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\begin{document} |
\title{Fast R-CNN} |
\author{Ross Girshick\\ |
Microsoft Research\\ |
{\tt\small rbg@microsoft.com} |
} |
\maketitle |
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\begin{abstract} |
This paper proposes a Fast Region-based Convolutional Network method \emph{(Fast R-CNN)} for object detection. |
Fast R-CNN builds on previous work to efficiently classify object proposals using deep convolutional networks. |
Compared to previous work, Fast R-CNN employs several innovations to improve training and testing speed while also increasing detection accuracy. |
Fast R-CNN trains the very deep \vggsixteen network 9\X faster than R-CNN, is 213\X faster at test-time, and achieves a higher mAP on PASCAL VOC 2012. |
Compared to SPPnet, Fast R-CNN trains \vggsixteen 3\X faster, tests 10\X faster, and is more accurate. |
Fast R-CNN is implemented in Python and C++ (using Caffe) and is available under the open-source MIT License at \url{https://github.com/rbgirshick/fast-rcnn}. |
\end{abstract} |
\section{Introduction} |
Recently, deep ConvNets \cite{krizhevsky2012imagenet,lecun89e} have significantly improved image classification \cite{krizhevsky2012imagenet} and object detection \cite{girshick2014rcnn,overfeat} accuracy. |
Compared to image classification, object detection is a more challenging task that requires more complex methods to solve. |
Due to this complexity, current approaches (\eg, \cite{girshick2014rcnn,he2014spp,overfeat,Zhu2015segDeepM}) train models in multi-stage pipelines that are slow and inelegant. |
Complexity arises because detection requires the accurate localization of objects, creating two primary challenges. |
First, numerous candidate object locations (often called ``proposals'') must be processed. |
Second, these candidates provide only rough localization that must be refined to achieve precise localization. |
Solutions to these problems often compromise speed, accuracy, or simplicity. |
In this paper, we streamline the training process for state-of-the-art ConvNet-based object detectors \cite{girshick2014rcnn,he2014spp}. |
We propose a single-stage training algorithm that jointly learns to classify object proposals and refine their spatial locations. |
The resulting method can train a very deep detection network (\vggsixteen \cite{simonyan2015verydeep}) 9\X faster than R-CNN \cite{girshick2014rcnn} and 3\X faster than SPPnet \cite{he2014spp}. |
At runtime, the detection network processes images in 0.3s (excluding object proposal time) while achieving top accuracy on PASCAL VOC 2012 \cite{Pascal-IJCV} with a mAP of 66\% (vs. 62\% for R-CNN).\footnote{All timings use one Nvidia K40 GPU overclocked to 875 MHz.} |
\subsection{R-CNN and SPPnet} |
The Region-based Convolutional Network method (R-CNN) \cite{girshick2014rcnn} achieves excellent object detection accuracy by using a deep ConvNet to classify object proposals. |
R-CNN, however, has notable drawbacks: |
\begin{enumerate} |
\itemsep0em |
\item {\bf Training is a multi-stage pipeline.} |
R-CNN first fine-tunes a ConvNet on object proposals using log loss. |
Then, it fits SVMs to ConvNet features. |
These SVMs act as object detectors, replacing the softmax classifier learnt by fine-tuning. |
In the third training stage, bounding-box regressors are learned. |
\item {\bf Training is expensive in space and time.} |
For SVM and bounding-box regressor training, features are extracted from each object proposal in each image and written to disk. |
With very deep networks, such as \vggsixteen, this process takes 2.5 GPU-days for the 5k images of the VOC07 trainval set. |
These features require hundreds of gigabytes of storage. |
\item {\bf Object detection is slow.} |
At test-time, features are extracted from each object proposal in each test image. |
Detection with \vggsixteen takes 47s / image (on a GPU). |
\end{enumerate} |
R-CNN is slow because it performs a ConvNet forward pass for each object proposal, without sharing computation. |
Spatial pyramid pooling networks (SPPnets) \cite{he2014spp} were proposed to speed up R-CNN by sharing computation. |
The SPPnet method computes a convolutional feature map for the entire input image and then classifies each object proposal using a feature vector extracted from the shared feature map. |
Features are extracted for a proposal by max-pooling the portion of the feature map inside the proposal into a fixed-size output (\eg, $6 \times 6$). |
Multiple output sizes are pooled and then concatenated as in spatial pyramid pooling \cite{Lazebnik2006}. |
SPPnet accelerates R-CNN by 10 to 100\X at test time. |
Training time is also reduced by 3\X due to faster proposal feature extraction. |
SPPnet also has notable drawbacks. |
Like R-CNN, training is a multi-stage pipeline that involves extracting features, fine-tuning a network with log loss, training SVMs, and finally fitting bounding-box regressors. |
Features are also written to disk. |
But unlike R-CNN, the fine-tuning algorithm proposed in \cite{he2014spp} cannot update the convolutional layers that precede the spatial pyramid pooling. |
Unsurprisingly, this limitation (fixed convolutional layers) limits the accuracy of very deep networks. |
\subsection{Contributions} |
We propose a new training algorithm that fixes the disadvantages of R-CNN and SPPnet, while improving on their speed and accuracy. |
We call this method \emph{Fast R-CNN} because it's comparatively fast to train and test. |
The Fast R-CNN method has several advantages: |
\begin{enumerate} |
\itemsep0em |
\item Higher detection quality (mAP) than R-CNN, SPPnet |
\item Training is single-stage, using a multi-task loss |
\item Training can update all network layers |
\item No disk storage is required for feature caching |
\end{enumerate} |
Fast R-CNN is written in Python and C++ (Caffe \cite{jia2014caffe}) and is available under the open-source MIT License at \url{https://github.com/rbgirshick/fast-rcnn}. |
\section{Fast R-CNN architecture and training} |
\figref{arch} illustrates the Fast R-CNN architecture. |
