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\newcommand{\vsrlAP}[0]{$AP^m$\xspace} |
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\newcommand{\fastrcnn}[0]{{\small Fast R-CNN}\xspace} |
\newcommand{\cnn}[0]{{\small CNN}\xspace} |
\newcommand{\vcoco}[0]{{\small V-COCO}\xspace} |
\newcommand{\vb}[1]{{\small \texttt{#1}}\xspace} |
\newcommand{\vsrl}[0]{{\small VSRL}\xspace} |
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\newcommand{\test}[0]{\textit{test}\xspace} |
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\begin{document} |
\title{Visual Semantic Role Labeling} |
\author{Saurabh Gupta \\ UC Berkeley \\ {\tt\small sgupta@eecs.berkeley.edu} |
\and Jitendra Malik \\ UC Berkeley \\ {\tt\small malik@eecs.berkeley.edu} } |
\maketitle |
\begin{abstract} In this paper we introduce the problem of Visual Semantic Role |
Labeling: given an image we want to detect people doing actions and localize |
the objects of interaction. Classical approaches to action recognition either |
study the task of action classification at the image or video clip level or at |
best produce a bounding box around the person doing the action. We believe such |
an output is inadequate and a complete understanding can only come when we are |
able to associate objects in the scene to the different semantic roles of the |
action. To enable progress towards this goal, we annotate a dataset of 16K |
people instances in 10K images with actions they are doing and associate |
objects in the scene with different semantic roles for each action. Finally, we |
provide a set of baseline algorithms for this task and analyze error modes |
providing directions for future work. \end{abstract} |
\section{Introduction} |
Current state of the art on action recognition consists of classifying a video |
clip containing the action, or marking a bounding box around the approximate |
location of the agent doing the action. Most current action recognition |
datasets classify each person into doing one of $k$ different activities and |
focus on coarse activities (like `playing baseball', `cooking', `gardening'). |
We argue that such a coarse understanding is incomplete and a complete visual |
understanding of an activity can only come when we can reason about fine |
grained actions constituting each such activity (like `hitting' the ball with |
a bat, `chopping' onions with a knife, `mowing' the lawn with a a lawn mower), |
reason about people doing multiple such actions at the same time, and are able |
to associate objects in the scene to the different semantic roles for each of these |
actions. |
\begin{figure}[t] \insertA{0.48}{figures/baseball.jpg} \caption{\small |
\textbf{Visual Semantic Role Labeling}: We want to go beyond classifying the |
action occurring in the image to being able to localize the agent, and the |
objects in various semantic roles associated with the action.} |
\figlabel{visual-srl} \end{figure} |
\figref{visual-srl} shows our desired output. We want to go |
beyond coarse activity labels such as `playing baseball', and be able to reason |
about fine-grained actions such as `hitting' and detect the various |
semantic roles for this action namely: the agent (pink box), the instrument |
(blue box) and the object (orange box). Such an output can help us answer |
various questions about the image. It tells us more about the current state of |
the scene depicted in the image (association of objects in the image with each |
other and with actions happening in the image), helps us better predict the |
future (the ball will leave the image from the left edge of the image, the |
baseball bat will swing clockwise), help us to learn commonsense about the |
world (naive physics, that a bat hitting a ball impacts momentum), and in turn |
help us in understanding `activities' (a baseball game is an outdoor sport |
played in a field and involves hitting a round ball with a long cylindrical |
bat). |
We call this problem as `Visual Semantic Role Labeling'. Semantic Role Labeling |
in a Natural Language Processing context refers to labeling words in a sentence |
with different semantic roles for the verb in the sentence |
\cite{carreras2005introduction}. NLP research on this and related areas has |
resulted in FrameNet~\cite{baker1998berkeley} and |
VerbNet~\cite{KipperSchuler2006} which catalogue verbs and their semantic |
roles. What is missing from such catalogues is visual grounding. Our work here |
strives to achieve this grounding of verbs and their various semantic roles to |
images. The set of actions we study along with the various roles are listed in |
\tableref{list}. |
\begin{figure*} |
\centering |
\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{0.5} |
\setlength{\tabcolsep}{1.0pt} |
\insertB{0.15}{figures/people/2_1752195.jpg} |
\insertB{0.15}{figures/people/2_2151556.jpg} |
\insertB{0.15}{figures/people/2_2154597.jpg} |
\insertB{0.15}{figures/people/3_424383.jpg} |
\insertB{0.15}{figures/people/2_2157357.jpg} |
\insertB{0.15}{figures/people/2_2151818.jpg} |
\insertB{0.15}{figures/people/3_191596.jpg} |
\insertB{0.15}{figures/people/3_478163.jpg} |
\insertB{0.15}{figures/people/2_2151213.jpg} |
\insertB{0.15}{figures/people/2_2155536.jpg} |
\insertB{0.15}{figures/people/3_192398.jpg} |
\insertB{0.15}{figures/people/2_485273.jpg} |
\insertB{0.15}{figures/people/2_483755.jpg} |
\insertB{0.15}{figures/people/3_453288.jpg} |
\insertB{0.15}{figures/people/3_492607.jpg} |
\insertB{0.15}{figures/people/3_475491.jpg} |
\insertB{0.15}{figures/people/3_465597.jpg} |
\insertB{0.15}{figures/people/2_2151551.jpg} |
\insertB{0.15}{figures/people/2_490595.jpg} |
\insertB{0.15}{figures/people/2_489031.jpg} |
\caption{\textbf{Visualizations of the images in the dataset}: We show examples |
of annotations in the dataset. We show the agent in the blue box and objects in |
various semantic roles in red. People can be doing multiple actions at the same |
time. First row shows: person skateboarding, person sitting and riding on horse, person |
sitting on chair and riding on elephant, person drinking from a glass and |
sitting on a chair, person sitting on a chair eating a doughnut.} |
\figlabel{dataset-vis} |
\end{figure*} |
