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\title[Disintegration and Bayesian Inversion]{Disintegration and Bayesian Inversion via String Diagrams} |
\author[K. Cho and B. Jacobs]{K\ls E\ls N\ls T\ls A\ns |
C\ls H\ls O$^{\dagger}$\ns |
and\ns |
B\ls A\ls R\ls T\ns |
J\ls A\ls C\ls O\ls B\ls S$^{\ddagger}$\\ |
$^{\dagger}$National Institute of Informatics\addressbreak |
2-1-2 Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-8430, Japan\addressbreak |
Email: {\normalfont\ttfamily cho@nii.ac.jp}\addressbreak |
$^{\ddagger}$Institute for Computing and Information Sciences, |
Radboud University\addressbreak |
P.O.Box 9010, 6500 GL Nijmegen, the Netherlands\addressbreak |
Email: {\normalfont\ttfamily bart@cs.ru.nl}} |
\journal{} \date{31 August 2017; revised 7 December 2018} |
\begin{document} |
\maketitle |
\begin{abstract} |
The notions of disintegration and Bayesian inversion are fundamental |
in conditional probability theory. They produce channels, as |
conditional probabilities, from a joint state, or from an already |
given channel (in opposite direction). These notions exist in the |
literature, in concrete situations, but are presented here in abstract |
graphical formulations. The resulting abstract descriptions are used |
for proving basic results in conditional probability theory. The |
existence of disintegration and Bayesian inversion is discussed for |
discrete probability, and also for measure-theoretic probability --- via |
standard Borel spaces and via likelihoods. Finally, the usefulness of |
disintegration and Bayesian inversion is illustrated in several |
examples. |
\end{abstract} |
\section{Introduction} |
\tikzextname{s_intro} |
The essence of conditional probability can be summarised informally in |
the following equation about probability distributions: |
$$\begin{array}{rcl} |
\textit{joint} |
& = & |
\textit{conditional} \,\cdot\, \textit{marginal}. |
\end{array}$$ |
\noindent A bit more precisely, when we have joint probabilities |
$\Pr(x,y)$ for elements $x,y$ ranging over two sample spaces, the |
above equation splits into two equations, |
\begin{equation} |
\label{eqn:conditionalprobability} |
\begin{array}{rcccl} |
\Pr(y \given x) \cdot \Pr(x) |
& = & |
\Pr(x,y) |
& = & |
\Pr(x\given y)\cdot \Pr(y), |
\end{array} |
\end{equation} |
\noindent where $\Pr(x)$ and $\Pr(y)$ describe the marginals, which are |
obtained by discarding variables. We see that conditional |
probabilities $\Pr(y\given x)$ and $\Pr(x\given y)$ can be constructed in |
two directions, namely $y$ given $x$, and $x$ given $y$. We also see |
that we need to copy variables: $x$ on the left-hand-side of the |
equations~\eqref{eqn:conditionalprobability}, and $y$ on the |
right-hand-side. |
Conditional probabilities play a crucial role in Bayesian probability |
theory. They form the nodes of Bayesian |
networks~\cite{Pearl88,BernardoS00,Barber12}, which reflect the |
conditional independencies of the underlying joint distribution via |
their graph structure. As part of our approach, we shall capture |
conditional independence in an abstract manner. |
The main notion of this paper is \emph{disintegration}. It is the |
process of extracting a conditional probability from a joint |
probability. Disintegration, as we shall formalise it here, gives a |
structural description of the above |
equation~\eqref{eqn:conditionalprobability} in terms of \emph{states} |
and \emph{channels}. In general terms, a \emph{state} is a probability |
distribution of some sort (discrete, measure-theoretic, or even quantum) and |
a \emph{channel} is a map or morphism in a probabilistic setting, like |
$\Pr(y\given x)$ and $\Pr(x\given y)$ as used above. It can take the form |
of a stochastic matrix, probabilistic transition system, Markov |
kernel, conditional probability table (in a Bayesian network), or |
morphism in a Kleisli category of a `probability |
monad'~\cite{Jacobs17}. A state is a special kind of channel, with |
trivial domain. Thus we can work in a monoidal category of channels, |
where we need discarding and copying --- more formally, a comonoid |
structure on each object --- in order to express the above conditional |
probability equations~\eqref{eqn:conditionalprobability}. |
In this article we abstract away from interpretation details and will |
describe disintegration pictorially, in the language of string |
diagrams. This language can be seen as the internal language of |
symmetric monoidal categories~\cite{Selinger2010} --- with comonoids |
in our case. The essence of disintegration becomes: extracting a |
conditional probability channel from a joint state. |
Categorical approaches to Bayesian conditioning have appeared for |
instance in~\cite{CulbertsonS2014,StatonYHKW16,ClercDDG2017} and |
in~\cite{JacobsWW15a,JacobsZ16,Jacobs17}. The latter references use |
effectus theory~\cite{Jacobs15d,ChoJWW15b}, a new comprehensive |
approach aimed at covering the logic of both quantum theory and |
probability theory, supported by a Python-based tool \EfProb, for |
`effectus probability'. This tool is used for the (computationally |
extensive) examples in this paper. |
Disintegration, also known as regular conditional probability, is a |
notoriously difficult operation in measure-theoretic probability, see |
\textit{e.g.}~\cite{Pollard2002,Panangaden09,ChangP1997}: it may not |
exist~\cite{Stoyanov2014}; even if it exists it may be determined only |
up to negligible sets; and it may not be continuous or |
computable~\cite{AckermanFR2011}. Disintegration has been studied |
using categorical language in~\cite{CulbertsonS2014}, which focuses on |
a specific category of probabilistic mappings. |
Our approach here is more axiomatic. |
We thus describe disintegration as going from a joint state to a |
channel. A closely related concept is \emph{Bayesian inversion}: it |
turns a channel (with a state) into a channel in opposite direction. |
We show how Bayesian inversion can be understood and expressed easily |
in terms of disintegration --- and also how, in the other direction, |
disintegration can be obtained from Bayesian inversion. Bayesian |
inversion is taken as primitive notion in~\cite{ClercDDG2017}. Here we |
start from disintegration. The difference is a matter of choice. |
Bayesian inversion is crucial for backward inference. We explain it |
informally: let $\sigma$ be a state of a domain/type $X$, and $c\colon |
X \rightarrow Y$ be a channel; Bayesian inversion yields a channel |
$d\colon Y \rightarrow X$. Informally, it produces for an element |
$y\in Y$, seen as singleton/point predicate $\{y\}$, the conditioning |
of the state $\sigma$ with the pulled back evidence $c^{-1}(\{y\})$. |
A concrete example involving such `point observations' will be |
described at the end of Section~\ref{sec:likelihood}. More generally, |
disintegration and Bayesian inversion are used to structurally |
organise state updates in the presence of new evidence in probabilistic |
programming, see |
\textit{e.g.}~\cite{GordonHNRG14,BorgstromGGMG13,StatonYHKW16,KatoenGJKO2015}. |
See also \cite{ShanR17}, where disintegration |
is handled via symbolic manipulation. |
Disintegration and Bayesian inversion are relatively easy to define in discrete |
probability theory. The situation is much more difficult in measure-theoretic |
probability theory, first of all because point predicates $\{y\}$ do |
not make much sense there, see also~\cite{ChangP1997}. |
A common solution to the problem of the existence of |
disintegration / Bayesian inversion |
is to restrict ourselves to standard Borel spaces, as in~\cite{ClercDDG2017}. |
We take this approach too. |
There is still an issue that disintegration is determined only up to negligible sets. |
We address this by defining `almost equality' |
in our abstract pictorial formulation. |
This allows us to present a fundamental result from~\cite{ClercDDG2017} abstractly |
in our setting, see Section~\ref{sec:equality}. |
Another common, more concrete solution is to |
assume a \emph{likelihood}, that is, a probabilistic relation $X\times |
Y \rightarrow \pRR$. Such a likelihood gives rise to probability |
density function (pdf), providing a good handle on the situation, |
see~\cite{Pawitan01}. The technical core of |
Section~\ref{sec:likelihood} is a generalisation of this |
likelihood-based approach. |
The paper is organised as follows. It starts with a brief introduction |
to the graphical language that we shall be using, and to the |
underlying monoidal categories with discarding and copying. Then, |
Section~\ref{sec:disintegration} introduces both disintegration and |
Bayesian inversion in this graphical language, and relates the two |
notions. Subsequently, Section~\ref{sec:classifier} contains an |
elaborated example, namely of naive Bayesian classification. A |
standard example from the literature~\cite{WittenFH11} is redescribed |
in the current setting: first, channels are extracted via |
disintegration from a table with given data; next, Bayesian inversion |
is applied to the combined extracted channels, giving the required |
classification. This is illustrated in both the discrete and the |
continuous version of the example. |
Next, Section~\ref{sec:equality} is more technical and elaborates the |
standard equality notion of `equal almost everywhere' in the current |
setting. This is used for describing Bayesian inversion in a more |
formal way, |
following~\cite{ClercDDG2017}. Section~\ref{sec:conditionalindependence} |
uses our graphical approach to review conditional independence and to |
prove at an abstract level several known results, namely the equivalence |
of various formulations of conditional independence, and the |
`graphoid' axioms |
from~\cite{VermaP1988,GeigerVP1990}. Section~\ref{sec:beyondcausal} |
relaxes the requirement that maps are causal, so that `effects' can be |
used as the duals of states for validity and conditioning. The main |
result relates conditioning of joint states to forward and backward |
inference via the extracted channels, in the style |
of~\cite{JacobsZ16,JacobsZ18}; it is illustrated in a concrete |
example, where a Bayesian network is seen as a graph in a Kleisli |
category --- following~\cite{Fong12}. Finally, |
Section~\ref{sec:likelihood} gives the likelihood formulation of |
disintegration and inversion, as briefly described above. |
\section{Graphical language}\label{sec:graphical} |
\tikzextname{s_graphical} |
The basic idea underlying this paper is to describe probability theory in terms of |
\emph{channels}. A channel $f\colon X\to Y$ is a (stochastic) process |
from a system of type $X$ into that of $Y$. Concretely, it may be a |
probability matrix or kernel. Our standing assumption is that |
types (as objects) |
and channels (as arrows) |
form a \emph{symmetric monoidal category}. |
For the formal definition we refer to~\cite{MacLane1998}. We |
informally summarise that we have the following constructions. |
\begin{enumerate} |
\item |
Sequential composition |
$g\circ f\colon X\to Z$ |
for appropriately typed channels $f\colon X\to Y$ and $g\colon Y\to Z$. |
\item |
Parallel composition |
$f\otimes g\colon X\otimes Z\to Y\otimes W$ |
for $f\colon X\to Y$ and $g\colon Z\to W$. |
This involves composition of types $X\otimes Z$. |
\item |
Identity channels $\id_X\colon X\to X$, which `do nothing'. |
Thus $\id\circ f = f = \id\circ f$. |
\item |
A unit type $I$, which represents `no system'. |
Thus $I\otimes X\cong X\cong X\otimes I$. |
\item |
Swap isomorphisms $X\otimes Y\cong Y\otimes X$ and associativity |
isomorphisms $(X\otimes Y)\otimes Z \cong X\otimes (Y\otimes Z)$, so |
the ordering in composed types does not matter. |
\end{enumerate} |
The representation of such channels in the ordinary `formula' notation |
easily becomes complex and thus reasoning becomes hard to follow. A |
graphical language known as \emph{string diagrams} offers a more |
convenient and intuitive way of reasoning in a symmetric monoidal |
category. |
In string diagrams, types/objects are represented as wires |
`\,\begin{tikzpicture}[baseline=-.6ex,y=1ex] |
\draw (0,-1) -- (0,1); |
\end{tikzpicture}\,', with information flowing bottom to top. |
The composition of types is depicted by juxtaposition of wires, and |
the unit type is `no diagram' as below. |
\[ |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\draw (0,0) to +(0,1); |
\node at (0.55,0.5) {$X\otimes Y$}; |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
=\quad |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\draw (0,0) to +(0,1); |
\draw (0.5,0) to +(0,1); |
\node at (0.2,0.5) {$X$}; |
\node at (0.7,0.5) {$Y$}; |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\qquad\qquad\qquad |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\draw (0,0) to +(0,1); |
\node at (0.2,0.5) {$I$}; |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
=\quad |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\draw [gray,dashed] (0,0) rectangle (0.7,1); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\] |
Channels/arrows are represented by boxes with an input wire(s) and an |
output wire(s), in upward direction. When a box does not have input |
or output, we write it as a triangle or diamond. For example, $f\colon |
X\to Y\otimes Z$, $\omega\colon I\to X$, $p\colon X \to I$, and |
$s\colon I\to I$ are respectively depicted as: |
\[ |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[arrow box] (v1) at (0,0) {\;\;$f$\;\;}; |
\draw (v1.north) ++(-0.2,0) -- +(0,0.35); |
\draw (v1.north) ++(0.2,0) -- +(0,0.35); |
\draw (v1.south) -- +(0,-0.35); |
\node at (0.2,-0.5) {$X$}; |
\node at (-0.4,0.5) {$Y$}; |
\node at (0.4,0.5) {$Z$}; |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\qquad\qquad |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {$\omega$}; |
\node (X) at (0,0.5) {}; |
\draw (omega) to (X); |
\node at (0.2,0.35) {$X$}; |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\qquad\qquad |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state,hflip] (p) at (0,0) {$p$}; |
\node (X) at (0,-0.5) {}; |
\draw (p) to (X); |
\node at (0.2,-0.35) {$X$}; |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\qquad\qquad |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[scalar] (c) at (-1,0.6) {$s$}; |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\] |
The identity channels are represented by `no box', \textit{i.e.}\ just wires, |
and the swap isomorphisms are represented by crossing of wires: |
\[ |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[arrow box] (c) at (0,0) {$\id$}; |
\draw (c) to (0, 0.5); |
\draw (c) to (0,-0.5); |
\node at (0.2,0.6) {$X$}; |
\node at (0.2,-0.6) {$X$}; |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
=\;\; |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\draw (0,0) to +(0,1); |
\node at (0.2,0.5) {$X$}; |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\qquad\qquad\qquad |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\draw (0,0) to (0.5,1); |
\draw (0,1) to (0.5,0); |
\node at (-0.2,0) {$X$}; |
\node at (0.7,1) {$X$}; |
\node at (0.7,0) {$Y$}; |
\node at (-0.2,1) {$Y$}; |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\] |
Finally, the sequential composition of channels is depicted by connecting |
the input and output wires, and |
the parallel composition is given by juxtaposition, respectively as below: |
\[ |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[arrow box] (c) at (0,0) {$g\circ f$}; |
\draw (c) to (0, 0.7); |
\draw (c) to (0,-0.7); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\;\;=\;\; |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[arrow box] (f) at (0,-1.5) {$f$}; |
\node[arrow box] (g) at (0,-0.8) {$g$}; |
\draw (g.north) to +(0,0.2); |
\draw (f) to (g); |
\draw (f.south) to +(0,-0.2); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\qquad\qquad\qquad |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[arrow box] (c) at (0,0) {$h\otimes k$}; |
\draw (c) to (0, 0.6); |
\draw (c) to (0,-0.6); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\;\;=\;\; |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[arrow box] (h) at (0,0) {$h$}; |
\node[arrow box] (k) at (0.7,0) {$k$}; |
\draw (h) to +(0, 0.6); |
\draw (h) to +(0,-0.6); |
\draw (k) to +(0, 0.6); |
\draw (k) to +(0,-0.6); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\] |
The use of string diagrams is justified by the following `coherence' |
theorem; |
see \cite{JoyalS1991,Selinger2010} for details. |
\begin{theorem} |
A well-formed equation between composites of arrows |
in a symmetric monoidal category follows |
from the axioms of symmetric monoidal categories if and only if |
the string diagrams of both sides are equal |
up to isomorphism of diagrams. |
\qed |
\end{theorem} |
We further assume the following structure in our category. |
For each type $X$ there are a discarder $\ground_X\colon X\to I$ |
and a copier $\copier_X\colon X\to X\otimes X$. |
They are required to satisfy the following equations: |
\[ |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[copier] (c) at (0,0) {}; |
\coordinate (x1) at (-0.3,0.3); |
\node[discarder] (d) at (x1) {}; |
\coordinate (x2) at (0.3,0.5); |
\draw (c) to[out=165,in=-90] (x1); |
\draw (c) to[out=15,in=-90] (x2); |
\draw (c) to (0,-0.3); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\quad=\quad |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\draw (0,0) to (0,0.8); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\quad=\quad |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[copier] (c) at (0,0) {}; |
\coordinate (x1) at (-0.3,0.5); |
\coordinate (x2) at (0.3,0.3); |
\node[discarder] (d) at (x2) {}; |
\draw (c) to[out=165,in=-90] (x1); |
\draw (c) to[out=15,in=-90] (x2); |
\draw (c) to (0,-0.3); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\qquad\qquad\quad |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[copier] (c2) at (0,0) {}; |
\node[copier] (c1) at (-0.3,0.3) {}; |
\draw (c2) to[out=165,in=-90] (c1); |
\draw (c2) to[out=15,in=-90] (0.4,0.6); |
\draw (c1) to[out=165,in=-90] (-0.6,0.6); |
\draw (c1) to[out=15,in=-90] (0,0.6); |
\draw (c2) to (0,-0.3); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\quad=\quad |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[copier] (c2) at (-0.5,0) {}; |
\node[copier] (c1) at (-0.2,0.3) {}; |
\draw (c2) to[out=15,in=-90] (c1); |
\draw (c2) to[out=165,in=-90] (-1,0.6); |
\draw (c1) to[out=165,in=-90] (-0.5,0.6); |
\draw (c1) to[out=15,in=-90] (0.1,0.6); |
\draw (c2) to (-0.5,-0.3); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\qquad\qquad\quad |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[copier] (c) at (0,0.4) {}; |
\draw (c) |
to[out=15,in=-90] (0.25,0.7) |
to[out=90,in=-90] (-0.25,1.4); |
\draw (c) |
to[out=165,in=-90] (-0.25,0.7) |
to[out=90,in=-90] (0.25,1.4); |
\draw (c) to (0,0.1); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\quad=\quad |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[copier] (c) at (0,0.4) {}; |
\draw (c) |
to[out=15,in=-90] (0.25,0.7); |
\draw (c) |
to[out=165,in=-90] (-0.25,0.7); |
\draw (c) to (0,0.1); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\] |
This says that $(\copier_X, \ground_X)$ forms a commutative comonoid |
on $X$. By the associativity we may write: |
\[ |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[copier] (c3) at (0,0) {}; |
\draw (0,-0.2) to (c3); |
\draw (c3) to[out=165,in=-90] (-0.6,0.4); |
\draw (c3) to[out=160,in=-90] (-0.4,0.4); |
\draw (c3) to[out=150,in=-90] (-0.2,0.4); |
\draw (c3) to[out=15,in=-90] (0.6,0.4); |
\node[font=\normalsize] at (0.2,0.3) {$\dots$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\;\;\coloneqq\;\; |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[copier] (c2) at (-0.1,0.2) {}; |
\node[copier] (c1) at (-0.3,0.4) {}; |
\node[copier] (c3) at (0.5,-0.1) {}; |
\draw (c2) to[out=165,in=-90] (c1); |
\draw (c2) to[out=15,in=-90] (0.2,0.6); |
\draw (c1) to[out=165,in=-90] (-0.5,0.6); |
\draw (c1) to[out=15,in=-90] (-0.1,0.6); |
\draw (0.5,-0.35) to (c3); |
\draw (c3) to[out=15,in=-90] (0.85,0.6); |
\node[font=\normalsize] at (0.5,0.25) {$\dots$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\] |
Moreover we assume that the comonoid structures $(\copier_X, \ground_X)$ are compatible |
with the monoidal structure $(\otimes, I)$, in the sense that |
the following equations hold. |
\[ |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[discarder] (d) at (0,0) {}; |
\draw (d) to +(0,-0.5); |
\node at (0.6,-0.3) {$X\otimes Y$}; |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
= |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[discarder] (d) at (0,0) {}; |
\node[discarder] (d2) at (0.6,0) {}; |
\draw (d) to +(0,-0.5); |
\draw (d2) to +(0,-0.5); |
\node at (0.2,-0.3) {$X$}; |
\node at (0.8,-0.3) {$Y$}; |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\qquad\quad |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[discarder] (d) at (0,0) {}; |
\draw (d) to +(0,-0.5); |
\node at (0.2,-0.3) {$I$}; |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
=\; |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\draw [gray,dashed] (0,0) rectangle (0.45,0.65); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\qquad\quad |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[copier] (c) at (0,0.4) {}; |
\draw (c) |
to[out=15,in=-90] (0.25,0.7); |
\draw (c) |
to[out=165,in=-90] (-0.25,0.7); |
\draw (c) to (0,0); |
\node at (0.6,0.1) {$X\otimes Y$}; |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
= |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[copier] (c) at (0,0) {}; |
\node[copier] (c2) at (0.4,0) {}; |
\draw (c) to[out=15,in=-90] +(0.5,0.45); |
\draw (c) to[out=165,in=-90] +(-0.4,0.45); |
\draw (c) to +(0,-0.4); |
\draw (c2) to[out=15,in=-90] +(0.4,0.45); |
\draw (c2) to[out=165,in=-90] +(-0.5,0.45); |
\draw (c2) to +(0,-0.4); |
\node at (-0.2,-0.3) {$X$}; |
\node at (0.6,-0.3) {$Y$}; |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\qquad\quad |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[copier] (c) at (0,0.4) {}; |
\draw (c) |
to[out=15,in=-90] (0.25,0.7); |
\draw (c) |
to[out=165,in=-90] (-0.25,0.7); |
\draw (c) to (0,0); |
\node at (0.2,0.1) {$I$}; |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
=\; |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\draw [gray,dashed] (0,0) rectangle (0.45,0.65); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\] |
Note that we do \emph{not} assume that |
these maps are natural. Explicitly, we do not |
necessarily have $\copier\circ f = (f\otimes f)\circ \copier$ |
or $\ground\circ f=\ground$. |
We will use these |
symmetric monoidal categories throughout in the paper. |
For convenience, we introduce a term for them. |
\begin{definition} |
\label{def:cd-cat} |
A \emph{CD-category} is |
a symmetric monoidal category $(\catC,\otimes,I)$ with |
a commutative comonoid $(\copier_X,\ground_X)$ |
for each $X\in\catC$, suitably compatible as described above. |
\end{definition} |
Here `CD' stands for Copy/Discard. |
\begin{definition} |
An arrow $f\colon X\to Y$ in a CD-category |
is said to be \emph{causal} if |
\[ |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[arrow box] (c) at (0,0) {$f$}; |
\node[discarder] (d) at (0,0.5) {}; |
\draw (c) to (d); |
\draw (c) to (0,-0.5); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\;=\; |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[discarder] (d) at (0,0) {}; |
\draw (d) to (0,-0.5); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\quad. |
\] |
\noindent A CD-category is \emph{affine} if all the arrows are causal, |
or equivalently, the tensor unit $I$ is a final object. |
\end{definition} |
The term `causal' comes from (categorical) quantum |
foundation~\cite{CoeckeK2017,DArianoCP2017}, and is related to |
relativistic causality, see \textit{e.g.}~\cite{Coecke2016}. |
We reserve the term `channel' for causal arrows. Explicitly, causal |
arrows $c\colon X\to Y$ in a CD-category are called \emph{channels}. |
A channel $\omega\colon I\to X$ with input type $I$ is called a |
\emph{state} (on $X$). |
For the time being |
we will only use channels (and states), and thus only consider affine |
CD-categories. |
Non-causal arrows will not appear until |
Section~\ref{sec:beyondcausal}. |
Our main examples of affine CD-categories are two Kleisli categories |
$\Kl(\Dst)$ and $\Kl(\Giry)$, respectively, for discrete probability, |
and more general, measure-theoretic probability. We explain them in |
order below. There are more examples, like the Kleisli category of the |
non-empty powerset monad, or the (opposite of) the category of |
commutative $C^*$-algebras (with positive unital maps), but they |
are out of scope here. |
\begin{example} |
\label{ex:KlD} |
What we call a \emph{distribution} or a \emph{state} over a set |
$X$ is a finite subset $\{x_{1}, x_{2}, \ldots, x_{n}\} \subseteq |
X$, called the support where each element $x_{i}$ occurs with a |
multiplicity $r_{i} \in [0,1]$, such that $\sum_{i}r_{i}=1$. Such a |
convex combination is often written as $r_{1}\ket{x_1} + \cdots + |
r_{n}\ket{x_n}$ with $r_{i}\in[0,1]$. The ket notation $\ket{-}$ is |
meaningless syntactic sugar that is used to distinguish elements |
$x\in X$ from occurrences in such formal sums. Notice that a |
distribution can also be written as a function $\omega \colon X |
\rightarrow [0,1]$ with finite support $\supp(\omega) = |
\setin{x}{X}{\omega(x) \neq 0}$. We shall write $\Dst(X)$ for the |
set of distributions over $X$. This $\Dst$ is a monad on the |
category $\Set$ of sets and functions. |
A function $f\colon X \rightarrow \Dst(Y)$ is called a \emph{Kleisli} |
map; it forms a channel $X \rightarrow Y$. Such maps can be composed |
as matrices, for which we use special notation $\klafter$. |
