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kaa_Latn | Nızamlardıń orınlanıw jaǵdayı, huqıqtı qollanıw ámeliyatı hám nızamnın kelip shıǵatuǵın hújjetler qabıl etiliwi procesin úyreniw jumısı sheńberinde Ózbekstan Respublikası Oliy Majlisi janındaǵı mashqalalar nızamshılıq hám parlamentlik izertlewler institutı menen birgelikte "Hayal-qızlardı kemsitiw hám zorlıq kórsetiwden qorǵaw haqqında," "Yod jetispewshiligi kesellikleri profilaktikası haqqında," "Xalıqtı tuberkulez keselliginen qorǵaw haqqında," "Shańaraqlıq isbilermenlik haqqında" hám "Mámleketlik emes kommerciyalıq emes shólkemler jumısınıń kepillikleri haqqında"ǵı Ózbekstan Respublikasınıń nızamların ámelge asırıwǵa qaratılǵan nızamnan kelip shıǵatuǵın hújjetlerdiń qabıl etiliwi hám ámelde qollanılıwı jaǵdayı monitoring etildi. | eng_Latn | As part of its activities to study the state of law enforcement, law enforcement practice, and the process of enacting by-laws, the Institute for Legislative Issues and Parliamentary Research under the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan conducted a monitoring of the status of adoption and practical application of by-laws aimed at implementing the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the Protection of Women from Oppression and Violence," "On the Prevention of Iodine Deficiency Disorders," "On the Protection of the Population from Tuberculosis," "On Family Entrepreneurship," and "On Guarantees of the Activities of Non-Governmental Non-Commercial Organizations." |
kaa_Latn | Lyubishkinniń ózi segiz plug alıp kiyatır, men yarım jolda olardıń ústinen ótip kettim. | eng_Latn | Lyubishkin himself is driving eight plows, and I overtook him halfway there. |
kaa_Latn | legal jaǵdayǵa kóshiw | eng_Latn | to be legalized |
kaa_Latn | ılaqtırıp jiberiw | eng_Latn | to let (someone/something) in, to allow (someone/something) to pass, to release, to set loose |
kaa_Latn | Bunday balalar kóbinese ayı tolmay asfiksiya jaǵdayında tuwıladı. | eng_Latn | Such children are often born prematurely, in a state of asphyxia. |
kaa_Latn | teńbe-teńlik | eng_Latn | equality |
kaa_Latn | Usı múnásebet penen ilim hám bilimlendiriw almasıwları, ulıwma tariyxıy hám mádeniy miyrasımızdı birgelikte úyreniw, jaslar arasındaǵı dóretiwshilik baylanıslardı kúsheytiw máseleleri eki tárepleme mádeniy-gumanitarlıq birge islesiw kún tártibinde ayrıqsha orın ieleytuǵını atap ótildi. | eng_Latn | In this regard, it was emphasized that issues of scientific and educational exchanges, joint study of our shared history and culture, and strengthening youth and creative ties will remain a constant feature of bilateral cultural and humanitarian cooperation. |
kaa_Latn | Bólim ushın jańa imarat qurıldı. | eng_Latn | The department received a new building. |
kaa_Latn | prinyacya za delo | eng_Latn | sleeve |
kaa_Latn | Házirgi waqitta Orta Aziya aymaģında iri neft, gaz, temir rudası, reńli metall kánleriniń iske túsirilgenligi de bul jerlerde buzilgan jerlerdiń keneyiwine sebep bolmaqta. | eng_Latn | Currently, the development of major oil, gas, iron ore, and non-ferrous metal deposits also contributes to the growth of the area of disturbed land in Central Asia. |