Visual semantic role labeling is a new task which has not been studied before; |
thus we start by annotating a dataset of 16K people instances with action |
labels from 26 different action classes and associating objects in various |
semantic roles for each person labeled with a particular action. We do this |
annotation on the challenging Microsoft COCO (Common Objects in COntext) |
dataset \cite{mscoco}, which contains a wide variety of objects in complex and |
cluttered scenes. \figref{dataset-vis} shows some examples from our dataset. |
Unlike most existing datasets which either have objects or actions labeled, as |
a result of our annotation effort, \coco now has detailed action labels in |
addition to the detailed object instance segmentations, and we believe will |
form an interesting test bed for studying related problems. We also provide |
baseline algorithms for addressing this task using CNN based object detectors, |
and provide a discussion on future directions of research. |
\section{Related Work} |
\seclabel{related} |
There has been a lot of research in computer vision to understand activities and |
actions happening in images and videos. Here we review popular action analysis |
datasets, exact tasks people have studied and basic overview of techniques. |
PASCAL VOC \cite{PASCAL-ijcv} is one of the popular datasets for static action |
classification. The primary task here is to classify bounding box around people |
instances into 9 categories. This dataset was used in the VOC challenge. |
Recently, Gkioxari \etal \cite{poseactionrcnn} extended the dataset for action |
detection where the task is to detect and localize people doing actions. MPII |
Human Pose dataset is a more recent and challenging dataset for studying action |
\cite{andriluka14cvpr}. The MPII Human Pose dataset contains 23K images |
containing over 40K people with 410 different human activities. These images |
come from YouTube videos and in addition to the activity label also have |
extensive body part labels. The PASCAL dataset has enabled tremendous progress |
in the field of action classification, and the MPII human pose dataset has |
enabled studying human pose in a very principled manner, but both these |
datasets do not have annotations for the object of interaction which is the |
focus of our work here. |
Gupta \etal \cite{gupta2009understanding,gupta2009observing}, Yao \etal |
\cite{yao2011human,yao2012recognizing,yao2011classifying}, Prest \etal |
\cite{prest2012weakly} collect and analyze the Sports, People Playing Musical |
Instruments (PPMI) and the Trumpets, Bikes and Hats (TBH) datasets but the |
focus of these works is on modeling human pose and object context. While Gupta |
\etal and Yao \etal study the problem in supervised contexts, Prest \etal also |
propose weakly supervised methods. While these methods significantly boost |
performance over not using human object context and produce localization for |
the object of interaction as learned by their model, they do not quantify |
performance at the joint task of detecting people, classifying what they are |
doing and localizing the object of interaction. Our proposed dataset will be a |
natural test bed for making such quantitative measurements. |
There are also a large number of video datasets for activity analysis. Some of |
these study the task of full video action classification |
\cite{schuldt2004recognizing,ActionsAsSpaceTimeShapes_pami07,laptev:08,marszalek09,KarpathyCVPR14,rohrbach2012database}, |
while some \cite{yuan2009discriminative,Jhuang:ICCV:2013,rodriguez2008action} |
also study the task of detecting the agent doing the action. In particular the |
J-HMDB \cite{rodriguez2008action} and UCF Sports dataset |
\cite{Jhuang:ICCV:2013} are popular test beds for algorithms that study this |
task \cite{actiontubes}. More recently, \cite{rohrbach15cvpr} proposed a new |
video dataset where annotations come from DVS scripts. Given annotations can be |
generated automatically, this will be a large dataset, but is inadequate for us |
as it does not have the visual grounding which is our interest here. |
There have been a number of recent papers which generate captions for images |
\cite{fangCVPR15,karpathy2014deep,kelvin2015show,ryan2014multimodal,mao2014explain,vinyals2014show,kiros2014unifying,donahue2014long,chen2014learning}. |
Some of them also produce localization for various words that occur in the |
sentence \cite{fangCVPR15,kelvin2015show}. |
While this maybe sufficient to generate a caption for the image, the |
understanding is often limited only to the most salient action happening in the |
image (based on biases of the captions that were available for training). |
A caption like `A baseball match' is completely correct for the image in |
\figref{visual-srl}, but it is far from the detailed understanding we are striving |
for here: an explicit action label for each person in the image along with |
accurate localization for all objects in various semantic roles for the action. |
\section{V-COCO Dataset} In this section, we describe the Verbs in COCO |
(\vcoco) dataset. Our annotation process consisted of the following stages. |
Example images from the dataset are shown in \figref{dataset-vis}. |
\begin{figure}[t] |
\insertA{0.48}{figures/stage2.png} |
\insertA{0.48}{figures/stage3.png} |
\caption{\small |
\textbf{Interface for collecting annotations}: The top row shows the interface for |
annotating the action the person is doing, and the bottom row shows the |
interface for associating the roles.} |
\figlabel{interface} \end{figure} |
We build off the \coco dataset, for the following reasons, a) \coco is the most |
challenging object detection dataset, b) it has complete annotations for 160K |
images with 80 different object classes along with segmentation mask for all |
objects and five human written captions for each image, c) \vcoco will get |
richer if \coco gets richer \eg with additional annotations like human pose and |
key points. |
\textbf{Identifying verbs} |
The first step is to identify a set of verbs to study. We do this in a data |
driven manner. We use the captions in the \coco dataset and obtain a list of |
words for which the subject is a person (we use the Stanford dependency parser |
