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\newcommand{\dcnn}[4]{#4\mathfont{D}{{}^{{#1}}_{{#2} \star {#3}} } } |
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\title{Efficiently Trainable Text-to-Speech System Based on \\Deep Convolutional Networks With Guided Attention} |
\twoauthors {Hideyuki Tachibana,~~Katsuya Uenoyama}{PKSHA Technology, Inc.\\Bunkyo, Tokyo, Japan\\{\large\url{h_tachibana@pkshatech.com}}}{Shunsuke Aihara}{Independent Researcher\\Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan\\{\large\url{aihara@argmax.jp}}}\copyrightnotice{\copyright\ IEEE 2018.} |
\toappear{Published as a conference paper at ICASSP 2018, Calgary, Canada} |
\begin{document} |
\ninept |
\maketitle |
\mycopyrightnotice |
\begin{abstract} |
This paper describes a novel text-to-speech (TTS) technique based on deep convolutional neural networks (CNN), |
without use of any recurrent units. |
Recurrent neural networks (RNN) have become a standard technique to model sequential data recently, |
and this technique has been used in some cutting-edge neural TTS techniques. |
However, training RNN components often requires a very powerful computer, |
or a very long time, typically several days or weeks. |
Recent other studies, on the other hand, have shown that CNN-based sequence synthesis can be much faster than RNN-based techniques, |
because of high parallelizability. |
The objective of this paper is to show that an alternative neural TTS based only on CNN |
alleviate these economic costs of training. |
In our experiment, the proposed Deep Convolutional TTS was sufficiently trained overnight (15 hours), |
using an ordinary gaming PC equipped with two GPUs, while the quality of the synthesized speech was almost acceptable. |
\end{abstract} |
\begin{keywords} |
Text-to-speech, deep learning, convolutional neural network, attention, sequence-to-sequence learning. |
\end{keywords} |
\section{Introduction}\label{sec:intro} |
Text-to-speech (TTS) is getting more and more common recently, |
and is getting to be a basic user interface for many systems. |
To further promote the use of TTS in various systems, |
it is significant to develop a manageable, maintainable, and extensible TTS component that is accessible to speech non-specialists, |
enterprising individuals and small teams. |
Traditional TTS systems, however, are not necessarily friendly for them, |
since they are typically composed of many domain-specific modules. |
For example, a typical parametric TTS system is an elaborate integration of many modules e.g.{} a text analyzer, an $F_0$ generator, |
a spectrum generator, a pause estimator, and a vocoder that synthesize a waveform from these data, etc. |
Deep learning~\cite{dlbook} may integrate these internal building blocks into a single model, |
and connects the input and the output directly. This type of technique is sometimes called `end-to-end' learning. |
Although such a technique is sometimes criticized as `a black box,' |
an end-to-end TTS system named Tacotron~\cite{Tacotron2017}, |
which directly estimates a spectrogram from an input text, |
has achieved promising performance recently, |
without using hand-engineered parametric models based on domain-specific knowledge. |
Tacotron, however, has a drawback that it uses many recurrent units which are quite costly to train. |
It is almost infeasible for ordinary labs who do not have luxurious machines to study and extend it further. |
In fact, some people tried to implement open clones of Tacotron~\cite{tacotron:open1,tacotron:open2,tacotron:open3,tacotron:open4}, |
but they are struggling to reproduce the speech of satisfactory quality as clear as the original results. |
The purpose of this paper is to show Deep Convolutional TTS (DCTTS), a novel fully convolutional neural TTS. |
The architecture is largely similar to Tacotron~\cite{Tacotron2017}, |
