import datetime |
import os |
import sys |
import numpy as np |
import pandas as pd |
from pathlib import Path |
from tqdm import tqdm |
import importlib |
import disease_cohort |
importlib.reload(disease_cohort) |
import disease_cohort |
sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + './../..') |
if not os.path.exists("./data/cohort"): |
os.makedirs("./data/cohort") |
def get_visit_pts(mimic4_path:str, group_col:str, visit_col:str, admit_col:str, disch_col:str, adm_visit_col:str, use_mort:bool, use_los:bool, los:int, use_admn:bool, disease_label:str,use_ICU:bool): |
"""Combines the MIMIC-IV core/patients table information with either the icu/icustays or core/admissions data. |
Parameters: |
mimic4_path: path to mimic-iv folder containing MIMIC-IV data |
group_col: patient identifier to group patients (normally subject_id) |
visit_col: visit identifier for individual patient visits (normally hadm_id or stay_id) |
admit_col: column for visit start date information (normally admittime or intime) |
disch_col: column for visit end date information (normally dischtime or outtime) |
use_ICU: describes whether to speficially look at ICU visits in icu/icustays OR look at general admissions from core/admissions |
""" |
visit = None |
if use_ICU: |
visit = pd.read_csv(mimic4_path + "icu/icustays.csv.gz", compression='gzip', header=0, index_col=None, parse_dates=[admit_col, disch_col]) |
if use_admn: |
pts = pd.read_csv(mimic4_path + "hosp/patients.csv.gz", compression='gzip', header=0, index_col=None, usecols=['subject_id', 'dod'], parse_dates=['dod']) |
visit = visit.merge(pts, how='inner', left_on='subject_id', right_on='subject_id') |
visit = visit.loc[(visit.dod.isna()) | (visit.dod >= visit[disch_col])] |
if len(disease_label): |
hids=disease_cohort.extract_diag_cohort(visit['hadm_id'],disease_label,mimic4_path) |
visit=visit[visit['hadm_id'].isin(hids['hadm_id'])] |
print("[ READMISSION DUE TO "+disease_label+" ]") |
else: |
visit = pd.read_csv(mimic4_path + "hosp/admissions.csv.gz", compression='gzip', header=0, index_col=None, parse_dates=[admit_col, disch_col]) |
visit['los']=visit[disch_col]-visit[admit_col] |
visit[admit_col] = pd.to_datetime(visit[admit_col]) |
visit[disch_col] = pd.to_datetime(visit[disch_col]) |
visit['los']=pd.to_timedelta(visit[disch_col]-visit[admit_col],unit='h') |
visit['los']=visit['los'].astype(str) |
visit[['days', 'dummy','hours']] = visit['los'].str.split(' ', -1, expand=True) |
visit['los']=pd.to_numeric(visit['days']) |
visit=visit.drop(columns=['days', 'dummy','hours']) |
if use_admn: |
visit = visit.loc[visit.hospital_expire_flag == 0] |
if len(disease_label): |
hids=disease_cohort.extract_diag_cohort(visit['hadm_id'],disease_label,mimic4_path) |
visit=visit[visit['hadm_id'].isin(hids['hadm_id'])] |
print("[ READMISSION DUE TO "+disease_label+" ]") |
pts = pd.read_csv( |
mimic4_path + "hosp/patients.csv.gz", compression='gzip', header=0, index_col = None, usecols=[group_col, 'anchor_year', 'anchor_age', 'anchor_year_group', 'dod','gender'] |
) |
pts['yob']= pts['anchor_year'] - pts['anchor_age'] |
pts['min_valid_year'] = pts['anchor_year'] + (2019 - pts['anchor_year_group'].str.slice(start=-4).astype(int)) |
if use_ICU: |
visit_pts = visit[[group_col, visit_col, adm_visit_col, admit_col, disch_col,'los']].merge( |
pts[[group_col, 'anchor_year', 'anchor_age', 'yob', 'min_valid_year', 'dod','gender']], how='inner', left_on=group_col, right_on=group_col |
