow 2$, where $[0,1]$ is |
represented as \pythoninline{R(0,1)} and $2 = \{0,1\}$ as |
\pythoninline{bool\_dom}. The expression \pythoninline{flip(r)} |
captures a coin with bias \pythoninline{r}. |
\begin{python} |
>>> Flip = chan_fromklmap(lambda r: flip(r), R(0,1), bool_dom) |
>>> prior = uniform_state(R(0,1)) |
>>> w1 = Flip.inversion(prior)(True) |
>>> w2 = Flip.inversion(w1)(False) |
>>> w3 = Flip.inversion(w2)(False) |
>>> w4 = Flip.inversion(w3)(False) |
\end{python} |
\noindent The (continuous) states \pythoninline{w1} -- |
\pythoninline{w4} are obtained as successive updates of the uniform |
state \pythoninline{prior}, after successive observations |
\pythoninline{True}-\pythoninline{False}-\pythoninline{False}-\pythoninline{False}, |
for head-tail-tail-tail. The three probability density functions in |
Figure~\ref{fig:coin} are obtained by plotting the prior state, and |
also the two states \pythoninline{w1} and \pythoninline{w4}. |
\end{example} |
It is relatively easy to define Bayesian inversion in discrete |
probability theory: for a channel $c\colon X \rightarrow \Dst(Y)$ and |
a state/distribution $\omega\in\Dst(X)$ one can define a channel |
$c^{\dag}_{\omega} \colon Y \rightarrow \Dst(X)$ as: |
\begin{equation} |
\label{eqn:discreteinversion} |
\begin{array}{rcccl} |
c^{\dag}_{\omega}(y)(x) |
& = & |
\displaystyle\frac{\omega(x)\cdot c(x)(y)}{(c \gg \omega)(y)} |
& = & |
\displaystyle\frac{\omega(x)\cdot c(x)(y)}{\sum_{z}\omega(z)\cdot c(z)(y)}, |
\end{array} |
\end{equation} |
\noindent assuming that the denominator is non-zero. This corresponds |
to the familiar formula $P(B\mid A) = \nicefrac{P(A,B)}{P(A)}$ for |
conditional probability. The state $c^{\dag}_{\omega}(y)$ can |
alternatively be defined via updating the state $\omega$ with the |
point predicate $\{y\}$, transformed via $c$ into a predicate $c \ll |
\indic{\{y\}}$ on $X$, see Section~\ref{sec:logic} |
(and~\cite{JacobsZ16}) for details. |
\begin{Auxproof} |
Just to be sure: |
\[ \begin{array}{rcl} |
\big(\tuple{c^{\dag}_{\omega}, \idmap} \gg (c \gg \omega)\big)(x,y) |
& = & |
c^{\dag}_{\omega}(y)(x)\cdot (c \gg \omega)(y) |
\\ |
& = & |
\displaystyle\frac{\omega(x)\cdot c(x)(y)}{c_{*}(\omega)(y)} \cdot |
(c \gg \omega)(y) |
\\ |
& = & |
\omega(x)\cdot c(x)(y) |
\\ |
& = & |
(\tuple{\idmap,c} \gg \omega)(x,y). |
\end{array} \] |
\noindent And: |
\[ \begin{array}{rcccl} |
\omega|_{c \ll \indic{\{y\}}}(x) |
& = & |
\displaystyle\frac{\omega(x) \cdot (c \ll \indic{\{y\}})(x)}{\omega |
\models c \ll \indix{\{y\}}} |
& = & |
\displaystyle\frac{\omega(x)\cdot c(x)(y)}{\sum_{x}\omega(x)\cdot c(x)(y)}, |
\end{array} \] |
\end{Auxproof} |
The situation is much more difficult in continuous probability theory, |
since Bayesian inversions may not exist~\cite{AckermanFR11,Stoyanov14} |
or may be determined only up to measure zero. But when restricted to |
\textit{e.g.}~standard Borel spaces, as in~\cite{ClercDDG17}, |
existence is ensured, see also~\cite{Faden85,CulbertsonS14}. Another |
common solution is to assume that we have a pdf-channel: there is a |
map $u\colon X\times Y \rightarrow \R_{\geq 0}$ that defines a channel |
$c \colon X \rightarrow \Giry(Y)$, like in~\eqref{eqn:channelfrompdf}, |
as $c(x)(N) = \int_{N} u(x,y)\intd y$. Then, for a distribution |
$\omega\in\Giry(X)$ we can take as Bayesian inversion: |
\begin{equation} |
\label{eqn:continuousinversion} |
\begin{array}{rcl} |
c^{\dag}_{\omega}(y)(M) |
& = & |
\displaystyle\frac{\int_{M} u(-,y)\intd \omega}{\int_{X} u(-,y)\intd \omega} |
\\[+1em] |
& = & |
\displaystyle\frac{\int_{M} f(x)\cdot u(x,y) \intd x} |
{\int_{X} f(x) \cdot u(x,y) \intd x} |
\qquad \mbox{when } \omega = \int f(x)\intd x. |
\end{array} |
\end{equation} |
\noindent We prove that this definition satisfies the |
inversion Equation~\eqref{diag:inversion}, using the calculation |
rules from the Appendix. |
\[ \begin{array}{rcl} |
\big(\tuple{c^{\dag}_{\omega}, \idmap} \gg (c \gg \omega)\big)(M\times N) |
& \smash{\stackrel{\eqref{eqn:statetransformation}}{=}} & |
\displaystyle \int \tuple{c^{\dag}_{\omega}, \idmap}(-)(M\times N) |
\intd (c \gg \omega) |
\\ |
& \smash{\stackrel{(\ref{eqn:pdfintegration}, |
\ref{eqn:pdfstatetransformation})}{=}} & |
\displaystyle\int \big(\int f(x) \cdot u(x,y) \intd x\big) \cdot |
\tuple{c^{\dag}_{\omega}, \idmap}(y)(M\times N) \intd y |
\\ |
& \smash{\stackrel{\eqref{eqn:graphequation}}{=}} & |
\displaystyle\int \big(\int f(x) \cdot u(x,y) \intd x\big) \cdot |
c^{\dag}_{\omega}(y)(M) \cdot \indic{N}(y) \intd y |
\\ |
& \smash{\stackrel{\eqref{eqn:continuousinversion}}{=}} & |
\displaystyle\int_{N} \big(\int f(x) \cdot u(x,y) \intd x\big) \cdot |
\frac{\int_{M} f(x)\cdot u(x,y) \intd x} |
{\int f(x)\cdot u(x,y) \intd x} \intd y |
\\[+0.8em] |
& = & |
\displaystyle\int_{N} \int_{M} f(x) \cdot u(x,y) \intd x \intd y |
\\ |
& \smash{\stackrel{\eqref{eqn:pdfgraphstatetransformation}}{=}} & |
(\tuple{\idmap, c} \gg \omega)(M\times N). |
\end{array} \] |
\section{Conjugate priors}\label{sec:conjugate} |
We now come to the core of this paper. As described in the |
introduction, the informal definition says that a class of |
distributions is conjugate prior to a statistical model if the |
associated posteriors are \emph{in the same class} of distributions. |
The posteriors can be computed via Bayesian |
inversion~\eqref{eqn:continuousinversion} of the statistical model. |
This definition of `conjugate prior' is a bit vague, since it loosely |
talks about `classes of distributions', without further |
specification. As described in `Idea 1' in Section~\ref{sec:ideas}, we |
interpret `class of states on $X$' as channel $P\rightarrow X$, where |
$P$ is the type of parameters of the class. |
We have already seen this channel-based description for the class |
$\betachan$ distributions, in~\eqref{diag:beta}, as channel $\betachan |
\colon \R_{>0} \times \R_{>0} \rightarrow [0,1]$. This works more |
generally, for instance for Gaussian (normal) distributions |
$\normchan(\mu, \sigma)$, where $\mu$ is the mean parameter and |
$\sigma$ is the standard deviation parameter, giving a channel of the |
form: |
\begin{equation} |
\label{diag:normal} |
\vcenter{\xymatrix@C+1pc{ |
\R\times\R_{>0}\ar[r]^-{\normchan} & \Giry(\R) |
}} |
\end{equation} |
\noindent It is determined by its value on a measurable subset |
$M\subseteq \R$ as the standard integral: |
\begin{equation} |
\label{eqn:normal} |
\begin{array}{rcl} |
\normchan(\mu,\sigma)(M) |
& = & |
\displaystyle\int_{M} |
\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}\sigma}e^{-\frac{(x-\mu)^{2}}{2\sigma^{2}}}\intd x |
\end{array} |
\end{equation} |
Given a channel $c\colon P \rightarrow X$, we shall look at states |
$c(p)$, for parameters $p\in P$, as priors. The statistical model, for |
which these $c(p)$'s will be described as conjugate priors, goes from |
$X$ to some other object $O$ of `observations'. Thus our starting |
point is a pair of (composable) channels the form: |
\begin{equation} |
\label{diag:conjugatechannels} |
\vcenter{\xymatrix{ |
P\ar[r]^-{c} & X\ar[r]^-{d} & O |
}} |
\qquad\qquad\mbox{or, as diagram,}\qquad\qquad |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[arrow box] (c) at (0.0,0.5) {$c$}; |
\node[arrow box] (d) at (0.0,1.2) {$d$}; |
\coordinate (P) at (0.0,0.0); |
\coordinate (Y) at (0.0,1.7); |
\draw (P) to (c); |
\draw (c) to (d); |
\draw (d) to (Y); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\end{equation} |
\noindent Such a pair of composable channels may be seen as a 2-stage |
hierarchical Bayesian model. In that context the parameters $P$ are |
sometimes called `hyperparameters', see |
\textit{e.g.}~\cite{BernardoS00}. There, esp.\ in Defn~5.6 of |
conjugate priorship one can also distinguish two channels, written as |
$p(\theta\mid\tau)$ and $p(x\mid\theta)$, corresponding respectively |
to our channels $c$ and $d$. The $\tau$ form the hyperparameters. |
In this setting we come to our main definition that formulates the |
notion of conjugate prior in an abstract manner, avoiding classes of |
distributions. It contains the crucial equation that was missing in |
the informal description in Section~\ref{sec:ideas}. |
All our examples of (conjugate prior) channels are maps in the Kleisli |
category of the Giry monad, but the formulation applies more |
generally. In fact, abstraction purifies the situation and shows the |
essentials. The definition below speaks of `deterministic' channels, |
between brackets. This part will be explained later on, in the |
beginning of Section~\ref{sec:conjugatepriorinversion}. It can be |
ignored for now. |
\begin{definition} |