to determine the subject associated with each verb and check this subject |
against a list of 62 nouns and pronouns to determine if the subject is a |
person). We also obtain counts for each of these verbs (actions). Based on this |
list, we manually select a set of 30 basic verbs (actions). We picked these |
words with the consideration if these would be in the vocabulary of a 5-year |
old child. The list of verbs is tabulated in \tableref{list}. Based on |
visual inspection of images with these action words, we dropped \texttt{pick}, |
\texttt{place}, \texttt{give}, \texttt{take} because they were ambiguous from a |
single image. |
\textbf{Identifying interesting images} |
With this list of verbs, the next step is to identify a set of images |
containing people doing these actions. We do this independently for each verb. |
We compute two scores for each image: a) does this image have a person |
associated with the target verb (or its synonyms) (based on the captions for |
the image), b) does this image contain objects associated with the target verb |
(using the \coco object instance annotations, the list of associated objects |
was picked manually). Query expansion using the set of objects associated with |
the target verb was necessary to obtain enough examples. |
We sum these scores to obtain a ranked list of images for each verb, and |
consider the top 8000 images independently for each verb (in case the above |
two scores do not yield enough images we take additional images that contain |
people). We then use \amt to obtain annotations for people in these 8000 |
images (details on the mechanical turk annotation procedure are provided in |
\secref{amt}). We thus obtain a set of positive instances for each verb. The |
next step is to come up with a common set of images across all action |
categories. We do this by solving an integer program. This step of obtaining |
annotations separately for each action and then merging positive instances into |
a common pool of images was important to get enough examples for each action |
class. |
\textbf{Salient People} Given this task requires detailed reasoning (consider |
localizing the spoon and fork being used to \vb{eat}), instead of working with |
all people in the image, we work with people instances which have sufficient |
pixel area in the image. In addition, we also discard all people with pixel |
area less than half the pixel area of the largest person in the image. This |
helps with images which have a lot of by-standers (who may not be doing |
anything interesting). Doing this speeds up the annotation process |
significantly, and allows us to use the annotation effort more effectively. |
Note that we can still study the \vsrl problem in a detection setting. Given |
the complete annotations in \coco, even if we don't know the action that a non |
salient person is doing, we still know its location and appropriately adjust |
the training and evaluation procedures to take this into account. |
\textbf{Annotating salient people with all action labels} |
Given this set of images we annotate all `salient people' in these images with |
binary label for each action category. We again use \amt for obtaining these |
annotations but obtain annotations from 5 different workers for each person for |
each action. |
\textbf{Annotating object in various roles} |
Finally, we obtain annotations for objects in various roles for each action. We |
first enumerate the various roles for each verb, and identify object |
categories that are appropriate for these roles (see \tableref{list}). For |
each positively annotated person (with 3 or more positive votes from the |
previous stage) we obtain YES/NO annotation for questions of the form: |
`{\small Is the \textit{person} in the blue box \textit{holding} the |
\textit{banana} in the red box?}' |
\textbf{Splits} |
To minimize any differences in statistics between the different splits of the |
data, we combined 40K images from the \coco training set with the \coco |
validation set and obtained annotations on this joint set. After the |
annotation, we construct 3 splits for the \vcoco dataset: the images coming |
from the validation set in \coco were put into the \vcoco \textit{test} set, |
the rest of the images were split into \vcoco \textit{train} and \textit{val} |
sets. |
\subsection{Annotation Procedure} \seclabel{amt} In this section, we describe |
the Amazon Mechanical Turk (\amt) \cite{AMT} annotation procedure that we use |
during the various stages of dataset annotation. |
We follow insights from Zhou \etal \cite{zhou2014places} and use their |
annotation interface. We frame each annotation task as a binary {\small |
{YES}/{NO}} task. This has the following advantages: the user interface for |
such a task is simple, it is easy to insert test questions, it is easy to |
asses consensus, and such a task ends up getting done faster on \amt. |
\textbf{User Interface} We use the interface from Zhou \etal |
\cite{zhou2014places}. The interface is shown in \figref{interface}. We show |
two images: the original image on the left, and the image highlighting the |
person being annotated on the right. All images were marked with a default NO |
answer and the turker flips the answer using a key press. We inserted test |
questions to prevent spamming (see below) and filtered out inaccurate turkers. |
We composed HITs (Human Intelligence Tasks) with 450 questions (including 50 |
test questions) of the form: `{\small Is the person highlighted in the blue box |
\textit{holding} something?}' In a given HIT, the action was kept fixed. On |
average turkers spent 15 minutes per HIT, although this varied from action to |
action. For annotating the roles, an additional box was highlighted |
corresponding to the object, and the question was changed appropriately. |
\textbf{Test Questions} We had to insert test questions to ensure |
reliability of turker annotations. We inserted two sets of test questions. The |
first set was used to determine accuracy at the time of submission and this |
prevented turkers from submitting answers if their accuracy was too low (below |
90\%). The second set of questions were used to guard from turkers who hacked |
