Text,Summary "summarize: The chgrp utility shall set the group ID of the file named by each file operand to the group ID specified by the group operand. For each file operand, or, if the -R option is used, each file encountered while walking the directory trees specified by the file operands, the chgrp utility shall perform actions equivalent to the chown() function defined in the System Interfaces volume of POSIX.1‐2017, called with the following arguments: * The file operand shall be used as the path argument. * The user ID of the file shall be used as the owner argument. * The specified group ID shall be used as the group argument. Unless chgrp is invoked by a process with appropriate privileges, the set-user-ID and set-group-ID bits of a regular file shall be cleared upon successful completion; the set-user-ID and set- group-ID bits of other file types may be cleared. The chgrp utility shall conform to the Base Definitions volume of POSIX.1‐2017, Section 12.2, Utility Syntax Guidelines. The following options shall be supported by the implementation: -h For each file operand that names a file of type symbolic link, chgrp shall attempt to set the group ID of the symbolic link instead of the file referenced by the symbolic link. -H If the -R option is specified and a symbolic link referencing a file of type directory is specified on the command line, chgrp shall change the group of the directory referenced by the symbolic link and all files in the file hierarchy below it. -L If the -R option is specified and a symbolic link referencing a file of type directory is specified on the command line or encountered during the traversal of a file hierarchy, chgrp shall change the group of the directory referenced by the symbolic link and all files in the file hierarchy below it. -P If the -R option is specified and a symbolic link is specified on the command line or encountered during the traversal of a file hierarchy, chgrp shall change the group ID of the symbolic link. The chgrp utility shall not follow the symbolic link to any other part of the file hierarchy. -R Recursively change file group IDs. For each file operand that names a directory, chgrp shall change the group of the directory and all files in the file hierarchy below it. Unless a -H, -L, or -P option is specified, it is unspecified which of these options will be used as the default. Specifying more than one of the mutually-exclusive options -H, -L, and -P shall not be considered an error. The last option specified shall determine the behavior of the utility. ","# chgrp > Change group ownership of files and directories. More information: > https://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/chgrp. * Change the owner group of a file/directory: `chgrp {{group}} {{path/to/file_or_directory}}` * Recursively change the owner group of a directory and its contents: `chgrp -R {{group}} {{path/to/directory}}` * Change the owner group of a symbolic link: `chgrp -h {{group}} {{path/to/symlink}}` * Change the owner group of a file/directory to match a reference file: `chgrp --reference={{path/to/reference_file}} {{path/to/file_or_directory}}`" "summarize: WARNING: git cvsimport uses cvsps version 2, which is considered deprecated; it does not work with cvsps version 3 and later. If you are performing a one-shot import of a CVS repository consider using cvs2git[1] or cvs-fast-export[2]. Imports a CVS repository into Git. It will either create a new repository, or incrementally import into an existing one. Splitting the CVS log into patch sets is done by cvsps. At least version 2.1 is required. WARNING: for certain situations the import leads to incorrect results. Please see the section ISSUES for further reference. You should never do any work of your own on the branches that are created by git cvsimport. By default initial import will create and populate a ""master"" branch from the CVS repository’s main branch which you’re free to work with; after that, you need to git merge incremental imports, or any CVS branches, yourself. It is advisable to specify a named remote via -r to separate and protect the incoming branches. If you intend to set up a shared public repository that all developers can read/write, or if you want to use git-cvsserver(1), then you probably want to make a bare clone of the imported repository, and use the clone as the shared repository. See gitcvs-migration(7). -v Verbosity: let cvsimport report what it is doing. -d The root of the CVS archive. May be local (a simple path) or remote; currently, only the :local:, :ext: and :pserver: access methods are supported. If not given, git cvsimport will try to read it from CVS/Root. If no such file exists, it checks for the CVSROOT environment variable. The CVS module you want to import. Relative to . If not given, git cvsimport tries to read it from CVS/Repository. -C The Git repository to import to. If the directory doesn’t exist, it will be created. Default is the current directory. -r The Git remote to import this CVS repository into. Moves all CVS branches into remotes// akin to the way git clone uses origin by default. -o When no remote is specified (via -r) the HEAD branch from CVS is imported to the origin branch within the Git repository, as HEAD already has a special meaning for Git. When a remote is specified the HEAD branch is named remotes//master mirroring git clone behaviour. Use this option if you want to import into a different branch. Use -o master for continuing an import that was initially done by the old cvs2git tool. -i Import-only: don’t perform a checkout after importing. This option ensures the working directory and index remain untouched and will not create them if they do not exist. -k Kill keywords: will extract files with -kk from the CVS archive to avoid noisy changesets. Highly recommended, but off by default to preserve compatibility with early imported trees. -u Convert underscores in tag and branch names to dots. -s Substitute the character ""/"" in branch names with -p Additional options for cvsps. The options -u and -A are implicit and should not be used here. If you need to pass multiple options, separate them with a comma. -z Pass the timestamp fuzz factor to cvsps, in seconds. If unset, cvsps defaults to 300s. -P Instead of calling cvsps, read the provided cvsps output file. Useful for debugging or when cvsps is being handled outside cvsimport. -m Attempt to detect merges based on the commit message. This option will enable default regexes that try to capture the source branch name from the commit message. -M Attempt to detect merges based on the commit message with a custom regex. It can be used with -m to enable the default regexes as well. You must escape forward slashes. The regex must capture the source branch name in $1. This option can be used several times to provide several detection regexes. -S Skip paths matching the regex. -a Import all commits, including recent ones. cvsimport by default skips commits that have a timestamp less than 10 minutes ago. -L Limit the number of commits imported. Workaround for cases where cvsimport leaks memory. -A CVS by default uses the Unix username when writing its commit logs. Using this option and an author-conv-file maps the name recorded in CVS to author name, e-mail and optional time zone: exon=Andreas Ericsson spawn=Simon Pawn America/Chicago git cvsimport will make it appear as those authors had their GIT_AUTHOR_NAME and GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL set properly all along. If a time zone is specified, GIT_AUTHOR_DATE will have the corresponding offset applied. For convenience, this data is saved to $GIT_DIR/cvs-authors each time the -A option is provided and read from that same file each time git cvsimport is run. It is not recommended to use this feature if you intend to export changes back to CVS again later with git cvsexportcommit. -R Generate a $GIT_DIR/cvs-revisions file containing a mapping from CVS revision numbers to newly-created Git commit IDs. The generated file will contain one line for each (filename, revision) pair imported; each line will look like src/widget.c 1.1 1d862f173cdc7325b6fa6d2ae1cfd61fd1b512b7 The revision data is appended to the file if it already exists, for use when doing incremental imports. This option may be useful if you have CVS revision numbers stored in commit messages, bug-tracking systems, email archives, and the like. -h Print a short usage message and exit. ", "summarize: more is a filter for paging through text one screenful at a time. This version is especially primitive. Users should realize that less(1) provides more(1) emulation plus extensive enhancements. Options are also taken from the environment variable MORE (make sure to precede them with a dash (-)) but command-line options will override those. -d, --silent Prompt with ""[Press space to continue, 'q' to quit.]"", and display ""[Press 'h' for instructions.]"" instead of ringing the bell when an illegal key is pressed. -l, --logical Do not pause after any line containing a ^L (form feed). -e, --exit-on-eof Exit on End-Of-File, enabled by default if POSIXLY_CORRECT environment variable is not set or if not executed on terminal. -f, --no-pause Count logical lines, rather than screen lines (i.e., long lines are not folded). -p, --print-over Do not scroll. Instead, clear the whole screen and then display the text. Notice that this option is switched on automatically if the executable is named page. -c, --clean-print Do not scroll. Instead, paint each screen from the top, clearing the remainder of each line as it is displayed. -s, --squeeze Squeeze multiple blank lines into one. -u, --plain Suppress underlining. This option is silently ignored as backwards compatibility. -n, --lines number Specify the number of lines per screenful. The number argument is a positive decimal integer. The --lines option shall override any values obtained from any other source, such as number of lines reported by terminal. -number A numeric option means the same as --lines option argument. +number Start displaying each file at line number. +/string The string to be searched in each file before starting to display it. -h, --help Display help text and exit. -V, --version Print version and exit. ","# more > Open a file for interactive reading, allowing scrolling and search. More > information: https://manned.org/more. * Open a file: `more {{path/to/file}}` * Open a file displaying from a specific line: `more +{{line_number}} {{path/to/file}}` * Display help: `more --help` * Go to the next page: `` * Search for a string (press `n` to go to the next match): `/{{something}}` * Exit: `q` * Display help about interactive commands: `h`" "summarize: Computes the object ID value for an object with specified type with the contents of the named file (which can be outside of the work tree), and optionally writes the resulting object into the object database. Reports its object ID to its standard output. When is not specified, it defaults to ""blob"". -t Specify the type (default: ""blob""). -w Actually write the object into the object database. --stdin Read the object from standard input instead of from a file. --stdin-paths Read file names from the standard input, one per line, instead of from the command-line. --path Hash object as it were located at the given path. The location of file does not directly influence on the hash value, but path is used to determine what Git filters should be applied to the object before it can be placed to the object database, and, as result of applying filters, the actual blob put into the object database may differ from the given file. This option is mainly useful for hashing temporary files located outside of the working directory or files read from stdin. --no-filters Hash the contents as is, ignoring any input filter that would have been chosen by the attributes mechanism, including the end-of-line conversion. If the file is read from standard input then this is always implied, unless the --path option is given. --literally Allow --stdin to hash any garbage into a loose object which might not otherwise pass standard object parsing or git-fsck checks. Useful for stress-testing Git itself or reproducing characteristics of corrupt or bogus objects encountered in the wild. ","# git hash-object > Computes the unique hash key of content and optionally creates an object > with specified type. More information: https://git-scm.com/docs/git-hash- > object. * Compute the object ID without storing it: `git hash-object {{path/to/file}}` * Compute the object ID and store it in the Git database: `git hash-object -w {{path/to/file}}` * Compute the object ID specifying the object type: `git hash-object -t {{blob|commit|tag|tree}} {{path/to/file}}` * Compute the object ID from `stdin`: `cat {{path/to/file}} | git hash-object --stdin`" "summarize: If no user operand is provided, the id utility shall write the user and group IDs and the corresponding user and group names of the invoking process to standard output. If the effective and real IDs do not match, both shall be written. If multiple groups are supported by the underlying system (see the description of {NGROUPS_MAX} in the System Interfaces volume of POSIX.1‐2017), the supplementary group affiliations of the invoking process shall also be written. If a user operand is provided and the process has appropriate privileges, the user and group IDs of the selected user shall be written. In this case, effective IDs shall be assumed to be identical to real IDs. If the selected user has more than one allowable group membership listed in the group database, these shall be written in the same manner as the supplementary groups described in the preceding paragraph. The id utility shall conform to the Base Definitions volume of POSIX.1‐2017, Section 12.2, Utility Syntax Guidelines. The following options shall be supported: -G Output all different group IDs (effective, real, and supplementary) only, using the format ""%u\n"". If there is more than one distinct group affiliation, output each such affiliation, using the format "" %u"", before the is output. -g Output only the effective group ID, using the format ""%u\n"". -n Output the name in the format ""%s"" instead of the numeric ID using the format ""%u"". -r Output the real ID instead of the effective ID. -u Output only the effective user ID, using the format ""%u\n"". ","# id > Display current user and group identity. More information: > https://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/id. * Display current user's ID (UID), group ID (GID) and groups to which they belong: `id` * Display the current user identity as a number: `id -u` * Display the current group identity as a number: `id -g` * Display an arbitrary user's ID (UID), group ID (GID) and groups to which they belong: `id {{username}}`" "summarize: dpkg-scansources scans the given binary-dir for .dsc files. These are used to create a Debian source index, which is output to stdout. The override-file, if given, is used to set priorities in the resulting index stanzas and to override the maintainer field given in the .dsc files. The file can be compressed (since dpkg 1.15.5). See deb-override(5) for the format of this file. Note: Since the override file is indexed by binary, not source packages, there's a bit of a problem here. The current implementation uses the highest priority of all the binary packages produced by a .dsc file for the priority of the source package, and the override entry for the first binary package listed in the .dsc file to modify maintainer information. This might change. The path-prefix, if given, is prepended to the directory field in the generated source index. You generally use this to make the directory fields contain the path from the top of the Debian archive hierarchy. Note: If you want to access the generated Sources file with apt(8) you will probably need to compress the file with gzip(1) (generating a Sources.gz file). apt(8) ignores uncompressed Sources files except on local access (i.e. file:// sources). -n, --no-sort Do not sort the index stanzas. Normally they are sorted by source package name. -e, --extra-override file Scan file to find supplementary overrides (since dpkg 1.15.4; the file can be compressed since dpkg 1.15.5). See deb-extra-override(5) for more information on its format. -s, --source-override file Use file as the source override file (the file can be compressed since dpkg 1.15.5). The default is the name of the override file you specified with .src appended. The source override file is in a different format from the binary override file. It contains only two whitespace separated fields, the first is the source package name and the second is the section. Blank lines and comment lines are ignored in the normal manner. If a package appears in both files the source override takes precedence for setting the section. --debug Turn debugging on. --help Show the usage message and exit. --version Show the version and exit. ", "summarize: Write each FILE to standard output, with line numbers added. With no FILE, or when FILE is -, read standard input. Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too. -b, --body-numbering=STYLE use STYLE for numbering body lines -d, --section-delimiter=CC use CC for logical page delimiters -f, --footer-numbering=STYLE use STYLE for numbering footer lines -h, --header-numbering=STYLE use STYLE for numbering header lines -i, --line-increment=NUMBER line number increment at each line -l, --join-blank-lines=NUMBER group of NUMBER empty lines counted as one -n, --number-format=FORMAT insert line numbers according to FORMAT -p, --no-renumber do not reset line numbers for each section -s, --number-separator=STRING add STRING after (possible) line number -v, --starting-line-number=NUMBER first line number for each section -w, --number-width=NUMBER use NUMBER columns for line numbers --help display this help and exit --version output version information and exit Default options are: -bt -d'\:' -fn -hn -i1 -l1 -n'rn' -s -v1 -w6 CC are two delimiter characters used to construct logical page delimiters; a missing second character implies ':'. As a GNU extension one can specify more than two characters, and also specifying the empty string (-d '') disables section matching. STYLE is one of: a number all lines t number only nonempty lines n number no lines pBRE number only lines that contain a match for the basic regular expression, BRE FORMAT is one of: ln left justified, no leading zeros rn right justified, no leading zeros rz right justified, leading zeros ","# nl > A utility for numbering lines, either from a file, or from `stdin`. More > information: https://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/nl. * Number non-blank lines in a file: `nl {{path/to/file}}` * Read from `stdout`: `cat {{path/to/file}} | nl {{options}} -` * Number only the lines with printable text: `nl -t {{path/to/file}}` * Number all lines including blank lines: `nl -b a {{path/to/file}}` * Number only the body lines that match a basic regular expression (BRE) pattern: `nl -b p'FooBar[0-9]' {{path/to/file}}`" "summarize: For each pathname given via the command-line or from a file via --stdin, check whether the file is excluded by .gitignore (or other input files to the exclude mechanism) and output the path if it is excluded. By default, tracked files are not shown at all since they are not subject to exclude rules; but see ‘--no-index’. -q, --quiet Don’t output anything, just set exit status. This is only valid with a single pathname. -v, --verbose Instead of printing the paths that are excluded, for each path that matches an exclude pattern, print the exclude pattern together with the path. (Matching an exclude pattern usually means the path is excluded, but if the pattern begins with ""!"" then it is a negated pattern and matching it means the path is NOT excluded.) For precedence rules within and between exclude sources, see gitignore(5). --stdin Read pathnames from the standard input, one per line, instead of from the command-line. -z The output format is modified to be machine-parsable (see below). If --stdin is also given, input paths are separated with a NUL character instead of a linefeed character. -n, --non-matching Show given paths which don’t match any pattern. This only makes sense when --verbose is enabled, otherwise it would not be possible to distinguish between paths which match a pattern and those which don’t. --no-index Don’t look in the index when undertaking the checks. This can be used to debug why a path became tracked by e.g. git add . and was not ignored by the rules as expected by the user or when developing patterns including negation to match a path previously added with git add -f. ","# git check-ignore > Analyze and debug Git ignore/exclude ("".gitignore"") files. More information: > https://git-scm.com/docs/git-check-ignore. * Check whether a file or directory is ignored: `git check-ignore {{path/to/file_or_directory}}` * Check whether multiple files or directories are ignored: `git check-ignore {{path/to/file}} {{path/to/directory}}` * Use pathnames, one per line, from `stdin`: `git check-ignore --stdin < {{path/to/file_list}}` * Do not check the index (used to debug why paths were tracked and not ignored): `git check-ignore --no-index {{path/to/files_or_directories}}` * Include details about the matching pattern for each path: `git check-ignore --verbose {{path/to/files_or_directories}}`" "summarize: Tcpdump prints out a description of the contents of packets on a network interface that match the Boolean expression (see pcap-filter(@MAN_MISC_INFO@) for the expression syntax); the description is preceded by a time stamp, printed, by default, as hours, minutes, seconds, and fractions of a second since midnight. It can also be run with the -w flag, which causes it to save the packet data to a file for later analysis, and/or with the -r flag, which causes it to read from a saved packet file rather than to read packets from a network interface. It can also be run with the -V flag, which causes it to read a list of saved packet files. In all cases, only packets that match expression will be processed by tcpdump. Tcpdump will, if not run with the -c flag, continue capturing packets until it is interrupted by a SIGINT signal (generated, for example, by typing your interrupt character, typically control-C) or a SIGTERM signal (typically generated with the kill(1) command); if run with the -c flag, it will capture packets until it is interrupted by a SIGINT or SIGTERM signal or the specified number of packets have been processed. When tcpdump finishes capturing packets, it will report counts of: packets ``captured'' (this is the number of packets that tcpdump has received and processed); packets ``received by filter'' (the meaning of this depends on the OS on which you're running tcpdump, and possibly on the way the OS was configured - if a filter was specified on the command line, on some OSes it counts packets regardless of whether they were matched by the filter expression and, even if they were matched by the filter expression, regardless of whether tcpdump has read and processed them yet, on other OSes it counts only packets that were matched by the filter expression regardless of whether tcpdump has read and processed them yet, and on other OSes it counts only packets that were matched by the filter expression and were processed by tcpdump); packets ``dropped by kernel'' (this is the number of packets that were dropped, due to a lack of buffer space, by the packet capture mechanism in the OS on which tcpdump is running, if the OS reports that information to applications; if not, it will be reported as 0). On platforms that support the SIGINFO signal, such as most BSDs (including macOS) and Digital/Tru64 UNIX, it will report those counts when it receives a SIGINFO signal (generated, for example, by typing your ``status'' character, typically control-T, although on some platforms, such as macOS, the ``status'' character is not set by default, so you must set it with stty(1) in order to use it) and will continue capturing packets. On platforms that do not support the SIGINFO signal, the same can be achieved by using the SIGUSR1 signal. Using the SIGUSR2 signal along with the -w flag will forcibly flush the packet buffer into the output file. Reading packets from a network interface may require that you have special privileges; see the pcap(3PCAP) man page for details. Reading a saved packet file doesn't require special privileges. -A Print each packet (minus its link level header) in ASCII. Handy for capturing web pages. -b Print the AS number in BGP packets in ASDOT notation rather than ASPLAIN notation. -B buffer_size --buffer-size=buffer_size Set the operating system capture buffer size to buffer_size, in units of KiB (1024 bytes). -c count Exit after receiving count packets. --count Print only on stdout the packet count when reading capture file(s) instead of parsing/printing the packets. If a filter is specified on the command line, tcpdump counts only packets that were matched by the filter expression. -C file_size Before writing a raw packet to a savefile, check whether the file is currently larger than file_size and, if so, close the current savefile and open a new one. Savefiles after the first savefile will have the name specified with the -w flag, with a number after it, starting at 1 and continuing upward. The default unit of file_size is millions of bytes (1,000,000 bytes, not 1,048,576 bytes). By adding a suffix of k/K, m/M or g/G to the value, the unit can be changed to 1,024 (KiB), 1,048,576 (MiB), or 1,073,741,824 (GiB) respectively. -d Dump the compiled