\label{def:conjugateprior} |
In the situation~\eqref{diag:conjugatechannels} we call channel $c$ a |
\emph{conjugate prior} to channel $d$ if there is a (deterministic) |
channel $h\colon P\times O \rightarrow P$ for which the following |
equation holds: |
\begin{equation} |
\label{eqn:conjugateprior} |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[arrow box] (c) at (0.0,-0.2) {$c$}; |
\node[copier] (copier) at (0,0.3) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (d) at (0.5,0.95) {$d$}; |
\coordinate (X) at (-0.5,1.5); |
\coordinate (Y) at (0.5,1.5); |
\draw (c) to (copier); |
\draw (c) to (0.0,-0.7); |
\draw (copier) to[out=150,in=-90] (X); |
\draw (copier) to[out=15,in=-90] (d); |
\draw (d) to (Y); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\quad |
= |
\quad |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[copier] (copier1) at (0,0.3) {}; |
\node[copier] (copier2) at (0.25,2.0) {}; |
\coordinate (X) at (-0.5,3.8); |
\coordinate (Y) at (0.5,3.8); |
\node[arrow box] (c1) at (0.25,0.8) {$c$}; |
\node[arrow box] (d) at (0.25,1.5) {$d$}; |
\node[arrow box] (h) at (-0.5,2.6) {$\;\;h\;\;$}; |
\node[arrow box] (c2) at (-0.5,3.3) {$c$}; |
\draw (copier1) to (0.0,0.0); |
\draw (copier1) to[out=150,in=-90] (h.240); |
\draw (copier1) to[out=30,in=-90] (c1); |
\draw (c1) to (d); |
\draw (d) to (copier2); |
\draw (copier2) to[out=165,in=-90] (h.305); |
\draw (h) to (c2); |
\draw (c2) to (X); |
\draw (copier2) to[out=30,in=-90] (Y); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\end{equation} |
\noindent Equivalently, in equational form: |
\[ \begin{array}{rcl} |
\tuple{\idmap, d} \after c |
& = & |
((c\after h)\otimes\idmap) \after \tuple{\idmap, \copier \after d \after c}. |
\end{array} \] |
\end{definition} |
The idea is that the map $h\colon P\times O \rightarrow P$ translates |
parameters, with an observation from $O$ as additional |
argument. Informally, one gets a posterior state $c(h(p,y))$ from the |
prior state $c(p)$, given the observation $y\in O$. The power of this |
`analytic' approach is that it involves simple re-computation of |
parameters, instead of more complicated updating of entire |
states. This will be illustrated in several standard examples below. |
The above Equation~\eqref{eqn:conjugateprior} is formulated in an |
abstract manner --- which is its main strength. We will derive an |
alternative formulation of Equation~\eqref{eqn:conjugateprior} for |
pdf-channels. It greatly simplifies the calculations in examples. |
\begin{lemma} |
\label{lem:conjugatepriorpdf} |
Consider composable channels $\smash{P \stackrel{c}{\rightarrow} X |
\stackrel{d}{\rightarrow} O}$, as in~\eqref{diag:conjugatechannels}, |
for the Giry monad $\Giry$, where $c\colon P\rightarrow \Giry(X)$ and |
$d\colon X \rightarrow \Giry(O)$ are given by pdf's $u\colon P\times X |
\rightarrow \R_{\geq 0}$ and $v \colon X\times O\rightarrow \R_{\geq |
0}$, as pdf-channels $c = \int u$ and $d = \int v$. Let $c$ be |
conjugate prior to $d$, via a measurable function $h\colon P\times O |
\rightarrow P$. |
Equation~\eqref{eqn:conjugateprior} then amounts to, for an element |
$p\in P$ and for measurable subsets $M\subseteq X$ and $N\subseteq O$, |
\begin{equation} |
\label{eqn:conjugatepriorint} |
\begin{array}{rcl} |
\lefteqn{\displaystyle\int_{N} \int_{M} u(p,x) \cdot v(x,y) \intd x\intd y} |
\\[+0.8em] |
& = & |
\displaystyle \int_{N} \Big(\int u(p,x)\cdot v(x,y)\intd x\Big) \cdot |
\Big(\int_{M} u(h(p,y),x) \intd x\Big) \intd y. |
\end{array} |
\end{equation} |
\noindent In order to prove this equation, it suffices to prove that |
the two functions under the outer integral $\int_{N}$ are equal, that |
is, it suffices to prove for each $y\in O$, |
\begin{equation} |
\label{eqn:conjugatepriorfun} |
\begin{array}{rcl} |
\displaystyle\int_{M} u(p,x) \cdot v(x,y) \intd x |
& = & |
\displaystyle \Big(\int u(p,x)\cdot v(x,y)\intd x\Big) \cdot |
\Big(\int_{M} u(h(p,y),x) \intd x\Big). |
\end{array} |
\end{equation} |
This formulation will be used in the examples below. |
\end{lemma} |
\begin{myproof} |
We extensively use the equations for integration from |
Section~\ref{sec:Kleisli} and from the Appendix, in order to |
prove~\eqref{eqn:conjugatepriorint}. The left-hand-side of |
Equation~\eqref{eqn:conjugateprior} gives the left-hand-side |
of~\eqref{eqn:conjugatepriorint}: |
\[ \begin{array}{rcccl} |
\big(\tuple{\idmap, d} \after c\big)(p)(M\times N) |
& \smash{\stackrel{\eqref{eqn:continuouscomposition}}{=}} & |
\big(\tuple{\idmap, d} \gg c(p)\big)(M\times N) |
& \smash{\stackrel{\eqref{eqn:pdfgraphstatetransformation}}{=}} & |
\displaystyle \int_{N} \int_{M} u(p,x) \cdot v(x,y) \intd x \intd y. |
\end{array} \] |
\noindent Unravelling the right-hand-side of~\eqref{eqn:conjugateprior} |
is a bit more work: |
\[ \begin{array}{rcl} |
\lefteqn{\big((c \after h)\otimes\idmap) \after |
\tuple{\idmap, \copier \after d \after c}\big)(p)(M\times N)} |
\\ |
& \smash{\stackrel{\eqref{eqn:continuouscomposition}}{=}} & |
\displaystyle \int (c \after h)\otimes\idmap)(-)(M\times N) |
\intd \tuple{\idmap, \copier \after d \after c}(p) |
\\ |
& \smash{\stackrel{\eqref{eqn:graphequation}}{=}} & |
\displaystyle \int ((c \after h)\otimes\idmap)(-)(M\times N) |
\intd \big(\eta(p) \otimes |
(\copier \after d \after c)(p)\big) |
\\ |
& \smash{\stackrel{\eqref{eqn:productpdfintegration}}{=}} & |
\displaystyle \int \int ((c \after h)\otimes\idmap)(-,-)(M\times N) |
\intd \eta(p) \intd (\copier \after d \after c)(p)\big) |
\\ |
& = & |
\displaystyle \int ((c \after h)\otimes\idmap)(p,-)(M\times N) |
\intd \Giry(\copier)(d \gg c(p)) |
\\ |
& \smash{\stackrel{\eqref{eqn:invmeasure}}{=}} & |
\displaystyle \int ((c \after h)\otimes\idmap)(p,\copier(-))(M\times N) |
\intd (d \gg c(p)) |
\\ |
& \smash{\stackrel{(\ref{eqn:pdfintegration}, |
\ref{eqn:pdfseqcomposition})}{=}} & |
\displaystyle \int \Big(\int u(p,x)\cdot v(x,y)\intd x\Big) \cdot |
((c \after h)\otimes\idmap)(p,y,y)(M\times N) \intd y |
\\ |
& = & |
\displaystyle \int \Big(\int u(p,x)\cdot v(x,y)\intd x\Big) \cdot |
c(h(p,y))(M) \cdot \indic{N}(y) \intd y |
\\ |
& = & |
\displaystyle \int_{N} \Big(\int u(p,x)\cdot v(x,y)\intd x\Big) \cdot |
\Big(\int_{M} u(h(p,y),x) \intd x\Big) \intd y. |
\end{array} \] |
\noindent By combining this outcome with the earlier one we get the |
desired equation~\eqref{eqn:conjugatepriorint}. \QED |
\end{myproof} |
One can reorganise Equation~\eqref{eqn:conjugatepriorfun} as |
a normalisation fraction: |
\begin{equation} |
\label{eqn:conjugatepriorfunnorm} |
\begin{array}{rcl} |
\displaystyle\int_{M} u(h(p,y),x) \intd x |
& = & |
\displaystyle \frac{\int_{M} u(p,x) \cdot v(x,y) \intd x} |
{\int u(p,x)\cdot v(x,y)\intd x}. |
\end{array} |
\end{equation} |
\noindent It now strongly resembles |
Equation~\eqref{eqn:continuousinversion} for Bayesian inversion. This |
connection will be established more generally in |
Theorem~\ref{thm:conjugateinversion}. Essentially, the above |
normalisation fraction~\eqref{eqn:conjugatepriorfunnorm} occurs |
in~\cite[Defn.~5.6]{BernardoS00}. Later, in Section~\ref{sec:logic} we |
will see that~\eqref{eqn:conjugatepriorfunnorm} can also be analysed |
in terms of updating a state with a random variable. |
We are now ready to review some standard examples. The first one |
describes the structure underlying the coin example in |
Section~\ref{sec:ideas}. |
\begin{example} |
\label{ex:betaflip} |
It is well-known that the beta distributions are conjugate prior to |
the Bernoulli `flip' likelihood function. We shall re-formulate this |
fact following the pattern of Definition~\ref{def:conjugateprior}, |
with two composable channels, as in~\eqref{diag:conjugatechannels}, |
namely: |
\[\xymatrix@C+1pc{ |
\NNO_{>0}\times\NNO_{>0}\ar[r]^-{\betachan} & |
[0,1]\ar[r]^-{\flipchan} & 2 |
\rlap{\qquad where $2=\{0,1\}$.} |
} \qquad \] |
\noindent The $\betachan$ channel is as in~\eqref{diag:beta}, but now |
restricted to the non-negative natural numbers $\NNO_{>0}$. We recall |
that the normalisation constant $B(\alpha,\beta)$ is $\int_{[0,1]} |
x^{\alpha-1}(1-x)^{\beta-1} \intd x$. |
The $\flipchan$ channel sends a probability $r\in[0,1]$ to the |
$\text{Bernoulli}(r)$ distribution, which can also be written as a |
discrete distribution $\flipchan(r) = r\ket{1} + (1-r)\ket{0}$. More |
formally, as a Kleisli map $[0,1]\rightarrow\Giry(2)$ it is, for a |
subset $N\subseteq 2$, |
\[ \begin{array}{rcccccl} |
\flipchan(r)(N) |
& = & |
\displaystyle \int_{N} r^{i}\cdot (1-r)^{1-i} \intd i |
& = & |
\displaystyle\sum_{i\in N} r^{i}\cdot (1-r)^{1-i} |
& = & |
\left\{{\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.0}\begin{array}{ll} |