A Fast R-CNN network takes as input an entire image and a set of object proposals. |
The network first processes the whole image with several convolutional (\emph{conv}) and max pooling layers to produce a conv feature map. |
Then, for each object proposal a region of interest (\emph{\roi}) pooling layer extracts a fixed-length feature vector from the feature map. |
Each feature vector is fed into a sequence of fully connected (\emph{fc}) layers that finally branch into two sibling output layers: one that produces softmax probability estimates over $K$ object classes plus a catch-all ``background'' class and another layer that outputs four real-valued numbers for each of the $K$ object classes. |
Each set of $4$ values encodes refined bounding-box positions for one of the $K$ classes. |
\begin{figure}[t!] |
\centering |
\includegraphics[width=1\linewidth,trim=0 24em 25em 0, clip]{figs/arch.pdf} |
\caption{Fast R-CNN architecture. An input image and multiple regions of interest ({\roi}s) are input into a fully convolutional network. Each \roi is pooled into a fixed-size feature map and then mapped to a feature vector by fully connected layers (FCs). The network has two output vectors per \roi: softmax probabilities and per-class bounding-box regression offsets. The architecture is trained end-to-end with a multi-task loss.} |
\figlabel{arch} |
\end{figure} |
\subsection{The \roi pooling layer} |
The \roi pooling layer uses max pooling to convert the features inside any valid region of interest into a small feature map with a fixed spatial extent of $H \times W$ (\eg, $7 \times 7$), where $H$ and $W$ are layer hyper-parameters that are independent of any particular \roi. |
In this paper, an \roi is a rectangular window into a conv feature map. |
Each \roi is defined by a four-tuple $(r, c, h, w)$ that specifies its top-left corner $(r, c)$ and its height and width $(h, w)$. |
\roi max pooling works by dividing the $h \times w$ RoI window into an $H \times W$ grid of sub-windows of approximate size $h / H \times w / W$ and then max-pooling the values in each sub-window into the corresponding output grid cell. |
Pooling is applied independently to each feature map channel, as in standard max pooling. |
The \roi layer is simply the special-case of the spatial pyramid pooling layer used in SPPnets \cite{he2014spp} in which there is only one pyramid level. |
We use the pooling sub-window calculation given in \cite{he2014spp}. |
\subsection{Initializing from pre-trained networks} |
We experiment with three pre-trained ImageNet \cite{imagenet_cvpr09} networks, each with five max pooling layers and between five and thirteen conv layers (see \secref{setup} for network details). |
When a pre-trained network initializes a Fast R-CNN network, it undergoes three transformations. |
First, the last max pooling layer is replaced by a \roi pooling layer that is configured by setting $H$ and $W$ to be compatible with the net's first fully connected layer (\eg, $H = W = 7$ for \vggsixteen). |
Second, the network's last fully connected layer and softmax (which were trained for 1000-way ImageNet classification) are replaced with the two sibling layers described earlier (a fully connected layer and softmax over $K + 1$ categories and category-specific bounding-box regressors). |
Third, the network is modified to take two data inputs: a list of images and a list of {\roi}s in those images. |
\subsection{Fine-tuning for detection} |
Training all network weights with back-propagation is an important capability of Fast R-CNN. |
First, let's elucidate why SPPnet is unable to update weights below the spatial pyramid pooling layer. |
The root cause is that back-propagation through the SPP layer is highly inefficient when each training sample (\ie \roi) comes from a different image, which is exactly how R-CNN and SPPnet networks are trained. |
The inefficiency stems from the fact that each \roi may have a very large receptive field, often spanning the entire input image. |
Since the forward pass must process the entire receptive field, the training inputs are large (often the entire image). |
We propose a more efficient training method that takes advantage of feature sharing during training. |
In Fast R-CNN training, stochastic gradient descent (SGD) mini-batches are sampled hierarchically, first by sampling $N$ images and then by sampling $R/N$ {\roi}s from each image. |
Critically, {\roi}s from the same image share computation and memory in the forward and backward passes. |
Making $N$ small decreases mini-batch computation. |
For example, when using $N = 2$ and $R = 128$, the proposed training scheme is roughly 64\X faster than sampling one {\roi} from $128$ different images (\ie, the R-CNN and SPPnet strategy). |
One concern over this strategy is it may cause slow training convergence because {\roi}s from the same image are correlated. |
This concern does not appear to be a practical issue and we achieve good results with $N = 2$ and $R = 128$ using fewer SGD iterations than R-CNN. |
In addition to hierarchical sampling, Fast R-CNN uses a streamlined training process with one fine-tuning stage that jointly optimizes a softmax classifier and bounding-box regressors, rather than training a softmax classifier, SVMs, and regressors in three separate stages \cite{girshick2014rcnn,he2014spp}. |
The components of this procedure (the loss, mini-batch sampling strategy, back-propagation through \roi pooling layers, and SGD hyper-parameters) are described below. |
\paragraph{Multi-task loss.} |
A Fast R-CNN network has two sibling output layers. |
The first outputs a discrete probability distribution (per \roi), $p = (p_0,\ldots,p_K)$, over $K + 1$ categories. |
As usual, $p$ is computed by a softmax over the $K + 1$ outputs of a fully connected layer. |
The second sibling layer outputs bounding-box regression offsets, $t^{k} = \left(t^{k}_\textrm{x}, t^{k}_\textrm{y}, t^{k}_\textrm{w}, t^{k}_\textrm{h}\right)$, for each of the $K$ object classes, indexed by $k$. |
We use the parameterization for $t^{k}$ given in \cite{girshick2014rcnn}, in which $t^k$ specifies a scale-invariant translation and log-space height/width shift relative to an object proposal. |
