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0,General Disaster,What is the audible range of thunderstorm?
1,Extreme Heat,Heatwave preparedness
2,Coronavirus,Pandemic control
3,Terrorist Attack,Terrorist attack mitigation
4,General Disaster,Which season is more favourable for severe thunderstorms?
5,Thunder,Thunder and lightning preparedness planning
6,Fire,Fire emergency response
8,General Disaster,how to Reduce road accidents during Fog?
9,Fire,What to do for fire prevention in case of emergency?
10,Coronavirus,COVID-19 outbreak
11,Fire,Firefighting tactics
12,Terrorist Attack,Terror acts
13,Terrorist Attack,Terrorist recruitment
14,Thunder,Lightning storm precautions
15,Fire,What are the common equipment used in extinguishing fire?
18,Extreme Heat,Hot weather warning
19,Terrorist Attack,Bomb threats
20,Thunder,Thunderstorm warning signs and signals
21,Thunder,Can using a telephone during lightning be dangerous?
22,General Disaster,What are the norms for assistance in case of damage to agriculture due to natural calamities?
23,Terrorist Attack,Counterterrorism experts
24,Thunder,What not to do during terrorist attack?
25,Extreme Heat,Heatwave public health measures
26,Extreme Heat,Sunburn prevention
27,Extreme Heat,Prolonged heat exposure
29,General Disaster,How is the compensation for loss of a limb or eye(s) determined?
30,Coronavirus,Coronavirus disease
31,Thunder,Thunder and lightning precautions
32,Flood,Flood risk reduction initiatives
33,Extreme Heat,Summer heat
34,Flood,Flood damage
35,Terrorist Attack,Counterterrorism intelligence sharing
36,Corona Virus,What are colour coded warnings for thunderstorm nowcast?
37,Flood,Flood relief organizations
38,Fire,Fire brigade
39,General Disaster,What is the lightning crouch position?
41,Sunstroke,What cautions to follow for sunstrokes?
42,Extreme Heat,Heatwave resilience
44,Fire,What to do in cases of Fire in High-rise buildings
45,Coronavirus,Coronavirus impact
46,Terrorist Attack,Terrorist attack preparedness
49,Extreme Heat,Sunburn danger
50,Thunder,Lightning strike safety
52,Extreme Heat,Pets and heat
53,Coronavirus,Corona virus outbreak
54,Fire,How to protect farms and barns from fire?
55,Extreme Heat,Heatwave impact on vulnerable communities
56,Corona Virus,What to do to avoid corona virus infection:
57,General Disaster,Can I get support for cattle loss due to disasters?
58,Extreme Heat,Cool down strategies
59,Thunder,Thunderstorm safety improvement
60,General Disaster,How dangerous is lightning?
61,General Disaster,What help can I get if my house is damaged in a disaster?
62,Coronavirus,Vaccine distribution
63,Fire,How to protect against fire in public places?
64,Terrorist Attack,Terrorist attack prevention measures
65,Coronavirus,Pandemic impact
66,Terrorist Attack,Terrorist financing sources
67,Terrorist Attack,Counterterrorism policies
68,Extreme Heat,Heatwave vulnerability assessment
69,Flood,Flood rescue
70,Corona Virus,कोरोना वायरस के लक्षण क्या हैं?
71,Extreme Heat,Heatwave risk assessment
72,Thunder,Thunder and lightning response coordination strategies
73,Terrorist Attack,Terrorist strikes
74,Thunder,What precautions should be taken indoors during lightning?
75,Flood,Flood prevention policies
76,Terrorist Attack,Suicide bombings
79,Fire, inferno
80,Fire, smoke
81,Thunder,Thunder and lightning awareness
82,General Disaster,How is the gratuitous relief for families whose livelihood is seriously affected structured?
83,Terrorist Attack,Counterterrorism legislation
84,Flood,Flood early warning
85,General Disaster,आपदा जोखिम क्या है?