the client side testing to submit incorrect results (surprisingly, we did find |
turkers who did this). HITs for which the average accuracy on the test set was |
lower than 95\% were relaunched. The set of test questions were bootstrapped |
from the annotation process, we started with a small set of hand labeled test |
questions, and enriched that set based on annotations obtained on a small set |
of images. We manually inspected the annotations and augmented the test set to |
penalize common mistakes (skiing \vs snowboarding) and excluded ambiguous |
examples. |
\subsection{Dataset Statistics} |
\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.3} |
\begin{table} |
\caption{\textbf{List of actions in \vcoco.} We list the different actions, number of |
semantic roles associated with the action, number of examples for each action, |
the different roles associated with each action along with their counts and the |
different objects that can be take each role. Annotations for cells marked with * are |
currently underway.} \vspace{2mm} |
\tablelabel{list} |
\scalebox{0.6}{ |
\begin{tabular}{>{\raggedright}p{0.08\textwidth}crrrp{0.35\textwidth}r} \toprule |
Action & Roles & \# & Role & \# & Objects in role & \\ \midrule |
carry & 1 & 970 & \object & * & & \\ |
catch & 1 & 559 & \object & 457 & sports ball, frisbee, & \\ |
cut & 2 & 569 & \instr & 477 & scissors, fork, knife, & \\ |
& & & \object & * & & \\ |
drink & 1 & 215 & \instr & 203 & wine glass, bottle, cup, bowl, & \\ |
eat & 2 & 1198 & \object & 737 & banana, apple, sandwich, orange, carrot, broccoli, hot dog, pizza, cake, donut, & \\ |
& & & \instr & * & & \\ |
hit & 2 & 716 & \instr & 657 & tennis racket, baseball bat, & \\ |
& & & \object & 454 & sports ball & \\ |
hold & 1 & 7609 & \object & * & & \\ |
jump & 1 & 1335 & \instr & 891 & snowboard, skis, skateboard, surfboard, & \\ |
kick & 1 & 322 & \object & 297 & sports ball, & \\ |
lay & 1 & 858 & \instr & 513 & bench, dining table, toilet, bed, couch, chair, & \\ |
look & 1 & 7172 & \object & * & & \\ |
point & 1 & 69 & \object & * & & \\ |
read & 1 & 227 & \object & 172 & book, & \\ |
ride & 1 & 1044 & \instr & 950 & bicycle, motorcycle, bus, truck, boat, train, airplane, car, horse, elephant, & \\ |
run & 0 & 1309 & - & - & & \\ |
sit & 1 & 3905 & \instr & 2161 & bicycle, motorcycle, horse, elephant, bench, chair, couch, bed, toilet, dining table, suitcase, handbag, backpack, & \\ |
skateboard & 1 & 906 & \instr & 869 & skateboard, & \\ |
ski & 1 & 924 & \instr & 797 & skis, & \\ |
smile & 0 & 2960 & - & - & & \\ |
snowboard & 1 & 665 & \instr & 628 & snowboard, & \\ |
stand & 0 & 8716 & - & - & & \\ |
surf & 1 & 984 & \instr & 949 & surfboard, & \\ |
talk on phone & 1 & 639 & \instr & 538 & cell phone, & \\ |
throw & 1 & 544 & \object & 475 & sports ball, frisbee, & \\ |
walk & 0 & 1253 & - & - & & \\ |
work on computer & 1 & 868 & \instr & 773 & laptop, & \\ |
\bottomrule |
\end{tabular}} |
\end{table} |
\begin{table} |
\setlength{\tabcolsep}{1.2pt} |
\begin{center} |
\caption{List and counts of actions that co-occur in \vcoco.} |
\tablelabel{co-occur-stats} |
\scriptsize{ |
\begin{tabular}{>{\textbf}lp{0.13\textwidth}lp{0.13\textwidth}lp{0.13\textwidth}} \toprule |
597 & look, stand & & & 411 & carry, hold, stand, walk \\ |
340 & hold, stand, ski & & & 329 & ride, sit \\ |
324 & look, sit, work on computer & 302 & look, jump, skateboard & 296 & hold, ride, sit \\ |
280 & look, surf & 269 & hold, stand & 269 & hold, look, stand \\ |
259 & hold, smile, stand & 253 & stand, walk & 253 & hold, sit, eat \\ |
238 & smile, stand & 230 & look, run, stand & 209 & hold, look, stand, hit \\ |
& & 193 & hold, smile, stand, ski & 189 & look, sit \\ |
189 & look, run, stand, kick & 183 & smile, sit & & \\ |
160 & look, stand, surf & 159 & hold, look, sit, eat & 152 & hold, stand, talk on phone \\ |
150 & stand, snowboard & 140 & hold, look, smile, stand, cut & & \\ |
129 & hold, stand, throw & 128 & look, stand, jump, skateboard & 127 & hold, smile, sit, eat \\ |
124 & hold, look, stand, cut & 121 & hold, look, sit, work on computer & 117 & hold, stand, hit \\ |
115 & look, jump, snowboard & 115 & look, stand, skateboard & 113 & stand, surf \\ |
107 & hold, look, run, stand, hit & 105 & look, stand, throw & 104 & hold, look, stand, ski \\ |
\bottomrule |
\end{tabular}} |
\end{center} |
\end{table} |
In this section we list statistics on the dataset. The \vcoco |
dataset contains a total of 10346 images containg 16199 people |
instances. Each annotated person has binary labels for 26 different actions. |
The set of actions and the semantic roles associated with each action are |
listed in \tableref{list}. \tableref{list} also lists the number of positive |
examples for each action, the set of object categories for various roles for each |
ation, the number of instances with annotations for the object of interaction. |
We split the \vcoco dataset into a \train, \val and \test split. The \train and |
\val splits come from the \coco \train set while the \test set comes from the |
\val set. Number of images and annotated people instances in each of these |
splits are tabulated in \tableref{stat-splits}. |
Note that all images in \vcoco inherits all the annotations from the \coco |
dataset \cite{mscoco}, including bounding boxes for non-salient people, crowd regions, |
allowing us to study all tasks in a detection setting. Moreover, each image |
also has annotations for 80 object categories which can be used to study the |
role of context in such tasks. |
\figref{hists} (left) shows the distribution of the number of people instances |
in each image. Unlike past datasets which mostly have only one annotated person |
per image, the \vcoco dataset has a large number of images with more than one |
person. On average these have 1.57 people annotated with action labels per |
image. There are about 2000 images with two, and 800 images with three people |
annotated. |
\figref{hists} (right) shows a distribution of the number of different actions |
a person is doing in \vcoco. Unlike past datasets where each person can only be |
doing one action, people in \vcoco do on average 2.87 actions at the same time. |
\tableref{co-occur-stats} lists the set of actions which co-occur more than 100 |