Each training \roi is labeled with a ground-truth class $u$ and a ground-truth bounding-box regression target $v$. |
We use a multi-task loss $L$ on each labeled {\roi} to jointly train for classification and bounding-box regression: |
\begin{equation} |
\eqlabel{loss} |
L(p, u, t^u, v) = L_\textrm{cls}(p, u) + \lambda [u \ge 1] L_\textrm{loc}(t^u, v), |
\end{equation} |
in which $L_\textrm{cls}(p, u) = -\log p_u$ is log loss for true class $u$. |
The second task loss, $L_{\textrm{loc}}$, is defined over a tuple of true bounding-box regression targets for class $u$, $v = (v_\textrm{x}, v_\textrm{y}, v_\textrm{w}, v_\textrm{h})$, and a predicted tuple $t^u = (t^u_\textrm{x}, t^u_\textrm{y}, t^u_\textrm{w}, t^u_\textrm{h})$, again for class $u$. |
The Iverson bracket indicator function $[u \ge 1]$ evaluates to 1 when $u \ge 1$ and 0 otherwise. |
By convention the catch-all background class is labeled $u = 0$. |
For background {\roi}s there is no notion of a ground-truth bounding box and hence $L_\textrm{loc}$ is ignored. |
For bounding-box regression, we use the loss |
\begin{equation} |
L_\textrm{loc}(t^u, v) = \sum_{i \in \{\textrm{x},\textrm{y},\textrm{w},\textrm{h}\}} \textrm{smooth}_{L_1}(t^u_i - v_i), |
\end{equation} |
in which |
\begin{equation} |
\eqlabel{smoothL1} |
\textrm{smooth}_{L_1}(x) = |
\begin{cases} |
0.5x^2& \text{if } |x| < 1\\ |
|x| - 0.5& \text{otherwise}, |
\end{cases} |
\end{equation} |
is a robust $L_1$ loss that is less sensitive to outliers than the $L_2$ loss used in R-CNN and SPPnet. |
When the regression targets are unbounded, training with $L_2$ loss can require careful tuning of learning rates in order to prevent exploding gradients. |
\eqref{smoothL1} eliminates this sensitivity. |
The hyper-parameter $\lambda$ in \eqref{loss} controls the balance between the two task losses. |
We normalize the ground-truth regression targets $v_i$ to have zero mean and unit variance. |
All experiments use $\lambda = 1$. |
We note that \cite{erhan2014scalable} uses a related loss to train a class-agnostic object proposal network. |
Different from our approach, \cite{erhan2014scalable} advocates for a two-network system that separates localization and classification. |
OverFeat \cite{overfeat}, R-CNN \cite{girshick2014rcnn}, and SPPnet \cite{he2014spp} also train classifiers and bounding-box localizers, however these methods use stage-wise training, which we show is suboptimal for Fast R-CNN (\secref{multitask}). |
\paragraph{Mini-batch sampling.} |
During fine-tuning, each SGD mini-batch is constructed from $N = 2$ images, chosen uniformly at random (as is common practice, we actually iterate over permutations of the dataset). |
We use mini-batches of size $R = 128$, sampling $64$ {\roi}s from each image. |
As in \cite{girshick2014rcnn}, we take 25\% of the {\roi}s from object proposals that have intersection over union (IoU) overlap with a ground-truth bounding box of at least $0.5$. |
These {\roi}s comprise the examples labeled with a foreground object class, \ie $u \ge 1$. |
The remaining {\roi}s are sampled from object proposals that have a maximum IoU with ground truth in the interval $[0.1, 0.5)$, following \cite{he2014spp}. |
These are the background examples and are labeled with $u = 0$. |
The lower threshold of $0.1$ appears to act as a heuristic for hard example mining \cite{lsvm-pami}. |
During training, images are horizontally flipped with probability $0.5$. |
No other data augmentation is used. |
\paragraph{Back-propagation through \roi pooling layers.} |
Back-propagation routes derivatives through the \roi pooling layer. |
For clarity, we assume only one image per mini-batch ($N=1$), though the extension to $N > 1$ is straightforward because the forward pass treats all images independently. |
Let $x_i \in \mathbb{R}$ be the $i$-th activation input into the \roi pooling layer and let $y_{rj}$ be the layer's $j$-th output from the $r$-th \roi. |
The \roi pooling layer computes $y_{rj} = x_{i^*(r,j)}$, in which $i^*(r,j) = \argmax_{i' \in \mathcal{R}(r,j)} x_{i'}$. |
$\mathcal{R}(r,j)$ is the index set of inputs in the sub-window over which the output unit $y_{rj}$ max pools. |
A single $x_i$ may be assigned to several different outputs $y_{rj}$. |
The \roi pooling layer's \texttt{backwards} function computes partial derivative of the loss function with respect to each input variable $x_i$ by following the argmax switches: |
\begin{equation} |
\frac{\partial L}{\partial x_i} = \sum_{r} \sum_{j} |
\left[i = i^*(r,j)\right] \frac{\partial L}{\partial y_{rj}}. |
\end{equation} |
In words, for each mini-batch \roi $r$ and for each pooling output unit $y_{rj}$, the partial derivative $\partial L/\partial y_{rj}$ is accumulated if $i$ is the argmax selected for $y_{rj}$ by max pooling. |
In back-propagation, the partial derivatives $\partial L/\partial y_{rj}$ are already computed by the \texttt{backwards} function of the layer on top of the \roi pooling layer. |
\paragraph{SGD hyper-parameters.} |
The fully connected layers used for softmax classification and bounding-box regression are initialized from zero-mean Gaussian distributions with standard deviations $0.01$ and $0.001$, respectively. |
Biases are initialized to $0$. |
All layers use a per-layer learning rate of 1 for weights and 2 for biases and a global learning rate of $0.001$. |
When training on VOC07 or VOC12 trainval we run SGD for 30k mini-batch iterations, and then lower the learning rate to $0.0001$ and train for another 10k iterations. |
When we train on larger datasets, we run SGD for more iterations, as described later. |
A momentum of $0.9$ and parameter decay of $0.0005$ (on weights and biases) are used. |
\subsection{Scale invariance} |
We explore two ways of achieving scale invariant object detection: (1) via ``brute force'' learning and (2) by using image pyramids. |
These strategies follow the two approaches in \cite{he2014spp}. |
In the brute-force approach, each image is processed at a pre-defined pixel size during both training and testing. |
The network must directly learn scale-invariant object detection from the training data. |