but is based on a fully convolutional sequence-to-sequence learning model similar to the literature \cite{cs2s}. |
We show that this fully convolutional TTS actually works in a reasonable setting. |
The contribution of this article is twofold: |
(1) Propose a fully CNN-based TTS system |
which can be trained much faster than an |
RNN-based state-of-the-art neural TTS system, while the sound quality is still acceptable. |
(2) An idea to rapidly train the attention module, which we call `guided attention,' is also shown. |
\subsection{Related Work} |
\vspace{-5pt} |
\subsubsection{Deep Learning and TTS} |
Recently, deep learning-based TTS systems have been intensively studied, |
and surprisingly high quality results are obtained in some of recent studies. |
The TTS systems based on deep neural networks include Zen's work~\cite{zenicassp}, |
the studies based on RNN e.g.{}~\cite{rnntts1,rnntts2,rnntts3,rnntts4}, and recently proposed techniques e.g.{} |
WaveNet~\cite[sec.~3.2]{wavenet}, Char2Wav~\cite{char2wav}, DeepVoice1\&2~\cite{deepvoice,deepvoice2}, |
and Tacotron~\cite{Tacotron2017}. |
Some of them tried to reduce the dependency on hand-engineered internal modules. |
The most extreme technique in this trend would be Tacotron~\cite{Tacotron2017}, |
which depends only on mel and linear spectrograms, and not on any other speech features e.g.~$F_0$. |
Our method is close to Tacotron in a sense that it depends only on these spectral representations of audio signals. |
Most of the existing methods above use RNN, a natural technique of time series prediction. |
An exception is WaveNet, which is fully convolutional. |
Our method is also based only on CNN but our usage of CNN would be different from WaveNet, |
as WaveNet is a kind of a vocoder, or a back-end, |
which synthesizes a waveform from some conditioning information that is given by front-end components. |
On the other hand, ours is rather a front-end (and most of back-end processing). |
We use CNN to synthesize a spectrogram, from which a simple vocoder can synthesize a waveform. |
\vspace{-5pt} |
\subsubsection{Sequence to Sequence $($seq2seq$)$ Learning} |
Recently, recurrent neural networks (RNN) have become a standard technique for mapping a sequence to another sequence, |
especially in the field of natural language processing, e.g.{} machine translation~\cite{cho,seq2seq}, dialogue system~\cite{dialoguele,dialogue}, etc. |
See also~\cite[sec.~10.4]{dlbook}. |
RNN-based seq2seq, however, has some disadvantages. |
Firstly, a vanilla encode-decoder model cannot encode too long sequence into a fixed-length vector effectively. |
This problem has been resolved by a mechanism called `attention'~\cite{nmt}, |
and the attention mechanism now has become a standard idea of seq2seq learning techniques; see also~\cite[sec.~]{dlbook}. |
Another problem is that RNN typically requires much time to train, |
since it is less suited for parallel computation using GPUs. |
To overcome this problem, several researchers proposed the use of CNN instead of RNN, e.g.~\cite{Kim2014,Zhang2015a,Kalchbrenner2016,Dauphin2016a,qrnn}. |
Some studies have shown that CNN-based alternative networks can be trained much faster, |
and sometimes can even outperform the RNN-based techniques. |
Gehring et~al.~\cite{cs2s} recently united these two improvements of seq2seq learning. |
They proposed an idea on how to use attention mechanism in a CNN-based seq2seq learning model, |
and showed that the method is quite effective for machine translation. |
The method we proposed is based on the similar idea to the literature~\cite{cs2s}. |
\section{Preliminary} |
\tsume |
\subsection{Basic Knowledge of the Audio Spectrograms} |
An audio waveform and a complex spectrogram $Z = \{Z_{\freq t}\}\in \mathbb{C}^{\Freq' \times T'}$ are |
mutually transformed by linear maps called Short-term Fourier Transform (STFT) and inverse STFT, |
