{ "en": "Best wishes to our dear colleague, researcher of Estonian, Latvian and also Livonian language contacts Lembit Vaba on the occasion of receiving the Latvian and Estonian Ministries of foreign affairs Language prize!", "liv": "Pǟgiņ vȯnnõ mäd kolēgõn, ēsti, leț ja ka līvõ kīel kontaktõd tuņšlijizõn Lembit Vaban, kis tämpõ sai Lețmō ja Ēstimō Uļļiztažād ministrijd Kīel ovpālka!", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "Greetings to the president elect of the Republic of Estonia Alar Karis – former rector of the University of Tartu, who being the director of the Estonian National museum is also a keeper of the Livonian heritage!", "liv": "Tēriņtõm ūdtõ Ēstimō prezidentõ Alar Karis – kunāgizt Tartu Iļīzskūol rektōrt, kis paldīņ, Ēstimō Rov muzej direktōr vȯlds vȱidab līvõd pierādõkst!", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "Laimonis Rudzitis – descendant of Riga Livonians – 115!", "liv": "Laimonis Rudzītisõn – Rīgõ līvõd tagāntuļļizõn – 115!", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "Monthly item – Livonian Summer University and the Lāži Oak", "liv": "Kū ažā – Līvõ sõv iļļiskūol ja Lōz täm", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "The tradition of the Livonian Summer University since the beginning in 2013 has been a photograph of its participants at the famous Lāžu Oak on the Livonian Coast.", "liv": "Līvõ sõviļīzskūolst, mis sugīz 2013. āigasts, sīe irdõksõks um jaggõvõtājizt īti foto Līvõd rāndas tundtõb Lōz tam jūs.", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "From July 30 to August 8, 2021, the third Livonian Summer University took place in Košrags, organized by the UL Livonian Institute in cooperation with the University of Tartu.", "liv": "2021. āigast 30. jūlijst 8. ougust sōņõ Kuoštrõgõl vȯļ jõvā kuolmõz Līvõ sõv iļļiskūol, mis tei LI Līvõd institūt īdskubs Tartu Iļīzskūolõks.", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "During the Livonian Summer University, the participants learned Livonian, met with Livonian speakers, got acquainted with the Livonian history, culture and learnt about the situation nowadays; one of the topics also including the last historical settlement of the Livonians – the Livonian Coast, which is why it was chosen as the venue of the Livonian Summer University.", "liv": "Līvõ sõv iļīzskūol āigal sīe jaggõvõtājizt sait kubbõ līvõ kīel prațțijiztõks, opīztõ līvõ kīel, iļ līvõd istōrij, kultūr ja tämpizpǟva, ka iļ līvõd perīz mōarā – Līvõd rāndaks, mis kūoḑõn sīepierāst sai sõv iļīzskūol suggimiz pāikaks.", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "The tradition of the Livonian Summer University since the beginning in 2013 has been a photograph of its participants at the famous Lāži Oak on the Livonian Coast.", "liv": "Jõvā ežmizõst Līvõ sõviļīzskūolst, mis sugīz 2013. āigasts, sīe irdõksõks um jaggõvõtājizt īti foto Līvõd rāndas tundtõb Lōz tam jūs.", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "Lāži Oak has been the decor and treasure of the Lāžu homestead in the village of Vaide for at least two hundred years. Nika Polmanis (1823), the first professionally educated Livonian teacher, was born in Lāži homestead; since the 60s of the 19th century, the Launičs’ family, whose representative Andrejs Launičs wrote descriptions of Livonian weddings and household customs in the 19th century.", "liv": "Lōz täm um Vaid kilā Lōz kōrand eldõm ja rikūz jemīņ äbku kakš āigastsaddõ.", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "The Lāži house has also been a Livonian elementary school children (1923–1937).", "liv": "Lōz kōrands um sindõn ežmi opātõks sōnd līvõd opātiji Nikā Polmaņ (1823), 19. āigastsadā 60. āigastist täs um jellõn Launitz aim – sīe jednikā Aņdrõks Launitz 19. āigastsadās um ilzõ kēratõn līvõd kōzgõnd ja mūd irdõkst, Lōz kōrands um vȯnd alliskūol līvõd lapst pierāst (1923. – 1937. āigast sōņõ).", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "At the end of the 1930s, Alfons Bertholds (1910–1993) – a fisherman, a Livonian poet, and a connoisseur of Livonian folklore – became the owner of Lāži homestead, and even now the Bertholds’ family still watch over the territory from underneath the Lāži Oak.", "liv": "20. āigastsadā 30. āigastõd lopāndõkspūol Lōz perīmīekõks sai Alfon Berthold (1910–1993) – kalāmīez, līvõd lūoltiji, rovvīļa tīedaji –, ja ka paldīņ Lōz tam ležgõl jelāb Berthold aim.", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "Livonian Summer University has ended, but some of it's moments may be re-experienced through the Latvian TV.", "liv": "Līvõd