$$\begin{array}{rcl} |
(g \klafter f)(x)(z) |
& = & |
\sum_{y\in Y} f(x)(y) \cdot g(y)(z) \qquad |
\mbox{for $g\colon Y \rightarrow \Dst(Z)$ with $x\in X, z\in Z$.} |
\end{array}$$ |
\noindent We write $1 = \{*\}$ for a singleton set, and $2 = 1+1 = |
\{0,1\}$. Notice that $\Dst(1) \cong 1$ and $\Dst(2) \cong [0,1]$. We |
can identify a state on $X$ with a channel $1 \rightarrow X$. |
The monad $\Dst$ is known to be \emph{commutative}. This implies that |
finite products of sets $X\times Y$ give rise to a symmetric monoidal |
structure on the Kleisli category $\Kl(\Dst)$. Specifically, for two |
maps $f\colon X\to \Dst(Y)$ and $g\colon Z\to \Dst(W)$, the tensor |
product / parallel composition $f\otimes g\colon X\times Z\to |
\Dst(Y\times W)$ is given by: |
\[ \begin{array}{rcl} |
(f\otimes g)(x,z)(y,w) |
& = & |
f(x,y)\cdot g(z,w). |
\end{array} |
\] |
\noindent For each set $X$ there are a copier $\copier_X\colon X\to |
\Dst(X\times X)$ and a discarder $\ground_X\colon X\to \Dst(1)$ |
given by $\copier_X(x)=1\ket{x,x}$ |
and $\ground_X(x)=1\ket{*}$, respectively. |
They come from the cartesian |
(finite product) structure of the base category $\Set$, |
through the obvious functor $\Set\to\Kl(\Dst)$. |
Therefore $\Kl(\Dst)$ is a |
CD-category. It is moreover affine, since the monad is affine in the |
sense that $\Dst(1)\cong 1$. |
\end{example} |
\begin{example} |
\label{ex:KlG} |
Let $X = (X, \Sigma_{X})$ be a measurable space, where |
$\Sigma_{X}$ is a $\sigma$-algebra on $X$. A \emph{probability |
measure}, also called a \emph{state}, on $X$ is a function $\omega |
\colon \Sigma_{X} \rightarrow [0,1]$ which is countably additive and |
satisfies $\omega(X) = 1$. We write $\Giry(X)$ for the collection of |
all such probability measures on $X$. This set $\Giry(X)$ is itself |
a measurable space with the smallest $\sigma$-algebra |
such that |
for each $A\in\Sigma_X$ the `evaluation' map |
$\mathrm{ev}_A\colon \Giry(X)\to[0,1]$, |
$\mathrm{ev}_A(\omega)=\omega(A)$, |
is measurable. |
Notice that $\Giry(X) \cong \Dst(X)$ when $X$ is |
a finite set (as discrete space). In particular, $\Giry(2) \cong |
\Dst(2) \cong [0,1]$. This $\Giry$ is a monad on the category |
$\Meas$ of measurable spaces, with measurable functions between |
them; it is called the Giry monad, after~\cite{Giry1982}. |
A Kleisli map, that is, a measurable function $f\colon X \rightarrow |
\Giry(Y)$ is a channel (or a \emph{probability kernel}, |
see Example~\ref{ex:CD-cat}). These channels can be |
composed, via Kleisli composition $\klafter$, using integration\footnote{We denote |
the integral of a function $f$ |
with respect to a measure $\mu$ |
by $\int_X f(x)\,\mu(\dd x)$.}: |
\[ |
(g \klafter f)(x)(C) |
= |
\int_Y g(y)(C) \, f(x)(\dd y) \quad |
\text{where $g\colon Y \rightarrow \Giry(Z)$ and $x\in X, C\in\Sigma_{Z}$.} |
\] |
It is well-known that the monad $\Giry$ is commutative and affine, see |
also~\cite{Jacobs17}. Thus, in a similar manner to the previous |
example, the Kleisli category $\Kl(\Giry)$ is an affine CD-category. |
The parallel composition $f\otimes g\colon X\times Z\to \Giry(Y\times W)$ |
for $f\colon X\to \Giry(Y)$ and $g\colon Z\to \Giry(W)$ is given as: |
\[ \begin{array}{rcl} |
(f\otimes g)(x,z)(B\times D) |
& = & |
f(x)(B)\cdot g(z)(D), |
\end{array} |
\] |
for $x\in X$, $z\in Z$, $B\in\Sigma_Y$, and $D\in\Sigma_W$. |
Since $f(x)$ and $g(z)$ are ($\sigma$-)finite measures, |
this indeed |
determines a unique measure |
$(f\otimes g)(x,z)\in \Giry(Y\times W)$, |
namely the unique |
product measure of $f(x)$ and $g(z)$. |
Explicitly, for $E\in\Sigma_{Y\times W}$, |
\[ |
(f\otimes g)(x,z)(E) |
= |
\int_{W} |
\paren[\bigg]{ |
\int_{Y} |
\indic{E}(y,w)\, |
f(x)(\dd y)} |
g(z)(\dd w) |
\] |
where $\indic{E}$ is the indicator function. |
\end{example} |
\section{Marginalisation, integration and disintegration} |
\label{sec:disintegration} |
\tikzextname{s_disint} |
Let $\catC$ be an affine CD-category. We think of states |
$\omega\colon I\to X$ in $\catC$ as abstract (probability) |
distributions on type $X$. States of the form $\omega\colon I\to |
X\otimes Y$, often called (bipartite) joint states, are seen as joint |
distributions on $X$ and $Y$. Later on we shall also consider |
$n$-partite joint states, but for the time being we restrict ourselves |
to bipartite ones. For a joint distribution $\Pr(x,y)$ in discrete |
probability, we can calculate the marginal distribution on $X$ by |
summing (or marginalising) $Y$ out, as $\Pr(x)=\sum_y \Pr(x,y)$. The |
marginal distribution on $Y$ is also calculated by $\Pr(y)=\sum_x |
\Pr(x,y)$. In our abstract setting, given a joint state $\omega\colon |
I\to X\otimes Y$, we can obtain marginal states simply by discarding |
wires, as in: |
\[ |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {\;$\omega$\;}; |
\coordinate (X) at (-0.25,0.55) {}; |
\node [discarder] (ground) at (0.25,0.3) {}; |
\draw (omega) ++(-0.25, 0) to (X); |
\draw (omega) ++(0.25, 0) to (ground); |
\node[scriptstyle] at (-0.45,0.4) {$X$}; |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\quad\xmapsfrom{\text{marginal on $X$}}\quad |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {\;$\omega$\;}; |
\coordinate (X) at (-0.25,0.55) {}; |
\coordinate (Y) at (0.25,0.55) {}; |
\draw (omega) ++(-0.25, 0) to (X); |
\draw (omega) ++(0.25, 0) to (Y); |
\path[scriptstyle] |
node at (-0.45,0.4) {$X$} |
node at (0.45,0.4) {$Y$}; |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\quad\xmapsto{\text{marginal on $Y$}}\quad |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {\;$\omega$\;}; |
\node [discarder] (X) at (-0.25,0.3) {}; |
\coordinate (Y) at (0.25,0.55) {}; |
\draw (omega) ++(-0.25, 0) to (X); |
\draw (omega) ++(0.25, 0) to (Y); |
\node[scriptstyle] at (0.45,0.4) {$Y$}; |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\] |
In other words, the marginal states are the state $\omega$ composed with the projection maps |
$\pi_1\colon X\otimes Y\to X$ and $\pi_2\colon X\otimes Y\to Y$, as below. |
\[ |
\pi_1 \coloneqq\;\; |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[discarder] (d) at (0,0.4) {}; |
\draw (0,0) to (d); |
\draw (-0.35,0) to +(0,0.9); |
\path[scriptstyle] |
node at (-0.5,0.15) {$X$} |
node at (0.15,0.15) {$Y$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad |
\pi_2 \coloneqq\;\; |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[discarder] (d) at (-0.35,0.35) {}; |
\draw (-0.35,0) to (d); |
\draw (0,0) to +(0,0.9); |
\path[scriptstyle] |
node at (-0.5,0.1) {$X$} |
node at (0.15,0.1) {$Y$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\] |
\begin{example} |
For a joint state $\omega\in\Dst(X\times Y)$ in $\Kl(\Dst)$, |
the first marginal $\omega_1=\pi_1\klcirc\omega$ is given by |
$\omega_1(x)=\sum_{y\in Y} \omega(x,y)$, as expected. |
Similarly the second marginal is |
given by $\omega_2(y)=\sum_{x\in X} \omega(x,y)$. |
\end{example} |
\begin{example} |
For a joint state $\omega\in\Giry(X\times Y)$ in $\Kl(\Giry)$, |
the first marginal is given by $\omega_1(A)=\omega(A\times Y)$ |
for $A\in\Sigma_X$, |
and the second marginal by |
$\omega_2(B)=\omega(X\times B)$ for $B\in\Sigma_Y$. |
\end{example} |
A channel $c\colon X\to Y$ is seen as an abstract \emph{conditional} |
distribution $\Pr(y|x)$. |
In (discrete) probability theory, we can |
calculate a joint distribution $\Pr(x,y)$ from a distribution $\Pr(x)$ |
and a conditional distribution $\Pr(y|x)$ by the formula |
$\Pr(x,y)=\Pr(y|x)\cdot\Pr(x)$, |
which is often called the \emph{product rule}. |
Similarly we have $\Pr(x,y)=\Pr(x|y)\cdot\Pr(y)$. |
In our setting, starting from a |
state $\sigma\colon I\to X$ and a channel $c\colon X\to Y$, or a state |
$\tau\colon I\to Y$ and a channel $d\colon Y\to X$, we can |
`integrate' them into a joint state on $X\otimes Y$ as follows, respectively: |
\begin{equation} |
\label{eq:joint-state} |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {$\sigma$}; |
\node[copier] (copier) at (0,0.3) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (c) at (0.5,0.95) {$c$}; |
\coordinate (X) at (-0.5,1.5); |
\coordinate (Y) at (0.5,1.5); |
\draw (omega) to (copier); |
\draw (copier) to[out=150,in=-90] (X); |
\draw (copier) to[out=15,in=-90] (c); |
\draw (c) to (Y); |
\path[scriptstyle] |
node at (-0.7,1.45) {$X$} |
node at (0.7,1.45) {$Y$}; |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\qquad\qquad\text{or}\qquad\qquad |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {$\tau$}; |
\node[copier] (copier) at (0,0.3) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (c) at (-0.5,0.95) {$d$}; |
\coordinate (X) at (-0.5,1.5); |
\coordinate (Y) at (0.5,1.5); |
\draw (omega) to (copier); |
\draw (copier) to[out=165,in=-90] (c); |
\draw (copier) to[out=30,in=-90] (Y); |
\draw (c) to (X); |
\path[scriptstyle] |
node at (-0.7,1.45) {$X$} |
node at (0.7,1.45) {$Y$}; |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\end{equation} |
\begin{example} |
Let $\sigma\in\Dst(X)$ and $c\colon X\to \Dst(Y)$ |
be a state and a channel in $\Kl(\Dst)$. |
An easy calculation verifies that |
$\omega=(\id\otimes c)\klcirc\copier\klcirc\sigma$, the joint state on $X\times Y$ |
defined as in~\eqref{eq:joint-state}, |
satisfies $\omega(x,y)=c(x)(y)\cdot\sigma(x)$, as we expect |
from the product rule. |
\end{example} |
\begin{example} |
For a state $\sigma\in\Giry(X)$ and a channel $c\colon X\to \Giry(Y)$ |
in $\Kl(\Giry)$, the joint state $\omega=(\id\otimes |
c)\klcirc\copier\klcirc\sigma$ is given by $\omega(A\times B)=\int_A |
c(x)(B)\, \sigma(\dd x)$ for $A\in\Sigma_X$ and $B\in\Sigma_Y$. This |
`integration' construction of a joint probability measure is standard, |
see \textit{e.g.}~\cite{Pollard2002,Panangaden09}. |
\end{example} |
\emph{Disintegration} is an inverse operation of |
the `integration' of a state and a channel into a joint state, as in~\eqref{eq:joint-state}. |
More specifically, it starts from a joint state $\omega\colon I\to X\otimes Y$ |
and extracts either a state $\omega_1\colon I\to X$ and a channel $c_1\colon X\to Y$, |
or a state $\omega_2\colon I\to Y$ and a channel $c_2\colon Y\to X$ as below, |
\[ |
\biggl(\; |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {$\omega_1$}; |
\node (X) at (0,0.5) {}; |
\draw (omega) to (X); |
\node[scriptstyle] at (0.2,0.35) {$X$}; |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\;,\; |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[arrow box] (c) at (0,0) {$c_1$}; |
\draw (c) to (0, 0.6); |
\draw (c) to (0,-0.6); |
\path[scriptstyle] |
node at (0.2,0.6) {$Y$} |
node at (0.2,-0.6) {$X$}; |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\;\biggr) |
\quad\xmapsfrom{\text{disintegration}}\quad |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {\;$\omega$\;}; |
\coordinate (X) at (-0.25,0.55) {}; |
\coordinate (Y) at (0.25,0.55) {}; |
\draw (omega) ++(-0.25, 0) to (X); |
\draw (omega) ++(0.25, 0) to (Y); |
\path[scriptstyle] |
node at (-0.45,0.4) {$X$} |
node at (0.45,0.4) {$Y$}; |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\quad\xmapsto{\text{disintegration}}\quad |
\biggl(\; |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {$\omega_2$}; |
\node (X) at (0,0.5) {}; |
\draw (omega) to (X); |
\node[scriptstyle] at (0.2,0.35) {$Y$}; |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\;,\; |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[arrow box] (c) at (0,0) {$c_2$}; |
\draw (c) to (0, 0.6); |
\draw (c) to (0,-0.6); |
\path[scriptstyle] |
node at (0.2,0.6) {$X$} |
node at (0.2,-0.6) {$Y$}; |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\;\biggr) |
\] |
such that the equation on the left or right below holds, respectively. |
\begin{equation} |
\label{eqn:disintegrations} |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {$\omega_1$}; |
\node[copier] (copier) at (0,0.3) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (c) at (0.5,0.95) {$c_1$}; |
\coordinate (X) at (-0.5,1.5); |
\coordinate (Y) at (0.5,1.5); |
\draw (omega) to (copier); |
\draw (copier) to[out=150,in=-90] (X); |
\draw (copier) to[out=15,in=-90] (c); |
\draw (c) to (Y); |
\path[scriptstyle] |
node at (-0.7,1.45) {$X$} |
node at (0.7,1.45) {$Y$}; |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\qquad=\qquad |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {\;$\omega$\;}; |
\coordinate (X) at (-0.25,0.55) {}; |
\coordinate (Y) at (0.25,0.55) {}; |
\draw (omega) ++(-0.25, 0) to (X); |
\draw (omega) ++(0.25, 0) to (Y); |
\path[scriptstyle] |
node at (-0.45,0.4) {$X$} |
node at (0.45,0.4) {$Y$}; |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\qquad=\qquad |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {$\omega_2$}; |
\node[copier] (copier) at (0,0.3) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (c) at (-0.5,0.95) {$c_2$}; |
\coordinate (X) at (-0.5,1.5); |
\coordinate (Y) at (0.5,1.5); |
\draw (omega) to (copier); |
\draw (copier) to[out=165,in=-90] (c); |
\draw (copier) to[out=30,in=-90] (Y); |
\draw (c) to (X); |
\path[scriptstyle] |
node at (-0.7,1.45) {$X$} |
node at (0.7,1.45) {$Y$}; |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\end{equation} |
We immediately see from the equation that |
$\omega_{1}$ and $\omega_{2}$ must be marginals of $\omega$: |
\[ |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {\;$\omega$\;}; |
\coordinate (X) at (-0.25,0.55); |
\node[discarder] (Y) at (0.25,0.25) {}; |
\draw (omega) ++(-0.25, 0) to (X); |
\draw (omega) ++(0.25, 0) to (Y); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\quad=\quad |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {$\omega_1$}; |
\node[copier] (copier) at (0,0.3) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (c) at (0.5,0.95) {$c_1$}; |
\coordinate (X) at (-0.5,1.55); |
\node[discarder] (Y) at (0.5,1.4) {}; |
\draw (omega) to (copier); |
\draw (copier) to[out=150,in=-90] (X); |
\draw (copier) to[out=15,in=-90] (c); |
\draw (c) to (Y); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\quad=\quad |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {$\omega_1$}; |
\node[copier] (copier) at (0,0.3) {}; |
\coordinate (X) at (-0.5,1.5); |
\coordinate (c) at (0.5,0.91); |
\node[discarder] (Y) at (c) {}; |
\draw (omega) to (copier); |
\draw (copier) to[out=150,in=-90] (X); |
\draw (copier) to[out=15,in=-90] (c); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\quad=\quad |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {$\omega_1$}; |
\draw (omega) to (0,0.55); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\] |
and similarly |
\[ |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {\;$\omega$\;}; |
\node[discarder] (X) at (-0.25,0.25) {}; |
\coordinate (Y) at (0.25,0.55) {}; |
\draw (omega) ++(-0.25, 0) to (X); |
\draw (omega) ++(0.25, 0) to (Y); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\quad=\quad |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {$\omega_2$}; |
\draw (omega) to (0,0.55); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\quad. |
\] |
Therefore |
a disintegration of $\omega$ |
may be referred to by |
a channel $c_i$ only, |
rather than a pair $(\omega_i,c_i)$. |
This leads to the following definition: |
\begin{definition} |
\label{def:disintegration} |
Let $\omega\colon I\to X\otimes Y$ be a joint state. |
A channel $c_1\colon X\to Y$ |
(or $c_2\colon Y\to X$) is called a \emph{disintegration} of $\omega$ |
if it satisfies the equation~\eqref{eqn:disintegrations} |
with $\omega_i$ the marginals of $\omega$. |
\end{definition} |
Let us look at concrete instances of disintegrations, |
in the Kleisli categories $\Kl(\Dst)$ |
and $\Kl(\Giry)$ |
from Examples~\ref{ex:KlD} |
and~\ref{ex:KlG}. |
\begin{example} |
\label{ex:disintegration} |
Let $\omega\in\Dst(X\times Y)$ be a joint state in $\Kl(\Dst)$. |
We write $\omega_{1} |
\in\Dst(X)$ for the first marginal, given by $\omega_{1}(x) = |
\sum_{y}\omega(x,y)$. |
Then a channel $c\colon X\to \Dst(Y)$ is a disintegration of $\omega$ |
if and only if $\omega(x,y)=c(x)(y)\cdot \omega_1(x)$ |
for all $x\in X$ and $y\in Y$. |
It turns out that there is always such a channel $c$. |
We define a channel $c$ by: |
\begin{equation} |
\label{eqn:discrete:disintegration} |
\begin{array}{rcl} |
c(x)(y) |
& \coloneqq & |
\frac{\omega(x,y)}{\omega_{1}(x)} |
\qquad\qquad |
\text{if}\quad\omega_1(x)\neq 0 |
\enspace, |
\end{array} |
\end{equation} |
\noindent |
and $c(x)\coloneqq\tau$ if $\omega_1(x)=0$, for an arbitrary state $\tau\in\Dst(Y)$. |
(Here $\Dst(Y)$ is nonempty, since so is $\Dst(X\times Y)$.) |
This indeed defines a channel $c$ satisfying the required equation. |
Roughly speaking, disintegration in discrete probability |
is nothing but the `definition' |
of conditional probability: $\Pr(y|x)=\Pr(x,y)/\Pr(x)$. |
There is still some subtlety --- disintegrations need not be unique, |
when there are $x\in X$ with $\omega_1(x)=0$. |
They are, nevertheless, `almost surely' |
unique; see Section~\ref{sec:equality}. |
\end{example} |
\begin{example} |
Disintegrations in measure-theoretic probability, in $\Kl(\Giry)$, are far more difficult. |
Let $\omega\in\Giry(X\times Y)$ be a joint state, |
with $\omega_1\in\Giry(X)$ the first marginal. |
A channel $c\colon X\to \Giry(Y)$ is a disintegration of $\omega$ if and only if |
\[ |
\omega(A\times B) = \int_A c(x)(B)\,\omega_1(\dd x) |
\] |
for all $A\in \Sigma_X$ and $B\in \Sigma_Y$. This is the ordinary |
notion of \emph{disintegration} (of probability measures), also known |
as \emph{regular conditional probability}; see |
\textit{e.g.}~\cite{Faden1985,Pollard2002,Panangaden09}. We see that |
there is no obvious way to obtain a channel $c$ here, unlike the |
discrete case. In fact, a disintegration may not |
exist~\cite{Stoyanov2014}. There are, however, a number of results |
that guarantee the existence of a disintegration in certain |
situations. We will come back to this issue later in the section. |
\end{example} |
\emph{Bayesian inversion} is a special form of disintegration, |
occurring frequently. |
We start from a state $\sigma\colon I\to X$ and |
a channel $c\colon X\to Y$. We then integrate |
them into a joint state on $X$ and $Y$, |
and disintegrate it in the other direction, as below. |
\[ |
\biggl(\; |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {$\sigma$}; |
\node (X) at (0,0.5) {}; |
\draw (omega) to (X); |
\node[scriptstyle] at (0.2,0.35) {$X$}; |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\;,\; |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[arrow box] (c) at (0,0) {$c$}; |
\draw (c) to (0, 0.6); |
\draw (c) to (0,-0.6); |
\path[scriptstyle] |
node at (0.2,0.6) {$Y$} |
node at (0.2,-0.6) {$X$}; |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\;\biggr) |
\quad\xmapsto{\text{integration}}\quad |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {$\sigma$}; |
\node[copier] (copier) at (0,0.3) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (c) at (0.5,0.95) {$c$}; |
\coordinate (X) at (-0.5,1.5); |
\coordinate (Y) at (0.5,1.5); |
\draw (omega) to (copier); |
\draw (copier) to[out=150,in=-90] (X); |
\draw (copier) to[out=15,in=-90] (c); |
\draw (c) to (Y); |
\path[scriptstyle] |
node at (-0.7,1.45) {$X$} |
node at (0.7,1.45) {$Y$}; |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\quad\xmapsto{\text{disintegration}}\quad |
\biggl(\; |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (s) at (0,0) {$\sigma$}; |
\node[arrow box] (c) at (0,0.45) {$c$}; |
\draw (s) to (c); |
\draw (c) to (0,0.95); |
\node[scriptstyle] at (0.2,0.95) {$Y$}; |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\;,\; |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[arrow box] (c) at (0,0) {$d$}; |
\draw (c) to (0, 0.6); |
\draw (c) to (0,-0.6); |
\path[scriptstyle] |
node at (0.2,0.6) {$X$} |
node at (0.2,-0.6) {$Y$}; |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\;\biggr) |
\] |
We call the disintegration $d\colon Y\to X$ a \emph{Bayesian inversion} |
for $\sigma\colon I\to X$ along $c\colon X\to Y$. |
By unfolding the definitions, |
a channel $d\colon Y\to X$ is |
a Bayesian inversion if and only if |
\begin{equation} |
\label{eq:bayesian-inversion} |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {$\sigma$}; |
\node[copier] (copier) at (0,0.3) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (c) at (0.5,0.95) {$c$}; |
\coordinate (X) at (-0.5,1.5); |
\coordinate (Y) at (0.5,1.5); |
\draw (omega) to (copier); |
\draw (copier) to[out=150,in=-90] (X); |
\draw (copier) to[out=15,in=-90] (c); |
\draw (c) to (Y); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\quad=\quad |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,-0.55) {$\sigma$}; |
\node[copier] (copier) at (0,0.3) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (d) at (-0.5,0.95) {$d$}; |
\coordinate (X) at (-0.5,1.5); |
\coordinate (Y) at (0.5,1.5); |
\node[arrow box] (c) at (0,-0.15) {$c$}; |
\draw (omega) to (c); |
\draw (c) to (copier); |
\draw (copier) to[out=165,in=-90] (d); |
\draw (copier) to[out=30,in=-90] (Y); |
\draw (d) to (X); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\quad. |
\end{equation} |
The composite $c\circ\sigma$ is also written as $c_*(\sigma)$. |
The operation $\sigma\mapsto c_*(\sigma)$, |
called \emph{state transformation}, |
is used to explain |
forward inference in \cite{JacobsZ16}. |
\begin{example} |
Let $\sigma\in\Dst(X)$ |
and $c\colon X\to \Dst(Y)$ be a state and a channel in $\Kl(\Dst)$. |
Then |
a channel $d\colon Y\to \Dst(X)$ is |
a Bayesian inversion for $\sigma$ along $c$ |
if and only if |
$c(x)(y)\cdot \sigma(x)= |
d(y)(x)\cdot c_*(\sigma)(y)$, |
where $c_*(\sigma)(y)=\sum_{x'} c(x')(y)\cdot \sigma(x')$. |
In a similar manner to Example~\ref{ex:disintegration}, |
we can obtain such a $d$ by: |
\[ |
d(y)(x) |
\coloneqq |
\frac{c(x)(y)\cdot \sigma(x)}{c_*(\sigma)(y)} |
= |
\frac{c(x)(y)\cdot \sigma(x)} |
{\sum_{x'} c(x')(y)\cdot \sigma(x')} |
\] |
for $y\in Y$ with $c_*(\sigma)(y)\neq 0$. |
For $y\in Y$ with $c_*(\sigma)(y)=0$, |
we may define $d(y)$ to be an arbitrary state in $\Dst(X)$. |
We can recognise the above formula as the Bayes formula: |
\[ |
\Pr(x|y) |
=\frac{\Pr(y|x)\cdot \Pr(x)}{\Pr(y)} |
=\frac{\Pr(y|x)\cdot \Pr(x)}{\sum_{x'}\Pr(y|x')\cdot \Pr(x')} |
\enspace. |
\] |
\end{example} |
\begin{example} |
\label{ex:inversion} |
Let $\sigma\in\Giry(X)$ and $c\colon X\to \Giry(Y)$ |
be a state and a channel in $\Kl(\Giry)$. |
A channel $d\colon Y\to \Giry(X)$ is a Bayesian inversion if and only if |
\[ |
\int_A c(x)(B)\,\sigma(\dd x) |
= |
\int_B d(y)(A)\,c_*(\sigma)(\dd y) |
\] |
for all $A\in\Sigma_X$ and $B\in\Sigma_Y$. |
Here $c_*(\sigma)\in\Giry(Y)$ |
is the measure given by $c_*(\sigma)(B)=\int_X c(x)(B) \,\sigma(\dd x)$. |
As we see below, Bayesian inversions are in some sense equivalent to disintegrations, |
and thus, they are as difficult as disintegrations. |
In particular, a Bayesian inversion need not exist. |
In practice, however, the state $\sigma$ and channel $c$ are often given |
via density functions. |
This setting, so-called (absolutely) continuous probability, |
makes it easy to compute a Bayesian inversion. |
Suppose that $X$ and $Y$ are subspaces of $\RR$, and that |
$\sigma$ and $c$ admit density functions as |
\[ |
\sigma(A) = \int_A f(x) \,\dd x |
\qquad\qquad |
c(x)(B) = \int_B \ell(x,y) \,\dd y |
\] |
for measurable functions $f\colon X\to \pRR$ and $\ell\colon X\times |
Y\to \pRR$. The conditional probability density $\ell(x,y)$ of $y$ |
given $x$ is often called the \emph{likelihood} of $x$ given $y$. By |
the familiar Bayes formula for densities --- see |
\textit{e.g.}~\cite{BernardoS00} --- the conditional density of $x$ |
given $y$ is: |
\begin{equation*} |
\label{eq:bayes-density} |
k(y,x) |
\coloneqq |
\frac{\ell(x,y)\cdot f(x)} |
{\int_X \ell(x',y)\cdot f(x')\,\dd x'} |
\enspace. |
\end{equation*} |
This $k$ then gives a channel $d\colon Y\to \Giry(X)$ by |
\[ |
d(y)(A) = \int_A k(y,x)\,\dd x |
\] |
for each $y\in Y$ such that $\int_X \ell(x',y)\cdot f(x')\,\dd x'\neq 0$. |
For the other $y$'s we define $d(y)$ to be some fixed state in $\Giry(X)$. |
An elementary calculation verifies that $d$ is indeed a Bayesian inversion |
for $\sigma$ along $c$. |
Later, in Section~\ref{sec:likelihood}, |
we generalise this calculation into our abstract setting. |
\end{example} |
Although Bayesian inversions are |
a special case of disintegrations, |
we can conversely obtain disintegrations from |
Bayesian inversions, as in the proposition below. |
Therefore, in some sense the two notions are equivalent. |
\begin{proposition} |
\label{prop:disintegration-from-inversion} |
Let $\omega$ be a state on $X\otimes Y$. |
Let $d\colon X\to |
X\otimes Y$ be a Bayesian inversion for $\omega$ along the |
first projection $\pi_1\colon X\otimes Y\to X$ on the left below. |
\[ |
\pi_1 \,=\;\; |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[discarder] (d) at (0,0.4) {}; |
\draw (0,0) to (d); |
\draw (-0.35,0) to +(0,0.9); |
\path[scriptstyle] |
node at (-0.5,0.15) {$X$} |
node at (0.15,0.15) {$Y$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad |
\pi_2\circ d |
\,=\;\; |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[discarder] (dis) at (-0.2,0.4) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (d) at (0,0) {\;\;$d$\;\;}; |
\draw (d.north) ++ (-0.2,0) to (dis); |
\draw (d.north) ++ (0.2,0) to (0.2,0.7); |
\draw (d.south) to (0,-0.5); |
\path[scriptstyle] |
node at (0.15,-0.45) {$X$} |
node at (0.35,0.65) {$Y$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\] |
Then the composite |
$\pi_2\circ d\colon X\to Y$ |
shown on the right above is a disintegration of $\omega$. |
\end{proposition} |
\begin{myproof} |
We prove that the first equation in \eqref{eqn:disintegrations} holds for $c_1=\pi_2\circ d$, as follows. |
\[ |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[discarder] (di1) at (0.25,0.15) {}; |