The multi-scale approach, in contrast, provides approximate scale-invariance to the network through an image pyramid. |
At test-time, the image pyramid is used to approximately scale-normalize each object proposal. |
During multi-scale training, we randomly sample a pyramid scale each time an image is sampled, following \cite{he2014spp}, as a form of data augmentation. |
We experiment with multi-scale training for smaller networks only, due to GPU memory limits. |
\section{Fast R-CNN detection} |
Once a Fast R-CNN network is fine-tuned, detection amounts to little more than running a forward pass (assuming object proposals are pre-computed). |
The network takes as input an image (or an image pyramid, encoded as a list of images) and a list of $R$ object proposals to score. |
At test-time, $R$ is typically around $2000$, although we will consider cases in which it is larger ($\approx$ $45$k). |
When using an image pyramid, each \roi is assigned to the scale such that the scaled \roi is closest to $224^2$ pixels in area \cite{he2014spp}. |
For each test \roi $r$, the forward pass outputs a class posterior probability distribution $p$ and a set of predicted bounding-box offsets relative to $r$ (each of the $K$ classes gets its own refined bounding-box prediction). |
We assign a detection confidence to $r$ for each object class $k$ using the estimated probability $\textrm{Pr}(\textrm{class} = k~|~r) \stackrel{\Delta}{=} p_k$. |
We then perform non-maximum suppression independently for each class using the algorithm and settings from R-CNN \cite{girshick2014rcnn}. |
\subsection{Truncated SVD for faster detection} |
\seclabel{svd} |
For whole-image classification, the time spent computing the fully connected layers is small compared to the conv layers. |
On the contrary, for detection the number of {\roi}s to process is large and nearly half of the forward pass time is spent computing the fully connected layers (see \figref{timing}). |
Large fully connected layers are easily accelerated by compressing them with truncated SVD \cite{Denton2014SVD,Xue2013svd}. |
In this technique, a layer parameterized by the $u \times v$ weight matrix $W$ is approximately factorized as |
\begin{equation} |
W \approx U \Sigma_t V^T |
\end{equation} |
using SVD. |
In this factorization, $U$ is a $u \times t$ matrix comprising the first $t$ left-singular vectors of $W$, $\Sigma_t$ is a $t \times t$ diagonal matrix containing the top $t$ singular values of $W$, and $V$ is $v \times t$ matrix comprising the first $t$ right-singular vectors of $W$. |
Truncated SVD reduces the parameter count from $uv$ to $t(u + v)$, which can be significant if $t$ is much smaller than $\min(u, v)$. |
To compress a network, the single fully connected layer corresponding to $W$ is replaced by two fully connected layers, without a non-linearity between them. |
The first of these layers uses the weight matrix $\Sigma_t V^T$ (and no biases) and the second uses $U$ (with the original biases associated with $W$). |
This simple compression method gives good speedups when the number of {\roi}s is large. |
\section{Main results} |
\begin{table*}[t!] |
\centering |
\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.2} |
\renewcommand{\tabcolsep}{1.2mm} |
\resizebox{\linewidth}{!}{ |
\begin{tabular}{@{}L{2.5cm}|L{1.2cm}|r*{19}{x}|x@{}} |
method & train set & aero & bike & bird & boat & bottle & bus & car & cat & chair & cow & table & dog & horse & mbike & persn & plant & sheep & sofa & train & tv & mAP \\ |
\hline |
SPPnet BB \cite{he2014spp}$^\dagger$ & |
07 $\setminus$ diff & |
73.9 & |
72.3 & |
62.5 & |
51.5 & |
44.4 & |
74.4 & |
73.0 & |
74.4 & |
42.3 & |
73.6 & |
57.7 & |
70.3 & |
74.6 & |
74.3 & |
54.2 & |
34.0 & |
56.4 & |
56.4 & |
67.9 & |
73.5 & |
63.1 \\ |
R-CNN BB \cite{rcnn-pami} & |
07 & |
73.4 & |
77.0 & |
63.4 & |
45.4 & |
\bf{44.6} & |
75.1 & |
78.1 & |
79.8 & |
40.5 & |
73.7 & |
62.2 & |
79.4 & |
78.1 & |
73.1 & |
64.2 & |
\bf{35.6} & |
66.8 & |
67.2 & |
70.4 & |
\bf{71.1} & |
66.0 \\ |
\hline |
FRCN [ours] & |
07 & |
74.5 & |
78.3 & |
69.2 & |
53.2 & |
36.6 & |
77.3 & |
78.2 & |
82.0 & |
40.7 & |
72.7 & |
67.9 & |
79.6 & |
79.2 & |
73.0 & |
69.0 & |
30.1 & |
65.4 & |
70.2 & |
75.8 & |
65.8 & |
66.9 \\ |
FRCN [ours] & |
07 $\setminus$ diff & |
74.6 & |
\bf{79.0} & |
68.6 & |
57.0 & |
39.3 & |
79.5 & |
\bf{78.6} & |
81.9 & |
\bf{48.0} & |
74.0 & |
67.4 & |
80.5 & |
80.7 & |
74.1 & |
69.6 & |
31.8 & |
67.1 & |
68.4 & |
75.3 & |
65.5 & |
68.1 \\ |
FRCN [ours] & |
07+12 & |
\bf{77.0} & |
78.1 & |
\bf{69.3} & |
\bf{59.4} & |
38.3 & |
\bf{81.6} & |
\bf{78.6} & |
\bf{86.7} & |
42.8 & |
\bf{78.8} & |
\bf{68.9} & |
\bf{84.7} & |
\bf{82.0} & |
\bf{76.6} & |
\bf{69.9} & |
31.8 & |
\bf{70.1} & |
\bf{74.8} & |
\bf{80.4} & |
70.4 & |
\bf{70.0} \\ |
\end{tabular} |
} |
\vspace{0.05em} |
\caption{{\bf VOC 2007 test} detection average precision (\%). All methods use \vggsixteen. Training set key: {\bf 07}: VOC07 trainval, {\bf 07 $\setminus$ diff}: {\bf 07} without ``difficult'' examples, {\bf 07+12}: union of {\bf 07} and VOC12 trainval. |
$^\dagger$SPPnet results were prepared by the authors of \cite{he2014spp}.} |
\tablelabel{voc2007} |
\end{table*} |
\begin{table*}[t!] |
\centering |
\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.2} |
\renewcommand{\tabcolsep}{1.2mm} |
\resizebox{\linewidth}{!}{ |
\begin{tabular}{@{}L{2.5cm}|L{1.2cm}|r*{19}{x}|x@{}} |
method & train set & aero & bike & bird & boat & bottle & bus & car & cat & chair & cow & table & dog & horse & mbike & persn & plant & sheep & sofa & train & tv & mAP \\ |
\hline |
BabyLearning & |
Prop. & |
77.7 & |
73.8 & |
62.3 & |
48.8 & |
45.4 & |
67.3 & |
67.0 & |
80.3 & |
41.3 & |
70.8 & |
49.7 & |
79.5 & |
74.7 & |
78.6 & |
64.5 & |
36.0 & |
69.9 & |
55.7 & |
70.4 & |
61.7 & |
63.8 \\ |
R-CNN BB \cite{rcnn-pami} & |
12 & |
79.3 & |
72.4 & |
63.1 & |
44.0 & |
44.4 & |
64.6 & |
66.3 & |
84.9 & |
38.8 & |
67.3 & |
48.4 & |
82.3 & |
75.0 & |
76.7 & |
65.7 & |
35.8 & |
66.2 & |
54.8 & |
69.1 & |
58.8 & |
62.9 \\ |
SegDeepM & |
12+seg & |
\bf{82.3} & |
75.2 & |
67.1 & |
50.7 & |
\bf{49.8} & |