sõv iļīzskūol um lebbõ, bet mūnda irg sīestõ um nǟdõb Lețmō TV-s.", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "Once more – many, many thanks to all of participants for your keen and enthusiastic participation and to our supporters – University of Tartu ASTRA project PER ASPERA, Izglītības un zinātnes ministrija, Latvijas Universitāte and other friends for the successful cooperation.", "liv": "Velkõrd sūr tienū amād jaggõvõtājiztõn ja tigtijiztõn – Tartu Iļīzskūol ASTRA projektõn PER ASPERA, Lețmō Opātõks ja tieud ministrijõn, Lețmō Iļīzskūolõn ja munt sõbrādõn.", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "Special thanks to TV9 Pakalni for the hearth warming meeting and Marc Daniel Skibsted Volhardt, Tuuli Tuisk and Miina Norvik for sharing your experiences.", "liv": "Īžki tienū Tālsa TVn iļ sidāmliz kubbõsōmiz ja Marc Daniel Skibsted Volhardt, Tuuli Tuisk ja Miina Norvik iļ mǟdõltõkst.", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "Tomorrow already the third Livonian Summer University begins in Kuoštrõg!", "liv": "Mūpõ Kuoštrõgõl īrgõb jõvā kuolmõz Līvõ sõv iļļiskūol!", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "Monthly item – Cape of Kolka Lighthouse's residential building", "liv": "Kū ažā – Kūolka bōik jeltõbkuodā", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "In the magazine \"Ilustrētā Junioriem\" (Illustrated for Juniors) Daniels Skulte asks \"Is the Livonian language still alive?\" The magazine, with the help of the UL Livonian Institute, provides answers about the Livonian language today and in the past, as well as about the connection between the Livonian and Latvian languages.", "liv": "Āigakēras “Ilustrētā Junioriem” Daniels Skulte kizūb “Või līvõ kēļ vel pīlõb?” Āigakēra LI Līvõd institūt abkõks nīžõb iļ līvõ kīel jedmõl ja paldīņ ja iļ nänt ažād, mis līvõ kīels ja lețkīels ātõ ītizt.", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "Many thanks to Daniels for the question asked!", "liv": "Sūr tienū iļ kizzimiz, Daniel!", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "Wishing you all a Happy Midsummer!", "liv": "Knaššõ Jōņȭdõgt ja Jōņpäuvõ!", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "A conversation with Helmī Stalte", "liv": "Kubsrõk Helmī Stalteks", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "The lavish seaside – see you in Irē (Mazirbe)!", "liv": "ikāz rānda – nǟmõ Irēl!", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "Congratulations to Latvia on the anniversary of its restoration of independence!", "liv": "Pǟgiņ vȯnnõ Lețmō īžpīlimiz ūdstimiz āigastpǟvan!", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "Thank you to everyone who voted for the restoration of independence 30 years ago, but especially to one of the Livonians Ilmārs Geige!", "liv": "Tienū amādõn, kis 30. āigastõ tāgižpēḑõn āndizt iļ sīe eņtš īel, bet īžkist īdõn nēšti – līvlizõn Ilmār Geigen!", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "A friendly greeting to all Estonians from the professor of UL Janīna Kursīte and her family.", "liv": "Lețmō Iļīzskuōl profesōr Janīna Kursīte ja täm aim tēriņtõks amād ēstliztõn.", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "A book by Renāte Bumberga about Livonian National House has been published in the University of Latvia.", "liv": "Lețmō Iļīzskūols um sōnd vaļmõks Renate Blumberga rōntõz iļ līvõd rovkuodā.", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "Congratulations to Tõnis Lukas – the new director of the Estonian Literature Museum, where the main collection on the Livonian Intangible heritage is stored!", "liv": "Pǟgiņ vȯnnõ amā sūŗimiz līvõd vaimliz pierāndõks kolektsij prațțijiz –Ēstimō kērandõks muzej – ūd direktorõn – Tõnis Lukas!", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "Monthly Item – large-format portrait (122×207 cm) of Nick Polmanis from the director’s Uģis Olte upcoming feature film “Upurga”.", "liv": "Kū ažā – Nikā Polmaņ (122 x 207 cm) portrej režisor Uģis Olte tulbizõst mängfilmst “Upurga”.", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "DHN2020 conference proceedings have been published.", "liv": "Um ulzõ tund konferents DHN2020 kērad kub. Sīes um lugdõb ka LI Līvõd institūt tuņšlijizt Valts Ernštreits ja Gunta Kļava kēra “Taking the Livonians into the Digital Space”, mis nīžõd iļ digitālizt resursõd ja sīe, ku ne võibõd äbțõ ädāstõd kīeldõn ja kultūrdõn.", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "In them you can get acquainted with the article “Taking the Livonians into the Digital Space” by Gunta Kļava and Valts