0 & \mbox{if } N = \emptyset \\ |
r & \mbox{if } N = \{1\} \\ |
1-r \;\; & \mbox{if } N = \{0\} \\ |
1 & \mbox{if } N = \{0,1\}. |
\end{array}}\right. |
\end{array} \] |
\noindent The $i$ in $\intd i$ refers here to the counting measure. |
In order to show that $\betachan$ is a conjugate prior of $\flipchan$ |
we have to produce a parameter translation function $h\colon |
\NNO_{>0}\times\NNO_{>0}\times 2 \rightarrow |
\NNO_{>0}\times\NNO_{>0}$. It is defined by distinguishing the |
elements in $2 = \{0,1\}$ |
\begin{equation} |
\label{eqn:betaflipfun} |
\begin{array}{rclcrcl} |
h(\alpha, \beta, 1) |
& = & |
(\alpha+1, \beta) |
& \qquad\mbox{and}\qquad & |
h(\alpha, \beta, 0) |
& = & |
(\alpha, \beta+1). |
\end{array} |
\end{equation} |
\noindent Thus, in one formula, $h(\alpha,\beta,i) = (\alpha+i, |
\beta+(1-i))$. |
We prove Equation~\eqref{eqn:conjugatepriorfun} for $c = \betachan = |
\int u$ and $d = \flipchan = \int v$. We start from its |
right-hand-side, for an arbitrary $i\in 2$, |
\[ \begin{array}{rcl} |
\lefteqn{\displaystyle \Big(\int u(\alpha,\beta,x)\cdot v(x,i)\intd x\Big) |
\cdot \Big(\int_{M} u(h(\alpha,\beta,i),x) \intd x\Big)} |
\\ |
& = & |
\displaystyle\Big(\int \frac{x^{\alpha-1}(1-x)^{\beta-1}}{B(\alpha,\beta)} \cdot |
x^{i}\cdot (1-x)^{1-i} \intd x\Big) \cdot |
\Big(\int_{M} \frac{x^{\alpha+i-1}(1-x)^{\beta+(1-i)-1}} |
{B(\alpha+i,\beta+(1-i))} \intd x\Big) |
\\[+1em] |
& = & |
\displaystyle\Big(\frac{\int x^{\alpha+i-1}(1-x)^{\beta+(1-i)-1} \intd x} |
{B(\alpha,\beta)}\Big) \cdot |
\Big(\int_{M} \frac{x^{\alpha-1}(1-x)^{\beta-1}} |
{B(\alpha+i,\beta+(1-i))} \cdot x^{i} \cdot (1-x)^{1-i} \intd x\Big) |
\\[+1em] |
& = & |
\displaystyle\Big(\frac{B(\alpha+i,\beta+(1-i))}{B(\alpha,\beta)}\Big) \cdot |
\Big(\int_{M} \frac{x^{\alpha-1}(1-x)^{\beta-1}} |
{B(\alpha+i,\beta+(1-i))} \cdot x^{i} \cdot (1-x)^{1-i} \intd x\Big) |
\\[+1em] |
& = & |
\displaystyle \int_{M}\frac{x^{\alpha-1}(1-x)^{\beta-1}}{B(\alpha,\beta)} |
\cdot x^{i} \cdot (1-x)^{1-i} \intd x |
\\[+1em] |
& = & |
\displaystyle \int_{M} u(\alpha,\beta,x)\cdot v(x, i) \intd x. |
\end{array} \] |
\noindent The latter expression is the left-hand-side |
of~\eqref{eqn:conjugatepriorfun}. We see that the essence of the |
verification of the conjugate prior equation is the shifting of |
functions and normalisation factors. This is a general pattern. |
\auxproof{ |
We have to prove Equation~\eqref{eqn:conjugateprior}. Its |
left-hand-side is, as Kleisli map $\NNO_{>0}\times\NNO_{>0} |
\rightarrow \Giry([0,1]\times 2)$, applied to measurable subsets |
$M\subseteq [0,1]$ and $N\subseteq 2$, |
\[ \begin{array}{rcl} |
\big(\tuple{\idmap, \flipchan} \after \betachan\big)(\alpha,\beta)(M\times N) |
& = & |
\big(\tuple{\idmap, \flipchan} \gg \betachan(\alpha,\beta)\big)(M\times N) |
\\ |
& \smash{\stackrel{\eqref{eqn:pdfgraphstatetransformation}}{=}} & |
\displaystyle \int_{M\times N} \frac{x^{\alpha-1}(1-x)^{\beta-1}} |
{B(\alpha,\beta)} \cdot x^{i}\cdot (1-x)^{1-i} \intd (x,i) |
\\ |
& = & |
\displaystyle \int_{M\times N} \frac{x^{\alpha-1+i}(1-x)^{\beta-i}} |
{B(\alpha,\beta)} \intd (x,i). |
\end{array} \] |
\noindent With a bit more effort we show that the right-hand-side |
of~\eqref{eqn:conjugateprior} has the same outcome: |
\[ \begin{array}{rcl} |
\lefteqn{\big(((\betachan \after h)\otimes\idmap) \after |
\tuple{\idmap, \copychan \after \flipchan \after \betachan}\big) |
(\alpha, \beta)(M\times N)} |
\\ |
& \smash{\stackrel{\eqref{eqn:graphequation}}{=}} & |
\displaystyle \int ((\betachan \after h)\otimes\idmap)(-)(M\times N) |
\intd \big(\eta(\alpha,\beta) \otimes |
(\copychan \after \flipchan \after \betachan)(\alpha,\beta)\big) |
\\ |
& = & |
\displaystyle \int ((\betachan \after h)\otimes\idmap)(\alpha, \beta, -) |
(M\times N) \intd |
\Giry(\copychan)\big((\flipchan \after \betachan)(\alpha,\beta)\big) |
\\ |
& \smash{\stackrel{\eqref{??}}{=}} & |
\displaystyle \int ((\betachan \after h)\otimes\idmap)(\alpha, \beta, |
\copychan(-))(M\times N) \intd |
\big(\flipchan \after \betachan)(\alpha,\beta)\big) |
\\ |
& \smash{\stackrel{(\ref{eqn:pdfintegration}, |
\ref{eqn:pdfseqcomposition})}{=}} & |
\displaystyle \int \big(\int \frac{x^{\alpha-1+i}(1-x)^{\beta-i}} |
{B(\alpha,\beta)}\intd x\big) \cdot |
((\betachan \after h)\otimes\idmap)(\alpha, \beta, |
\copychan(i))(M\times N) \intd i |
\\ |
& = & |
\displaystyle \int \frac{\int x^{\alpha-1+i}(1-x)^{\beta-i} \intd x} |
{B(\alpha,\beta)} \cdot |
\betachan(h(\alpha, \beta, i))(M) \cdot \indic{N}(i) \intd i |
\\ |
& = & |
\displaystyle \int_{N} \frac{B(\alpha+i, \beta+1-i)}{B(\alpha,\beta)} \cdot |
\betachan(\alpha+i, \beta+1-i)(M) \intd i |
\\ |
& = & |
\displaystyle \int_{N} \frac{B(\alpha+i, \beta+1-i)}{B(\alpha,\beta)} \cdot |
\big(\int_{M} \frac{x^{\alpha+i-1}\cdot (1-x)^{\beta-i}}{B(\alpha+i, \beta+1-i)} |
\intd x\big) \intd i |
\\ |
& = & |
\displaystyle \int_{M\times N} \frac{x^{\alpha-1+i}(1-x)^{\beta-i}} |
{B(\alpha,\beta)} \intd (x,i). |
\end{array} \] |
} |
\end{example} |
\begin{example} |
\label{ex:betabinom} |
In a similar way one verifies that the $\betachan$ channel is a |
conjugate prior to the binomial channel. For the latter we fix a |
natural number $n>0$, and consider the two channels: |
\[ \xymatrix@-1pc{ |
\NNO_{>0}\times\NNO_{>0}\ar[rr]^-{\betachan} & & |
[0,1]\ar[rrr]^-{\binomchan_{n}} & & & \{0,1,\ldots,n\} |
} \] |
\noindent The binomial channel $\binomchan_{n}$ is defined for $r \in |
[0,1]$ and $M\subseteq \{0,1,\ldots,n\}$ as: |
\[ \begin{array}{rcccl} |
\binomchan_{n}(r)(M) |
& = & |
{\displaystyle \int_{M}} \binom{n}{i}\cdot r^{i}\cdot (1-r)^{n-i} |
\intd i |
& = & |
{\displaystyle \sum_{i\in M}}\, \binom{n}{i}\cdot r^{i}\cdot (1-r)^{n-i}. |
\end{array} \] |
\noindent The conjugate prior property requires in this situation a |
parameter translation function $h\colon \NNO_{>0}\times\NNO_{>0} |
\times \{0,1,\ldots,n\}\rightarrow \NNO_{>0}\times\NNO_{>0}$, which is |
given by: |
\[ \begin{array}{rcl} |
h(\alpha, \beta, i) |
& = & |
(\alpha+i, \beta+n-i). |
\end{array} \] |
\noindent The proof of Equation~\eqref{eqn:conjugatepriorfun} is much |
like in Example~\ref{ex:betaflip}, with $1-i$ replaced by $n-i$, and |
an additional binomial term $\binom{n}{i}$ that is shifted from one |
integral to another. |
\begin{Auxproof} |
\[ \begin{array}{rcl} |
\lefteqn{\displaystyle\Big(\int \frac{x^{\alpha-1}(1-x)^{\beta-1}}{B(\alpha,\beta)} |
\cdot \binom{n}{i}\cdot x^{i} \cdot (1-x)^{n-i} \intd x\Big) \cdot |
\Big(\int_{M} \frac{x^{\alpha+i-1}(1-x)^{\beta+(n-i)-1}} |
{B(\alpha+i,\beta+(n-i))} \intd x\Big)} |
\\[+1em] |
& = & |
\displaystyle\Big(\frac{\int x^{\alpha+i-1}(1-x)^{\beta+(n-i)-1} \intd x} |
{B(\alpha,\beta)}\Big) \cdot \binom{n}{i} \cdot |
\Big(\int_{M} \frac{x^{\alpha-1}(1-x)^{\beta-1}} |
{B(\alpha+i,\beta+(n-i))} \cdot x^{i} \cdot (1-x)^{n-i} \intd x\Big) |
\\ |
& = & |
\displaystyle\Big(\frac{B(\alpha+i,\beta+(n-i))}{B(\alpha,\beta)}\Big) \cdot |
\Big(\int_{M} \frac{x^{\alpha-1}(1-x)^{\beta-1}}{B(\alpha+i,\beta+(n-i))} \cdot |
\binom{n}{i}\cdot x^{i} \cdot (1-x)^{n-i} \intd x\Big) |
\\ |
& = & |
\displaystyle \int_{M}\frac{x^{\alpha-1}(1-x)^{\beta-1}}{B(\alpha,\beta)} |
\cdot \binom{n}{i} \cdot x^{i} \cdot (1-x)^{n-i} \intd x. |
\end{array} \] |
\end{Auxproof} |
\end{example} |
Here is another well-known conjugate prior relationship, namely |
between Dirichlet and `multinomial' distributions. The latter |
are simply called discrete distributions in the present context. |
\begin{example} |
\label{ex:dirmon} |
Here we shall identify a number $n\in\NNO$ with the $n$-element set |
$\{0,1,\ldots,n-1\}$. We then write $\Dst_{*}(n)$ for the set of |
$n$-tuples $(x_{0}, \ldots, x_{n-1})\in (\R_{>0})^{n}$ with |
$\sum_{i}x_{i} = 1$. |
For a fixed $n>0$, let $O = \{y_{0}, \ldots, |
y_{n-1}\}$ be a set of `observations'. We consider the following two |
channels. |
\[ \xymatrix@-1pc{ |
(\NNO_{>0})^{n}\ar[rr]^-{\dirchan_n} & & \Dst_{*}(n)\ar[rr]^-{\multchan} & & O |
} \] |
\noindent The multinomial channel is defined as $\multchan(x_{0}, |
\ldots, x_{n-1}) = x_{0}\ket{y_{0}} + \cdots + x_{n-1}\ket{y_{n-1}}$. |
It can be described as a pdf-channel, via the function $v(\vec{x},y) |
\coloneqq x_{i} \mbox{ if }y=y_{i}$. Then, for $N\subseteq O = |
\{y_{0}, \ldots, y_{n-1}\}$, |
\[ \begin{array}{rcccl} |
\multchan(\vec{x})(N) |
& = & |
\displaystyle\int_{N} v(\vec{x}, y) \intd y |
& = & |
\sum\set{x_{i}}{y_{i}\in N}. |
\end{array} \] |
The Dirichlet channel $\dirchan_n$ is more complicated: for an |
$n$-tuple $\vec{\alpha} = (\alpha_{0}, \ldots, \alpha_{n-1})$ it is |
given via pdf's $d_n$, in: |
\[ \begin{array}{rclcrcl} |