packet-matching code in a human readable form to standard output and stop. Please mind that although code compilation is always DLT- specific, typically it is impossible (and unnecessary) to specify which DLT to use for the dump because tcpdump uses either the DLT of the input pcap file specified with -r, or the default DLT of the network interface specified with -i, or the particular DLT of the network interface specified with -y and -i respectively. In these cases the dump shows the same exact code that would filter the input file or the network interface without -d. However, when neither -r nor -i is specified, specifying -d prevents tcpdump from guessing a suitable network interface (see -i). In this case the DLT defaults to EN10MB and can be set to another valid value manually with -y. -dd Dump packet-matching code as a C program fragment. -ddd Dump packet-matching code as decimal numbers (preceded with a count). -D --list-interfaces Print the list of the network interfaces available on the system and on which tcpdump can capture packets. For each network interface, a number and an interface name, possibly followed by a text description of the interface, are printed. The interface name or the number can be supplied to the -i flag to specify an interface on which to capture. This can be useful on systems that don't have a command to list them (e.g., Windows systems, or UNIX systems lacking ifconfig -a); the number can be useful on Windows 2000 and later systems, where the interface name is a somewhat complex string. The -D flag will not be supported if tcpdump was built with an older version of libpcap that lacks the pcap_findalldevs(3PCAP) function. -e Print the link-level header on each dump line. This can be used, for example, to print MAC layer addresses for protocols such as Ethernet and IEEE 802.11. -E Use spi@ipaddr algo:secret for decrypting IPsec ESP packets that are addressed to addr and contain Security Parameter Index value spi. This combination may be repeated with comma or newline separation. Note that setting the secret for IPv4 ESP packets is supported at this time. Algorithms may be des-cbc, 3des-cbc, blowfish-cbc, rc3-cbc, cast128-cbc, or none. The default is des-cbc. The ability to decrypt packets is only present if tcpdump was compiled with cryptography enabled. secret is the ASCII text for ESP secret key. If preceded by 0x, then a hex value will be read. The option assumes RFC 2406 ESP, not RFC 1827 ESP. The option is only for debugging purposes, and the use of this option with a true `secret' key is discouraged. By presenting IPsec secret key onto command line you make it visible to others, via ps(1) and other occasions. In addition to the above syntax, the syntax file name may be used to have tcpdump read the provided file in. The file is opened upon receiving the first ESP packet, so any special permissions that tcpdump may have been given should already have been given up. -f Print `foreign' IPv4 addresses numerically rather than symbolically (this option is intended to get around serious brain damage in Sun's NIS server — usually it hangs forever translating non-local internet numbers). The test for `foreign' IPv4 addresses is done using the IPv4 address and netmask of the interface on that capture is being done. If that address or netmask are not available, either because the interface on that capture is being done has no address or netmask or because it is the ""any"" pseudo-interface, which is available in Linux and in recent versions of macOS and Solaris, and which can capture on more than one interface, this option will not work correctly. -F file Use file as input for the filter expression. An additional expression given on the command line is ignored. -G rotate_seconds If specified, rotates the dump file specified with the -w option every rotate_seconds seconds. Savefiles will have the name specified by -w which should include a time format as defined by strftime(3). If no time format is specified, each new file will overwrite the previous. Whenever a generated filename is not unique, tcpdump will overwrite the pre-existing data; providing a time specification that is coarser than the capture period is therefore not advised. If used in conjunction with the -C option, filenames will take the form of `file'. -h --help Print the tcpdump and libpcap version strings, print a usage message, and exit. --version Print the tcpdump and libpcap version strings and exit. -H Attempt to detect 802.11s draft mesh headers. -i interface --interface=interface Listen, report the list of link-layer types, report the list of time stamp types, or report the results of compiling a filter expression on interface. If unspecified and if the -d flag is not given, tcpdump searches the system interface list for the lowest numbered, configured up interface (excluding loopback), which may turn out to be, for example, ``eth0''. On Linux systems with 2.2 or later kernels and on recent versions of macOS and Solaris, an interface argument of ``any'' can be used to capture packets from all interfaces. Note that captures on the ``any'' pseudo- interface will not be done in promiscuous mode. If the -D flag is supported, an interface number as printed by that flag can be used as the interface argument, if no interface on the system has that number as a name. -I --monitor-mode Put the interface in ""monitor mode""; this is supported only on IEEE 802.11 Wi-Fi interfaces, and supported only on some operating systems. Note that in monitor mode the adapter might disassociate from the network with which it's associated, so that you will not be able to use any wireless networks with that adapter. This could prevent accessing files on a network server, or resolving host names or network addresses, if you are capturing in monitor mode and are not connected to another network with another adapter. This flag will affect the output of the -L flag. If -I isn't specified, only those link-layer types available when not in monitor mode will be shown; if -I is specified, only those link-layer types available when in monitor mode will be shown. --immediate-mode Capture in ""immediate mode"". In this mode, packets are delivered to tcpdump as soon as they arrive, rather than being buffered for efficiency. This is the default when printing packets rather than saving packets to a ``savefile'' if the packets are being printed to a terminal rather than to a file or pipe. -j tstamp_type --time-stamp-type=tstamp_type Set the time stamp type for the capture to tstamp_type. The names to use for the time stamp types are given in pcap-tstamp(@MAN_MISC_INFO@); not all the types listed there will necessarily be valid for any given interface. -J --list-time-stamp-types List the supported time stamp types for the interface and exit. If the time stamp type cannot be set for the interface, no time stamp types are listed. --time-stamp-precision=tstamp_precision When capturing, set the time stamp precision for the capture to tstamp_precision. Note that availability of high precision time stamps (nanoseconds) and their actual accuracy is platform and hardware dependent. Also note that when writing captures made with nanosecond accuracy to a savefile, the time stamps are written with nanosecond resolution, and the file is written with a different magic number, to indicate that the time stamps are in seconds and nanoseconds; not all programs that read pcap savefiles will be able to read those captures. When reading a savefile, convert time stamps to the precision specified by timestamp_precision, and display them with that resolution. If the precision specified is less than the precision of time stamps in the file, the conversion will lose precision. The supported values for timestamp_precision are micro for microsecond resolution and nano for nanosecond resolution. The default is microsecond resolution. --micro --nano Shorthands for --time-stamp-precision=micro or --time-stamp-precision=nano, adjusting the time stamp precision accordingly. When reading packets from a savefile, using --micro truncates time stamps if the savefile was created with nanosecond precision. In contrast, a savefile created with microsecond precision will have trailing zeroes added to the time stamp when --nano is used. -K --dont-verify-checksums Don't attempt to verify IP, TCP, or UDP checksums. This is useful for interfaces that perform some or all of those checksum calculation in hardware; otherwise, all outgoing TCP checksums will be flagged as bad. -l Make stdout line buffered. Useful if you want to see the data while capturing it. E.g., tcpdump -l | tee dat or tcpdump -l > dat & tail -f dat Note that on Windows,``line buffered'' means ``unbuffered'', so that WinDump will write each character individually if -l is specified. -U is similar to -l in its behavior, but it will cause output to be ``packet-buffered'', so that the output is written to stdout at the end of each packet rather than at the end of each line; this is buffered on all platforms, including Windows. -L --list-data-link-types List the known data link types for the interface, in the specified mode, and exit. The list of known data link types may be dependent on the specified mode; for example, on some platforms, a Wi-Fi interface might support one set of data link types when not in monitor mode (for example, it might support only fake Ethernet headers, or might support 802.11 headers but not support 802.11 headers with radio information) and another set of data link types when in monitor mode (for example, it might support 802.11 headers, or 802.11 headers with radio information, only in monitor mode). -m module Load SMI MIB module definitions from file module. This option can be used several times to load several MIB modules into tcpdump. -M secret Use secret as a shared secret for validating the digests found in TCP segments with the TCP-MD5 option (RFC 2385), if present. -n Don't convert addresses (i.e., host addresses, port numbers, etc.) to names. -N Don't print domain name qualification of host names. E.g., if you give this flag then tcpdump will print ``nic'' instead of ``nic.ddn.mil''. -# --number Print an optional packet number at the beginning of the line. -O --no-optimize Do not run the packet-matching code optimizer. This is useful only if you suspect a bug in the optimizer. -p --no-promiscuous-mode Don't put the interface into promiscuous mode. Note that the interface might be in promiscuous mode for some other reason; hence, `-p' cannot be used as an abbreviation for `ether host {local-hw-addr} or ether broadcast'. --print Print parsed packet output, even if the raw packets are being saved to a file with the -w flag. --print-sampling=nth Print every nth packet. This option enables the --print flag. Unprinted packets are not parsed, which decreases processing time. Setting nth to 100 for example, will (counting from 1) parse and print the 100th packet, 200th packet, 300th packet, and so on. This option also enables the -S flag, as relative TCP sequence numbers are not tracked for unprinted packets. -Q direction --direction=direction Choose send/receive direction direction for which packets should be captured. Possible values are `in', `out' and `inout'. Not available on all platforms. -q Quick (quiet?) output. Print less protocol information so output lines are shorter. -r file Read packets from file (which was created with the -w option or by other tools that write pcap or pcapng files). Standard input is used if file is ``-''. -S --absolute-tcp-sequence-numbers Print absolute, rather than relative, TCP sequence numbers. -s snaplen --snapshot-length=snaplen Snarf snaplen bytes of data from each packet rather than the default of 262144 bytes. Packets truncated because of a limited snapshot are indicated in the output with ``[|proto]'', where proto is the name of the protocol level at which the truncation has occurred. Note that taking larger snapshots both increases the amount of time it takes to process packets and, effectively, decreases the amount of packet buffering. This may cause packets to be lost. Note also that taking smaller snapshots will discard data from protocols above the transport layer, which loses information that may be important. NFS and AFS requests and replies, for example, are very large, and much of the detail won't be available if a too-short snapshot length is selected. If you need to reduce the snapshot size below the default, you should limit snaplen to the smallest number that will capture the protocol information you're interested in. Setting snaplen to 0 sets it to the default of 262144, for backwards compatibility with recent older versions of tcpdump. -T type Force packets selected by ""expression"" to be interpreted the specified type. Currently known types are aodv (Ad- hoc On-demand Distance Vector protocol), carp (Common Address Redundancy Protocol), cnfp (Cisco NetFlow protocol), domain (Domain Name System), lmp (Link Management Protocol), pgm (Pragmatic General Multicast), pgm_zmtp1 (ZMTP/1.0 inside PGM/EPGM), ptp (Precision Time Protocol), quic (QUIC), radius (RADIUS), resp (REdis Serialization Protocol), rpc (Remote Procedure Call), rtcp (Real-Time Applications control protocol), rtp (Real-Time Applications protocol), snmp (Simple Network Management Protocol), someip (SOME/IP), tftp (Trivial File Transfer Protocol), vat (Visual Audio Tool), vxlan (Virtual eXtensible Local Area Network), wb (distributed White Board) and zmtp1 (ZeroMQ Message Transport Protocol 1.0). Note that the pgm type above affects UDP interpretation only, the native PGM is always recognised as IP protocol 113 regardless. UDP-encapsulated PGM is often called ""EPGM"" or ""PGM/UDP"". Note that the pgm_zmtp1 type above affects interpretation of both native PGM and UDP at once. During the native PGM decoding the application data of an ODATA/RDATA packet would be decoded as a ZeroMQ datagram with ZMTP/1.0 frames. During the UDP decoding in addition to that any UDP packet would be treated as an encapsulated PGM packet. -t Don't print a timestamp on each dump line. -tt Print the timestamp, as seconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00, UTC, and fractions of a second since that time, on each dump line. -ttt Print a delta (microsecond or nanosecond resolution depending on the --time-stamp-precision option) between current and previous line on each dump line. The default is microsecond resolution. -tttt Print a timestamp, as hours, minutes, seconds, and fractions of a second since midnight, preceded by the date, on each dump line. -ttttt Print a delta (microsecond or nanosecond resolution depending on the --time-stamp-precision option) between current and first line on each dump line. The default is microsecond resolution. -u Print undecoded NFS handles. -U --packet-buffered If the -w option is not specified, or if it is specified but the --print flag is also specified, make the printed packet output ``packet-buffered''; i.e., as the description of the contents of each packet is printed, it will be written to the standard output, rather than, when not writing to a terminal, being written only when the output buffer fills. If the -w option is specified, make the saved raw packet output ``packet-buffered''; i.e., as each packet is saved, it will be written to the output file, rather than being written only when the output buffer fills. The -U flag will not be supported if tcpdump was built with an older version of libpcap that lacks the pcap_dump_flush(3PCAP) function. -v When parsing and printing, produce (slightly more) verbose output. For example, the time to live, identification, total length and options in an IP packet are printed. Also enables additional packet integrity checks such as verifying the IP and ICMP header checksum. When writing to a file with the -w option and at the same time not reading from a file with the -r option, report to stderr, once per second, the number of packets captured. In Solaris, FreeBSD and possibly other operating systems this periodic update currently can cause loss of captured packets on their way from the kernel to tcpdump. -vv Even more verbose output. For example, additional fields are printed from NFS reply packets, and SMB packets are fully decoded. -vvv Even more verbose output. For example, telnet SB ... SE options are printed in full. With -X Telnet options are printed in hex as well. -V file Read a list of filenames from file. Standard input is used if file is ``-''. -w file Write the raw packets to file rather than parsing and printing them out. They can later be printed with the -r option. Standard output is used if file is ``-''. This output will be buffered if written to a file or pipe, so a program reading from the file or pipe may not see packets for an arbitrary amount of time after they are received. Use the -U flag to cause packets to be written as soon as they are received. The MIME type application/vnd.tcpdump.pcap has been registered with IANA for pcap files. The filename extension .pcap appears to be the most commonly used along with .cap and .dmp. Tcpdump itself doesn't check the extension when reading capture files and doesn't add an extension when writing them (it uses magic numbers in the file header instead). However, many operating systems and applications will use the extension if it is present and adding one (e.g. .pcap) is recommended. See pcap-savefile(@MAN_FILE_FORMATS@) for a description of the file format. -W filecount Used in conjunction with the -C option, this will limit the number of files created to the specified number, and begin overwriting files from the beginning, thus creating a 'rotating' buffer. In addition, it will name the files with enough leading 0s to support the maximum number of files, allowing them to sort correctly. Used in conjunction with the -G option, this will limit the number of rotated dump files that get created, exiting with status 0 when reaching the limit. If used in conjunction with both -C and -G, the -W option will currently be ignored, and will only affect the file name. -x When parsing and printing, in addition to printing the headers of each packet, print the data of each packet (minus its link level header) in hex. The smaller of the entire packet or snaplen bytes will be printed. Note that this is the entire link-layer packet, so for link layers that pad (e.g. Ethernet), the padding bytes will also be printed when the higher layer packet is shorter than the required padding. In the current implementation this flag may have the same effect as -xx if the packet is truncated. -xx When parsing and printing, in addition to printing the headers of each packet, print the data of each packet, including its link level header, in hex. -X When parsing and printing, in addition to printing the headers of each packet, print the data of each packet (minus its link level header) in hex and ASCII. This is very handy for analysing new protocols. In the current implementation this flag may have the same effect as -XX if the packet is truncated. -XX When parsing and printing, in addition to printing the headers of each packet, print the data of each packet, including its link level header, in hex and ASCII. -y datalinktype --linktype=datalinktype Set the data link type to use while capturing packets (see -L) or just compiling and dumping packet-matching code (see -d) to datalinktype. -z postrotate-command Used in conjunction with the -C or -G options, this will make tcpdump run "" postrotate-command file "" where file is the savefile being closed after each rotation. For example, specifying -z gzip or -z bzip2 will compress each savefile using gzip or bzip2. Note that tcpdump will run the command in parallel to the capture, using the lowest priority so that this doesn't disturb the capture process. And in case you would like to use a command that itself takes flags or different arguments, you can always write a shell script that will take the savefile name as the only argument, make the flags & arguments arrangements and execute the command that you want. -Z user --relinquish-privileges=user If tcpdump is running as root, after opening the capture device or input savefile, but before opening any savefiles for output, change the user ID to user and the group ID to the primary group of user. This behavior can also be enabled by default at compile time. expression selects which packets will be dumped. If no expression is given, all packets on the net will be dumped. Otherwise, only packets for which expression is `true' will be dumped. For the expression syntax, see pcap-filter(@MAN_MISC_INFO@). The expression argument can be passed to tcpdump as either a single Shell argument, or as multiple Shell arguments, whichever is more convenient. Generally, if the expression contains Shell metacharacters, such as backslashes used to escape protocol names, it is easier to pass it as a single, quoted argument rather than to escape the Shell metacharacters. Multiple arguments are concatenated with spaces before being parsed. ","# tcpdump > Dump traffic on a network. More information: https://www.tcpdump.org. * List available network interfaces: `tcpdump -D` * Capture the traffic of a specific interface: `tcpdump -i {{eth0}}` * Capture all TCP traffic showing contents (ASCII) in console: `tcpdump -A tcp` * Capture the traffic from or to a host: `tcpdump host {{www.example.com}}` * Capture the traffic from a specific interface, source, destination and destination port: `tcpdump -i {{eth0}} src {{}} and dst {{}} and dst port {{80}}` * Capture the traffic of a network: `tcpdump net {{}}` * Capture all traffic except traffic over port 22 and save to a dump file: `tcpdump -w {{dumpfile.pcap}} port not {{22}}` * Read from a given dump file: `tcpdump -r {{dumpfile.pcap}}`" "summarize: Output who is currently logged in according to FILE. If FILE is not specified, use /var/run/utmp. /var/log/wtmp as FILE is common. --help display this help and exit --version output version information and exit ","# users > Display a list of logged in users. See also: `useradd`, `userdel`, > `usermod`. More information: https://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/users. * Print logged in usernames: `users` * Print logged in usernames according to a given file: `users {{/var/log/wmtp}}`" "summarize: Shows information about an exported file, such as the document id, the fuse path, the original location in the filesystem, and the per-application permissions. FILE can either be a file in the fuse filesystem at /run/user/$UID/doc/, or a file anywhere else. The following options are understood: -h, --help Show help options and exit. -v, --verbose Print debug information during command processing. --ostree-verbose Print OSTree debug information during command processing. ", "summarize: List commits that are reachable by following the parent links from the given commit(s), but exclude commits that are reachable from the one(s) given with a ^ in front of them. The output is given in reverse chronological order by default. You can think of this as a set operation. Commits reachable from any of the commits given on the command line form a set, and then commits reachable from any of the ones given with ^ in front are subtracted from that set. The remaining commits are what comes out in the command’s output. Various other options and paths parameters can be used to further limit the result. Thus, the following command: $ git rev-list foo bar ^baz means ""list all the commits which are reachable from foo or bar, but not from baz"". A special notation "".."" can be used as a short-hand for ""^ "". For example, either of the following may be used interchangeably: $ git rev-list origin..HEAD $ git rev-list HEAD ^origin Another special notation is ""..."" which is useful for merges. The resulting set of commits is the symmetric difference between the two operands. The following two commands are equivalent: $ git rev-list A B --not $(git merge-base --all A B) $ git rev-list A...B rev-list is a very essential Git command, since it provides the ability to build and traverse commit ancestry graphs. For this reason, it has a lot of different options that enables it to be used by commands as different as git bisect and git repack. Commit Limiting Besides specifying a range of commits that should be listed using the special notations explained in the description, additional commit limiting may be applied. Using more options generally further limits the output (e.g. --since= limits to commits newer than , and using it with --grep= further limits to commits whose log message has a line that matches ), unless otherwise noted. Note that these are applied before commit ordering and formatting options, such as --reverse. -, -n , --max-count= Limit the number of commits to output. --skip= Skip number commits before starting to show the commit output. --since=, --after= Show commits more recent than a specific date. --since-as-filter= Show all commits more recent than a specific date. This visits all commits in the range, rather than stopping at the first commit which is older than a specific date. --until=, --before= Show commits older than a specific date. --max-age=, --min-age= Limit the commits output to specified time range. --author=, --committer= Limit the commits output to ones with author/committer header lines that match the specified pattern (regular expression). With more than one --author=, commits whose author matches any of the given patterns are chosen (similarly for multiple --committer=). --grep-reflog= Limit the commits output to ones with reflog entries that match the specified pattern (regular expression). With more than one --grep-reflog, commits