where $\Freq'$ and $T'$ denote the number of frequency bins and temporal bins, respectively. |
It is common to consider only the magnitude $|Z| = \{|Z_{\freq t}|\} \in \mathbb{R}^{\Freq' \times T'}$, |
since it still has useful information for many purposes, |
and that $|Z|$ and $Z$ are almost the same in the sense that there exist many phase estimation |
(i.e.,{} $|Z|$ to $Z$ estimation, and therefore, waveform synthesis) techniques, |
e.g.{} the famous Griffin\&Lim algorithm (GLA)~\cite{gla}; see also e.g.~\cite{wileyphase}. |
We always use RTISI-LA~\cite{Zhu2007}, an online GLA, to synthesize a waveform. |
In this paper, we always normalize STFT spectrograms as $|Z| \gets (|Z|/\max(|Z| ))^\gamma$, |
and convert back $|Z| \gets |Z|^{\eta/\gamma}$ when we finally need to synthesize the waveform, |
where $\gamma, \eta$ are pre- and post-emphasis factors. |
It is also common to consider a mel spectrogram $S \in \mathbb{R}^{\Freq \times T'}$, $(\Freq \ll \Freq')$, |
obtained by applying a mel filter-bank to $|Z|$. |
This is a standard dimension reduction technique for speech processing. |
In this paper, we also reduce the temporal dimensionality from $T'$ to $\lceil T'/4 \rceil =: T$ |
by picking up a time frame every four time frames, |
to accelerate the training of Text2Mel shown below. |
We also normalize mel spectrograms as $S \gets (S/\max(S))^\gamma$. |
\subsection{Notation: Convolution and Highway Activation}\label{notation} |
In this paper, we denote the 1D convolution layer~\cite{convnet} by a space saving notation |
$\cnnbasic{o \gets i}{k}{\dilate}{} (X)$, |
where |
$ i $ is the size of input channel, |
$ o $ is the size of output channel, |
$ k $ is the size of kernel, |
$ \dilate $ is the dilation factor, |
and an argument $X$ is a tensor having three dimensions ({\it batch, channel, temporal}). |
The stride of convolution is always $1$. |
Convolution layers are preceded by appropriately-sized zero padding, whose size is suitably determined by a simple arithmetic |
so that the length of the sequence is kept constant. |
Let us similarly denote the 1D {\it deconvolution} |
layer as $\dcnn{o \gets i}{k}{\dilate}{} (X)$. |
The stride of deconvolution is always $2$ in this paper. |
Let us write a layer composition operator as $\cdot \minicirc \cdot$, and |
let us write networks like |
$\mathfont{F} \minicirc \mathfont{ReLU} \minicirc \mathfont{G} (X) |
:= \mathfont{F}(\mathfont{ReLU} ( \mathfont{G} (X))),$ |
and |
$(\mathfont{F} \minicirc \mathfont{G})^2(X) |
:= \mathfont{F} \minicirc \mathfont{G} \minicirc \mathfont{F} \minicirc \mathfont{G} (X)$, etc. |
$\mathfont{ReLU}$ is an element-wise activation function defined by $\mathfont{ReLU}(x) = \max(x, 0)$. |
Convolution layers are sometimes followed by a Highway Network~\cite{highway}-like gated activation, |
which is advantageous in very deep networks: |
$ |
\mathfont{Highway}(X; \mathfont{L}) = \sigma(H_1) \odot \mathfont{ReLU}(H_2) + (1 - \sigma(H_1)) \odot X, |
$ |
where $H_1, H_2$ are tensors of the same shape as $X$, and are output as $[H_1, H_2]= \mathfont{L}(X)$ by a layer $\mathfont{L}$. |
The operator $\odot$ is the element-wise product, and $\sigma$ is the element-wise sigmoid function. |
Hereafter let us denote |
$ |
\cnn{\channels \gets \channels}{k}{\dilate}{}(X) := \mathfont{Highway} (X; \cnnbasic{2d \gets d}{k}{\dilate}{})$. |
\tsume |
\section{Proposed Network} |
\begin{figure}[!t] |
\centering |
\begin{minipage}[t]{0.95\linewidth} |
\centering |
\centerline{\includegraphics[width=0.85\columnwidth]{fig_0.pdf}} |
\end{minipage} |
\vspace{-10pt} |
\caption{{ Network architecture.}}\label{fig:network} |
\vspace{-5pt} |
\begin{minipage}[t]{0.99\linewidth} |
{ |
\footnotesize |
\hrulefill |
$ |
\textstyle |
\mathsf{TextEnc}(L) := |
( |
\cnn{2d \gets 2d}{1}{1}{1} |
)^2 \minicirc |
( |
\cnn{2d \gets 2d}{3}{1}{1} |
)^2 \minicirc |
( |