\node[discarder] (di2) at (-0.05,1.5) {}; |
\node[state] (s) at (0,0) {\;$\omega$\;}; |
\node[copier] (c) at (-0.25,0.5) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (d) at (0.15,1.1) {\;\;$d$\;\;}; |
\draw (s) ++(-0.25,0) to (c); |
\draw (s) ++(0.25,0) to (di1); |
\draw (c) to[out=15,in=-90] (d.south); |
\draw (c) to[out=135,in=-90] (-0.65,1.8); |
\draw (d.north) ++(-0.2,0) to (di2); |
\draw (d.north) ++(0.2,0) to (0.35,1.8); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\;\;=\;\; |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[discarder] (di1) at (0.25,0.15) {}; |
\node[discarder] (di2) at (-0.05,1.6) {}; |
\node[state] (s) at (0,0) {\;$\omega$\;}; |
\node[copier] (c) at (-0.25,0.3) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (d) at (0.15,1.2) {\;\;$d$\;\;}; |
\draw (s) ++(-0.25,0) to (c); |
\draw (s) ++(0.25,0) to (di1); |
\draw (c) to[out=150,in=-90] (-0.4,0.5) |
to[out=90,in=-90] (d.south); |
\draw (c) to[out=30,in=-90] (-0.1,0.5) |
to[out=90,in=-90] (-0.6,0.95) |
to (-0.6,1.9); |
\draw (d.north) ++(-0.2,0) to (di2); |
\draw (d.north) ++(0.2,0) to (0.35,1.9); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\;\;=\;\; |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[discarder] (di1) at (0.25,0.15) {}; |
\node[discarder] (di2) at (-0.9,1.35) {}; |
\node[state] (s) at (0,0) {\;$\omega$\;}; |
\node[copier] (c) at (-0.25,0.35) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (d) at (-0.7,0.9) {\;\;$d$\;\;}; |
\draw (s) ++(-0.25,0) to (c); |
\draw (s) ++(0.25,0) to (di1); |
\draw (c) to[out=165,in=-90] (d.south); |
\draw (c) to[out=30,in=-90] (0.1,0.7) |
to (0.1,1.35) |
to[out=90,in=-90] (-0.5,1.85); |
\draw (d.north) ++(-0.2,0) to (di2); |
\draw (d.north) ++(0.2,0) to (-0.5,1.35) |
to[out=90,in=-90] (0.1,1.85); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\;\;\overset{*}{=}\;\; |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\coordinate (di1) at (-0.75,1.1); |
\coordinate (di2) at (0.75,0.75); |
\node[discarder] at (di2) {}; |
\node[discarder] at (di1) {}; |
\node[state] (s) at (0,0) {\;$\omega$\;}; |
\node[copier] (c1) at (-0.25,0.25) {}; |
\node[copier] (c2) at (0.25,0.25) {}; |
\draw (s) ++(-0.25,0) to (c1); |
\draw (s) ++(0.25,0) to (c2); |
\draw (c1) to[out=150,in=-90] (-0.75,0.75) |
to (di1); |
\draw (c2) to[out=30,in=-90] (di2); |
\draw (c1) to[out=30,in=-90] (0.45,0.75) |
to[out=90,in=-90] (-0.45,1.6); |
\draw (c2) to[out=150,in=-90] (-0.45,0.75) |
to[out=90,in=-90] (0.45,1.6); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\;\;=\;\; |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (s) at (0,0) {\;$\omega$\;}; |
\draw (s) ++(-0.25,0) |
to[out=90,in=-90] (0.25,0.7) |
to[out=90,in=-90] (-0.25,1.4); |
\draw (s) ++(0.25,0) |
to[out=90,in=-90] (-0.25,0.7) |
to[out=90,in=-90] (0.25,1.4); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\;\;=\;\; |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (s) at (0,0) {\;$\omega$\;}; |
\draw (s) ++(-0.25,0) to (-0.25,0.5); |
\draw (s) ++(0.25,0) to (0.25,0.5); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\] |
For the marked equality $\overset{*}{=}$ |
we used the equation \eqref{eq:bayesian-inversion} |
for the Bayesian inversion $d$. |
\end{myproof} |
We say that |
an affine CD-category $\catC$ \emph{admits disintegration} |
if for every bipartite state $\omega\colon I\to X\otimes Y$ |
there exist a disintegration $c_1\colon X\to Y$ of $\omega$. |
Note that in such categories there also exists |
a disintegration $c_2\colon Y\to X$ of $\omega$ in the other direction, |
since it can be obtained as a disintegration of the following state: |
\[ |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (s) at (0,0) {\;$\omega$\;}; |
\draw (s) ++(-0.25,0) |
to[out=90,in=-90] (0.25,0.5); |
\draw (s) ++(0.25,0) |
to[out=90,in=-90] (-0.25,0.5); |
\path[scriptstyle] |
node at (-0.4,0.5) {$Y$} |
node at (0.4,0.5) {$X$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\quad. |
\] |
By Proposition~\ref{prop:disintegration-from-inversion}, |
admitting disintegration is equivalent to admitting Bayesian inversion. |
In Example~\ref{ex:disintegration}, |
we have seen that $\Kl(\Dst)$ admits disintegration, |
but that in measure-theoretic probability, in $\Kl(\Giry)$, |
disintegrations may not exist. |
There are however a number of results that guarantee |
the existence of disintegrations in specific situations, |
see \textit{e.g.}~\cite{Pachl1978,Faden1985}. |
We here invoke one of these results |
and show that |
there is a subcategory of $\Kl(\Giry)$ that admits disintegration. |
A measurable space is called a \emph{standard |
Borel space} if it is measurably isomorphic to a Polish space with its |
Borel $\sigma$-algebra, or equivalently, if it is measurably isomorphic to |
a Borel subspace of $\RR$. |
Then the following theorem is standard, |
see \textit{e.g.}~\cite[\S5.2]{Pollard2002} |
or~\cite[\S5]{Faden1985}. |
\begin{theorem} |
\label{thm:disintegration-stborel} |
Let $X$ be any measurable space and $Y$ be a standard |
Borel space. |
Then for any state (\textit{i.e.}\ a probability measure) |
$\omega\in\Giry(X\times Y)$ in $\Kl(\Giry)$, |
there exists a disintegration $c_1\colon X\to \Giry(Y)$ of $\omega$. |
\qed |
\end{theorem} |
Let $\pKrnsb$ be the full subcategory of $\Kl(\Giry)$ |
consisting of standard Borel spaces as objects. |
Clearly $\pKrnsb$ contains the singleton |
measurable space $1$, |
which is the tensor unit of $\Kl(\Giry)$. |
We claim that the product |
(in $\Meas$, hence the tensor product in $\Kl(\Giry)$) |
of two standard Borel spaces |
is again standard Borel. |
Let $(X,\Sigma_X)$ and $(Y,\Sigma_Y)$ |
be standard Borel spaces. |
We fix Polish ($=$ separable completely metrisable) |
topologies on $X$ and $Y$ that induce |
the $\sigma$-algebras $\Sigma_X$ |
and $\Sigma_Y$, respectively. |
Then the product $X\times Y$, as topological spaces, |
is Polish \cite[Lemma~1.17]{Doberkat2007}. |
The Borel $\sigma$-algebra of the Polish space $X\times Y$ |
coincides with |
the $\sigma$-algebra on the product $X\times Y$ |
in $\Meas$ \cite[Proposition~2.8]{Panangaden09}. |
Hence $X\times Y$ is standard Borel. |
Therefore |
the subcategory $\pKrnsb\hookrightarrow \Kl(\Giry)$ |
is closed under the monoidal structure of $\Kl(\Giry)$, |
so that $\pKrnsb$ is an affine CD-category. |
Then the previous theorem immediately shows: |
\begin{corollary} |
The category $\pKrnsb$ admits disintegration. |
\qed |
\end{corollary} |
We note that $\pKrnsb$ can also be seen as the Kleisli category |
of the Giry monad restricted on the category of standard Borel spaces, |
because $\Giry(X)$ is standard Borel whenever $X$ is standard Borel. |
To see this, let $(X,\Sigma_X)$ be |
a standard Borel space. |
If we fix a Polish topology on $X$ that |
induces $\Sigma_X$, |
then $\Giry(X)$ also forms a Polish space |
with the \emph{topology of weak convergence}, |
see \cite{Giry1982} or \cite[\S1.5.2]{Doberkat2007}. |
The $\sigma$-algebra on $\Giry(X)$, |
defined in Example~\ref{ex:KlG}, |
coincides with |
the Borel $\sigma$-algebra |
with respect to the Polish topology |
\cite[Proposition~1.80]{Doberkat2007}. |
Therefore $\Giry(X)$ is standard Borel. |
Since there are various `existence' theorems like |
Theorem~\ref{thm:disintegration-stborel}, there may be other |
subcategories of $\Kl(\Giry)$ that admit disintegration. A likely |
candidate is the category of perfect probabilistic mappings |
in~\cite{CulbertsonS2014}. We do not go into this question here, |
since $\pKrnsb$ suffices for the present paper. |
\section{Example: naive Bayesian classifiers via inversion} |
\label{sec:classifier}\tikzextname{s_classifier} |
Bayesian classification is a well-known technique in machine learning |
that produces a distribution over data classifications, given certain |
sample data. The distribution describes the probability, for each data |
(classification) category, that the sample data is in that |
category. Here we consider an example of `naive' Bayesian |
classification, where the features are assumed to be independent. We |
consider a standard classification example from the literature which |
forms an ideal setting to illustrate the use of both disintegration |
and Bayesian inversion. Disintegration is used to extract channels |
from a given table, and subsequently Bayesian inversion is applied to |
(the tuple of) these channels to obtain the actual classification. |
The use of channels and disintegration/inversion in this |
classification setting is new, as far as we know. |
For the description of the relevant operations in this example we use |
notation for marginalisation and disintegration that we borrowed from |
the \EfProb library~\cite{ChoJ17}. There are many ways to marginalise |
an $n$-partite state, namely one for each subset of the wires $\{1, 2, |
\ldots, n\}$. Such a subset can be described as a \emph{mask}, |
consisting of a list of $n$ zero's or one's, where a zero at position |
$i$ means that the $i$-th wire/component is marginalised out, and a |
one at position $i$ means that it remains. Such a mask $M = [b_{1}, |
\ldots, b_{n}]$ with $b_{i}\in\{0,1\}$ is used as a post-fix |
selection operation in $\marg{\omega}{M}$ on an $n$-partite state |
$\omega$. An example explains it all: |
\[ \mbox{if}\qquad \omega\; = \;\; |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {\hspace*{3em}}; |
\coordinate (X1) at (-1.0,0.4); |
\coordinate (X2) at (-0.5,0.4) {}; |
\coordinate (X3) at (0.0,0.4) {}; |
\coordinate (X4) at (0.5,0.4) {}; |
\coordinate (X5) at (1.0,0.4) {}; |
\draw (omega) ++(-1.0, 0) to (X1); |
\draw (omega) ++(-0.5, 0) to (X2); |
\draw (omega) ++(0.0, 0) to (X3); |
\draw (omega) ++(0.5, 0) to (X4); |
\draw (omega) ++(1.0, 0) to (X5); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\qquad\mbox{then}\qquad |
\marg{\omega}{[1,0,1,0,0]} \; = \;\; |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {\hspace*{3em}}; |
\coordinate (X1) at (-1.0,0.4); |
\node [discarder] (ground1) at (-0.5,0.2) {}; |
\coordinate (X2) at (0.0,0.4) {}; |
\node [discarder] (ground2) at (0.5,0.2) {}; |
\node [discarder] (ground3) at (1.0,0.2) {}; |
\draw (omega) ++(-1.0, 0) to (X1); |
\draw (omega) ++(-0.5, 0) to (ground1); |
\draw (omega) ++(0.0, 0) to (X2); |
\draw (omega) ++(0.5, 0) to (ground2); |
\draw (omega) ++(1.0, 0) to (ground3); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} \] |
\noindent In a similar way one can disintegrate an $n$-partite state |
in $2^n$ may ways, where a mask of length $n$ is now used to describe |
which wires are used as input to the extracted channel and which ones |
as output. We write $\disint{\omega}{M}$ for such a disintegration, |
where $M$ is a mask, as above. A systematic description will be given |
in Section~\ref{sec:conditionalindependence} below. |
In practice it is often useful to be able to marginalise first, and |
disintegrate next. The general description in $n$-ary form is a bit |
complicated, so we use an example for $n=5$. We shall label the wires |
with $x_i$, as on the left below. We seek the conditional probability |
written conventionally as $c = \omega[x_{1}, x_{4} \mid x_{2}, x_{5}]$ |
on the right below. |
\[ \vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {\hspace*{1em}$\omega$\hspace*{1em}}; |
\coordinate (X1) at (-1.0,0.4); |
\coordinate (X2) at (-0.5,0.4) {}; |
\coordinate (X3) at (0.0,0.4) {}; |
\coordinate (X4) at (0.5,0.4) {}; |
\coordinate (X5) at (1.0,0.4) {}; |
\node at (-1.0,0.6) {$x_{1}$}; |
\node at (-0.5,0.6) {$x_{2}$}; |
\node at (0.0,0.6) {$x_{3}$}; |
\node at (0.5,0.6) {$x_{4}$}; |
\node at (1.0,0.6) {$x_{5}$}; |
\draw (omega) -- (-1.0, 0) to (X1); |
\draw (omega) ++(-0.5, 0) to (X2); |
\draw (omega) ++(0.0, 0) to (X3); |
\draw (omega) ++(0.5, 0) to (X4); |
\draw (omega) ++(1.0, 0) to (X5); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\hspace*{10em} |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[arrow box] (c) at (0,0) {\hspace*{1em}$c$\hspace*{1em}}; |
\coordinate (X1) at (-0.3,0.6); |
\coordinate (X4) at (0.3,0.6) {}; |
\coordinate (X2) at (-0.3,-0.6) {}; |
\coordinate (X5) at (0.3,-0.6) {}; |
\draw (c.north)++(-0.3,0) to (X1); |
\draw (c.north)++(0.3,0) to (X4); |
\draw (c.south)++(-0.3,0) to (X2); |
\draw (c.south)++(0.3,0) to (X5); |
\node at (-0.3,0.8) {$x_{1}$}; |
\node at (0.3,0.8) {$x_{4}$}; |
\node at (-0.3,-0.8) {$x_{2}$}; |
\node at (0.3,-0.8) {$x_{5}$}; |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\] |
\noindent This channel $c$ must satisfy: |
\[ \vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {\hspace*{1em}$\omega$\hspace*{1em}}; |
\coordinate (X1) at (-1.0,0.4); |
\coordinate (X2) at (-0.5,0.4) {}; |
\node [discarder] (ground) at (0.0,0.2) {}; |
\coordinate (X4) at (0.5,0.4) {}; |
\coordinate (X5) at (1.0,0.4) {}; |
\draw (omega) ++(-1.0, 0) to (X1); |
\draw (omega) ++(-0.5, 0) to (X2); |
\draw (omega) ++(0.0, 0) to (ground); |
\draw (omega) ++(0.5, 0) to (X4); |
\draw (omega) ++(1.0, 0) to (X5); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\quad = \quad |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\coordinate (X1) at (-1.0,2.0); |
\coordinate (X2) at (-0.5,2.0) {}; |
\coordinate (X4) at (0.5,2.0) {}; |
\coordinate (X5) at (1.0,2.0) {}; |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {\hspace*{1em}$\omega$\hspace*{1em}}; |
\node [discarder] (ground1) at (-1.0,0.2) {}; |
\node[copier] (c2) at (-0.5,0.4) {}; |
\node [discarder] (ground3) at (0.0,0.2) {}; |
\node [discarder] (ground4) at (0.5,0.2) {}; |
\node[copier] (c5) at (1.0,0.4) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (c) at (0.25,1.2) {\hspace*{1em}$c$\hspace*{1em}}; |
\draw (omega) ++(-1.0, 0) to (ground1); |
\draw (omega) ++(-0.5, 0) to (c2); |
\draw (omega) ++(0.0, 0) to (ground3); |
\draw (omega) ++(0.5, 0) to (ground4); |
\draw (omega) ++(1.0, 0) to (c5); |
\draw (c2) to[out=45,in=-90] (c.-135); |
\draw (c2) to[out=135,in=-90] (X2); |
\draw (c5) to[out=135,in=-90] (c.-45); |
\draw (c5) to[out=45,in=-90] (X5); |
\draw (c.135) to[out=90,in=-90] (X1); |
\draw (c.47) to (X4); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\] |
\noindent This picture shows how to obtain the channel $c$ from |
$\omega$: we first marginalise to restrict to the relevant wires |
$x_{1}, x_{2}, x_{4}, x_{5}$. This is written as |
$\marg{\omega}{[1,1,0,1,1]}$. Subsequently we disintegrate with |
$x_{1},x_{4}$ as output and $x_{2},x_{5}$ as input. Hence: |
\[ \begin{array}{rcl} |
c |
& \coloneqq & |
\disint{\marg{\omega}{[1,1,0,1,1]}}{[0,1,0,1]} |
\\ |
& \eqqcolon & |
\extract{\omega}{[1,0,0,1,0]}{[0,1,0,0,1]} |
\quad \mbox{as we shall write in the sequel.} |
\end{array} \] |
\noindent We see that the latter post-fix $\big[[1,0,0,1,0] \,\big|\, |
[0,1,0,0,1]\big]$ is a `variable free' version of the traditional |
notation $[x_{1}, x_{4} \mid x_{2}, x_{5}]$, selecting the relevant |
positions. |
We have now prepared the ground and can turn to the classification |
example that we announced. It involves the classification of |
`playing' (yes or no) for certain weather data, used |
in~\cite{WittenFH11}. We shall first go through the discrete example |
in some detail. The relevant data are in the table in |
Figure~\ref{fig:discreteplay}. The question is: given this table, |
what can be said about the probability of playing if the outlook is |
\emph{Sunny}, the temperature is \emph{Cold}, the humidity is |
\emph{High} and it is Windy? |
\begin{figure} |
\begin{center} |
{\setlength\tabcolsep{2em}\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{0.9} |
\begin{tabular}{c|c|c|c|c} |
\textbf{Outlook} & \textbf{Temperature} & \textbf{Humidity} & |
\textbf{Windy} & \textbf{Play} |
\\ |
\hline\hline |
Sunny & hot & high & false & no |
\\ |
Sunny & hot & high & true & no |
\\ |
Overcast & hot & high & false & yes |
\\ |
Rainy & mild & high & false & yes |
\\ |
Rainy & cool & normal & false & yes |
\\ |
Rainy & cool & normal & true & no |
\\ |
Overcast & cool & normal & true & yes |
\\ |
Sunny & mild & high & false & no |
\\ |
Sunny & cool & normal & false & yes |
\\ |
Rainy & mild & normal & false & yes |
\\ |
Sunny & mild & normal & true & yes |
\\ |
Overcast & mild & high & true & yes |
\\ |
Overcast & hot & normal & false & yes |
\\ |
Rainy & mild & high & true & no |
\end{tabular}} |
\end{center} |
\caption{Weather and play data, copied from~\cite{WittenFH11}.} |
\label{fig:discreteplay} |
\end{figure} |
Our plan is to first organise these table data into four channels |
$d_{O}, d_{T}, d_{H}, d_{W}$ in a network of the form: |
\begin{equation} |
\label{diag:discreteplay} |
\vcenter{\xymatrix@C-1pc{ |
\ovalbox{\strut Outlook} & & \ovalbox{\strut Temperature} & & |
\ovalbox{\strut Humidity} & & \ovalbox{\strut Windy} |
\\ |
& & & \ovalbox{\strut Play}\ar@/^2ex/[ulll]^-{d_{O}}\ar@/_1ex/[ur]^-{d_{H}}\ar@/_2ex/[urrr]_-{d_{W}}\ar@{-<}@/^1ex/[ul]_-{d_{T}} & & & |
}} |
\end{equation} |
\noindent We start by extracting the underlying sets for |
for the categories in the table in Figure~\ref{fig:discreteplay}. We |
choose abbreviations for the entries in each of the categories. |
\[ \begin{array}{rclcrclcrclcrclcrcl} |
O |
& = & |
\{s, o, r\} |
& \quad & |
W |
& = & |
\{t, f\} |
& \quad & |
T |
& = & |
\{h, m, c\} |
& \quad & |
P |
& = & |
\{y, n\} |
& \quad & |
H |
& = & |
\{h, n\}. |
\end{array} \] |
\noindent These sets are combined into a single product domain: |
\[ \begin{array}{rcl} |
D |
& = & |
O \times T \times H \times W \times P. |
\end{array} \] |
\noindent It combines the five columns in |
Figure~\ref{fig:discreteplay}. The table itself in the figure is |
represented as a uniform distribution $\tau \in\Dst(D)$. This |
distribution has 14 entries --- like in the table --- and looks as |
follows. |
\[ \begin{array}{rcl} |
\tau |
& = & |
\frac{1}{14}\ket{s,h,h,f,n} + \frac{1}{14}\ket{s,h,h,t,n} + \cdots + |
\frac{1}{14}\ket{r,m,h,t,n}. |
\end{array} \] |
We extract the four channels in Diagram~\eqref{diag:discreteplay} via |
appropriate disintegrations, from the Play column to the Outlook / |
Temperature / Humidity / Windy columns. |
\[ \begin{array}{rclcrcl} |
d_{O} |
& = & |
\extract{\tau}{[1,0,0,0,0]}{[0,0,0,0,1]} |
& \hspace*{3em} & |
d_{T} |
& = & |
\extract{\tau}{[0,1,0,0,0]}{[0,0,0,0,1]} |
\\ |
d_{H} |
& = & |
\extract{\tau}{[0,0,1,0,0]}{[0,0,0,0,1]} |
& & |
d_{W} |
& = & |
\extract{\tau}{[0,0,0,1,0]}{[0,0,0,0,1]}. |
\end{array} \] |
\noindent Thus, as described in the beginning of this section, the |
`outlook' channel $d_{O} \colon P \rightarrow \Dst(O)$ is extracted by |
first marginalising the table $\tau$ to the relevant (first and last) |
wires, and then disintegrating. Explicitly, $d_{O}$ is |
$\disint{\marg{\tau}{[1,0,0,0,1]}}{[0,1]}$ and satisfies: |
\[ \vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {\hspace*{1em}$\omega$\hspace*{1em}}; |
\coordinate (X1) at (-1.0,0.4) {}; |
\node [discarder] (ground2) at (-0.5,0.2) {}; |
\node [discarder] (ground3) at (0.0,0.2) {}; |
\node [discarder] (ground4) at (0.5,0.2) {}; |
\coordinate (X5) at (1.0,0.4) {}; |
\draw (omega) ++(-1.0, 0) to (X1); |
\draw (omega) ++(-0.5, 0) to (ground2); |
\draw (omega) ++(0.0, 0) to (ground3); |
\draw (omega) ++(0.5, 0) to (ground4); |
\draw (omega) ++(1.0, 0) to (X5); |
\path[scriptstyle] |
node at (-1.2,0.45) {$O$} |
node at (1.2,0.45) {$P$}; |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\quad=\quad |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {$\pi$}; |
\node[copier] (copier) at (0,0.3) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (c) at (-0.5,0.95) {$d_O$}; |
\coordinate (X) at (-0.5,1.5); |
\coordinate (Y) at (0.5,1.5); |
\draw (omega) to (copier); |
\draw (copier) to[out=150,in=-90] (c); |
\draw (copier) to[out=15,in=-90] (Y); |
\draw (c) to (X); |
\path[scriptstyle] |
node at (-0.7,1.55) {$O$} |
node at (0.7,1.55) {$P$}; |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\qquad\mbox{where}\qquad |
\pi |
\;\;=\;\; |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {\hspace*{1em}$\omega$\hspace*{1em}}; |
\node [discarder] (ground1) at (-1.0,0.2) {}; |
\node [discarder] (ground2) at (-0.5,0.2) {}; |
\node [discarder] (ground3) at (0.0,0.2) {}; |
\node [discarder] (ground4) at (0.5,0.2) {}; |
\coordinate (X5) at (1.0,0.4) {}; |
\draw (omega) ++(-1.0, 0) to (ground1); |
\draw (omega) ++(-0.5, 0) to (ground2); |
\draw (omega) ++(0.0, 0) to (ground3); |
\draw (omega) ++(0.5, 0) to (ground4); |
\draw (omega) ++(1.0, 0) to (X5); |
\path[scriptstyle] |
node at (1.2,0.45) {$P$}; |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\] |
\noindent In a next step we combine these four channels into a single channel |
$d\colon P\rightarrow O\times T\times H\times W$ via tupling: |
\[ d |
\quad\coloneqq\quad |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[copier] (copier) at (0,0.0) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (o) at (-1.2,0.6) {$d_O$}; |
\node[arrow box] (t) at (-0.4,0.6) {$d_T$}; |
\node[arrow box] (h) at (0.4,0.6) {$d_H$}; |
\node[arrow box] (w) at (1.2,0.6) {$d_W$}; |
\draw (copier) to (0.0,-0.3); |
\draw (copier) to[out=165,in=-90] (o); |
\draw (copier) to[out=115,in=-90] (t); |
\draw (copier) to[out=65,in=-90] (h); |
\draw (copier) to[out=15,in=-90] (w); |
\draw (o) to (-1.2,1.1); |
\draw (t) to (-0.4,1.1); |
\draw (h) to (0.4,1.1); |
\draw (w) to (1.2,1.1); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} \] |
\noindent The answer that we are looking for will be obtained by |
Bayesian inversion of this channel $d$ wrt.\ the above fifth marginal |
Play state $\pi = \marg{\tau}{[0,0,0,0,1]} = \frac{9}{14}\ket{y} + |
\frac{5}{14}\ket{n} \in \Dst(P)$. We write this inversion as a channel $e |
\colon O\times T\times H\times W \rightarrow P$. It satisfies, by |
construction, according to the pattern |
in~\eqref{eq:bayesian-inversion}: |
\[ \vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (1.2,-1.0) {$\pi$}; |
\node[copier] (copier1) at (1.2,-0.8) {}; |
\node[copier] (copier4) at (0.0,-0.2) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (o) at (-1.2,0.6) {$d_O$}; |
\node[arrow box] (t) at (-0.4,0.6) {$d_T$}; |
\node[arrow box] (h) at (0.4,0.6) {$d_H$}; |
\node[arrow box] (w) at (1.2,0.6) {$d_W$}; |
\draw (omega) to (copier1); |
\draw (copier1) to[out=150,in=-90] (copier4); |
\draw (copier1) to[out=15,in=-90] (2.0,1.1); |
\draw (copier4) to[out=165,in=-90] (o); |
\draw (copier4) to[out=115,in=-90] (t); |
\draw (copier4) to[out=65,in=-90] (h); |
\draw (copier4) to[out=15,in=-90] (w); |
\draw (o) to (-1.2,1.1); |
\draw (t) to (-0.4,1.1); |
\draw (h) to (0.4,1.1); |
\draw (w) to (1.2,1.1); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\quad=\quad |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,-0.2) {$\pi$}; |
\node[copier] (copier) at (0,0.0) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (o) at (-1.2,0.6) {$d_O$}; |
\node[arrow box] (t) at (-0.4,0.6) {$d_T$}; |
\node[arrow box] (h) at (0.4,0.6) {$d_H$}; |
\node[arrow box] (w) at (1.2,0.6) {$d_W$}; |
\node[copier] (copier1) at ([yshiftu=0.5]o) {}; |
\node[copier] (copier2) at ([yshiftu=0.5]t) {}; |
\node[copier] (copier3) at ([yshiftu=0.5]h) {}; |
\node[copier] (copier4) at ([yshiftu=0.5]w) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (e) at (2.0,2.3) {\hspace*{2.2em}$e$\hspace*{2.2em}}; |
\draw (omega) to (copier); |
\draw (copier) to[out=165,in=-90] (o); |
\draw (copier) to[out=115,in=-90] (t); |
\draw (copier) to[out=65,in=-90] (h); |
\draw (copier) to[out=15,in=-90] (w); |
\draw (o) to (copier1); |
\draw (t) to (copier2); |
\draw (h) to (copier3); |
\draw (w) to (copier4); |
\draw (copier1) to[out=165,in=-90] (-1.5,2.8); |
\draw (copier1) to[out=65,in=-90] (e.-160); |
\draw (copier2) to[out=165,in=-90] (-0.8,2.8); |
\draw (copier2) to[out=45,in=-90] (e.-135); |
\draw (copier3) to[out=165,in=-90] (-0.1,2.8); |
\draw (copier3) to[out=25,in=-90] (e.-45); |
\draw (copier4) to[out=165,in=-90] (0.6,2.8); |
\draw (copier4) to[out=5,in=-90] (e.-20); |
\draw (e) to ([yshiftu=0.5]e); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\] |
\noindent We can finally answer the original classification |
question. The assumptions --- \emph{Sunny} outlook, |
\emph{Cold} temperature, \emph{High} humidity, \emph{true} windiness |
--- are used as input to the inversion channel $e$. This yields the |
probability of play that we are looking for: |
\[ \begin{array}{rcl} |
e(s,c,H,t) |
& = & |
0.205\ket{y} + 0.795\ket{n}. |
\end{array} \] |
\noindent The resulting classification probability\footnote{This |
outcome has been calculated with the tool \EfProb~\cite{ChoJ17} |
that can do both disintegration and inversion.} of $0.205$ coincides |
with the probability of $20.5\%$ that is computed in~\cite{WittenFH11} |
--- without the above channel-based approach. |
One could complain that our approach is `too' abstract, since it |
remains implicit what these extracted channels do. We elaborate the |
outlook channel $d_{O} \colon P \rightarrow O$. For the two elements |
in $P = \{y,n\}$ we have: |
\[ \begin{array}{rclcrcl} |
d_{O}(y) |
& = & |
\frac{2}{9}\ket{s} + \frac{4}{9}\ket{o} + \frac{3}{9}\ket{r} |
& \qquad\qquad & |
d_{O}(n) |
& = & |
\frac{3}{5}\ket{s} + 0\ket{o} + \frac{2}{5}\ket{r}. |
\end{array} \] |
\noindent These outcomes arise from the general |
formula~\eqref{eqn:discrete:disintegration}. But we can also |
understand them at a more concrete level: for the first distribution |
$d_{O}(y)$ we need to concentrate on the 9 lines in |
Figure~\ref{fig:discreteplay} for which Play is \emph{yes}; in these |
lines, in the first Outlook column, 2 out of 9 entries are |
\emph{Sunny}, 4 out of 9 are \emph{Overcast}, and 3 out of 9 are |
\emph{Rainy}. This corresponds to the above first distribution |
$d_{O}(y)$. Similarly, the second distribution $d_{O}(n)$ captures the |
Outlook for the 5 lines where Play is \emph{no}: 3 out of 5 are |