) |
else: |
visit_pts = visit[[group_col, visit_col, admit_col, disch_col,'los']].merge( |
pts[[group_col, 'anchor_year', 'anchor_age', 'yob', 'min_valid_year', 'dod','gender']], how='inner', left_on=group_col, right_on=group_col |
) |
visit_pts['Age']=visit_pts['anchor_age'] |
visit_pts = visit_pts.loc[visit_pts['Age'] >= 18] |
eth = pd.read_csv(mimic4_path + "hosp/admissions.csv.gz", compression='gzip', header=0, usecols=['hadm_id', 'insurance','race'], index_col=None) |
visit_pts= visit_pts.merge(eth, how='inner', left_on='hadm_id', right_on='hadm_id') |
if use_ICU: |
return visit_pts[[group_col, visit_col, adm_visit_col, admit_col, disch_col,'los', 'min_valid_year', 'dod','Age','gender','race', 'insurance']] |
else: |
return visit_pts.dropna(subset=['min_valid_year'])[[group_col, visit_col, admit_col, disch_col,'los', 'min_valid_year', 'dod','Age','gender','race', 'insurance']] |
def validate_row(row, ctrl, invalid, max_year, disch_col, valid_col, gap): |
"""Checks if visit's prediction window potentially extends beyond the dataset range (2008-2019). |
An 'invalid row' is NOT guaranteed to be outside the range, only potentially outside due to |
de-identification of MIMIC-IV being done through 3-year time ranges. |
To be invalid, the end of the prediction window's year must both extend beyond the maximum seen year |
for a patient AND beyond the year that corresponds to the 2017-2019 anchor year range for a patient""" |
print("disch_col",row[disch_col]) |
print(gap) |
pred_year = (row[disch_col] + gap).year |
if max_year < pred_year and pred_year > row[valid_col]: |
invalid = invalid.append(row) |
else: |
ctrl = ctrl.append(row) |
return ctrl, invalid |
def partition_by_los(df:pd.DataFrame, los:int, group_col:str, visit_col:str, admit_col:str, disch_col:str, valid_col:str): |
invalid = df.loc[(df[admit_col].isna()) | (df[disch_col].isna()) | (df['los'].isna())] |
cohort = df.loc[(~df[admit_col].isna()) & (~df[disch_col].isna()) & (~df['los'].isna())] |
pos_cohort=cohort[cohort['los']>los] |
neg_cohort=cohort[cohort['los']<=los] |
neg_cohort=neg_cohort.fillna(0) |
pos_cohort=pos_cohort.fillna(0) |
pos_cohort['label']=1 |
neg_cohort['label']=0 |
cohort=pd.concat([pos_cohort,neg_cohort], axis=0) |
cohort=cohort.sort_values(by=[group_col,admit_col]) |
print("[ LOS LABELS FINISHED ]") |
return cohort, invalid |
def partition_by_readmit(df:pd.DataFrame, gap:datetime.timedelta, group_col:str, visit_col:str, admit_col:str, disch_col:str, valid_col:str): |
"""Applies labels to individual visits according to whether or not a readmission has occurred within the specified `gap` days. |
For a given visit, another visit must occur within the gap window for a positive readmission label. |
The gap window starts from the disch_col time and the admit_col of subsequent visits are considered.""" |
case = pd.DataFrame() |
ctrl = pd.DataFrame() |
invalid = pd.DataFrame() |
grouped= df.sort_values(by=[group_col, admit_col]).groupby(group_col) |
for subject, group in tqdm(grouped): |
max_year = group.max()[disch_col].year |
if group.shape[0] <= 1: |
ctrl = ctrl.append(group.iloc[0]) |
else: |
for idx in range(group.shape[0]-1): |
visit_time = group.iloc[idx][disch_col] |
if group.loc[ |
(group[admit_col] > visit_time) & |
(group[admit_col] - visit_time <= gap) |
].shape[0] >= 1: |
case = case.append(group.iloc[idx]) |
else: |
ctrl = ctrl.append(group.iloc[idx]) |