Ernštreits, researchers of the UL Livonian Institute. The article focuses on digital humanities and how they can help endangered languages and cultures, especially the Livonian language.", "liv": "In them you can get acquainted with the article “Taking the Livonians into the Digital Space” by Gunta Kļava and Valts Ernštreits, researchers of the UL Livonian Institute. The article focuses on digital humanities and how they can help endangered languages and cultures, especially the Livonian language.", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "Karl Pajusalu on the radio tells about Ludza Estonian language.", "liv": "Karl Pajusalu radios nīžõb iļ Ludza ēstlizt kīel.", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "", "liv": "Tämpõ ja mūpõ virtuāliz vīțõ Rīgõs sugūb 36. rovvõdvaili sūomõ-ugrõd studentõd konferents XXXVI Ifusco, Riga 2021, mis Rīgõ ātõ tūonõd institūt rovzt!", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "UL Livonian institute's scientific assistants Elvīra Kalniņa and Annija Lazdiņa participated in the Zinātnieku nakts 2021 and told about their experience, responsibilities and research.", "liv": "LI Līvõd institūt tuņšlijizt Elvīra Kalniņa ja Annija Lazdiņa võtīzt jaggõ Tieudmīed īestõ ja nīžiztõ iļ eņtš tīe ja tuņšlimizt.", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "Happy Independence restoration day, dear Latvia!", "liv": "Pǟgiņ vȯnnõ īžpīlimiz ūdstimiz pǟvan, ārmaz Lețmō!", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "Today Livonians are waking birds.", "liv": "Tämpõ līvõd virgtõbõd līndidi.", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "Listen to the Livonian traditional bird-waking song performed by the Livonian poet and culture keeper Pētõr Damberg!", "liv": "Täs um kūldõb līndõd virgtimiz loul, nei ku sīe um loulõn līvõ kīel ja mīel prațțiji Pētõr Damberg (1909–1987)!", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "101 years ago the Mother Tongue Society (Estonia) was founded. It's first published book was also the first secular book in Livonian – First Livonian Reader!", "liv": "101 āigastõ tāgižpēḑõn um pūojtõd Jemākīel seļtš, mis ežmi ulzõ antõd rōntõz vȯļ ka ežmi īlmali līvõkēļi rōntõz – Ežmi līvõd lugdõbrōntõz!", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "Happy birthday!", "liv": "Pǟgiņ vȯnnõ!", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "On March 24, at the demonstration seminar on the possibilities of using digital resources of Humanities, the UL Livonian Institute will talk about their designed resources for the Livonian language and culture.", "liv": "24. märtsõs seminars iļ digitālizt humanitārizt resursõd kȭlbatimiz võimizt LI Līvõd institūt nīžõb iļ eņtš tīedõd resursõd līvõ kīel ja kultūr pierāst.", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "If we can't go to Kūolka, Kūolka is coming to us!", "liv": "Až mēg äb võim päzzõ Kuolkõ, Kūolka tulāb mäd jūr!", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "UL Livonian Institute participates in the discussion on indigenous issues – 2nd day.", "liv": "LI Līvõd institūt võtāb jaggõ diskusijst iļ alliztrovd kizzimizt – 2. pǟva.", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "UL Livonian Institute participates in the discussion on indigenous issues.", "liv": "LI Līvõd institūt võtāb jaggõ diskusijst iļ alliztrovd kizzimizt.", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "Speech on Livonians is expected tomorrow.", "liv": "Mūpõ līb rõk ka iļ līvlizt.", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "UL Livonian Institute researcher Uldis Balodis's book \"Lutsi kiele lementar. Ludzas igauņu valodas ābece\" is recognized as the best social sciences book of 2020 at the University of Latvia!\"", "liv": "LI Līvõd institūt tuņšļijiz Uldis Balodis rōntõz “Lutsi kiele lementar. Ludza ēstlizt kīel ābēd” – 2020. āigast paŗīmi rōntõz humanitārliz tieud arāl Lețmō Iļīzskūols!", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "103! Daudz laimes dzimšanas dienā, dārgā Igaunija!