71.1 & |
69.6 & |
88.2 & |
42.5 & |
71.2 & |
50.0 & |
85.7 & |
76.6 & |
81.8 & |
69.3 & |
\bf{41.5} & |
\bf{71.9} & |
62.2 & |
73.2 & |
\bf{64.6} & |
67.2 \\ |
\hline |
FRCN [ours] & |
12 & |
80.1 & |
74.4 & |
67.7 & |
49.4 & |
41.4 & |
74.2 & |
68.8 & |
87.8 & |
41.9 & |
70.1 & |
50.2 & |
86.1 & |
77.3 & |
81.1 & |
70.4 & |
33.3 & |
67.0 & |
63.3 & |
77.2 & |
60.0 & |
66.1 \\ |
FRCN [ours] & |
07++12 & |
82.0 & |
\bf{77.8} & |
\bf{71.6} & |
\bf{55.3} & |
42.4 & |
\bf{77.3} & |
\bf{71.7} & |
\bf{89.3} & |
\bf{44.5} & |
\bf{72.1} & |
\bf{53.7} & |
\bf{87.7} & |
\bf{80.0} & |
\bf{82.5} & |
\bf{72.7} & |
36.6 & |
68.7 & |
\bf{65.4} & |
\bf{81.1} & |
62.7 & |
\bf{68.8} \\ |
\end{tabular} |
} |
\vspace{0.05em} |
\caption{{\bf VOC 2010 test} detection average precision (\%). |
BabyLearning uses a network based on \cite{Lin2014NiN}. |
All other methods use \vggsixteen. Training set key: {\bf 12}: VOC12 trainval, {\bf Prop.}: proprietary dataset, {\bf 12+seg}: {\bf 12} with segmentation annotations, {\bf 07++12}: union of VOC07 trainval, VOC07 test, and VOC12 trainval. |
} |
\tablelabel{voc2010} |
\end{table*} |
\begin{table*}[t!] |
\centering |
\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.2} |
\renewcommand{\tabcolsep}{1.2mm} |
\resizebox{\linewidth}{!}{ |
\begin{tabular}{@{}L{2.5cm}|L{1.2cm}|r*{19}{x}|x@{}} |
method & train set & aero & bike & bird & boat & bottle & bus & car & cat & chair & cow & table & dog & horse & mbike & persn & plant & sheep & sofa & train & tv & mAP \\ |
\hline |
BabyLearning & |
Prop. & |
78.0 & |
74.2 & |
61.3 & |
45.7 & |
42.7 & |
68.2 & |
66.8 & |
80.2 & |
40.6 & |
70.0 & |
49.8 & |
79.0 & |
74.5 & |
77.9 & |
64.0 & |
35.3 & |
67.9 & |
55.7 & |
68.7 & |
62.6 & |
63.2 \\ |
NUS\_NIN\_c2000 & |
Unk. & |
80.2 & |
73.8 & |
61.9 & |
43.7 & |
\bf{43.0} & |
70.3 & |
67.6 & |
80.7 & |
41.9 & |
69.7 & |
51.7 & |
78.2 & |
75.2 & |
76.9 & |
65.1 & |
\bf{38.6} & |
\bf{68.3} & |
58.0 & |
68.7 & |
63.3 & |
63.8 \\ |
R-CNN BB \cite{rcnn-pami} & |
12 & |
79.6 & |
72.7 & |
61.9 & |
41.2 & |
41.9 & |
65.9 & |
66.4 & |
84.6 & |
38.5 & |
67.2 & |
46.7 & |
82.0 & |
74.8 & |
76.0 & |
65.2 & |
35.6 & |
65.4 & |
54.2 & |
67.4 & |
60.3 & |
62.4 \\ |
\hline |
FRCN [ours] & |
12 & |
80.3 & |
74.7 & |
66.9 & |
46.9 & |
37.7 & |
73.9 & |
68.6 & |
87.7 & |
41.7 & |
71.1 & |
51.1 & |
86.0 & |
77.8 & |
79.8 & |
69.8 & |
32.1 & |
65.5 & |
63.8 & |
76.4 & |
61.7 & |
65.7 \\ |
FRCN [ours] & |
07++12 & |
\bf{82.3} & |
\bf{78.4} & |
\bf{70.8} & |
\bf{52.3} & |
38.7 & |
\bf{77.8} & |
\bf{71.6} & |
\bf{89.3} & |
\bf{44.2} & |
\bf{73.0} & |
\bf{55.0} & |
\bf{87.5} & |
\bf{80.5} & |
\bf{80.8} & |
\bf{72.0} & |
35.1 & |
\bf{68.3} & |
\bf{65.7} & |
\bf{80.4} & |
\bf{64.2} & |
\bf{68.4} \\ |
\end{tabular} |
} |
\vspace{0.05em} |
\caption{{\bf VOC 2012 test} detection average precision (\%). |
BabyLearning and NUS\_NIN\_c2000 use networks based on \cite{Lin2014NiN}. |
All other methods use \vggsixteen. Training set key: see \tableref{voc2010}, {\bf Unk.}: unknown. |
} |
\tablelabel{voc2012} |
\end{table*} |
Three main results support this paper's contributions: |
\begin{enumerate} |
\itemsep0em |
\item State-of-the-art mAP on VOC07, 2010, and 2012 |
\item Fast training and testing compared to R-CNN, SPPnet |
\item Fine-tuning conv layers in \vggsixteen improves mAP |
\end{enumerate} |
\subsection{Experimental setup} |
\seclabel{setup} |
Our experiments use three pre-trained ImageNet models that are available online.\footnote{\url{https://github.com/BVLC/caffe/wiki/Model-Zoo}} |
The first is the CaffeNet (essentially AlexNet \cite{krizhevsky2012imagenet}) from R-CNN \cite{girshick2014rcnn}. |
We alternatively refer to this CaffeNet as model \Sm, for ``small.'' |
The second network is VGG\_CNN\_M\_1024 from \cite{Chatfield14}, which has the same depth as \Sm, but is wider. |
We call this network model \Med, for ``medium.'' |
The final network is the very deep \vggsixteen model from \cite{simonyan2015verydeep}. |
Since this model is the largest, we call it model \Lg. |
In this section, all experiments use \emph{single-scale} training and testing ($s = 600$; see \secref{scale} for details). |
\subsection{VOC 2010 and 2012 results} |
On these datasets, we compare Fast R-CNN (\emph{FRCN}, for short) against the top methods on the \texttt{comp4} (outside data) track from the public leaderboard (\tableref{voc2010}, \tableref{voc2012}).\footnote{\url{http://host.robots.ox.ac.uk:8080/leaderboard} (accessed April 18, 2015)} |
For the NUS\_NIN\_c2000 and BabyLearning methods, there are no associated publications at this time and we could not find exact information on the ConvNet architectures used; they are variants of the Network-in-Network design \cite{Lin2014NiN}. |
All other methods are initialized from the same pre-trained \vggsixteen network. |
Fast R-CNN achieves the top result on VOC12 with a mAP of 65.7\% (and 68.4\% with extra data). |
It is also two orders of magnitude faster than the other methods, which are all based on the ``slow'' R-CNN pipeline. |
On VOC10, SegDeepM \cite{Zhu2015segDeepM} achieves a higher mAP than Fast R-CNN (67.2\% vs. 66.1\%). |
SegDeepM is trained on VOC12 trainval plus segmentation annotations; it is designed to boost R-CNN accuracy by using a Markov random field to reason over R-CNN detections and segmentations from the O$_2$P \cite{o2p} semantic-segmentation method. |
Fast R-CNN can be swapped into SegDeepM in place of R-CNN, which may lead to better results. |
When using the enlarged 07++12 training set (see \tableref{voc2010} caption), Fast R-CNN's mAP increases to 68.8\%, surpassing SegDeepM. |
\subsection{VOC 2007 results} |
On VOC07, we compare Fast R-CNN to R-CNN and SPPnet. |
All methods start from the same pre-trained \vggsixteen network and use bounding-box regression. |
The \vggsixteen SPPnet results were computed by the authors of \cite{he2014spp}. |
SPPnet uses five scales during both training and testing. |
The improvement of Fast R-CNN over SPPnet illustrates that even though Fast R-CNN uses single-scale training and testing, fine-tuning the conv layers provides a large improvement in mAP (from 63.1\% to 66.9\%). |