\cnn{2d \gets 2d}{3}{27}{1} \minicirc |
\cnn{2d \gets 2d}{3}{9}{1} \minicirc |
\cnn{2d \gets 2d}{3}{3}{1} \minicirc |
\cnn{2d \gets 2d}{3}{1}{1} |
)^2 \minicirc |
\resizetensor{2d \gets 2d}{1}{1}{} \minicirc |
\resizetensor{2d \gets e}{1}{1}{\relu\minicirc}\minicirc |
\mathsf{CharEmbed}^{e\hyphen\text{dim}} |
(L).\label{eq:textenc} |
$ |
\hrulefill |
$ |
\mathsf{AudioEnc}(S) := |
( |
\cnn{d \gets d}{3}{3}{1} |
)^2 \minicirc |
( |
\cnn{d \gets d}{3}{27}{1} \minicirc |
\cnn{d \gets d}{3}{9}{1} \minicirc |
\cnn{d \gets d}{3}{3}{1} \minicirc |
\cnn{d \gets d}{3}{1}{1} |
)^2 \minicirc |
\resizetensor{d \gets d}{1}{1}{} \minicirc |
\resizetensor{d \gets d}{1}{1}{\relu\minicirc} \minicirc |
\resizetensor{d \gets \Freq}{1}{1}{\relu\minicirc} |
(S).\label{eq:audioenc} |
$ |
\hrulefill |
$ |
\mathsf{AudioDec}(R') := |
\resizetensor{\Freq \gets d}{1}{1}{\sigma\minicirc} \minicirc |
( |
\cnnbasic{d \gets d}{1}{1}{\relu\minicirc} |
)^3 \minicirc |
( |
\cnn{d \gets d}{3}{1}{1} |
)^2 \minicirc |
( |
\cnn{d \gets d}{3}{27}{1} \minicirc |
\cnn{d \gets d}{3}{9}{1} \minicirc |
\cnn{d \gets d}{3}{3}{1} \minicirc |
\cnn{d \gets d}{3}{1}{1} |
) \minicirc |
\resizetensor{d \gets 2d}{1}{1}{} |
(R').\label{eq:audiodec} |
$ |
\hrulefill |
$ |
\mathsf{SSRN}(Y) := |
\resizetensor{\Freq' \gets \Freq'}{1}{1}{\sigma\minicirc} \minicirc |
( |
\cnnbasic{\Freq' \gets \Freq'}{1}{1}{\relu \minicirc} |
)^2 \minicirc |
\resizetensor{\Freq' \gets 2c}{1}{1}{} \minicirc |
( |
\cnn{2c \gets 2c}{3}{1}{} |
)^2 \minicirc |
\resizetensor{2c \gets c}{1}{1}{}\minicirc |
( |
\cnn{c \gets c}{3}{3}{}\minicirc |
\cnn{c \gets c}{3}{1}{}\minicirc |
\dcnn{c \gets c}{2}{1}{} |
)^2\minicirc |
( |
\cnn{c \gets c}{3}{3}{}\minicirc |
\cnn{c \gets c}{3}{1}{} |
)\minicirc |
\resizetensor{c \gets \Freq}{1}{1}{} |
(Y).\label{eq:ssrn} |
$ |
\hrulefill |
} |
\end{minipage} |
\vspace{-10pt} |
\caption{{ Details of each component. For notation, see section~\ref{notation}.}}\label{fig:network-detail} |
\end{figure} |
Since some literature~\cite{Tacotron2017,stackgan} suggest that the staged synthesis from low- to high-resolution |
has advantages over the direct synthesis of high-resolution data, |
we synthesize the spectrograms using the following two networks. |
(1) Text2Mel, which synthesizes a mel spectrogram from an input text, |
and (2) Spectrogram Super-resolution Network (SSRN), which synthesizes a full STFT spectrogram from a coarse mel spectrogram. |
Fig.~\ref{fig:network} shows the overall architecture. |
\subsection{Text2Mel: Text to Mel Spectrogram Network} |
We first consider to synthesize a coarse mel spectrogram from a text. This is the main part of the proposed method. |
This module consists of four submodules: Text Encoder, Audio Encoder, Attention, and Audio Decoder. |
The network $\mathfont{TextEnc}$ first encodes the input sentence |
$L = [l_1, \dots, l_N] \in \mathfont{Char}^N$ |
consisting of $N$ characters, into the two matrices $K$ (key), $V$ (value) $\in \mathbb{R}^{d \times N}$, where $d$ the dimension of encoded characters. |
On the other hand, the network $\mathfont{AudioEnc}$ encodes the coarse mel spectrogram $S = S_{1:\Freq,1:T} \in \mathbb{R}^{\Freq \times T}$, |
of speech of length $T$, |
into a matrix $Q$ (query) $\in \mathbb{R}^{d \times T}$. |
\vspace{-2pt}\begin{equation} |
(K, V) = \mathfont{TextEnc}(L), ~~ |
Q = \mathfont{AudioEnc}(S_{1:\Freq,1:T}). |
\end{equation}\vspace{-2pt}An attention matrix $A \in \mathbb{R}^{N \times T}$, defined as follows, |
evaluates how strongly the $n$-th character $l_n$ and the $t$-th mel spectrum $S_{1:\Freq,t}$ are related. |
\vspace{-2pt}\begin{equation} |
A = \mathfont{softmax}_{n\hyphen\text{axis}}(K\trans Q/\sqrt{d}). |
\end{equation}\vspace{-2pt}$A_{nt} \sim 1 $ implies that |
the module is focusing on $n$-th character $l_n$ at time $t$, |
and it will focus on $l_n$ or $l_{n+1}$ (or others nearby), at the subsequent time $t+1$. |