\"", "liv": "103! Palju õnne sünnipäevaks, kallis Eesti!", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "The collection of Livonian photographs created by the Finnish linguist Vilho Setälä in 1912 can now be seen in colour.", "liv": "Sūomõ kīeltieudmīe Vilho Setälä 1912. āigasts tīedõd līvõd fotod ni ātõ nǟdõb vērmis.", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "Thanks to Twan Goosen for the colouring work.", "liv": "Tienū Twan Goosenõn iļ vermtimiz.", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "Valts Ernštreits, Head of the UL Livonian Institute, on the preservation and use of the language and intangible heritage of Kurzeme, the accessibility of culture in the regions and the use of digital resources in the discussion group on the development of the Kurzeme Planning Region Development Programme 2021–2027.", "liv": "Kurāmō plōnimizarā kazāndõksprogram 2021–2027 lūomiz diskusijs LI Līvõd institūt jūodiji Valts Ernštreits rõkāndõb iļ Kurāmō kīel ja vaimliz pierāndõks pīlimiz ja kȭlbatimiz, kultūr jūrõpäzzimiz võimizt mōarīs ja digiresursõd kȭlbatimiz võimizt.", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "LSM: \"Livonian language needs reanimation\". A call for the rescue of Europe's most endangered language.", "liv": "LSM: \"Līvõ kīelõn um vajāg pakāndabbõ.\" Eirop amā ädāstõd kīeldõ um pästāmõst!", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "Seeking vanished words: UL Livonian Institute researcher Uldis Balodis on languages, life in Arizona, and himself.", "liv": "Kaddõnd sõņḑi vȯtšõs: LI Līvõd institūt tuņšliji Uldis Balodis iļ kīeld, jelāmiz Arizonas ja īžeņtš.", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "The sound of Livonian also during the International Mother Language Day!", "liv": "Rovvõdvailiz jemākīel pǟvan kilūb ka līvõ kēļ!", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "Abja-Paluoja in Estonia this year will be the Finno-Ugric Capital of Culture.", "liv": "Abja-Paluoja Ēstimōl tämnāigast līb sūomõ-ugrõ kultūr pǟjālgab.", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "What do animals say", "liv": "Mis kītõbõd lūomõd", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "Sing along and learn Livonian!", "liv": "Lōla īņõ ja op līvõ kīeldõ!", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "About cardinal and intercardinal directions in Livonian.", "liv": "Iļ touvõarūd nimūd līvõ kīels.", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "It is morning", "liv": "Ūomõg um", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "Sing along and learn Livonian!", "liv": "Lōla īņõ ja op līvõ kīeldõ!", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "New project by UL Livonian Institute for the acqusition of the Livonian language.", "liv": "Ūž LI Līvõd institūt projekt līvõ kīel oppimiz pierāst.", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "Today is 30th anniversary of the State Especially Protected Livonian Culture Historical Area “the Livonian Coast” – first institution in Latvia for protection of Livonians (closed 2003)", "liv": "Tämpõ 30 āigastõ tāgižpēḑõn um pūojtõd Vald īžkiz kaitstõb līvõd kultūristōrili arā “Līvõd Rānda” – ežmi līvlizt prațțimizõn pivāstõd vald institutsij Lețmō istōrijs (vizzõ pandõd 2003. āigasts).", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "Monthly Item – Declarations of Īra (Lielirbe) village residents to Lielirbe school’s administrator. Why were they made?", "liv": "Kū ažā – Īra kilā rovzt kērad Īra skūol jūodijizõn. Mikšpierāst ne sugīztõ?", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "In response to a request from the UL Livonian Institute, a Braille script has also been created for Lutsi! Many thanks again to Harris Mowbray!\"", "liv": "LI Līvõd institūt jeddõpanmiz pierrõ um Brail alfabēt um tīedõd ka Ludza ēstlizt kīel pierāst! Velkõrd tienū Harris Mowbray’n!", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "UL Livonian Institute researcher Uldis Balodis has been nominated for the Latgale culture award \"Boņuks 2020\" for his Lutsi language primer.", "liv": "LI Līvõd institūt tuņšliji Uldis Balodis um nominīertõd Ladgaldmō kultūr ovīnda \"Boņuks 2020\" pierāst iļ Ludza ēsti kīel ābēd.", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "Numbers", "liv": "Lugūd", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "Sing along and learn Livonian!", "liv": "Lōla īņõ ja op līvõ kīeldõ!", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "New project by UL Livonian Institute for the acqusition of the Livonian language.", "liv": "Ūž LI Līvõd institūt projekt līvõ kīel oppimiz pierāst.", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "The President of Latvia has supported a number of the UL Livonian Institute’s proposals for his proposed bill “The Latvian Historical Lands Act”.", "liv": "Vald prezident un tigtõn radā LI Līvõd institūt jeddõpanmiži tulbiz “Lețlizt istōrilizt mōd pandõks” pierāst.", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "From January 4, the Latvian Radio 3 programme \"Rīta regtaims\" will feature a new informative rubric \"Do you know?