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1 |
wavs/irene-1.wav|This is ridiculous. How long am I going to have to wait? Excuse me, miss? May I ask you something?
2 |
wavs/irene-2.wav|No, that's not why I'm here. I have an appointment with Doctor Rousseau, the chief surgeon, but no one's been able to get my message to him.
3 |
wavs/irene-3.wav|I'm sorry to inconvenience you. Thank you, though. You're a doctor here, aren't you?
4 |
wavs/irene-4.wav|Is Professor Wilkens busy? I was hoping I might get a chance to meet him.
5 |
wavs/irene-5.wav|Well, I guess it can't be helped. But I'd still like to meet him someday. Ah, you must be Doctor Rousseau's secretary. Thank you. My name is Irene Quatro. I'm the director of Caduceus.
6 |
wavs/irene-6.wav|Thank you very much for your help today. I appreciate it.
7 |
wavs/irene-7.wav|I see that you are both quite skilled.
8 |
wavs/irene-8.wav|I'm Irene Quatro, from Caduceus. Nice to meet you. I heard there was an emergency, so I changed into my surgical gown. But I see that wasn't necessary.
9 |
wavs/irene-9.wav|A doctor with the Healing Touch. It's been a while since I've been surprised like this. If the opportunity arises, I'd like to see it used again.
10 |
wavs/irene-10.wav|This is an impressive hospital. I hope that we meet again. Please excuse me.
11 |
wavs/irene-11.wav|Long time no see. Regarding what happened the other day, you have my sympathy.
12 |
wavs/irene-12.wav|It's a little complicated, so I'll get right to the point. After seeing the two of you in action, I negotiated with the hospital to have you both transferred to our staff.
13 |
wavs/irene-13.wav|That was the plan, but circumstances have changed.
14 |
wavs/irene-14.wav|Doctor Vaughn, Doctor Blaylock, by the authority of the federal government, I hereby order your immediate transfer to Caduceus.
15 |
wavs/irene-15.wav|The decision was made based on the research we believe Professor Wilkens was performing. As skilled doctors and colleagues of the professor, we require your expertise in the US branch of Caduceus. We'll do our best to accommodate any staff member requests you may have.
16 |
wavs/irene-16.wav|Markus Vaughn, age 34, surgeon, place of birth, California. Valerie Blaylock, age 28, surgeon, place of birth, North Carolina. Elena Salazar, age 20, nurse, place of birth, California.
17 |
wavs/irene-17.wav|You three will be assigned to the newly created Special Disease Counteraction Team. Now, sign here, and on the written oath, and the waiver form. Why the sour face, Doctor Vaughn?
18 |
wavs/irene-18.wav|You mean is it a result of Professor Wilkens' procedure? Well, we've had this planned for a long time, though the discovery of Stigma did hasten its establishment. At least things will be easier on you, since it's such a small team.
19 |
wavs/irene-19.wav|No need to worry. We'll be referring plenty of patients to you. Special cases which may require the Healing Touch.
20 |
wavs/irene-20.wav|Your job description won't change much either, Elena. Your priority will be to assist Doctor Vaughn and Doctor Blaylock with the operations assigned to them.
21 |
wavs/irene-21.wav|Then, the first thing I'd like you to do is become familiar with Caduceus and provide us with whatever information you have on Stigma.
22 |
wavs/irene-22.wav|That's all right. Just tell us whatever you know. You may be surprised at how much you recall. Extraordinary events leave deep imprints on our memory.
23 |
wavs/irene-23.wav|That won't be necessary. This is a hospital, not a police department.
24 |
wavs/irene-24.wav|Okay, let me show you around. I hope we can cover everything before my guest arrives. Now, this is your office.
25 |
wavs/irene-25.wav|Your responsibilities won't be much different than they were in the past. Even though you're now members of Caduceus, you're still first and foremost doctors. We dedicate ourselves to research here, but at the same time we see regular patients. A major part of your duties will be to keep your skills sharp.
26 |
wavs/irene-26.wav|Now, let's take a look at where you'll be performing your surgeries. There are a total of ten ORs, each one equipped for a different type of procedure. Oh, Doctor Everett.
27 |
wavs/irene-27.wav|This is Doctor Everett, our chief surgeon.
28 |
wavs/irene-28.wav|I wish I could, but I'm expecting a visitor shortly.
29 |
wavs/irene-29.wav|Yes, they are.
30 |
wavs/irene-30.wav|I know this is sudden, but would you mind?
31 |
wavs/irene-31.wav|Yes. I've told him repeatedly to admit himself to the ward and have it treated. However, it seems he's far more interested in taking care of patients than himself.
32 |
wavs/irene-32.wav|Hmm, when you put it that way... Oh, excuse me, please continue.
33 |
wavs/irene-33.wav|Well, I must be going. I'll leave the rest to you three.
34 |
wavs/irene-34.wav|Oh, you're leaving? I was glad to hear the operation went well. Of course I'd expect nothing less.
35 |
wavs/irene-35.wav|I hear that often, but for some reason, this time, I believe it. Tomorrow, we'll meet to discuss Stigma. I'm counting on you both.