\emph{Sunny} and 2 out of 5 are \emph{Rainy}. |
\section{Almost equality of channels}\label{sec:equality} |
\tikzextname{s_eq} |
This section explains how the standard notion of |
`equal up to negligible sets' or |
`equal almost everywhere' (with respect to a measure) |
can be expressed abstractly using string diagrams. |
Via this equality relation Bayesian inversion can be characterised |
very neatly, following~\cite{ClercDDG2017}. |
We consider an affine CD-category, |
continuing in the setting of Section~\ref{sec:disintegration}. |
\begin{definition} |
\label{def:almost-equal} |
Let $c,d\colon X\to Y$ be two parallel channels, and $\sigma\colon |
I\to X$ be a state on their domain. We say that $c$ |
is \emph{$\sigma$-almost equal} to $d$, written as $c\equpto[\sigma]d$ if |
\[ |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {$\sigma$}; |
\node[copier] (copier) at (0,0.3) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (c) at (-0.5,0.95) {$c$}; |
\coordinate (X) at (0.5,1.5); |
\coordinate (Y) at (-0.5,1.5); |
\draw (omega) to (copier); |
\draw (copier) to[out=30,in=-90] (X); |
\draw (copier) to[out=165,in=-90] (c); |
\draw (c) to (Y); |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\quad=\quad |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {$\sigma$}; |
\node[copier] (copier) at (0,0.3) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (c) at (-0.5,0.95) {$d$}; |
\coordinate (X) at (0.5,1.5); |
\coordinate (Y) at (-0.5,1.5); |
\draw (omega) to (copier); |
\draw (copier) to[out=30,in=-90] (X); |
\draw (copier) to[out=165,in=-90] (c); |
\draw (c) to (Y); |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\quad\enspace. |
\] |
It is obvious that $\equpto[\sigma]$ is an equivalence relation |
on channels of type $X\to Y$. |
When $S$ is a set of arrows of type $X\to Y$, |
we write $S/\sigma$ for the quotient $S/\!\equpto[\sigma]$. |
\end{definition} |
\noindent |
To put it more intuitively, |
we have $c\equpto[\sigma]d$ |
iff $c$ and $d$ can be identified |
whenever the input wires are connected to $\sigma$, |
possibly through copiers. |
For instance, using the associativity and commutativity of copiers, |
by $c\equpto[\sigma]d$ we may reason as: |
\[ |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (s) at (-0.5,-0.2) {$\sigma$}; |
\node[copier] (c2) at (-0.5,0) {}; |
\node[copier] (c1) at (-0.9,0.35) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (a) at (-0.6,0.9) {$c$}; |
\draw (c2) to[out=165,in=-90] (c1); |
\draw (c2) to[out=15,in=-90] (0,1.4); |
\draw (c1) to[out=15,in=-90] (a); |
\draw (c1) to[out=165,in=-90] (-1.3,1.4); |
\draw (c2) to (s); |
\draw (a) to (-0.6,1.4); |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\;\;=\;\; |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (s) at (-0.5,-0.1) {$\sigma$}; |
\node[copier] (c2) at (-0.5,0.1) {}; |
\node[copier] (c1) at (-0.2,0.6) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (a) at (-1,0.6) {$c$}; |
\draw (c2) to[out=15,in=-90] (c1); |
\draw (c2) to[out=165,in=-90] (a) |
(a) to (-1,0.9) |
to[out=90,in=-90] (-0.5,1.5); |
\draw (c1) to[out=45,in=-90] (0.1,1.5); |
\draw (c1) to[out=165,in=-90] (-0.5,0.9) |
to[out=90,in=-90] (-1,1.5); |
\draw (c2) to (s); |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\;\;=\;\; |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (s) at (-0.5,-0.1) {$\sigma$}; |
\node[copier] (c2) at (-0.5,0.1) {}; |
\node[copier] (c1) at (-0.2,0.6) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (a) at (-1,0.6) {$d$}; |
\draw (c2) to[out=15,in=-90] (c1); |
\draw (c2) to[out=165,in=-90] (a) |
(a) to (-1,0.9) |
to[out=90,in=-90] (-0.5,1.5); |
\draw (c1) to[out=45,in=-90] (0.1,1.5); |
\draw (c1) to[out=165,in=-90] (-0.5,0.9) |
to[out=90,in=-90] (-1,1.5); |
\draw (c2) to (s); |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\;\;=\;\; |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (s) at (-0.5,-0.2) {$\sigma$}; |
\node[copier] (c2) at (-0.5,0) {}; |
\node[copier] (c1) at (-0.9,0.35) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (a) at (-0.6,0.9) {$d$}; |
\draw (c2) to[out=165,in=-90] (c1); |
\draw (c2) to[out=15,in=-90] (0,1.4); |
\draw (c1) to[out=15,in=-90] (a); |
\draw (c1) to[out=165,in=-90] (-1.3,1.4); |
\draw (c2) to (s); |
\draw (a) to (-0.6,1.4); |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\quad. |
\] |
In particular, $c\equpto[\sigma]d$ if and only if |
\[ |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {$\sigma$}; |
\node[copier] (copier) at (0,0.3) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (c) at (0.5,0.95) {$c$}; |
\coordinate (X) at (-0.5,1.5); |
\coordinate (Y) at (0.5,1.5); |
\draw (omega) to (copier); |
\draw (copier) to[out=150,in=-90] (X); |
\draw (copier) to[out=15,in=-90] (c); |
\draw (c) to (Y); |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\quad=\quad |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {$\sigma$}; |
\node[copier] (copier) at (0,0.3) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (c) at (0.5,0.95) {$d$}; |
\coordinate (X) at (-0.5,1.5); |
\coordinate (Y) at (0.5,1.5); |
\draw (omega) to (copier); |
\draw (copier) to[out=150,in=-90] (X); |
\draw (copier) to[out=15,in=-90] (c); |
\draw (c) to (Y); |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\quad. |
\] |
Now the following is an obvious consequence from the definition. |
\begin{proposition} |
If both $c,d\colon X\to Y$ are disintegrations |
of a joint state $\omega\colon I\to X\otimes Y$, |
then $c\equpto[\omega_1] d$, |
where $\omega_1\colon I\to X$ is the first marginal of $\omega$. |
\qed |
\end{proposition} |
For channels $f,g\colon X\to\Dst(Y)$ |
and a state $\sigma\in\Dst(X)$ in $\Kl(\Dst)$, |
it is easy to see that |
$f\equpto[\sigma] g$ if and only if |
$f(x)(y)\cdot \sigma(x)=g(x)(y)\cdot \sigma(x)$ for all $x\in X$ and $y\in Y$ |
if and only if |
$f(x)=g(x)$ for any $x\in X$ with $\sigma(x)\ne 0$. |
Almost equality in $\Kl(\Giry)$ |
is less trivial but characterised in an expected way. |
\begin{proposition} |
\label{prop:equality-up-to-giry} |
Let $f,g\colon X\to \Giry (Y)$ be channels |
and $\mu\in\Giry(X)$ a state in $\Kl(\Giry)$. |
Then $f\equpto[\mu] g$ if and only if |
for any $B\in \Sigma_Y$, |
$f(-)(B)=g(-)(B)$ $\mu$-almost everywhere. |
\end{proposition} |
\begin{myproof} |
By expanding the definition, |
$f\equpto[\mu] g$ if and only if |
\[ |
\int_A f(x)(B)\,\mu(\dd x)=\int_A g(x)(B)\,\mu(\dd x) |
\] |
for all $A\in \Sigma_X$ and $B\in \Sigma_Y$. |
This is equivalent to |
$f(-)(B)=g(-)(B)$ $\mu$-almost everywhere |
for all $B\in\Sigma_Y$, see~\cite[131H]{FremlinAll}. |
\end{myproof} |
Almost-everywhere equality of probability kernels |
$f,g\colon X\to \Giry (Y)$ is often formulated |
by the stronger condition that $f=g$ $\mu$-almost everywhere. |
The next proposition shows that the stronger variant |
is equivalent under a reasonable assumption |
(any standard Borel space is countably generated, for example). |
\begin{proposition} |
In the setting of the previous proposition, |
additionally assume that |
the measurable space $Y$ is countably generated. |
Then $f\equpto[\mu] g$ if and only if |
$f=g$ $\mu$-almost everywhere. |
\end{proposition} |
\begin{proof} |
Let the $\sigma$-algebra $\Sigma_Y$ on $Y$ be generated by |
a countable family $(B_n)_n$. We may assume that $(B_n)_n$ |
is a $\pi$-system, \textit{i.e.}\ a family closed under binary intersections. |
Let $A_n=\set{x\in X|f(x)(B_n)=g(x)(B_n)}$, and $A=\bigcap_n A_n$. |
Each $A_n$ is $\mu$-conegligible, and thus $A$ is $\mu$-conegligible. |
For each $x\in A$, we have $f(x)(B_n)=g(x)(B_n)$ for all $n$. |
By application of the Dynkin $\pi$-$\lambda$ theorem, |
it follows that $f(x)=g(x)$. |
Therefore $f=g$ $\mu$-almost everywhere. |
\end{proof} |
We can now present a fundamental result |
from~\cite[\S3.3]{ClercDDG2017} in our abstract setting. |
Let $\catC$ be an affine CD-category |
and $\commacat{I}{\catC}$ be the comma (coslice) category. |
Objects in |
$\commacat{I}{\catC}$ are states in $\catC$, formally pairs |
$(X,\sigma)$ of objects $X\in\catC$ and states $\sigma\colon I\to X$. |
Arrows from $(X,\sigma)$ to $(Y,\tau)$ are \emph{state-preserving} |
channels, namely |
$c\colon X\to Y$ in $\catC$ satisfying $c\circ\sigma=\tau$. |
A joint state $(X\otimes Y,\omega)\in\commacat{I}{\catC}$ |
is called a \emph{coupling} of two states |
$(X,\sigma),(Y,\tau)\in\commacat{I}{\catC}$ if |
\[\tikzextname{eq_coupling} |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {\;$\omega$\;}; |
\coordinate (X) at (-0.25,0.5) {} {}; |
\node [discarder] (ground) at (0.25,0.2) {}; |
\draw (omega) ++(-0.25, 0) to (X); |
\draw (omega) ++(0.25, 0) to (ground); |
\node[scriptstyle] at (-0.45,0.4) {$X$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\;\;=\;\; |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {$\sigma$}; |
\node (X) at (0,0.5) {}; |
\draw (omega) to (X); |
\node[scriptstyle] at (0.2,0.3) {$X$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\qquad\text{and}\qquad |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {\;$\omega$\;}; |
\coordinate (Y) at (0.25,0.5); |
\node [discarder] (ground) at (-0.25,0.2) {}; |
\draw (omega) ++(-0.25, 0) to (ground); |
\draw (omega) ++(0.25, 0) to (Y); |
\node[scriptstyle] at (0.45,0.4) {$Y$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\;\;=\;\; |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {$\tau$}; |
\node (X) at (0,0.5) {}; |
\draw (omega) to (X); |
\node[scriptstyle] at (0.2,0.3) {$Y$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\quad. |
\] |
We write $\Coupl((X,\sigma),(Y,\tau))$ |
for the set of couplings of $(X,\sigma)$ and $(Y,\tau)$. |
\begin{theorem} |
Let $\catC$ be an affine CD-category that admits disintegration. |
For each pair of states $(X,\sigma),(Y,\tau)\in\commacat{I}{\catC}$, |
there is the following bijection: |
\[ |
\commacat{I}{\catC}\paren[\big]{(X,\sigma),(Y,\tau)}/\sigma |
\;\; |
\cong |
\;\; |
\Coupl((X,\sigma),(Y,\tau)) |
\] |
\end{theorem} |
\begin{proof} |
For each $c\in \commacat{I}{\catC}\paren[\big]{(X,\sigma),(Y,\tau)}$, |
we define a joint state $I\to X\otimes Y$ to be |
the `integration' of $\sigma$ and $c$ as below, |
for which we use the following \emph{ad hoc} notation: |
\[ |
\sigma\ogreaterthan c \coloneqq\;\; |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {$\sigma$}; |
\node[copier] (copier) at (0,0.3) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (c) at (0.5,0.95) {$c$}; |
\coordinate (X) at (-0.5,1.5); |
\coordinate (Y) at (0.5,1.5); |
\draw (omega) to (copier); |
\draw (copier) to[out=150,in=-90] (X); |
\draw (copier) to[out=15,in=-90] (c); |
\draw (c) to (Y); |
\path[scriptstyle] |
node at (-0.65,1.45) {$X$} |
node at (0.65,1.45) {$Y$}; |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\] |
It is easy to check that $\sigma\ogreaterthan c$ is a coupling of $\sigma$ and |
$\tau$. For two channels $c,d\colon X\to Y$, we have |
$\sigma\ogreaterthan c=\sigma\ogreaterthan d$ if and only if $c\equpto[\sigma] d$, by the |
definition of $\equpto[\sigma]$. This means the mapping |
\[ |
c \longmapsto\sigma\ogreaterthan c |
\,,\quad |
\commacat{I}{\catC}\paren[\big]{(X,\sigma),(Y,\tau)}/\sigma |
\longto |
\Coupl((X,\sigma),(Y,\tau)) |
\] |
\noindent is well-defined and injective. To prove the surjectivity |
let $(X\otimes Y,\omega)\in \Coupl((X,\sigma),(Y,\tau))$. Let |
$c\colon X\to Y$ be a disintegration of $\omega$. Then $c$ is |
state-preserving since |
\[ |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {$\tau$}; |
\coordinate (Y) at ([yshiftu=0.3]omega); |
\draw (omega) to (Y); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\;\;=\;\; |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {\;$\omega$\;}; |
\coordinate (omega1) at ([xshiftu=-0.25]omega); |
\coordinate (omega2) at ([xshiftu=0.25]omega); |
\coordinate (Y) at ([yshiftu=0.45]omega2); |
\node[discarder] (d) at ([yshiftu=0.2]omega1) {}; |
\draw (omega2) to (Y); |
\draw (omega1) to (d); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\;\;=\;\; |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {\;$\omega$\;}; |
\coordinate (omega1) at ([xshiftu=-0.25]omega); |
\coordinate (omega2) at ([xshiftu=0.25]omega); |
\node[copier] (copier) at ([yshiftu=0.45]omega1) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (c) at (0.25,1.05) {$c$}; |
\node[discarder] (X) at (-0.75,1.4) {}; |
\coordinate (Y) at ([yshiftu=0.2]c.north); |
\node[discarder] (d) at ([yshiftu=0.2]omega2) {}; |
\draw (omega1) to (copier); |
\draw (omega2) to (d); |
\draw (copier) to[out=150,in=-90] (X); |
\draw (copier) to[out=15,in=-90] (c); |
\draw (c) to (Y); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\;\;=\;\; |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {\;$\omega$\;}; |
\coordinate (omega1) at ([xshiftu=-0.25]omega); |
\coordinate (omega2) at ([xshiftu=0.25]omega); |
\node[arrow box,anchor=south] (c) at ([yshiftu=0.4]omega1) {$c$}; |
\coordinate (X) at ([yshiftu=0.2]c.north); |
\node[discarder] (d) at ([yshiftu=0.2]omega2) {}; |
\draw (omega1) to (c) to (X); |
\draw (omega2) to (d); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\;\;=\;\; |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {$\sigma$}; |
\node[arrow box,anchor=south] (c) at ([yshiftu=0.2]omega) {$c$}; |
\coordinate (X) at ([yshiftu=0.2]c.north); |
\draw (omega) to (c) to (X); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\] |
Moreover we have $\sigma\ogreaterthan c=\omega$, as desired. |
\end{proof} |
Via the symmetry $X\otimes Y\overset{\cong}{\to} Y\otimes X$ |
we have the obvious bijection |
$\Coupl((X,\sigma),(Y,\tau))\cong\Coupl((Y,\tau),(X,\sigma))$. |
This immediately gives the following corollary. |
\begin{corollary} |
Let $\catC$ be an affine CD-category that admits disintegration. |
For any states $(X,\sigma),(Y,\tau)\in\commacat{I}{\catC}$ |
we have |
\[ |
\commacat{I}{\catC}\paren[\big]{(X,\sigma),(Y,\tau)}/\sigma |
\;\; |
\cong |
\;\; |
\commacat{I}{\catC}\paren[\big]{(Y,\tau),(X,\sigma)}/\tau |
\] |
The bijection sends a channel $c\colon X\to Y$ |
to a Bayesian inversion $d\colon Y\to X$ for $\sigma$ along $c$. |
\qed |
\end{corollary} |
Theorem~2 of~\cite{ClercDDG2017} is obtained as an instance, for the |
category $\pKrnsb$. This bijective correspondence yields a `dagger' |
$(-)^{\dag}$ functor on (a suitable quotient of) the comma category |
$\commacat{I}{\catC}$ --- as noted by the authors |
of~\cite{ClercDDG2017}. |
\subsection*{Strong almost equality} |
Unfortunately, |
the almost equality defined above |
is not the most useful notion |
for equational reasoning |
between string diagrams. |
Indeed, later |
in the proofs of |
Proposition~\ref{prop:disint-identitiy} |
and Theorem~\ref{thm:likelihood} |
we encounter situations |
where we need a stronger notion of |
almost equality. |
We define the stronger one as follows. |
\begin{definition} |
\label{def:str-almost-eq} |
Let $c,d\colon X\to Y$ be channels |
and $\sigma\colon I\to X$ be a state. |
We say that $c$ is \emph{strongly $\sigma$-almost equal} |
to $d$ if |
\[ |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {\;$\omega$\;}; |
\node[arrow box] (c) at (-0.3,0.5) {$c$}; |
\coordinate (X) at (-0.3,1) {}; |
\coordinate (Y) at (0.3,1) {}; |
\draw (omega) ++(-.3,0) to (c) to (X); |
\draw (omega) ++(.3,0) to (Y); |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\;\;=\;\; |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {\;$\omega$\;}; |
\node[arrow box] (c) at (-0.3,0.5) {$d$}; |
\coordinate (X) at (-0.3,1) {}; |
\coordinate (Y) at (0.3,1) {}; |
\draw (omega) ++(-.3,0) to (c) to (X); |
\draw (omega) ++(.3,0) to (Y); |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\] |
holds for any $\omega\colon I\to X\otimes Z$ such |
that $\sigma$ is the |
first marginal of $\omega$, that is: |
\[ |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {$\sigma$}; |
\node (X) at (0,0.5) {}; |
\draw (omega) to (X); |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\;\;=\;\; |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {\;$\omega$\;}; |
\coordinate (X) at (-0.25,0.5) {} {}; |
\node [discarder] (ground) at (0.25,0.2) {}; |
\draw (omega) ++(-0.25, 0) to (X); |
\draw (omega) ++(0.25, 0) to (ground); |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\;\;. |
\] |
\end{definition} |
Notice that strong almost quality implies |
almost quality, |
via the following $\omega$: |
\[ |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {\;$\omega$\;}; |
\coordinate (X) at (-0.25,0.4); |
\coordinate (Y) at (0.25,0.4); |
\draw (omega) ++(-0.25, 0) to (X); |
\draw (omega) ++(0.25, 0) to (Y); |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\;\;\coloneqq\;\; |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {$\sigma$}; |
\node[copier] (copier) at (0,0.2) {}; |
\coordinate (X) at (-0.3,0.5); |
\coordinate (Y) at (0.3,0.5); |
\draw (omega) to (copier); |
\draw (copier) to[out=165,in=-90] (X); |
\draw (copier) to[out=15,in=-90] (Y); |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\;\;. |
\] |
\noindent |
The good news is that |
the converse often holds too. |
We say that an affine CD-category |
admits \emph{equality strengthening} |
if $c$ is strongly $\sigma$-almost equal |
to $d$ whenever |
$c\equpto[\sigma]d$, |
i.e.\ $c$ is $\sigma$-almost equal to $d$. |
We present two propositions that guarantee this property. |
\begin{proposition} |
\label{prop:disint-eq-str} |
If an affine CD-category admits disintegration, |
then it admits equality strengthening. |
\end{proposition} |
\begin{proof} |
Suppose that |
$c\equpto[\sigma]d$ |
holds for a state $\sigma\colon I\to X$ |
and for channels $c,d\colon X\to Y$. |
Let $\omega\colon I\to X\otimes Z$ |
be a state whose first marginal is $\sigma$. |
We can disintegrate $\omega$ as in: |
\[ |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {\;$\omega$\;}; |
\coordinate (X) at (-0.3,.5); |
\coordinate (Y) at (0.3,.5); |
\draw (omega) ++(-.3,0) to (X); |
\draw (omega) ++(.3,0) to (Y); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\;\;=\;\; |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {$\sigma$}; |
\node[copier] (copier) at (0,0.3) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (c) at (0.5,0.95) {$e$}; |
\coordinate (X) at (-0.5,1.5); |
\coordinate (Y) at (0.5,1.5); |
\draw (omega) to (copier); |
\draw (copier) to[out=150,in=-90] (X); |
\draw (copier) to[out=15,in=-90] (c); |
\draw (c) to (Y); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\;\;\;\;. |
\] |
Then we have |
\[ |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {\;$\omega$\;}; |
\node[arrow box] (c) at (-0.3,0.5) {$c$}; |
\coordinate (X) at (-0.3,1) {}; |
\coordinate (Y) at (0.3,1) {}; |
\draw (omega) ++(-.3,0) to (c) to (X); |
\draw (omega) ++(.3,0) to (Y); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\;\;=\;\; |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {$\sigma$}; |
\node[copier] (copier) at (0,0.3) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (c) at (-0.5,0.95) {$c$}; |
\node[arrow box] (e) at (0.5,0.95) {$e$}; |
\coordinate (X) at (-0.5,1.5); |
\coordinate (Y) at (0.5,1.5); |
\draw (omega) to (copier); |
\draw (copier) to[out=165,in=-90] (c); |
\draw (c) to (X); |
\draw (copier) to[out=15,in=-90] (e); |
\draw (e) to (Y); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\;\;=\;\; |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {$\sigma$}; |
\node[copier] (copier) at (0,0.3) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (c) at (-0.5,0.95) {$d$}; |
\node[arrow box] (e) at (0.5,0.95) {$e$}; |
\coordinate (X) at (-0.5,1.5); |
\coordinate (Y) at (0.5,1.5); |
\draw (omega) to (copier); |
\draw (copier) to[out=165,in=-90] (c); |
\draw (c) to (X); |
\draw (copier) to[out=15,in=-90] (e); |
\draw (e) to (Y); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\;\;=\;\; |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {\;$\omega$\;}; |
\node[arrow box] (c) at (-0.3,0.5) {$d$}; |
\coordinate (X) at (-0.3,1) {}; |
\coordinate (Y) at (0.3,1) {}; |
\draw (omega) ++(-.3,0) to (c) to (X); |
\draw (omega) ++(.3,0) to (Y); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\;\;. |
\] |
Therefore $c$ is strongly $\sigma$-almost equal to $d$. |
\end{proof} |
Recall that $\Kl(\Giry)$ does not admit disintegration. |
Nevertheless, it admits equality strengthening. |
\begin{proposition} |
\label{prop:KlG-eq-str} |
The category $\Kl(\Giry)$ admits equality strengthening. |
\end{proposition} |
\begin{proof} |
Assume $c\equpto[\sigma]d$ |
for $\sigma\in\Giry(X)$ |
and $c,d\colon X\to \Giry(Y)$. |
Let $\omega\in\Giry(X\otimes Z)$ |
be a probability measure whose |
first marginal is $\sigma$, |
i.e.\ $(\pi_1)_*(\omega)=\sigma$. |
We need to prove |
$(c\otimes \eta_Z)\klcirc \omega=(d\otimes \eta_Z)\klcirc \omega$, |
which is equivalent to: |
\begin{equation} |
\label{eq:desired-eq1} |
\int_{X\times Z} |
c(x)(B)\indic{C}(z) |
\,\omega(\dd(x,z)) |
= |
\int_{X\times Z} |
d(x)(B)\indic{C}(z) |
\,\omega(\dd(x,z)) |
\end{equation} |
for all $B\in\Sigma_Y$ and $C\in\Sigma_Z$. |
Using |
\[ |
\abs[\big]{c(x)(B)\indic{C}(z) |
-d(x)(B)\indic{C}(z)} |
= |
\abs[\big]{c(x)(B) -d(x)(B)}\indic{C}(z) |
\le |
\abs[\big]{c(x)(B) -d(x)(B)} |
\enspace, |
\] |
we have |
\begin{align*} |
& |
\abs[\Big]{\int_{X\times Z} |
\paren[\big]{c(x)(B)\indic{C}(z) |
-d(x)(B)\indic{C}(z)} |
\,\omega(\dd(x,z))} |
\\ |
&\le |
\int_{X\times Z} |
\abs[\big]{c(x)(B)\indic{C}(z) |
-d(x)(B)\indic{C}(z)} |
\,\omega(\dd(x,z)) |
\\ |
&\le |
\int_{X\times Z} |
\abs[\big]{c(x)(B) -d(x)(B)} |
\,\omega(\dd(x,z)) |
\\ |
&= |
\int_{X} |
\abs[\big]{c(x)(B) -d(x)(B)} |
\,(\pi_1)_*(\omega)(\dd x) |
\\ |
&= |
\int_{X} |
\abs[\big]{c(x)(B) -d(x)(B)} |
\,\sigma(\dd x) |
\\ |
&= |
0\enspace, |
\end{align*} |
where the last equality holds |
since $c(-)(B)=d(-)(B)$ |
$\sigma$-almost everywhere |
by Proposition~\ref{prop:equality-up-to-giry}. |
Therefore the desired equality~\eqref{eq:desired-eq1} holds. |
\end{proof} |
\section{Conditional independence}\label{sec:conditionalindependence} |
Throughout this section, we consider an affine CD-category |
that admits disintegration. |
\subsection{Disintegration of multipartite states} |
\tikzextname{ss_disint} |
So far we have concentrated on bipartite states --- except in the |
classification example in Section~\ref{sec:classifier}. In order to |
deal with a general $n$-partite state $\omega\colon I\to |
X_1\otimes\dotsb\otimes X_n$, we will introduce several notations and |
conventions in Definitions~\ref{def:notation-marginal}, |
\ref{def:notation-disintegration} |
and~\ref{def:convention-almost-equal} below; they are in line with |
standard practice in probability theory. |
In the conventions, an $n$-partite state, as below, is fixed, and used |
implicitly. |
\[ |
\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {\hspace*{1em}$\omega$\hspace*{1em}}; |
\draw (omega) -- (-1.0, 0) to (-1.0,0.4); |
\draw (omega) ++(-0.5, 0) to (-0.5,0.4); |
\draw (omega) ++(1.0, 0) to (1.0,0.4); |
\node[font=\normalsize] at (0.2,0.55) {$\dotso$}; |
\path[font=\normalsize, |
execute at begin node=\everymath{\scriptstyle}] |
node at (-1,0.55) {$X_1$} |
node at (-0.5,0.55) {$X_2$} |
node at (1,0.55) {$X_n$}; |
\end{tikzpicture} |
\] |
\begin{definition} |
\label{def:notation-marginal} |
When we write |
\[ |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {\hspace*{2.6em}}; |
\draw (omega) -- (-1.0, 0) to (-1.0,0.4); |
\draw (omega) ++(-0.5, 0) to (-0.5,0.4); |
\draw (omega) ++(1.0, 0) to (1.0,0.4); |
\node[font=\normalsize] at (0.2,0.55) {$\dotso$}; |
\path[font=\normalsize, |
execute at begin node=\everymath{\scriptstyle}] |
node at (-1,0.55) {$X_{i_1}$} |
node at (-0.5,0.55) {$X_{i_2}$} |
node at (1,0.55) {$X_{i_k}$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\] |
where $i_1,\dotsc,i_k$ are distinct, |
it denotes the state $I\to X_{i_1}\otimes\dotsb \otimes X_{i_k}$ |
obtained from $\omega$ by marginalisation and permutation of wires (if necessary). |
Let us give a couple of examples, for $n=5$. |
\begin{align*} |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {\;\;\;\;}; |
\draw (omega) ++(-0.25, 0) to +(0,0.3); |
\draw (omega) ++(0.25, 0) to +(0,0.3); |
\path[font=\normalsize, |
execute at begin node=\everymath{\scriptstyle}] |
node at (-0.25,0.5) {$X_1$} |
node at (0.25,0.5) {$X_4$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
&\;\;\coloneqq\;\; |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {\hspace*{1em}$\omega$\hspace*{1em}}; |
\node[discarder] (d1) at (-0.5,0.3) {}; |
\node[discarder] (d2) at (0,0.3) {}; |
\node[discarder] (d3) at (1,0.3) {}; |
\draw (omega) ++(-1.0, 0) to (-1,0.45); |
\draw (omega) ++(-0.5, 0) to (d1); |
\draw (omega) ++(0, 0) to (d2); |
\draw (omega) ++(0.5, 0) to (0.5,0.45); |
\draw (omega) ++(1.0, 0) to (d3); |
\path[font=\normalsize, |
execute at begin node=\everymath{\scriptstyle}] |
node at (-1,0.6) {$X_1$} |
node at (-0.3,0.15) {$X_2$} |
node at (0.2,0.15) {$X_3$} |
node at (0.5,0.6) {$X_4$} |
node at (1.2,0.15) {$X_5$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\\ |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {\;\;\;\;\;\;}; |
\draw (omega) ++(-0.4, 0) to +(0,0.3); |
\draw (omega) to +(0,0.3); |
\draw (omega) ++(0.4, 0) to +(0,0.3); |
\path[font=\normalsize, |
execute at begin node=\everymath{\scriptstyle}] |
node at (-0.4,0.5) {$X_4$} |
node at (0,0.5) {$X_2$} |
node at (0.4,0.5) {$X_5$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
&\;\;\coloneqq\;\; |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {\hspace*{1em}$\omega$\hspace*{1em}}; |
\node[discarder] (d1) at (-1,0.3) {}; |
\node[discarder] (d2) at (0,0.3) {}; |
\draw (omega) ++(-1.0, 0) to (d1); |
\draw (omega) ++(-0.5, 0) to (-0.5,0.3) |
to[out=90,in=-90] (0.5,0.95); |
\draw (omega) ++(0, 0) to (d2); |
\draw (omega) ++(0.5, 0) to (0.5,0.3) |