ctrl = ctrl.append(group.iloc[-1]) |
return case, ctrl, invalid |
def partition_by_mort(df:pd.DataFrame, group_col:str, visit_col:str, admit_col:str, disch_col:str, death_col:str): |
"""Applies labels to individual visits according to whether or not a death has occurred within |
the times of the specified admit_col and disch_col""" |
invalid = df.loc[(df[admit_col].isna()) | (df[disch_col].isna())] |
cohort = df.loc[(~df[admit_col].isna()) & (~df[disch_col].isna())] |
cohort['label']=0 |
pos_cohort=cohort[~cohort[death_col].isna()] |
neg_cohort=cohort[cohort[death_col].isna()] |
neg_cohort=neg_cohort.fillna(0) |
pos_cohort=pos_cohort.fillna(0) |
pos_cohort[death_col] = pd.to_datetime(pos_cohort[death_col]) |
pos_cohort['label'] = np.where((pos_cohort[death_col] >= pos_cohort[admit_col]) & (pos_cohort[death_col] <= pos_cohort[disch_col]),1,0) |
pos_cohort['label'] = pos_cohort['label'].astype("Int32") |
cohort=pd.concat([pos_cohort,neg_cohort], axis=0) |
cohort=cohort.sort_values(by=[group_col,admit_col]) |
return cohort, invalid |
def get_case_ctrls(df:pd.DataFrame, gap:int, group_col:str, visit_col:str, admit_col:str, disch_col:str, valid_col:str, death_col:str, use_mort=False,use_admn=False,use_los=False) -> pd.DataFrame: |
"""Handles logic for creating the labelled cohort based on arguments passed to extract(). |
Parameters: |
df: dataframe with patient data |
gap: specified time interval gap for readmissions |
group_col: patient identifier to group patients (normally subject_id) |
visit_col: visit identifier for individual patient visits (normally hadm_id or stay_id) |
admit_col: column for visit start date information (normally admittime or intime) |
disch_col: column for visit end date information (normally dischtime or outtime) |
valid_col: generated column containing a patient's year that corresponds to the 2017-2019 anchor time range |
dod_col: Date of death column |
""" |
case = None |
ctrl = None |
invalid = None |
if use_mort: |
return partition_by_mort(df, group_col, visit_col, admit_col, disch_col, death_col) |
elif use_admn: |
gap = datetime.timedelta(days=gap) |
case, ctrl, invalid = partition_by_readmit(df, gap, group_col, visit_col, admit_col, disch_col, valid_col) |
case['label'] = np.ones(case.shape[0]).astype(int) |
ctrl['label'] = np.zeros(ctrl.shape[0]).astype(int) |
return pd.concat([case, ctrl], axis=0), invalid |
elif use_los: |
return partition_by_los(df, gap, group_col, visit_col, admit_col, disch_col, death_col) |
def extract_data(use_ICU:str, label:str, time:int, icd_code:str, root_dir, disease_label, cohort_output=None, summary_output=None): |
"""Extracts cohort data and summary from MIMIC-IV data based on provided parameters. |
Parameters: |
cohort_output: name of labelled cohort output file |
summary_output: name of summary output file |
use_ICU: state whether to use ICU patient data or not |
label: Can either be '{day} day Readmission' or 'Mortality', decides what binary data label signifies""" |
print("===========MIMIC-IV v2.0============") |
if not cohort_output: |
cohort_output="cohort_" + use_ICU.lower() + "_" + label.lower().replace(" ", "_") + "_" + str(time) + "_" + disease_label |
if not summary_output: |
summary_output="summary_" + use_ICU.lower() + "_" + label.lower().replace(" ", "_") + "_" + str(time) + "_" + disease_label |
if icd_code=="No Disease Filter": |
if len(disease_label): |