\dirchan_{n}(\vec{\alpha}) |
& = & |
\displaystyle\int d_{n}(\vec{\alpha}) |
& \qquad\mbox{where}\qquad & |
d_{n}(\vec{\alpha})(x_{0}, \ldots, x_{n-1}) |
& = & |
{\displaystyle\frac{\Gamma(\sum_{i}\alpha_{i})}{\prod_{i}\Gamma(\alpha_{i})}} |
\cdot \prod_{i} x_{i}^{\alpha_{i}-1}, |
\end{array} \] |
\noindent for $(x_{0}, \ldots, x_{n-1}) \in \Dst_{*}(n)$. The |
operation $\Gamma$ is the `Gamma' function, which is defined on |
natural numbers $k > 1$ as $\Gamma(k) = (k-1)!$. Hence $\Gamma$ can be |
defined recursively as $\Gamma(1) = 1$ and $\Gamma(k+1) = |
k\cdot\Gamma(k)$. The above fraction is a normalisation factor since |
one has $\frac{\prod_{i} |
\Gamma(\alpha_{i})}{\Gamma(\sum_{i}\alpha_{i})} = \int\prod_{i} |
x_{i}^{\alpha_{i}-1} \intd \vec{x}$, see |
\textit{e.g.}~\cite{Bishop06}. From this one can derive: $\int |
x_{i}\cdot d_{n}(\vec{\alpha})(\vec{x}) \intd \vec{x} = |
\frac{\alpha_{i}}{\sum_{j}\alpha_j}$. |
The parameter translation function $h\colon (\NNO_{>0})^{n} \times O |
\rightarrow (\NNO_{>0})^{n}$ is: |
\[ \begin{array}{rcl} |
h(\alpha_{0}, \ldots, \alpha_{n-1}, y) |
& = & |
(\alpha_{0}, \ldots, \alpha_{i}+1, \ldots, \alpha_{n-1}) |
\quad \mbox{if } y=y_{i}. |
\end{array} \] |
\noindent We check Equation~\eqref{eqn:conjugatepriorfun}, for $M\subseteq |
\Dst_{*}(n)$ and observation $y_{i}\in O$, |
\[ \begin{array}{rcl} |
\lefteqn{\displaystyle |
\Big(\int d_{n}(\vec{\alpha})(\vec{x})\cdot v(\vec{x},y_{i})\intd\vec{x}\Big) |
\cdot \Big(\int_{M} d_{n}(h(\vec{\alpha},y_{i}))(\vec{x}) \intd \vec{x}\Big)} |
\\[+0.4em] |
& = & |
\frac{\alpha_i}{\sum_{j}\alpha_{j}} \cdot |
{\displaystyle\int_{M}} |
\frac{\Gamma(1 + \sum_{j}\alpha_{j})} |
{\Gamma(\alpha_{i}+1)\cdot \prod_{j\neq i}\Gamma(\alpha_{j})} \cdot |
x_{i}^{\alpha_i} \cdot \prod_{j\neq i} x_{j}^{\alpha_{j}-1} \intd \vec{x} |
\\[+0.8em] |
& = & |
{\displaystyle\Big(\int_{M}} |
\frac{\Gamma(\sum_{j}\alpha_{j})} |
{\prod_{j}\Gamma(\alpha_{j})} \cdot |
x_{i} \cdot \prod_{j} x_{j}^{\alpha_{j}-1} \intd \vec{x} |
\\[+0.8em] |
& = & |
\displaystyle\int_{M} d_{n}(\vec{\alpha})(\vec{x})\cdot |
v(\vec{x},y_{i})\intd\vec{x}. |
\end{array} \] |
\end{example} |
We include one more example, illustrating that normal channels are |
conjugate priors to themselves. This fact is also well-known. The |
point is to illustrate once again how that works in the current |
setting. |
\begin{example} |
\label{ex:normnorm} |
Consider the following two normal channels. |
\[ \xymatrix@-0.5pc{ |
\R\times\R_{>0}\ar[rr]^-{\normchan} & & |
\R\ar[rrr]^-{\normchan(-,\nu)} & & & \R_{>0} |
} \] |
\noindent The channel $\normchan$ is described explicitly |
in~\eqref{diag:normal}. Notice that we use it twice here, the second |
time with a fixed standard deviation $\nu$, for `noise'. This second |
channel is typically used for observation, like in Kalman filtering, |
for which a fixed noise level can be assumed. We claim that the first |
normal channel $\normchan$ is a conjugate prior to the second channel |
$\normchan(-,\nu)$, via the parameter translation function $h\colon |
\R\times\R_{>0}\times\R_{>0}\rightarrow \R\times\R_{>0}$ given by: |
\[ \begin{array}{rcl} |
h(\mu, \sigma, y) |
& = & |
\displaystyle |
(\, \frac{\mu\cdot\nu^{2} + y\cdot\sigma^{2}}{\nu^{2}+\sigma^{2}}, |
\frac{\nu\cdot\sigma}{\sqrt{\nu^{2}+\sigma^{2}}} \,) |
\end{array} \] |
\noindent We prove Equation~\eqref{eqn:conjugatepriorfun}, again |
starting from the right. |
\[ \begin{array}{rcl} |
\lefteqn{\Big({\displaystyle \int} |
\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}\sigma}e^{-\frac{(x-\mu)^{2}}{2\sigma^{2}}} \cdot |
\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}\nu}e^{-\frac{(y-x)^{2}}{2\nu^{2}}}\intd x\Big) \cdot |
\Big({\displaystyle \int_{M}} |
\frac{\sqrt{\nu^{2}+\sigma^{2}}}{\sqrt{2\pi}\nu\sigma} |
e^{-\frac{(\nu^{2}+\sigma^{2}) (x-\frac{\mu\cdot\nu^{2} + y\cdot\sigma^{2}} |
{\nu^{2}+\sigma^{2}})^{2}}{2\nu^{2}\sigma^{2}}}\intd x\Big)} |
\\[+1em] |
& \smash{\stackrel{(*)}{=}} & |
\Big({\displaystyle \int}\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}\sigma\nu} |
e^{-\frac{\nu^{2}(x-\mu)^{2} + \sigma^{2}(y-x)^{2}}{2\sigma^{2}\nu^{2}}}\intd x\Big) |
\\ |
& & \qquad \cdot\; \Big({\displaystyle \int_{M}} |
\frac{\sqrt{\nu^{2}+\sigma^{2}}}{\sqrt{2\pi}\nu\sigma} |
e^{-\frac{\nu^{2}(x-\mu)^{2} + \sigma^{2}(y-x)^{2} - \nu^{2}\mu^{2} - |
\sigma^{2}y^{2} + \frac{(\mu\cdot\nu^{2} + y\cdot\sigma^{2})^{2}} |
{\nu^{2}+\sigma^{2}}}{2\nu^{2}\sigma^{2}}}\intd x\Big) |
\\ |
& = & |
\Big({\displaystyle \int}\frac{\sqrt{\nu^{2}+\sigma^{2}}}{\sqrt{2\pi}\nu\sigma} |
e^{-\frac{\nu^{2}(x-\mu)^{2} + \sigma^{2}(y-x)^{2} - \nu^{2}\mu^{2} - |
\sigma^{2}y^{2} + \frac{(\mu\cdot\nu^{2} + y\cdot\sigma^{2})^{2}} |
{\nu^{2}+\sigma^{2}}}{2\sigma^{2}\nu^{2}}}\intd x\Big) |
\\ |
& & \qquad \cdot\; \Big({\displaystyle \int_{M}} |
\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}\sigma\nu} |
e^{-\frac{\nu^{2}(x-\mu)^{2} + \sigma^{2}(y-x)^{2}}{2\nu^{2}\sigma^{2}}}\intd x\Big) |
\\ |
& \smash{\stackrel{(*)}{=}} & |
\Big({\displaystyle \int} |
\frac{\sqrt{\nu^{2}+\sigma^{2}}}{\sqrt{2\pi}\nu\sigma} |
e^{-\frac{(\nu^{2}+\sigma^{2}) (x-\frac{\mu\cdot\nu^{2} + y\cdot\sigma^{2}} |
{\nu^{2}+\sigma^{2}})^{2}}{2\nu^{2}\sigma^{2}}}\intd x\Big) \cdot |
\Big({\displaystyle \int_{M}} |
\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}\sigma}e^{-\frac{(x-\mu)^{2}}{2\sigma^{2}}} \cdot |
\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}\nu}e^{-\frac{(y-x)^{2}}{2\nu^{2}}}\intd x\Big) |
\\[+1em] |
& = & |
{\displaystyle \int_{M}} |
\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}\sigma}e^{-\frac{(x-\mu)^{2}}{2\sigma^{2}}} \cdot |
\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}\nu}e^{-\frac{(y-x)^{2}}{2\nu^{2}}}\intd x. |
\end{array} \] |
\noindent The last equation holds because the first integral in the |
previous line equals one, since, in general, the integral over a pdf |
is one. The two marked equations $\smash{\stackrel{(*)}{=}}$ are |
justified by: |
\[ \begin{array}{rcl} |
\lefteqn{(\nu^{2}+\sigma^{2})\big(x-\frac{\mu\cdot\nu^{2} + |
y\cdot\sigma^{2}}{\nu^{2}+\sigma^{2}}\big)^{2}} |
\\ |
& = & |
(\nu^{2}+\sigma^{2})x^{2}- |
2(\mu\cdot\nu^{2} + y\cdot\sigma^{2})x |
+ \frac{(\mu\cdot\nu^{2} + y\cdot\sigma^{2})^{2}} |
{\nu^{2}+\sigma^{2}} |
\\ |
& = & |
\nu^{2}(x^{2}-2\mu x + \mu^{2}) + \sigma^{2}(y^{2}-2yx + x^{2}) |
- \nu^{2}\mu^{2} - \sigma^{2}y^{2} |
+ \frac{(\mu\cdot\nu^{2} + y\cdot\sigma^{2})^{2}} |
{\nu^{2}+\sigma^{2}} |
\\ |
& = & |
\nu^{2}(x-\mu)^{2} + \sigma^{2}(y-x)^{2} |
- \nu^{2}\mu^{2} - \sigma^{2}y^{2} |
+ \frac{(\mu\cdot\nu^{2} + y\cdot\sigma^{2})^{2}} |
{\nu^{2}+\sigma^{2}} |
\end{array} \] |
\end{example} |
\section{Conjugate priors form Bayesian inversions}\label{sec:conjugatepriorinversion} |
This section connects the main two notions of this paper, by showing |
that conjugate priors give rise to Bayesian inversion. The argument is |
a very simple example of diagrammatic reasoning. Before we come to |
it, we have to clarify an issue that was left open earlier, regarding |
`deterministic' channels, see Definition~\ref{def:conjugateprior}. |
\begin{definition} |
\label{def:deterministic} |
A channel $c$ is called \emph{deterministic} if it commutes with |
copiers, that is, if it satisfies the equation on the left below. |
\[ \vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[copier] (c) at (0,0.6) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (f) at (0,0.1) {$c$}; |
\draw (c) to[out=15,in=-90] (0.4,1.0); |
\draw (c) to[out=165,in=-90] (-0.4,1.0); |
\draw (f) to (c); |
\draw (f) to (0,-0.4); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\quad=\quad |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[copier] (c) at (0,0.0) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (f1) at (-0.4,0.6) {$c$}; |
\node[arrow box] (f2) at (0.4,0.6) {$c$}; |
\draw (c) to[out=165,in=-90] (f1); |
\draw (c) to[out=15,in=-90] (f2); |
\draw (f1) to (-0.4,1.1); |
\draw (f2) to (0.4,1.1); |
\draw (c) to (0,-0.3); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\hspace*{10em} |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[copier] (c) at (0,0.4) {}; |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0.1) {$\omega$}; |
\draw (c) to[out=15,in=-90] (0.4,0.8); |
\draw (c) to[out=165,in=-90] (-0.4,0.8); |
\draw (omega) to (c); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\quad=\quad |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega1) at (-0.5,0.0) {$\omega$}; |
\node[state] (omega2) at (0.5,0.0) {$\omega$}; |
\draw (omega1) to (-0.5,0.4); |
\draw (omega2) to (0.5,0.4); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\] |