kaa_Latn | Bul qatar ushin ózgeriw keńligi, orta arifmetikalıq mánisin, mediana hám modani aniqlań: 6, 9, 7, 3, 9, 4, 7, 6, 5. | eng_Latn | Find the range, arithmetic mean, median, and mode for the following data set: 6, 9, 7, 3, 9, 4, 7, 6, 5. |
kaa_Latn | áziz qurılıs | eng_Latn | A flimsy structure |
kaa_Latn | Bulardıń barlıǵı Ózbekstan Respublikası hám Qubla-shıǵıs Aziya elleri ortasında sawdaekonomikalıq, ilimiy-texnikalıq hám mádeniy-gumanitarlıq tarawlardagi birge islesiw nátiyjeli rawajlanıwına xızmet etti. | eng_Latn | All of this serves to develop successful cooperation between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the countries of Southeast Asia in the areas of trade and economics, science and technology, and culture and humanitarian affairs. |
kaa_Latn | qaharman ana | eng_Latn | Mother Heroine |
kaa_Latn | tam | eng_Latn | building |
kaa_Latn | metr tayaq | eng_Latn | meter |
kaa_Latn | - Sen usı jerdemiseń - dep soradı paluan. | eng_Latn | "Are you there?" asked the Strong Man. |
kaa_Latn | 11) BB, DD1; | eng_Latn | 11) BB, DD; |
kaa_Latn | - Raxmet, ana, júdá toyǵızdıń. | eng_Latn | - Thank you, ma'am, you fed me to the full. |
kaa_Latn | maǵan seniń tap óziń kerek ediń | eng_Latn | You're exactly who I need. |
kaa_Latn | pal hárre | eng_Latn | wasp-waisted |
kaa_Latn | quyın | eng_Latn | storm |
kaa_Latn | Ózbekistan SSR quramında Tájikstan ASSRnıń dúziliwi. | eng_Latn | The formation of the Tajik ASSR within the Uzbek SSR. |
kaa_Latn | Qapını men sındıraman, sen meniń artırapında turasań, eger ishten bir ses shıqsa basqa sózdi qoyıp, miymanxanadan shıqqan seske qarap ata ber! | eng_Latn | I'm going to kick in the door, you stand just behind me, and if anything happens, any kind of delay - hit the sound from the living room without another word! |
kaa_Latn | 5 6. 45 + 32 87 - 42 53 +15 52 - 26 96-74 62 + 31 79 - 38 25 + 25 7. | eng_Latn | 5286.45 + 3296 - 7487 - 4253 + 1552 - 2679 - 3825 + 2562317. |
kaa_Latn | Jeńimpazlar hám sıylı orın ielerine shólkemlestiriwshiler tárepinen medal, diplom jáne bahalı sawǵalar tapsırıldı. | eng_Latn | Measures have been determined to incentivize the winners and prize-winners of junior and youth world championships, as well as their coaches. |
kaa_Latn | Macromedia Flash 8 programmasında usi islerdi ámelge asırıw imkaniyatı bar. | eng_Latn | All of this can be easily achieved in Macromedia Flash 8. |
kaa_Latn | tazalaw | eng_Latn | to clean thoroughly |
kaa_Latn | 2. "Sehrli fleyta" hám "Karmen" operalarının avtorları kimler? | eng_Latn | 2. Name the composers of the operas "The Magic Flute" and "Carmen." |
kaa_Latn | Pilyulalar hár qıylı sauda belgisi astında, hár qıylı kúshke iye bolıp hám 2 gormonnıń hár qıylı aralaspasında shıǵarıladı. | eng_Latn | The pills come under many different brand names with different strengths and combinations for the 2 hormones. |