to[out=90,in=-90] (-0.5,0.95); |
\draw (omega) ++(1.0, 0) to (1,0.95); |
\path[font=\normalsize, |
execute at begin node=\everymath{\scriptstyle}] |
node at (-0.8,0.15) {$X_1$} |
node at (0.7,0.85) {$X_2$} |
node at (0.2,0.15) {$X_3$} |
node at (-0.7,0.85) {$X_4$} |
node at (1.2,0.85) {$X_5$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\end{align*} |
We permute wires via a combination of crossing. |
This is unambiguous by the coherence theorem. |
\end{definition} |
Below we will use symbols $X,Y,Z,W,\dotsc$ to denote not only a single |
wire $X_i$ but also multiple wires $X_i\otimes X_j\otimes\dotsb$. |
Disintegrations more general than in the bipartite case are now |
introduced as follows. |
\begin{definition} |
\label{def:notation-disintegration} |
For $X=X_{i_1}\otimes \dotsb \otimes X_{i_k}$ |
and $Y=X_{j_1}\otimes \dotsb \otimes X_{j_l}$, |
with all $i_1,\dotsc,i_k,j_1,\dotsc,j_l$ distinct, |
a disintegration $X\to Y$ is defined to be a disintegration |
of |
\[ |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {\;\;\;\;}; |
\draw (omega) ++(-0.25, 0) to +(0,0.3); |
\draw (omega) ++(0.25, 0) to +(0,0.3); |
\path[font=\normalsize, |
execute at begin node=\everymath{\scriptstyle}] |
node at (-0.25,0.5) {$X$} |
node at (0.25,0.5) {$Y$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\enspace, |
\] |
the marginal state given by the previous convention. |
We denote the disintegration simply as on the left below, |
\[ |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[arrow box] (a) at (0,0.5) {}; |
\draw (0,0.05) to (a); |
\draw (a) to (0,0.95); |
\path[font=\normalsize, |
execute at begin node=\everymath{\scriptstyle}] |
node at (0,1.1) {$Y$} |
node at (0,-0.1) {$X$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {}; |
\node[copier] (copier) at (0,0.15) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (c) at (0.35,0.6) {}; |
\coordinate (X) at (-0.35,1) {} {}; |
\coordinate (Y) at (0.35,1) {} {}; |
\draw (omega) to (copier); |
\draw (copier) to[out=165,in=-90] |
(-0.35,0.55) to (X); |
\draw (copier) to[out=15,in=-90] (c); |
\draw (c) to (Y); |
\path[font=\normalsize, |
execute at begin node=\everymath{\scriptstyle}] |
node at (0.35,1.15) {$Y$} |
node at (-0.35,1.15) {$X$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\;\;=\;\; |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {\;\;\;\;}; |
\draw (omega) ++(-0.25, 0) to +(0,0.3); |
\draw (omega) ++(0.25, 0) to +(0,0.3); |
\path[font=\normalsize, |
execute at begin node=\everymath{\scriptstyle}] |
node at (-0.25,0.5) {$X$} |
node at (0.25,0.5) {$Y$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\] |
By definition, it must satisfy the equation on the right above. |
Let us give an example. |
The disintegration $X_5\otimes X_2\to X_1\otimes X_4$ |
on the left below is defined by the equation on the right. |
\[ |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[arrow box] (a) at (0,0.5) {\;\;\;\;\;\;\;}; |
\draw (-0.25,0.05) to ([xshiftu=-0.25]a.south); |
\draw (0.25,0.05) to ([xshiftu=0.25]a.south); |
\draw ([xshiftu=-0.25]a.north) to (-0.25,0.95); |
\draw ([xshiftu=0.25]a.north) to (0.25,0.95); |
\path[font=\normalsize, |
execute at begin node=\everymath{\scriptstyle}] |
node at (-0.25,1.1) {$X_1$} |
node at (-0.25,-0.1) {$X_5$} |
node at (0.25,-0.1) {$X_2$} |
node at (0.25,1.1) {$X_4$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[arrow box] (a) at (-0.45,0.8) {\;\;\;\;\;\;\;}; |
\node[copier] (c1) at (-0.25,0.2) {}; |
\node[copier] (c2) at (0.25,0.2) {}; |
\node[state] (s) at (0,0) {\;\;\;\;}; |
\draw (s) ++(-0.25,0) to (c1); |
\draw (s) ++(0.25,0) to (c2); |
\draw (c1) to[out=165,in=-90] ([xshiftu=-0.25]a.south); |
\draw (c2) to[out=165,in=-90] ([xshiftu=0.25]a.south); |
\draw ([xshiftu=-0.25]a.north) to (-0.7,1.25); |
\draw ([xshiftu=0.25]a.north) to (-0.2,1.25); |
\draw (c1) to[out=15,in=-90] (0.2,0.55) to (0.2,1.25); |
\draw (c2) to[out=15,in=-90] (0.65,0.55) to (0.65,1.25); |
\path[font=\normalsize, |
execute at begin node=\everymath{\scriptstyle}] |
node at (-0.7,1.4) {$X_1$} |
node at (0.2,1.4) {$X_5$} |
node at (0.65,1.4) {$X_2$} |
node at (-0.2,1.4) {$X_4$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\;\;=\;\; |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {\;\;\;\;\;\;\;}; |
\draw (omega) ++(-0.6, 0) to +(0,0.3); |
\draw (omega) ++(-0.2, 0) to +(0,0.3); |
\draw (omega) ++(0.2, 0) to +(0,0.3); |
\draw (omega) ++(0.6, 0) to +(0,0.3); |
\path[font=\normalsize, |
execute at begin node=\everymath{\scriptstyle}] |
node at (-0.6,0.45) {$X_1$} |
node at (-0.2,0.45) {$X_4$} |
node at (0.2,0.45) {$X_5$} |
node at (0.6,0.45) {$X_2$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\] |
More specifically, assuming $n=5$ and |
expanding the notation for marginals, |
the equation is: |
\[ |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[arrow box] (a) at (-0.45,0.8) {\;\;\;\;\;\;\;}; |
\node[copier] (c1) at (-0.25,0.2) {}; |
\node[copier] (c2) at (0.25,0.2) {}; |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,-0.75) {\hspace*{1em}$\omega$\hspace*{1em}}; |
\node[discarder] (d1) at (-1,-0.45) {}; |
\node[discarder] (d3) at (0,-0.45) {}; |
\node[discarder] (d4) at (0.5,-0.45) {}; |
\draw (c1) to[out=165,in=-90] ([xshiftu=-0.25]a.south); |
\draw (c2) to[out=165,in=-90] ([xshiftu=0.25]a.south); |
\draw ([xshiftu=-0.25]a.north) to (-0.7,1.25); |
\draw ([xshiftu=0.25]a.north) to (-0.2,1.25); |
\draw (c1) to[out=15,in=-90] (0.2,0.55) to (0.2,1.25); |
\draw (c2) to[out=15,in=-90] (0.65,0.55) to (0.65,1.25); |
\draw (omega) ++(-1,0) to (d1); |
\draw (omega) ++(-0.5,0) to (-0.5,-0.5) |
to[out=90,in=-90] (0.25,0.2); |
\draw (omega) ++(0,0) to (d3); |
\draw (omega) ++(0.5,0) to (d4); |
\draw (omega) ++(1,0) to (1,-0.55) to[out=90,in=-90] (-0.25,0.2); |
\path[font=\normalsize, |
execute at begin node=\everymath{\scriptstyle}] |
node at (-0.7,1.4) {$X_1$} |
node at (0.65,1.4) {$X_2$} |
node at (-0.8,-0.6) {$X_1$} |
node at (0.2,-0.6) {$X_3$} |
node at (0.7,-0.6) {$X_4$} |
node at (-0.2,1.4) {$X_4$} |
node at (0.2,1.4) {$X_5$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
= |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {\hspace*{1em}$\omega$\hspace*{1em}}; |
\node[discarder] (d2) at (0,0.3) {}; |
\draw (omega) ++(-1.0, 0) to (-1,0.95); |
\draw (omega) ++(-0.5, 0) to (-0.5,0.3) |
to[out=90,in=-90] (0.5,0.95); |
\draw (omega) ++(0, 0) to (d2); |
\draw (omega) ++(0.5, 0) to (0.5,0.15) |
to[out=90,in=-90] (-0.5,0.95); |
\draw (omega) ++(1.0, 0) to (1,0.15) to[out=90,in=-90] (0.05,0.95); |
\path[font=\normalsize, |
execute at begin node=\everymath{\scriptstyle}] |
node at (-1,1.05) {$X_1$} |
node at (0.5,1.05) {$X_2$} |
node at (0.2,0.15) {$X_3$} |
node at (-0.5,1.05) {$X_4$} |
node at (0.05,1.05) {$X_5$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\] |
Note that disintegrations need not be unique. |
Thus when we write |
$\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[arrow box] (a) at (0,0.5) {}; |
\draw (0,0.05) to (a); |
\draw (a) to (0,0.95); |
\path[font=\normalsize, |
execute at begin node=\everymath{\scriptstyle}] |
node at (0.15,0.9) {$Y$} |
node at (0.15,0.1) {$X$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture}$, |
we in fact \emph{choose} one of them. |
Nevertheless, such disintegrations are unique up to almost-equality |
with respect to $\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (a) at (0,0.5) {}; |
\draw (a) to (0,0.75); |
\path[font=\normalsize, |
execute at begin node=\everymath{\scriptstyle}] |
node at (0.15,0.65) {$X$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture}$, |
which is good enough for our purpose. |
\end{definition} |
Finally we make a convention about almost equality |
(Definition~\ref{def:almost-equal}). |
\begin{definition} |
\label{def:convention-almost-equal} |
Let $S$ and $T$ be string diagrams of type $X\to Y$ |
that are made from marginals and disintegrations of $\omega$ |
as defined in Definitions~\ref{def:notation-marginal} and \ref{def:notation-disintegration}. |
When we say $S$ is almost equal to $T$ (or write $S\equpto T$) without reference to |
a state, it means that |
$S$ is almost equal to $T$ with respect to the state $\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (a) at (0,0.5) {}; |
\draw (a) to (0,0.75); |
\path[font=\normalsize, |
execute at begin node=\everymath{\scriptstyle}] |
node at (0.15,0.65) {$X$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture}$. |
\end{definition} |
We shall make use of the following auxiliary equations involving |
discarding and composition of disintegrations. |
\begin{proposition} |
\label{prop:disint-identitiy} |
\tikzextname{prop_disint_identitiy} |
In the conventions and notations above, |
the following hold. |
\begin{enumerate} |
\setlength{\abovedisplayskip}{-.5\baselineskip} |
\setlength{\abovedisplayshortskip}{-.5\baselineskip} |
\setlength{\belowdisplayskip}{0pt} |
\setlength{\belowdisplayshortskip}{0pt} |
\item\label{propen:disint-marg} |
\[ |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[arrow box] (a) at (0,0.5) {\;\;\;\;\;\;\;}; |
\node[discarder] (d) at (0.25,1.05) {}; |
\draw (0,0.05) to (a); |
\draw ([xshiftu=-0.25]a.north) to (-0.25,1.25); |
\draw ([xshiftu=0.25]a.north) to (d); |
\path[font=\normalsize, |
execute at begin node=\everymath{\scriptstyle}] |
node at (-0.25,1.4) {$X$} |
node at (0.4,0.9) {$Y$} |
node at (0,-0.1) {$Z$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\;\;\equpto\;\; |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[arrow box] (a) at (0,0.5) {}; |
\draw (0,0.05) to (a); |
\draw (a) to (0,0.95); |
\path[font=\normalsize, |
execute at begin node=\everymath{\scriptstyle}] |
node at (0,1.1) {$X$} |
node at (0,-0.1) {$Z$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\] |
\item\label{propen:comp-disintegration} |
\[ |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[arrow box] (a) at (0,0.5) {\;\;\;\;\;\;\;}; |
\node[arrow box] (b) at (0.5,-0.35) {\;\;\;\;\;\;\;}; |
\node[copier] (c) at (0,-0.8) {}; |
\node[copier] (c2) at (0.5,0.05) {}; |
\draw (a) to (0,0.9); |
\draw (c) to[out=165,in=-90] (-0.25,-0.55) to ([xshiftu=-0.25]a.south); |
\draw (c) to[out=15,in=-90] ([xshiftu=-0.25]b.south); |
\draw (b) to (c2); |
\draw (c2) to[out=165,in=-90] ([xshiftu=0.25]a.south); |
\draw (c2) to[out=15,in=-90] (0.75,0.45) to (0.75,0.9); |
\draw (0,-1) to (c); |
\draw (0.75,-1) to ([xshiftu=0.25]b.south); |
\path[font=\normalsize, |
execute at begin node=\everymath{\scriptstyle}] |
node at (0,1.05) {$X$} |
node at (0,-1.15) {$Y$} |
node at (0.75,-1.15) {$W$} |
node at (0.75,1.05) {$Z$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\;\;\equpto\;\; |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[arrow box] (a) at (0,0.5) {\;\;\;\;\;\;\;}; |
\draw (-0.25,0.05) to ([xshiftu=-0.25]a.south); |
\draw (0.25,0.05) to ([xshiftu=0.25]a.south); |
\draw ([xshiftu=-0.25]a.north) to (-0.25,0.95); |
\draw ([xshiftu=0.25]a.north) to (0.25,0.95); |
\path[font=\normalsize, |
execute at begin node=\everymath{\scriptstyle}] |
node at (-0.25,1.1) {$X$} |
node at (-0.25,-0.1) {$Y$} |
node at (0.25,-0.1) {$W$} |
node at (0.25,1.1) {$Z$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\] |
\end{enumerate} |
\end{proposition} |
\begin{proof} |
By the definition of almost equality, |
\ref{propen:disint-marg} is proved by: |
\[ |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[arrow box] (a) at (0,0.5) {\;\;\;\;\;\;\;}; |
\node[discarder] (d) at (0.25,1.05) {}; |
\node[state] (s) at (0.35,-0.25) {}; |
\node[copier] (c) at (0.35,-0.05) {}; |
\draw ([xshiftu=-0.25]a.north) to (-0.25,1.25); |
\draw ([xshiftu=0.25]a.north) to (d); |
\draw (s) to (c); |
\draw (c) to[out=165,in=-90] (a); |
\draw (c) to[out=15,in=-90] (0.7,0.3) to (0.7,1.25); |
\path[scriptstyle] |
node at (-0.25,1.4) {$X$} |
node at (0.4,0.9) {$Y$} |
node at (0.7,1.4) {$Z$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\;\;=\;\; |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {\;\;\;\;\;\;}; |
\node[discarder] (d) at (0,0.3) {}; |
\draw (omega) ++(-0.4, 0) to +(0,0.6); |
\draw (omega) to (d); |
\draw (omega) ++(0.4, 0) to +(0,0.6); |
\path[scriptstyle] |
node at (-0.4,0.75) {$X$} |
node at (0.15,0.15) {$Y$} |
node at (0.4,0.75) {$Z$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\;\;=\;\; |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {\;\;\;\;}; |
\draw (omega) ++(-0.25, 0) to +(0,0.3); |
\draw (omega) ++(0.25, 0) to +(0,0.3); |
\path[scriptstyle] |
node at (-0.25,0.45) {$X$} |
node at (0.25,0.45) {$Z$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\;\;=\;\; |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[arrow box] (a) at (0,0.5) {}; |
\node[state] (s) at (0.35,-0.25) {}; |
\node[copier] (c) at (0.35,-0.05) {}; |
\draw (a) to (0,0.95); |
\draw (s) to (c); |
\draw (c) to[out=165,in=-90] (a); |
\draw (c) to[out=15,in=-90] (0.7,0.3) to (0.7,0.95); |
\path[scriptstyle] |
node at (0,1.1) {$X$} |
node at (0.7,1.1) {$Z$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\quad. |
\] |
Similarly, we prove~\ref{propen:comp-disintegration} as follows. |
\begin{align*} |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[arrow box] (a) at (0,0.5) {\;\;\;\;\;\;\;}; |
\node[arrow box] (b) at (0.5,-0.35) {\;\;\;\;\;\;\;}; |
\node[copier] (c) at (0,-0.8) {}; |
\node[copier] (c2) at (0.5,0.05) {}; |
\node[copier] (c3) at (0.55,-1.15) {}; |
\node[copier] (c4) at (1.05,-1.15) {}; |
\node[state] (s) at (0.8,-1.35) {\;\;\;\;}; |
\draw (a) to (0,0.9); |
\draw (c) to[out=165,in=-90] (-0.25,-0.55) to ([xshiftu=-0.25]a.south); |
\draw (c) to[out=15,in=-90] ([xshiftu=-0.25]b.south); |
\draw (b) to (c2); |
\draw (c2) to[out=165,in=-90] ([xshiftu=0.25]a.south); |
\draw (c2) to[out=15,in=-90] (0.75,0.45) to (0.75,0.9); |
\draw (c3) to[out=165,in=-90] (c); |
\draw (c4) to[out=150,in=-90] ([xshiftu=0.25]b.south); |
\draw (c3) to[out=15,in=-90] (1.25,-0.55) to (1.25,0.9); |
\draw (c4) to[out=15,in=-90] (1.65,-0.55) to (1.65,0.9); |
\draw (s) ++(-0.25, 0) to (c3); |
\draw (s) ++(0.25, 0) to (c4); |
\path[scriptstyle] |
node at (0,1.05) {$X$} |
node at (1.25,1.05) {$Y$} |
node at (1.65,1.05) {$W$} |
node at (0.75,1.05) {$Z$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
&\;\;=\;\; |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[arrow box] (a) at (0,0.8) {\;\;\;\;\;\;\;}; |
\node[arrow box] (b) at (0.5,-0.35) {\;\;\;\;\;\;\;}; |
\node[copier] (c) at (1.25,-0.05) {}; |
\node[copier] (c2) at (0.5,0.35) {}; |
\node[copier] (c3) at (0.7,-1) {}; |
\node[copier] (c4) at (1.2,-1) {}; |
\node[state] (s) at (0.95,-1.2) {\;\;\;\;}; |
\draw (a) to (0,1.2); |
\draw (b) to (c2); |
\draw (c2) to[out=165,in=-90] ([xshiftu=0.25]a.south); |
\draw (c2) to[out=15,in=-90] (0.75,0.75) to (0.75,1.2); |
\draw (c3) to[out=165,in=-90] ([xshiftu=-0.25]b.south); |
\draw (c4) to[out=165,in=-90] ([xshiftu=0.25]b.south); |
\draw (c3) to[out=15,in=-90] (1.25,-0.55) to (c) to (1.25,1.2); |
\draw (c) .. controls (0.3,0.1) and (-0.25,0.25) .. ([xshiftu=-0.25]a.south); |
\draw (c4) to[out=15,in=-90] (1.65,-0.55) to (1.65,1.2); |
\draw (s) ++(-0.25,0) to (c3); |
\draw (s) ++(0.25,0) to (c4); |
\path[scriptstyle] |
node at (0,1.35) {$X$} |
node at (1.25,1.35) {$Y$} |
node at (1.65,1.35) {$W$} |
node at (0.75,1.35) {$Z$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\;\;=\;\; |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[arrow box] (a) at (0.2,0.75) {\;\;\;\;\;\;\;}; |
\node[copier] (c) at (1.15,-0.05) {}; |
\node[copier] (c2) at (0.75,0.25) {}; |
\node[state] (s) at (1.15,-0.25) {\;\;\;\;\;\;}; |
\draw (s) ++(-0.4,0) to (c2); |
\draw (s) to (c) to[out=65,in=-90] (1.4,1.15); |
\draw (s) ++(0.4,0) to[out=90,in=-90] (1.75,1.15); |
\draw (a) to (0.2,1.15); |
\draw (c2) to[out=165,in=-90] ([xshiftu=0.25]a.south); |
\draw (c2) to[out=15,in=-90] (1,0.7) to (1,1.15); |
\draw (c) .. controls (0.3,0.1) and (-0.05,0.3) .. ([xshiftu=-0.25]a.south); |
\path[font=\normalsize, |
execute at begin node=\everymath{\scriptstyle}] |
node at (0.2,1.3) {$X$} |
node at (1.4,1.3) {$Y$} |
node at (1.75,1.3) {$W$} |
node at (1,1.3) {$Z$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\;\;=\;\; |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[arrow box] (a) at (0.2,0.7) {\;\;\;\;\;\;\;}; |
\node[copier] (c) at (0.9,0.1) {}; |
\node[copier] (c2) at (0.5,0.1) {}; |
\node[state] (s) at (0.9,-0.2) {\;\;\;\;\;\;}; |
\draw (s) ++(-0.4,0) to (c2); |
\draw (s) to (c); |
\draw (s) ++(0.4,0) to[out=90,in=-90] (1.6,0.45) to (1.6,1.15); |
\draw (a) to (0.2,1.15); |
\draw (c) to[out=165,in=-90] ([xshiftu=0.25]a.south); |
\draw (c2) to[out=165,in=-90] ([xshiftu=-0.25]a.south); |
\draw (c) to[out=15,in=-90] (1.25,0.55) to (1.25,0.7) to[out=90,in=-90] (0.85,1.15); |
\draw (c2) to[out=15,in=-90] (0.85,0.55) to (0.85,0.7) to[out=90,in=-90] (1.25,1.15); |
\path[scriptstyle] |
node at (0.2,1.3) {$X$} |
node at (1.25,1.3) {$Y$} |
node at (1.6,1.3) {$W$} |
node at (0.85,1.3) {$Z$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\\ |
&\;\;\overset{\star}{=}\;\; |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {\;\;\;\;\;\;}; |
\draw (omega) ++(-0.45, 0) to (-0.45,0.7); |
\draw (omega) ++(-0.15, 0) to (-0.15,0.3) to[out=90,in=-90] (0.15,0.7); |
\draw (omega) ++(0.15, 0) to (0.15,0.3) to[out=90,in=-90] (-0.15,0.7); |
\draw (omega) ++(0.45, 0) to (0.45,0.7); |
\path[scriptstyle] |
node at (-0.45,0.85) {$X$} |
node at (-0.15,0.85) {$Z$} |
node at (0.15,0.85) {$Y$} |
node at (0.45,0.85) {$W$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\;\;=\;\; |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {\;\;\;\;\;\;}; |
\draw (omega) ++(-0.45, 0) to (-0.45,0.3); |
\draw (omega) ++(-0.15, 0) to (-0.15,0.3); |
\draw (omega) ++(0.15, 0) to (0.15,0.3); |
\draw (omega) ++(0.45, 0) to (0.45,0.3); |
\path[scriptstyle] |
node at (-0.45,0.45) {$X$} |
node at (-0.15,0.45) {$Z$} |
node at (0.15,0.45) {$Y$} |
node at (0.45,0.45) {$W$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\;\;=\;\; |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,-0.05) {\;\;\;\;}; |
\node[copier] (c) at (-0.25,0.15) {}; |
\node[copier] (c2) at (0.25,0.15) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (b) at (-0.5,0.7) {\;\;\;\;\;\;\;}; |
\draw (omega) ++ (-0.25,0) to (c); |
\draw (c) to[out=165,in=-90] ([xshiftu=-0.25]b.south); |
\draw (c) to[out=15,in=-90] (0.25,0.55) |
to (0.25,1.15); |
\draw (omega) ++ (0.25,0) to (c2); |
\draw (c2) to[out=165,in=-90] ([xshiftu=0.25]b.south); |
\draw (c2) to[out=15,in=-90] (0.65,0.55) to (0.65,1.15); |
\draw (b.north) ++ (-0.25,0) to (-0.75,1.15); |
\draw (b.north) ++ (0.25,0) to (-0.25,1.15); |
\path[scriptstyle] |
node at (-0.75,1.3) {$X$} |
node at (0.25,1.3) {$Y$} |
node at (-0.25,1.3) {$Z$} |
node at (0.65,1.3) {$W$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\end{align*} |
The marked equality $\overset{\star}{=}$ |
holds by strong almost equality, see Proposition~\ref{prop:disint-eq-str}. |
\end{proof} |
The equations correspond respectively to |
$\sum_y\Pr(x,y|z)=\Pr(x|z)$ |
and $\Pr(x|y,z)\cdot \Pr(z|y,w)=\Pr(x,z|y,w)$ |
in discrete probability. |
\begin{remark} |
We here keep our notation somewhat informal, |
e.g.\ using symbols $X,Y,Z,\dotsc$ as a sort of meta-variables. |
We refer to \cite{JoyalS1991,Selinger2010} |
for more formal aspects of string diagrams. |
\end{remark} |
\subsection{Conditional independence} |
\tikzextname{ss_cind} |
We continue using the notations in the previous subsection. |
Recall that we fix an $n$-partite state |
\[ |
\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {\hspace*{1em}$\omega$\hspace*{1em}}; |
\draw (omega) -- (-1.0, 0) to (-1.0,0.4); |
\draw (omega) ++(-0.5, 0) to (-0.5,0.4); |
\draw (omega) ++(1.0, 0) to (1.0,0.4); |
\node[font=\normalsize] at (0.2,0.55) {$\dotso$}; |
\path[font=\normalsize, |
execute at begin node=\everymath{\scriptstyle}] |
node at (-1,0.55) {$X_1$} |
node at (-0.5,0.55) {$X_2$} |
node at (1,0.55) {$X_n$}; |
\end{tikzpicture} |
\] |
and use symbols $X,Y,Z,W,\dotsc$ |
to denote a wire $X_i$ or multiple wires $X_i\otimes X_j\otimes\dotsb$. |
We now introduce the notion of conditional independence. Although it |
is defined with respect to the underlying state $\omega$, we leave the |
state $\omega$ implicit, like an underlying probability space $\Omega$ |
in conventional probability theory. |
\begin{definition} |
Let $X,Y,Z$ denote distinct wires. |
Then we say $X$ and $Y$ are conditionally independent given $Z$, |
written as $\cind{X}{Y}{Z}$, if |
\[ |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[arrow box] (a) at (0,0.5) {\;\;\;\;\;\;\;}; |
\draw (0,0) to (a); |
\draw (a.north) ++(-0.25,0) to (-0.25,1); |
\draw (a.north) ++(0.25,0) to (0.25,1); |
\path[font=\normalsize, |
execute at begin node=\everymath{\scriptstyle}] |
node at (-0.25,1.2) {$X$} |
node at (0.25,1.2) {$Y$} |
node at (0,-0.2) {$Z$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\;\;\;\equpto\;\;\; |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[copier] (c) at (0,0.2) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (a) at (-0.4,0.8) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (b) at (0.4,0.8) {}; |
\draw (0,0) to (c); |
\draw (c) to[out=165,in=-90] (a); |
\draw (a) to (-0.4,1.3); |
\draw (b) to (0.4,1.3); |
\draw (c) to[out=15,in=-90] (b); |
\path[font=\normalsize, |
execute at begin node=\everymath{\scriptstyle}] |
node at (-0.4,1.5) {$X$} |
node at (0.4,1.5) {$Y$} |
node at (0,-0.2) {$Z$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\quad. |
\] |
\end{definition} |
The definition is analogous to |
the condition $\Pr(x,y|z)=\Pr(x|z)\Pr(y|z)$ |
in discrete probability. |
Indeed our definition coincides with the usual conditional |
independence, |
as explained below. |
\begin{example} |
In $\Kl(\Dst)$, |
let $c_{X|Z}\colon Z\to \Dst(X)$, |
$c_{Y|Z}\colon Z\to \Dst(Y)$, |
$c_{XY|Z}\colon Z\to \Dst(X\times Y)$ |
be disintegrations of some joint state, say $\omega\in\Dst(X\times Y\times Z)$. |
Let $\omega_Z\in\Dst(Z)$ be the marginal on $Z$. |
Then $\cind{X}{Y}{Z}$ if and only if |
\[ |
c_{XY|Z}(z)(x,y)=c_{X|Z}(z)(x)\cdot c_{Y|Z}(z)(y) |
\quad \text{whenever} \quad |
\omega_Z(z)\ne 0 |
\] |
for all $x\in X$, $y\in Y$ and $z\in Z$. |
If we write $\Pr(x,y|z)=c_{XY|Z}(z)(x,y)$, |
$\Pr(x|z)=c_{X|Z}(z)(x)$, |
$\Pr(y|z)=c_{Y|Z}(z)(y)$, |
and $\Pr(z)=\omega_Z(z)$, |
then the condition will look more familiar: |
\[ |
\Pr(x,y|z) = \Pr(x|z)\cdot \Pr(y|z) |
\quad \text{whenever} \quad |
\Pr(z)\ne 0 |
\enspace. |
\] |
\end{example} |
\begin{example} |
Similarly, in $\Kl(\Giry)$, |
let $c_{X|Z}\colon Z\to \Giry(X)$, |
$c_{Y|Z}\colon Z\to \Giry(Y)$, |
$c_{XY|Z}\colon Z\to \Giry(X\times Y)$, |
and $\omega_Z\in\Giry(Z)$ |
be appropriate disintegrations and a marginal of some joint probability measure $\omega$. |
Then $\cind{X}{Y}{Z}$ if and only if |
\[ |
c_{XY|Z}(z)(A\times B)=c_{X|Z}(z)(A)\cdot c_{Y|Z}(z)(B) |
\qquad |
\text{for $\omega_Z$-almost all $z\in Z$} |
\] |
for all $A\in \Sigma_X$ and $B\in \Sigma_Y$. |
\end{example} |
The equivalences in the next result are well-known in conditional |
probability. Our contribution is that we formulate and prove them at |
an abstract, graphical level. |
\begin{proposition} |
\label{prop:equiv-cind}\tikzextname{prop_equiv_cind} |
The following are equivalent. |
\begin{enumerate} |
\setlength{\abovedisplayskip}{-.5\baselineskip} |
\setlength{\abovedisplayshortskip}{-.5\baselineskip} |
\setlength{\belowdisplayskip}{0pt} |
\setlength{\belowdisplayshortskip}{0pt} |
\item\label{propen:cind} |
$\cind{X}{Y}{Z}$ |
\item\label{propen:factor} |
\[ |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {\;\;\;\;\;\;}; |
\draw (omega) ++(-0.4, 0) to +(0,0.3); |
\draw (omega) to +(0,0.3); |
\draw (omega) ++(0.4, 0) to +(0,0.3); |
\path[font=\normalsize, |
execute at begin node=\everymath{\scriptstyle}] |
node at (-0.4,0.5) {$X$} |
node at (0,0.5) {$Y$} |
node at (0.4,0.5) {$Z$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\;\;=\;\; |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {}; |
\node[copier] (c) at (0,0.2) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (a) at (-0.7,0.8) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (b) at (0,0.8) {}; |
\draw (omega) to (c); |
\draw (c) to[out=165,in=-90] (a); |
\draw (a) to (-0.7,1.3); |
\draw (c) to (b); |
\draw (b) to (0,1.3); |
\draw (c) to[out=15,in=-90] (0.7,0.6) |
to (0.7,1.3); |
\path[font=\normalsize, |
execute at begin node=\everymath{\scriptstyle}] |
node at (-0.7,1.5) {$X$} |
node at (0,1.5) {$Y$} |
node at (0.7,1.5) {$Z$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\] |
\item\label{propen:alt} |
\[ |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[arrow box] (a) at (0,0.5) {\;\;\;\;\;\;\;}; |
\draw (a) to (0,1); |
\draw (0.25,0) to ([xshiftu=0.25]a.south); |
\draw (-0.25,0) to ([xshiftu=-0.25]a.south); |
\path[font=\normalsize, |
execute at begin node=\everymath{\scriptstyle}] |
node at (0,1.2) {$X$} |
node at (-0.25,-0.2) {$Y$} |
node at (0.25,-0.2) {$Z$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\;\;\equpto\;\; |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[arrow box] (a) at (0,0.5) {}; |
\node[discarder] (d) at (-0.6,0.4) {}; |
\draw (a) to (0,1); |
\draw (0,0) to (a); |
\draw (-0.6,0) to (d); |
\path[font=\normalsize, |
execute at begin node=\everymath{\scriptstyle}] |
node at (0,1.2) {$X$} |
node at (-0.6,-0.2) {$Y$} |
node at (0,-0.2) {$Z$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\] |
\item\label{propen:factor2} |
\[ |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {\;\;\;\;\;\;}; |
\draw (omega) ++(-0.4, 0) to +(0,0.3); |
\draw (omega) to +(0,0.3); |
\draw (omega) ++(0.4, 0) to +(0,0.3); |
\tikzset{font=\normalsize, |
execute at begin node=\everymath{\scriptstyle}} |
\node at (-0.4,0.5) {$X$}; |
\node at (0,0.5) {$Y$}; |
\node at (0.4,0.5) {$Z$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\;\;=\;\; |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {\;\;\;\;}; |
