You're lying. Truro? Jesus.
I don't want you worrying.
You never patronise me, don't start now.
Whoever this is, is insane.
And has a Princess.
Who'll get through this.
Not just any princess, The Princess, Princess bloody
Facebook, bloody eco-conscious, national sweetheart.
I won't have to do anything.
Everyone's laughing at us.
You don't know that.
I know people.
We love humiliation, we can't not laugh.
Nothing is going to happen.
It's already happening in their heads.
In their heads, that's what you're doing,
what my husband is doing.
I love you.
(Knock At Door)
The palace on the phone, sir.
Get Alex to stall them for a minute.
She's already been speaking to her for ten minutes.
It's the queen herself.
Go on.
As the four pm deadline draws nearer and the world holds
its breath waiting to discover whether Princess Susannah...
Would they use a female pig?
It's on the list.
They list the rules at the end of the video,
it specifies camera angles and things.
Like Dogme 95.
It's not like Dogme 95.
Exactly like it.
What's Dogme 95?
Cinematic movement.
Lars Von Trier.
List of rules for the director, no background music,
only natural light and so on. For authenticity.
Same as these rules, so they can't cheat it,
intercut another guy's arse pumping away.
I mean I can't think of anything remotely like this.
it's an entirely new form of terrorism,
the point of which...
If it's terrorism, it's not Islamist in nature
to request a pig. It's specifically abhorrent...
Well that's exactly the point, to make love to a pig.
Make love?
Steer them away from the grisly details.
But we can't discount anything...
Let's not dwell on any of the details.
this is already a huge national talking point.
isn't this precisely what whoever is behind this
is looking for?
(Alex) How's her majesty taking it?
I trust you'll do everything in your power to get her back.
That's what she said.
And we are.
It wasn't a collective you, it was a singular you, i.e. me.
Sir, we may have something.
Jamie's been tracing the video's origin.
I thought it was untraceable.
Technically yes, but so I thought,
work with what we do know, and that video?
Okay, before YouTube compression it was 57.3 meg...
...algorithm, boring.
Anyway, we also know it was uploaded at 3:16am,
so I ran a nationwide trace back on uninterrupted
one way uploads at precisely 57.3 meg in the minutes
leading up to 3:16,
and the closest I can get is a post code.
But it came from somewhere in there.
Looks like a campus.
(Jamie) Yep, closed 2010 and it's been empty since.
And the latest i-sat on this image on this area?
(Jamie) Three am flyover shot from last night.
Looks like it had lights on.
We've got him.
We've got him.
Alert the local team, we'll head out now,
full squad, I'll man it.
With helmet cam relay. We can watch the operation.
Press office, okay Tom?
Right, confident?
It's a bit of a kick bollocks scramble
but with finessing, it should be okay.
Well, finesse quickly, our performer's on his way.
It's a new one for me, obviously, because it's illegal.
I wouldn't normally, you know.
Have you seen any of my films?
Well I'm pretty trad, bish, bash, bosh, in and out.
Yep, well what'd I put on the invoice?
That's what I'm wondering?