whose reflog message matches any of the given patterns are chosen. It is an error to use this option unless --walk-reflogs is in use. --grep= Limit the commits output to ones with log message that matches the specified pattern (regular expression). With more than one --grep=, commits whose message matches any of the given patterns are chosen (but see --all-match). --all-match Limit the commits output to ones that match all given --grep, instead of ones that match at least one. --invert-grep Limit the commits output to ones with log message that do not match the pattern specified with --grep=. -i, --regexp-ignore-case Match the regular expression limiting patterns without regard to letter case. --basic-regexp Consider the limiting patterns to be basic regular expressions; this is the default. -E, --extended-regexp Consider the limiting patterns to be extended regular expressions instead of the default basic regular expressions. -F, --fixed-strings Consider the limiting patterns to be fixed strings (don’t interpret pattern as a regular expression). -P, --perl-regexp Consider the limiting patterns to be Perl-compatible regular expressions. Support for these types of regular expressions is an optional compile-time dependency. If Git wasn’t compiled with support for them providing this option will cause it to die. --remove-empty Stop when a given path disappears from the tree. --merges Print only merge commits. This is exactly the same as --min-parents=2. --no-merges Do not print commits with more than one parent. This is exactly the same as --max-parents=1. --min-parents=, --max-parents=, --no-min-parents, --no-max-parents Show only commits which have at least (or at most) that many parent commits. In particular, --max-parents=1 is the same as --no-merges, --min-parents=2 is the same as --merges. --max-parents=0 gives all root commits and --min-parents=3 all octopus merges. --no-min-parents and --no-max-parents reset these limits (to no limit) again. Equivalent forms are --min-parents=0 (any commit has 0 or more parents) and --max-parents=-1 (negative numbers denote no upper limit). --first-parent When finding commits to include, follow only the first parent commit upon seeing a merge commit. This option can give a better overview when viewing the evolution of a particular topic branch, because merges into a topic branch tend to be only about adjusting to updated upstream from time to time, and this option allows you to ignore the individual commits brought in to your history by such a merge. --exclude-first-parent-only When finding commits to exclude (with a ^), follow only the first parent commit upon seeing a merge commit. This can be used to find the set of changes in a topic branch from the point where it diverged from the remote branch, given that arbitrary merges can be valid topic branch changes. --not Reverses the meaning of the ^ prefix (or lack thereof) for all following revision specifiers, up to the next --not. --all Pretend as if all the refs in refs/, along with HEAD, are listed on the command line as . --branches[=] Pretend as if all the refs in refs/heads are listed on the command line as . If is given, limit branches to ones matching given shell glob. If pattern lacks ?, *, or [, /* at the end is implied. --tags[=] Pretend as if all the refs in refs/tags are listed on the command line as . If is given, limit tags to ones matching given shell glob. If pattern lacks ?, *, or [, /* at the end is implied. --remotes[=] Pretend as if all the refs in refs/remotes are listed on the command line as . If is given, limit remote-tracking branches to ones matching given shell glob. If pattern lacks ?, *, or [, /* at the end is implied. --glob= Pretend as if all the refs matching shell glob are listed on the command line as . Leading refs/, is automatically prepended if missing. If pattern lacks ?, *, or [, /* at the end is implied. --exclude= Do not include refs matching that the next --all, --branches, --tags, --remotes, or --glob would otherwise consider. Repetitions of this option accumulate exclusion patterns up to the next --all, --branches, --tags, --remotes, or --glob option (other options or arguments do not clear accumulated patterns). The patterns given should not begin with refs/heads, refs/tags, or refs/remotes when applied to --branches, --tags, or --remotes, respectively, and they must begin with refs/ when applied to --glob or --all. If a trailing /* is intended, it must be given explicitly. --exclude-hidden=[fetch|receive|uploadpack] Do not include refs that would be hidden by git-fetch, git-receive-pack or git-upload-pack by consulting the appropriate fetch.hideRefs, receive.hideRefs or uploadpack.hideRefs configuration along with transfer.hideRefs (see git-config(1)). This option affects the next pseudo-ref option --all or --glob and is cleared after processing them. --reflog Pretend as if all objects mentioned by reflogs are listed on the command line as . --alternate-refs Pretend as if all objects mentioned as ref tips of alternate repositories were listed on the command line. An alternate repository is any repository whose object directory is specified in objects/info/alternates. The set of included objects may be modified by core.alternateRefsCommand, etc. See git-config(1). --single-worktree By default, all working trees will be examined by the following options when there are more than one (see git-worktree(1)): --all, --reflog and --indexed-objects. This option forces them to examine the current working tree only. --ignore-missing Upon seeing an invalid object name in the input, pretend as if the bad input was not given. --stdin In addition to the listed on the command line, read them from the standard input. If a -- separator is seen, stop reading commits and start reading paths to limit the result. --quiet Don’t print anything to standard output. This form is primarily meant to allow the caller to test the exit status to see if a range of objects is fully connected (or not). It is faster than redirecting stdout to /dev/null as the output does not have to be formatted. --disk-usage, --disk-usage=human Suppress normal output; instead, print the sum of the bytes used for on-disk storage by the selected commits or objects. This is equivalent to piping the output into git cat-file --batch-check='%(objectsize:disk)', except that it runs much faster (especially with --use-bitmap-index). See the CAVEATS section in git-cat-file(1) for the limitations of what ""on-disk storage"" means. With the optional value human, on-disk storage size is shown in human-readable string(e.g. 12.24 Kib, 3.50 Mib). --cherry-mark Like --cherry-pick (see below) but mark equivalent commits with = rather than omitting them, and inequivalent ones with +. --cherry-pick Omit any commit that introduces the same change as another commit on the “other side” when the set of commits are limited with symmetric difference. For example, if you have two branches, A and B, a usual way to list all commits on only one side of them is with --left-right (see the example below in the description of the --left-right option). However, it shows the commits that were cherry-picked from the other branch (for example, “3rd on b” may be cherry-picked from branch A). With this option, such pairs of commits are excluded from the output. --left-only, --right-only List only commits on the respective side of a symmetric difference, i.e. only those which would be marked < resp. > by --left-right. For example, --cherry-pick --right-only A...B omits those commits from B which are in A or are patch-equivalent to a commit in A. In other words, this lists the + commits from git cherry A B. More precisely, --cherry-pick --right-only --no-merges gives the exact list. --cherry A synonym for --right-only --cherry-mark --no-merges; useful to limit the output to the commits on our side and mark those that have been applied to the other side of a forked history with git log --cherry upstream...mybranch, similar to git cherry upstream mybranch. -g, --walk-reflogs Instead of walking the commit ancestry chain, walk reflog entries from the most recent one to older ones. When this option is used you cannot specify commits to exclude (that is, ^commit, commit1..commit2, and commit1...commit2 notations cannot be used). With --pretty format other than oneline and reference (for obvious reasons), this causes the output to have two extra lines of information taken from the reflog. The reflog designator in the output may be shown as ref@{Nth} (where Nth is the reverse-chronological index in the reflog) or as ref@{timestamp} (with the timestamp for that entry), depending on a few rules: 1. If the starting point is specified as ref@{Nth}, show the index format. 2. If the starting point was specified as ref@{now}, show the timestamp format. 3. If neither was used, but --date was given on the command line, show the timestamp in the format requested by --date. 4. Otherwise, show the index format. Under --pretty=oneline, the commit message is prefixed with this information on the same line. This option cannot be combined with --reverse. See also git-reflog(1). Under --pretty=reference, this information will not be shown at all. --merge After a failed merge, show refs that touch files having a conflict and don’t exist on all heads to merge. --boundary Output excluded boundary commits. Boundary commits are prefixed with -. --use-bitmap-index Try to speed up the traversal using the pack bitmap index (if one is available). Note that when traversing with --objects, trees and blobs will not have their associated path printed. --progress=
Show progress reports on stderr as objects are considered. The
text will be printed with each progress update. History Simplification Sometimes you are only interested in parts of the history, for example the commits modifying a particular . But there are two parts of History Simplification, one part is selecting the commits and the other is how to do it, as there are various strategies to simplify the history. The following options select the commits to be shown: Commits modifying the given are selected. --simplify-by-decoration Commits that are referred by some branch or tag are selected. Note that extra commits can be shown to give a meaningful history. The following options affect the way the simplification is performed: Default mode Simplifies the history to the simplest history explaining the final state of the tree. Simplest because it prunes some side branches if the end result is the same (i.e. merging branches with the same content) --show-pulls Include all commits from the default mode, but also any merge commits that are not TREESAME to the first parent but are TREESAME to a later parent. This mode is helpful for showing the merge commits that ""first introduced"" a change to a branch. --full-history Same as the default mode, but does not prune some history. --dense Only the selected commits are shown, plus some to have a meaningful history. --sparse All commits in the simplified history are shown. --simplify-merges Additional option to --full-history to remove some needless merges from the resulting history, as there are no selected commits contributing to this merge. --ancestry-path[=] When given a range of commits to display (e.g. commit1..commit2 or commit2 ^commit1), only display commits in that range that are ancestors of , descendants of , or itself. If no commit is specified, use commit1 (the excluded part of the range) as . Can be passed multiple times; if so, a commit is included if it is any of the commits given or if it is an ancestor or descendant of one of them. A more detailed explanation follows. Suppose you specified foo as the . We shall call commits that modify foo !TREESAME, and the rest TREESAME. (In a diff filtered for foo, they look different and equal, respectively.) In the following, we will always refer to the same example history to illustrate the differences between simplification settings. We assume that you are filtering for a file foo in this commit graph: .-A---M---N---O---P---Q / / / / / / I B C D E Y \ / / / / / `-------------' X The horizontal line of history A---Q is taken to be the first parent of each merge. The commits are: • I is the initial commit, in which foo exists with contents “asdf”, and a file quux exists with contents “quux”. Initial commits are compared to an empty tree, so I is !TREESAME. • In A, foo contains just “foo”. • B contains the same change as A. Its merge M is trivial and hence TREESAME to all parents. • C does not change foo, but its merge N changes it to “foobar”, so it is not TREESAME to any parent. • D sets foo to “baz”. Its merge O combines the strings from N and D to “foobarbaz”; i.e., it is not TREESAME to any parent. • E changes quux to “xyzzy”, and its merge P combines the strings to “quux xyzzy”. P is TREESAME to O, but not to E. • X is an independent root commit that added a new file side, and Y modified it. Y is TREESAME to X. Its merge Q added side to P, and Q is TREESAME to P, but not to Y. rev-list walks backwards through history, including or excluding commits based on whether --full-history and/or parent rewriting (via --parents or --children) are used. The following settings are available. Default mode Commits are included if they are not TREESAME to any parent (though this can be changed, see --sparse below). If the commit was a merge, and it was TREESAME to one parent, follow only that parent. (Even if there are several TREESAME parents, follow only one of them.) Otherwise, follow all parents. This results in: .-A---N---O / / / I---------D Note how the rule to only follow the TREESAME parent, if one is available, removed B from consideration entirely. C was considered via N, but is TREESAME. Root commits are compared to an empty tree, so I is !TREESAME. Parent/child relations are only visible with --parents, but that does not affect the commits selected in default mode, so we have shown the parent lines. --full-history without parent rewriting This mode differs from the default in one point: always follow all parents of a merge, even if it is TREESAME to one of them. Even if more than one side of the merge has commits that are included, this does not imply that the merge itself is! In the example, we get I A B N D O P Q M was excluded because it is TREESAME to both parents. E, C and B were all walked, but only B was !TREESAME, so the others do not appear. Note that without parent rewriting, it is not really possible to talk about the parent/child relationships between the commits, so we show them disconnected. --full-history with parent rewriting Ordinary commits are only included if they are !TREESAME (though this can be changed, see --sparse below). Merges are always included. However, their parent list is rewritten: Along each parent, prune away commits that are not included themselves. This results in .-A---M---N---O---P---Q / / / / / I B / D / \ / / / / `-------------' Compare to --full-history without rewriting above. Note that E was pruned away because it is TREESAME, but the parent list of P was rewritten to contain E's parent I. The same happened for C and N, and X, Y and Q. In addition to the above settings, you can change whether TREESAME affects inclusion: --dense Commits that are walked are included if they are not TREESAME to any parent. --sparse All commits that are walked are included. Note that without --full-history, this still simplifies merges: if one of the parents is TREESAME, we follow only that one, so the other sides of the merge are never walked. --simplify-merges First, build a history graph in the same way that --full-history with parent rewriting does (see above). Then simplify each commit C to its replacement C' in the final history according to the following rules: • Set C' to C. • Replace each parent P of C' with its simplification P'. In the process, drop parents that are ancestors of other parents or that are root commits TREESAME to an empty tree, and remove duplicates, but take care to never drop all parents that we are TREESAME to. • If after this parent rewriting, C' is a root or merge commit (has zero or >1 parents), a boundary commit, or !TREESAME, it remains. Otherwise, it is replaced with its only parent. The effect of this is best shown by way of comparing to --full-history with parent rewriting. The example turns into: .-A---M---N---O / / / I B D \ / / `---------' Note the major differences in N, P, and Q over --full-history: • N's parent list had I removed, because it is an ancestor of the other parent M. Still, N remained because it is !TREESAME. • P's parent list similarly had I removed. P was then removed completely, because it had one parent and is TREESAME. • Q's parent list had Y simplified to X. X was then removed, because it was a TREESAME root. Q was then removed completely, because it had one parent and is TREESAME. There is another simplification mode available: --ancestry-path[=] Limit the displayed commits to those which are an ancestor of , or which are a descendant of , or are itself. As an example use case, consider the following commit history: D---E-------F / \ \ B---C---G---H---I---J / \ A-------K---------------L--M A regular D..M computes the set of commits that are ancestors of M, but excludes the ones that are ancestors of D. This is useful to see what happened to the history leading to M since D, in the sense that “what does M have that did not exist in D”. The result in this example would be all the commits, except A and B (and D itself, of course). When we want to find out what commits in M are contaminated with the bug introduced by D and need fixing, however, we might want to view only the subset of D..M that are actually descendants of D, i.e. excluding C and K. This is exactly what the --ancestry-path option does. Applied to the D..M range, it results in: E-------F \ \ G---H---I---J \ L--M We can also use --ancestry-path=D instead of --ancestry-path which means the same thing when applied to the D..M range but is just more explicit. If we instead are interested in a given topic within this range, and all commits affected by that topic, we may only want to view the subset of D..M which contain that topic in their ancestry path. So, using --ancestry-path=H D..M for example would result in: E \ G---H---I---J \ L--M Whereas --ancestry-path=K D..M would result in K---------------L--M Before discussing another option, --show-pulls, we need to create a new example history. A common problem users face when looking at simplified history is that a commit they know changed a file somehow does not appear in the file’s simplified history. Let’s demonstrate a new example and show how options such as --full-history and --simplify-merges works in that case: .-A---M-----C--N---O---P / / \ \ \/ / / I B \ R-'`-Z' / \ / \/ / \ / /\ / `---X--' `---Y--' For this example, suppose I created file.txt which was modified by A, B, and X in different ways. The single-parent commits C, Z, and Y do not change file.txt. The merge commit M was created by resolving the merge conflict to include both changes from A and B and hence is not TREESAME to either. The merge commit R, however, was created by ignoring the contents of file.txt at M and taking only the contents of file.txt at X. Hence, R is TREESAME to X but not M. Finally, the natural merge resolution to create N is to take the contents of file.txt at R, so N is TREESAME to R but not C. The merge commits O and P are TREESAME to their first parents, but not to their second parents, Z and Y respectively. When using the default mode, N and R both have a TREESAME parent, so those edges are walked and the others are ignored. The resulting history graph is: I---X When using --full-history, Git walks every edge. This will discover the commits A and B and the merge M, but also will reveal the merge commits O and P. With parent rewriting, the resulting graph is: .-A---M--------N---O---P / / \ \ \/ / / I B \ R-'`--' / \ / \/ / \ / /\ / `---X--' `------' Here, the merge commits O and P contribute extra noise, as they did not actually contribute a change to file.txt. They only merged a topic that was based on an older version of file.txt. This is a common issue in repositories using a workflow where many contributors work in parallel and merge their topic branches along a single trunk: many unrelated merges appear in the --full-history results. When using the --simplify-merges option, the commits O and P disappear from the results. This is because the rewritten second parents of O and P are reachable from their first parents. Those edges are removed and then the commits look like single-parent commits that are TREESAME to their parent. This also happens to the commit N, resulting in a history view as follows: .-A---M--. / / \ I B R \ / / \ / / `---X--' In this view, we see all of the important single-parent changes from A, B, and X. We also see the carefully-resolved merge M and the not-so-carefully-resolved merge R. This is usually enough information to determine why the commits A and B ""disappeared"" from history in the default view. However, there are a few issues with this approach. The first issue is performance. Unlike any previous option, the --simplify-merges option requires walking the entire commit history before returning a single result. This can make the option difficult to use for very large repositories. The second issue is one of auditing. When many contributors are working on the same repository, it is important which merge commits introduced a change into an important branch. The problematic merge R above is not likely to be the merge commit that was used to merge into an important branch. Instead, the merge N was used to merge R and X into the important branch. This commit may have information about why the change X came to override the changes from A and B in its commit message. --show-pulls In addition to the commits shown in the default history, show each merge commit that is not TREESAME to its first parent but is TREESAME to a later parent. When a merge commit is included by --show-pulls, the merge is treated as if it ""pulled"" the change from another branch. When using --show-pulls on this example (and no other options) the resulting graph is: I---X---R---N Here, the merge commits R and N are included because they pulled the commits X and R into the base branch, respectively. These merges are the reason the commits A and B do not appear in the default history. When --show-pulls is paired with --simplify-merges, the graph includes all of the necessary information: .