print(f"EXTRACTING FOR: | {use_ICU.upper()} | {label.upper()} DUE TO {disease_label.upper()} | {str(time)} | ") |
else: |
print(f"EXTRACTING FOR: | {use_ICU.upper()} | {label.upper()} | {str(time)} |") |
else: |
if len(disease_label): |
print(f"EXTRACTING FOR: | {use_ICU.upper()} | {label.upper()} DUE TO {disease_label.upper()} | ADMITTED DUE TO {icd_code.upper()} | {str(time)} |") |
else: |
print(f"EXTRACTING FOR: | {use_ICU.upper()} | {label.upper()} | ADMITTED DUE TO {icd_code.upper()} | {str(time)} |") |
cohort, invalid = None, None |
pts = None |
ICU=use_ICU |
group_col, visit_col, admit_col, disch_col, death_col, adm_visit_col = "", "", "", "", "", "" |
use_mort = label == "Mortality" |
use_admn=label=='Readmission' |
los=0 |
use_los= label=='Length of Stay' |
if use_los: |
los=time |
use_ICU = use_ICU == "ICU" |
use_disease=icd_code!="No Disease Filter" |
if use_ICU: |
group_col='subject_id' |
visit_col='stay_id' |
admit_col='intime' |
disch_col='outtime' |
death_col='dod' |
adm_visit_col='hadm_id' |
else: |
group_col='subject_id' |
visit_col='hadm_id' |
admit_col='admittime' |
disch_col='dischtime' |
death_col='dod' |
pts = get_visit_pts( |
mimic4_path=root_dir, |
group_col=group_col, |
visit_col=visit_col, |
admit_col=admit_col, |
disch_col=disch_col, |
adm_visit_col=adm_visit_col, |
use_mort=use_mort, |
use_los=use_los, |
los=los, |
use_admn=use_admn, |
disease_label=disease_label, |
use_ICU=use_ICU |
) |
cols = [group_col, visit_col, admit_col, disch_col, 'Age','gender','ethnicity','insurance','label'] |
if use_mort: |
cols.append(death_col) |
cohort, invalid = get_case_ctrls(pts, None, group_col, visit_col, admit_col, disch_col,'min_valid_year', death_col, use_mort=True,use_admn=False,use_los=False) |
elif use_admn: |
interval = time |
cohort, invalid = get_case_ctrls(pts, interval, group_col, visit_col, admit_col, disch_col,'min_valid_year', death_col, use_mort=False,use_admn=True,use_los=False) |
elif use_los: |
cohort, invalid = get_case_ctrls(pts, los, group_col, visit_col, admit_col, disch_col,'min_valid_year', death_col, use_mort=False,use_admn=False,use_los=True) |
if use_ICU: |
cols.append(adm_visit_col) |
if use_disease: |
hids=disease_cohort.extract_diag_cohort(cohort['hadm_id'],icd_code,root_dir+"/mimiciv/2.0/") |
cohort=cohort[cohort['hadm_id'].isin(hids['hadm_id'])] |
cohort_output=cohort_output+"_"+icd_code |
summary_output=summary_output+"_"+icd_code |
cohort=cohort.rename(columns={"race":"ethnicity"}) |
cohort[cols].to_csv(root_dir+"/data/cohort/"+cohort_output+".csv.gz", index=False, compression='gzip') |
summary = "\n".join([ |
f"{label} FOR {ICU} DATA", |
f"# Admission Records: {cohort.shape[0]}", |
f"# Patients: {cohort[group_col].nunique()}", |
f"# Positive cases: {cohort[cohort['label']==1].shape[0]}", |
f"# Negative cases: {cohort[cohort['label']==0].shape[0]}" |
]) |
with open(f"./data/cohort/{summary_output}.txt", "w") as f: |
f.write(summary) |
print(summary) |
return cohort_output |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
response = input('Extra all datasets? (y/n)').strip().lower() |
if response == 'y': |
extract_data("ICU", "Mortality") |
extract_data("Non-ICU", "Mortality") |
extract_data("ICU", "30 Day Readmission") |
extract_data("Non-ICU", "30 Day Readmission") |
extract_data("ICU", "60 Day Readmission") |
extract_data("Non-ICU", "60 Day Readmission") |
extract_data("ICU", "120 Day Readmission") |
extract_data("Non-ICU", "120 Day Readmission") |