36 |
wavs/irene-36.wav|Regarding this new disease, which has tentatively been named Stigma, we received a report from the National Security Council and have begun an independent investigation. Its threat level is unknown, but I can say that the pathogen possesses astonishing mobility. It was unclear whether it even existed until now, but the Wilkens case put an end to the debate.
37 |
wavs/irene-37.wav|You're absolutely correct, Kanae. While the information provided by Doctor Vaughn and Doctor Blaylock is highly reliable, our own investigation at Concordia also validates the theory. And, it's worth noting, Professor Wilkens was conducting all the research on his own, without help from other doctors.
38 |
wavs/irene-38.wav|Let's try to make do with the information we have at hand. At this point, the research can no longer be left exclusively to Wilkens. It's now the concern of our entire organization.
39 |
wavs/irene-39.wav|From now on, if any new cases of Stigma arise here in the US, the patients will be transferred to this facility whenever possible. Both Health and Human Services and the National Security Council have agreed to this. The operating surgeons will be Doctor Vaughn and Doctor Blaylock. Their prior experience dealing with Stigma will be invaluable.
40 |
wavs/irene-40.wav|I personally stand behind them, 100 percent. The rest of you will be invited to witness their expertise very soon.
41 |
wavs/irene-41.wav|So, I have a new job for you. But first, let me introduce you to our head of research.
42 |
wavs/irene-42.wav|Good. I'd like you to participate in clinical testing under the supervision of the research lab.
43 |
wavs/irene-43.wav|He's a dedicated professional, although he tends to be long-winded.
44 |
wavs/irene-44.wav|A biopsy was attempted, but they were unable to obtain a sample of the pathogen. The patient will arrive in roughly three hours. Vaughn and Blaylock will be performing the surgery.
45 |
wavs/irene-45.wav|That was an amazing operation. Let's close her up and be finished.
46 |
wavs/irene-46.wav|We'll hold a conference on this case of Stigma within the next few days. Of course, I'll need you to speak regarding today's operation and the patient's progress. Your report will also be forwarded to Health and Human Services, so please get started immediately.
47 |
wavs/irene-47.wav|Good. You know, there was no way we could have anticipated Stigma's metamorphosis. I was amazed at how well you adapted. I know you have the Healing Touch, but even so...
48 |
wavs/irene-48.wav|I see. Well, I think it's safe to say that the treatment was successful. How about the pathogen itself? What have we learned? And please keep it brief, Robert.
49 |
wavs/irene-49.wav|This is more serious than we thought.
50 |
wavs/irene-50.wav|All right, let's adjourn the conference. Leslie, I want you to prep Operating Room 3 for him. Vaughn, Blaylock, you two will be performing the procedure.
51 |
wavs/irene-51.wav|I'll explain the details before the operation, so please go make the necessary preparations.
52 |
wavs/irene-52.wav|This is his chart from his previous admittance. We performed deep brain stimulation to treat his dystonia.
53 |
wavs/irene-53.wav|Yes. It's now a subsidiary of Humani. If you have any questions about it, you can ask Isabella.
54 |
wavs/irene-54.wav|Oh, that. It's a hippocampus chip. We implanted it at his request.
55 |
wavs/irene-55.wav|We don't have time to discuss that. Now, the hematoma is far enough away from the electrodes, but take care when using the thrombolytic.
56 |
wavs/irene-56.wav|That's enough. I can't stand by and watch any longer.
57 |
wavs/irene-57.wav|I wanted to check on the Deputy Secretary's condition.
58 |
wavs/irene-58.wav|Yes, I will. I also need to administer a personality test. Because of his implant, he must be closely monitored. It's sad, really. He's such a talented man.
59 |
wavs/irene-59.wav|Agreed. And Doctor Vaughn, it's a shame that you feel the need to keep secrets from us, but I'm hoping that will change.
60 |
wavs/irene-60.wav|Your cutaneous muscles seem a little more tense than normal. I'm out of practice when it comes to reading faces. Was my assessment accurate? You're a critical part of the Caduceus team. I hope you're not thinking of leaving.
61 |
wavs/irene-61.wav|Yes. I have a favor to ask of you two. Please, have a seat.
62 |
wavs/irene-62.wav|Would you mind watching this video?
63 |
wavs/irene-63.wav|Yes. They agree to cover all the medical bills, and in return, they broadcast the entire procedure. Ethically, I have some concerns about the show, but I hear it's rather popular.
64 |
wavs/irene-64.wav|Keep watching, you'll see.
65 |
wavs/irene-65.wav|They've publicly tarnished our reputation. Obviously, their claims are completely unfounded.
66 |
wavs/irene-66.wav|I agree, but the higher-ups are outraged about it. We received orders from the Secretary of Health and Welfare to crush them.
67 |
wavs/irene-67.wav|Yes, they want someone to make an appearance on the show.
68 |
wavs/irene-68.wav|I'm sorry, Markus, Valerie. I should have objected to this more strongly. I feel responsible for the entire situation. But now that it's come to this, I have to ask you to appear on the show one more time. I promise you, that will be the end of it.
69 |
wavs/irene-69.wav|I'm not watching it because I want to.