R-CNN achieves a mAP of 66.0\%. |
As a minor point, SPPnet was trained \emph{without} examples marked as ``difficult'' in PASCAL. |
Removing these examples improves Fast R-CNN mAP to 68.1\%. |
All other experiments use ``difficult'' examples. |
\subsection{Training and testing time} |
Fast training and testing times are our second main result. |
\tableref{timing} compares training time (hours), testing rate (seconds per image), and mAP on VOC07 between Fast R-CNN, R-CNN, and SPPnet. |
For \vggsixteen, Fast R-CNN processes images 146\X faster than R-CNN without truncated SVD and 213\X faster with it. |
Training time is reduced by 9\X, from 84 hours to 9.5. |
Compared to SPPnet, Fast R-CNN trains \vggsixteen 2.7\X faster (in 9.5 vs. 25.5 hours) and tests 7\X faster without truncated SVD or 10\X faster with it. |
Fast R-CNN also eliminates hundreds of gigabytes of disk storage, because it does not cache features. |
\begin{table}[h!] |
\begin{center} |
\setlength{\tabcolsep}{3pt} |
\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.2} |
\resizebox{\linewidth}{!}{ |
\small |
\begin{tabular}{l|rrr|rrr|r} |
& \multicolumn{3}{c|}{Fast R-CNN} & \multicolumn{3}{c|}{R-CNN} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{SPPnet} \\ |
& \Sm & \Med & \Lg & \Sm & \Med & \Lg & $^\dagger$\Lg \\ |
\hline |
train time (h) & \bf{1.2} & 2.0 & 9.5 & |
22 & 28 & 84 & 25 \\ |
train speedup & \bf{18.3\X} & 14.0\X & 8.8\X & |
1\X & 1\X & 1\X & 3.4\X \\ |
\hline |
test rate (s/im) & 0.10 & 0.15 & 0.32 & |
9.8 & 12.1 & 47.0 & 2.3 \\ |
~$\rhd$ with SVD & \bf{0.06} & 0.08 & 0.22 & |
- & - & - & - \\ |
\hline |
test speedup & 98\X & 80\X & 146\X & |
1\X & 1\X & 1\X & 20\X \\ |
~$\rhd$ with SVD & 169\X & 150\X & \bf{213\X} & |
- & - & - & - \\ |
\hline |
VOC07 mAP & 57.1 & 59.2 & \bf{66.9} & |
58.5 & 60.2 & 66.0 & 63.1 \\ |
~$\rhd$ with SVD & 56.5 & 58.7 & 66.6 & |
- & - & - & - \\ |
\end{tabular} |
} |
\end{center} |
\caption{Runtime comparison between the same models in Fast R-CNN, R-CNN, and SPPnet. |
Fast R-CNN uses single-scale mode. |
SPPnet uses the five scales specified in \cite{he2014spp}. |
$^\dagger$Timing provided by the authors of \cite{he2014spp}. |
Times were measured on an Nvidia K40 GPU. |
} |
\tablelabel{timing} |
\vspace{-1em} |
\end{table} |
\paragraph{Truncated SVD.} |
Truncated SVD can reduce detection time by more than 30\% with only a small (0.3 percentage point) drop in mAP and without needing to perform additional fine-tuning after model compression. |
\figref{timing} illustrates how using the top $1024$ singular values from the $25088 \times 4096$ matrix in {\vggsixteen}'s fc6 layer and the top $256$ singular values from the $4096 \times 4096$ fc7 layer reduces runtime with little loss in mAP. |
Further speed-ups are possible with smaller drops in mAP if one fine-tunes again after compression. |
\begin{figure}[h!] |
\centering |
\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth,trim=3em 2em 0 0, clip]{figs/layer_timing.pdf} |
\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth,trim=3em 2em 0 0, clip]{figs/layer_timing_svd.pdf} |
\caption{Timing for \vggsixteen before and after truncated SVD. |
Before SVD, fully connected layers fc6 and fc7 take 45\% of the time.} |
\figlabel{timing} |
\end{figure} |
\subsection{Which layers to fine-tune?} |
For the less deep networks considered in the SPPnet paper \cite{he2014spp}, fine-tuning only the fully connected layers appeared to be sufficient for good accuracy. |
We hypothesized that this result would not hold for very deep networks. |
To validate that fine-tuning the conv layers is important for \vggsixteen, we use Fast R-CNN to fine-tune, but \emph{freeze} the thirteen conv layers so that only the fully connected layers learn. |
This ablation emulates single-scale SPPnet training and \emph{decreases mAP from 66.9\% to 61.4\%} (\tableref{whichlayers}). |
This experiment verifies our hypothesis: training through the \roi pooling layer is important for very deep nets. |
\begin{table}[h!] |
\begin{center} |
\setlength{\tabcolsep}{3pt} |
\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.1} |
\small |
\begin{tabular}{l|rrr|r} |
& \multicolumn{3}{c|}{layers that are fine-tuned in model \Lg} & SPPnet \Lg \\ |
& $\ge$ fc6 & $\ge$ conv3\_1 & $\ge$ conv2\_1 & $\ge$ fc6 \\ |
\hline |
VOC07 mAP & 61.4 & 66.9 & \bf{67.2} & 63.1 \\ |
test rate (s/im) & \bf{0.32} & \bf{0.32} & \bf{0.32} & 2.3 \\ |
\end{tabular} |
\end{center} |
\caption{Effect of restricting which layers are fine-tuned for \vggsixteen. |
Fine-tuning $\ge$ fc6 emulates the SPPnet training algorithm \cite{he2014spp}, but using a single scale. |
SPPnet \Lg results were obtained using five scales, at a significant (7\X) speed cost.} |
\tablelabel{whichlayers} |
\vspace{-0.5em} |
\end{table} |
Does this mean that \emph{all} conv layers should be fine-tuned? In short, \emph{no}. |
In the smaller networks (\Sm and \Med) we find that conv1 is generic and task independent (a well-known fact \cite{krizhevsky2012imagenet}). |
Allowing conv1 to learn, or not, has no meaningful effect on mAP. |
For \vggsixteen, we found it only necessary to update layers from conv3\_1 and up (9 of the 13 conv layers). |
This observation is pragmatic: (1) updating from conv2\_1 slows training by 1.3\X (12.5 vs. 9.5 hours) compared to learning from conv3\_1; |
and (2) updating from conv1\_1 over-runs GPU memory. |
The difference in mAP when learning from conv2\_1 up was only $+0.3$ points (\tableref{whichlayers}, last column). |
All Fast R-CNN results in this paper using \vggsixteen fine-tune layers conv3\_1 and up; all experiments with models \Sm and \Med fine-tune layers conv2 and up. |
\begin{table*}[t!] |
\begin{center} |
\setlength{\tabcolsep}{5pt} |
\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.1} |
\small |
\begin{tabular}{l|rrrr|rrrr|rrrr} |
& \multicolumn{4}{c|}{\Sm} & \multicolumn{4}{c|}{\Med} & \multicolumn{4}{c}{\Lg} \\ |
\hline |
multi-task training? & |
& |
\checkmark & |
& |
\checkmark & |
& |
\checkmark & |
& |
\checkmark & |
& |
\checkmark & |
& |
\checkmark |
\\ |
stage-wise training? & |
& |
& |
\checkmark & |
& |
& |