Whatever, let us expect those are encoded in $n$-th column of $V$. |
Thus a matrix $R \in \mathbb{R}^{d\times T}$, which is the `seed' of the subsequent mel spectra $S_{1:\Freq,2:T+1}$, |
is obtained as |
\vspace{-2pt}\begin{equation} |
R = \att{Q}{K}{V} := V A. \text{~~~~(Note: matrix product.)} |
\end{equation}\vspace{-2pt}The resultant $R$ is concatenated with the encoded audio $Q$, as $R' = [R, Q]$, |
because we found it beneficial in our pilot study. |
Then, the Audio Decoder module estimates a mel spectrogram |
from the seed matrix $R' \in \mathbb{R}^{2d\times T}$ as follows, |
\vspace{-2pt}\begin{equation}Y_{1:\Freq,2: T+1} = \mathfont{AudioDec}(R'). |
\end{equation}\vspace{-2pt}The resultant $Y_{1:\Freq, 2:T+1}$ needs to approximate the temporally-shifted ground truth $S_{1:\Freq, 2:T+1}$. |
The error is evaluated by a loss function $\mathcal{L}_\text{spec} (Y_{1:\Freq, 2:T+1} | S_{1:\Freq, 2:T+1} )$, |
and is back-propagated to the network parameters. |
The loss function was the sum of L1 loss and a function $\mathcal{D}_\text{bin}$ which we call binary divergence, |
\vspace{-7pt}\begin{align}\mathcal{D}_\text{bin} (Y|S) |
&:= \mathbb{E}_{\freq t} \left[ |
- S_{\freq t} \log \frac{Y_{\freq t}}{S_{\freq t}} |
- (1 - S_{\freq t}) \log \frac{1 - Y_{\freq t}}{1 - S_{\freq t}} |
\right] \nonumber \\ |
&= \mathbb{E}_{\freq t} [- S_{\freq t} \hat{Y}_{\freq t} + \log(1 + \exp \hat{Y}_{\freq t}) ] + \mathrm{const.},\label{divergence} |
\end{align} |
\vspace{-2pt}where $\hat{Y}_{\freq t} = \mathrm{logit}(Y_{\freq t})$. |
Since the gradient is non-vanishing, i.e., |
$ |
\partial \mathcal{D}_\text{bin} (Y|S)/\partial \hat{Y}_{\freq t} \propto Y_{\freq t} - S_{\freq t} |
$, |
it is advantageous for gradient-based training. |
It is easily verified that the spectrogram error is non-negative, |
$\mathcal{L}_\text{spec}(Y|S) = \mathcal{D}_\text{bin} (Y|S) + \mathbb{E}[|Y_{\freq t} - S_{\freq t}|] \ge 0$, |
and the equality holds iff $Y=S$. |
\subsubsection{Details of TextEnc, AudioEnc, and AudioDec} |
The networks are fully convolutional, and are not dependent on any recurrent units. |
In order to take into account the long contextual information, |
we used {\it dilated convolution}~\cite{dilatedcnn,wavenet,Kalchbrenner2016} |
instead of RNN. |
The top equation of Fig.~\ref{fig:network-detail} is the content of $\mathsf{TextEnc}$. |
It consists of a character embedding and several 1D {\it non-causal} convolution layers. |
In the literature~\cite{Tacotron2017} an RNN-based component named `CBHG' was used, but we found this convolutional network also works well. |
$\mathsf{AudioEnc}$ and $\mathsf{AudioDec}$, shown in Fig.~\ref{fig:network-detail}, are composed of 1D {\it causal} convolution layers. |
These convolution should be causal because the output of $\mathsf{AudioDec}$ is feedbacked to the input of $\mathsf{AudioEnc}$ at the synthesis stage. |
\subsection{Spectrogram Super-resolution Network (SSRN)} |
We finally synthesize a full spectrogram $|Z| \in \mathbb{R}^{\Freq' \times 4T}$, |
from the obtained coarse mel spectrogram $Y \in \mathbb{R}^{\Freq \times T}$, |
using the spectrogram super-resolution network (SSRN). |
Upsampling frequency from $\Freq$ to $\Freq'$ is fairly simple. |
We can achieve that by increasing the convolution channels of a 1D convolutional network. |
Upsampling of the temporal axis is not done the same way. |
Instead, |
we quadruple the length of the sequence from $T$ to $4T=T'$, |
by applying `deconvolution' layers of stride size 2 twice. |
The bottom equation of Fig.~\ref{fig:network-detail} shows $\mathsf{SSRN}$. |
In this paper, all convolutions of SSRN are non-causal, since we do not consider online processing. |
The loss function is the same as Text2Mel: the sum of L1 distance and $\mathcal{D}_\text{bin}$, defined by \eqref{divergence}, |