\", where every Wednesday you can hear stories about Livonians.", "liv": "4. janvārst Lețmō radio 3 programms kilūb ūž rubrik „Või tīedad?”, missõs kuolmõndpäuviš ātõ kūldtõb ka nīžõd iļ līvõd!", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "The fourth story provides an answer to the question \"Do you know why the Livonian festival is celebrated on the first Saturday of August?”", "liv": "Neļļõz nīž āndab vastūks kizzimizõn “Või tīedad, mikš Līvõd pivād sōbõd alz pidtõd ougust ežmiz pūolpǟvan?”", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "When I go to the seaside", "liv": "Ku ma randõ lǟb", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "Sing along and learn Livonian!", "liv": "Lōla īņõ ja op līvõ kīeldõ!", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "New project by UL Livonian Institute for the acqusition of the Livonian language.", "liv": "Ūž LI Līvõd institūt projekt līvõ kīel oppimiz pierāst.", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "From January 4, the Latvian Radio 3 programme \"Rīta regtaims\" will feature a new informative rubric \"Do you know?\", where every Wednesday you can hear stories about Livonians.", "liv": "4. janvārst Lețmō radio 3 programms kilūb ūž rubrik „Või tīedad?”, missõs kuolmõndpäuviš ātõ kūldtõb ka nīžõd iļ līvõd!", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "The third story provides an answer to the question \"Do you know that every one of us knows a little Livonian?”", "liv": "Kuolmõz nīž āndab vastūks kizzimizõn “Või tīedad, ku mēg jegāikš mūoštam rōz rõkāndõ līvõ kīeldõ?”", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "Livonian may be seen in more and more places in Latvia.", "liv": "Līvõ kēļ um nǟdõb jemīņ ja jemīņ Lețmō kūožis.", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "Here is the sign pointing towards Kūolka Livonian Society house in Kūolka village centre.", "liv": "Täsā – Kūolka līvõd kubkuodā merk Kūolka kilā sidāms.", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "Doers", "liv": "Tējizt", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "Sing along and learn Livonian!", "liv": "Lōla īņõ ja op līvõ kīeldõ!", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "New project by UL Livonian Institute for the acqusition of the Livonian language.", "liv": "Ūž LI Līvõd institūt projekt līvõ kīel oppimiz pierāst.", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "From January 4, the Latvian Radio 3 programme \"Rīta regtaims\" will feature a new informative rubric \"Do you know?\", where every Wednesday you can hear stories about Livonians.", "liv": "4. janvārst Lețmō radio 3 programms kilūb ūž rubrik „Või tīedad?”, missõs kuolmõndpäuviš ātõ kūldtõb ka nīžõd iļ līvõd!", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "The second story provides an answer to the question \"Do you know why Finns, Estonians and Livonians stand up at the sound of the same melody?\"", "liv": "Tuoi nīž āndab vastūks kizzimizõn “Või tīedad, mikšpierāst sūomlizt, ēstlizt ja līvlizt nūzõbõd ilzõ sīe īž meldij jūs?”", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "Livonian may be seen in more and more places in Latvia. Here is the Market beeing built in Mērsrags Municipality.\"", "liv": "Līvõ kēļ um nǟdõb jemīņ ja jemīņ Lețmō kūožis. Täsā – Mērsrags tulbi tõrg. Tienū, Mērsraga Informācijas Centrs!", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "Monthly item – Viktors Bertholds – a Livonian, a fisherman, a healer – 100", "liv": "Kū ažā – Viktor Berthold — līvli, kalāmīez ja aŗštiji.", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "From January 4, the Latvian Radio 3 programme \"Rīta regtaims\" will feature a new informative rubric \"Do you know?\"", "liv": "4. janvārst Lețmō radio 3 programms kilūb ūž rubrik „Või tīedad?”, missõs kuolmõndpäuviš ātõ kūldtõb ka nīžõd iļ līvõd!", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "The first story provides an answer to the question \"Do you know that the most endangered language in the European Union can be found in Latvia?