\node[copier] (c) at (0.25,0.2) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (a) at (-0.45,1) {}; |
\draw (omega) ++(-0.25, 0) to +(0,0.15) |
to[out=90,in=-90] (0.1,0.6) to (0.1,1.45); |
\draw (omega) ++(0.25, 0) to (c); |
\draw (c) to[out=150,in=-90] (a); |
\draw (c) to[out=60,in=-90] (0.5,1.45); |
\draw (a) to (-0.45,1.45); |
\path[font=\normalsize, |
execute at begin node=\everymath{\scriptstyle}] |
node at (-0.45,1.6) {$X$} |
node at (0.1,1.6) {$Y$} |
node at (0.5,1.6) {$Z$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\] |
\end{enumerate} |
\end{proposition} |
As we will see below, |
conditional independence $\cind{X}{Y}{Z}$ |
is symmetric in $X$ and~$Y$. |
Therefore the obvious symmetric counterparts |
of \ref{propen:alt} and \ref{propen:factor2} |
are also equivalent to them. |
\begin{proof}\tikzextname{pf_equiv_cind} |
By definition of almost equality, |
\ref{propen:cind} is equivalent to |
\[ |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[arrow box] (a) at (0,0.5) {\;\;\;\;\;\;\;}; |
\node[copier] (c2) at (0.4,-0.1) {}; |
\node[state] (s) at (0.4,-0.3) {}; |
\draw (s) to (c2); |
\draw (c2) to[out=165,in=-90] (a); |
\draw (c2) to[out=30,in=-90] (0.8,1); |
\draw (a.north) ++(-0.25,0) to (-0.25,1); |
\draw (a.north) ++(0.25,0) to (0.25,1); |
\path[font=\normalsize, |
execute at begin node=\everymath{\scriptstyle}] |
node at (-0.25,1.2) {$X$} |
node at (0.25,1.2) {$Y$} |
node at (0.8,1.2) {$Z$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\;\;=\;\; |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[copier] (c) at (0,0.2) {}; |
\node[copier] (c2) at (0.5,-0.1) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (a) at (-0.4,0.8) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (b) at (0.4,0.8) {}; |
\node[state] (s) at (0.5,-0.3) {}; |
\draw (s) to (c2); |
\draw (c2) to[out=165,in=-90] (c); |
\draw (c2) to[out=30,in=-90] (1,1.3); |
\draw (c) to[out=165,in=-90] (a); |
\draw (a) to (-0.4,1.3); |
\draw (b) to (0.4,1.3); |
\draw (c) to[out=15,in=-90] (b); |
\path[font=\normalsize, |
execute at begin node=\everymath{\scriptstyle}] |
node at (-0.4,1.5) {$X$} |
node at (0.4,1.5) {$Y$} |
node at (1,1.5) {$Z$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\;\;\eqqcolon\;\; |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {}; |
\node[copier] (c) at (0,0.2) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (a) at (-0.7,0.8) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (b) at (0,0.8) {}; |
\draw (omega) to (c); |
\draw (c) to[out=165,in=-90] (a); |
\draw (a) to (-0.7,1.3); |
\draw (c) to (b); |
\draw (b) to (0,1.3); |
\draw (c) to[out=15,in=-90] (0.7,0.6) |
to (0.7,1.3); |
\path[font=\normalsize, |
execute at begin node=\everymath{\scriptstyle}] |
node at (-0.7,1.5) {$X$} |
node at (0,1.5) {$Y$} |
node at (0.7,1.5) {$Z$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\quad. |
\] |
We then have \ref{propen:cind} $\Leftrightarrow$ \ref{propen:factor}, |
since the identity below holds by the definition of disintegration. |
\[ |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[arrow box] (a) at (0,0.5) {\;\;\;\;\;\;\;}; |
\node[copier] (c2) at (0.4,-0.1) {}; |
\node[state] (s) at (0.4,-0.3) {}; |
\draw (s) to (c2); |
\draw (c2) to[out=165,in=-90] (a); |
\draw (c2) to[out=30,in=-90] (0.8,1); |
\draw (a.north) ++(-0.25,0) to (-0.25,1); |
\draw (a.north) ++(0.25,0) to (0.25,1); |
\path[font=\normalsize, |
execute at begin node=\everymath{\scriptstyle}] |
node at (-0.25,1.2) {$X$} |
node at (0.25,1.2) {$Y$} |
node at (0.8,1.2) {$Z$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\;\;=\;\; |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {\;\;\;\;\;\;}; |
\draw (omega) ++(-0.4, 0) to +(0,0.3); |
\draw (omega) to +(0,0.3); |
\draw (omega) ++(0.4, 0) to +(0,0.3); |
\tikzset{font=\normalsize, |
execute at begin node=\everymath{\scriptstyle}} |
\node at (-0.4,0.5) {$X$}; |
\node at (0,0.5) {$Y$}; |
\node at (0.4,0.5) {$Z$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\] |
Next, assuming \ref{propen:alt}, we obtain \ref{propen:factor2} as follows. |
\[ |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {\;\;\;\;\;\;}; |
\draw (omega) ++(-0.4, 0) to +(0,0.3); |
\draw (omega) to +(0,0.3); |
\draw (omega) ++(0.4, 0) to +(0,0.3); |
\tikzset{font=\normalsize, |
execute at begin node=\everymath{\scriptstyle}} |
\node at (-0.4,0.5) {$X$}; |
\node at (0,0.5) {$Y$}; |
\node at (0.4,0.5) {$Z$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\;\;=\;\; |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {\;\;\;\;}; |
\node[copier] (c) at (-0.2,0.15) {}; |
\node[copier] (c2) at (0.2,0.15) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (b) at (-0.35,0.7) {\;\;\;\;\;}; |
\draw (omega) ++ (-0.2,0) to (c); |
\draw (c) to[out=165,in=-90] ([xshiftu=-0.2]b.south); |
\draw (b) to (-0.35,1.15); |
\draw (c) to[out=15,in=-90] (0.15,0.45) |
to (0.15,1.15); |
\draw (omega) ++ (0.2,0) to (c2); |
\draw (c2) to[out=165,in=-90] ([xshiftu=0.2]b.south); |
\draw (c2) to[out=15,in=-90] (0.5,0.45) |
to (0.5,1.15); |
\path[font=\normalsize, |
execute at begin node=\everymath{\scriptstyle}] |
node at (-0.35,1.3) {$X$} |
node at (0.15,1.3) {$Y$} |
node at (0.5,1.3) {$Z$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\;\;\overset{\text{\ref{propen:alt}}}=\;\; |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {\;\;\;\;}; |
\node[copier] (c) at (-0.2,0.15) {}; |
\node[copier] (c2) at (0.2,0.15) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (b) at (-0.25,0.8) {}; |
\node[discarder] (d) at (-0.8,0.7) {}; |
\draw (omega) ++ (-0.2,0) to (c); |
\draw (c) to[out=165,in=-90] (d); |
\draw (b) to (-0.25,1.25); |
\draw (c) to[out=15,in=-90] (0.15,0.55) |
to (0.15,1.25); |
\draw (omega) ++ (0.2,0) to (c2); |
\draw (c2) to[out=150,in=-90] (b); |
\draw (c2) to[out=15,in=-90] (0.5,0.55) |
to (0.5,1.25); |
\path[font=\normalsize, |
execute at begin node=\everymath{\scriptstyle}] |
node at (-0.25,1.4) {$X$} |
node at (0.15,1.4) {$Y$} |
node at (0.5,1.4) {$Z$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\;\;=\;\; |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {\;\;\;\;}; |
\node[copier] (c) at (0.25,0.2) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (a) at (-0.45,1) {}; |
\draw (omega) ++(-0.25, 0) to +(0,0.15) |
to[out=90,in=-90] (0.1,0.6) to (0.1,1.45); |
\draw (omega) ++(0.25, 0) to (c); |
\draw (c) to[out=150,in=-90] (a); |
\draw (c) to[out=60,in=-90] (0.5,1.45); |
\draw (a) to (-0.45,1.45); |
\path[font=\normalsize, |
execute at begin node=\everymath{\scriptstyle}] |
node at (-0.45,1.6) {$X$} |
node at (0.1,1.6) {$Y$} |
node at (0.5,1.6) {$Z$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\] |
We prove |
\ref{propen:factor2} $\Rightarrow$ \ref{propen:alt} |
similarly. |
Finally note that the following equation holds. |
\[ |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {}; |
\node[copier] (c) at (0,0.2) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (a) at (-0.7,0.8) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (b) at (0,0.8) {}; |
\draw (omega) to (c); |
\draw (c) to[out=165,in=-90] (a); |
\draw (a) to (-0.7,1.3); |
\draw (c) to (b); |
\draw (b) to (0,1.3); |
\draw (c) to[out=15,in=-90] (0.7,0.6) |
to (0.7,1.3); |
\path[font=\normalsize, |
execute at begin node=\everymath{\scriptstyle}] |
node at (-0.7,1.5) {$X$} |
node at (0,1.5) {$Y$} |
node at (0.7,1.5) {$Z$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\;\;=\;\; |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {}; |
\node[copier] (c) at (0,0.2) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (a) at (-0.3,1.65) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (b) at (-0.3,0.7) {}; |
\node[copier] (c2) at (0.3,0.9) {}; |
\draw (omega) to (c); |
\draw (a) to (-0.3,2.05); |
\draw (c) to[out=165,in=-90] (b); |
\draw (b) to[out=90,in=-90] (0.2,1.4) to (0.2,2.05); |
\draw (c) to[out=15,in=-90] (0.3,0.5) |
to (c2); |
\draw (c2) to[out=135,in=-90] (a); |
\draw (c2) to[out=45,in=-90] (0.65,2.05); |
\path[font=\normalsize, |
execute at begin node=\everymath{\scriptstyle}] |
node at (-0.3,2.2) {$X$} |
node at (0.2,2.2) {$Y$} |
node at (0.65,2.2) {$Z$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\;\;=\;\; |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {\;\;\;\;}; |
\node[copier] (c) at (0.25,0.2) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (a) at (-0.45,1) {}; |
\draw (omega) ++(-0.25, 0) to +(0,0.15) |
to[out=90,in=-90] (0.1,0.6) to (0.1,1.45); |
\draw (omega) ++(0.25, 0) to (c); |
\draw (c) to[out=150,in=-90] (a); |
\draw (c) to[out=60,in=-90] (0.5,1.45); |
\draw (a) to (-0.45,1.45); |
\path[font=\normalsize, |
execute at begin node=\everymath{\scriptstyle}] |
node at (-0.45,1.6) {$X$} |
node at (0.1,1.6) {$Y$} |
node at (0.5,1.6) {$Z$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\quad. |
\] |
From this |
\ref{propen:factor}~$\Leftrightarrow$~\ref{propen:factor2} |
is immediate. |
\end{proof} |
Note that the condition~\ref{propen:alt} of the proposition is an |
analogue of $\Pr(x|y,z)=\Pr(x|z)$. The other conditions |
\ref{propen:factor} and \ref{propen:factor2} say |
that the joint state can be factorised in certain ways, corresponding |
to the following equations: |
\[ |
\Pr(x,y,z) |
= |
\Pr(x|z)\Pr(y|z)\Pr(z) |
= |
\Pr(x|z)\Pr(y,z). |
\] |
The proposition below shows that our abstract formulation of |
conditional independence |
does satisfy the basic `rules' of conditional independence, |
which are known as |
\emph{(semi-) graphoids axioms}~\cite{VermaP1988,GeigerVP1990}. |
\begin{proposition} |
\label{prop:graphoid}\tikzextname{prop_graphoid} |
Conditional independence $\cind{(-)}{(-)}{(-)}$ satisfies: |
\begin{enumerate} |
\item\label{propen:symm} |
(Symmetry) |
$\cind{X}{Y}{Z}$ if and only if $\cind{Y}{X}{Z}$. |
\item\label{propen:decomp} |
(Decomposition) |
$\cind{X}{Y\otimes Z}{W}$ implies $\cind{X}{Y}{W}$ |
and $\cind{X}{Z}{W}$. |
\item\label{propen:weakunion} |
(Weak union) |
$\cind{X}{Y\otimes Z}{W}$ implies $\cind{X}{Y}{Z\otimes W}$. |
\item\label{propen:contr} |
(Contraction) |
$\cind{X}{Z}{W}$ and |
$\cind{X}{Y}{Z\otimes W}$ |
imply $\cind{X}{Y\otimes Z}{W}$. |
\end{enumerate} |
\end{proposition} |
\begin{proof}\tikzextname{prf_graphoid} |
We will freely use Proposition~\ref{prop:equiv-cind}. |
(\ref{propen:symm}) |
Suppose $\cind{X}{Y}{Z}$. Then |
\[ |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {\;\;\;\;\;\;}; |
\draw (omega) ++(-0.4, 0) to +(0,0.3); |
\draw (omega) to +(0,0.3); |
\draw (omega) ++(0.4, 0) to +(0,0.3); |
\tikzset{font=\normalsize, |
execute at begin node=\everymath{\scriptstyle}} |
\node at (-0.4,0.5) {$Y$}; |
\node at (0,0.5) {$X$}; |
\node at (0.4,0.5) {$Z$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\;\;=\;\; |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {\;\;\;\;\;\;}; |
\draw (omega) ++(-0.4, 0) to[out=90,in=-90] +(0.4,0.5); |
\draw (omega) to[out=90,in=-90] +(-0.4,0.5); |
\draw (omega) ++(0.4, 0) to +(0,0.5); |
\path[font=\normalsize, |
execute at begin node=\everymath{\scriptstyle}] |
node at (0,0.7) {$X$} |
node at (-0.4,0.7) {$Y$} |
node at (0.4,0.7) {$Z$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\;\;\overset{(\cind{X}{Y}{Z})}{=}\;\; |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {}; |
\node[copier] (c) at (0,0.2) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (a) at (-0.7,0.8) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (b) at (0,0.8) {}; |
\draw (omega) to (c); |
\draw (c) to[out=165,in=-90] (a); |
\draw (a.north) to[out=90,in=-90] (0,1.5); |
\draw (c) to (b); |
\draw (b.north) to[out=90,in=-90] (-0.7,1.5); |
\draw (c) to[out=15,in=-90] (0.7,0.6) |
to (0.7,1.5); |
\path[font=\normalsize, |
execute at begin node=\everymath{\scriptstyle}] |
node at (-0.7,1.7) {$Y$} |
node at (0,1.7) {$X$} |
node at (0.7,1.7) {$Z$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\;\;=\;\; |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {}; |
\node[copier] (c) at (0,0.2) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (a) at (-0.7,0.8) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (b) at (0,0.8) {}; |
\draw (omega) to (c); |
\draw (c) to[out=165,in=-90] (a); |
\draw (a) to (-0.7,1.3); |
\draw (c) to (b); |
\draw (b) to (0,1.3); |
\draw (c) to[out=15,in=-90] (0.7,0.6) |
to (0.7,1.3); |
\path[font=\normalsize, |
execute at begin node=\everymath{\scriptstyle}] |
node at (-0.7,1.5) {$Y$} |
node at (0,1.5) {$X$} |
node at (0.7,1.5) {$Z$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\enspace. |
\] |
This means $\cind{Y}{X}{Z}$. |
(\ref{propen:decomp}) |
Suppose $\cind{X}{Y\otimes Z}{W}$, namely: |
\[ |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {\;\;\;\;\;\;}; |
\draw (omega) ++(-0.45, 0) to +(0,0.3); |
\draw (omega) ++(-0.15, 0) to +(0,0.3); |
\draw (omega) ++(0.15, 0) to +(0,0.3); |
\draw (omega) ++(0.45, 0) to +(0,0.3); |
\path[font=\normalsize, |
execute at begin node=\everymath{\scriptstyle}] |
node at (-0.45,0.45) {$X$} |
node at (-0.15,0.45) {$Y$} |
node at (0.15,0.45) {$Z$} |
node at (0.45,0.45) {$W$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\;\;=\;\; |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {}; |
\node[copier] (c) at (0,0.2) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (a) at (-0.75,0.8) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (b) at (0,0.8) {\;\;\;\;\;}; |
\draw (omega) to (c); |
\draw (c) to[out=165,in=-90] (a); |
\draw (a) to (-0.75,1.3); |
\draw (c) to (b); |
\draw ([xshiftu=-0.2]b.north) to (-0.2,1.3); |
\draw ([xshiftu=0.2]b.north) to (0.2,1.3); |
\draw (c) to[out=15,in=-90] (0.6,0.55) |
to (0.6,1.3); |
\path[font=\normalsize, |
execute at begin node=\everymath{\scriptstyle}] |
node at (-0.75,1.45) {$X$} |
node at (-0.2,1.45) {$Y$} |
node at (0.2,1.45) {$Z$} |
node at (0.6,1.45) {$W$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\] |
Marginalising $Z$, we obtain |
\[ |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {\;\;\;\;\;\;}; |
\draw (omega) ++(-0.4, 0) to +(0,0.3); |
\draw (omega) to +(0,0.3); |
\draw (omega) ++(0.4, 0) to +(0,0.3); |
\path[font=\normalsize, |
execute at begin node=\everymath{\scriptstyle}] |
node at (-0.4,0.5) {$X$} |
node at (0,0.5) {$Y$} |
node at (0.4,0.5) {$W$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\;\;=\;\; |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {\;\;\;\;\;\;}; |
\node[discarder] (d) at (0.15,0.3) {}; |
\draw (omega) ++(-0.45, 0) to +(0,0.55); |
\draw (omega) ++(-0.15, 0) to +(0,0.55); |
\draw (omega) ++(0.15, 0) to (d); |
\draw (omega) ++(0.45, 0) to +(0,0.55); |
\path[font=\normalsize, |
execute at begin node=\everymath{\scriptstyle}] |
node at (-0.45,0.7) {$X$} |
node at (-0.15,0.7) {$Y$} |
node at (0.25,0.15) {$Z$} |
node at (0.45,0.7) {$W$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\;\;=\;\; |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {}; |
\node[copier] (c) at (0,0.2) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (a) at (-0.75,0.8) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (b) at (0,0.8) {\;\;\;\;\;}; |
\node[discarder] (d) at (0.2,1.35) {}; |
\draw (omega) to (c); |
\draw (c) to[out=165,in=-90] (a); |
\draw (a) to (-0.75,1.5); |
\draw (c) to (b); |
\draw ([xshiftu=-0.2]b.north) to (-0.2,1.5); |
\draw ([xshiftu=0.2]b.north) to (d); |
\draw (c) to[out=15,in=-90] (0.6,0.55) |
to (0.6,1.5); |
\path[font=\normalsize, |
execute at begin node=\everymath{\scriptstyle}] |
node at (-0.9,1.4) {$X$} |
node at (-0.35,1.4) {$Y$} |
node at (0.35,1.2) {$Z$} |
node at (0.75,1.4) {$W$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\;\;=\;\; |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {}; |
\node[copier] (c) at (0,0.2) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (a) at (-0.7,0.8) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (b) at (0,0.8) {}; |
\draw (omega) to (c); |
\draw (c) to[out=165,in=-90] (a); |
\draw (a) to (-0.7,1.2); |
\draw (c) to (b); |
\draw (b) to (0,1.2); |
\draw (c) to[out=15,in=-90] (0.7,0.6) |
to (0.7,1.2); |
\path[font=\normalsize, |
execute at begin node=\everymath{\scriptstyle}] |
node at (-0.7,1.35) {$X$} |
node at (0,1.35) {$Y$} |
node at (0.7,1.35) {$W$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\quad, |
\] |
by Proposition~\ref{prop:disint-identitiy}.\ref{propen:disint-marg}. |
Thus $\cind{X}{Y}{W}$. |
Similarly we prove $\cind{X}{Z}{W}$. |
Finally, we prove \ref{propen:weakunion} and \ref{propen:contr} at the same time. |
Note that $\cind{X}{Y\otimes Z}{W}$ implies $\cind{X}{Z}{W}$, as shown above. |
Therefore what we need to prove is that |
$\cind{X}{Y\otimes Z}{W}$ if and only if $\cind{X}{Y}{Z\otimes W}$, |
under $\cind{X}{Z}{W}$. |
Assume $\cind{X}{Z}{W}$, so we have |
\[ |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[arrow box] (a) at (0,0.5) {\;\;\;\;\;\;\;}; |
\draw (a) to (0,1); |
\draw (0.25,0) to ([xshiftu=0.25]a.south); |
\draw (-0.25,0) to ([xshiftu=-0.25]a.south); |
\path[font=\normalsize, |
execute at begin node=\everymath{\scriptstyle}] |
node at (0,1.2) {$X$} |
node at (-0.25,-0.2) {$Z$} |
node at (0.25,-0.2) {$W$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\;\;\equpto\;\; |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[arrow box] (a) at (0,0.5) {}; |
\node[discarder] (d) at (-0.6,0.4) {}; |
\draw (a) to (0,1); |
\draw (0,0) to (a); |
\draw (-0.6,0) to (d); |
\path[font=\normalsize, |
execute at begin node=\everymath{\scriptstyle}] |
node at (0,1.2) {$X$} |
node at (-0.6,-0.2) {$Z$} |
node at (0,-0.2) {$W$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\] |
Then |
\begin{align*} |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {\;\;\;\;}; |
\node[copier] (c) at (-0.2,0.15) {}; |
\node[copier] (c2) at (0.2,0.15) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (a) at (-0.8,1) {\;\;\;\;\;}; |
\node[arrow box] (b) at (0,1) {\;\;\;\;\;}; |
\draw (omega) ++ (-0.2,0) to (c); |
\draw (c) to[out=165,in=-90] ([xshiftu=-0.2]a.south); |
\draw (a) to (-0.8,1.4); |
\draw (c) to ([xshiftu=-0.2]b.south); |
\draw (b) to (0,1.4); |
\draw (c) to[out=15,in=-90] (0.5,0.8) |
to (0.5,1.4); |
\draw (omega) ++ (0.2,0) to (c2); |
\draw (c2) to[out=165,in=-90] ([xshiftu=0.2]a.south); |
\draw (c2) to ([xshiftu=0.2]b.south); |
\draw (c2) to[out=15,in=-90] (0.9,0.8) |
to (0.9,1.4); |
\path[font=\normalsize, |
execute at begin node=\everymath{\scriptstyle}] |
node at (-0.8,1.55) {$X$} |
node at (0,1.55) {$Y$} |
node at (0.5,1.55) {$Z$} |
node at (0.9,1.55) {$W$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
&\;\;=\;\; |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {\;\;\;\;}; |
\node[copier] (c) at (-0.2,0.15) {}; |
\node[copier] (c2) at (0.2,0.15) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (a) at (-0.7,1) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (b) at (0,1) {\;\;\;\;\;}; |
\node[discarder] (d) at (-1.25,0.85) {}; |
\draw (omega) ++ (-0.2,0) to (c); |
\draw (c) to[out=165,in=-90] (d); |
\draw (a) to (-0.7,1.4); |
\draw (c) to ([xshiftu=-0.2]b.south); |
\draw (b) to (0,1.4); |
\draw (c) to[out=15,in=-90] (0.5,0.8) |
to (0.5,1.4); |
\draw (omega) ++ (0.2,0) to (c2); |
\draw (c2) to[out=165,in=-90] (a.south); |
\draw (c2) to ([xshiftu=0.2]b.south); |
\draw (c2) to[out=15,in=-90] (0.9,0.8) |
to (0.9,1.4); |
\path[font=\normalsize, |
execute at begin node=\everymath{\scriptstyle}] |
node at (-0.7,1.55) {$X$} |
node at (0,1.55) {$Y$} |
node at (0.5,1.55) {$Z$} |
node at (0.9,1.55) {$W$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\;\;=\;\; |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {\;\;\;\;}; |
\node[copier] (c) at (-0.2,0.15) {}; |
\node[copier] (c2) at (0.2,0.15) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (a) at (-0.9,1.5) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (b) at (-0.35,0.65) {\;\;\;\;\;}; |
\node[copier] (c3) at (0.45,0.95) {}; |
\draw (omega) ++ (-0.2,0) to (c); |
\draw (a) to (-0.9,1.85); |
\draw (c) to[out=165,in=-90] ([xshiftu=-0.2]b.south); |
\draw (b) to (-0.35,1.85); |
\draw (c) to[out=15,in=-90] (0.15,0.45) |
to (0.15,1.85); |
\draw (omega) ++ (0.2,0) to (c2); |
\draw (c2) to[out=165,in=-90] ([xshiftu=0.2]b.south); |
\draw (c2) to[out=15,in=-90] (0.45,0.45) |
to (c3); |
\draw (c3) .. controls (-0.5,1.1) and (-0.9,1.1) .. (a.south); |
\draw (c3) to[out=60,in=-90] (0.65,1.85); |
\path[font=\normalsize, |
execute at begin node=\everymath{\scriptstyle}] |
node at (-0.9,2) {$X$} |
node at (-0.35,2) {$Y$} |
node at (0.15,2) {$Z$} |
node at (0.65,2) {$W$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\\ |
&\;\;=\;\; |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {\;\;\;\;\;\;}; |
\node[arrow box] (a) at (-0.9,0.85) {}; |
\node[copier] (c3) at (0.4,0.25) {}; |
\draw (omega) ++ (-0.4,0) to (-0.4,1.2); |
\draw (omega) to (0,1.2); |
\draw (omega) ++ (0.4,0) to (c3); |
\draw (a) to (-0.9,1.2); |
\draw (c3) .. controls (-0.65,0.4) and (-0.9,0.4) .. (a.south); |
\draw (c3) to[out=30,in=-90] (0.55,0.55) to (0.55,1.2); |
\path[font=\normalsize, |
execute at begin node=\everymath{\scriptstyle}] |
node at (-0.9,1.35) {$X$} |
node at (-0.4,1.35) {$Y$} |
node at (0,1.35) {$Z$} |
node at (0.55,1.35) {$W$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\;\;=\;\; |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0.1,-0.8) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (b) at (-0.2,-0.1) {\;\;\;\;\;\;}; |
\node[arrow box] (a) at (-0.9,0.85) {}; |
\node[copier] (c3) at (0.4,0.25) {}; |
\node[copier] (c) at (0.1,-0.6) {}; |
\draw (omega) to (c); |
\draw (c) to[out=165,in=-90] (b); |
\draw (c) to[out=15,in=-90] (0.4,-0.3) to (c3); |
\draw (a) to (-0.9,1.2); |
\draw (c3) .. controls (-0.65,0.4) and (-0.9,0.4) .. (a.south); |
\draw (c3) to[out=30,in=-90] (0.55,0.55) to (0.55,1.2); |
\draw (b.north) ++(-0.2,0) to (-0.4,1.2); |
\draw (b.north) ++(0.2,0) to (0,1.2); |
\path[font=\normalsize, |
execute at begin node=\everymath{\scriptstyle}] |
node at (-0.9,1.35) {$X$} |
node at (-0.4,1.35) {$Y$} |
node at (0,1.35) {$Z$} |
node at (0.55,1.35) {$W$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\;\;=\;\; |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {}; |
\node[copier] (c) at (0,0.2) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (a) at (-0.75,0.8) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (b) at (0,0.8) {\;\;\;\;\;}; |
\draw (omega) to (c); |
\draw (c) to[out=165,in=-90] (a); |
\draw (a) to (-0.75,1.3); |
\draw (c) to (b); |
\draw ([xshiftu=-0.2]b.north) to (-0.2,1.3); |
\draw ([xshiftu=0.2]b.north) to (0.2,1.3); |
\draw (c) to[out=15,in=-90] (0.6,0.55) |
to (0.6,1.3); |
\path[font=\normalsize, |
execute at begin node=\everymath{\scriptstyle}] |
node at (-0.75,1.45) {$X$} |
node at (-0.2,1.45) {$Y$} |
node at (0.2,1.45) {$Z$} |
node at (0.6,1.45) {$W$}; |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\end{align*} |
This proves $\cind{X}{Y\otimes Z}{W}$ if and only if $\cind{X}{Y}{Z\otimes W}$. |
\end{proof} |
The four properties from the graphoid axioms |
are essential in reasoning of conditional independence |
with DAGs or Bayesian networks~\cite{VermaP1988,GeigerVP1990}. |
Conditional independence has been studied categorically |
in~\cite{Simpson2017}. There, a categorical notion of |
\emph{(conditional) independence structure} is introduced, |
generalising algebraic axiomatisations of conditional independence, |
such as with graphoids and separoids~\cite{Dawid2001}. We leave it to |
future work to precisely relate our approach to conditional |
probability to Simpson's categorical framework. |
\section{Beyond causal channels}\label{sec:beyondcausal} |
\tikzextname{s_beyond_causal} |
All CD-categories $\catC$ that we have considered so far are affine in |
the sense that all arrows $f\colon X\to Y$ are causal: $\ground\circ |
f=\ground$. We now drop the affineness, in order to enlarge our |
category to include `non-causal' arrows, |
which enables us to have new notions such as scalars and effects. |
Essentially, we lose nothing |
by this change: all the arguments so far can still be applied to the |
subcategory $\Caus(\catC)\subseteq\catC$ containing all the objects |
and causal arrows. The category $\Caus(\catC)$ is an affine CD-category, |
inheriting the monoidal |
structure $(\otimes,I)$ |
and the comonoid structures $(\copier,\ground)$ |
from $\catC$. |
Recall that \emph{channels} in $\catC$ |
are causal arrows, \textit{i.e.}\ arrows in $\Caus(\catC)$. |
\emph{States} are channels of the form $\sigma\colon I\to X$. |
We call endomaps $I\to I$ on the tensor |
unit \emph{scalars}. The set $\catC(I,I)$ of scalars forms a monoid |
via the composition $s\cdot t=s\circ t$ and $1=\id_I$. The |
monoid of scalars is always commutative |
--- in fact, this is the case for |
any monoidal category, see \textit{e.g.}~\cite[\S3.2]{AbramskyC2009}. |
In string diagram scalars are written as |
$\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] \node[scalar] (s) at |
(-1,0.6) {$s$}; |
\end{tikzpicture}}}$ or simply as $s$. |
We can multiply scalars $s$ to any arrows $f\colon X\to Y$ |
by the parallel composition, or |
diagrammatically by juxtaposition: |
\[ |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[arrow box] (c) at (0,0) {$f$}; |
\node[scalar] at (-0.6,0) {$s$}; |
\draw (c) -- (0,0.7); |
\draw (c) -- (0,-0.7); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\] |
We call an arrow $\sigma\colon I\to X$ is \emph{normalisable} if the |
scalar $\ground \circ \sigma\colon I\to I$ is (multiplicatively) |
invertible. In that case we can normalise $\sigma$ into a proper |
state as follows. |
\[ |
\nrm(\sigma)\coloneqq |
\;\; |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (s) at (-1.45,0) {$\sigma$}; |
\node[discarder] (d) at ([yshiftu=0.2]s) {}; |
\node[state] (s2) at (0,0) {$\sigma$}; |
\draw (s) -- (d); |
\draw (s2) -- +(0,0.5); |
\path[font=\normalsize,text height=1.5ex,text depth=0.25ex] |