between the synthesized spectrogram $\mathsf{SSRN}(S)$ and the ground truth $|Z|$. |
\tsume |
\section{Guided Attention} |
\tsume |
\subsection{Guided Attention Loss: Motivation, Method and Effects} |
In general, an attention module is quite costly to train. |
Therefore, if there is some prior knowledge, incorporating them into the model may be a help to alleviate the heavy training. |
We show that the following simple method helps to train the attention module. |
In TTS, the possible attention matrix $A$ lies in the very small subspace of $\mathbb{R}^{N\times T}$. |
This is because of the rough correspondence of the order of the characters and the audio segments. |
That is, when one reads a text, it is natural to assume that the text position $n$ progresses nearly linearly to the time $t$, |
i.e., $n \sim a t$, where $a \sim N/T$. |
This is a noticeable difference of TTS from other seq2seq learning techniques such as machine translation, |
where an attention module needs to resolve the word alignment between two languages that have very different syntax, e.g.{} English and Japanese. |
Based on this idea, we introduce `guided attention loss,' which prompts the attention matrix $A$ to be `nearly diagonal,' |
$ |
\mathcal{L}_\text{att}(A) = \mathbb{E}_{nt}[ A_{nt} W_{nt} ], |
$ |
where |
$W_{nt} = 1 - \exp\{-{(n/N - t/T)^2}/{2g^2}\}.$ |
In this paper, we set $g=0.2$. |
If $A$ is far from diagonal (e.g., reading the characters in the random order), |
it is strongly penalized by the loss function. |
This subsidiary loss function is simultaneously optimized with the main loss $\mathcal{L}_\text{spec}$ with the equal weight. |
\begin{figure}[!t] |
\vspace{-10pt} |
\centering |
\begin{minipage}[t]{0.99\linewidth} |
\centering |
\centerline{\includegraphics[width=0.99\columnwidth]{fig_1.pdf}} |
\vspace{-10pt} |
\caption{ |
{ |
Comparison of the attention matrix $A$, trained with and without the guided attention loss $\mathcal{L}_\text{att}(A)$. |
(Left) Without, and (Right) with the guided attention. |
The test text is {\it ``icassp stands for the international conference on acoustics, speech, and signal processing."} |
We did not use the heuristics described in section~\ref{sec:fia}. |
} |
} |
\label{fig:attention} |
\end{minipage} |
\vspace{-10pt} |
\end{figure} |
Although this measure is based on quite a rough assumption, it improved the training efficiency. |
In our experiment, if we added the guided attention loss to the objective, |
the term began decreasing only after $\sim$100 iterations. |
After $\sim$5K iterations, the attention became roughly correct, not only for training data, but also for new input texts. |
On the other hand, without the guided attention loss, it required much more iterations. |
It began learning after $\sim$10K iterations, |
and it required $\sim$50K iterations to look at roughly correct positions, but the attention matrix was still vague. |
Fig.~\ref{fig:attention} compares the attention matrix, trained with and without guided attention loss. |
\tsume |
\subsection{Forcibly Incremental Attention at the Synthesis Stage}\label{sec:fia} |
At the synthesis stage, the attention matrix $A$ sometimes fails to focus on the correct characters. |
Typical errors we observed were (1) skipping several letters, and (2) repeating a same word twice or more. |
In order to make the system more robust, |
we heuristically modified the matrix $A$ to be `nearly diagonal,' by a simple rule as follows. |
We observed this method sometimes alleviated such failures. |
{\it |
Let $n_t$ be the position of the character which is read at time $t$, i.e., $n_t = \mathrm{argmax}_n A_{nt}$. |
Comparing the current position $n_t$ and the previous position $n_{t-1}$, |
if the difference $n_t - n_{t-1}$ is outside of the range |
$-1 \le n_t - n_{t-1} \le 3$, the current attention is forcibly set as |
$A_{nt} = \delta_{n, n_{t-1}+1}$ $($Kronecker delta$)$, |