\noindent As a special case, a state $\omega$ is called deterministic |
if it satisfies the equation on the right, above. |
\end{definition} |
The state description is a special case of the channel description |
since a state on $X$ is a channel $1\rightarrow X$ and copying on the |
trivial (final) object $1$ does nothing, up to isomorphism. |
Few channels (or states) are deterministic. In deterministic and |
continuous computation, the ordinary functions $f\colon X \rightarrow |
Y$ are deterministic, when considered as a channel $\eta \after f$. |
We check this explicitly for point states, since this is what we need |
later on. |
\begin{example} |
\label{ex:deterministicstate} |
Let $x$ be an element of a measurable space $X$. The associated point |
state $\eta(x) \in \Giry(X)$ is deterministic, where $\eta(x)(M) = |
\indic{M}(x)$. We check the equation on the right in |
Definition~\ref{def:deterministic}: |
\[ \begin{array}{rcl} |
\big(\copier \after \eta(x)\big)(M\times N) |
& = & |
\eta(x,x)(M\times N) |
\hspace*{\arraycolsep}=\hspace*{\arraycolsep} |
\indic{M\times N}(x,x) |
\hspace*{\arraycolsep}=\hspace*{\arraycolsep} |
\indic{M}(x) \cdot \indic{N}(x) |
\\ |
& = & |
\eta(x)(M)\cdot \eta(x)(N) |
\hspace*{\arraycolsep}=\hspace*{\arraycolsep} |
\big(\eta(x)\otimes\eta(x)\big)(M\times N). |
\end{array} \] |
\end{example} |
We now come to the main result. |
\begin{theorem} |
\label{thm:conjugateinversion} |
Let $\smash{P \stackrel{c}{\rightarrow} X \stackrel{d}{\rightarrow} |
O}$ be channels, where $c$ is conjugate prior to $d$, say via |
$h\colon P \times O \rightarrow P$. Then for each deterministic |
(copyable) state $p$, the map $c \after h(p, -) \colon O \rightarrow |
X$ is a Bayesian inversion of $d$, wrt.\ the transformed state $c \gg |
p$. |
\end{theorem} |
\begin{myproof} |
We have to prove Equation~\eqref{diag:inversion}, for channel $d$ and |
state $c \gg p$, with the channel $c \after h(p, -)$ playing the role |
of Bayesian inversion $d^{\dag}_{c \gg p}$. This is easiest to see |
graphically, using that the state $p$ is deterministic and thus |
commutes with copiers $\copier$, see the equation on the right in |
Definition~\ref{def:deterministic}. |
\[ \vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (p) at (0,-0.7) {$p$}; |
\node[arrow box] (c) at (0.0,-0.2) {$c$}; |
\node[copier] (copier) at (0,0.3) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (d) at (0.5,0.95) {$d$}; |
\coordinate (X) at (-0.5,1.5); |
\coordinate (Y) at (0.5,1.5); |
\draw (c) to (copier); |
\draw (c) to (p); |
\draw (copier) to[out=150,in=-90] (X); |
\draw (copier) to[out=15,in=-90] (d); |
\draw (d) to (Y); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\quad |
\smash{\stackrel{\eqref{eqn:conjugateprior}}{=}} |
\quad |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (p) at (0,0.0) {$p$}; |
\node[copier] (copier1) at (0,0.3) {}; |
\node[copier] (copier2) at (0.25,2.0) {}; |
\coordinate (X) at (-0.5,3.8); |
\coordinate (Y) at (0.5,3.8); |
\node[arrow box] (c1) at (0.25,0.8) {$c$}; |
\node[arrow box] (d) at (0.25,1.5) {$d$}; |
\node[arrow box] (h) at (-0.5,2.6) {$\;\;h\;\;$}; |
\node[arrow box] (c2) at (-0.5,3.3) {$c$}; |
\draw (copier1) to (p); |
\draw (copier1) to[out=150,in=-90] (h.240); |
\draw (copier1) to[out=30,in=-90] (c1); |
\draw (c1) to (d); |
\draw (d) to (copier2); |
\draw (copier2) to[out=165,in=-90] (h.305); |
\draw (h) to (c2); |
\draw (c2) to (X); |
\draw (copier2) to[out=30,in=-90] (Y); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\quad |
= |
\quad |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (p1) at (-0.65,2.1) {$p$}; |
\node[state] (p2) at (0.25,-0.15) {$p$}; |
\node[copier] (copier2) at (0.25,1.5) {}; |
\coordinate (X) at (-0.5,3.8); |
\coordinate (Y) at (0.5,3.8); |
\coordinate (Z) at (0.0,2.0); |
\node[arrow box] (c1) at (0.25,0.3) {$c$}; |
\node[arrow box] (d) at (0.25,1.0) {$d$}; |
\node[arrow box] (h) at (-0.5,2.6) {$\;\;h\;\;$}; |
\node[arrow box] (c2) at (-0.5,3.3) {$c$}; |
\draw (p1) to[out=90,in=-90] (h.240); |
\draw (p2) to[out=90,in=-90] (c1); |
\draw (c1) to (d); |
\draw (d) to (copier2); |
\draw (copier2) to[out=165,in=-90] (Z); |
\draw (Z) to[out=90,in=-90] (h.305); |
\draw (h) to (c2); |
\draw (c2) to (X); |
\draw (copier2) to[out=30,in=-90] (Y); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} \] |
\noindent This is it. \QED |
\end{myproof} |
When we specialise to Giry-channels we get an `if-and-only-if' |
statement, since there we can reason elementwise. |
\begin{corollary} |
\label{cor:Giry} |
Let $\smash{P\xrightarrow{c} X\xrightarrow{d} O}$ be two channels in |
$\Kl(\Giry)$, and let $h \colon P\times O \rightarrow P$ be a |
measurable function. The following two points are equivalent: |
\begin{itemize} |
\item[(i)] $c$ is a conjugate prior to $d$, via $h$; |
\item[(ii)] $c(h(p,-)) \colon O \rightarrow \Giry(X)$ is a Bayesian |
inverse for channel $d$ with state $c(p)$, \textit{i.e.}~is |
$d^{\dag}_{c(p)}$, for each parameter $p\in P$. \QED |
\end{itemize} |
\end{corollary} |
\section{A logical perspective on conjugate priors}\label{sec:logic} |
This section takes a logically oriented, look at conjugate priors, |
describing them in terms of updates of a prior state with a random |
variable (or predicate). This new perspective is interesting for two |
reasons: |
\begin{itemize} |
\item it formalises the intuition behind conjugate priors in a |
precise manner, see |
\textit{e.g.}\ Equations~\eqref{eqn:betaflipupdateeqn} |
and~\eqref{eqn:betabinomupdateeqn} below, where the characteristic |
closure property for a class of distributions is expressed via |
occurrences of these distributions on both sides of an equation; |
\item it will be useful in the next section to capture multiple |
observations via an update with a conjunction of multiple random |
variables. |
\end{itemize} |
\noindent But first we need to introduce some new terminology. We |
shall do so separately for discrete and continuous probability, |
although both can be described as instances of the same category |
theoretic notions, using effectus theory~\cite{Jacobs15d,Jacobs17a}. |
\subsection{Discrete updating} |
A \emph{random variable} on a set $X$ is a function $r\colon X |
\rightarrow \R$. It is a called a \emph{predicate} if it restricts to |
$X\rightarrow [0,1]$. Simple examples of predicates are indicator |
functions $\indic{E} \colon X \rightarrow [0,1]$, for a subset/event |
$E\subseteq X$, given by $\indic{E}(x) = 1$ if $x\in E$ and |
$\indic{E}(x) = 0$ if $x\not\in E$. Indicator functions $\indic{\{x\}} |
\colon X \rightarrow [0,1]$ for a singleton subset are sometimes |
called point predicates. For two random variables $r,s\colon X |
\rightarrow \R$ we write $r\andthen s\colon X \rightarrow \R$ for the |
new variable obtained by pointwise multiplication: $(r\andthen s)(x) = |
r(x) \cdot s(x)$. |
For a random variable $r$ and a discrete |
probability distribution (or state) $\omega\in\Dst(X)$ we define the |
\emph{validity} $\omega\models r$ as the expected value: |
\begin{equation} |
\label{eqn:discvalidity} |
\begin{array}{rcl} |
\omega\models r |
& \;\coloneqq\; & |
\displaystyle\sum_{x\in X} \omega(x)\cdot r(x). |
\end{array} |
\end{equation} |
\noindent Notice that this is a finite sum, since by definition the |
support of $\omega$ is finite. |
If we have a channel $c\colon X \rightarrow \Dst(Y)$ and a random |
variable $r\colon Y\rightarrow \R$ on its codomain $Y$, then we can |
transform it --- or pull it back --- into a random variable on its |
domain $X$. We write this pulled back random variable as $c \ll r |
\colon X \rightarrow \R$. It is defined as: |
\begin{equation} |
\label{eqn:discrandvartransform} |
\begin{array}{rcccl} |
\big(c \ll r\big)(x) |
& \coloneqq & |
c(x) \models r |
& = & |
\displaystyle\sum_{y\in Y} c(x)(y)\cdot r(y). |
\end{array} |
\end{equation} |
\noindent This operation $\ll$ interacts nicely with composition |
$\after$ of channels, in the sense that $(d\after c) \ll r = c \ll (d |
\ll r)$. Moreover, the validity $\omega \models c \ll r$ is the same |
as the validity $c\gg \omega\models r$, where $\gg$ is state |
transformation, see~\eqref{eqn:discstatransf}. |
If a validity $\omega\models r$ is non-zero, then we can define the |
\emph{updated} or \emph{conditioned} state $\omega|_{r} \in \Dst(X)$ |
via: |
\begin{equation} |
\label{eqn:discconditioning} |
\begin{array}{rclcrcl} |
\big(\omega|_{r}\big)(x) |
& \coloneqq & |
\displaystyle\frac{\omega(x)\cdot r(x)}{\omega\models r} |
& \qquad\mbox{that is}\qquad & |
\omega|_{r} |
& = & |
\displaystyle\sum_{x\in X} |
\frac{\omega(x)\cdot r(x)}{\omega\models r}\bigket{x}. |