kaa_Latn | Prezidentimizdiń Oraylıq hám Qubla Aziya baylanıslılıǵın bekkemlew baǵdarındaǵı baslamaları AQSh hákimligi tárepinen joqarı bahalanıp atırǵanı atap ótildi. | eng_Latn | It was underscored that the U.S. Administration highly values the initiatives of the President of Uzbekistan to strengthen connectivity between Central and South Asia. |
kaa_Latn | 2. Ózbek hám qaraqalpaq zamanagóy muzikası haqqında ne bilesizler? | eng_Latn | 2. Discuss the development of contemporary musical art. |
kaa_Latn | Zatvor raması, gaz porsheni menen birgelikte: 1zatvor ushın kanal; | eng_Latn | Bolt carrier with gas piston: - safety lug; |
kaa_Latn | shatastırıw | eng_Latn | confusion |
kaa_Latn | 66 O We can jump a rope. | eng_Latn | We can jump rope. |
kaa_Latn | 6) 5; | eng_Latn | 6) 5; |
kaa_Latn | hasıl | eng_Latn | thoroughbred |
kaa_Latn | N.Mirzaahmedova ("Quramax Medikal" JShJ dizimge alıw boyınsha menedjeri lawazımında islegen) ǵa 10 jıl múddetke erkinen ayırıw jazası tayınlandı. | eng_Latn | N. Mirzakhmedova, who held the position of Registration Manager at Quramax Medical LLC, was sentenced to 10 years in prison. |
kaa_Latn | 1) 64 5) 2048 9) 64-210 4) (5) H 2) 32 3) 256 6) 1024 10) 2a-32 7) 25.16 4) 16 8) 26.32 11) 211.25.64 12) 16.64 256 7. | eng_Latn | 1) 64 2) 32 3) 256 5) 2048 6) 1024 7) 25.16 4) 16 8) 26.32 9) 64-210 10) 2a-32 11) 211.25.64 12) 16.64 256 7. |
kaa_Latn | 2. Qırıqqulaqlar qalay kóbeyedi? | eng_Latn | 2. How do ferns reproduce? |
kaa_Latn | atawdı júzip aylanıw | eng_Latn | To circumnavigate the island |
kaa_Latn | Maglıwmat ushin, birinshi "Hilton Hotels & Resorc" miymanxanası 1919-jili AQShtıń Texas shtatında qurilgan edi. | eng_Latn | For your information, the first "Hilton Hotels & Resorts" was built in 1919 in the US state of Texas. |
kaa_Latn | Tárbiyashı dárhal kreslonıń artına jasırındı. | eng_Latn | Then the teacher hid in the armchair. |
kaa_Latn | sekirip shıǵıw | eng_Latn | To jump out |
kaa_Latn | Nátiyjede bir neshshe mıńlaǵan náresteler jábirlendi hám infekciyadan, ashlıqtan olin ketti. | eng_Latn | As a result, thousands of babies have suffered and died needlessly from infection or hunger. |
kaa_Latn | 3-tapsırma A) 2; | eng_Latn | Assignment Three A) 2; |
kaa_Latn | In Uzbekistan there are to/four seasons: winter, spring, summer and autumn. | eng_Latn | Uzbekistan has four seasons: winter, spring, summer, and autumn. |
kaa_Latn | qańǵırıw | eng_Latn | To roam |
kaa_Latn | prestupnik | eng_Latn | Criminal |
kaa_Latn | qáhárlengen | eng_Latn | furious |
kaa_Latn | jigirmalanshı nomer | eng_Latn | number twenty |
kaa_Latn | 3) Qaysi nátiyje eń kishi sanģa iye? | eng_Latn | 3) Which result has the smallest number? |
kaa_Latn | Ulıwma, informatika hám xabar texnologiyaları bir-birin toltırıwshı bólekleri sipatında qaraladi. | eng_Latn | Generally speaking, computer science and information technology complement each other. |
kaa_Latn | Turdıbek Naurızbaev, Qaraqalpaq filologiyası hám jurnalistika fakulteti studenti. | eng_Latn | Turdybek Nauryzbaev, Student of the faculty of Karakalpak philology and journalism. |
kaa_Latn | Lesson 3 What's that? | eng_Latn | Lesson 3 What is that? |