-A---M--. N / / \ / I B R \ / / \ / / `---X--' Notice that since M is reachable from R, the edge from N to M was simplified away. However, N still appears in the history as an important commit because it ""pulled"" the change R into the main branch. The --simplify-by-decoration option allows you to view only the big picture of the topology of the history, by omitting commits that are not referenced by tags. Commits are marked as !TREESAME (in other words, kept after history simplification rules described above) if (1) they are referenced by tags, or (2) they change the contents of the paths given on the command line. All other commits are marked as TREESAME (subject to be simplified away). Bisection Helpers --bisect Limit output to the one commit object which is roughly halfway between included and excluded commits. Note that the bad bisection ref refs/bisect/bad is added to the included commits (if it exists) and the good bisection refs refs/bisect/good-* are added to the excluded commits (if they exist). Thus, supposing there are no refs in refs/bisect/, if $ git rev-list --bisect foo ^bar ^baz outputs midpoint, the output of the two commands $ git rev-list foo ^midpoint $ git rev-list midpoint ^bar ^baz would be of roughly the same length. Finding the change which introduces a regression is thus reduced to a binary search: repeatedly generate and test new 'midpoint’s until the commit chain is of length one. --bisect-vars This calculates the same as --bisect, except that refs in refs/bisect/ are not used, and except that this outputs text ready to be eval’ed by the shell. These lines will assign the name of the midpoint revision to the variable bisect_rev, and the expected number of commits to be tested after bisect_rev is tested to bisect_nr, the expected number of commits to be tested if bisect_rev turns out to be good to bisect_good, the expected number of commits to be tested if bisect_rev turns out to be bad to bisect_bad, and the number of commits we are bisecting right now to bisect_all. --bisect-all This outputs all the commit objects between the included and excluded commits, ordered by their distance to the included and excluded commits. Refs in refs/bisect/ are not used. The farthest from them is displayed first. (This is the only one displayed by --bisect.) This is useful because it makes it easy to choose a good commit to test when you want to avoid to test some of them for some reason (they may not compile for example). This option can be used along with --bisect-vars, in this case, after all the sorted commit objects, there will be the same text as if --bisect-vars had been used alone. Commit Ordering By default, the commits are shown in reverse chronological order. --date-order Show no parents before all of its children are shown, but otherwise show commits in the commit timestamp order. --author-date-order Show no parents before all of its children are shown, but otherwise show commits in the author timestamp order. --topo-order Show no parents before all of its children are shown, and avoid showing commits on multiple lines of history intermixed. For example, in a commit history like this: ---1----2----4----7 \ \ 3----5----6----8--- where the numbers denote the order of commit timestamps, git rev-list and friends with --date-order show the commits in the timestamp order: 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1. With --topo-order, they would show 8 6 5 3 7 4 2 1 (or 8 7 4 2 6 5 3 1); some older commits are shown before newer ones in order to avoid showing the commits from two parallel development track mixed together. --reverse Output the commits chosen to be shown (see Commit Limiting section above) in reverse order. Cannot be combined with --walk-reflogs. Object Traversal These options are mostly targeted for packing of Git repositories. --objects Print the object IDs of any object referenced by the listed commits. --objects foo ^bar thus means “send me all object IDs which I need to download if I have the commit object bar but not foo”. See also --object-names below. --in-commit-order Print tree and blob ids in order of the commits. The tree and blob ids are printed after they are first referenced by a commit. --objects-edge Similar to --objects, but also print the IDs of excluded commits prefixed with a “-” character. This is used by git-pack-objects(1) to build a “thin” pack, which records objects in deltified form based on objects contained in these excluded commits to reduce network traffic. --objects-edge-aggressive Similar to --objects-edge, but it tries harder to find excluded commits at the cost of increased time. This is used instead of --objects-edge to build “thin” packs for shallow repositories. --indexed-objects Pretend as if all trees and blobs used by the index are listed on the command line. Note that you probably want to use --objects, too. --unpacked Only useful with --objects; print the object IDs that are not in packs. --object-names Only useful with --objects; print the names of the object IDs that are found. This is the default behavior. Note that the ""name"" of each object is ambiguous, and mostly intended as a hint for packing objects. In particular: no distinction is made between the names of tags, trees, and blobs; path names may be modified to remove newlines; and if an object would appear multiple times with different names, only one name is shown. --no-object-names Only useful with --objects; does not print the names of the object IDs that are found. This inverts --object-names. This flag allows the output to be more easily parsed by commands such as git-cat-file(1). --filter= Only useful with one of the --objects*; omits objects (usually blobs) from the list of printed objects. The may be one of the following: The form --filter=blob:none omits all blobs. The form --filter=blob:limit=[kmg] omits blobs larger than n bytes or units. n may be zero. The suffixes k, m, and g can be used to name units in KiB, MiB, or GiB. For example, blob:limit=1k is the same as blob:limit=1024. The form --filter=object:type=(tag|commit|tree|blob) omits all objects which are not of the requested type. The form --filter=sparse:oid= uses a sparse-checkout specification contained in the blob (or blob-expression) to omit blobs that would not be required for a sparse checkout on the requested refs. The form --filter=tree: omits all blobs and trees whose depth from the root tree is >= (minimum depth if an object is located at multiple depths in the commits traversed). =0 will not include any trees or blobs unless included explicitly in the command-line (or standard input when --stdin is used). =1 will include only the tree and blobs which are referenced directly by a commit reachable from or an explicitly-given object. =2 is like =1 while also including trees and blobs one more level removed from an explicitly-given commit or tree. Note that the form --filter=sparse:path= that wants to read from an arbitrary path on the filesystem has been dropped for security reasons. Multiple --filter= flags can be specified to combine filters. Only objects which are accepted by every filter are included. The form --filter=combine:++... can also be used to combined several filters, but this is harder than just repeating the --filter flag and is usually not necessary. Filters are joined by + and individual filters are %-encoded (i.e. URL-encoded). Besides the + and % characters, the following characters are reserved and also must be encoded: ~!@#$^&*()[]{}\;"",<>?'` as well as all characters with ASCII code <= 0x20, which includes space and newline. Other arbitrary characters can also be encoded. For instance, combine:tree:3+blob:none and combine:tree%3A3+blob%3Anone are equivalent. --no-filter Turn off any previous --filter= argument. --filter-provided-objects Filter the list of explicitly provided objects, which would otherwise always be printed even if they did not match any of the filters. Only useful with --filter=. --filter-print-omitted Only useful with --filter=; prints a list of the objects omitted by the filter. Object IDs are prefixed with a “~” character. --missing= A debug option to help with future ""partial clone"" development. This option specifies how missing objects are handled. The form --missing=error requests that rev-list stop with an error if a missing object is encountered. This is the default action. The form --missing=allow-any will allow object traversal to continue if a missing object is encountered. Missing objects will silently be omitted from the results. The form --missing=allow-promisor is like allow-any, but will only allow object traversal to continue for EXPECTED promisor missing objects. Unexpected missing objects will raise an error. The form --missing=print is like allow-any, but will also print a list of the missing objects. Object IDs are prefixed with a “?” character. --exclude-promisor-objects (For internal use only.) Prefilter object traversal at promisor boundary. This is used with partial clone. This is stronger than --missing=allow-promisor because it limits the traversal, rather than just silencing errors about missing objects. --no-walk[=(sorted|unsorted)] Only show the given commits, but do not traverse their ancestors. This has no effect if a range is specified. If the argument unsorted is given, the commits are shown in the order they were given on the command line. Otherwise (if sorted or no argument was given), the commits are shown in reverse chronological order by commit time. Cannot be combined with --graph. --do-walk Overrides a previous --no-walk. Commit Formatting Using these options, git-rev-list(1) will act similar to the more specialized family of commit log tools: git-log(1), git-show(1), and git-whatchanged(1) --pretty[=], --format= Pretty-print the contents of the commit logs in a given format, where can be one of oneline, short, medium, full, fuller, reference, email, raw, format: and tformat:. When is none of the above, and has %placeholder in it, it acts as if --pretty=tformat: were given. See the ""PRETTY FORMATS"" section for some additional details for each format. When = part is omitted, it defaults to medium. Note: you can specify the default pretty format in the repository configuration (see git-config(1)). --abbrev-commit Instead of showing the full 40-byte hexadecimal commit object name, show a prefix that names the object uniquely. ""--abbrev="" (which also modifies diff output, if it is displayed) option can be used to specify the minimum length of the prefix. This should make ""--pretty=oneline"" a whole lot more readable for people using 80-column terminals. --no-abbrev-commit Show the full 40-byte hexadecimal commit object name. This negates --abbrev-commit, either explicit or implied by other options such as ""--oneline"". It also overrides the log.abbrevCommit variable. --oneline This is a shorthand for ""--pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit"" used together. --encoding= Commit objects record the character encoding used for the log message in their encoding header; this option can be used to tell the command to re-code the commit log message in the encoding preferred by the user. For non plumbing commands this defaults to UTF-8. Note that if an object claims to be encoded in X and we are outputting in X, we will output the object verbatim; this means that invalid sequences in the original commit may be copied to the output. Likewise, if iconv(3) fails to convert the commit, we will quietly output the original object verbatim. --expand-tabs=, --expand-tabs, --no-expand-tabs Perform a tab expansion (replace each tab with enough spaces to fill to the next display column that is multiple of ) in the log message before showing it in the output. --expand-tabs is a short-hand for --expand-tabs=8, and --no-expand-tabs is a short-hand for --expand-tabs=0, which disables tab expansion. By default, tabs are expanded in pretty formats that indent the log message by 4 spaces (i.e. medium, which is the default, full, and fuller). --show-signature Check the validity of a signed commit object by passing the signature to gpg --verify and show the output. --relative-date Synonym for --date=relative. --date= Only takes effect for dates shown in human-readable format, such as when using --pretty. log.date config variable sets a default value for the log command’s --date option. By default, dates are shown in the original time zone (either committer’s or author’s). If -local is appended to the format (e.g., iso-local), the user’s local time zone is used instead. --date=relative shows dates relative to the current time, e.g. “2 hours ago”. The -local option has no effect for --date=relative. --date=local is an alias for --date=default-local. --date=iso (or --date=iso8601) shows timestamps in a ISO 8601-like format. The differences to the strict ISO 8601 format are: • a space instead of the T date/time delimiter • a space between time and time zone • no colon between hours and minutes of the time zone --date=iso-strict (or --date=iso8601-strict) shows timestamps in strict ISO 8601 format. --date=rfc (or --date=rfc2822) shows timestamps in RFC 2822 format, often found in email messages. --date=short shows only the date, but not the time, in YYYY-MM-DD format. --date=raw shows the date as seconds since the epoch (1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC), followed by a space, and then the timezone as an offset from UTC (a + or - with four digits; the first two are hours, and the second two are minutes). I.e., as if the timestamp were formatted with strftime(""%s %z"")). Note that the -local option does not affect the seconds-since-epoch value (which is always measured in UTC), but does switch the accompanying timezone value. --date=human shows the timezone if the timezone does not match the current time-zone, and doesn’t print the whole date if that matches (ie skip printing year for dates that are ""this year"", but also skip the whole date itself if it’s in the last few days and we can just say what weekday it was). For older dates the hour and minute is also omitted. --date=unix shows the date as a Unix epoch timestamp (seconds since 1970). As with --raw, this is always in UTC and therefore -local has no effect. --date=format:... feeds the format ... to your system strftime, except for %s, %z, and %Z, which are handled internally. Use --date=format:%c to show the date in your system locale’s preferred format. See the strftime manual for a complete list of format placeholders. When using -local, the correct syntax is --date=format-local:.... --date=default is the default format, and is based on ctime(3) output. It shows a single line with three-letter day of the week, three-letter month, day-of-month, hour-minute-seconds in ""HH:MM:SS"" format, followed by 4-digit year, plus timezone information, unless the local time zone is used, e.g. Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 +0000. --header Print the contents of the commit in raw-format; each record is separated with a NUL character. --no-commit-header Suppress the header line containing ""commit"" and the object ID printed before the specified format. This has no effect on the built-in formats; only custom formats are affected. --commit-header Overrides a previous --no-commit-header. --parents Print also the parents of the commit (in the form ""commit parent...""). Also enables parent rewriting, see History Simplification above. --children Print also the children of the commit (in the form ""commit child...""). Also enables parent rewriting, see History Simplification above. --timestamp Print the raw commit timestamp. --left-right Mark which side of a symmetric difference a commit is reachable from. Commits from the left side are prefixed with < and those from the right with >. If combined with --boundary, those commits are prefixed with -. For example, if you have this topology: y---b---b branch B / \ / / . / / \ o---x---a---a branch A you would get an output like this: $ git rev-list --left-right --boundary --pretty=oneline A...B >bbbbbbb... 3rd on b >bbbbbbb... 2nd on b ] When --graph is not used, all history branches are flattened which can make it hard to see that the two consecutive commits do not belong to a linear branch. This option puts a barrier in between them in that case. If is specified, it is the string that will be shown instead of the default one. --count Print a number stating how many commits would have been listed, and suppress all other output. When used together with --left-right, instead print the counts for left and right commits, separated by a tab. When used together with --cherry-mark, omit patch equivalent commits from these counts and print the count for equivalent commits separated by a tab. ","# git rev-list > List revisions (commits) in reverse chronological order. More information: > https://git-scm.com/docs/git-rev-list. * List all commits on the current branch: `git rev-list {{HEAD}}` * Print the latest commit that changed (add/edit/remove) a specific file on the current branch: `git rev-list -n 1 HEAD -- {{path/to/file}}` * List commits more recent than a specific date, on a specific branch: `git rev-list --since={{'2019-12-01 00:00:00'}} {{branch_name}}` * List all merge commits on a specific commit: `git rev-list --merges {{commit}}` * Print the number of commits since a specific tag: `git rev-list {{tag_name}}..HEAD --count`" "summarize: Collects detailed information about the user’s machine, Git client, and repository state and packages that information into a zip archive. The generated archive can then, for example, be shared with the Git mailing list to help debug an issue or serve as a reference for independent debugging. By default, the following information is captured in the archive: • git version --build-options • The path to the repository root • The available disk space on the filesystem • The name and size of each packfile, including those in alternate object stores • The total count of loose objects, as well as counts broken down by .git/objects subdirectory Additional information can be collected by selecting a different diagnostic mode using the --mode option. This tool differs from git-bugreport(1) in that it collects much more detailed information with a greater focus on reporting the size and data shape of repository contents. -o , --output-directory Place the resulting diagnostics archive in instead of the current directory. -s , --suffix Specify an alternate suffix for the diagnostics archive name, to create a file named git-diagnostics-. This should take the form of a strftime(3) format string; the current local time will be used. --mode=(stats|all) Specify the type of diagnostics that should be collected. The default behavior of git diagnose is equivalent to --mode=stats. The --mode=all option collects everything included in --mode=stats, as well as copies of .git, .git/hooks, .git/info, .git/logs, and .git/objects/info directories. This additional information may be sensitive, as it can be used to reconstruct the full contents of the diagnosed repository. Users should exercise caution when sharing an archive generated with --mode=all. ", "summarize: lpr submits files for printing. Files named on the command line are sent to the named printer or the default destination if no destination is specified. If no files are listed on the command- line, lpr reads the print file from the standard input. THE DEFAULT DESTINATION CUPS provides many ways to set the default destination. The LPDEST and PRINTER environment variables are consulted first. If neither are set, the current default set using the lpoptions(1) command is used, followed by the default set using the lpadmin(8) command. The following options are recognized by lpr: -E Forces encryption when connecting to the server. -H server[:port] Specifies an alternate server. -C ""name"" -J ""name"" -T ""name"" Sets the job name/title. -P destination[/instance] Prints files to the named printer. -U username Specifies an alternate username. -# copies Sets the number of copies to print. -h Disables banner printing. This option is equivalent to -o job-sheets=none. -l Specifies that the print file is already formatted for the destination and should be sent without filtering. This option is equivalent to -o raw. -m Send an email on job completion. -o option[=value] Sets a job option. See ""COMMON JOB OPTIONS"" below. -p Specifies that the print file should be formatted with a shaded header with the date, time, job name, and page number. This option is equivalent to -o prettyprint and is only useful when printing text files. -q Hold job for printing. -r Specifies that the named print files should be deleted after submitting them. COMMON JOB OPTIONS Aside from the printer-specific options reported by the lpoptions(1) command, the following generic options are available: -o job-sheets=name Prints a cover page (banner) with the document. The ""name"" can be ""classified"", ""confidential"", ""secret"", ""standard"", ""topsecret"", or ""unclassified"". -o media=size Sets the page size to size. Most printers support at least the size names ""a4"", ""letter"", and ""legal"". -o number-up={2|4|6|9|16} Prints 2, 4, 6, 9, or 16 document (input) pages on each output page. -o orientation-requested=4 Prints the job in landscape (rotated 90 degrees counter- clockwise). -o orientation-requested=5 Prints the job in landscape (rotated 90 degrees clockwise). -o orientation-requested=6 Prints the job in reverse portrait (rotated 180 degrees). -o print-quality=3 -o print-quality=4 -o print-quality=5 Specifies the output quality - draft (3), normal (4), or best (5). -o sides=one-sided Prints on one side of the paper. -o sides=two-sided-long-edge Prints on both sides of the paper for portrait output. -o sides=two-sided-short-edge Prints on both sides of the paper for landscape output. ","# lpr > CUPS tool for printing files. See also: `lpstat` and `lpadmin`. More > information: https://www.cups.org/doc/man-lpr.html. * Print a file to the default printer: `lpr {{path/to/file}}` * Print 2 copies: `lpr -# {{2}} {{path/to/file}}` * Print to a named printer: `lpr -P {{printer}} {{path/to/file}}` * Print either a single page (e.g. 2) or a range of pages (e.g. 2–16): `lpr -o page-ranges={{2|2-16}} {{path/to/file}}` * Print double-sided either in portrait (long) or in landscape (short): `lpr -o sides={{two-sided-long-edge|two-sided-short-edge}} {{path/to/file}}` * Set page size (more options may be available depending on setup): `lpr -o media={{a4|letter|legal}} {{path/to/file}}` * Print multiple pages per sheet: `lpr -o number-up={{2|4|6|9|16}} {{path/to/file}}`" "summarize: pcp-ss reports socket statistics collected by the pmdasockets(1) PMDA agent. The command is intended to be reasonably compatible with many of the ss(8) command line options and reporting formats, but also offer the advantages of local or remote monitoring (in live mode) and also historical replay from a previously recorded PCP archive. Note that since ss(1) has many command line options, many of which are the same as standard PCP command line options as described in PCPIntro(1), the pcp-ss tool should always be invoked by users using the pcp front-end. This allows standard PCP commandline options such as -h, -a, -S, -T, -O, -z, etc to be passed without conflict with ss(1) options. See the EXAMPLES sections below for typical usage and command lines. Live mode uses the pcp -h host option and requires the pmdasockets(1) PMDA to be installed and enabled on the target host (local or remote), see pmdasockets(1) for details on how to enable the sockets PMDA on a particular host. The default source is live metrics collected on localhost, if neither of the -h or -a options are given. Historical/archive replay uses the pcp -a archive option, where archive is the basename of a previously recorded PCP archive. The archive replay feature is particularly useful because socket statistics can be reported for a designated time using the pcp --origin option (which defaults to the start time of the archive). Due to the large number of options supported by pcp-ss, the pcp(1) command should always be used to invoke pcp-ss in order to specify options such as the metrics source (host or archive) and also (in archive mode), the requested start time or offset, and timezone using the following options: -h, --host The remote hostname to connect to in live mode. -a, --archive The archive file to use for historical sampling -O, --origin The time offset to use within an archive (implies -a) -S, --start The start time (e.g. in ctime(3) format) to use when replaying an archive. -Z, --timezone Use a specific timezone. Since pcp-ss doesn't report timestamps, this only affects the interpretation of an absolute starting time (-S) or offset (-O). -z, --hostzone In archive mode, use the timezone of the archive rather than the timezone on the local machine running pcp-ss. The timezone, start and finish times of the archive may be examined using pmdumplog(1) with the -L option. The above pcp options become indirectly available to the pcp-ss command via environment variables - refer to PCPIntro(1) for a complete description of these options. The additional command line options available for pcp-ss itself are: -h, --help show help message and exit -V, --version output version information -n, --numeric don't resolve service names -r, --resolve resolve host names -a, --all display all sockets -l, --listening display listening sockets -o, --options show timer information -e, --extended show detailed socket information -m, --memory show socket memory usage -p, --processes show process using socket -i, --info show internal TCP information -s, --summary show socket usage summary -b, --bpf show bpf filter socket information -E, --events continually display sockets as they are destroyed -Z, --context display process SELinux security contexts -z, --contexts display process and socket SELinux security contexts -N, --net switch to the specified network namespace name -4, --ipv4 display only IP version 4 sockets -6, --ipv6 display only IP version 6 sockets -0, --packet display PACKET sockets -t, --tcp display only TCP sockets -M, --mptcp display only MPTCP sockets -S, --sctp display only SCTP sockets -u, --udp display only UDP sockets -d, --dccp display only DCCP sockets -w, --raw display only RAW sockets -x, --unix display only Unix domain sockets -H, --noheader Suppress header line -O, --oneline socket's data printed on a single line ", "summarize: lp submits files for printing or alters a pending job. Use a filename of ""-"" to force printing from the standard input. THE DEFAULT DESTINATION CUPS provides many ways to set the default destination. The LPDEST and PRINTER environment variables are consulted first. If neither are set, the current default set using the lpoptions(1) command is used, followed by the default set using the lpadmin(8) command. The following options are recognized by lp: -- Marks the end of options; use this to print a file whose name begins with a dash (-). -E Forces encryption when connecting to the server. -U username Specifies the username to use when connecting to the server. -c This option is provided for backwards-compatibility only. On systems that support it, this option forces the print file to be copied to the spool directory before printing. In CUPS, print files are always sent to the scheduler via IPP which has the same effect. -d destination Prints files to the named printer. -h hostname[:port] Chooses an alternate server. -i job-id Specifies an existing job to modify. -m Sends an email when the job is completed. -n copies Sets the number of copies to print. -o ""name=value [ ... name=value ]"" Sets one or more job options. See ""COMMON JOB OPTIONS"" below. -q priority Sets the job priority from 1 (lowest) to 100 (highest). The default priority is 50. -s Do not report the resulting job IDs (silent mode.) -t ""name"" Sets the job name. -H hh:mm -H hold -H immediate -H restart -H resume Specifies when the job should be printed. A value of immediate will print the file immediately, a value of hold will hold the job indefinitely, and a UTC time value (HH:MM) will hold the job until the specified UTC (not local) time. Use a value of resume with the -i option to resume a held job. Use a value of restart with the -i option to restart a completed job. -P page-list Specifies which pages to print in the document. The list can contain a list of numbers and ranges (#-#) separated by commas, e.g., ""1,3-5,16"". The page numbers refer to the output pages and not the document's original pages - options like ""number-up"" can affect the numbering of the pages. COMMON JOB OPTIONS Aside from the printer-specific options reported by the lpoptions(1) command, the following generic options are available: -o job-sheets=name Prints a cover page (banner) with the document. The ""name"" can be ""classified"", ""confidential"", ""secret"", ""standard"", ""topsecret"", or ""unclassified"". -o media=size Sets the page size to size. Most printers support at least the size names ""a4"", ""letter"", and ""legal"". -o number-up={2|4|6|9|16} Prints 2, 4, 6, 9, or 16 document (input) pages on each output page. -o orientation-requested=4 Prints the job in landscape (rotated 90 degrees counter- clockwise). -o orientation-requested=5 Prints the job in landscape (rotated 90 degrees clockwise). -o orientation-requested=6 Prints the job in reverse portrait (rotated 180 degrees). -o print-quality=3 -o print-quality=4 -o print-quality=5 Specifies the output quality - draft (3), normal (4), or best (5). -o sides=one-sided Prints on one side of the paper. -o sides=two-sided-long-edge Prints on both sides of the paper for portrait output. -o sides=two-sided-short-edge Prints on both sides of the paper for landscape output. ","# lp > Print files. More information: https://manned.org/lp. * Print the output of a command to the default printer (see `lpstat` command): `echo ""test"" | lp` * Print a file to the default printer: `lp {{path/to/filename}}` * Print a file to a named printer (see `lpstat` command): `lp -d {{printer_name}} {{path/to/filename}}` * Print N copies of file to default printer (replace N with desired number of copies): `lp -n {{N}} {{path/to/filename}}` * Print only certain pages to the default printer (print pages 1, 3-5, and 16): `lp -P 1,3-5,16 {{path/to/filename}}` * Resume printing a job: `lp -i {{job_id}} -H resume`" "summarize: Print the current time, the length of time the system has been up, the number of users on the system, and the average number of jobs in the run queue over the last 1, 5 and 15 minutes. Processes in an uninterruptible sleep state also contribute to the load average. If FILE is not specified, use /var/run/utmp. /var/log/wtmp as FILE is common. --help display this help and exit --version output version information and exit ","# uptime > Tell how long the system has been running and other information. More > information: https://ss64.com/osx/uptime.html. * Print current time, uptime, number of logged-in users and other information: `uptime`" "summarize: This counts the number of unpacked object files and disk space consumed by them, to help you decide when it is a good time to repack. -v, --verbose Report in more detail: count: the number of loose objects size: disk space consumed by loose objects, in KiB (unless -H is specified) in-pack: the number of in-pack objects size-pack: disk space consumed by the packs, in KiB (unless -H is specified) prune-packable: the number of loose objects that are also present in the packs. These objects could be pruned using git prune-packed. garbage: the number of files in object database that are neither valid loose objects nor valid packs size-garbage: disk space consumed by garbage files, in KiB (unless -H is specified) alternate: absolute path of alternate object databases; may appear multiple times, one line per path. Note that if the path contains non-printable characters, it may be surrounded by double-quotes and contain C-style backslashed escape sequences. -H, --human-readable Print sizes in human readable format ","# git count-objects > Count the number of unpacked objects and their disk consumption. More > information: https://git-scm.com/docs/git-count-objects. * Count all objects and display the total disk usage: `git count-objects` * Display a count of all objects and their total disk usage, displaying sizes in human-readable units: `git count-objects --human-readable` * Display more verbose information: `git count-objects --verbose` * Display more verbose information, displaying sizes in human-readable units: `git count-objects --human-readable --verbose`" "summarize: Tool to parse and generate X.509 certificates, requests and private keys. It can be used interactively or non interactively by specifying the template command line option. The tool accepts files or supported URIs via the --infile option. In case PIN is required for URI access you can provide it using the environment variables GNUTLS_PIN and GNUTLS_SO_PIN. -d num, --debug=num Enable debugging. This option takes an integer number as its argument. The value of num is constrained to being: in the range 0 through 9999 Specifies the debug level. -V, --verbose More verbose output. --infile=file Input file. --outfile=str Output file. Certificate related options -i, --certificate-info Print information on the given certificate. --pubkey-info Print information on a public key. The option combined with --load-request, --load-pubkey, --load-privkey and --load-certificate will extract the public key of the object in question. -s, --generate-self-signed Generate a self-signed certificate. -c, --generate-certificate Generate a signed certificate. --generate-proxy Generates a proxy certificate. -u, --update-certificate Update a signed certificate. --fingerprint Print the fingerprint of the given certificate. This is a simple hash of the DER encoding of the certificate. It can be combined with the --hash parameter. However, it is recommended for identification to use the key-id which depends only on the certificate's key. --key-id Print the key ID of the given certificate. This is a hash of the public key of the given certificate. It identifies the key uniquely, remains the same on a certificate renewal and depends only on signed fields of the certificate. --certificate-pubkey Print certificate's public key. This option is deprecated as a duplicate of --pubkey-info NOTE: THIS OPTION IS DEPRECATED --v1 Generate an X.509 version 1 certificate (with no extensions). --sign-params=str Sign a certificate with a specific signature algorithm. This option can be combined with --generate-certificate, to sign the certificate with a specific signature algorithm variant. The only option supported is 'RSA-PSS', and should be specified when the signer does not have a certificate which is marked for RSA-PSS use only. Certificate request related options --crq-info Print information on the given certificate request. -q, --generate-request Generate a PKCS #10 certificate request. This option must not appear in combination with any of the following options: infile. Will generate a PKCS #10 certificate request. To specify a private key use --load-privkey. --no-crq-extensions Do not use extensions in certificate requests. PKCS#12 file related options --p12-info Print information on a PKCS #12 structure. This option will dump the contents and print the metadata of the provided PKCS #12 structure. --p12-name=str The PKCS #12 friendly name to use. The name to be used for the primary certificate and private key in a PKCS #12 file. --to-p12 Generate a PKCS #12 structure. It requires a certificate, a private key and possibly a CA certificate to be specified. Private key related options -k, --key-info Print information on a private key. --p8-info Print information on a PKCS #8 structure. This option will print information about encrypted PKCS #8 structures. That option does not require the decryption of the structure. --to-rsa Convert an RSA-PSS key to raw RSA format. It requires an RSA-PSS key as input and will output a raw RSA key. This command is necessary for compatibility with applications that cannot read RSA-PSS keys. -p, --generate-privkey Generate a private key. When generating RSA-PSS private keys, the --hash option will restrict the allowed hash for the key; in the same keys the --salt-size option is also acceptable. --key-type=str Specify the key type to use on key generation. This option can be combined with --generate-privkey, to specify the key type to be generated. Valid options are, 'rsa', 'rsa-pss', 'dsa', 'ecdsa', 'ed25519, 'ed448', 'x25519', and 'x448'.'. When combined with certificate generation it can be used to specify an RSA-PSS certificate when an RSA key is given. --bits=num Specify the number of bits for key generation. This option takes an integer number as its argument. --curve=str Specify the curve used for EC key generation. Supported values are secp192r1, secp224r1, secp256r1, secp384r1 and secp521r1. --sec-param=security parameter Specify the security level [low, legacy, medium, high, ultra]. This is alternative to the bits option. --to-p8 Convert a given key to a PKCS #8 structure. This needs to be combined with --load-privkey. -8, --pkcs8 Use PKCS #8 format for private keys. --provable Generate a private key or parameters from a seed using a provable method. This will use the FIPS PUB186-4 algorithms (i.e., Shawe-Taylor) for provable key generation. When specified the private keys or parameters will be generated from a seed, and can be later validated with --verify-provable-privkey to be correctly generated from the seed. You may specify --seed or allow GnuTLS to generate one (recommended). This option can be combined with --generate-privkey or --generate-dh-params. That option applies to RSA and DSA keys. On the DSA keys the PQG parameters are generated using the seed, and on RSA the two primes. --verify-provable-privkey Verify a private key generated from a seed using a provable method. This will use the FIPS-186-4 algorithms for provable key generation. You may specify --seed or use the seed stored in the private key structure. --seed=str When generating a private key use the given hex-encoded seed. The seed acts as a security parameter for the private key, and thus a seed size which corresponds to the security level of the private key should be provided (e.g., 256-bits seed). CRL related options -l, --crl-info Print information on the given CRL structure. --generate-crl Generate a CRL. This option generates a Certificate Revocation List. When combined with --load-crl it would use the loaded CRL as base for the generated (i.e., all revoked certificates in the base will be copied to the new CRL). To add new certificates to the CRL use --load-certificate. --verify-crl Verify a Certificate Revocation List using a trusted list. This option must appear in combination with the following options: load-ca-certificate. The trusted certificate list must be loaded with --load-ca-certificate. Certificate verification related options -e, --verify-chain Verify a PEM encoded certificate chain. Verifies the validity of a certificate chain. That is, an ordered set of certificates where each one is the issuer of the previous, and the first is the end-certificate to be validated. In a proper chain the last certificate is a self signed one. It can be combined with --verify-purpose or --verify-hostname. --verify Verify a PEM encoded certificate (chain) against a trusted set. The trusted certificate list can be loaded with --load-ca-certificate. If no certificate list is provided, then the system's trusted certificate list is used. Note that during verification multiple paths may be explored. On a successful verification the successful path will be the last one. It can be combined with --verify-purpose or --verify-hostname. --verify-hostname=str Specify a hostname to be used for certificate chain verification. This is to be combined with one of the verify certificate options. --verify-email=str Specify a email to be used for certificate chain verification. This option must not appear in combination with any of the following options: verify-hostname. This is to be combined with one of the verify certificate options. --verify-purpose=str Specify a purpose OID to be used for certificate chain verification. This object identifier restricts the purpose of the certificates to be verified. Example purposes are (TLS WWW), (EMAIL) etc. Note that a CA certificate without a purpose set (extended key usage) is valid for any purpose. --verify-allow-broken Allow broken algorithms, such as MD5 for verification. This can be combined with --p7-verify, --verify or --verify-chain. --verify-profile=str Specify a security level profile to be used for verification. This option can be used to specify a certificate verification profile. Certificate verification profiles correspond to the security level. This should be one of 'none', 'very weak', 'low', 'legacy', 'medium', 'high', 'ultra', 'future'. Note that by default no profile is applied, unless one is set as minimum in the gnutls configuration file. PKCS#7 structure options --p7-generate Generate a PKCS #7 structure. This option generates a PKCS #7 certificate container structure. To add certificates in the structure use --load-certificate and --load-crl. --p7-sign Signs using a PKCS #7 structure. This option generates a PKCS #7 structure containing a signature for the provided data from infile. The data are stored within the structure. The signer certificate has to be specified using --load-certificate and --load-privkey. The input to --load-certificate can be a list of certificates. In case of a list, the first certificate is used for signing and the other certificates are included in the structure. --p7-detached-sign Signs using a detached PKCS #7 structure. This option generates a PKCS #7 structure containing a signature for the provided data from infile. The signer certificate has to be specified using --load-certificate and --load-privkey. The input to --load-certificate can be a list of certificates. In case of a list, the first certificate is used for signing and the other certificates are included in the structure. --p7-include-cert, --no-p7-include-cert The signer's certificate will be included in the cert list. The no-p7-include-cert form will disable the option. This option is enabled by default. This options works with --p7-sign or --p7-detached-sign and will include or exclude the signer's certificate into the generated signature. --p7-time, --no-p7-time Will include a timestamp in the PKCS #7 structure. The no-p7-time form will disable the option. This option will include a timestamp in the generated signature --p7-show-data, --no-p7-show-data Will show the embedded data in the PKCS #7 structure. The no-p7-show-data form will disable the option. This option can be combined with --p7-verify or --p7-info and will display the embedded signed data in the PKCS #7 structure. --p7-info Print information on a PKCS #7 structure. --p7-verify Verify the provided PKCS #7 structure. This option verifies the signed PKCS #7 structure. The certificate list to use for verification can be specified with --load-ca-certificate. When no certificate list is provided, then the system's certificate list is used. Alternatively a direct signer can be provided using --load-certificate. A key purpose can be enforced with the --verify-purpose option, and the --load-data option will utilize detached data. --smime-to-p7 Convert S/MIME to PKCS #7 structure. Other options --generate-dh-params Generate PKCS #3 encoded Diffie-Hellman parameters. The will generate random parameters to be used with Diffie-Hellman key exchange. The output parameters will be in PKCS #3 format. Note that it is recommended to use the --get-dh-params option instead. NOTE: THIS OPTION IS DEPRECATED --get-dh-params List the included PKCS #3 encoded Diffie-Hellman parameters. Returns stored DH parameters in GnuTLS. Those parameters returned are defined in RFC7919, and can be considered standard parameters for a TLS key exchange. This option is provided for old applications which require DH parameters to be specified; modern GnuTLS applications should not require them. --dh-info Print information PKCS #3 encoded Diffie-Hellman parameters. --load-privkey=str Loads a private key file. This can be either a file or a PKCS #11 URL --load-pubkey=str Loads a public key file. This can be either a file or a PKCS #11 URL --load-request=str Loads a certificate request file. This option can be used with a file --load-certificate=str Loads a certificate file. This option can be used with a file --load-ca-privkey=str Loads the certificate authority's private key file. This can be either a file or a PKCS #11 URL --load-ca-certificate=str Loads the certificate authority's certificate file. This can be either a file or a PKCS #11 URL --load-crl=str Loads the provided CRL. This option can be used with a file --load-data=str Loads auxiliary data. This option can be used with a file --password=str Password to use. You can use this option to specify the password in the command line instead of reading it from the tty. Note, that the command line arguments are available for view in others in the system. Specifying password as '' is the same as specifying no password. --null-password Enforce a NULL password. This option enforces a NULL password. This is different than the empty or no password in schemas like PKCS #8. --empty-password Enforce an empty password. This option enforces an empty password. This is different than the NULL or no password in schemas like PKCS #8. --hex-numbers Print big number in an easier format to parse. --cprint In certain operations it prints the information in C- friendly format. In certain operations it prints the information in C-friendly format, suitable for including into C programs. --rsa Generate RSA key. When combined with --generate-privkey generates an RSA private key. NOTE: THIS OPTION IS DEPRECATED --dsa Generate DSA key. When combined with --generate-privkey generates a DSA private key. NOTE: THIS OPTION IS DEPRECATED --ecc Generate ECC (ECDSA) key. When combined with --generate-privkey generates an elliptic curve private key to be used with ECDSA. NOTE: THIS OPTION IS DEPRECATED --ecdsa This is an alias for the --ecc option. NOTE: THIS OPTION IS DEPRECATED --hash=str Hash algorithm to use for signing. Available hash functions are SHA1, RMD160, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512, SHA3-224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384, SHA3-512. --salt-size=num Specify the RSA-PSS key default salt size. This option takes an integer number as its argument. Typical keys shouldn't set or restrict this option. --inder, --no-inder Use DER format for input certificates, private keys, and DH parameters . The no-inder form will disable the option. The input files will be assumed to be in DER or RAW format. Unlike options that in PEM input would allow multiple input data (e.g. multiple certificates), when reading in DER format a single data structure is read. --inraw This is an alias for the --inder option. --outder, --no-outder Use DER format for output certificates, private keys, and DH parameters. The no-outder form will disable the option. The output will be in DER or RAW format. --outraw This is an alias for the --outder option. --disable-quick-random No effect. NOTE: THIS OPTION IS DEPRECATED --template=str Template file to use for non-interactive operation. --stdout-info Print information to stdout instead of stderr. --ask-pass Enable interaction for entering password when in batch mode. This option will enable interaction to enter password when in batch mode. That is useful when the template option has been specified. --pkcs-cipher=cipher Cipher to use for PKCS #8 and #12 operations. Cipher may be one of 3des, 3des-pkcs12, aes-128, aes-192, aes-256, rc2-40, arcfour. --provider=str Specify the PKCS #11 provider library. This will override the default options in /etc/gnutls/pkcs11.conf --text, --no-text Output textual information before PEM-encoded certificates, private keys, etc. The no-text form will disable the option. This option is enabled by default. Output textual information before PEM-encoded data -v arg, --version=arg Output version of program and exit. The default mode is `v', a simple version. The `c' mode will print copyright information and `n' will print the full copyright notice. -h, --help Display usage information and exit. -!, --more-help Pass the extended usage information through a pager. ", "summarize: Summarizes git log output in a format suitable for inclusion in release announcements. Each commit will be grouped by author and title. Additionally, ""[PATCH]"" will be stripped from the commit description. If no revisions are passed on the command line and either standard input is not a terminal or there is no current branch, git shortlog will output a summary of the log read from standard input, without reference to the current repository. -n, --numbered Sort output according to the number of commits per author instead of author alphabetic order. -s, --summary Suppress commit description and provide a commit count summary only. -e, --email Show the email address of each author. --format[=] Instead of the commit subject, use some other information to describe each commit. can be any string accepted by the --format option of git log, such as * [%h] %s. (See the ""PRETTY FORMATS"" section of git-log(1).) Each pretty-printed commit will be rewrapped before it is shown. --date= Show dates formatted according to the given date string. (See the --date option in the ""Commit Formatting"" section of git-log(1)). Useful with --group=format:. --group= Group commits based on . If no --group option is specified, the default is author. is one of: • author, commits are grouped by author • committer, commits are grouped by committer (the same as -c) • trailer:, the is interpreted as a case-insensitive commit message trailer (see git-interpret-trailers(1)). For example, if your project uses Reviewed-by trailers, you might want to see who has been reviewing with git shortlog -ns --group=trailer:reviewed-by. • format:, any string accepted by the --format option of git log. (See the ""PRETTY FORMATS"" section of git-log(1).) Note that commits that do not include the trailer will not be counted. Likewise, commits with multiple trailers (e.g., multiple signoffs) may be counted more than once (but only once per unique trailer value in that commit). Shortlog will attempt to parse each trailer value as a name identity. If successful, the mailmap is applied and the email is omitted unless the --email option is specified. If the value cannot be parsed as an identity, it will be taken literally and completely. If --group is specified multiple times, commits are counted under each value (but again, only once per unique value in that commit). For example, git shortlog --group=author --group=trailer:co-authored-by counts both authors and co-authors. -c, --committer This is an alias for --group=committer. -w[[,[,]]] Linewrap the output by wrapping each line at width. The first line of each entry is indented by indent1 spaces, and the second and subsequent lines are indented by indent2 spaces. width, indent1, and indent2 default to 76, 6 and 9 respectively. If width is 0 (zero) then indent the lines of the output without wrapping them. Show only commits in the specified revision range. When no is specified, it defaults to HEAD (i.e. the whole history leading to the current commit). origin..HEAD specifies all the commits reachable from the current commit (i.e. HEAD), but not from origin. For a complete list of ways to spell , see the ""Specifying Ranges"" section of gitrevisions(7). [--] ... Consider only commits that are enough to explain how the files that match the specified paths came to be. Paths may need to be prefixed with -- to separate them from options or the revision range, when confusion arises. Commit Limiting Besides specifying a range of commits that should be listed using the special notations explained in the description, additional commit limiting may be applied. Using more options generally further limits the output (e.g. --since= limits to commits newer than , and using it with --grep= further limits to commits whose log message has a line that matches ), unless otherwise noted. Note that these are applied before commit ordering and formatting options, such as --reverse. -, -n , --max-count= Limit the number of commits to output. --skip= Skip number commits before starting to show the commit output. --since=, --after= Show commits more recent than a specific date. --since-as-filter= Show all commits more recent than a specific date. This visits all commits in the range, rather than stopping at the first commit which is older than a specific date. --until=, --before= Show commits older than a specific date. --author=, --committer= Limit the commits output to ones with author/committer header lines that match the specified pattern (regular expression). With more than one --author=, commits whose author matches any of the given patterns are chosen (similarly for multiple --committer=). --grep-reflog= Limit the commits output to ones with reflog entries that match the specified pattern (regular expression). With more than one --grep-reflog, commits whose reflog message matches any of the given patterns are chosen. It is an error to use this option unless --walk-reflogs is in use. --grep= Limit the commits output to ones with log message that matches the specified pattern (regular expression). With more than one --grep=, commits whose message matches any of the given patterns are chosen (but see --all-match). When --notes is in effect, the message from the notes is matched as if it were part of the log message. --all-match Limit the commits output to ones that match all given --grep, instead of ones that match at least one. --invert-grep Limit the commits output to ones with log message that do not match the pattern specified with --grep=. -i, --regexp-ignore-case Match the regular expression limiting patterns without regard to letter case. --basic-regexp Consider the limiting patterns to be basic regular expressions; this is the default. -E, --extended-regexp Consider the limiting patterns to be extended regular expressions instead of the default basic regular expressions. -F, --fixed-strings Consider the limiting patterns to be fixed