to increment the attention target as $n_t = n_{t-1} + 1$. |
} |
\tsume |
\section{Experiment} |
\tsume |
\subsection{Experimental Setup} |
\begin{table}[t] |
\centering |
\caption{{ Parameter Settings.}} |
\label{tab:params} |
{ |
\footnotesize |
\begin{tabular}{l|l} \hline |
Sampling rate of audio signals & 22050 Hz\\ \hline |
STFT window function& Hanning\\ \hline |
STFT window length and shift & 1024 ($\sim$46.4 [ms]), 256 ($\sim$11.6[ms])\\ \hline |
STFT spectrogram size $\Freq' \times 4T$ & $513 \times 4T$ ($T$ depends on audio clip) \\ \hline |
Mel spectrogram size $\Freq \times T$ & $80 \times T$ ($T$ depends on audio clip) \\ \hline |
Dimension $e$, $d$ and $c$ & 128, 256, 512 \\ \hline |
ADAM parameters $(\alpha, \beta_1, \beta_2, \varepsilon)$ & $(2 \times 10^{-4}, 0.5, 0.9, 10^{-6})$ \\ \hline |
Minibatch size & 16 \\ \hline |
Emphasis factors $(\gamma, \eta)$ & (0.6, 1.3) \\ \hline |
RTISI-LA window and iteration & 100, 10 \\ \hline |
Character set, $\mathsf{Char}$ & \texttt{a-z,.'-} and \texttt{Space} and \texttt{NULL} \\ \hline |
\end{tabular} |
} |
\vspace{-7pt} |
\centering |
\caption{{ Comparison of MOS (95\% confidence interval), training time, and iterations (Text2Mel/SSRN), |
of an open Tacotron~\cite{tacotron:open3} and the proposed method (DCTTS). |
The digits with * were excerpted from the repository~\cite{tacotron:open3}}. |
} |
\label{tab:comparison} |
{ |
\footnotesize |
\begin{tabular}{l|rr|r} \hline |
Method & Iteration & Time & MOS (95\% CI) \\ \hline \hline |
Open Tacotron~\cite{tacotron:open3} & |
877K${}^*$ & 12 days${}^*$ & $2.07 \pm 0.62$ \\ \hline |
& 20K/\phantom{9}40K & $\sim$2 hours & $1.74 \pm 0.52$ \\ \hline |
& 90K/150K & $\sim$7 hours & $2.63 \pm 0.75$ \\ \hline |
& 200K/340K & $\sim$15 hours & $2.71 \pm 0.66$ \\ \hline |
& 540K/900K & $\sim$40 hours & $2.61 \pm 0.62$ \\ \hline |
\end{tabular} |
} |
\vspace{-5pt} |
\end{table} |
We used LJ Speech Dataset ~\cite{ljspeech} to train the networks. |
This is a public domain speech dataset |
consisting of $\sim$13K pairs of text and speech, without phoneme-level alignment, $\sim$24 hours in total. |
These speech data have a~little reverberation. |
We preprocessed the texts by spelling out some of abbreviations and numeric expressions, |
decapitalizing the capitals, and removing less frequent characters not shown in Table~\ref{tab:params}, |
where \texttt{NULL} is a dummy character for zero-padding. |
We implemented our neural networks using Chainer~2.0~\cite{chainer}. |
We trained the models using a household gaming PC equipped with two GPUs. |
The main memory of the machine was 62GB, which is much larger than the audio dataset. |
Both GPUs were NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Ti, with 6 GB memories. |
For simplicity, we trained Text2Mel and SSRN independently and asynchronously using different GPUs. |
All network parameters were initialized using He's Gaussian initializer~\cite{henorm}. |
Both networks were trained by the ADAM optimizer~\cite{adam}. |
When training SSRN, we randomly extracted short sequences of length $T=64$ for each iteration to save memory usage. |
To reduce the disk access, we reduced the frequency of creating the snapshot of parameters to only once per 5K iterations. |
Other parameters are shown in Table~\ref{tab:params}. |
As it is not easy for us to reproduce the original results of Tacotron, |
we instead used a ready-to-use model~\cite{tacotron:open3} for comparison, |
which seemed to produce the most reasonable sounds in the open implementations. |
It is reported that this model was trained using LJ Dataset |
for 12 days (877K iterations) on a GTX 1080 Ti, newer GPU than ours. |
Note, this iteration is still much less than the original Tacotron, which was trained for more than 2M iterations. |
We evaluated mean opinion scores (MOS) of both methods by crowdsourcing on Amazon Mechanical Turk using crowdMOS toolkit~\cite{crowdmos}. |