\"", "liv": "Ežmiz nīž āndab vastūks kizzimizõn “Või tīedad, ku Eirop Īt amā ädāstõd kēļ um lieudtõb Lețmōld?”", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "About the project “Sing along and learn Livonian!”, the Livonian journey to UNESCO and the Decade of Indigenous Languages.", "liv": "Iļ projekt “Lōla īņõ ja op līvõ kīeldõ!”, līvõd riek UNESCO vōŗțõ ja alliztrovd kīeld āigastkim.", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "Today in 900 seconds – University of Latvia Livonian Insitute.", "liv": "Tämpõ 900 sekunds – Lețmō Iļīzskūol Līvõd institūt.", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "Colours", "liv": "Vērmõd", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "Sing along and learn Livonian!", "liv": "Lōla īņõ ja op līvõ kīeldõ!", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "New project by UL Livonian Institute for the acqusition of the Livonian language.", "liv": "Ūž LI Līvõd institūt projekt līvõ kīel oppimiz pierāst.", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "About the project “Sing along and learn Livonian!”", "liv": "Iļ projekt “Lōla īņõ ja op līvõ kīeldõ!”", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "Sing along and learn Livonian! New project by UL Livonian Institute for the acqusition of the Livonian language.", "liv": "Lōla īņõ ja op līvõ kīeldõ! Ūž LI Līvõd institūt projekt līvõ kīel oppimiz pierāst.", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "University of Latvia Livonian Institute wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New year!\"", "liv": "Lețmō Iļīzskūol Līvõd institūt tārmõb rīemliži Taļžpivḑi ja vȯndzizt Ūdtõ āigastõ!", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "UPDATED: Livonian materials in collections of Finland.", "liv": "ŪDSTÕD: Līvõd ažād Sūomõmō ovātõd kubši.", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "Museovirasto Finnish Heritage Agency opens it's collections (including Livonian heritage) for public use!", "liv": "Sūomõmō muzejd vōļikštõks tarmõb eņtš bīldidi (ka līvõd pierānõks) vabā kȭlbatimiz pierāst!", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "There are new songs in the making for learning the Livonian language!", "liv": "Suggõbõd ūd lōlõd līvõ kīel oppimiz pierāst!", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "Happy birthday, dear Finland!", "liv": "Pǟgiņ vȯnnõ, ārmaz Sūomõmō!", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "Monthly item – Kārlis Stalte’s Confirmation regarding the received fee for 42 copies of the “Ūž Testament” (New Testament) translated into Livonian, which the Livonian Union purchased as presents for Christmas.", "liv": "Kū ažā – Kōrli Stalte kēra iļ rō, mis ta um sōnd „Ūd Testament” 42 eksemplār jedst, mis Līvõd Īt vȯstīz Taļžpivad škīnkõd pierāst.", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "On November 26, Valts Ernštreits, Head of the UL Livonian Institute, was elected a corresponding member of the Latvian Academy of Sciences.", "liv": "26. novembõrs Lețmō Tieud Akadēmij korespondent nõtkõmõks un vēļdõd LI Līvõd institūt jūodiji Valts Ernštreits.", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "Congratulations on the 102nd birthday of the Republic of Latvia and the 97th birthday of the Livonian flag!", "liv": "Pǟgiņ vȯnnõ Lețmō Republik 102. ja Līvõd plagā 97. sindizpǟvan!", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "Drawing: Alvīne Veinberga.", "liv": "Tǟtõks: Alvīne Veinberga.", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "The poetry collection \"Trilium\" has received the literary prize of the Association of Finno-Ugric Literature and the Kindred Peoples' Program in the poetry category.", "liv": "Lūolkub “Trilium” um sōnd Sūomõ-ugrõd kērandõkst asotsiātsij ja Ēstimō Sugrovd program tarmdõb Sūomõ-ugrõd kērandõkst ovpālka lūol kategōrijs.", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "The prize has been established and awarded since 2007.", "liv": "Ovpālka sōb andtõd jegā āigast 2007. āigastõst", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "Monthly item – a photograph from the opening ceremony of the Livonian National House on August 6, 1939, in which two plays were performed.", "liv": "Kū ažā – foto 1939. āigast 6. august Līvõd rovkuodā vāldiž tīemiz pivšti, kus sai spēļdõd kakš nägțimizt.", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "In the photograph you can see the actors of both performances, but you can read more about both performances in the monthly item's description.", "liv": "Foto pǟl ǟt nǟdõb mȯlmõd nägțimizt aktīerd, bet jemīņ iļ mȯlmõd nägțimizt võib luggõ institūt kuodlīeds.", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "On November 9, the Estonian Literary Museum celebrates the 120th anniversary of Oskar Loorits, the founder of the Estonian Folklore Archives.", "liv": "9. novembõrs (11.00–18.00) Ēstimō Literatūr muzējs līb Ēstimō rovvīļa arhīv pūojtijiz Oskar Loorits 120. sindizpǟva tǟtimi.", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "", "liv": "Rīemlizt Jōņpäuvõ ja knaššõ sõvaigõ!", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "An interesting web exhibition of three professors of the University