strings (don’t interpret pattern as a regular expression). -P, --perl-regexp Consider the limiting patterns to be Perl-compatible regular expressions. Support for these types of regular expressions is an optional compile-time dependency. If Git wasn’t compiled with support for them providing this option will cause it to die. --remove-empty Stop when a given path disappears from the tree. --merges Print only merge commits. This is exactly the same as --min-parents=2. --no-merges Do not print commits with more than one parent. This is exactly the same as --max-parents=1. --min-parents=, --max-parents=, --no-min-parents, --no-max-parents Show only commits which have at least (or at most) that many parent commits. In particular, --max-parents=1 is the same as --no-merges, --min-parents=2 is the same as --merges. --max-parents=0 gives all root commits and --min-parents=3 all octopus merges. --no-min-parents and --no-max-parents reset these limits (to no limit) again. Equivalent forms are --min-parents=0 (any commit has 0 or more parents) and --max-parents=-1 (negative numbers denote no upper limit). --first-parent When finding commits to include, follow only the first parent commit upon seeing a merge commit. This option can give a better overview when viewing the evolution of a particular topic branch, because merges into a topic branch tend to be only about adjusting to updated upstream from time to time, and this option allows you to ignore the individual commits brought in to your history by such a merge. --exclude-first-parent-only When finding commits to exclude (with a ^), follow only the first parent commit upon seeing a merge commit. This can be used to find the set of changes in a topic branch from the point where it diverged from the remote branch, given that arbitrary merges can be valid topic branch changes. --not Reverses the meaning of the ^ prefix (or lack thereof) for all following revision specifiers, up to the next --not. --all Pretend as if all the refs in refs/, along with HEAD, are listed on the command line as . --branches[=] Pretend as if all the refs in refs/heads are listed on the command line as . If is given, limit branches to ones matching given shell glob. If pattern lacks ?, *, or [, /* at the end is implied. --tags[=] Pretend as if all the refs in refs/tags are listed on the command line as . If is given, limit tags to ones matching given shell glob. If pattern lacks ?, *, or [, /* at the end is implied. --remotes[=] Pretend as if all the refs in refs/remotes are listed on the command line as . If is given, limit remote-tracking branches to ones matching given shell glob. If pattern lacks ?, *, or [, /* at the end is implied. --glob= Pretend as if all the refs matching shell glob are listed on the command line as . Leading refs/, is automatically prepended if missing. If pattern lacks ?, *, or [, /* at the end is implied. --exclude= Do not include refs matching that the next --all, --branches, --tags, --remotes, or --glob would otherwise consider. Repetitions of this option accumulate exclusion patterns up to the next --all, --branches, --tags, --remotes, or --glob option (other options or arguments do not clear accumulated patterns). The patterns given should not begin with refs/heads, refs/tags, or refs/remotes when applied to --branches, --tags, or --remotes, respectively, and they must begin with refs/ when applied to --glob or --all. If a trailing /* is intended, it must be given explicitly. --exclude-hidden=[fetch|receive|uploadpack] Do not include refs that would be hidden by git-fetch, git-receive-pack or git-upload-pack by consulting the appropriate fetch.hideRefs, receive.hideRefs or uploadpack.hideRefs configuration along with transfer.hideRefs (see git-config(1)). This option affects the next pseudo-ref option --all or --glob and is cleared after processing them. --reflog Pretend as if all objects mentioned by reflogs are listed on the command line as . --alternate-refs Pretend as if all objects mentioned as ref tips of alternate repositories were listed on the command line. An alternate repository is any repository whose object directory is specified in objects/info/alternates. The set of included objects may be modified by core.alternateRefsCommand, etc. See git-config(1). --single-worktree By default, all working trees will be examined by the following options when there are more than one (see git-worktree(1)): --all, --reflog and --indexed-objects. This option forces them to examine the current working tree only. --ignore-missing Upon seeing an invalid object name in the input, pretend as if the bad input was not given. --bisect Pretend as if the bad bisection ref refs/bisect/bad was listed and as if it was followed by --not and the good bisection refs refs/bisect/good-* on the command line. --stdin In addition to the listed on the command line, read them from the standard input. If a -- separator is seen, stop reading commits and start reading paths to limit the result. --cherry-mark Like --cherry-pick (see below) but mark equivalent commits with = rather than omitting them, and inequivalent ones with +. --cherry-pick Omit any commit that introduces the same change as another commit on the “other side” when the set of commits are limited with symmetric difference. For example, if you have two branches, A and B, a usual way to list all commits on only one side of them is with --left-right (see the example below in the description of the --left-right option). However, it shows the commits that were cherry-picked from the other branch (for example, “3rd on b” may be cherry-picked from branch A). With this option, such pairs of commits are excluded from the output. --left-only, --right-only List only commits on the respective side of a symmetric difference, i.e. only those which would be marked < resp. > by --left-right. For example, --cherry-pick --right-only A...B omits those commits from B which are in A or are patch-equivalent to a commit in A. In other words, this lists the + commits from git cherry A B. More precisely, --cherry-pick --right-only --no-merges gives the exact list. --cherry A synonym for --right-only --cherry-mark --no-merges; useful to limit the output to the commits on our side and mark those that have been applied to the other side of a forked history with git log --cherry upstream...mybranch, similar to git cherry upstream mybranch. -g, --walk-reflogs Instead of walking the commit ancestry chain, walk reflog entries from the most recent one to older ones. When this option is used you cannot specify commits to exclude (that is, ^commit, commit1..commit2, and commit1...commit2 notations cannot be used). With --pretty format other than oneline and reference (for obvious reasons), this causes the output to have two extra lines of information taken from the reflog. The reflog designator in the output may be shown as ref@{Nth} (where Nth is the reverse-chronological index in the reflog) or as ref@{timestamp} (with the timestamp for that entry), depending on a few rules: 1. If the starting point is specified as ref@{Nth}, show the index format. 2. If the starting point was specified as ref@{now}, show the timestamp format. 3. If neither was used, but --date was given on the command line, show the timestamp in the format requested by --date. 4. Otherwise, show the index format. Under --pretty=oneline, the commit message is prefixed with this information on the same line. This option cannot be combined with --reverse. See also git-reflog(1). Under --pretty=reference, this information will not be shown at all. --merge After a failed merge, show refs that touch files having a conflict and don’t exist on all heads to merge. --boundary Output excluded boundary commits. Boundary commits are prefixed with -. History Simplification Sometimes you are only interested in parts of the history, for example the commits modifying a particular . But there are two parts of History Simplification, one part is selecting the commits and the other is how to do it, as there are various strategies to simplify the history. The following options select the commits to be shown: Commits modifying the given are selected. --simplify-by-decoration Commits that are referred by some branch or tag are selected. Note that extra commits can be shown to give a meaningful history. The following options affect the way the simplification is performed: Default mode Simplifies the history to the simplest history explaining the final state of the tree. Simplest because it prunes some side branches if the end result is the same (i.e. merging branches with the same content) --show-pulls Include all commits from the default mode, but also any merge commits that are not TREESAME to the first parent but are TREESAME to a later parent. This mode is helpful for showing the merge commits that ""first introduced"" a change to a branch. --full-history Same as the default mode, but does not prune some history. --dense Only the selected commits are shown, plus some to have a meaningful history. --sparse All commits in the simplified history are shown. --simplify-merges Additional option to --full-history to remove some needless merges from the resulting history, as there are no selected commits contributing to this merge. --ancestry-path[=] When given a range of commits to display (e.g. commit1..commit2 or commit2 ^commit1), only display commits in that range that are ancestors of , descendants of , or itself. If no commit is specified, use commit1 (the excluded part of the range) as . Can be passed multiple times; if so, a commit is included if it is any of the commits given or if it is an ancestor or descendant of one of them. A more detailed explanation follows. Suppose you specified foo as the . We shall call commits that modify foo !TREESAME, and the rest TREESAME. (In a diff filtered for foo, they look different and equal, respectively.) In the following, we will always refer to the same example history to illustrate the differences between simplification settings. We assume that you are filtering for a file foo in this commit graph: .-A---M---N---O---P---Q / / / / / / I B C D E Y \ / / / / / `-------------' X The horizontal line of history A---Q is taken to be the first parent of each merge. The commits are: • I is the initial commit, in which foo exists with contents “asdf”, and a file quux exists with contents “quux”. Initial commits are compared to an empty tree, so I is !TREESAME. • In A, foo contains just “foo”. • B contains the same change as A. Its merge M is trivial and hence TREESAME to all parents. • C does not change foo, but its merge N changes it to “foobar”, so it is not TREESAME to any parent. • D sets foo to “baz”. Its merge O combines the strings from N and D to “foobarbaz”; i.e., it is not TREESAME to any parent. • E changes quux to “xyzzy”, and its merge P combines the strings to “quux xyzzy”. P is TREESAME to O, but not to E. • X is an independent root commit that added a new file side, and Y modified it. Y is TREESAME to X. Its merge Q added side to P, and Q is TREESAME to P, but not to Y. rev-list walks backwards through history, including or excluding commits based on whether --full-history and/or parent rewriting (via --parents or --children) are used. The following settings are available. Default mode Commits are included if they are not TREESAME to any parent (though this can be changed, see --sparse below). If the commit was a merge, and it was TREESAME to one parent, follow only that parent. (Even if there are several TREESAME parents, follow only one of them.) Otherwise, follow all parents. This results in: .-A---N---O / / / I---------D Note how the rule to only follow the TREESAME parent, if one is available, removed B from consideration entirely. C was considered via N, but is TREESAME. Root commits are compared to an empty tree, so I is !TREESAME. Parent/child relations are only visible with --parents, but that does not affect the commits selected in default mode, so we have shown the parent lines. --full-history without parent rewriting This mode differs from the default in one point: always follow all parents of a merge, even if it is TREESAME to one of them. Even if more than one side of the merge has commits that are included, this does not imply that the merge itself is! In the example, we get I A B N D O P Q M was excluded because it is TREESAME to both parents. E, C and B were all walked, but only B was !TREESAME, so the others do not appear. Note that without parent rewriting, it is not really possible to talk about the parent/child relationships between the commits, so we show them disconnected. --full-history with parent rewriting Ordinary commits are only included if they are !TREESAME (though this can be changed, see --sparse below). Merges are always included. However, their parent list is rewritten: Along each parent, prune away commits that are not included themselves. This results in .-A---M---N---O---P---Q / / / / / I B / D / \ / / / / `-------------' Compare to --full-history without rewriting above. Note that E was pruned away because it is TREESAME, but the parent list of P was rewritten to contain E's parent I. The same happened for C and N, and X, Y and Q. In addition to the above settings, you can change whether TREESAME affects inclusion: --dense Commits that are walked are included if they are not TREESAME to any parent. --sparse All commits that are walked are included. Note that without --full-history, this still simplifies merges: if one of the parents is TREESAME, we follow only that one, so the other sides of the merge are never walked. --simplify-merges First, build a history graph in the same way that --full-history with parent rewriting does (see above). Then simplify each commit C to its replacement C' in the final history according to the following rules: • Set C' to C. • Replace each parent P of C' with its simplification P'. In the process, drop parents that are ancestors of other parents or that are root commits TREESAME to an empty tree, and remove duplicates, but take care to never drop all parents that we are TREESAME to. • If after this parent rewriting, C' is a root or merge commit (has zero or >1 parents), a boundary commit, or !TREESAME, it remains. Otherwise, it is replaced with its only parent. The effect of this is best shown by way of comparing to --full-history with parent rewriting. The example turns into: .-A---M---N---O / / / I B D \ / / `---------' Note the major differences in N, P, and Q over --full-history: • N's parent list had I removed, because it is an ancestor of the other parent M. Still, N remained because it is !TREESAME. • P's parent list similarly had I removed. P was then removed completely, because it had one parent and is TREESAME. • Q's parent list had Y simplified to X. X was then removed, because it was a TREESAME root. Q was then removed completely, because it had one parent and is TREESAME. There is another simplification mode available: --ancestry-path[=] Limit the displayed commits to those which are an ancestor of , or which are a descendant of , or are itself. As an example use case, consider the following commit history: D---E-------F / \ \ B---C---G---H---I---J / \ A-------K---------------L--M A regular D..M computes the set of commits that are ancestors of M, but excludes the ones that are ancestors of D. This is useful to see what happened to the history leading to M since D, in the sense that “what does M have that did not exist in D”. The result in this example would be all the commits, except A and B (and D itself, of course). When we want to find out what commits in M are contaminated with the bug introduced by D and need fixing, however, we might want to view only the subset of D..M that are actually descendants of D, i.e. excluding C and K. This is exactly what the --ancestry-path option does. Applied to the D..M range, it results in: E-------F \ \ G---H---I---J \ L--M We can also use --ancestry-path=D instead of --ancestry-path which means the same thing when applied to the D..M range but is just more explicit. If we instead are interested in a given topic within this range, and all commits affected by that topic, we may only want to view the subset of D..M which contain that topic in their ancestry path. So, using --ancestry-path=H D..M for example would result in: E \ G---H---I---J \ L--M Whereas --ancestry-path=K D..M would result in K---------------L--M Before discussing another option, --show-pulls, we need to create a new example history. A common problem users face when looking at simplified history is that a commit they know changed a file somehow does not appear in the file’s simplified history. Let’s demonstrate a new example and show how options such as --full-history and --simplify-merges works in that case: .-A---M-----C--N---O---P / / \ \ \/ / / I B \ R-'`-Z' / \ / \/ / \ / /\ / `---X--' `---Y--' For this example, suppose I created file.txt which was modified by A, B, and X in different ways. The single-parent commits C, Z, and Y do not change file.txt. The merge commit M was created by resolving the merge conflict to include both changes from A and B and hence is not TREESAME to either. The merge commit R, however, was created by ignoring the contents of file.txt at M and taking only the contents of file.txt at X. Hence, R is TREESAME to X but not M. Finally, the natural merge resolution to create N is to take the contents of file.txt at R, so N is TREESAME to R but not C. The merge commits O and P are TREESAME to their first parents, but not to their second parents, Z and Y respectively. When using the default mode, N and R both have a TREESAME parent, so those edges are walked and the others are ignored. The resulting history graph is: I---X When using --full-history, Git walks every edge. This will discover the commits A and B and the merge M, but also will reveal the merge commits O and P. With parent rewriting, the resulting graph is: .-A---M--------N---O---P / / \ \ \/ / / I B \ R-'`--' / \ / \/ / \ / /\ / `---X--' `------' Here, the merge commits O and P contribute extra noise, as they did not actually contribute a change to file.txt. They only merged a topic that was based on an older version of file.txt. This is a common issue in repositories using a workflow where many contributors work in parallel and merge their topic branches along a single trunk: many unrelated merges appear in the --full-history results. When using the --simplify-merges option, the commits O and P disappear from the results. This is because the rewritten second parents of O and P are reachable from their first parents. Those edges are removed and then the commits look like single-parent commits that are TREESAME to their parent. This also happens to the commit N, resulting in a history view as follows: .-A---M--. / / \ I B R \ / / \ / / `---X--' In this view, we see all of the important single-parent changes from A, B, and X. We also see the carefully-resolved merge M and the not-so-carefully-resolved merge R. This is usually enough information to determine why the commits A and B ""disappeared"" from history in the default view. However, there are a few issues with this approach. The first issue is performance. Unlike any previous option, the --simplify-merges option requires walking the entire commit history before returning a single result. This can make the option difficult to use for very large repositories. The second issue is one of auditing. When many contributors are working on the same repository, it is important which merge commits introduced a change into an important branch. The problematic merge R above is not likely to be the merge commit that was used to merge into an important branch. Instead, the merge N was used to merge R and X into the important branch. This commit may have information about why the change X came to override the changes from A and B in its commit message. --show-pulls In addition to the commits shown in the default history, show each merge commit that is not TREESAME to its first parent but is TREESAME to a later parent. When a merge commit is included by --show-pulls, the merge is treated as if it ""pulled"" the change from another branch. When using --show-pulls on this example (and no other options) the resulting graph is: I---X---R---N Here, the merge commits R and N are included because they pulled the commits X and R into the base branch, respectively. These merges are the reason the commits A and B do not appear in the default history. When --show-pulls is paired with --simplify-merges, the graph includes all of the necessary information: .-A---M--. N / / \ / I B R \ / / \ / / `---X--' Notice that since M is reachable from R, the edge from N to M was simplified away. However, N still appears in the history as an important commit because it ""pulled"" the change R into the main branch. The --simplify-by-decoration option allows you to view only the big picture of the topology of the history, by omitting commits that are not referenced by tags. Commits are marked as !TREESAME (in other words, kept after history simplification rules described above) if (1) they are referenced by tags, or (2) they change the contents of the paths given on the command line. All other commits are marked as TREESAME (subject to be simplified away). ","# git shortlog > Summarizes the `git log` output. More information: https://git- > scm.com/docs/git-shortlog. * View a summary of all the commits made, grouped alphabetically by author name: `git shortlog` * View a summary of all the commits made, sorted by the number of commits made: `git shortlog -n` * View a summary of all the commits made, grouped by the committer identities (name and email): `git shortlog -c` * View a summary of the last 5 commits (i.e. specify a revision range): `git shortlog HEAD~{{5}}..HEAD` * View all users, emails and the number of commits in the current branch: `git shortlog -sne` * View all users, emails and the number of commits in all branches: `git shortlog -sne --all`" "summarize: pv shows the progress of data through a pipeline by giving information such as time elapsed, percentage completed (with progress bar), current throughput rate, total data transferred, and ETA. To use it, insert it in a pipeline between two processes, with the appropriate options. Its standard input will be passed through to its standard output and progress will be shown on standard error. pv will copy each supplied FILE in turn to standard output (- means standard input), or if no FILEs are specified just standard input is copied. This is the same behaviour as cat(1). A simple example to watch how quickly a file is transferred using nc(1): pv file | nc -w 1 somewhere.com 3000 A similar example, transferring a file from another process and passing the expected size to pv: cat file | pv -s 12345 | nc -w 1 somewhere.com 3000 A more complicated example using numeric output to feed into the dialog(1) program for a full-screen progress display: (tar cf - . \ | pv -n -s $(du -sb . | awk '{print $1}') \ | gzip -9 > out.tgz) 2>&1 \ | dialog --gauge 'Progress' 7 70 Taking an image of a disk, skipping errors: pv -EE /dev/your/disk/device > disk-image.img Writing an image back to a disk: pv disk-image.img > /dev/your/disk/device Zeroing a disk: pv < /dev/zero > /dev/your/disk/device Note that if the input size cannot be calculated, and the output is a block device, then the size of the block device will be used and pv will automatically stop at that size as if -S had been given. (Linux only): Watching file descriptor 3 opened by another process 1234: pv -d 1234:3 (Linux only): Watching all file descriptors used by process 1234: pv -d 1234 pv takes many options, which are divided into display switches, output modifiers, and general options. ","# pv > Monitor the progress of data through a pipe. More information: > https://manned.org/pv. * Print the contents of the file and display a progress bar: `pv {{path/to/file}}` * Measure the speed and amount of data flow between pipes (`--size` is optional): `command1 | pv --size {{expected_amount_of_data_for_eta}} | command2` * Filter a file, see both progress and amount of output data: `pv -cN in {{big_text_file}} | grep {{pattern}} | pv -cN out > {{filtered_file}}` * Attach to an already running process and see its file reading progress: `pv -d {{PID}}` * Read an erroneous file, skip errors as `dd conv=sync,noerror` would: `pv -EE {{path/to/faulty_media}} > image.img` * Stop reading after reading specified amount of data, rate limit to 1K/s: `pv -L 1K --stop-at --size {{maximum_file_size_to_be_read}}`" "summarize: dh_prep is a debhelper program that performs some file cleanups in preparation for building a binary package. (This is what dh_clean -k used to do.) It removes the package build directories, debian/tmp, and some temp files that are generated when building a binary package. It is typically run at the top of the binary-arch and binary- indep targets, or at the top of a target such as install that they depend on. -Xitem --exclude=item Exclude files that contain item anywhere in their filename from being deleted, even if they would normally be deleted. You may use this option multiple times to build up a list of things to exclude. ", "summarize: pmgetopt is used to perform command line option parsing for shell scripts used in the Performance Co-Pilot (PCP toolkit). It is also used to generate usage messages for those scripts. The parameters given to pmgetopt take two forms: initially, options specific to pmgetopt itself are passed in, and terminated using the -- mechanism. Thereafter, all of the parameters passed into the shell script should be passed (usually this is simply the ""$@"" variable). The available command line options are: -c=file, --config=file A configuration file in the format described below is passed to pmconfig using this option. If this option is omitted, then pmconfig will read its configuration from the standard input stream. -p=name, --progname=name When parsing the calling shell scripts parameters, error and usage messages will contain the given program name rather than referring to pmgetopt itself as the source of the error. -u, --usage A usage message appropriate for the calling shell script to present as its own can be generated using the option. -?, --help Display the usage message for pmgetopt itself and exit. pmgetopt parses the given parameters, and produces output in a format suitable for sourcing in the calling shell script. When both short and long forms of an argument are allowed by the specification, pmgetopt will always indicate the short form for simpler shell processing. If arguments are presented that do not match the configuration, a request for a usage message (-?) will be generated for the calling script to respond to. Any non- option parameters will be echoed back to the calling script preceded by the double-hyphen delimiter. Thus a script should stop handling options when this delimiter is detected, and begin the handling of any non-option arguments. Unlike with the shell built-in getopt command, variables like $OPTARG are not set and the calling script will typically employ use of the shell built-in eval, set and positional shift commands to ensure option processing occurs correctly. ", "summarize: Write each FILE to standard output, with line numbers added. With no FILE, or when FILE is -, read standard input. Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too. -b, --body-numbering=STYLE use STYLE for numbering body lines -d, --section-delimiter=CC use CC for logical page delimiters -f, --footer-numbering=STYLE use STYLE for numbering footer lines -h, --header-numbering=STYLE use STYLE for numbering header lines -i, --line-increment=NUMBER line number increment at each line -l, --join-blank-lines=NUMBER group of NUMBER empty lines counted as one -n, --number-format=FORMAT insert line numbers according to FORMAT -p, --no-renumber do not reset line numbers for each section -s, --number-separator=STRING add STRING after (possible) line number -v, --starting-line-number=NUMBER first line number for each section -w, --number-width=NUMBER use NUMBER columns for line numbers --help display this help and exit --version output version information and exit Default options are: -bt -d'\:' -fn -hn -i1 -l1 -n'rn' -s -v1 -w6 CC are two delimiter characters used to construct logical page delimiters; a missing second character implies ':'. As a GNU extension one can specify more than two characters, and also specifying the empty string (-d '') disables section matching. STYLE is one of: a number all lines t number only nonempty lines n number no lines pBRE number only lines that contain a match for the basic regular expression, BRE FORMAT is one of: ln left justified, no leading zeros rn right justified, no leading zeros rz right justified, leading zeros ","# nl > A utility for numbering lines, either from a file, or from `stdin`. More > information: https://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/nl. * Number non-blank lines in a file: `nl {{path/to/file}}` * Read from `stdout`: `cat {{path/to/file}} | nl {{options}} -` * Number only the lines with printable text: `nl -t {{path/to/file}}` * Number all lines including blank lines: `nl -b a {{path/to/file}}` * Number only the body lines that match a basic regular expression (BRE) pattern: `nl -b p'FooBar[0-9]' {{path/to/file}}`" "summarize: git svn is a simple conduit for changesets between Subversion and Git. It provides a bidirectional flow of changes between a Subversion and a Git repository. git svn can track a standard Subversion repository, following the common ""trunk/branches/tags"" layout, with the --stdlayout option. It can also follow branches and tags in any layout with the -T/-t/-b options (see options to init below, and also the clone command). Once tracking a Subversion repository (with any of the above methods), the Git repository can be updated from Subversion by the fetch command and Subversion updated from Git by the dcommit command. --shared[=(false|true|umask|group|all|world|everybody)], --template= Only used with the init command. These are passed directly to git init. -r , --revision Used with the fetch command. This allows revision ranges for partial/cauterized history to be supported. $NUMBER, $NUMBER1:$NUMBER2 (numeric ranges), $NUMBER:HEAD, and BASE:$NUMBER are all supported. This can allow you to make partial mirrors when running fetch; but is generally not recommended because history will be skipped and lost. -, --stdin Only used with the set-tree command. Read a list of commits from stdin and commit them in reverse order. Only the leading sha1 is read from each line, so git rev-list --pretty=oneline output can be used. --rmdir Only used with the dcommit, set-tree and commit-diff commands. Remove directories from the SVN tree if there are no files left behind. SVN can version empty directories, and they are not removed by default if there are no files left in them. Git cannot version empty directories. Enabling this flag will make the commit to SVN act like Git. config key: svn.rmdir -e, --edit Only used with the dcommit, set-tree and commit-diff commands. Edit the commit message before committing to SVN. This is off by default for objects that are commits, and forced on when committing tree objects. config key: svn.edit -l, --find-copies-harder Only used with the dcommit, set-tree and commit-diff commands. They are both passed directly to git diff-tree; see git-diff-tree(1) for more information. config key: svn.l config key: svn.findcopiesharder -A, --authors-file= Syntax is compatible with the file used by git cvsimport but an empty email address can be supplied with <>: loginname = Joe User If this option is specified and git svn encounters an SVN committer name that does not exist in the authors-file, git svn will abort operation. The user will then have to add the appropriate entry. Re-running the previous git svn command after the authors-file is modified should continue operation. config key: svn.authorsfile --authors-prog= If this option is specified, for each SVN committer name that does not exist in the authors file, the given file is executed with the committer name as the first argument. The program is expected to return a single line of the form ""Name "" or ""Name <>"", which will be treated as if included in the authors file. Due to historical reasons a relative filename is first searched relative to the current directory for init and clone and relative to the root of the working tree for fetch. If filename is not found, it is searched like any other command in $PATH. config key: svn.authorsProg -q, --quiet Make git svn less verbose. Specify a second time to make it even less verbose. -m, --merge, -s, --strategy=, -p, --rebase-merges These are only used with the dcommit and rebase commands. Passed directly to git rebase when using dcommit if a git reset cannot be used (see dcommit). -n, --dry-run This can be used with the dcommit, rebase, branch and tag commands. For dcommit, print out the series of Git arguments that would show which diffs would be committed to SVN. For rebase, display the local branch associated with the upstream svn repository associated with the current branch and the URL of svn repository that will be fetched from. For branch and tag, display the urls that will be used for copying when creating the branch or tag. --use-log-author When retrieving svn commits into Git (as part of fetch, rebase, or dcommit operations), look for the first From: line or Signed-off-by trailer in the log message and use that as the author string. config key: svn.useLogAuthor --add-author-from When committing to svn from Git (as part of set-tree or dcommit operations), if the existing log message doesn’t already have a From: or Signed-off-by trailer, append a From: line based on the Git commit’s author string. If you use this, then --use-log-author will retrieve a valid author string for all commits. config key: svn.addAuthorFrom ","# git svn > Bidirectional operation between a Subversion repository and Git. More > information: https://git-scm.com/docs/git-svn. * Clone an SVN repository: `git svn clone {{https://example.com/subversion_repo}} {{local_dir}}` * Clone an SVN repository starting at a given revision number: `git svn clone -r{{1234}}:HEAD {{https://svn.example.net/subversion/repo}} {{local_dir}}` * Update local clone from the remote SVN repository: `git svn rebase` * Fetch updates from the remote SVN repository without changing the Git HEAD: `git svn fetch` * Commit back to the SVN repository: `git svn dcommit`" "summarize: autofsd-probe will check the status of the autofsd(1) daemon on the specified host. Unless directed to another host by the -h option, autofsd-probe will contact the AutoFS daemon on the local host. The AutoFS file system is built on the Remote Procedure Call (RPC(3)) library routines. The -t option allows the total timeout and retry timeout intervals to be set for all remote procedure call operations used with autofsd-probe. This option accepts an interval argument in the form described in the PCPIntro(1) manual page. autofsd-probe is typically used in an automated fashion from within pmdashping(1) and in conjunction with pmie(1), for monitoring response time and service failure. By default autofsd-probe will not produce any output, unless there is an error in which case a diagnostic message will be displayed and the exit status will indicate the reason for failure. ", "summarize: Downloads a remote Git repository via HTTP. This command always gets all objects. Historically, there were three options -a, -c and -t for choosing which objects to download. They are now silently ignored. commit-id Either the hash or the filename under [URL]/refs/ to pull. -a, -c, -t These options are ignored for historical reasons. -v Report what is downloaded. -w Writes the commit-id into the filename under $GIT_DIR/refs/ on the local end after the transfer is complete. --stdin Instead of a commit id on the command line (which is not expected in this case), git http-fetch expects lines on stdin in the format ['\t'] --packfile= For internal use only. Instead of a commit id on the command line (which is not expected in this case), git http-fetch fetches the packfile directly at the given URL and uses index-pack to generate corresponding .idx and .keep files. The hash is used to determine the name of the temporary file and is arbitrary. The output of index-pack is printed to stdout. Requires --index-pack-args. --index-pack-args= For internal use only. The command to run on the contents of the downloaded pack. Arguments are URL-encoded separated by spaces. --recover Verify that everything reachable from target is fetched. Used after an earlier fetch is interrupted. ", "summarize: grep searches for PATTERNS in each FILE. PATTERNS is one or more patterns separated by newline characters, and grep prints each line that matches a pattern. Typically PATTERNS should be quoted when grep is used in a shell command. A FILE of “-” stands for standard input. If no FILE is given, recursive searches examine the working directory, and nonrecursive searches read standard input. Generic Program Information --help Output a usage message and exit. -V, --version Output the version number of grep and exit. Pattern Syntax -E, --extended-regexp Interpret PATTERNS as extended regular expressions (EREs, see below). -F, --fixed-strings Interpret PATTERNS as fixed strings, not regular expressions. -G, --basic-regexp Interpret PATTERNS as basic regular expressions (BREs, see below). This is the default. -P, --perl-regexp Interpret PATTERNS as Perl-compatible regular expressions (PCREs). This option is experimental when combined with the -z (--null-data) option, and grep -P may warn of unimplemented features. Matching Control -e PATTERNS, --regexp=PATTERNS Use PATTERNS as the patterns. If this option is used multiple times or is combined with the -f (--file) option, search for all patterns given. This option can be used to protect a pattern beginning with “-”. -f FILE, --file=FILE Obtain patterns from FILE, one per line. If this option is used multiple times or is combined with the -e (--regexp) option, search for all patterns given. The empty file contains zero patterns, and therefore matches nothing. If FILE is - , read patterns from standard input. -i, --ignore-case Ignore case distinctions in patterns and input data, so that characters that differ only in case match each other. --no-ignore-case Do not ignore case distinctions in patterns and input data. This is the default. This option is useful for passing to shell scripts that already use -i, to cancel its effects because the two options override each other. -v, --invert-match Invert the sense of matching, to select non-matching lines. -w, --word-regexp Select only those lines containing matches that form whole words. The test is that the matching substring must either be at the beginning of the line, or preceded by a non-word constituent character. Similarly, it must be either at the end of the line or followed by a non-word constituent character. Word-constituent characters are letters, digits, and the underscore. This option has no effect if -x is also specified. -x, --line-regexp Select only those matches that exactly match the whole line. For a regular expression pattern, this is like parenthesizing the pattern and then surrounding it with ^ and $. General Output Control -c, --count Suppress normal output; instead print a count of matching lines for each input file. With the -v, --invert-match option (see above), count non-matching lines. --color[=WHEN], --colour[=WHEN] Surround the matched (non-empty) strings, matching lines, context lines, file names, line numbers, byte offsets, and separators (for fields and groups of context lines) with escape sequences to display them in color on the terminal. The colors are defined by the environment variable GREP_COLORS. WHEN is never, always, or auto. -L, --files-without-match Suppress normal output; instead print the name of each input file from which no output would normally have been printed. -l, --files-with-matches Suppress normal output; instead print the name of each input file from which output would normally have been printed. Scanning each input file stops upon first match. -m NUM, --max-count=NUM Stop reading a file after NUM matching lines. If NUM is zero, grep stops right away without reading input. A NUM of -1 is treated as infinity and grep does not stop; this is the default. If the input is standard input from a regular file, and NUM matching lines are output, grep ensures that the standard input is positioned to just after the last matching line before exiting, regardless of the presence of trailing context lines. This enables a calling process to resume a search. When grep stops after NUM matching lines, it outputs any trailing context lines. When the -c or --count option is also used, grep does not output a count greater than NUM. When the -v or --invert-match option is also used, grep stops after outputting NUM non-matching lines. -o, --only-matching Print only the matched (non-empty) parts of a matching line, with each such part on a separate output line. -q, --quiet, --silent Quiet; do not write anything to standard output. Exit immediately with zero status if any match is found, even if an error was detected. Also see the -s or --no-messages option. -s, --no-messages Suppress error messages about nonexistent or unreadable files. Output Line Prefix Control -b, --byte-offset Print the 0-based byte offset within the input file before each line of output. If -o (--only-matching) is specified, print the offset of the matching part itself. -H, --with-filename Print the file name for each match. This is the default when there is more than one file to search. This is a GNU extension. -h, --no-filename Suppress the prefixing of file names on output. This is the default when there is only one file (or only standard input) to search. --label=LABEL Display input actually coming from standard input as input coming from file LABEL. This can be useful for commands that transform a file's contents before searching, e.g., gzip -cd foo.gz | grep --label=foo -H 'some pattern'. See also the -H option. -n, --line-number Prefix each line of output with the 1-based line number within its input file. -T, --initial-tab Make sure that the first character of actual line content lies on a tab stop, so that the alignment of tabs looks normal. This is useful with options that prefix their output to the actual content: -H,-n, and -b. In order to improve the probability that lines from a single file will all start at the same column, this also causes the line number and byte offset (if present) to be printed in a minimum size field width. -Z, --null Output a zero byte (the ASCII NUL character) instead of the character that normally follows a file name. For example, grep -lZ outputs a zero byte after each file name instead of the usual newline. This option makes the output unambiguous, even in the presence of file names containing unusual characters like newlines. This option can be used with commands like find -print0, perl -0, sort -z, and xargs -0 to process arbitrary file names, even those that contain newline characters. Context Line Control -A NUM, --after-context=NUM Print NUM lines of trailing context after matching lines. Places a line containing a group separator (--) between contiguous groups of matches. With the -o or --only-matching option, this has no effect and a warning is given. -B NUM, --before-context=NUM Print NUM lines of leading context before matching lines. Places a line containing a group separator (--) between contiguous groups of matches. With the -o or --only-matching option, this has no effect and a warning is given. -C NUM, -NUM, --context=NUM Print NUM lines of output context. Places a line containing a group separator (--) between contiguous groups of matches. With the -o or --only-matching option, this has no effect and a warning is given. --group-separator=SEP When -A, -B, or -C are in use, print SEP instead of -- between groups of lines. --no-group-separator When -A, -B, or -C are in use, do not print a separator between groups of lines. File and Directory Selection -a, --text Process a binary file as if it were text; this is equivalent to the --binary-files=text option. --binary-files=TYPE If a file's data or metadata indicate that the file contains binary data, assume that the file is of type TYPE. Non-text bytes indicate binary data; these are either output bytes that are improperly encoded for the current locale, or null input bytes when the -z option is not given. By default, TYPE is binary, and grep suppresses output after null input binary data is discovered, and suppresses output lines that contain improperly encoded data. When some output is suppressed, grep follows any output with a message to standard error saying that a binary file matches. If TYPE is without-match, when grep discovers null input binary data it assumes that the rest of the file does not match; this is equivalent to the -I option. If TYPE is text, grep processes a binary file as if it were text; this is equivalent to the -a option. When type is binary, grep may treat non-text bytes as line terminators even without the -z option. This means choosing binary versus text can affect whether a pattern matches a file. For example, when type is binary the pattern q$ might match q immediately followed by a null byte, even though this is not matched when type is text. Conversely, when type is binary the pattern . (period) might not match a null byte. Warning: The -a option might output binary garbage, which can have nasty side effects if the output is a terminal and if the terminal driver interprets some of it as commands. On the other hand, when reading files whose text encodings are unknown, it can be helpful to use -a or to set LC_ALL='C' in the environment, in order to find more matches even if the matches are unsafe for direct display. -D ACTION, --devices=ACTION If an input file is a device, FIFO or socket, use ACTION to process it. By default, ACTION is read, which means that devices are read just as if they were ordinary files. If ACTION is skip, devices are silently skipped. -d ACTION, --directories=ACTION If an input file is a directory, use ACTION to process it. By default, ACTION is read, i.e., read directories just as if they were ordinary files. If ACTION is skip, silently skip directories. If ACTION is recurse, read all files under each directory, recursively, following symbolic links only if they are on the command line. This is equivalent to the -r option. --exclude=GLOB Skip any command-line file with a name suffix that matches the pattern GLOB, using wildcard matching; a name suffix is either the whole name, or a trailing part that starts with a non-slash character immediately after a slash (/) in the name. When searching recursively, skip any subfile whose base name matches GLOB; the base name is the part after the last slash. A pattern can use *, ?, and [...] as wildcards, and \ to quote a wildcard or backslash character literally. --exclude-from=FILE Skip files whose base name matches any of the file-name globs read from FILE (using wildcard matching as described under --exclude). --exclude-dir=GLOB Skip any command-line directory with a name suffix that matches the pattern GLOB. When searching recursively, skip any subdirectory whose base name matches GLOB. Ignore any redundant trailing slashes in GLOB. -I Process a binary file as if it did not contain matching data; this is equivalent to the --binary-files=without-match option. --include=GLOB Search only files whose base name matches GLOB (using wildcard matching as described under --exclude). If contradictory --include and --exclude options are given, the last matching one wins. If no --include or --exclude options match, a file is included unless the first such option is --include. -r, --recursive Read all files under each directory, recursively, following symbolic links only if they are on the command line. Note that if no file operand is given, grep searches the working directory. This is equivalent to the -d recurse option. -R, --dereference-recursive Read all files under each directory, recursively. Follow all symbolic links, unlike -r. Other Options --line-buffered Use line buffering on output. This can cause a performance penalty. -U, --binary Treat the file(s) as binary. By default, under MS-DOS and MS-Windows, grep guesses whether a file is text or binary as described for the --binary-files option. If grep decides the file is a text file, it strips the CR characters from the original file contents (to make regular expressions with ^ and $ work correctly). Specifying -U overrules this guesswork, causing all files to be read and passed to the matching mechanism verbatim; if the file is a text file with CR/LF pairs at the end of each line, this will cause some regular expressions to fail. This option has no effect on platforms other than MS-DOS and MS-Windows. -z, --null-data Treat input and output data as sequences of lines, each terminated by a zero byte (the ASCII NUL character) instead of a newline. Like the -Z or --null option, this option can be used with commands like sort -z to process arbitrary file names. ","# grep > Find patterns in files using regular expressions. More information: > https://www.gnu.org/software/grep/manual/grep.html. * Search for a pattern within a file: `grep ""{{search_pattern}}"" {{path/to/file}}` * Search for an exact string (disables regular expressions): `grep --fixed-strings ""{{exact_string}}"" {{path/to/file}}` * Search for a pattern in all files recursively in a directory, showing line numbers of matches, ignoring binary files: `grep --recursive --line-number --binary-files={{without-match}} ""{{search_pattern}}"" {{path/to/directory}}` * Use extended regular expressions (supports `?