70 |
wavs/irene-70.wav|The Secretary of Health and Welfare is furious. That's to be expected. However, no one is blaming you two, since you performed a flawless operation. I called you here for another reason. Take a look at this.
71 |
wavs/irene-71.wav|Keep reading. I'm afraid it's more serious than that.
72 |
wavs/irene-72.wav|It appears so. That's why I couldn't just ignore this.
73 |
wavs/irene-73.wav|This is Mr. Nilsen, the president of Humani.
74 |
wavs/irene-74.wav|And exactly what type of metal are you referring to?
75 |
wavs/irene-75.wav|I'll fill you in later on anything important you miss.
76 |
wavs/irene-76.wav|It's possible he'll need another operation. We'll have to monitor his progress. I see. I'm glad his condition has stabilized, but it's too soon to celebrate. It was fortunate that Kanae didn't sustain any serious injuries. From what Justin told me, it won't be long before she can return to work.
77 |
wavs/irene-77.wav|And also, I received a call from the FBI regarding Professor Wilkens' case.
78 |
wavs/irene-78.wav|They want to run background checks on all the professor's personal and professional contacts. They must be feeling the heat now that the public knows about Stigma. I'm concerned, though, about how the kidnappers may react. Well, hopefully they'll be behind bars soon.
79 |
wavs/irene-79.wav|I'm so glad that you're all back safely. You must have been so scared.
80 |
wavs/irene-80.wav|I wouldn't have objected if you had decided to resign, but I'm glad to hear you say that. We can't win the war against Stigma without you three.
81 |
wavs/irene-81.wav|Goodness, could that be true?
82 |
wavs/irene-82.wav|Regardless, I'll notify the FBI. Now, I understand that you're concerned, but I need you to continue with your mission.
83 |
wavs/irene-83.wav|That was an admirable effort, considering the difficulty of the operation.
84 |
wavs/irene-84.wav|I don't mean to press my luck, but I actually have another favor to ask of you three. This will be an extremely difficult task.
85 |
wavs/irene-85.wav|We received a request for aid from the country of Culuruma, where an outbreak's occurred. They desperately need doctors who know how to treat Stigma. The government would like to provide assistance. That is, of course, if there are any doctors willing to volunteer.
86 |
wavs/irene-86.wav|If we can get some of our personnel into Culuruma, where that metal originates, then I believe we can advance our research on Stigma. But to do so, we have to put three of our finest staff members in danger. Not just of infection, but also of insurrection.
87 |
wavs/irene-87.wav|I'm glad you all came back in one piece, although it sounds like you had another harrowing experience. Still, your actions have helped us tremendously. The information you obtained will bring us closer to solving the mystery of Stigma.
88 |
wavs/irene-88.wav|Apparently, their reach extends beyond North America.
89 |
wavs/irene-89.wav|The situation is progressing favorably. We'll soon know the truth. Now, I do have some good news. The FBI is investigating the Kidman family, based on the information you provided. They've already found a potential informant, but that individual only agreed to cooperate on one condition.
90 |
wavs/irene-90.wav|She wants an operation, but she doesn't want it done by just anyone. You see, she's seen you on TV, and you get the idea.
91 |
wavs/irene-91.wav|Elena, I want you to prepare a surgical field kit. She has also requested that the operation be performed in her home. Markus, Valerie, I'll leave the rest in your hands.
92 |
wavs/irene-92.wav|Ask the FBI. They know her well.
93 |
wavs/irene-93.wav|My name is Irene Quatro. I'm the director of Caduceus. Our organization has agreed to assist in the operation. We will inspect the site for Stigma, and if necessary, deal with any contamination.
94 |
wavs/irene-94.wav|That explains the change in behavior.
95 |
wavs/irene-95.wav|The authorities have also consented. They want to hear his testimony in his normal state.
96 |
wavs/irene-96.wav|Then, we should start considering the obstacles we'll face while performing the surgery. Doctor Everett, I'll let you know the time and the place once we've given this more thought.
97 |
wavs/irene-97.wav|Good. You're all still here.
98 |
wavs/irene-98.wav|That's okay. I'm sure you're all tired from the surgery. I apologize for the short notice, but there will be another meeting tomorrow. We'll be discussing the international investigation of the Stigma Syndicate. Doctors from the other Caduceus branches will be present.
99 |
wavs/irene-99.wav|There's one other thing you should know, just so you aren't taken by surprise. One of the topics on tomorrow's agenda concerns Cynthia.
100 |
wavs/irene-100.wav|She's in Central Asia, Caucasus to be precise, and she appears to be there on behalf of the syndicate.
101 |
wavs/irene-101.wav|She worked here at Caduceus for a while. She was directly involved with the Stigma research.
102 |
wavs/irene-102.wav|I've already volunteered you two. I hope you have no objections.
103 |
wavs/irene-103.wav|I tried to persuade them, but their answer was still no. I'll prepare an official statement if you like.
104 |
wavs/irene-104.wav|They've gone through some painful experiences, and occasions such as this would only reopen the wounds. What they need right now is to be with the patients they've treated, to see their smiling faces.