of Tartu has been completed. Julius Mark, Julius Mägiste and Paul Ariste – to a greater or lesser extent, they all have a connection with the Livonian language and Livonians.", "liv": "Um vaļmõks tīedõd virtuāli nägţimi iļ kuolm Tartu Iļīzskūol profesord – Julius Mark, Julius Mägiste ja Paul Ariste, kis ātõ pūtõnd kubbõ ka līvõ kīelkõks ja līvliztõks.", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "", "liv": "Pāgiņ vȯnnõ, Ēstimō!", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "Researcher of Livonian Mati Hint (1937–2019) has passed away.", "liv": "Um kūolõn tundtõb līvõkīel tuņšliji Mati Hint (1937–2019).", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "The Latvian Storytellers Conference to take place at the UL Livonian Institute.", "liv": "LI Līvõd institūts līb Leţmō nīžijizt konferents.", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "Lutsi Estonian and the researcher of Lutsi Estonians in Ludza.", "liv": "Lutsi ēsti kēļ ja Lutsi ēsti tuņšliji Ludza skūols.", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "Congratulations to our good friends and supporters at the University of Tartu on their 100th anniversary!", "liv": "Pāgiņ vȯnnõ 100. sindizpǟvan, mäd jõvād sõbrād ja tigtijizt!", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "", "liv": "Ēstimō Republik kaimkuodā kilās LI Līvõd institūtõn.", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "Happy anniversary, Latvia!", "liv": "Pǟgiņ vȯnnõ, Lețmō!", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "12.11.2019. Commission of the Latvian parliament together with UL LIvonian Institute discussed keeping Livonian linguistic and cultural heritage.", "liv": "12.11.2019. Saeima komisijs īdskubs LI Līvõd institūtõks rõkāndiztõ iļ līvõ kīel ja kultūr pierāndõks prațțimiz.", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "UL Livonian institute is telling about Baltic and Finnic contacts at the Ventspils Augstskola.", "liv": "LI Līvõd institūt Vǟnta iļīzskūols nīžõb iļ baltõd ja Vāldamiersūomõd kīeld kontaktõd.", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "05.11.2019 a tombstone for Tõnu Karma and Marta Rudzīte was opened. Money for the tombstone was donated by their friends from Estonia and Latvia, including UL Livonian Institute, Livonian Culture Centre and Livonian Union.", "liv": "05.11.2019. Rīgõ Mõtsā kālmadtarās sai vāldiž tīedõd Tõnu Karma ja Marta Rudzīte mǟdõltõkskiv, mis pierāst āndatiztõ rōdõ nänt sõbrād Lețmōld ja Ēstimōld, nänt siegās ka LI Līvõd institūt, Līvõ kultūr sidām ja Līvõd Īt.", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "02/11/2019 participants of the Livonian summer school Mierlinkizt for children and youth met at the UL Livonian Institute.", "liv": "02.11.2019. LI Līvõd institūts saitõ kubbõ Līvõd lapst ja nūord sõvskūol “Mierlinkizt” jaggõvõtājizt.", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "The UL Livonian Institute on Livonian situation in Latvia today.", "liv": "LI Līvõd institūt iļ līvõd kūož Lețmōl tämpõ.", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "Opening of the Tõnu Karma and Marta Rudzīte gravestone, 05.11.2019. 13.00 in the Riga I Forest cemetary.", "liv": "Tõnu Karma ja Marta Rudzīte mǟdõltõkskiv vāldiž tīemi 05.11.2019. kīela 13.00 Rīgõ I Mõtsā kālmadtarās.", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "Work on the research of the Vidzeme Livonians continues! Thanks to Rasma Noriņa!", "liv": "Tīe Vidūmō līvõd tuņšlimiz jūs lǟb jeddõpēḑõn! Tienū, Rasma Noriņa!", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "On 12th October 2019 in Riga, in the 7th Baltic Student Conference \"Bridges in the Baltics\" the particularities of the Baltic and South Finnic imperatives were introduced by the researcher of the UL Livonian Institute Milda Dailidėnaitė.", "liv": "12.10.2019. Seismõndõs Baltij student konferentsõs \"Bridges in the Baltics\" Rīgõs iļ baltõd ja jedālsūomõd kīeld imperatīv nīžiz LI Līvõd institūt tuņšliji Milda Dailidėnaitė.", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "UL LI researcher Uldis Balodis speaks about the work and future plans of the Livonian Institute at the University of Latvia's centenary conference.", "liv": "Lețmō Iļīzskūol āigastsadā konferentsõs LI LI tuņšliji Uldis Balodis nīžõb iļ Līvõd institūt tīe ja tulbiz.", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "During the Kindred nations day's conference will also include the UL Livonian institute's presentation on Livonians.", "liv": "Sugrovd pǟvad konverentsõs Tallinnõs LI Līvõd institūt nīžõb ka iļ līvlizt.", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "On 