86,Thunder,Thunderclap safety drills
87,Extreme Heat,Crop heat stress
89,Fire, house fire
90,Fire,Fire rescue
91,Extreme Heat,Stay indoors
92,Extreme Heat,Livestock heat stress
93,Flood,What to do when you hear a flood warning?
94,General Disaster,Why is the lightning produced?
95,Flood,What are safety suggestions for flood?
97,Thunder,Electrical discharge
98,Terrorist Attack,Violent extremism
99,Extreme Heat,Heatwave urban planning
100,Terrorist Attack,Sabotage incidents
101,Extreme Heat,Blistering heat
102,Flood,Flood preparedness
103,Fire,Fire extinguisher
104,Coronavirus,Virus control
105,Thunder,Lightning bolt detection
106,Extreme Heat,Heatwave and social equity
107,Extreme Heat,Extreme heat records
108,Fire,Fire evacuation
109,Terrorist Attack,Counterterrorism threat assessment
110,Flood,What to do when you hear a flood warning?
111,Fire,How to do fire safety during festivals and events?
112,Corona Virus,How does corona virus spread?
113,Earthquake,What are some tips to keep safe after an earthquake?
114,Extreme Heat,Extreme temperature spikes
116,Thunder,Thunderstorm safety
117,Coronavirus,Vaccine effectiveness
118,Terrorist Attack,Counterterrorism strategies
119,General Disaster,How does the government help with damaged public utilities?
120,Fire,How to protect against fire in cities?
122,General Disaster,Is thunder cloud dangerous?
124,General Disaster,Are all thunderstorms equally dangerous?
125,Fire,Fire management
126,Terrorist Attack,Counterterrorist measures
128,Extreme Heat,Heat relief measures
129,General Disaster,"What is relief when clothing and utensils/ house­ hold goods for families, whose houses have been washed away/ fully damaged/ severely inundated for more than two days due to a natural calamity."
131,Fire, alarm
132,Coronavirus,Pandemic precautions
133,Terrorist Attack,Radical extremism
134,General Disaster,What are the months when Uttar Pradesh is severly affected with floods?
135,Thunder,Lightning strike prevention
136,General Disaster,What about Provision of emergency supply of drinking water?
137,Extreme Heat,Heatwave mitigation measures
138,Extreme Heat,Extreme Heat
139,Thunder,Electrical storm management innovations
140,Coronavirus,Coronavirus symptoms
141,Fire,Fire hazard
142,Thunder,Lightning bolt detection advancements
143,General Disaster,What are negative and positive cloud to ground (CG) lightning?
144,Terrorist Attack,National security
145,Fire,Fire hydrant
146,Extreme Heat,Heat emergency
147,Terrorist Attack,Counterterrorism partnerships
150,Fire, bushfire
151,Coronavirus,COVID-19 transmission
152,General Disaster,Why do I need to protect myself when a thundercloud is far away from my location?
153,Thunder,Lightning storm
155,Extreme Heat,Record heat
156,Flood,Flood recovery and rebuilding
157,General Disaster,What are various types of thunderstorms?
158,Extreme Heat,Sun protection methods
159,Extreme Heat,Heat safety tips
160,General Disaster,Do rubber-soled shoes and car tyres offer protection from lightning.
161,Terrorist Attack,Terrorist attack resilience strategies
162,Coronavirus,Pandemic information
163,Thunder,Thunder and storm readiness tips
165,Flood,Livestock in floods
167,General Disaster,How is assistance for the repair of damaged houses structured?
168,Fire, firebreak
170,General Disaster,How much time a victim have after snakebite for medication?
171,Terrorist Attack,Counterterrorist forces
172,Flood,Flood shelter locations
173,General Disaster,In what kind of clouds do tornadoes occur?
174,Fire,Fire risk mitigation
175,Thunder,Lightning flash
176,Fire, ignition
177,Extreme Heat,Cooling off in water