\end{array} |
\end{equation} |
\noindent The first formulation describes the updated distribution |
$\omega|_{r}$ as a probability mass function, whereas the second one |
uses a formal convex sum. |
It is not hard to see that successive updates commute and can be |
reduced to a single update via $\andthen$, as in: |
\begin{equation} |
\label{eqn:discconditioningand} |
\begin{array}{rcccccl} |
\big(\omega|_{r}\big)|_{s} |
& = & |
\omega|_{r\andthen s} |
& = & |
\omega|_{s\andthen r} |
& = & |
\big(\omega|_{s}\big)|_{r}. |
\end{array} |
\end{equation} |
\noindent One can multiply a random variable $r\colon X \rightarrow |
\R$ with a scalar $a\in\R$, pointwise, giving a new random variable |
$a\cdot r \colon X \rightarrow \R$. When $a\neq 0$ it disappears from |
updating: |
\begin{equation} |
\label{eqn:discconditioningscal} |
\begin{array}{rcl} |
\omega|_{a\cdot r} |
& = & |
\omega|_{r}. |
\end{array} |
\end{equation} |
\begin{proposition} |
\label{prop:conjpriorpointupdate} |
Assume that composable channels $\smash{P \stackrel{c}{\rightarrow} X |
\stackrel{d}{\rightarrow} O}$ for the discrete distribution monad |
$\Dst$ are given, where $c$ is conjugate prior to $d$, say via |
$h\colon P \times O \rightarrow P$. The distribution for the updated |
parameter $h(p,y)$ is then an update of the distribution for the |
original parameter $p$, with the pulled-back point predicate for the |
observation $y$, as in: |
\[ \begin{array}{rcl} |
c\big(h(p,y)\big) |
& = & |
c(p)\big|_{d \ll \indic{\{y\}}}. |
\end{array} \] |
\end{proposition} |
\begin{myproof} |
We first notice that the pulled-back singleton predicate $d \ll |
\indic{\{y\}} \colon X \rightarrow \R$ is: |
\[ \begin{array}{rcccl} |
(d \ll \indic{\{y\}})(x) |
& \smash{\stackrel{\eqref{eqn:discrandvartransform}}{=}} & |
\displaystyle\sum_{z\in Y} d(x)(z) \cdot \indic{\{y\}}(z) |
& = & |
d(x)(y). |
\end{array} \] |
\noindent Theorem~\ref{thm:conjugateinversion} tells us that |
$c\big(h(p,y)\big)$ is obtained via the Bayesian inversion of $d$, so |
that: |
\[ \begin{array}[b]{rcl} |
c\big(h(p,y)\big)(x) |
& = & |
d^{\dag}_{c(p)}(y)(x) |
\\[+0.4em] |
& \smash{\stackrel{\eqref{eqn:discreteinversion}}{=}} & |
\displaystyle\frac{c(p)(x)\cdot d(x)(y)}{\sum_{z} c(p)(z)\cdot d(z)(y)} |
\\[+1em] |
& = & |
\displaystyle\frac{c(p)(x)\cdot (d \ll \indic{\{y\}})(x)} |
{\sum_{z} c(p)(z)\cdot (d \ll \indic{\{y\}})(z)} |
\qquad \mbox{as just noted} |
\\[+1em] |
& = & |
\displaystyle\frac{c(p)(x)\cdot (d \ll \indic{\{y\}})(x)} |
{c(p) \models d \ll \indic{\{y\}}} |
\\ |
& \smash{\stackrel{\eqref{eqn:discconditioning}}{=}} & |
c(p)\big|_{d \ll \indic{\{y\}}}. |
\end{array} \eqno{\QEDbox} \] |
\end{myproof} |
In fact, what we are using here is that the Bayesian inversion |
$c^{\dag}_{\omega}$ defined in~\eqref{eqn:discreteinversion} is an |
update: $c^{\dag}_{\omega} = \omega|_{c \ll \indic{\{y\}}}$. |
\subsection{Continuous updating} |
We now present the analogous story for continuous probability. A |
\emph{random variable} on a measurable space $X$ is a measurable |
function $X\rightarrow \R$. It is called a \emph{predicate} if it |
restricts to $X\rightarrow [0,1]$. These random variables (and |
predicates) are closed under $\andthen$ and scalar multiplication, |
defined via pointwise multiplication. In the continuous case one |
typically has no point predicates. |
Given a measure/state $\omega\in\Giry(X)$ and a random variable |
$r\colon X \rightarrow \R$ we define the validity $\omega\models r$ |
again as expected value: |
\begin{equation} |
\label{eqn:contvalidity} |
\begin{array}{rcl} |
\omega\models r |
& \;\coloneqq\; & |
\displaystyle\int r \intd\omega. |
\end{array} |
\end{equation} |
\noindent This allows us to define transformation of a random |
variable, backwards along a channel: for a channel $c\colon |
X\rightarrow \Giry(Y)$ and a random variable $r\colon Y\rightarrow \R$ |
we write $c \ll r \colon X \rightarrow \R$ for the pulled-back random |
variable defined by: |
\begin{equation} |
\label{eqn:contrandvartransform} |
\begin{array}{rcccl} |
\big(c \ll r\big)(x) |
& \coloneqq & |
c(x) \models r |
& = & |
\displaystyle\int r \intd\, c(x). |
\end{array} |
\end{equation} |
\noindent The update $\omega|_{r}\in\Giry(X)$ of a state |
$\omega\in\Giry(X)$ with a random variable $r\colon X \rightarrow \R$ |
is defined on a measurable subset $M\subseteq X$ as: |
\begin{equation} |
\label{eqn:contconditioning} |
\begin{array}{rcccccl} |
\big(\omega|_{r}\big)(M) |
& \coloneqq & |
\displaystyle\frac{\int_{M} r \intd\omega}{\int r \intd\omega} |
& = & |
\displaystyle\frac{\int_{M} r \intd\omega}{\omega\models r} |
& = & |
\displaystyle\int_{M}\frac{r}{\omega\models r} \intd\omega. |
\end{array} |
\end{equation} |
\noindent If $\omega = \int f$ for a pdf $f$, this becomes: |
\begin{equation} |
\label{eqn:contconditioningpdf} |
\begin{array}{rcccccl} |
\big(\omega|_{r}\big)(M) |
& \coloneqq & |
\displaystyle\frac{\int_{M} f(x) \cdot r(x) \intd x} |
{\int f(x) \cdot r(x) \intd x} |
& = & |
\displaystyle\frac{\int_{M} f(x) \cdot r(x) \intd x}{\omega\models r} |
& = & |
\displaystyle\int_{M} \frac{f(x) \cdot r(x)}{\omega\models r} \intd x. |
\end{array} |
\end{equation} |
\noindent The latter formulation shows that the pdf of $\omega|_{r}$ |
is the function $x \mapsto \frac{f(x) \cdot r(x)}{\omega\models r}$. |
Updating in the continuous case also satisfies the multiple-update and |
scalar properties~\eqref{eqn:discconditioningand} and |
~\eqref{eqn:discconditioningscal}. |
Again we redescribe conjugate priors in terms of updating. |
\begin{proposition} |
\label{prop:contpriorpointupdate} |
Let $\smash{P \stackrel{c}{\rightarrow} X \stackrel{d}{\rightarrow} |
O}$ be channels for the Giry monad $\Giry$, where $c$ and $d$ are |
pdf-channels $c = \int u$ and $d = \int v$, for $u\colon P\times X |
\rightarrow \R_{\geq 0}$ and $v\colon X\times O \rightarrow \R_{\geq |
0}$. Assume that $c$ be conjugate prior to $d$ via $h\colon P |
\times O \rightarrow P$. Then: |
\[ \begin{array}{rcl} |
c\big(h(p,y)\big) |
& = & |
c(p)\big|_{v(-,y)}, |
\end{array} \] |
\noindent where $v(-,y) \colon O \rightarrow \R$ is used as random |
variable on $O$. |
\end{proposition} |
\begin{myproof} |
Theorem~\ref{thm:conjugateinversion} gives the first step in: |
\[ \begin{array}[b]{rcl} |
c\big(h(p,y)\big)(M) |
& = & |
d^{\dag}_{c(p)}(y)(M) |
\\[+0.4em] |
& \smash{\stackrel{\eqref{eqn:continuousinversion}}{=}} & |
\displaystyle\frac{\int_{M} u(p,x)\cdot v(x,y) \intd x} |
{\int u(p,x) \cdot v(x,y) \intd x} |
\\[+1em] |
& = & |
\displaystyle\frac{\int_{M} u(p,x)\cdot v(x,y) \intd x} |
{c(p) \models v(-,y)} |
\\ |
& \smash{\stackrel{\eqref{eqn:contconditioningpdf}}{=}} & |
c(p)\big|_{v(-,y)}(M). |
\end{array} \eqno{\QEDbox} \] |
\end{myproof} |
The previous two propositions deal with two \emph{discrete} channels |
$c,d$ (for $\Dst$) or with two \emph{continuous} channels (for |
$\Giry$). But the update approach also works for mixed channels, |
technically because $\Dst$ is a submonad of $\Giry$. We shall not |
elaborate these details but give illustrations instead. |
\begin{example} |
\label{ex:betaflipupdate} |
We shall have another look at the $\betachan - \flipchan$ conjugate |
prior situation from Example~\ref{ex:betaflip}. We claim that the |
essence of these channels being conjugate prior, via the parameter |
translation function~\eqref{eqn:betaflipfun}, can be expressed via the |
following two state update equations: |
\begin{equation} |
\label{eqn:betaflipupdateeqn} |
\begin{array}{rcl} |
\betachan(\alpha,\beta)\big|_{\flipchan \ll \indic{\{1\}}} |
& = & |
\betachan(\alpha+1,\beta) |
\\ |
\betachan(\alpha,\beta)\big|_{\flipchan \ll \indic{\{0\}}} |
& = & |
\betachan(\alpha,\beta+1). |
\end{array} |
\end{equation} |
\noindent These equations follow from what we have proven above. But |
we choose to re-prove them here in order to illustrate how updating |
works concretely. First note that for a parameter $x\in [0,1]$ we have |
predicate values $\big(\flipchan \ll \indic{\{1\}}\big)(x) = x$ and |
$\big(\flipchan \ll \indic{\{0\}}\big)(x) = 1-x$. Then: |
\[ \begin{array}{rcl} |
\betachan(\alpha,\beta) \models \flipchan \ll \indic{\{1\}} |
\hspace*{\arraycolsep}\smash{\stackrel{\eqref{eqn:beta}}{=}}\hspace*{\arraycolsep} |
\displaystyle\int x\cdot \frac{x^{\alpha-1}(1-x)^{\beta-1}}{B(\alpha,\beta)}\intd x |
& = & |
\displaystyle\frac{\int x^{\alpha}(1-x)^{\beta-1}\intd x}{B(\alpha,\beta)} |
\\[+0.8em] |
& = & |
\displaystyle\frac{B(\alpha+1,\beta)}{B(\alpha,\beta)}. |
\end{array} \] |
\noindent Thus, using~\eqref{eqn:contconditioningpdf}, we obtain |