We used 20 sentences from {\it Harvard Sentences} List 1\&2. |
The audio data were synthesized using five methods shown in Table~\ref{tab:comparison}. |
The crowdworkers rated these 100 clips from 1 (Bad) to 5 (Excellent). |
Each worker is supposed to rate at least 10 clips. |
To obtain more responses of higher quality, we set a few incentives shown in the literature. |
The results were statistically processed using the method shown in the literature~\cite{crowdmos}. |
\subsection{Result and Discussion} |
\begin{figure}[t] |
\begin{minipage}[t]{0.99\linewidth} |
\centering |
\vspace{-5pt} |
\centerline{\includegraphics[width=0.99\columnwidth]{fig_2.pdf}} |
\vspace{-15pt} |
\caption{ |
{ |
(Top) Attention, (middle) mel, and (bottom) linear STFT spectrogram, synthesized by the proposed method, after 15 hours training. |
The input text is {\it``icassp stands for the international conference on acoustics, speech and signal processing."} (90 chars) |
}}\label{fig:result} |
\end{minipage} |
\vspace{-5pt} |
\end{figure} |
In our setting, the training throughput was $\sim$3.8 minibatch/s (Text2Mel) and $\sim$6.4 minibatch/s (SSRN). |
This implies that we can iterate the updating formulae of Text2Mel 200K times in 15 hours. |
Fig.~\ref{fig:result} shows an example of attention, synthesized mel and full spectrograms, after 15 hours training. |
It shows that the method can almost correctly focus on the correct characters, and synthesize quite clear spectrograms. |
More samples are available at the author's web page.\footnote{\url{https://github.com/tachi-hi/tts_samples}} |
In our crowdsourcing experiment, 31 subjects evaluated our data. |
After the automatic screening by the toolkit~\cite{crowdmos}, 560 scores rated by 6 subjects were selected for final statistics calculation. |
Table~\ref{tab:comparison} compares the performance of our proposed method (DCTTS) and an open Tacotron. |
Our MOS (95\% confidence interval) was $2.71 \pm 0.66$ (15 hours training) while the Tacotron's was $2.07 \pm 0.62$. |
Although it is not a strict comparison since the frameworks and the machines were different, |
it would be still concluded that our proposed method is quite rapidly trained to the satisfactory level compared to Tacotron. |
Note that the MOS were below the level reported in~\cite{Tacotron2017}. |
The reasons may be threefold: (1) the limited number of iterations, |
(2) SSRN needs to synthesize the spectrograms from less information than~\cite{Tacotron2017}, |
and (3) the reverberation of the training data. |
\tsume |
\section{Summary and Future Work} |
This paper described a novel TTS technique based on deep convolutional neural networks, |
and a technique to train the attention module rapidly. |
In our experiment, the proposed Deep Convolutional TTS was trained overnight ($\sim$15 hours), |
using an ordinary gaming PC equipped with two GPUs, while the quality of the synthesized speech was almost acceptable. |
Although the audio quality is far from perfect yet, |
it may be improved |
by tuning some hyper-parameters thoroughly, and |
by applying some techniques developed in the deep learning community. |
We believe this method will encourage further development of the applications based on speech synthesis. |
We can expect that this simple neural TTS may be extended to many other purposes |
e.g.{} emotional/non-linguistic/personalized speech synthesis, etc., |
by further studies. |
In addition, since a neural TTS has become lighter, the studies on more integrated speech systems |
e.g.{} some multimodal systems, |
may have become more feasible. |
These issues should be worked out in the future. |
\tsume |
\section{Acknowledgement} |
The authors would like to thank the OSS contributors |
and the data creators (LibriVox contributors and @keithito). |
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