times along with their counts. We also analyse human agreement for different |
actions to quantify the ambiguity in labeling actions from a single image by |
benchmarking annotations from one turker with annotations from the other |
turkers for each HIT for each action and produce points on precision and recall |
plot. \figref{human-agreement} presents these plots for the \vb{walk}, \vb{run} |
and \vb{surf} actions. We can see that there is high human agreement for |
actions like \vb{surf}, where as there is lower human agreement for verbs like |
\vb{walk} and \vb{run}, as expected. |
\begin{figure} |
\centering |
\insertA{0.23}{figures/hist_people_per_image.pdf} |
\insertA{0.23}{figures/hist_actions_per_person.pdf} |
\caption{\textbf{Statistics on \vcoco}: The bar plot on left shows the |
distribution of the number of annotated people per image. The bar plot on right |
shows the distribution of the number of actions a person is doing. Note that |
X-axis is on $\log$ scale.} |
\figlabel{hists} |
\end{figure} |
\begin{figure} |
\insertA{0.1492}{figures/human_agreement/walk.pdf} |
\insertA{0.1492}{figures/human_agreement/run.pdf} |
\insertA{0.1492}{figures/human_agreement/surf.pdf} |
\caption{Human Agreement} |
\figlabel{human-agreement} |
\end{figure} |
\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.2} |
\begin{table} |
\caption{Statistics of various splits of \vcoco.} |
\tablelabel{stat-splits} |
\begin{center} |
\scalebox{0.8}{ |
\begin{tabular}{lcccc} |
\toprule |
& \train & \val & \test & \textit{all} \\ \midrule |
Number of Image & 2533 & 2867 & 4946 & 10346 \\ |
Number of People Instance & 3932 & 4499 & 7768 & 16199 \\ \bottomrule |
\end{tabular}} |
\end{center} |
\end{table} |
\subsection{Tasks and Metrics} |
These annotations enable us to study a variety of new fine grained tasks about |
action understanding which have not been studied before. We describe these |
tasks below. |
\textbf{Agent Detection} The agent detection task is to detect instances of |
people engaging in a particular action. We use the standard average precision |
metric as used for PASCAL VOC object detection \cite{PASCAL-ijcv} to measure |
performance at this task - people labeled positively with the action category |
are treated as positive, un-annotated non-salient people are marked as difficult. |
\textbf{Role Detection} The role detection task is to detect the agent and |
the objects in the various roles for the action. An algorithm produces as |
output bounding boxes for the locations of the agent and each semantic role. A |
detection is correct if the location of the agent and each role is correct |
(correctness is measured using bounding box overlap as is standard). As an |
example, consider the role detection task for the action class `hold'. An |
algorithm will have to produce as output a bounding box for the person |
`holding', and the object being `held', and both these boxes must be correct |
for this detection to be correct. We follow the same precision recall |
philosophy and use average precision as the metric. |
\section{Methods} |
\seclabel{method} |
In this section, we describe the baseline approaches we investigated for |
studying this task. As a first step, we train object detectors for the 80 |
different classes in the \coco dataset. We use \rcnn \cite{girshickCVPR14} to |
train these detectors and use the 16-layer CNN from Simonyan and Zisserman |
\cite{simonyan2014very} (we denote this as \vgg). This \cnn has been shown to be |
very effective at a variety of tasks like object detection |
\cite{girshickCVPR14}, image captioning \cite{fangCVPR15}, action |
classification \cite{pascal_leaderboard}. We finetune this detector using the |
fast version of R-CNN \cite{fastrcnn} and train on 77K images from the \coco |
train split (we hold out the 5K \vcoco \train and \val images). We use the |
precomputed MCG bounding boxes from \cite{pont2015multiscale}. |
\paragraph{Agent detection model} Our model for agent detection starts by |
detecting people, and then classifies the detected people into different action |
categories. We train this classification model using MCG bounding boxes which |
have an intersection over union of more than 0.5 with the ground truth bounding |
box for the person. Since each person can be doing multiple actions at the same |
time, we frame this as a multi-label classification problem, and finetune the |
\vgg representation for this task. We denote this model as $A$. |
At test time, each person detection (after non-maximum suppression), is scored |
with classifiers for different actions, to obtain a probability for each |
action. These action probabilities are multiplied with the probability from the |
person detector to obtain the final score for each action class. |
\paragraph{Regression to bounding box for the role} Our first attempt to |
localize the object in semantic roles associated with an action involves |
training a regression model to regress to the location of the semantic role. |
This regression is done in the coordinate frame of the detected agent (detected |
using model $A$ as described above). We use the following 4 regression targets |
\cite{girshickCVPR14}. $(\bar{x}_{t}, \bar{y}_{t})$ denotes the center of the |
target box $t$, $(\bar{x}_o, \bar{y}_{o})$ denotes the center of the detected |
person box $o$, and $(w_{t}, h_{t})$, $(w_o, h_o)$ are the width and height of |
the target and person box. |
\begin{eqnarray} |
\delta(t,o) = \left(\frac{\bar{x}_{t} - \bar{x}_{o}}{w_{o}}, \frac{\bar{y}_{t} - |
\bar{y}_{o}}{h_{o}}, |
\log\left(\frac{{w}_{t}}{w_{o}}\right), \log\left(\frac{{h}_{t}}{h_{o}}\right) \right) |
\eqlabel{delta} |
\end{eqnarray} |
We denote this model as $B$. |
\paragraph{Using Object Detectors} Our second method for localizing these |
objects uses object detectors for the categories that can be a part of the |
semantic role as described in \tableref{list}. We start with the detected agent |
(using model $A$ above) and for each detected agent attach the highest scoring |
box according to the following score function: |
\begin{eqnarray} |
P_D\left(\delta(t_{c},o)\right) \times sc_{c}(t_{c}) |
\end{eqnarray} |
where $o$ refers to the box of the detected agent, box $t_c$ comes from all |