07.10.2019 the Head of the UL Livonian Institute met the President of the Republic of Latvia to discuss the future and plans for the Republic of Latvia to meet its obligations to the Livonians as specified in the law. LI Līvõd institūt Valsts prezidents Latvijas Universitāte", "liv": "07.10.2019. LI Līvõd institūt jūodiji ja Lețmō Vald prezident rõkāndiztõ iļ līvliztõks sidtõd pandõkst täutimiz.", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "On 03.10.2019 during the smart lexicography conference Elex Conference in Sintra, Portugal, the UL Livonian Institute spoke about Livonian dictionaries.", "liv": "03.10.2019. tämpizt sõnārōntõd tējizt konferentsõs Elex Conference Sintras, Portugāls, LI Līvõd institūt nīžiz iļ līvõkīel sõnārōntõd.", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "Find out your Livonian Alter Ego!", "liv": "Sō tieudõ eņtš līvõd Alter Ego!", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "My Livonian Alter ego!", "liv": "Min līvõd Alter ego!", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "The UL Livonian Institute participates in EU Science Night! Come down and find out your Livonian Alter ego! #LatvijasUniversitāte #ZinatniekuNakts", "liv": "Ka LI Līvõd institūt võtāb jaggõ Tieudmīed īestõ! Tul ja sō tieudõ eņtš līvliz Alter Ego!", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "The UL Livonian Institute speaks about the Livonians at the Rīga Purvciems Secondary School.", "liv": "LU Līvõd institūt Rīgõ Purvciems sidāmizskūols nīžõb iļ līvõd.", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "The director of the UL Livonian Institute speaking about Livonian place names at the place names experts meeting.", "liv": "Kuožnimūd ekspertõd kubbõtulmiz āigal LI Līvõd institūt jūodiji nīžõb iļ līvõd kūožnimūd.", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "During the place names experts meeting the UL Livonian Institute will be speaking about Livonian place names in Latvia.", "liv": "Kuožnimūd ekspertõd kubbõtulmiz āigal LI Līvõd institūt nīžõb ka iļ līvõd kūožnimūd Lețmōl.", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "Already on monday LI Līvõd institūt will take place conference Livonica 2019.", "liv": "Jõvā ežžõmpǟvan LI Līvõd institūt līb konferents Livonica 2019!", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "Today Latvian National guard turns 28!", "liv": "Tämpõ Mōkaitsõn – 28!", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "The director of the UL Livonian Institute meets the President of the Republic of Latvia.", "liv": "LI Līvõd institūt jūodiji sōb kubbõ Vald prezidentõks.", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "In the newspaper \"Sestdiena\" – our researcher Uldis Balodis.", "liv": "Āigakēras \"Sestdiena\" – mäd tuņšliji Uldis Balodis.", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "Appreciation letters from the Estonian Ministry of Culture to the UL Livonian Institute researchers – Renāte Blumberga, Valts Ernštreits and Gunta Kļava .", "liv": "Ēstimō Republik Kultūr ministrij tienāndõkskērad LI Līvõd institūt tuņšlijztõn – Renāte Blumberga, Valts Ernštreits ja Gunta Kļavan.", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "Yet another nice day for the UL Livonian Institute spent together with children from Livonian children and young people summer school \"MIerlinkizt\" – in Mazirbe, Slītere, Kolka, Vaide and Pitrags.", "liv": "Vel ikš knaš LI Līvõd institūt pǟva īdskubs līvõd lapst ja nūord azūmõks \"Mierlinkizt\" – Irēl, Šlītõrs, Kūolkas, Vaidõl ja Pitrõgõl.", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "", "liv": "LI Līvõd institūt Pūojmōd kolēgõd jūs.", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "The UL Livonian Institute visits its Nordic colleagues.", "liv": "LI Līvõd institūt Pūojmōd kolēgõd jūs.", "source": "facebook_posts" }, { "en": "On 26.07.2019 at the Livonian Community House, the UL Livonian Institute participated in the Livonian children’s and youth camp \"Mierlinkizt\", offering a four-hour programme on Livonian heritage – culture, history, language and their role in Latvia. Participants also took a quiz on various topics connected with the Livonians and created their own Livonian CVs.", "liv": "26.07.2019 Līvõd rovkuodās LI Līvõd institūt võtīz jaggõ Līvõd lapst ja nūord sõv azūmst \"Mierlinkizt\". Program nēļa stuņḑ āigal lapst ja nūord saitõ tundtõbõks līvõd pierāndõks – kultūr, istōrij, kīel – ja nänt tǟdzitõks, võtīzt jaggõ viktorīnst iļ setmiņ līvliztõks sidtõd arād ja teitõ īžeņtš Līvliz CV.", "source": "facebook_posts" }