kaa_Latn | Aspirin yamasa kodein beriń. | eng_Latn | Give aspirin or codeine (p. |
kaa_Latn | babı kelmegen | eng_Latn | unrefined |
kaa_Latn | 16; e) 568400016 → ?2; g) ABCDE 16 → ?2. f) 3DADA16 7. | eng_Latn | 6) 1010010010011102 → ?16; g) 568400016 → ?2; d) 3DADA16 → ?2 e) ABCDE16 →> ? |
kaa_Latn | paraxor | eng_Latn | grafter |
kaa_Latn | Ózbekstan jetekshisi usı kúnlerde Túrkmenstan paytaxtında ótkerilip atırǵan altınshı Kaspiy sammitiniń tabıslı ótiwin tiledi. | eng_Latn | The Uzbek leader sincerely wished for a successful holding of the sixth Caspian summit, which is taking place in the capital of Turkmenistan these days. |
kaa_Latn | = (2) formulaga tiykarlanıp, x jeterlishe kishi bolganda cosx tin mánisin juwiq esaplayıq. | eng_Latn | Using formula (2), we will calculate approximate values of cosx for sufficiently small x. |
kaa_Latn | biziń eramızdıń 700 jılında | eng_Latn | A D |
kaa_Latn | ótkermeytuǵınlıq | eng_Latn | Impenetrability |
kaa_Latn | Dán kárxanaların menshiklestiriw jumısları da jedellestiriledi. | eng_Latn | The privatization of bread-making enterprises will also accelerate. |
kaa_Latn | Merkuriydiń diametri 4879 kilometr bolıp, onın sırtında tartısıw kushi Jerdikine qaraganda 2,6 esege kem. | eng_Latn | Mercury's diameter is 4879 km, and the gravity on its surface is 2.6 times less than that of Earth. |
kaa_Latn | 12 2) 78. - = 78 78: 13 = 78-6 = 72. | eng_Latn | 2) 78. 12 13 = 78 78 13 78 - 6 = 72. |
kaa_Latn | hesh bir | eng_Latn | under no circumstances |
kaa_Latn | Ximiyalıq reakciyada qatnasıwshı zatlarga reagentler delinedi. | eng_Latn | Substances that participate in a chemical reaction are called reagents. |
kaa_Latn | 6) -1. | eng_Latn | 6) -1. |
kaa_Latn | Kosmik keńislikte belgili aylanba orbita boylap erkin háreketlenip atırgan denenıń barlıq noqatları birdey tezlik penen háreketleniwin túsiniw qiyin emes. | eng_Latn | It's easy to understand that all points of a body freely moving in outer space along a specific circular orbit move at the same speed. |
kaa_Latn | temirdiń uzın boyı | eng_Latn | strip of iron |
kaa_Latn | túsindiriw | eng_Latn | interpret |
kaa_Latn | Biz Ózbekstannıń sırtqı siyasatın jedellestiriw boyınsha baslaǵan keń kólemli jumıslardı, milliy máplerimizge juwap beretuǵın, ashıq, pragmatikalıq hám tereń oylanǵan sırtqı siyasat jolın dawam ettiremiz. | eng_Latn | Ensuring further growth of Uzbekistan's international standing, expanding international relations, and facilitating foreign investment in the Republic remain important tasks of the Senate. |
kaa_Latn | Aua, - dedi Pavel Petrovich ózi menen ózi sóylesip atırǵanday bolıp. | eng_Latn | "Yes," continued Pavel Petrovich, as if talking to himself, "an undeniable resemblance." |
kaa_Latn | valerianalı | eng_Latn | valerian |
kaa_Latn | joldıń | eng_Latn | en route |
kaa_Latn | doslıq bastioni | eng_Latn | Bastion of friendship |
kaa_Latn | pá-páge alıw | eng_Latn | to throw stones |
kaa_Latn | Májiliste dodalanǵan máseleler boyınsha ministrler hám hákimlerdiń málimlemesi tıńlandı. | eng_Latn | Reports from the ministers and regional governors were heard on the issues discussed at the meeting. |