detection boxes for the relevant object categories $c \in \mathcal{C}$ for that |
action class, and $sc_c(t_c)$ refers to the detection probability for object |
category $c$ for box $t_{c}$. $P_D$ is the probability distribution of |
deformations $\delta$ computed from the training set, using the annotated agent |
and role boxes. We model this probability distribution using a Gaussian. The |
detection probabilities for different object categories $c \in \mathcal{C}$ are |
already calibrated using the softmax in the \fastrcnn training \cite{fastrcnn}. |
We denote this model as $C$. |
\section{Experiments} |
\seclabel{exp} |
\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.3} |
\begin{table} |
\centering |
\caption{Performance on actions in \vcoco. We report the recall for MCG |
candidates for objects that are part of different semantic roles for each |
action, AP for agent detection and role detection for 4 baselines using VGG CNN |
(with and without finetuning for this task). See \secref{exp} for more |
details.} |
\vspace{2mm} |
\tablelabel{ap} |
\scalebox{0.6}{ |
\begin{tabular}{>{\raggedleft}p{0.08\textwidth}crrrrrrrrrr} \toprule |
Action & Role & \multicolumn{3}{c}{MCG Recall} & & \multicolumn{5}{c}{Average Precision}\\ |
\cmidrule(r){3-5} \cmidrule(r){7-11} |
& & & & & & $A$ & $B_0$ & $B$ & $C_0$ & $C$ & \\ |
& & mean & R[0.5] & R[0.7] & & agent & role & role & role & role & \\ \midrule |
carry & \object* & & & & & 54.2 & & & & & \\ |
catch & \object & 73.7 & 91.6 & 67.2 & & 41.4 & 1.1 & 1.2 & 24.1 & 22.5 & \\ |
cut & \instr & 58.6 & 61.4 & 30.7 & & 44.5 & 1.6 & 2.3 & 4.6 & 3.9 & \\ |
& \object* & & & & & & & & & & \\ |
drink & \instr & 69.5 & 82.1 & 58.2 & & 25.1 & 0.3 & 0.7 & 3.1 & 6.4 & \\ |
eat & \object & 84.4 & 97.8 & 89.7 & & 70.2 & 8.0 & 11.0 & 37.0 & 46.2 & \\ |
& \instr* & & & & & & & & & & \\ |
hit & \instr & 72.0 & 88.1 & 60.5 & & 82.6 & 0.2 & 0.7 & 31.0 & 31.0 & \\ |
& \object & 62.0 & 73.8 & 53.3 & & & 11.3 & 11.8 & 41.3 & 44.6 & \\ |
hold & \object* & & & & & 73.4 & & & & & \\ |
jump & \instr & 76.0 & 88.7 & 68.7 & & 69.2 & 4.0 & 17.0 & 33.9 & 35.3 & \\ |
kick & \object & 82.7 & 100.0 & 94.4 & & 61.6 & 0.3 & 0.8 & 48.8 & 48.3 & \\ |
lay & \instr & 94.6 & 100.0 & 97.7 & & 39.3 & 19.9 & 28.0 & 32.8 & 34.3 & \\ |
look & \object* & & & & & 65.0 & & & & & \\ |
point & \object* & & & & & 1.4 & & & & & \\ |
read & \object & 83.5 & 96.2 & 82.7 & & 10.6 & 0.9 & 2.1 & 2.2 & 4.7 & \\ |
ride & \instr & 84.7 & 99.1 & 87.9 & & 45.4 & 1.2 & 9.7 & 12.5 & 27.6 & \\ |
run & - & & & & & 59.7 & & & & & \\ |
sit & \instr & 82.2 & 94.7 & 82.6 & & 64.1 & 20.0 & 22.3 & 24.3 & 29.2 & \\ |
skateboard & \instr & 73.2 & 87.3 & 63.7 & & 83.7 & 3.0 & 12.2 & 32.7 & 40.2 & \\ |
ski & \instr & 49.1 & 46.5 & 20.9 & & 81.9 & 4.9 & 5.5 & 5.9 & 8.2 & \\ |
smile & - & & & & & 61.9 & & & & & \\ |
snowboard & \instr & 67.8 & 75.1 & 51.7 & & 75.8 & 4.3 & 13.6 & 20.2 & 28.1 & \\ |
stand & - & & & & & 81.0 & & & & & \\ |
surf & \instr & 66.7 & 76.0 & 53.2 & & 94.0 & 1.5 & 4.8 & 28.1 & 27.3 & \\ |
talk on phone & \instr & 59.9 & 69.3 & 37.3 & & 46.6 & 1.1 & 0.6 & 5.8 & 5.8 & \\ |
throw & \object & 72.5 & 88.0 & 73.6 & & 50.1 & 0.4 & 0.5 & 25.7 & 25.4 & \\ |
walk & - & & & & & 56.3 & & & & & \\ |
work on computer & \object & 85.6 & 98.6 & 88.5 & & 56.9 & 1.4 & 4.9 & 29.8 & 32.3 & \\ \midrule |
mean & & 73.6 & 85.0 & 66.4 & & 57.5 & 4.5 & 7.9 & 23.4 & 26.4 & \\ \bottomrule |
\end{tabular}} |
\end{table} |
\begin{figure*} |
\centering |
\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{0.3} |
\setlength{\tabcolsep}{1.0pt} |
\begin{tabular}{p{0.02\textwidth}>{\raggedright\arraybackslash}p{0.98\textwidth}} |
\vertical{Correct} & |
\insertB{0.13}{figures/error_modes_ft//correct/cut_instr_tp_0041.jpg} |
\insertB{0.13}{figures/error_modes_ft//correct/eat_obj_tp_0005.jpg} |
\insertB{0.13}{figures/error_modes_ft//correct/hit_instr_tp_0013.jpg} |
\insertB{0.13}{figures/error_modes_ft//correct/kick_obj_tp_0009.jpg} |
\insertB{0.13}{figures/error_modes_ft//correct/read_obj_tp_0042.jpg} |
\insertB{0.13}{figures/error_modes_ft//correct/ride_instr_tp_0025.jpg} |
\insertB{0.13}{figures/error_modes_ft//correct/skateboard_instr_tp_0011.jpg} |
\insertB{0.13}{figures/error_modes_ft//correct/snowboard_instr_tp_0007.jpg} |
\insertB{0.13}{figures/error_modes_ft//correct/surf_instr_tp_0003.jpg} |
\insertB{0.13}{figures/error_modes_ft//correct/read_obj_tp_0011.jpg} |
\insertB{0.13}{figures/error_modes_ft//correct/talk_on_phone_instr_tp_0002.jpg} |
\insertB{0.13}{figures/error_modes_ft//correct/throw_obj_tp_0002.jpg} |
\\ \vertical{Incorrect Class} & |
\insertB{0.13}{figures/error_modes_ft//bad_class/catch_obj_wrong_label_0033.jpg} |
\insertB{0.13}{figures/error_modes_ft//bad_class/cut_instr_wrong_label_0036.jpg} |
\insertB{0.13}{figures/error_modes_ft//bad_class/hit_instr_wrong_label_0080.jpg} |
\insertB{0.13}{figures/error_modes_ft//bad_class/kick_obj_wrong_label_0040.jpg} |
\insertB{0.13}{figures/error_modes_ft//bad_class/lay_instr_wrong_label_0040.jpg} |
\insertB{0.13}{figures/error_modes_ft//bad_class/read_obj_wrong_label_0012.jpg} |
\insertB{0.13}{figures/error_modes_ft//bad_class/ride_instr_wrong_label_0034.jpg} |
\insertB{0.13}{figures/error_modes_ft//bad_class/snowboard_instr_wrong_label_0038.jpg} |
\insertB{0.13}{figures/error_modes_ft//bad_class/surf_instr_wrong_label_0150.jpg} |
\insertB{0.13}{figures/error_modes_ft//bad_class/talk_on_phone_instr_wrong_label_0015.jpg} |
\insertB{0.13}{figures/error_modes_ft//bad_class/throw_obj_wrong_label_0008.jpg} |
\insertB{0.13}{figures/error_modes_ft//bad_class/work_on_computer_instr_wrong_label_0067.jpg} |
\\ \vertical{Mis-Grouping} & |
\insertB{0.13}{figures/error_modes_ft//misgroup/cut_instr_mis_group_0023.jpg} |
\insertB{0.13}{figures/error_modes_ft//misgroup/drink_instr_mis_group_0056.jpg} |
\insertB{0.13}{figures/error_modes_ft//misgroup/eat_obj_mis_group_0031.jpg} |
\insertB{0.13}{figures/error_modes_ft//misgroup/hit_instr_mis_group_0078.jpg} |
\insertB{0.13}{figures/error_modes_ft//misgroup/jump_instr_mis_group_0178.jpg} |
\insertB{0.13}{figures/error_modes_ft//misgroup/ride_instr_mis_group_0205.jpg} |
\insertB{0.13}{figures/error_modes_ft//misgroup/sit_instr_mis_group_0097.jpg} |