(-2,-0.1) node {$\biggl($} |
(-0.75,-0.1) node {$\biggr)^{\!\!-1}$}; |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\] |
\emph{Effects} in $\catC$ are arrows of the form $p\colon X\to I$; |
they correspond to observables, with predicates as special case. |
Diagrammatically they are written as on the left below. |
\[ |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state,hflip] (p) at (0,0) {$p$}; |
\coordinate (X) at (0,-0.4); |
\draw (X) to (p); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad |
\sigma\models p |
\;\coloneqq\;\; |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (s) at (0,0) {$\sigma$}; |
\node[state,hflip] (p) at (0,0.2) {$p$}; |
\draw (s) to (p); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\] |
On the right |
the \emph{validity} $\sigma\models p$ |
of a state $\sigma\colon I\to X$ and a effect $p\colon X\to I$ |
is defined. It is the scalar given by composition. |
Note that effects are not causal in general; |
by definition, only discarders $\ground$ are causal ones. |
States $\sigma\colon I\to X$ can be \emph{conditioned} |
by effects $p\colon X\to I$ via normalisation, as follows. |
\[ |
\sigma|_{p} |
\coloneqq |
\nrm |
\Biggl(\; |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {$\sigma$}; |
\node[copier] (copier) at (0,0.3) {}; |
\node[state,hflip] (p) at (-0.4,0.6) {$p$}; |
\coordinate (X) at (0.4,1.3) {}; |
\draw (omega) to (copier); |
\draw (copier) to[out=165,in=-90] (p); |
\draw (copier) to[out=30,in=-90] (X); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\;\;\Biggr) |
\;\;=\;\; |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (s) at (-1.82,0.19) {$\sigma$}; |
\node[state,hflip] (p) at ([yshiftu=0.2]s) {$p$}; |
\draw (s) -- (p); |
\path[font=\normalsize,text height=1.5ex,text depth=0.25ex] |
(-2.37,0.29) node {$\Biggl($} |
(-1.12,0.29) node {$\Biggr)^{\!\!-1}$}; |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {$\sigma$}; |
\node[copier] (copier) at (0,0.3) {}; |
\node[state,hflip] (p) at (-0.4,0.6) {$p$}; |
\coordinate (X) at (0.4,1.3) {}; |
\draw (omega) to (copier); |
\draw (copier) to[out=165,in=-90] (p); |
\draw (copier) to[out=30,in=-90] (X); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\] |
The conditional state $\sigma|_p$ is defined if |
the validity $\sigma\models p$ is invertible. |
Conditioning $\sigma|_p$ generalises |
conditional probability $\Pr(A|B)$ |
given \emph{event} $B$, |
see Example~\ref{ex:CD-cat} below. |
At the end of the section |
we will explain how conditioning |
and disintegration are related. |
Recall, from Examples~\ref{ex:KlD} and~\ref{ex:KlG}, |
that our previous examples $\Kl(\Dst)$ and $\Kl(\Giry)$ |
are both affine. |
We give two non-affine CD-categories that have |
$\Kl(\Dst)$ and $\Kl(\Giry)$ as subcategories, respectively. |
\begin{example} |
For discrete probability, |
we use |
\emph{multisets} (or \emph{unnormalised distributions}) over |
nonnegative real numbers $\pRR=[0,\infty)$, |
such as |
\[ |
1\ket{x}+ 0.5\ket{y} + 3\ket{z} |
\qquad |
\text{on a set} |
\; |
X=\{x,y,z,\dotsc\} |
\] |
We denote by $\Mlt(X)$ |
the set of multisets over $\pRR$ on $X$. |
More formally: |
\[ |
\Mlt(X) |
=\set{ |
\phi\colon X\to \pRR |
| \text{$\phi$ has finite support}} |
\enspace. |
\] |
It extends to a commutative monad $\Mlt\colon \Set\to\Set$, |
see~\cite{CoumansJ13}. |
In a similar way to the distribution monad $\Dst$, |
we can check that the Kleisli category $\Kl(\Mlt)$ is a CD-category. |
For a Kleisli map $f\colon X\to\Mlt(Y)$, |
causality $\ground\circ f=\ground$ amounts to |
the condition $\sum_y f(x)(y)=1$ for all $x\in X$. |
It is thus easy to see that $\Caus(\Kl(\Mlt))\cong \Kl(\Dst)$. |
In fact, the distribution monad $\Dst$ can be obtained |
from $\Mlt$ as its \emph{affine submonad}, see~\cite{Jacobs17}. |
An effect $p\colon X \rightarrow 1$ in $\Kl(\Mlt)$ is a function $p |
\colon X \rightarrow \pRR$. Its validity $\sigma\models p$ in a state |
$\omega$ is given by the expected value $\sum_{x}\sigma(x)\cdot |
p(x)$. The state $\sigma|_{p}$ updated with `evidence' $p$ is defined |
as $\sigma|_{p}(x) = \frac{\sigma(x)\cdot p(x)}{\sigma\models p}$. |
\end{example} |
\begin{example} |
\label{ex:CD-cat} |
For general, measure-theoretic probability, |
we use \emph{s-finite kernels} between measurable spaces |
\cite{Kallenberg2017,Staton2017}. |
Let $X$ and $Y$ be measurable spaces. |
A function $f\colon X\times \Sigma_Y\to[0,\infty]$ |
is called a \emph{kernel} from $X$ to $Y$ if |
\begin{itemize} |
\item $f(x,-)\colon \Sigma_Y\to [0,\infty]$ is a measure for each $X$; and |
\item $f(-,B)\colon X\to [0,\infty]$ is measurable\footnote{The $\sigma$-algebra on $[0,\infty]$ |
is the standard one generated by |
$\set{\infty}$ and measurable subsets of $\pRR$. |
} for each $B\in\Sigma_Y$. |
\end{itemize} |
We write $f\colon X\krnto Y$ when $f$ is a kernel from $X$ to $Y$. |
A \emph{probability kernel} is a kernel $f\colon X\krnto Y$ |
with $f(x,Y)=1$ for all $x\in X$. |
A kernel $f\colon X\krnto Y$ is \emph{finite} if |
there exists $r\in[0,\infty)$ such that for all $x\in X$, $f(x,Y)\le r$. |
(Note that it must be `uniformly' finite.) |
A kernel $f\colon X\krnto Y$ is \emph{s-finite} if |
$f=\sum_n f_n$ for some countable family $(f_n\colon X\to Y)_{n\in\NN}$ of finite kernels. |
For two s-finite kernels $f\colon X\krnto Y$ |
and $g\colon Y\krnto Z$, we define the (sequential) composite |
$g\circ f\colon X\krnto Z$ |
by |
\[ |
(g\circ f)(x,C)=\int_Y g(y,C) \, f(x,\dd y) |
\] |
for $x\in X$ and $C\in\Sigma_Z$. |
There are identity kernels $\eta_X\colon X\krnto X$ |
given by $\eta_X(x,A)=\indic{A}(x)$. |
With these data, measurable spaces and s-finite kernels form a category, |
which we denote by $\sfKrn$. |
There is a monoidal structure on $\sfKrn$. |
For measurable spaces $X,Y$ we define |
the tensor product $X\otimes Y=X\times Y$ to be the cartesian product of measurable spaces. |
The tensor unit $I=1$ is the singleton space. |
For s-finite kernels $f\colon X\krnto Y$ and $g\colon Z\krnto W$, |
we define $f\otimes g\colon X\times Z\krnto Y\times W$ by |
\begin{align*} |
(f\otimes g)((x,z),E) |
&= |
\int_{Y} |
\paren[\Big]{ |
\int_{W} |
\indic{E}(y,w) |
\,g(z,\dd w) |
} |
f(x,\dd y) |
\\ |
&= |
\int_{W} |
\paren[\Big]{ |
\int_{Y} |
\indic{E}(y,w) |
\,f(x,\dd y) |
} |
g(z,\dd w) |
\end{align*} |
for $x\in X, z\in Z, E\in\Sigma_{Y\times W}$. The latter equality |
holds by the Fubini-Tonelli theorem for s-finite measures. These make |
the category $\sfKrn$ symmetric monoidal. Finally, for each |
measurable space $X$ there is a `copier' $\copier\colon X\krnto |
X\times X$ and a `discarder' $\ground\colon X\krnto 1$, given by |
$\copier(x, E)=\indic{E}(x,x)$ and $\ground(x, 1)=1$, |
so that $\sfKrn$ is a CD-category. |
For more technical details we refer to \cite{Kallenberg2017,Staton2017}. |
Note that an s-finite kernel $f\colon X\krnto Y$ is causal |
if and only if it is a probability kernel, |
which is nothing but a Kleisli map $X\to \Giry(Y)$ for the Giry monad. |
Therefore the causal subcategory of $\sfKrn$ is the Kleisli category |
of the Giry monad: $\Caus(\sfKrn)\cong \Kl(\Giry)$. |
In particular, states in $\sfKrn$ are probability measures $\sigma\in\Giry(X)$. |
An effect $p\colon X\krnto 1$ in $\sfKrn$, |
\textit{i.e.}\ an s-finite kernel $p\colon X\times \Sigma_1\to [0,\infty]$, |
can be identified with a measurable function $p\colon X\to [0,\infty]$. |
The validity $\sigma\models p$ is then the integral $\int_X p(x)\,\sigma(\dd x)$, |
defined in $[0,\infty]$. |
The conditional state $\sigma|_{p}\in\Giry(X)$ is defined by: |
\[ |
\sigma|_{p}(A) = \frac{\int_A p(x)\,\sigma(\dd x)}{\sigma\models p} |
\] |
for $A\in\Sigma_X$, when |
the validity $\sigma\models p$ is neither $0$ nor $\infty$. |
In particular, for any `event' $B\in \Sigma_X$, |
the obvious |
indicator function $\indic{B}\colon X\to [0,\infty]$ |
is an effect. |
Then conditioning yields a new state |
on $X$: |
\[ |
\sigma|_{\indic{B}}(A) |
= \frac{\int_A \indic{B}(x)\,\sigma(\dd x)}{\sigma\models \indic{B}} |
= \frac{\sigma(A\cap B)}{\sigma(B)} |
\quad |
\text{for $A\in\Sigma_X$.} |
\] |
This amounts to |
conditional probability $\Pr(A|B)=\Pr(A,B)/\Pr(B)$ |
given event $B$. |
\end{example} |
We need to generalise definitions |
from the previous sections |
in the non-affine/causal setting. |
Here we make only a minimal generalisation |
that is required in the next section. |
For example, we still restrict ourselves to |
disintegration of (causal) states, |
although in the literature, |
the notion of disintegration exists |
also for non-probability (i.e.\ non-causal) |
measures and even for non-finite measures, |
see e.g.\ \cite[Definition~1]{ChangP1997}. |
We leave such generalisations to future work. |
Let $\sigma\colon I\to X$ be a state. |
We define $\sigma$-almost equality |
$f\equpto[\sigma]g$ between |
arbitrary arrows $f,g\colon X\to Y$ |
in the same way as Definition~\ref{def:almost-equal}. |
Similarly, |
strong $\sigma$-almost equality |
between arbitrary arrows |
is defined as in Definition~\ref{def:str-almost-eq} |
(here $\omega$ still ranges over states). |
Disintegrations of a joint state $\omega\colon I\to X\otimes Y$ |
are defined as in Definition~\ref{def:disintegration}, |
except that an arrow $c_1\colon X\to Y$ (or $c_2\colon Y\to X$) |
is not necessarily causal. |
Nevertheless, |
disintegrations of a state |
are \emph{almost causal} in the following sense. |
\begin{definition} |
Let $\sigma\colon I\to X$ be a state. We say that an arrow $c\colon |
X\to Y$ is \emph{$\sigma$-almost causal} if $\ground\circ |
c\equpto[\sigma]\ground$. |
\end{definition} |
\noindent |
Then the following is immediate from the definition. |
\begin{proposition} |
Let $c_1\colon X\to Y$ be a disintegration |
of a state $\omega\colon I\to X\otimes Y$. |
Then $c_1$ is $\omega_1$-almost causal, |
where $\omega_1\colon I\to X$ is |
the first marginal of $\omega$. |
\qed |
\end{proposition} |
\begin{example} |
In $\sfKrn$, |
a s-finite kernel $f\colon X\krnto Y$ |
is $\sigma$-almost causal if and only if |
$f(x,Y)=1$ for $\sigma$-almost all $x\in X$. |
In that case, we can find |
a probability kernel $f'\colon X\krnto Y$ |
such that $f\equpto[\sigma]f'$, |
by tweaking $f$ in the obvious way. |
From this it follows that |
a disintegration of |
a joint probability measure $\omega\in\Giry(X\times Y)$ |
exists in $\sfKrn$ |
if and only if it exists in $\Kl(\Giry)$. |
By Proposition~\ref{prop:KlG-eq-str}, |
we can strengthen almost equality between |
channels in $\sfKrn$. |
It is easy to see that |
equality strengthening is valid also for |
almost causal maps: |
if $f,g\colon X\krnto Y$ |
are $\sigma$-almost causal maps |
with $f\equpto[\sigma] g$, |
then $f,g$ are strongly $\sigma$-almost equal. |
(It is not clear whether equality strengthening |
is valid for arbitrary maps in $\sfKrn$, |
but we will not need such a general result in this paper.) |
\end{example} |
In the remainder of the section, |
we present a basic relationship |
between disintegration |
and conditioning~$\sigma|_p$, |
introduced above. |
We assume a |
joint state $\omega$ with its two disintegrations $c_{1}$ and $c_{2}$ in: |
\begin{equation} |
\label{eqn:disintegrationforcrossover} |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0.25,0) {$\;\omega\;$}; |
\node[copier] (copier) at (0,0.4) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (c) at (0.5,0.95) {$c_1$}; |
\coordinate (X) at (-0.5,1.5); |
\coordinate (Y) at (0.5,1.5); |
\coordinate (omega1) at ([xshiftu=-0.25]omega); |
\coordinate (omega2) at ([xshiftu=0.25]omega); |
\node[discarder] (d) at ([yshiftu=0.2]omega2) {}; |
\draw (omega1) to (copier); |
\draw (omega2) to (d); |
\draw (copier) to[out=150,in=-90] (X); |
\draw (copier) to[out=15,in=-90] (c); |
\draw (c) to (Y); |
\path[scriptstyle] |
node at (-0.65,1.5) {$X$} |
node at (0.65,1.5) {$Y$}; |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\qquad=\qquad |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {\;$\omega$\;}; |
\coordinate (X) at (-0.25,0.55) {}; |
\coordinate (Y) at (0.25,0.55) {}; |
\draw (omega) ++(-0.25, 0) to (X); |
\draw (omega) ++(0.25, 0) to (Y); |
\path[scriptstyle] |
node at (-0.4,0.55) {$X$} |
node at (0.4,0.55) {$Y$}; |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\qquad=\qquad |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (-0.25,0) {$\;\omega\;$}; |
\coordinate (omegaX) at ([xshiftu=-0.25]omega); |
\coordinate (omegaY) at ([xshiftu=0.25]omega); |
\node[discarder] (d) at ([yshiftu=0.2]omegaX) {}; |
\node[copier] (copier) at (0,0.4) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (c) at (-0.5,0.95) {$c_2$}; |
\coordinate (X) at (-0.5,1.5); |
\coordinate (Y) at (0.5,1.5); |
\draw (omegaX) to (d); |
\draw (omegaY) to (copier); |
\draw (copier) to[out=165,in=-90] (c); |
\draw (copier) to[out=30,in=-90] (Y); |
\draw (c) to (X); |
\path[scriptstyle] |
node at (-0.65,1.5) {$X$} |
node at (0.65,1.5) {$Y$}; |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\end{equation} |
\noindent We write $\omega_{1}$ and $\omega_{2}$ for the first |
and second marginals of $\omega$. |
(Thus the equations~\eqref{eqn:disintegrationforcrossover} above |
are the same as \eqref{eqn:disintegrations}.) |
Let $q$ be an effect on $Y$. It can be extended to an effect |
$\one\otimes q$ on $X\otimes Y$, where: |
\[ |
\one\otimes q |
\quad\coloneqq\quad |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[discarder] (d) at (-0.8,0) {}; |
\node[state,hflip] (q) at (0,0) {$q$}; |
\coordinate (X) at (-0.8,-0.3); |
\coordinate (Y) at (0,-0.3); |
\draw (X) to (d); |
\draw (Y) to (q); |
\path[scriptstyle] |
node at (-0.65,-0.3) {$X$} |
node at (0.15,-0.3) {$Y$}; |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\] |
\noindent Then we can form the conditioned state |
$\omega|_{\one\otimes q}$. In a next step we take its first marginal, |
written as $\big(\omega|_{\one\otimes q}\big)_{1}$. It turns out that, |
in general, this first marginal is different from the original first |
marginal $\omega_{1}$, even though the effect $q$ only applies to |
the second coordinate. This is called `crossover influence' |
in~\cite{JacobsZ17}. It happens when the state $\omega$ is |
`entwined', that is, when its two coordinates are correlated. |
A fundamental result in this context is that this crossover influence |
can also be captured via the channels $c_{1}, c_{2}$ that are |
extracted from $\omega$ via disintegrations. This works via effect |
transformation $c^*(p)\coloneqq p\circ c$ and |
state transformation $c_{*}(\sigma)\coloneqq c\circ\sigma$ |
along a channel. |
\begin{theorem} |
\label{thm:crossover} |
In the above setting, assuming that the relevant conditioned states exist, |
there are equalities of states: |
\begin{equation} |
\label{eqn:crossover} |
\begin{array}{rcccl} |
\omega_{1}|_{c_{1}^{*}(q)} |
& = & |
\big(\omega|_{\one\otimes q}\big)_{1} |
& = & |
\big(c_{2}\big)_{*}(\omega_{2}|_{q}). |
\end{array} |
\end{equation} |
\end{theorem} |
Following~\cite{JacobsZ16} we can say that the expression on the left |
in~\eqref{eqn:crossover} uses \emph{backward} inference, and the one |
on the right uses \emph{forward} inference. |
\begin{proof} |
We first note that the state in the middle of~\eqref{eqn:crossover} |
is the first marginal of: |
\[ \vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (oma) at (-2,0) {$\hspace*{0.4em}\omega\hspace*{0.4em}$}; |
\coordinate (oma1) at ([xshiftu=-0.4]oma); |
\coordinate (oma2) at ([xshiftu=0.4]oma); |
\node[discarder] (1a) at ([yshiftu=0.2]oma1) {}; |
\node[state,hflip,scale=0.75] (qa) at ([yshiftu=0.2]oma2) {$q$}; |
\draw (oma1) -- (1a); |
\draw (oma2) -- (qa); |
\path[font=\normalsize,text height=1.5ex,text depth=0.25ex] |
(-2.9,0) node {$\Biggl($} |
(-1,0) node {$\Biggr)^{\!\!-1}$}; |
\node[state] (omb) at (0.5,0) {$\hspace*{0.5em}\omega\hspace*{0.5em}$}; |
\coordinate (ombX) at ([xshiftu=-0.5]omb); |
\coordinate (ombY) at ([xshiftu=0.5]omb); |
\node[copier] (copierX) at ([yshiftu=0.2]ombX) {}; |
\node[copier] (copierY) at ([yshiftu=0.2]ombY) {}; |
\node[discarder] (1b) at ([xshiftu=-0.3,yshiftu=0.2]copierX) {}; |
\node[state,hflip,scale=0.75] (qb) at ([xshiftu=-0.3,yshiftu=0.2]copierY) {$q$}; |
\coordinate (X) at ([xshiftu=0.3,yshiftu=1.0]copierX) {}; |
\coordinate (Y) at ([xshiftu=0.3,yshiftu=1.0]copierY) {}; |
\draw (ombX) to (copierX); |
\draw (ombY) to (copierY); |
\draw (copierX) to[out=165,in=-90] (1b); |
\draw (copierX) to[out=30,in=-90] (X); |
\draw (copierY) to[out=165,in=-90] (qb); |
\draw (copierY) to[out=30,in=-90] (Y); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\] |
\noindent Hence: |
\begin{equation} |
\label{eqn:crossover1} |
\big(\omega|_{\one\otimes q}\big)_{1} |
\quad=\quad |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (oma) at (-2,0) {$\hspace*{0.4em}\omega\hspace*{0.4em}$}; |
\coordinate (oma1) at ([xshiftu=-0.4]oma); |
\coordinate (oma2) at ([xshiftu=0.4]oma); |
\node[discarder] (1a) at ([yshiftu=0.2]oma1) {}; |
\node[state,hflip,scale=0.75] (qa) at ([yshiftu=0.2]oma2) {$q$}; |
\draw (oma1) -- (1a); |
\draw (oma2) -- (qa); |
\path[font=\normalsize,text height=1.5ex,text depth=0.25ex] |
(-2.9,0) node {$\Biggl($} |
(-1,0) node {$\Biggr)^{\!\!-1}$}; |
\node[state] (omb) at (0.0,0) {$\hspace*{0.4em}\omega\hspace*{0.4em}$}; |
\coordinate (ombX) at ([xshiftu=-0.4]omb); |
\coordinate (ombY) at ([xshiftu=0.4]omb); |
\node[state,hflip,scale=0.75] (qb) at ([yshiftu=0.2]ombY) {$q$}; |
\coordinate (X) at ([yshiftu=0.6]ombX) {}; |
\draw (ombX) to (X); |
\draw (ombY) to (qb); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\end{equation} |
\noindent We note that the above scalar (that is inverted) can also be |
obtained as: |
\begin{equation} |
\label{eqn:crossover2} |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {$\hspace*{0.4em}\omega\hspace*{0.4em}$}; |
\coordinate (omegaX) at ([xshiftu=-0.4]omega); |
\coordinate (omegaY) at ([xshiftu=0.4]omega); |
\node[arrow box] (c) at ([yshiftu=0.5]omegaX) {$c_1$}; |
\node[discarder] (d) at ([yshiftu=0.2]omegaY) {}; |
\node[state,hflip,scale=0.75] (q) at ([yshiftu=0.5]c) {$q$}; |
\draw (omegaX) to (c); |
\draw (omegaY) to (d); |
\draw (c) to (q); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\quad |
= |
\quad |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (0,0) {$\hspace*{0.4em}\omega\hspace*{0.4em}$}; |
\coordinate (omegaX) at ([xshiftu=-0.4]omega); |
\coordinate (omegaY) at ([xshiftu=0.4]omega); |
\node[copier] (copier) at ([yshiftu=0.3]omegaX) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (c) at ([xshiftu=-0.0,yshiftu=1.0]omegaY) {$c_1$}; |
\node[discarder] (dX) at ([yshiftu=1.5]omegaX) {}; |
\node[discarder] (dY) at ([yshiftu=0.2]omegaY) {}; |
\node[state,hflip,scale=0.75] (q) at ([yshiftu=0.5]c) {$q$}; |
\draw (omegaX) to (copier); |
\draw (omegaY) to (dY); |
\draw (copier) to[out=150,in=-90] (dX); |
\draw (copier) to[out=15,in=-90] (c); |
\draw (c) to (q); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\quad |
\smash{\stackrel{\eqref{eqn:disintegrationforcrossover}}{=}} |
\quad |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (-2,0) {$\hspace*{0.4em}\omega\hspace*{0.4em}$}; |
\coordinate (omegaX) at ([xshiftu=-0.4]omega); |
\coordinate (omegaY) at ([xshiftu=0.4]omega); |
\node[discarder] (dX) at ([yshiftu=0.2]omegaX) {}; |
\node[state,hflip,scale=0.75] (q) at ([yshiftu=0.2]omegaY) {$q$}; |
\draw (omegaX) -- (dX); |
\draw (omegaY) -- (q); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\end{equation} |
\noindent Hence we can prove the equation on the left |
in~\eqref{eqn:crossover}: |
\[ |
\omega_{1}|_{c_{1}^{*}(q)} |
\;\; |
= |
\quad |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (omega) at (-2,0) {$\hspace*{0.4em}\omega\hspace*{0.4em}$}; |
\coordinate (omegaX) at ([xshiftu=-0.4]omega); |
\coordinate (omegaY) at ([xshiftu=0.4]omega); |
\node[arrow box] (c) at ([yshiftu=0.5]omegaX) {$c_1$}; |
\node[discarder] (d) at ([yshiftu=0.2]omegaY) {}; |
\node[state,hflip,scale=0.75] (q) at ([yshiftu=0.5]c) {$q$}; |
\draw (omegaX) to (c); |
\draw (omegaY) to (d); |
\draw (c) to (q); |
\path[font=\normalsize,text height=1.5ex,text depth=0.25ex] |
(-3.0,0.4) node {$\Biggl($} |
(-1,0.4) node {$\Biggr)^{\!\!-1}$}; |
\node[state] (omegab) at (0.2,0) {$\hspace*{0.4em}\omega\hspace*{0.4em}$}; |
\coordinate (omegabX) at ([xshiftu=-0.4]omegab); |
\coordinate (omegabY) at ([xshiftu=0.4]omegab); |
\node[copier] (copier) at ([yshiftu=0.3]omegabX) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (cb) at ([xshiftu=-0.2,yshiftu=0.9]omegabY) {$c_1$}; |
\node[discarder] (dY) at ([yshiftu=0.2]omegabY) {}; |
\node[state,hflip,scale=0.75] (qb) at ([yshiftu=0.5]cb) {$q$}; |
\coordinate (X) at ([yshiftu=1.5]omegabX) {}; |
\draw (omegabX) to (copier); |
\draw (omegabY) to (dY); |
\draw (copier) to[out=150,in=-90] (X); |
\draw (copier) to[out=15,in=-90] (cb); |
\draw (cb) to (qb); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\quad |
\smash{\stackrel{\eqref{eqn:disintegrationforcrossover},\eqref{eqn:crossover2}}{=}} |
\quad |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (oma) at (-2,0) {$\hspace*{0.4em}\omega\hspace*{0.4em}$}; |
\coordinate (oma1) at ([xshiftu=-0.4]oma); |
\coordinate (oma2) at ([xshiftu=0.4]oma); |
\node[discarder] (1a) at ([yshiftu=0.2]oma1) {}; |
\node[state,hflip,scale=0.75] (qa) at ([yshiftu=0.2]oma2) {$q$}; |
\draw (oma1) -- (1a); |
\draw (oma2) -- (qa); |
\path[font=\normalsize,text height=1.5ex,text depth=0.25ex] |
(-2.9,0) node {$\Biggl($} |
(-1,0) node {$\Biggr)^{\!\!-1}$}; |
\node[state] (omb) at (0.0,0) {$\hspace*{0.4em}\omega\hspace*{0.4em}$}; |
\coordinate (ombX) at ([xshiftu=-0.4]omb); |
\coordinate (ombY) at ([xshiftu=0.4]omb); |
\node[state,hflip,scale=0.75] (qb) at ([yshiftu=0.2]ombY) {$q$}; |
\coordinate (X) at ([yshiftu=0.6]ombX) {}; |
\draw (ombX) to (X); |
\draw (ombY) to (qb); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\] |
\noindent In a similar way we prove the equation on the right |
in~\eqref{eqn:crossover}, since $\big(c_{2}\big)_{*}(\omega_{2}|_{q})$ equals: |
\[ |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (oma) at (-2,0) {$\hspace*{0.4em}\omega\hspace*{0.4em}$}; |
\coordinate (omaX) at ([xshiftu=-0.4]oma); |
\coordinate (omaY) at ([xshiftu=0.4]oma); |
\node[discarder] (daX) at ([yshiftu=0.2]omaX) {}; |
\node[state,hflip,scale=0.75] (qa) at ([yshiftu=0.2]omaY) {$q$}; |
\draw (omaX) -- (daX); |
\draw (omaY) -- (qa); |
\path[font=\normalsize,text height=1.5ex,text depth=0.25ex] |
(-2.9,0) node {$\Biggl($} |
(-1,0) node {$\Biggr)^{\!\!-1}$}; |
\node[state] (omb) at (0.0,0) {$\hspace*{0.4em}\omega\hspace*{0.4em}$}; |
\coordinate (ombX) at ([xshiftu=-0.4]omb); |
\coordinate (ombY) at ([xshiftu=0.4]omb); |
\node[discarder] (dbX) at ([yshiftu=0.2]ombX) {}; |
\node[copier] (copier) at ([yshiftu=0.3]ombY) {}; |
\node[state,hflip,scale=0.75] (qb) at ([xshiftu=-0.3,yshiftu=0.6]ombY) {$q$}; |
\node[arrow box] (cb) at ([xshiftu=0.3,yshiftu=1.5]ombY) {$c_2$}; |
\coordinate (Y) at ([yshiftu=0.5]cb) {}; |
\draw (ombX) to (dbX); |
\draw (ombY) to (copier); |
\draw (copier) to[out=150,in=-90] (qb); |
\draw (copier) to[out=15,in=-90] (cb); |
\draw (cb) to (Y); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\; |
= |
\; |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (oma) at (-2,0.5) {$\hspace*{0.4em}\omega\hspace*{0.4em}$}; |
\coordinate (omaX) at ([xshiftu=-0.4]oma); |
\coordinate (omaY) at ([xshiftu=0.4]oma); |
\node[discarder] (1a) at ([yshiftu=0.2]omaX) {}; |
\node[state,hflip,scale=0.75] (qa) at ([yshiftu=0.2]omaY) {$q$}; |
\draw (omaX) -- (1a); |
\draw (omaY) -- (qa); |
\path[font=\normalsize,text height=1.5ex,text depth=0.25ex] |
(-2.9,0.5) node {$\Biggl($} |
(-1,0.5) node {$\Biggr)^{\!\!-1}$}; |
\node[state] (omb) at (0.1,0) {$\hspace*{0.4em}\omega\hspace*{0.4em}$}; |
\coordinate (ombX) at ([xshiftu=-0.4]omb); |
\coordinate (ombY) at ([xshiftu=0.4]omb); |
\node[discarder] (dbX) at ([yshiftu=0.2]ombX) {}; |
\node[copier] (copier) at ([yshiftu=0.3]ombY) {}; |
\node[state,hflip,scale=0.75] (qb) at ([yshiftu=1.5]ombY) {$q$}; |
\node[arrow box] (cb) at ([yshiftu=1.1]ombX) {$c_2$}; |
\coordinate (Y) at ([yshiftu=0.7]cb) {}; |
\draw (ombX) to (dbX); |
\draw (ombY) to (copier); |
\draw (copier) to[out=150,in=-90] (cb); |
\draw (copier) to[out=15,in=-90] (qb); |
\draw (cb) to (Y); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\; |
\smash{\stackrel{\eqref{eqn:disintegrationforcrossover}}{=}} |
\; |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (oma) at (-2,0) {$\hspace*{0.4em}\omega\hspace*{0.4em}$}; |
\coordinate (oma1) at ([xshiftu=-0.4]oma); |
\coordinate (oma2) at ([xshiftu=0.4]oma); |
\node[discarder] (1a) at ([yshiftu=0.2]oma1) {}; |
\node[state,hflip,scale=0.75] (qa) at ([yshiftu=0.2]oma2) {$q$}; |
\draw (oma1) -- (1a); |
\draw (oma2) -- (qa); |
\path[font=\normalsize,text height=1.5ex,text depth=0.25ex] |
(-2.9,0) node {$\Biggl($} |
(-1,0) node {$\Biggr)^{\!\!-1}$}; |
\node[state] (omb) at (-0.1,0) {$\hspace*{0.4em}\omega\hspace*{0.4em}$}; |
\coordinate (ombX) at ([xshiftu=-0.4]omb); |
\coordinate (ombY) at ([xshiftu=0.4]omb); |
\node[state,hflip,scale=0.75] (qb) at ([yshiftu=0.2]ombY) {$q$}; |
\coordinate (X) at ([yshiftu=0.6]ombX) {}; |
\draw (ombX) to (X); |
\draw (ombY) to (qb); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\] |
\end{proof} |
The two equations in Theorem~\ref{eqn:crossover} will be illustrated |
in the `disease and mood' example below, where a particular state |
(probability) will be calculated in three different ways. For a gentle |
introduction to Bayesian inference with channels, and many more |
examples, we refer to~\cite{JacobsZ18}. |
\begin{remark} |
Another way of relating conditioning |
to disintegration / Bayesian inversion was pointed |
out by a reviewer of the paper: |
for a state $\sigma\colon I\to X$ |