kaa_Latn | qamshı | eng_Latn | lash |
kaa_Latn | pul jıyıw | eng_Latn | to make money |
kaa_Latn | tirisinde | eng_Latn | in one's lifetime |
kaa_Latn | 1366×768 WXVGA (Wide XVGA - keń XVGA); | eng_Latn | 1366x768 WXVGA (Wide XVGA) |
kaa_Latn | Islambek Sindorov toǵız partiyanın segizinde jeńiske erisip, 8 ochko menen en joqarı orinǵa kóterildi. | eng_Latn | Islambeck Sindorov won eight out of nine games and climbed eight points to the highest level. |
kaa_Latn | til biriktiriwshilikke qatnasıwshı | eng_Latn | Conspirator |
kaa_Latn | 2. Subtropikalıq klimat haqqında aytıp berin. | eng_Latn | 2. Tell me about the subtropical climate. |
kaa_Latn | Máselen, miywe-ovoshtıń 65 procenti, gósh hám sút ónimleriniń 93-95 procenti diyqan xojalıqları hám xalıqtıń qıytaq jerlerinde jetistirilmekte. | eng_Latn | For example, 65 percent of fruits and vegetables, 93-95 percent of meat and dairy products are produced in private farms and household plots. |
kaa_Latn | eki mártebe | eng_Latn | twice |
kaa_Latn | Sol Ǵárezsizlik Deklaraciyası Ózbekistannıń ǵárezsizligine qaray taslangan júdá áhmiyetli qádem boldi. | eng_Latn | The Declaration of Independence was the first important and decisive step on the path to Uzbekistan's independence. |
kaa_Latn | Hámmemizge belgili, bul orden jaqında, Ózbekstan Respublikasınıń 2022-jıl 15-avgusttaǵı nızamına muwapıq shólkemlestirildi. | eng_Latn | This order was established recently in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated August 15, 2022. |
kaa_Latn | úlken qala | eng_Latn | Big, oh, city |
kaa_Latn | Kelesi jılı ulıwma, sırt elli sayaxachılardı 500 mıӊǵa jetkeriw wazıypası qoyıldı. | eng_Latn | Next year, the goal is to increase the number of foreign tourists to 500,000. |
kaa_Latn | 2. Tutınıwshı óz huqıqların qorǵaw boyınsha qanday imka-niyatlarga iye? | eng_Latn | 2. What options does the consumer have to protect their rights? |
kaa_Latn | Lamarktıń pikirinshe, ápiwayı organizmler óz-ózinen anorganikalıq tábiyattan payda boladı. | eng_Latn | According to Lamarck, the simplest creatures spontaneously arise from inorganic nature. |
kaa_Latn | uraman | eng_Latn | 1) to become completely exhausted; 2) to tear to shreds; 3) to beat up |
kaa_Latn | konveyerdiń polotnosı | eng_Latn | conveyor belt |
kaa_Latn | Sanaatta bolsa tiykargi rudadan altınnın cianidli kompleks duzin ajıratıp alıw, yagniy cianlaw usılınan paydalanıladı: 4Au + 8KCN + O2 + 2H2O = 4K[Au (CN) 2] + 4KOH. | eng_Latn | To extract gold, gold-bearing ore is washed. In industry, a method of extracting gold from ore by means of a complex salt of gold cyanide, i.e. the cyanidation method, is used: 4Au + 8KCN + O2 + 2H2O = 4K[Au (CN) 2] + 4KOH. |
kaa_Latn | bul xızmetke ılayıq bolmaw | eng_Latn | To be out of place |
kaa_Latn | dawısınıń barınsha baqırıw | eng_Latn | bellow |
kaa_Latn | Joqarı oksidleniw dárejesi bolsa +4 (SiO2). | eng_Latn | The lowest oxidation state is -4, the highest +4 (SiO2). |
Subsets and Splits