\insertB{0.13}{figures/error_modes_ft//misgroup/skateboard_instr_mis_group_0155.jpg} |
\insertB{0.13}{figures/error_modes_ft//misgroup/ski_instr_mis_group_0051.jpg} |
\insertB{0.13}{figures/error_modes_ft//misgroup/snowboard_instr_mis_group_0147.jpg} |
\insertB{0.13}{figures/error_modes_ft//misgroup/work_on_computer_instr_mis_group_0015.jpg} |
\insertB{0.13}{figures/error_modes_ft//misgroup/work_on_computer_instr_mis_group_0045.jpg} |
\\ \vertical{Mis-Localization} & |
\insertB{0.13}{figures/error_modes_ft//misloc/cut_instr_o_misloc_0019.jpg} |
\insertB{0.13}{figures/error_modes_ft//misloc/drink_instr_o_misloc_0032.jpg} |
\insertB{0.13}{figures/error_modes_ft//misloc/lay_instr_o_misloc_0120.jpg} |
\insertB{0.13}{figures/error_modes_ft//misloc/ride_instr_o_misloc_0035.jpg} |
\insertB{0.13}{figures/error_modes_ft//misloc/talk_on_phone_instr_o_misloc_0011.jpg} |
\\ \vertical{Hallucination} & |
\insertB{0.13}{figures/error_modes_ft//halucination/catch_obj_o_hall_0031.jpg} |
\insertB{0.13}{figures/error_modes_ft//halucination/cut_instr_o_hall_0070.jpg} |
\insertB{0.13}{figures/error_modes_ft//halucination/eat_obj_o_hall_0134.jpg} |
\insertB{0.13}{figures/error_modes_ft//halucination/skateboard_instr_o_hall_0142.jpg} |
\insertB{0.13}{figures/error_modes_ft//halucination/ski_instr_o_hall_0202.jpg} |
\insertB{0.13}{figures/error_modes_ft//halucination/snowboard_instr_o_hall_0204.jpg} |
\insertB{0.13}{figures/error_modes_ft//halucination/talk_on_phone_instr_o_hall_0039.jpg} |
\\ |
\end{tabular} |
\caption{Visualizations of detections from our best performing baseline |
algorithm. We show the detected agent in the blue box and the detected object |
in the semantic role in the red box and indicate the inferred action class in |
the test at the bottom of the image. We show some correct detections in the top |
two rows, and common error modes in subsequent rows. `Incorrect Class': when |
the inferred action class label is wrong; `Mis-Grouping': correctly localized |
and semantically feasible but incorrectly matched to the agent; and |
`Mis-localization' and `Hallucination' of the object of interaction.} |
\figlabel{vis-detections} |
\end{figure*} |
We summarize our results here. We report all results on the \vcoco \val set. |
Since we use bounding box proposals, we analyze the recall for these proposals |
on the objects that are part of various semantic roles. For each semantic role |
for each action class, we compute the coverage (measured as the intersection |
over union of the best overlapping MCG bounding box with the ground truth |
bounding box for the object in the role) for each instance and report the |
mean coverage, recall at 50\% overlap and recall at 70\% overlap |
(\tableref{ap} columns three to five). We see reasonable recall whenever the |
object in the semantic role is large (\eg bed, bench for \vb{lay}, horse, |
elephant, train, buses for \vb{ride}) or small but highly distinctive (\eg |
football for \vb{kick}, doughnuts, hot dogs for \vb{eat obj}) but worse when |
the object can be in drastic motion (\eg tennis rackets and baseball bats for |
\vb{hit instr}), or small and not distinctive (\eg tennis ball for \vb{hit |
obj}, cell phone for \vb{talk on phone}, ski for \vb{ski}, scissors and knife |
for \vb{cut}). |
Given that our algorithms start with a person detection, we report the |
average precision of the person detector we are using. On the \vcoco \val set |
our person detector which uses the 16-layer \vgg network in the Fast R-CNN |
\cite{fastrcnn} framework gives an average precision of 62.54\%. |
We next report the performance at the task of agent detection (\tableref{ap}) |
using model $A$ as described in \secref{method}. We observe a mean average |
precision of 57.5\%. Performance is high for action classes which occur in a |
distinctive scene like \vb{surf} (94.0\%, occurring in water) \vb{ski}, |
\vb{snowboard} (81.9\% and 75.8\%, occurring in snow) and \vb{hit} (82.6\%, |
occurring in sports fields). Performance is also high for classes which have a |
distinctive object associated with the action like \vb{eat} (70.2\%). |
Performance for classes which are identified by an object which is not easy to |
identify is lower \eg wine glasses for \vb{drink} (25.1\%), books for \vb{read} |
(10.6\%), \eg object being cut and the instrument being used for \vb{cut} |
(44.5). Performance is also worse for action classes which require reasoning |
about large spatial relationships \eg 61.6\% for \vb{kick}, and fine grained |
reasoning of human pose \eg 41.4\%, 50.1\% for \vb{catch} and \vb{throw}. |
Finetuning the \vgg representation for this task improves performance |
significantly and just training a SVM on the \vgg \texttt{fc7} features |
(finetuned for object detection on \coco) performs much worse at 46.8\%. |
We now report performance of the two baseline algorithms on the role detection |
task. We first report performance of algorithm $B_0$ which simply pastes the box |
at the mean deformation location and scale (determined using the mean of the |
$\delta$ vector as defined in \eqref{delta} across the training set for each |
action class separately). This does poorly and gives a mean average precision |
for the role detection task of 4.5\%. Using the regression model $B$ as |
described in \secref{method} to predict the location and scale of the |
semantic role does better giving a mAP of 7.9\%, with high performing classes |
being \vb{sit}, and \vb{lay} for which the object of interaction is always |
below the person. Using object detector output from \vgg and using the |
location of the highest scoring object detection (from the set of relevant |
categories for the semantic roles for the action class) without any spatial |
model (denoted as $C_0$) gives a mAP of 23.4\%. Finally, model $C$ which |
also uses a spatial consistency term in addition to the score of the objects |
detected in the image performs the best among these four baseline algorithms |
giving a mAP of 26.4\%. Modeling the spatial relationship helps for cases |
when there are multiple agents in the scene doing similar things \eg |
performance for \vb{eat} goes up from 37.0\% to 46.2\%, for \vb{ride} goes up |
from 12.5\% to 27.6\%. |
\paragraph{Visualizations} |