& |
\checkmark & |
& |
& |
& |
\checkmark & |
\\ |
test-time bbox reg? & & & \checkmark & \checkmark & & & \checkmark & \checkmark & & & \checkmark & \checkmark \\ |
VOC07 mAP & 52.2 & 53.3 & 54.6 & \bf{57.1} & 54.7 & 55.5 & 56.6 & \bf{59.2} & 62.6 & 63.4 & 64.0 & \bf{66.9} \\ |
\end{tabular} |
\end{center} |
\caption{Multi-task training (forth column per group) improves mAP over piecewise training (third column per group).} |
\tablelabel{multitask} |
\vspace{-0.5em} |
\end{table*} |
\section{Design evaluation} |
We conducted experiments to understand how Fast R-CNN compares to R-CNN and SPPnet, as well as to evaluate design decisions. |
Following best practices, we performed these experiments on the PASCAL VOC07 dataset. |
\subsection{Does multi-task training help?} |
\seclabel{multitask} |
Multi-task training is convenient because it avoids managing a pipeline of sequentially-trained tasks. |
But it also has the potential to improve results because the tasks influence each other through a shared representation (the ConvNet) \cite{caruana1997multitask}. |
Does multi-task training improve object detection accuracy in Fast R-CNN? |
To test this question, we train baseline networks that use only the classification loss, $L_\textrm{cls}$, in \eqref{loss} (\ie, setting $\lambda = 0$). |
These baselines are printed for models \Sm, \Med, and \Lg in the first column of each group in \tableref{multitask}. |
Note that these models \emph{do not} have bounding-box regressors. |
Next (second column per group), we take networks that were trained with the multi-task loss (\eqref{loss}, $\lambda = 1$), but we \emph{disable} bounding-box regression at test time. |
This isolates the networks' classification accuracy and allows an apples-to-apples comparison with the baseline networks. |
Across all three networks we observe that multi-task training improves pure classification accuracy relative to training for classification alone. |
The improvement ranges from $+0.8$ to $+1.1$ mAP points, showing a consistent positive effect from multi-task learning. |
Finally, we take the baseline models (trained with only the classification loss), tack on the bounding-box regression layer, and train them with $L_{loc}$ while keeping all other network parameters frozen. |
The third column in each group shows the results of this \emph{stage-wise} training scheme: mAP improves over column one, but stage-wise training underperforms multi-task training (forth column per group). |
\subsection{Scale invariance: to brute force or finesse?} |
\seclabel{scale} |
We compare two strategies for achieving scale-invariant object detection: brute-force learning (single scale) and image pyramids (multi-scale). |
In either case, we define the scale $s$ of an image to be the length of its \emph{shortest} side. |
All single-scale experiments use $s = 600$ pixels; |
$s$ may be less than $600$ for some images as we cap the longest image side at $1000$ pixels and maintain the image's aspect ratio. |
These values were selected so that \vggsixteen fits in GPU memory during fine-tuning. |
The smaller models are not memory bound and can benefit from larger values of $s$; however, optimizing $s$ for each model is not our main concern. |
We note that PASCAL images are $384 \times 473$ pixels on average and thus the single-scale setting typically upsamples images by a factor of 1.6. |
The average effective stride at the \roi pooling layer is thus $\approx 10$ pixels. |
In the multi-scale setting, we use the same five scales specified in \cite{he2014spp} ($s \in \{480, 576, 688, 864, 1200\}$) to facilitate comparison with SPPnet. |
However, we cap the longest side at $2000$ pixels to avoid exceeding GPU memory. |
\begin{table}[h!] |
\begin{center} |
\setlength{\tabcolsep}{4.7pt} |
\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.1} |
\small |
\begin{tabular}{l|rr|rr|rr|r} |
& \multicolumn{2}{c|}{SPPnet \ZF} & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{\Sm} & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{\Med} & \Lg \\ |
\hline |
scales & 1 & 5 & 1 & 5 & 1 & 5 & 1 \\ |
test rate (s/im) & 0.14 & 0.38 & \bf{0.10} & 0.39 & 0.15 & 0.64 & 0.32 \\ |
VOC07 mAP & 58.0 & 59.2 & 57.1 & 58.4 & 59.2 & 60.7 & \bf{66.9} |
\end{tabular} |
\end{center} |
\caption{Multi-scale vs. single scale. |
SPPnet \ZF (similar to model \Sm) results are from \cite{he2014spp}. |
Larger networks with a single-scale offer the best speed / accuracy tradeoff. |
(\Lg cannot use multi-scale in our implementation due to GPU memory constraints.) |
} |
\tablelabel{scales} |
\vspace{-0.5em} |
\end{table} |
\tableref{scales} shows models \Sm and \Med when trained and tested with either one or five scales. |
Perhaps the most surprising result in \cite{he2014spp} was that single-scale detection performs almost as well as multi-scale detection. |
Our findings confirm their result: deep ConvNets are adept at directly learning scale invariance. |
The multi-scale approach offers only a small increase in mAP at a large cost in compute time (\tableref{scales}). |
In the case of \vggsixteen (model \Lg), we are limited to using a single scale by implementation details. Yet it achieves a mAP of 66.9\%, which is slightly higher than the 66.0\% reported for R-CNN \cite{rcnn-pami}, even though R-CNN uses ``infinite'' scales in the sense that each proposal is warped to a canonical size. |
Since single-scale processing offers the best tradeoff between speed and accuracy, especially for very deep models, all experiments outside of this sub-section use single-scale training and testing with $s = 600$ pixels. |
\subsection{Do we need more training data?} |
\seclabel{moredata} |
A good object detector should improve when supplied with more training data. |
Zhu \etal \cite{devaMoreData} found that DPM \cite{lsvm-pami} mAP saturates after only a few hundred to thousand training examples. |
Here we augment the VOC07 trainval set with the VOC12 trainval set, roughly tripling the number of images to 16.5k, to evaluate Fast R-CNN. |
Enlarging the training set improves mAP on VOC07 test from 66.9\% to 70.0\% (\tableref{voc2007}). |