the first equation in~\eqref{eqn:betaflipupdateeqn}: |
\[ \begin{array}{rcl} |
\betachan(\alpha,\beta)\big|_{\flipchan \ll \indic{\{1\}}}(M) |
& = & |
\displaystyle\frac{B(\alpha,\beta)}{B(\alpha+1,\beta)} \cdot |
\int_{M} x\cdot \frac{x^{\alpha-1}(1-x)^{\beta-1}}{B(\alpha,\beta)}\intd x |
\\[+0.8em] |
& = & |
\displaystyle\int_{M} \frac{x^{\alpha}(1-x)^{\beta-1}}{B(\alpha+1,\beta)}\intd x |
\\ |
& = & |
\betachan(\alpha+1,\beta)(M). |
\end{array} \] |
In a similar way we can capture the $\betachan - \binomchan$ conjugate |
priorship from Example~\ref{ex:betabinom} as update equation: |
\begin{equation} |
\label{eqn:betabinomupdateeqn} |
\begin{array}{rcl} |
\betachan(\alpha,\beta)\big|_{\binomchan_{n} \ll \indic{\{i\}}} |
& = & |
\betachan(\alpha+i, \beta+n-i). |
\end{array} |
\end{equation} |
\noindent This equation, and also~\eqref{eqn:betaflipupdateeqn}, |
hightlight the original ideal behind conjugate priors, expressed |
informally in many places in the literature as: we have a class of |
distributions --- $\betachan$ in this case --- which is closed under |
updates in a particular statistiscal model --- $\flipchan$ or |
$\binomchan$ in these cases. |
\end{example} |
These update formulations~\eqref{eqn:betabinomupdateeqn} |
and~\eqref{eqn:betaflipupdateeqn} may be useful when trying to find a |
parameter translation function: one can start calculating the state |
update on the left-hand-side, using |
formulas~\eqref{eqn:discconditioning} |
and~\eqref{eqn:contconditioning}, hoping that a distribution of the |
same form appears (but with different parameters). |
\section{Multiple updates}\label{sec:multiple} |
So far we have dealt with the situation where there is a single |
observation $y\in O$ that leads to an update of a prior |
distribution. In this final section we briefly look at how to handle |
multiple observations $y_{1}, \ldots, y_{m}$. This is what typically |
happens in practice; it will lead to the notion of \emph{sufficient |
statistic}. |
A good starting point is the $\betachan - \flipchan$ relationship from |
Example~\ref{ex:betaflip} and~\ref{ex:betaflipupdate}, especially in |
its snappy update form~\eqref{eqn:betaflipupdateeqn}. Suppose we have |
multiple head/tail observations $y_{1}, \ldots, y_{m} \in 2 = \{0,1\}$ |
which we wish to incorporate into a prior distribution |
$\betachan(\alpha,\beta)$. Following |
Equation~\eqref{eqn:betaflipupdateeqn} we use multiple updates, on the |
left below, which can be rewritten as a single update, on the |
right-hand-side of the equation via conjunction $\andthen$, |
using~\eqref{eqn:discconditioningand}: |
\[ \begin{array}{rcl} |
\lefteqn{\betachan(\alpha,\beta)\big|_{\flipchan \ll \indic{\{y_1\}}} |
\big|_{\flipchan \ll \indic{\{y_2\}}} \;\cdots\; \big|_{\flipchan \ll \indic{\{y_m\}}}} |
\\ |
& = & |
\betachan(\alpha,\beta)\big|_{(\flipchan \ll \indic{\{y_1\}}) \,\andthen\, |
(\flipchan \ll \indic{\{y_2\}}) \,\andthen\; \cdots \;\andthen\, |
(\flipchan \ll \indic{\{y_m\}})}. |
\end{array} \] |
\noindent The $m$-ary conjunction predicate in the latter expression |
amounts to $q(x) = x^{n_1}(1-x)^{n_0}$ where $n_{1} = \sum_{i} y_{i}$ |
is the number of $1$'s among the observation $y_i$ and $n_{0} = |
\sum_{i} (1-y_{i})$ is the number of $0$'s, see |
Example~\ref{ex:betaflipupdate}. Of course the outcome is |
$\betachan(\alpha+n_{1}, \beta+n_{0})$. The question that is relevant |
in this setting is: can a random variable $p(y_{1}, \ldots, y_{m})$ |
with many parameters somehow be simplified, like in $q$ above. This is |
where the notion of sufficient statistic arises, see |
\textit{e.g.}~\cite{Koopman36,Bishop06}. |
\begin{definition} |
\label{def:sufstat} |
Let $p\colon X\times O^{m} \rightarrow \R$ be a random variable, with |
$1+m$ inputs. A \emph{sufficient statistic} for $p$ is a triple of |
functions |
\[ \xymatrix{ |
O^{m}\ar[r]^-{s} & \R |
\qquad\quad |
O^{m}\ar[r]^-{t} & Z |
\qquad\quad |
X\times Z\ar[r]^-{q} & \R |
} \] |
\noindent so that $p$ can be written as: |
\begin{equation} |
\label{eqn:sufstat} |
\begin{array}{rcl} |
p(x, y_{1}, \ldots, y_{m}) |
& = & |
s(y_{1}, \ldots, y_{m}) \cdot q\big(x, t(y_{1}, \ldots, y_{m})\big). |
\end{array} |
\end{equation} |
\end{definition} |
In the above $\betachan$ example we would like to simplify the big |
conjunction random variable: |
\[ \begin{array}{rcl} |
p(x, y_{1}, \ldots, y_{m}) |
& = & |
\Big((\flipchan \ll \indic{\{y_1\}}) \,\andthen\; \cdots \;\andthen\, |
(\flipchan \ll \indic{\{y_m\}})\Big)(x). |
\end{array} \] |
\noindent We can take $Z = \NNO\times\NNO$ with $t(y_{1}, \ldots, |
y_{m}) = (n_{1}, n_{0})$, where $n_1$ and $n_{0}$ are the number of |
$1$'s and $0$'s in the $y_i$. Then $q(x, n, n') = x^{n}(1-x)^{n'}$. |
The function $s$ is trivial and sends everything to $1$. |
A sufficient statistic thus summarises, esp.\ via the function $t$, |
the essential aspects of a list of observations, in order to simplify |
the update. In the coin example, these essential aspects are the |
numbers of $1$'s and $0$'s (that is, of heads and tails). In these |
situations the conjunction predicate --- like $p$ above --- is usally |
called a \emph{likelihood}. |
The big advantage of writing a random variable $p$ in the form |
of~\eqref{eqn:sufstat} is that updating with $p$ can be |
simplified. Let $\omega$ be a distribution on $X$, either discrete or |
continuous. Then, writing $\vec{y} = (y_{1}, \ldots, y_{m})$ we get: |
\[ \begin{array}{rcccl} |
\omega|_{p(-,\vec{y})} |
& = & |
\omega|_{s(\vec{y})\cdot q(-,t(\vec{y}))} |
& = & |
\omega|_{q(-,t(\vec{y}))}. |
\end{array} \] |
\noindent The factor $s(\vec{y})$ drops out because it works |
like a scalar, see~\eqref{eqn:discconditioningscal}. |
We conclude this section with a standard example of a sufficient |
statistic (see \textit{e.g.}~\cite{Bishop06}), for a conjunction |
expression arising from multiple updates. |
\begin{example} |
\label{ex:normnormstat} |
Recall the $\normchan - \normchan$ conjugate priorship from |
Example~\ref{ex:normnorm}. The first channel there has the form |
$\normchan = \int u$, for $u(\mu,\sigma,x) = |
\nicefrac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}\sigma}\cdot |
e^{-\nicefrac{(x-\mu)^{2}}{2\sigma^2}}$. The second channel is |
$\normchan(-,\nu) = \int v$, for a fixed `noise' factor $\nu$, where |
$v(x,y) = \nicefrac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}\nu}\cdot |
e^{-\nicefrac{(y-x)^{2}}{2\nu^2}}$. Let's assume that we have |
observations $y_{1}, \ldots, y_{m} \in \R_{> 0}$ which we like to use |
to iteratively update the prior distribution $\normchan(\mu,\sigma)$. |
Following Proposition~\ref{prop:contpriorpointupdate} we |
can describe these updates as: |
\[ \begin{array}{rcl} |
\normchan(\mu,\sigma)\big|_{v(-,y_1)} \;\cdots\; \big|_{v(-,y_m)} |
& = & |
\normchan(\mu,\sigma)\big|_{v(-,y_1) \,\andthen \;\cdots\; \andthen\,v(-,y_m)}. |
\end{array} \] |
\noindent Thus we are interested in finding a sufficient statistics |
for the predicate: |
\[ \begin{array}{rcl} |
p(x,y_{1}, \ldots, y_{m}) |
& \coloneqq & |
\Big(v(-,y_1) \,\andthen \;\cdots\; \andthen\,v(-,y_m)\Big)(x) |
\\ |
& = & |
v(x,y_{1}) \cdot \;\cdots\; \cdot v(x,y_{m}) |
\\ |
& = & |
\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}\nu}\cdot e^{-\frac{(y_{1}-x)^{2}}{2\nu^{2}}} \;\cdots\; |
\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}\nu}\cdot e^{-\frac{(y_{m}-x)^{2}}{2\nu^{2}}} |
\\ |
& = & |
\frac{1}{(\sqrt{2\pi}\nu)^{m}}\cdot e^{-\frac{\sum_{i}(y_{i}-x)^{2}}{2\nu^2}} |
\\ |
& = & |
\frac{1}{(\sqrt{2\pi}\nu)^{m}}\cdot e^{-\frac{\sum_{i}y_{i}^{2}}{2\nu^2}} |
\cdot e^{\frac{2(\sum_{i}y_{i})x-mx^{2}}{2\nu^2}} |
\\ |
& = & |
s(y_{1}, \ldots, y_{m}) \cdot q\big(x, t(y_{1}, \ldots, y_{m})\big), |
\end{array} \] |
\noindent for functions $s,t,q$ given by: |
\[ \begin{array}{rclcrclcrcl} |
s(y_{1}, \ldots, y_{m}) |
& = & |
\frac{1}{(\sqrt{2\pi}\nu)^{m}}\cdot e^{-\frac{\sum_{i}y_{i}^{2}}{2\nu^2}} |
& \quad & |
t(y_{1}, \ldots, y_{m}) |
& = & |
\sum_{i}x_{i} |
& \quad & |
q(x, z) |
& = & |
e^{\frac{2zx-mx^{2}}{2\nu^2}}. |
\end{array} \] |
\end{example} |
\section{Conclusions}\label{sec:conclusions} |
This paper contains a novel view on conjugate priors, using the |
concept of channel in a systematic manner. It has introduced a precise |
definition for conjugate priorship, using a pair of composable |
channels $P\rightarrow X\rightarrow O$ and a parameter translation |
function $P\times O \rightarrow P$, satisfying a non-trivial equation, |
see Definition~\ref{def:conjugateprior}. It has been shown that this |
equation holds for several standard conjugate prior examples. There |