Finally, we visualize the output from our best performing baseline algorithm in |
\figref{vis-detections}. We show some correct detections and various error |
modes. One of the common error modes is incorrect labeling of the action |
(\vb{ski} \vs \vb{snowboard}, \vb{catch} \vs \vb{throw}). Even with a spatial |
model, there is very often a mis grouping for the incorrect role with the |
agent. This is common when there are multiple people doing the same action in |
an image \eg multiple people \vb{riding} horses, or \vb{skateboarding}, or |
\vb{working} on a laptops. Finally, a lot of errors are also due to |
mis-localization and hallucination of object of interaction in particular when |
the object is small \eg ski for \vb{skiing}, books for \vb{reading}. |
\paragraph{Error Modes} |
Having such annotations also enables us to analyze different error modes. |
Following \cite{hoiem2012diagnosing}, we consider the top |
$num\_inst$ detections for each class ($num\_inst$ is the number of instances |
for that action class), and classify the false positives in these top |
detections into the following error modes: |
\begin{enumerate} |
\item \textbf{bck}: when the agent is detected on the background. (IU with |
any labeled person is less than 0.1). |
\item \textbf{bck person}: when the agent is detected on the background, close |
to people in the background. Detections on background people are not |
penalized, however detections which have overlap between 0.1 and 0.5 with |
people in the background are still penalized and this error mode computes |
that fraction. |
\item \textbf{incorrect label}: when the agent is detected around a person |
that is labeled to be not doing this action. |
\item \textbf{person misloc}: when the agent is detected around a person |
doing the action but is not correctly localized (IU between 0.1 and 0.5) (the |
object is correctly localized). |
\item \textbf{obj misloc}: when the object in the semantic role is not |
properly localized (IU between 0.1 and 0.5) (the agent is correctly |
localized). |
\item \textbf{both misloc}: when both the object and the agent are improperly |
localized (IU for both is between 0.1 and 0.5). |
\item \textbf{mis pairing}: when the object is of the correct semantic class |
but not in the semantic role associated with this agent. |
\item \textbf{obj hallucination}: when the object is detected on the |
background. |
\end{enumerate} |
\figref{fp_distr} shows the distribution of these errors for the 2 best |
performing baselines that we experimented with, model $C_0$ and $C$. |
The most dominant error mode for these models is incorrect classification of |
the action, \figref{vis-detections} shows some examples. Another error mode is |
mis localization of the object for categories like \vb{ski}, \vb{surf}, |
\vb{skateboard}, and \vb{snowboard}. This is also evident from the poor recall |
of the region proposals for objects categories associated with these actions. A |
large number of errors also come from `person misloc' for categories like |
\vb{lay} which is because of unusual agent pose. We also observe that the `mis |
pairing' errors decrease as we start modeling the deformation between the agent |
and the object. Finally, a large number of error for \vb{cut} and \vb{hit-obj} |
come from hallucinations of the object in the background. |
\begin{figure*} |
\centering |
\begin{subfigure}{0.48\textwidth} |
\insertA{1.0}{figures/analysis_ft/snap_detections_no_deform_fp_distr.png} |
\caption{Full Model without deformations ($C_0$)} \end{subfigure} |
\begin{subfigure}{0.48\textwidth} |
\insertA{1.0}{figures/analysis_ft/snap_detections_fp_distr.png} \caption{Full |
model ($C$)} \end{subfigure} |
\caption{Distribution of the false positives in the top $num\_inst$ detections |
for each action class (with roles if applicable). `bck' and `bck person' |
indicate when the detected agent is on background (IU with any person less |
than 0.1) or around people in the background (IU with background people |
between 0.1 and 0.5), `incorrect label' refers to when the detected agent is |
not doing the relevant action, `person misloc' refers to when the agent |
detection is mis localized, `obj misloc' refers to when the object in the |
specific semantic role is mis localized, `both misloc' refers to when both |
the agent and the object are mis localized (mis localization means the IU is |
between 0.1 to 0.5). Finally, `mis pairing' refers to when the object of |
interaction is of the correct semantic class but not in the semantic role for |
the detected agent, and `obj hallucination' refers to when the object of |
interaction is hallucinated. The first figure shows the distribution for the |
$C_0$ model (which does not model deformation between agent and object), |
and the second figure shows the distribution for model $C$ (which models |
deformation between the agent and the object).} |
\figlabel{fp_distr} |
\end{figure*} |
\paragraph{Conclusions and Future Directions} |
In this work, we have proposed the task of visual semantic role labeling in |
images. The goal of this task is to be able to detect people, classify what |
they are doing and localize the different objects in various semantic roles |
associated with the inferred action. We have collected an extensive dataset |
consisting of 16K people in 10K images. Each annotated person is labeled with |
26 different actions labels and has been associated with different objects in |
the different semantic roles for each action. We have presented and analyzed |
the performance of four simple baseline algorithms. Our analysis shows the |
challenging nature of this problem and points to some natural directions of |
future research. We believe our proposed dataset and tasks will enable us to |
achieve a better understanding of actions and activities than current |
algorithms. |
\epigraph{Concepts without percepts are empty, percepts without concepts are |
blind.}{Immanuel Kant} |
\paragraph{Acknowledgments: } |
This work was supported by {ONR SMARTS MURI N00014-09-1-1051}, and a Berkeley |
Graduate Fellowship. We gratefully acknowledge {NVIDIA} corporation for the |
donation of Tesla and Titan GPUs used for this research. |
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\end{document} |