and an effect $p\colon X\to I$, |
a conditional state $\sigma|_p\colon I\to X$ |
is a Bayesian inversion for $\sigma$ |
along $p$. |
This, however, involves disintegration of non-causal maps, |
which we leave to future work. |
\end{remark} |
\subsection*{Disease and mood example} |
We describe an example of probabilistic (Bayesian) |
reasoning. The setting is the following. We consider a joint state |
about the occurrence and non-occurrence of a disease, written as a |
two-element set $D = \{d,\no{d}\}$, jointly with the occurrence and |
non-occurrence of a good mood, written as $M = \{m, \no{m}\}$, where |
$\no{m}$ stands for a bad (not good) mood. The joint distribution, |
called $\omega\in \Dst(M\times D)$, that we start from is of the form: |
\begin{equation} |
\label{eqn:DMstate} |
\begin{array}{rcl} |
\omega |
& = & |
0.05\ket{m,d} + 0.4\ket{m,\no{d}} + 0.5\ket{\no{m},d} + 0.05\ket{\no{m},\no{d}}. |
\end{array} |
\end{equation} |
\noindent Suppose there is a test for the disease with the following |
sensitivity and specificity. It is positive in 90\% of all cases of |
people having the disease, and also 5\% positive for people without |
the disease. Suppose the disease comes out positive. What is then the |
mood? It is expected that the mood will deteriorate, since the disease |
and the mood are `entwined' (correlated) in the above joint |
state~\eqref{eqn:DMstate}: a high likelihood of disease corresponds to |
a low mood. |
The test's sensitivity and specificity is expressed as a channel |
$s\colon D\rightarrow 2$, where $2 = \{t,f\}$, with: |
\[ \begin{array}{rclcrcl} |
c(d) |
& = & |
\frac{9}{10}\ket{t} + \frac{1}{10}\ket{f} |
& \qquad & |
c(\no{d}) |
& = & |
\frac{1}{20}\ket{t} + \frac{19}{20}\ket{f}. |
\end{array} \] |
\noindent We calculate the first and second marginal of $\omega$: |
\[ \begin{array}{rccclcrcccl} |
\omega_{1} |
& \coloneqq & |
\marg{\omega}{[1,0]} |
& = & |
0.45\ket{m} + 0.55\ket{\no{m}} |
& \qquad & |
\omega_{2} |
& \coloneqq & |
\marg{\omega}{[0,1]} |
& = & |
0.55\ket{d} + 0.45\ket{\no{d}}. |
\end{array} \] |
\noindent The a priori probability of a positive test is obtained by |
state transformation, applied to the second marginal: |
\[ \begin{array}{rcl} |
s_{*}\big(\omega_{2}\big) |
& = & |
0.518\ket{t} + 0.482\ket{f}. |
\end{array} \] |
As explained above, we are interested in the mood after a positive |
test. We write $\tt$ for the predicate on $2 = \{t,f\}$ given by |
$\tt(t) = 1$ and $\tt(f) = 0$. We can transform it to a predicate |
$s^{*}(\tt)$ on $D = \{d,\no{d}\}$, namely $s^{*}(\tt)(d) = |
\frac{9}{10}$ and $s^{*}(\tt)(\no{d}) = \frac{1}{20}$. We now describe |
three equivalent ways to calculate the posterior mood, as |
in Theorem~\ref{thm:crossover}, with predicate $q = s^{*}(\tt)$. |
\begin{enumerate} |
\item First we use the truth predicate $\one$ on $M = \{m,\no{m}\}$, |
which is always $1$, to extend (weaken) the predicate $s^{*}(\tt)$ |
on $D$ to $\one\otimes s^{*}(\tt)$ on $M\times D$. The latter |
predicate can be used to update the joint state |
$\omega\in\Dst(M\times D)$. If we then take the first marginal we |
obtain the updated mood probability: |
\[ \begin{array}{rcl} |
\marg{\big(\omega\big|_{\one\otimes s^{*}(\tt)}\big)}{[1,0]} |
& = & |
0.126\ket{m} + 0.874\ket{\no{m}}. |
\end{array} \] |
\noindent Clearly, a positive test leads to a lower mood: a reduction |
from $0.45$ to $0.126$. |
\item Next we extract channels $c_{1} \colon M \rightarrow D$ and |
$c_{2} \colon D \rightarrow M$ from $\omega$ via disintegration as |
in~\eqref{eqn:disintegrationforcrossover}. For instance, $c_{1}$ is |
defined as: |
\[ \begin{array}{rcl} |
c_{1}(m) |
& = & |
\frac{\omega(m,d)}{\omega_{1}(m)}\ket{d} + |
\frac{\omega(m,\no{d})}{\omega_{1}(m)}\ket{\no{d}} |
\hspace*{\arraycolsep}=\hspace*{\arraycolsep} |
\frac{1}{9}\ket{d} + \frac{8}{9}\ket{\no{d}} |
\\ |
c_{1}(\no{m}) |
& = & |
\frac{\omega(\no{m},d)}{\omega_{1}(\no{m})}\ket{d} + |
\frac{\omega(\no{m},\no{d})}{\omega_{1}(\no{m})}\ket{\no{d}} |
\hspace*{\arraycolsep}=\hspace*{\arraycolsep} |
\frac{10}{11}\ket{d} + \frac{1}{11}\ket{\no{d}}. |
\end{array} \] |
\noindent We can now transform the predicate $s^{*}(\tt)$ on $D$ along |
$c_{1}$ to get the predicate $c_{1}^{*}(s^{*}(\tt)) = (s_{1} \klafter |
c_{1})^{*}(\tt))$ on $M$ given by: $d \mapsto 13/90$ and $\no{d} |
\mapsto 181/220$. We can now use this predicate to update the a priori |
`mood' marginal $\omega_{1}\in\Dst(M)$. This gives the same a |
posteriori outcome as before: |
\[ \begin{array}{rcl} |
\omega_{1}\big|_{c_{1}^{*}(s^{*}(\tt))} |
& = & |
0.126\ket{m} + 0.874\ket{\no{m}}. |
\end{array} \] |
\item We can also update the second `disease' marginal |
$\omega_{2}\in\Dst(D)$ directly with the predicate $s^{*}(\tt)$ and |
then do state transformation along the channel $c_{2} \colon |
D\rightarrow M$. This gives the same updated mood: |
\[ \begin{array}{rcl} |
(c_{2})_{*}\big(\omega_{2}|_{s^{*}(\tt)}\big) |
& = & |
0.126\ket{m} + 0.874\ket{\no{m}}. |
\end{array} \] |
\end{enumerate} |
\section{Disintegration via likelihoods}\label{sec:likelihood} |
\tikzextname{s_disint_lik} |
We continue in the setting of Section~\ref{sec:beyondcausal} in |
a CD-category that is not necessarily affine. |
The goal of this section is to present Theorem~\ref{thm:likelihood}, |
which generalises a construction of Bayesian inversions using |
densities/likelihoods shown in Example~\ref{ex:inversion}. |
We first introduce `likelihoods' in our setting. |
\begin{definition} |
\label{def:likelihood} |
We say a channel $c\colon X\to Y$ is represented by a effect $\ell$ on |
$X\otimes Y$ with respect to an arrow $\nu\colon I\to Y$ if |
\begin{equation} |
\label{eq:likelihood} |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[arrow box] (c) at (0,0) {$c$}; |
\draw (c) -- (0,0.7); |
\draw (c) -- (0,-0.7); |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\;\;=\;\; |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state,hflip] (L) at (-1.1,0.5) {\;\,$\ell$\;\,}; |
\node[copier] (copier2) at (-0.45,0.2) {}; |
\node[state] (tau) at (-0.45,0) {$\nu$}; |
\coordinate (Y) at (-0.1,1.2) {} {} {}; |
\coordinate (X) at (-1.4,-0.7) {} {}; |
\draw (X) to ([xshiftu=-.3]L); |
\draw (tau) to (copier2); |
\draw (copier2) to[out=165,in=-90] ([xshiftu=.3]L); |
\draw (copier2) to[out=30,in=-90] (Y); |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\end{equation} |
We call $\ell$ a \emph{likelihood relation} for |
the channel $c$ with respect to $\nu$. |
\end{definition} |
Interpreted in the category $\sfKrn$, the definition says: |
a kernel $c\colon X\krnto Y$ satisfies |
\[ |
c(x,B) |
=\int_B \ell(x,y)\,\nu(\dd y) |
\] |
for a kernel $\ell\colon X\times Y\krnto 1$ |
(identified with a measurable function $\ell\colon X\times Y\to [0,\infty]$) |
and a measure $\nu\colon 1\krnto Y$. |
This is basically the same as what we have |
in Example~\ref{ex:inversion}, but |
here $\nu$ is not necessarily the Lebesgue measure. |
\begin{definition} |
Let $\sigma\colon I\to X$ be a state. |
An effect $p\colon X\to I$ is |
\emph{$\sigma$-almost invertible} if there is an effect $q\colon X\to |
I$ such that: |
\[ |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state,hflip] (p) at (-0.5,0.4) {$p$}; |
\node[state,hflip] (q) at (0.5,0.4) {$q$}; |
\node[copier] (copier) at (0,0) {}; |
\coordinate (X) at (0,-0.3); |
\draw (X) to (copier); |
\draw (copier) to[out=165,in=-90] (p); |
\draw (copier) to[out=15,in=-90] (q); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\quad\equpto[\sigma]\quad |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[discarder] (d) at (0,0.5) {}; |
\coordinate (X) at (0,0); |
\draw (X) to (d); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\enspace. |
\] |
\end{definition} |
The definition allows us to normalise an arrow $f\colon X\to Y$ |
into an almost causal one, as follows. |
If an effect $\ground\circ f$ is $\sigma$-almost inverted by $q$, |
as on the left below, |
\[ |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[discarder] (p) at (-0.5,1.1) {}; |
\node[arrow box,anchor=south] (f) at (-0.5,0.4) {$f$}; |
\node[state,hflip] (q) at (0.5,0.4) {$q$}; |
\node[copier] (copier) at (0,0) {}; |
\coordinate (X) at (0,-0.3); |
\draw (X) to (copier); |
\draw (copier) to[out=165,in=-90] (f); |
\draw (f) to (p); |
\draw (copier) to[out=15,in=-90] (q); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\quad\equpto[\sigma]\quad |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[discarder] (d) at (0,0.5) {}; |
\coordinate (X) at (0,0); |
\draw (X) to (d); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\coordinate (Y) at (-0.5,1.2) {}; |
\node[arrow box,anchor=south] (f) at (-0.5,0.4) {$f$}; |
\node[state,hflip] (q) at (0.5,0.4) {$q$}; |
\node[copier] (copier) at (0,0) {}; |
\coordinate (X) at (0,-0.3); |
\draw (X) to (copier); |
\draw (copier) to[out=165,in=-90] (f); |
\draw (f) to (Y); |
\draw (copier) to[out=15,in=-90] (q); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\] |
then clearly |
the arrow $X\to Y$ on the right is $\sigma$-almost causal. |
We can now formulate and prove our main technical result. |
\begin{theorem} |
\label{thm:likelihood} |
Let $\sigma$ be a state on $X$, and $c\colon X\to Y$ |
be a channel represented by a likelihood relation $\ell$ with respect to $\nu$ |
as in~\eqref{eq:likelihood} above. |
Assume that the category admits equality strengthening |
for almost causal maps, |
and that the effect |
\[ |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state,hflip] (L) at (0,0) {\;\,$\ell$\;\,}; |
\node[copier] (copier2) at (-0.7,-0.3) {}; |
\node[state] (tau) at (-0.7,-0.5) {$\sigma$}; |
\node[discarder] (Y) at (-1,0.5) {}; |
\coordinate (X) at (0.3,-1.2); |
\draw (X) to ([xshiftu=.3]L); |
\draw (tau) to (copier2); |
\draw (copier2) to[out=15,in=-90] ([xshiftu=-.3]L); |
\draw (copier2) to[out=150,in=-90] (Y); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\quad=\quad |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state,hflip] (L) at (0,0) {\;\,$\ell$\;\,}; |
\node[state] (tau) at (-0.3,-0.3) {$\sigma$}; |
\coordinate (X) at (0.3,-1.2); |
\draw (X) to ([xshiftu=.3]L); |
\draw (tau) to ([xshiftu=-.3]L); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\qquad\text{is almost invertible w.r.t.}\quad |
c_*(\sigma) |
=\;\; |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state,hflip] (L) at (-1.1,0.5) {\;\,$\ell$\;\,}; |
\node[copier] (copier2) at (-0.4,0.2) {}; |
\node[state] (tau) at (-0.4,0) {$\nu$}; |
\node[state] (sigma) at (-1.4,0) {$\sigma$}; |
\coordinate (Y) at (-0.1,1.2); |
\draw (sigma) to ([xshiftu=-.3]L); |
\draw (tau) to (copier2); |
\draw (copier2) to[out=165,in=-90] ([xshiftu=.3]L); |
\draw (copier2) to[out=45,in=-90] (Y); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\enspace. |
\] |
Then, writing $q\colon Y\to I$ for an almost inverse to the effect, |
the channel |
\[ |
d\colon Y\to X\;\;\coloneqq\quad |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state,hflip] (L) at (0,0) {\;\,$\ell$\;\,}; |
\node[copier] (copier2) at (-0.7,-0.3) {}; |
\node[state] (tau) at (-0.7,-0.5) {$\sigma$}; |
\coordinate (Y) at (-1,0.6); |
\coordinate (X) at (0.75,-1.2); |
\node[copier] (copierY) at (0.75,-0.6) {}; |
\node[state,hflip] (q) at (1.2,0) {$q$}; |
\draw (X) to (copierY); |
\draw (copierY) to[out=150,in=-90] ([xshiftu=.3]L); |
\draw (copierY) to[out=30,in=-90] (q); |
\draw (tau) to (copier2); |
\draw (copier2) to[out=15,in=-90] ([xshiftu=-.3]L); |
\draw (copier2) to[out=150,in=-90] (Y); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\] |
is a Bayesian inversion for $\sigma$ along $c\colon X\to Y$. Namely, |
together they satisfy the equation~\eqref{eq:bayesian-inversion}. |
\end{theorem} |
\begin{myproof} |
We reason as follows. |
\begin{align*} |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (sigma) at (0,0) {$\sigma$}; |
\node[arrow box] (tauL) at (0,0.48) {$c$}; |
\node[copier] (copier) at (0,1.04) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (sigmaL) at (-0.5,1.8) {$d$}; |
\coordinate (X) at (-0.5,2.3); |
\coordinate (Y) at (0.4,2.3); |
\draw (sigma) to (tauL); |
\draw (tauL) to (copier); |
\draw (copier) to[out=160,in=-90] (sigmaL); |
\draw (sigmaL) to (X); |
\draw (copier) to[out=30,in=-90] (Y); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\;\;&=\;\; |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (sigma) at (1.1,-3.9) {$\sigma$}; |
\node[copier] (copier) at (2.4,-2) {}; |
\coordinate (Y) at (3,-0.2) {}; |
\node[state,hflip] (L) at (1.4,-2.5) {\;\,$\ell$\;\,}; |
\node[copier] (copier2) at (2.05,-2.9) {}; |
\node[state] (tau) at (2.05,-3.2) {$\nu$}; |
\node[copier] (copierY) at (1.7,-1.4) {}; |
\draw (copier) to[out=160,in=-90] (copierY); |
\draw (copier) to[out=30,in=-90] (Y); |
\draw (sigma) to ([xshiftu=-.3]L); |
\draw (tau) to (copier2); |
\draw (copier2) to[out=150,in=-90] ([xshiftu=.3]L); |
\draw (copier2) to[out=30,in=-90] (copier); |
\node[state,hflip] (L) at (0.95,-0.8) {\;\,$\ell$\;\,}; |
\node[copier] (copier2) at (0.25,-1.1) {}; |
\node[state] (tau) at (0.25,-1.3) {$\sigma$}; |
\coordinate (X) at (-0.1,-0.2) {}; |
\node[state,hflip] (q) at (2.15,-0.8) {$q$}; |
\draw (copierY) to[out=150,in=-90] ([xshiftu=.3]L); |
\draw (copierY) to[out=30,in=-90] (q); |
\draw (tau) to (copier2); |
\draw (copier2) to[out=15,in=-90] ([xshiftu=-.3]L); |
\draw (copier2) to[out=150,in=-90] (X); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\;\;\overset{(\mathrm{i})}{=}\;\; |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (sigma) at (-0.6,1.7) {$\sigma$}; |
\node[copier] (copier) at (0.6,-0.3) {}; |
\node[state,hflip] (q) at (0.85,1.95) {$q$}; |
\coordinate (X) at (-1.4,2.65) {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}; |
\coordinate (Y) at (1.5,2.65) {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}; |
\node[state,hflip] (L) at (-0.3,1.95) {\;\,$\ell$\;\,}; |
\node[copier] (copier2) at (0.4,1.2) {}; |
\node[state] (tau) at (0.6,-0.5) {$\nu$}; |
\node[state,hflip] (L2) at (0,0) {\;\,$\ell$\;\,}; |
\node[state] (sigma2) at (-0.6,-0.5) {$\sigma$}; |
\node[copier] (copier3) at (0.9,0.6) {}; |
\node[copier] (copier4) at (-0.6,-0.3) {}; |
\draw (sigma) to ([xshiftu=-.3]L); |
\draw (tau) to (copier); |
\draw (copier2) to[out=150,in=-90] ([xshiftu=.3]L); |
\draw (copier2) to[out=30,in=-90] (q); |
\draw (sigma2) to (copier4); |
\draw (copier4) to[out=135,in=-90] (X); |
\draw (copier4) to[out=15,in=-90] ([xshiftu=-.3]L2); |
\draw (copier) to[out=165,in=-90] ([xshiftu=.3]L2); |
\draw (copier) to[out=30,in=-90] (copier3); |
\draw (copier3) to[out=165,in=-90] (copier2); |
\draw (copier3) to[out=45,in=-90] (Y); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\\ |
&\overset{(\mathrm{ii})}{=}\;\; |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[copier] (copier) at (0.6,-0.3) {}; |
\coordinate (X) at (-1.3,1.4) {}; |
\coordinate (Y) at (1.2,1.4) {}; |
\node[state] (tau) at (0.6,-0.5) {$\nu$}; |
\node[discarder] (d) at (0.4,1.1) {}; |
\node[state,hflip] (L2) at (0,0) {\;\,$\ell$\;\,}; |
\node[state] (sigma2) at (-0.6,-0.5) {$\sigma$}; |
\node[copier] (copier3) at (0.9,0.6) {}; |
\node[copier] (copier4) at (-0.6,-0.3) {}; |
\draw (tau) to (copier); |
\draw (sigma2) to (copier4); |
\draw (copier4) to[out=135,in=-90] (X); |
\draw (copier4) to[out=15,in=-90] ([xshiftu=-.3]L2); |
\draw (copier) to[out=165,in=-90] ([xshiftu=.3]L2); |
\draw (copier) to[out=30,in=-90] (copier3); |
\draw (copier3) to[out=165,in=-90] (d); |
\draw (copier3) to[out=45,in=-90] (Y); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\;\;=\;\; |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (sigma) at (0.15,0.3) {$\sigma$}; |
\node[copier] (copier) at (0.15,0.6) {}; |
\node[state,hflip] (L) at (0.8,2) {\;\,$\ell$\;\,}; |
\node [state] (tau) at (1.4,1.35) {$\nu$}; |
\node[copier] (copier2) at (1.4,1.65) {}; |
\coordinate (X) at (-0.2,2.6); |
\coordinate (Y) at (1.7,2.6); |
\draw (sigma) to (copier); |
\draw (copier) to[out=120,in=-90] (X); |
\draw (copier) to[out=60,in=-90] ([xshiftu=-.3]L); |
\draw (tau) to (copier2); |
\draw (copier2) to[out=150,in=-90] ([xshiftu=.3]L); |
\draw (copier2) to[out=45,in=-90] (Y); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\;\;=\;\; |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (sigma) at (0,0) {$\sigma$}; |
\node[copier] (copier) at (0,0.4) {}; |
\node[arrow box] (tauL) at (0.6,1.2) {$c$}; |
\coordinate (X) at (-0.6,1.9); |
\coordinate (Y) at (0.6,1.9); |
\draw (sigma) to (copier); |
\draw (copier) to[out=150,in=-90] (X); |
\draw (copier) to[out=20,in=-90] (tauL); |
\draw (tauL) to (Y); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\end{align*} |
For the equality $\overset{(\mathrm{i})}{=}$ |
we use associativity and commutativity |
of copiers $\copier$. |
The equality $\overset{(\mathrm{ii})}{=}$ |
follows by: |
\[ |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state] (sigma) at (-0.6,1.7) {$\sigma$}; |
\node[state,hflip] (q) at (0.85,1.95) {$q$}; |
\coordinate (Y) at (0.4,0.9); |
\node[state,hflip] (L) at (-0.3,1.95) {\;\,$\ell$\;\,}; |
\node[copier] (copier2) at (0.4,1.2) {}; |
\draw (sigma) to ([xshiftu=-.3]L); |
\draw (copier2) to[out=150,in=-90] ([xshiftu=.3]L); |
\draw (copier2) to[out=30,in=-90] (q); |
\draw (copier2) to (Y); |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\;\;\equpto\;\; |
\begin{ctikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[discarder] (d) at (0,0) {}; |
\draw (d) -- (0,-0.5); |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\qquad\text{w.r.t.}\qquad |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state,hflip] (L) at (-1.1,0.5) {\;\,$\ell$\;\,}; |
\node[copier] (copier2) at (-0.4,0.2) {}; |
\node[state] (tau) at (-0.4,0) {$\nu$}; |
\node[state] (sigma) at (-1.4,0) {$\sigma$}; |
\coordinate (Y) at (-0.1,1.2); |
\draw (sigma) to ([xshiftu=-.3]L); |
\draw (tau) to (copier2); |
\draw (copier2) to[out=165,in=-90] ([xshiftu=.3]L); |
\draw (copier2) to[out=45,in=-90] (Y); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\] |
via equality strengthening. |
\end{myproof} |
\begin{example} |
We instantiate the Theorem~\ref{thm:likelihood} in $\sfKrn$. Let |
$c\colon X\krnto Y$ be a probability kernel represented by a |
likelihood relation $\ell\colon X\times Y\krnto 1$ with respect to |
$\nu\colon 1\krnto Y$. The relation $\ell$ is identified with a |
measurable function $\ell\colon X\times Y\to[0,\infty]$ and $\nu$ with |
a measure $\nu\colon\Sigma_Y\to[0,\infty]$. The |
equation~\eqref{eq:likelihood} amounts to |
\[ |
c(x,B)= |
\int_B \ell(x,y)\,\nu(\dd y) |
\enspace. |
\] |
In particular, each $\ell(x,-)$ |
is a probability density function, satisfying |
$\int_Y \ell(x,y)\,\nu(\dd y)=1$. |
Typically, we use the Lebesgue measure as $\nu$, |
with $Y$ a subspace of $\RR$. |
Let $\sigma\colon 1\krnto X$ be a probability measure. |
Then $c_*(\sigma)\colon 1\krnto Y$ is given as: |
\[ |
c_*(\sigma)(B) |
=\int_X c(x, B)\,\sigma(\dd x) |
=\int_X \int_B \ell(x,y)\,\nu(\dd y)\,\sigma(\dd x) |
\] |
The effect |
\[ |
p\colon Y\krnto 1\quad=\quad |
\begin{ctikzpicture} |
\node[state,hflip] (L) at (0,0) {\;\,$\ell$\;\,}; |
\node[state] (tau) at (-0.3,-0.3) {$\sigma$}; |
\coordinate (X) at (0.3,-1); |
\draw (X) to ([xshiftu=.3]L); |
\draw (tau) to ([xshiftu=-.3]L); |
\end{ctikzpicture} |
\qquad |
\text{is given as:} |
\qquad |
p(y)= \int_X \ell(x,y)\,\sigma(\dd x) |
\enspace. |
\] |
To define an inverse of $p$, |
we claim that $0<p<\infty$, $c_*(\sigma)$-almost everywhere. |
We prove that $p^{-1}(\set{0,\infty})=p^{-1}(0)\cup p^{-1}(\infty)$ |
is $c_*(\sigma)$-negligible, as: |
\begin{align*} |
c_*(\sigma)\paren[\big]{p^{-1}(0)} |
&=\int_X \int_{p^{-1}(0)} \ell(x,y)\,\nu(\dd y)\,\sigma(\dd x) |
\\ |
&=\int_{p^{-1}(0)} p(x)\,\nu(\dd y) |
\\ |
&=\int_{p^{-1}(0)} 0\,\nu(\dd y) =0 |
\end{align*} |
and, similarly we have |
\[ |
\int_{p^{-1}(\infty)} \infty \,\nu(\dd y) |
= \int_{p^{-1}(\infty)} p(x) \,\nu(\dd y) |
= c_*(\sigma)\paren[\big]{p^{-1}(\infty)} \le 1 |
\] |
but this is possible only when |
$\nu(p^{-1}(\infty))=0$, |
hence $c_*(\sigma)\paren[\big]{p^{-1}(\infty)}=\int_{p^{-1}(\infty)} p(x) \,\nu(\dd y)=0$. |
Now define an effect $q\colon Y\krnto 1$ by |
\[ |
q(y)= |
\begin{dcases*} |
p(y)^{-1} & if $0<p(y)<\infty$ \\ |
0 & otherwise. |
\end{dcases*} |
\] |
Then $p$ is $c_*(\sigma)$-almost inverted by $q$. |
By Theorem~\ref{thm:likelihood}, the Bayesian inversion |
for $\sigma$ along $c$ is given by |
\[ |
d\colon Y\to X\;\;\coloneqq\quad |
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\small] |
\node[state,hflip] (L) at (0,0) {\;\,$\ell$\;\,}; |
\node[copier] (copier2) at (-0.7,-0.3) {}; |
\node[state] (tau) at (-0.7,-0.5) {$\sigma$}; |
\coordinate (Y) at (-1,0.6); |
\coordinate (X) at (0.75,-1.2); |
\node[copier] (copierY) at (0.75,-0.6) {}; |
\node[state,hflip] (q) at (1.2,0) {$q$}; |
\draw (X) to (copierY); |
\draw (copierY) to[out=150,in=-90] ([xshiftu=.3]L); |
\draw (copierY) to[out=30,in=-90] (q); |
\draw (tau) to (copier2); |
\draw (copier2) to[out=15,in=-90] ([xshiftu=-.3]L); |
\draw (copier2) to[out=150,in=-90] (Y); |
\end{tikzpicture}}} |
\quad, |
\] |
namely, |
\begin{equation} |
\label{eq:inversion-by-likelihood} |
\begin{aligned} |
d(y,A) |
&=q(y) \int_A \ell(x,y) \,\sigma(\dd x) |
\\ |
&= |
\frac{\int_A \ell(x,y) \,\sigma(\dd x)}{\int_X \ell(x,y) \,\sigma(\dd x)} |
\qquad\text{whenever}\quad |
0<\int_X \ell(x,y) \,\sigma(\dd x)<\infty |
\end{aligned} |
\end{equation} |
This may be seen as a variant of the Bayes formula. |
The calculation in Example~\ref{ex:inversion} is reproduced when |
$\sigma$ is also given via a density function. |
\end{example} |
In the end we reconsider the naive Bayesian classification example |
from Section~\ref{sec:classifier}. There we only considered the |
discrete version. The original source~\cite{WittenFH11} also contains |
a `hybrid' version, combining discrete and continuous probability. |
In that hybrid form the Temperature and Humidity columns in |
Figure~\ref{fig:discreteplay} are different, and are given by |
numerical values. What these values are does not matter too much here, |
since they are only used to calculate \emph{mean} ($\mu$) and |
\emph{standard deviation} ($\sigma$) values. This is done separately |
for the cases where Play is \emph{yes} or \emph{no}. It results in |
the following table. |
\begin{center} |
{\setlength\tabcolsep{2em}\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.0} |
\begin{tabular}{c|c|c} |
& \textbf{Temperature} & \textbf{Humidity} |
\\ |
\hline\hline |
\textbf{Play} = yes |
& $\mu = 73, \, \sigma = 6.2$ |
& $\mu = 79.1, \, \sigma = 10.2$ |
\\ |
\textbf{Play} = no |
& $\mu = 74.6, \, \sigma = 7.9$ |
& $\mu = 86.2, \, \sigma = 9.7$ |
\\ |
\end{tabular}} |
\end{center} |
\noindent These $\mu,\sigma$ values are used to define two functions |
$c_{T} \colon P \rightarrow \Giry(\mathbb{R})$ and $c_{H} \colon P |
\rightarrow \Giry(\mathbb{R})$, with normal distributions |
$\mathcal{N}$ as pdf. To be precise, these channels are defined as |
follows, where $A\subseteq\mathbb{R}$ is a measurable subset. |
\[ \begin{array}{rclcrcl} |
c_{T}(y)(A) |
& = & |
\displaystyle\int_{A} \mathcal{N}(73, 6.2)(x) \intd x |
& \qquad\qquad & |
c_{H}(y)(A) |
& = & |
\displaystyle\int_{A} \mathcal{N}(79.1, 10.2)(x) \intd x |
\\[+.8em] |
c_{T}(n)(A) |
& = & |
\displaystyle\int_{A} \mathcal{N}(74.6, 7.9)(x) \intd x |
& & |
c_{H}(y)(A) |
& = & |
\displaystyle\int_{A} \mathcal{N}(86.2, 9.7)(x) \intd x. |
\end{array} \] |
\noindent These functions $c_T$ and $c_H$ form channels for the |
Giry monad $\Giry$. |
The two columns Outlook and Windy in Figure~\ref{fig:discreteplay} |
remain the same. The corresponding maps $d_{O} \colon P \rightarrow |
\Dst(O)$ and $d_{W} \colon P \rightarrow \Dst(W)$ for the discrete |
probability monad $\Dst$ --- in Diagram~\eqref{diag:discreteplay} --- |
are now written as maps $c_{O} \colon P \rightarrow \Giry(O)$ and |
$c_{W} \colon P \rightarrow \Giry(W)$ for the monad $\Giry$, using the |
obvious inclusion $\Dst \hookrightarrow \Giry$. |
We now have four channels $c_{O} \colon P \rightarrow O$, $c_{T} |
\colon P \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$, $c_{H} \colon P \rightarrow |
\mathbb{R}$ and $c_{W} \colon P \rightarrow W$. We combine them, as |
before, into a single channel $c\colon P \rightarrow |
T\times\mathbb{R}\times\mathbb{R}\times W$. In combination with the |
Play marginal distribution $\pi$ from Section~\ref{sec:classifier}, we |
can compute $c$'s Bayesian inversion $f\colon |
T\times\mathbb{R}\times\mathbb{R}\times W \rightarrow \Giry(P)$ |
via the formula \eqref{eq:inversion-by-likelihood}. We |
apply it to the input data used in~\cite{WittenFH11}, and get the |
following Play distribution. |
\[ \begin{array}{rcl} |
f(s,66,90,t) |
& = & |
0.207\ket{y} + 0.793\ket{n}. |
\end{array} \] |
\noindent The latter inversion computation produces the probability of |
$0.207$ for playing when the outlook is \emph{Sunny}, the temperature |
is \emph{66} (Fahrenheit), the humidity is \emph{90\%} and the |
windiness is \emph{true}. The value computed in~\cite{WittenFH11} is |
$20.8\%$. The minor difference of $0.001$ with our outcome can be |
attributed to (intermediate) rounding errors. |
Our computation is done via \EfProb, using the |
formula~\eqref{eq:inversion-by-likelihood}. |
\xhead*{Acknowledgements} |
The research |
leading to these results has received funding from the European |
Research Council under the European Union's Seventh Framework |
Programme (FP7/2007-2013) / ERC grant agreement nr.~320571. |
The first author (KC) is also supported by |
ERATO HASUO Metamathematics for Systems Design Project |
(No.~JPMJER1603), JST\@. |
The main part of this work was done when the first author |
was a PhD student at Radboud University, Nijmegen. |
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