are many more examples, that have not been checked here. One can be |
confident that the same equation holds for those unchecked examples |
too, since it has been shown here that conjugate priors amount to |
Bayesian inversions. This inversion property is the essential |
characteristic for conjugate priors. It has been re-formulated in |
logical terms, so that the closure property of a class of priors under |
updating is highlighted. |
\appendix |
\section{Calculation laws for Giry-Kleisli maps with |
pdf's}\label{sec:calculation} |
We assume that for a probability distribution (state) |
$\omega\in\Giry(X)$ and a measurable function $f\colon X \rightarrow |
\R_{\geq 0}$ the integral $\int f \intd \omega \in [0,\infty]$ can be |
defined as a limit of integrals over simple functions that approximate |
$f$. We shall follow the description of~\cite{Jacobs13a}, to which we |
refer for details\footnote{In~\cite{Jacobs13a} integration $\int |
f\intd \omega$ is defined only for $[0,1]$-valued functions $f$, but |
that does not matter for the relevant equations, except that |
integrals may not exist for $\R_{\geq 0}$-valued functions (or have |
value $\infty$). These integrals are determined by their valued |
$\int \indic{M}\intd \omega = \omega(M)$ on indicator functions |
$\indic{M}$ for measurable subsets, via continuous and linear |
extensions, see also~\cite{JacobsW15a}.}. This integration |
satisfies the Fubini property, which can be formulated, for states |
$\omega\in\Giry(X)$, $\rho\in\Giry(Y)$ and measurable function |
$h\colon X\times Y \rightarrow \R_{\geq 0}$, as: |
\begin{equation} |
\label{eqn:productpdfintegration} |
\begin{array}{rcl} |
\displaystyle\int h \intd (\omega\otimes\rho) |
& = & |
\displaystyle\int \int h \intd \omega \intd\rho. |
\end{array} |
\end{equation} |
\noindent The product state $\omega\otimes\rho \in \Giry(X\times Y)$ |
is defined by $(\omega\otimes\rho)(M\times N) = |
\omega(M)\cdot\rho(N)$. |
\begin{Auxproof} |
It suffices to consider the special cases where $g = \indic{M}$ and |
$h = \indic{M\times N}$, in: |
\[ \begin{array}{rcl} |
\displaystyle \int \indic{M} \intd \omega |
& = & |
\omega(\indic{M}) |
\\ |
& = & |
\displaystyle \int_{M} f(x)\intd x |
\\ |
& = & |
\displaystyle\int f(x) \cdot \indic{M}(x) \intd x |
\\ |
& = & |
\displaystyle\int f(x) \cdot g(x) \intd x |
\\ |
\displaystyle \int \indic{M\times N} \intd (\omega\otimes\rho) |
& = & |
(\omega\otimes\rho)(M\times N) |
\\ |
& = & |
\omega(M) \cdot \rho(N) |
\\ |
& = & |
\big(\displaystyle\int_{M} f(x) \intd x\big)\cdot |
\big(\displaystyle \int \indic{N} \intd \rho\big) |
\\ |
& = & |
\displaystyle \int \big(\displaystyle\int_{M} f(x) \intd x\big)\cdot \indic{N} |
\intd \rho |
\\ |
& = & |
\displaystyle \int \int \indic{M}(x)\cdot f(x)\cdot \indic{N} \intd x |
\intd \rho |
\\ |
& = & |
\displaystyle \int \int \indic{M\times N}(x,-)\cdot f(x) \intd x \intd \rho |
\\ |
& = & |
\displaystyle \int \int h(x,-)\cdot f(x) \intd x \intd \rho. |
\end{array} \] |
\end{Auxproof} |
\subsection{States via pdf's}\label{subsec:stateviapdf} |
For a subset $X\subseteq \R$, a measurable function $f\colon X |
\rightarrow \R_{\geq 0}$ is called a probability density function |
(pdf) for a state $\omega\in\Giry(X)$ if $\omega(M) = \int_{M} f(x) |
\intd x$ for each measurable subset $M\subseteq X$. In that case we |
simply write $\omega = \int f(x) \intd x$, or even $\omega = \int |
f$. If $\omega$ is given by such a pdf $f$, integration with state |
$\omega$ can be described as: |
\begin{equation} |
\label{eqn:pdfintegration} |
\begin{array}{rcl} |
\displaystyle\int g \intd \omega |
& = & |
\displaystyle\int f(x)\cdot g(x) \intd x. |
\end{array} |
\end{equation} |
\subsection{Channels via pdf's}\label{subsec:channelviapdf} |
Let channel $c\colon X \rightarrow \Giry(Y)$ be given as $c = \int u$ |
by pdf $u\colon X\times Y \rightarrow \R_{\geq 0}$ as $c(x)(N) = |
\int_{N} u(x,y) \intd y$, for each $x\in X$ and measurable $N\subseteq |
Y$, like in~\eqref{eqn:channelfrompdf}. If $\omega = \int f$ is a |
state on $X$, then state transformation $c \gg \omega \in \Giry(Y)$ |
is given by: |
\begin{equation} |
\label{eqn:pdfstatetransformation} |
\hspace*{-0.8em}\begin{array}{rcl} |
(c \gg \omega)(N) |
\hspace*{\arraycolsep}\smash{\stackrel{\eqref{eqn:statetransformation}}{=}}\hspace*{\arraycolsep} |
\displaystyle \int c(-)(N) \intd \omega |
& \smash{\stackrel{\eqref{eqn:pdfintegration}}{=}} & |
\displaystyle \int f(x) \cdot c(x)(N) \intd x |
\\ |
& = & |
\displaystyle \int_{N} \int f(x) \cdot u(x,y) \intd x \intd y. |
\end{array} |
\end{equation} |
\noindent Hence the pdf of the transformed state $c \gg \omega$ is $y |
\mapsto \int f(x) \cdot u(x,y) \intd x$. |
Given a channel $d \colon Y \rightarrow \Giry(Z)$, say with $d = \int |
v$, then sequential channel composition $d \after c$ is given, for |
$x\in X$ and $K\subseteq Z$, by: |
\begin{equation} |
\label{eqn:pdfseqcomposition} |
\begin{array}{rcl} |
(d \after c)(x)(K) |
\hspace*{\arraycolsep}\smash{\stackrel{\eqref{eqn:continuouscomposition}}{=}}\hspace*{\arraycolsep} |
\displaystyle \int d(-)(K) \intd c(x) |
& \smash{\stackrel{\eqref{eqn:pdfintegration}}{=}} & |
\displaystyle \int u(x,y) \cdot d(y)(K) \intd y |
\\ |
& = & |
\displaystyle \int_{K} \int u(x,y) \cdot v(y,z) \intd y \intd z |
\end{array} |
\end{equation} |
\noindent We see that the pdf of the channel $d \after c$ is $(x,z) |
\mapsto \int u(x,y) \cdot v(y,z) \intd y$. |
For a channel $e = \int w \colon A \rightarrow \Giry(B)$ we get |
a parallel composition channel $c\otimes e \colon X\times A |
\rightarrow \Giry(Y\times B)$ given by: |
\begin{equation} |
\label{eqn:pdfparcomposition} |
\begin{array}{rcl} |
(c \otimes e)(x,a)(M\times N) |
& = & |
c(x)(M) \otimes e(a)(N) |
\\ |
& = & |
\displaystyle\big(\int_{M} u(x,y)\intd y\big)\cdot |
\big(\int_{N} w(a,b) \intd b\big) |
\\[0.8em] |
& = & |
\displaystyle \int_{M\times N} u(x,y)\cdot w(a,b) \intd (y,b). |
\end{array} |
\end{equation} |
\noindent Hence the pdf of the channel $c\otimes d$ is $(x,a,y,b) |
\mapsto u(x,y)\cdot w(a,b)$. |
\subsection{Graph channels and pdf's}\label{subsec:graphandpdf} |
For a channel $c\colon X \rightarrow \Giry(Y)$ we can form `graph' |
channels $\tuple{\idmap,c} = (\idmap\otimes c) \after \copier \colon X |
\rightarrow \Giry(X\times Y)$ and $\tuple{c,\idmap} = (c\otimes\idmap) |
\after \copier \colon X \rightarrow \Giry(Y\times X)$. For $x\in X$ we |
have: |
\begin{equation} |
\label{eqn:graphequation} |
\begin{array}{rclcrcl} |
\tuple{\idmap,c}(x) |
& = & |
\eta(x)\otimes c(x) |
& \qquad\mbox{and}\qquad & |
\tuple{c,\idmap}(x) |
& = & |
c(x) \otimes \eta(x). |
\end{array} |
\end{equation} |
\begin{Auxproof} |
\[ \begin{array}{rcl} |
\tuple{\idmap, c}(x)(M\times N) |
& = & |
\big(\st_{2} \after (\idmap\times c) \after \Delta\big)(x)(M\times N) |
\\ |
& = & |
\big(\dst \after (\eta\times c) \after \Delta\big)(x)(M\times N) |
\\ |
& = & |
\dst\big((\eta\times c)(x,x)\big)(M\times N) |
\\ |
& = & |
\dst\big(\eta(x), c(x)\big)(M\times N) |
\\ |
& = & |
\eta(x)(M) \cdot c(x)(N) |
\\ |
& = & |
\big(\eta(x) \otimes c(x)\big)(M\times N). |
\end{array} \] |
\end{Auxproof} |
\noindent If $c = \int u$ and $\omega = \int f$ is a state on $X$, then: |
\begin{equation} |
\label{eqn:pdfgraphstatetransformation} |
\begin{array}{rcl} |
(\tuple{\idmap,c} \gg \omega)(M\times N) |
& \smash{\stackrel{\eqref{eqn:pdfintegration}}{=}} & |
\displaystyle \int f(x) \cdot \tuple{\idmap,c}(x)(M\times N) \intd x |
\\ |
& \smash{\stackrel{\eqref{eqn:graphequation}}{=}} & |
\displaystyle \int f(x) \cdot \eta(x)(M) \cdot c(x)(N) \intd x |
\\ |
& = & |
\displaystyle \int_{N} \int_{M} f(x) \cdot u(x,y) \intd x \intd y. |
\end{array} |
\end{equation} |
\noindent We also consider the situation where $d\colon X\times Y |
\rightarrow \Giry(Z)$ is of the form $d = \int v$, with composition: |
\begin{equation} |
\label{eqn:pdfgraphcomposition} |
\begin{array}{rcl} |
\big(d \after \tuple{\idmap,c}\big)(x)(K) |
& \smash{\stackrel{\eqref{eqn:graphequation}}{=}} & |
\displaystyle \int d(-)(K) \intd (\eta(x)\otimes c(x)) |
\\ |
& \smash{\stackrel{\eqref{eqn:productpdfintegration}}{=}} & |
\displaystyle \int d(-)(K) \intd \eta(x) \intd c(x) |
\\ |
& = & |
\displaystyle \int d(x,-)(K) \intd c(x) |
\\ |
& \smash{\stackrel{\eqref{eqn:pdfintegration}}{=}} & |
\displaystyle \int u(x,y) \cdot d(x,y)(K) \intd y |
\\ |
& = & |
\displaystyle \int_{K} \int u(x,y) \cdot v(x,y,z) \intd y \intd z. |
\end{array} |
\end{equation} |
\noindent Hence the pdf of the channel $d \after \tuple{\idmap,c}$ |
is $(x,z) \mapsto \int u(x,y) \cdot v(x,y,z) \intd y$. |
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