When training on this dataset we use 60k mini-batch iterations instead of 40k. |
We perform similar experiments for VOC10 and 2012, for which we construct a dataset of 21.5k images from the union of VOC07 trainval, test, and VOC12 trainval. |
When training on this dataset, we use 100k SGD iterations and lower the learning rate by $0.1\times$ each 40k iterations (instead of each 30k). |
For VOC10 and 2012, mAP improves from 66.1\% to 68.8\% and from 65.7\% to 68.4\%, respectively. |
\subsection{Do SVMs outperform softmax?} |
Fast R-CNN uses the softmax classifier learnt during fine-tuning instead of training one-vs-rest linear SVMs post-hoc, as was done in R-CNN and SPPnet. |
To understand the impact of this choice, we implemented post-hoc SVM training with hard negative mining in Fast R-CNN. |
We use the same training algorithm and hyper-parameters as in R-CNN. |
\begin{table}[h!] |
\begin{center} |
\setlength{\tabcolsep}{6pt} |
\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.1} |
\small |
\begin{tabular}{l|l|r|r|r} |
method & classifier & \Sm & \Med & \Lg \\ |
\hline |
R-CNN \cite{girshick2014rcnn,rcnn-pami} & SVM & \bf{58.5} & \bf{60.2} & 66.0 \\ |
\hline |
FRCN [ours] & SVM & 56.3 & 58.7 & 66.8 \\ |
FRCN [ours] & softmax & 57.1 & 59.2 & \bf{66.9} \\ |
\end{tabular} |
\end{center} |
\caption{Fast R-CNN with softmax vs. SVM (VOC07 mAP).} |
\tablelabel{svm} |
\vspace{-0.5em} |
\end{table} |
\tableref{svm} shows softmax slightly outperforming SVM for all three networks, by $+0.1$ to $+0.8$ mAP points. |
This effect is small, but it demonstrates that ``one-shot'' fine-tuning is sufficient compared to previous multi-stage training approaches. |
We note that softmax, unlike one-vs-rest SVMs, introduces competition between classes when scoring a \roi. |
\subsection{Are more proposals always better?} |
There are (broadly) two types of object detectors: those that use a \emph{sparse} set of object proposals (\eg, selective search \cite{UijlingsIJCV2013}) and those that use a \emph{dense} set (\eg, DPM \cite{lsvm-pami}). |
Classifying sparse proposals is a type of \emph{cascade} \cite{Viola01} in which the proposal mechanism first rejects a vast number of candidates leaving the classifier with a small set to evaluate. |
This cascade improves detection accuracy when applied to DPM detections \cite{UijlingsIJCV2013}. |
We find evidence that the proposal-classifier cascade also improves Fast R-CNN accuracy. |
Using selective search's \emph{quality mode}, we sweep from 1k to 10k proposals per image, each time \emph{re-training} and \emph{re-testing} model \Med. |
If proposals serve a purely computational role, increasing the number of proposals per image should not harm mAP. |
\begin{figure}[h!] |
\centering |
\includegraphics[width=1\linewidth,trim=0em 0em 0 0, clip]{figs/proposals.pdf} |
\caption{VOC07 test mAP and AR for various proposal schemes.} |
\figlabel{proposals} |
\end{figure} |
We find that mAP rises and then falls slightly as the proposal count increases (\figref{proposals}, solid blue line). |
This experiment shows that swamping the deep classifier with more proposals does not help, and even slightly hurts, accuracy. |
This result is difficult to predict without actually running the experiment. |
The state-of-the-art for measuring object proposal quality is Average Recall (AR) \cite{Hosang15proposals}. |
AR correlates well with mAP for several proposal methods using R-CNN, \emph{when using a fixed number of proposals per image}. |
\figref{proposals} shows that AR (solid red line) does not correlate well with mAP as the number of proposals per image is varied. |
AR must be used with care; higher AR due to more proposals does not imply that mAP will increase. |
Fortunately, training and testing with model \Med takes less than 2.5 hours. |
Fast R-CNN thus enables efficient, direct evaluation of object proposal mAP, which is preferable to proxy metrics. |
We also investigate Fast R-CNN when using \emph{densely} generated boxes (over scale, position, and aspect ratio), at a rate of about 45k boxes / image. |
This dense set is rich enough that when each selective search box is replaced by its closest (in IoU) dense box, mAP drops only 1 point (to 57.7\%, \figref{proposals}, blue triangle). |
The statistics of the dense boxes differ from those of selective search boxes. |
Starting with 2k selective search boxes, we test mAP when \emph{adding} a random sample of $1000 \times \{2,4,6,8,10,32,45\}$ dense boxes. |
For each experiment we re-train and re-test model \Med. |
When these dense boxes are added, mAP falls more strongly than when adding more selective search boxes, eventually reaching 53.0\%. |
We also train and test Fast R-CNN using \emph{only} dense boxes (45k / image). |
This setting yields a mAP of 52.9\% (blue diamond). |
Finally, we check if SVMs with hard negative mining are needed to cope with the dense box distribution. |
SVMs do even worse: 49.3\% (blue circle). |
\subsection{Preliminary MS COCO results} |
We applied Fast R-CNN (with \vggsixteen) to the MS COCO dataset \cite{coco} to establish a preliminary baseline. |
We trained on the 80k image training set for 240k iterations and evaluated on the ``test-dev'' set using the evaluation server. |
The PASCAL-style mAP is 35.9\%; the new COCO-style AP, which also averages over IoU thresholds, is 19.7\%. |
\section{Conclusion} |
This paper proposes Fast R-CNN, a clean and fast update to R-CNN and SPPnet. |
In addition to reporting state-of-the-art detection results, we present detailed experiments that we hope provide new insights. |
Of particular note, sparse object proposals appear to improve detector quality. |
This issue was too costly (in time) to probe in the past, but becomes practical with Fast R-CNN. |
Of course, there may exist yet undiscovered techniques that allow dense boxes to perform as well as sparse proposals. |
Such methods, if developed, may help further accelerate object detection. |
\paragraph{Acknowledgements.} |
I thank Kaiming He, Larry Zitnick, and Piotr Doll{\'a}r for helpful discussions and encouragement. |
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