`, `+`, `{}`, `()` and `|`), in case-insensitive mode: `grep --extended-regexp --ignore-case ""{{search_pattern}}"" {{path/to/file}}` * Print 3 lines of context around, before, or after each match: `grep --{{context|before-context|after-context}}={{3}} ""{{search_pattern}}"" {{path/to/file}}` * Print file name and line number for each match with color output: `grep --with-filename --line-number --color=always ""{{search_pattern}}"" {{path/to/file}}` * Search for lines matching a pattern, printing only the matched text: `grep --only-matching ""{{search_pattern}}"" {{path/to/file}}` * Search `stdin` for lines that do not match a pattern: `cat {{path/to/file}} | grep --invert-match ""{{search_pattern}}""`" "summarize: systemd-run may be used to create and start a transient .service or .scope unit and run the specified COMMAND in it. It may also be used to create and start a transient .path, .socket, or .timer unit, that activates a .service unit when elapsing. If a command is run as transient service unit, it will be started and managed by the service manager like any other service, and thus shows up in the output of systemctl list-units like any other unit. It will run in a clean and detached execution environment, with the service manager as its parent process. In this mode, systemd-run will start the service asynchronously in the background and return after the command has begun execution (unless --no-block or --wait are specified, see below). If a command is run as transient scope unit, it will be executed by systemd-run itself as parent process and will thus inherit the execution environment of the caller. However, the processes of the command are managed by the service manager similarly to normal services, and will show up in the output of systemctl list-units. Execution in this case is synchronous, and will return only when the command finishes. This mode is enabled via the --scope switch (see below). If a command is run with path, socket, or timer options such as --on-calendar= (see below), a transient path, socket, or timer unit is created alongside the service unit for the specified command. Only the transient path, socket, or timer unit is started immediately, the transient service unit will be triggered by the path, socket, or timer unit. If the --unit= option is specified, the COMMAND may be omitted. In this case, systemd-run creates only a .path, .socket, or .timer unit that triggers the specified unit. By default, services created with systemd-run default to the simple type, see the description of Type= in systemd.service(5) for details. Note that when this type is used, the service manager (and thus the systemd-run command) considers service start-up successful as soon as the fork() for the main service process succeeded, i.e. before the execve() is invoked, and thus even if the specified command cannot be started. Consider using the exec service type (i.e. --property=Type=exec) to ensure that systemd-run returns successfully only if the specified command line has been successfully started. After systemd-run passes the command to the service manager, the manager performs variable expansion. This means that dollar characters (""$"") which should not be expanded need to be escaped as ""$$"". Expansion can also be disabled using --expand-environment=no. The following options are understood: --no-ask-password Do not query the user for authentication for privileged operations. --scope Create a transient .scope unit instead of the default transient .service unit (see above). --unit=, -u Use this unit name instead of an automatically generated one. --property=, -p Sets a property on the scope or service unit that is created. This option takes an assignment in the same format as systemctl(1)'s set-property command. --description= Provide a description for the service, scope, path, socket, or timer unit. If not specified, the command itself will be used as a description. See Description= in systemd.unit(5). --slice= Make the new .service or .scope unit part of the specified slice, instead of system.slice (when running in --system mode) or the root slice (when running in --user mode). --slice-inherit Make the new .service or .scope unit part of the inherited slice. This option can be combined with --slice=. An inherited slice is located within systemd-run slice. Example: if systemd-run slice is foo.slice, and the --slice= argument is bar, the unit will be placed under the foo-bar.slice. --expand-environment=BOOL Expand environment variables in command arguments. If enabled (the default), environment variables specified as ""${VARIABLE}"" will be expanded in the same way as in commands specified via ExecStart= in units. With --scope, this expansion is performed by systemd-run itself, and in other cases by the service manager that spawns the command. Note that this is similar to, but not the same as variable expansion in bash(1) and other shells. See systemd.service(5) for a description of variable expansion. Disabling variable expansion is useful if the specified command includes or may include a ""$"" sign. -r, --remain-after-exit After the service process has terminated, keep the service around until it is explicitly stopped. This is useful to collect runtime information about the service after it finished running. Also see RemainAfterExit= in systemd.service(5). --send-sighup When terminating the scope or service unit, send a SIGHUP immediately after SIGTERM. This is useful to indicate to shells and shell-like processes that the connection has been severed. Also see SendSIGHUP= in systemd.kill(5). --service-type= Sets the service type. Also see Type= in systemd.service(5). This option has no effect in conjunction with --scope. Defaults to simple. --uid=, --gid= Runs the service process under the specified UNIX user and group. Also see User= and Group= in systemd.exec(5). --nice= Runs the service process with the specified nice level. Also see Nice= in systemd.exec(5). --working-directory= Runs the service process with the specified working directory. Also see WorkingDirectory= in systemd.exec(5). --same-dir, -d Similar to --working-directory=, but uses the current working directory of the caller for the service to execute. -E NAME[=VALUE], --setenv=NAME[=VALUE] Runs the service process with the specified environment variable set. This parameter may be used more than once to set multiple variables. When ""="" and VALUE are omitted, the value of the variable with the same name in the program environment will be used. Also see Environment= in systemd.exec(5). --pty, -t When invoking the command, the transient service connects its standard input, output and error to the terminal systemd-run is invoked on, via a pseudo TTY device. This allows running programs that expect interactive user input/output as services, such as interactive command shells. Note that machinectl(1)'s shell command is usually a better alternative for requesting a new, interactive login session on the local host or a local container. See below for details on how this switch combines with --pipe. --pipe, -P If specified, standard input, output, and error of the transient service are inherited from the systemd-run command itself. This allows systemd-run to be used within shell pipelines. Note that this mode is not suitable for interactive command shells and similar, as the service process will not become a TTY controller when invoked on a terminal. Use --pty instead in that case. When both --pipe and --pty are used in combination the more appropriate option is automatically determined and used. Specifically, when invoked with standard input, output and error connected to a TTY --pty is used, and otherwise --pipe. When this option is used the original file descriptors systemd-run receives are passed to the service processes as-is. If the service runs with different privileges than systemd-run, this means the service might not be able to re-open the passed file descriptors, due to normal file descriptor access restrictions. If the invoked process is a shell script that uses the echo ""hello"" >/dev/stderr construct for writing messages to stderr, this might cause problems, as this only works if stderr can be re-opened. To mitigate this use the construct echo ""hello"" >&2 instead, which is mostly equivalent and avoids this pitfall. --shell, -S A shortcut for ""--pty --same-dir --wait --collect --service-type=exec $SHELL"", i.e. requests an interactive shell in the current working directory, running in service context, accessible with a single switch. --quiet, -q Suppresses additional informational output while running. This is particularly useful in combination with --pty when it will suppress the initial message explaining how to terminate the TTY connection. --on-active=, --on-boot=, --on-startup=, --on-unit-active=, --on-unit-inactive= Defines a monotonic timer relative to different starting points for starting the specified command. See OnActiveSec=, OnBootSec=, OnStartupSec=, OnUnitActiveSec= and OnUnitInactiveSec= in systemd.timer(5) for details. These options are shortcuts for --timer-property= with the relevant properties. These options may not be combined with --scope or --pty. --on-calendar= Defines a calendar timer for starting the specified command. See OnCalendar= in systemd.timer(5). This option is a shortcut for --timer-property=OnCalendar=. This option may not be combined with --scope or --pty. --on-clock-change, --on-timezone-change Defines a trigger based on system clock jumps or timezone changes for starting the specified command. See OnClockChange= and OnTimezoneChange= in systemd.timer(5). These options are shortcuts for --timer-property=OnClockChange=yes and --timer-property=OnTimezoneChange=yes. These options may not be combined with --scope or --pty. --path-property=, --socket-property=, --timer-property= Sets a property on the path, socket, or timer unit that is created. This option is similar to --property=, but applies to the transient path, socket, or timer unit rather than the transient service unit created. This option takes an assignment in the same format as systemctl(1)'s set-property command. These options may not be combined with --scope or --pty. --no-block Do not synchronously wait for the unit start operation to finish. If this option is not specified, the start request for the transient unit will be verified, enqueued and systemd-run will wait until the unit's start-up is completed. By passing this argument, it is only verified and enqueued. This option may not be combined with --wait. --wait Synchronously wait for the transient service to terminate. If this option is specified, the start request for the transient unit is verified, enqueued, and waited for. Subsequently the invoked unit is monitored, and it is waited until it is deactivated again (most likely because the specified command completed). On exit, terse information about the unit's runtime is shown, including total runtime (as well as CPU usage, if --property=CPUAccounting=1 was set) and the exit code and status of the main process. This output may be suppressed with --quiet. This option may not be combined with --no-block, --scope or the various path, socket, or timer options. -G, --collect Unload the transient unit after it completed, even if it failed. Normally, without this option, all units that ran and failed are kept in memory until the user explicitly resets their failure state with systemctl reset-failed or an equivalent command. On the other hand, units that ran successfully are unloaded immediately. If this option is turned on the ""garbage collection"" of units is more aggressive, and unloads units regardless if they exited successfully or failed. This option is a shortcut for --property=CollectMode=inactive-or-failed, see the explanation for CollectMode= in systemd.unit(5) for further information. --user Talk to the service manager of the calling user, rather than the service manager of the system. --system Talk to the service manager of the system. This is the implied default. -H, --host= Execute the operation remotely. Specify a hostname, or a username and hostname separated by ""@"", to connect to. The hostname may optionally be suffixed by a port ssh is listening on, separated by "":"", and then a container name, separated by ""/"", which connects directly to a specific container on the specified host. This will use SSH to talk to the remote machine manager instance. Container names may be enumerated with machinectl -H HOST. Put IPv6 addresses in brackets. -M, --machine= Execute operation on a local container. Specify a container name to connect to, optionally prefixed by a user name to connect as and a separating ""@"" character. If the special string "".host"" is used in place of the container name, a connection to the local system is made (which is useful to connect to a specific user's user bus: ""--user --machine=lennart@.host""). If the ""@"" syntax is not used, the connection is made as root user. If the ""@"" syntax is used either the left hand side or the right hand side may be omitted (but not both) in which case the local user name and "".host"" are implied. -h, --help Print a short help text and exit. --version Print a short version string and exit. All command line arguments after the first non-option argument become part of the command line of the launched process. ","# systemd-run > Run programs in transient scope units, service units, or path-, socket-, or > timer-triggered service units. More information: > https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd-run.html. * Start a transient service: `sudo systemd-run {{command}} {{argument1 argument2 ...}}` * Start a transient service under the service manager of the current user (no privileges): `systemd-run --user {{command}} {{argument1 argument2 ...}}` * Start a transient service with a custom unit name and description: `sudo systemd-run --unit={{name}} --description={{string}} {{command}} {{argument1 argument2 ...}}` * Start a transient service that does not get cleaned up after it terminates with a custom environment variable: `sudo systemd-run --remain-after-exit --set-env={{name}}={{value}} {{command}} {{argument1 argument2 ...}}` * Start a transient timer that periodically runs its transient service (see `man systemd.time` for calendar event format): `sudo systemd-run --on-calendar={{calendar_event}} {{command}} {{argument1 argument2 ...}}` * Share the terminal with the program (allowing interactive input/output) and make sure the execution details remain after the program exits: `systemd-run --remain-after-exit --pty {{command}}` * Set properties (e.g. CPUQuota, MemoryMax) of the process and wait until it exits: `systemd-run --property MemoryMax={{memory_in_bytes}} --property CPUQuota={{percentage_of_CPU_time}}% --wait {{command}}` * Use the program in a shell pipeline: `{{command1}} | systemd-run --pipe {{command2}} | {{command3}}`" "summarize: The GNU objcopy utility copies the contents of an object file to another. objcopy uses the GNU BFD Library to read and write the object files. It can write the destination object file in a format different from that of the source object file. The exact behavior of objcopy is controlled by command-line options. Note that objcopy should be able to copy a fully linked file between any two formats. However, copying a relocatable object file between any two formats may not work as expected. objcopy creates temporary files to do its translations and deletes them afterward. objcopy uses BFD to do all its translation work; it has access to all the formats described in BFD and thus is able to recognize most formats without being told explicitly. objcopy can be used to generate S-records by using an output target of srec (e.g., use -O srec). objcopy can be used to generate a raw binary file by using an output target of binary (e.g., use -O binary). When objcopy generates a raw binary file, it will essentially produce a memory dump of the contents of the input object file. All symbols and relocation information will be discarded. The memory dump will start at the load address of the lowest section copied into the output file. When generating an S-record or a raw binary file, it may be helpful to use -S to remove sections containing debugging information. In some cases -R will be useful to remove sections which contain information that is not needed by the binary file. Note---objcopy is not able to change the endianness of its input files. If the input format has an endianness (some formats do not), objcopy can only copy the inputs into file formats that have the same endianness or which have no endianness (e.g., srec). (However, see the --reverse-bytes option.) infile outfile The input and output files, respectively. If you do not specify outfile, objcopy creates a temporary file and destructively renames the result with the name of infile. -I bfdname --input-target=bfdname Consider the source file's object format to be bfdname, rather than attempting to deduce it. -O bfdname --output-target=bfdname Write the output file using the object format bfdname. -F bfdname --target=bfdname Use bfdname as the object format for both the input and the output file; i.e., simply transfer data from source to destination with no translation. -B bfdarch --binary-architecture=bfdarch Useful when transforming a architecture-less input file into an object file. In this case the output architecture can be set to bfdarch. This option will be ignored if the input file has a known bfdarch. You can access this binary data inside a program by referencing the special symbols that are created by the conversion process. These symbols are called _binary_objfile_start, _binary_objfile_end and _binary_objfile_size. e.g. you can transform a picture file into an object file and then access it in your code using these symbols. -j sectionpattern --only-section=sectionpattern Copy only the indicated sections from the input file to the output file. This option may be given more than once. Note that using this option inappropriately may make the output file unusable. Wildcard characters are accepted in sectionpattern. If the first character of sectionpattern is the exclamation point (!) then matching sections will not be copied, even if earlier use of --only-section on the same command line would otherwise copy it. For example: --only-section=.text.* --only-section=!.text.foo will copy all sectinos matching '.text.*' but not the section '.text.foo'. -R sectionpattern --remove-section=sectionpattern Remove any section matching sectionpattern from the output file. This option may be given more than once. Note that using this option inappropriately may make the output file unusable. Wildcard characters are accepted in sectionpattern. Using both the -j and -R options together results in undefined behaviour. If the first character of sectionpattern is the exclamation point (!) then matching sections will not be removed even if an earlier use of --remove-section on the same command line would otherwise remove it. For example: --remove-section=.text.* --remove-section=!.text.foo will remove all sections matching the pattern '.text.*', but will not remove the section '.text.foo'. --keep-section=sectionpattern When removing sections from the output file, keep sections that match sectionpattern. --remove-relocations=sectionpattern Remove non-dynamic relocations from the output file for any section matching sectionpattern. This option may be given more than once. Note that using this option inappropriately may make the output file unusable, and attempting to remove a dynamic relocation section such as .rela.plt from an executable or shared library with --remove-relocations=.plt will not work. Wildcard characters are accepted in sectionpattern. For example: --remove-relocations=.text.* will remove the relocations for all sections matching the pattern '.text.*'. If the first character of sectionpattern is the exclamation point (!) then matching sections will not have their relocation removed even if an earlier use of --remove-relocations on the same command line would otherwise cause the relocations to be removed. For example: --remove-relocations=.text.* --remove-relocations=!.text.foo will remove all relocations for sections matching the pattern '.text.*', but will not remove relocations for the section '.text.foo'. -S --strip-all Do not copy relocation and symbol information from the source file. Also deletes debug sections. -g --strip-debug Do not copy debugging symbols or sections from the source file. --strip-unneeded Remove all symbols that are not needed for relocation processing in addition to debugging symbols and sections stripped by --strip-debug. -K symbolname --keep-symbol=symbolname When stripping symbols, keep symbol symbolname even if it would normally be stripped. This option may be given more than once. -N symbolname --strip-symbol=symbolname Do not copy symbol symbolname from the source file. This option may be given more than once. --strip-unneeded-symbol=symbolname Do not copy symbol symbolname from the source file unless it is needed by a relocation. This option may be given more than once. -G symbolname --keep-global-symbol=symbolname Keep only symbol symbolname global. Make all other symbols local to the file, so that they are not visible externally. This option may be given more than once. Note: this option cannot be used in conjunction with the --globalize-symbol or --globalize-symbols options. --localize-hidden In an ELF object, mark all symbols that have hidden or internal visibility as local. This option applies on top of symbol-specific localization options such as -L. -L symbolname --localize-symbol=symbolname Convert a global or weak symbol called symbolname into a local symbol, so that it is not visible externally. This option may be given more than once. Note - unique symbols are not converted. -W symbolname --weaken-symbol=symbolname Make symbol symbolname weak. This option may be given more than once. --globalize-symbol=symbolname Give symbol symbolname global scoping so that it is visible outside of the file in which it is defined. This option may be given more than once. Note: this option cannot be used in conjunction with the -G or --keep-global-symbol options. -w --wildcard Permit regular expressions in symbolnames used in other command line options. The question mark (?), asterisk (*), backslash (\) and square brackets ([]) operators can be used anywhere in the symbol name. If the first character of the symbol name is the exclamation point (!) then the sense of the switch is reversed for that symbol. For example: -w -W !foo -W fo* would cause objcopy to weaken all symbols that start with ""fo"" except for the symbol ""foo"". -x --discard-all Do not copy non-global symbols from the source file. -X --discard-locals Do not copy compiler-generated local symbols. (These usually start with L or ..) -b byte --byte=byte If interleaving has been enabled via the --interleave option then start the range of bytes to keep at the byteth byte. byte can be in the range from 0 to breadth-1, where breadth is the value given by the --interleave option. -i [breadth] --interleave[=breadth] Only copy a range out of every breadth bytes. (Header data is not affected). Select which byte in the range begins the copy with the --byte option. Select the width of the range with the --interleave-width option. This option is useful for creating files to program ROM. It is typically used with an ""srec"" output target. Note that objcopy will complain if you do not specify the --byte option as well. The default interleave breadth is 4, so with --byte set to 0, objcopy would copy the first byte out of every four bytes from the input to the output. --interleave-width=width When used with the --interleave option, copy width bytes at a time. The start of the range of bytes to be copied is set by the --byte option, and the extent of the range is set with the --interleave option. The default value for this option is 1. The value of width plus the byte value set by the --byte option must not exceed the interleave breadth set by the --interleave option. This option can be used to create images for two 16-bit flashes interleaved in a 32-bit bus by passing -b 0 -i 4 --interleave-width=2 and -b 2 -i 4 --interleave-width=2 to two objcopy commands. If the input was '12345678' then the outputs would be '1256' and '3478' respectively. -p --preserve-dates Set the access and modification dates of the output file to be the same as those of the input file. -D --enable-deterministic-archives Operate in deterministic mode. When copying archive members and writing the archive index, use zero for UIDs, GIDs, timestamps, and use consistent file modes for all files. If binutils was configured with --enable-deterministic-archives, then this mode is on by default. It can be disabled with the -U option, below. -U --disable-deterministic-archives Do not operate in deterministic mode. This is the inverse of the -D option, above: when copying archive members and writing the archive index, use their actual UID, GID, timestamp, and file mode values. This is the default unless binutils was configured with --enable-deterministic-archives. --debugging Convert debugging information, if possible. This is not the default because only certain debugging formats are supported, and the conversion process can be time consuming. --gap-fill val Fill gaps between sections with val. This operation applies to the load address (LMA) of the sections. It is done by increasing the size of the section with the lower address, and filling in the extra space created with val. --pad-to address Pad the output file up to the load address address. This is done by increasing the size of the last section. The extra space is filled in with the value specified by --gap-fill (default zero). --set-start val Set the start address (also known as the entry address) of the new file to val. Not all object file formats support setting the start address. --change-start incr --adjust-start incr Change the start address (also known as the entry address) by adding incr. Not all object file formats support setting the start address. --change-addresses incr --adjust-vma incr Change the VMA and LMA addresses of all sections, as well as the start address, by adding incr. Some object file formats do not permit section addresses to be changed arbitrarily. Note that this does not relocate the sections; if the program expects sections to be loaded at a certain address, and this option is used to change the sections such that they are loaded at a different address, the program may fail. --change-section-address sectionpattern{=,+,-}val --adjust-section-vma sectionpattern{=,+,-}val Set or change both the VMA address and the LMA address of any section matching sectionpattern. If = is used, the section address is set to val. Otherwise, val is added to or subtracted from the section address. See the comments under --change-addresses, above. If sectionpattern does not match any sections in the input file, a warning will be issued, unless --no-change-warnings is used. --change-section-lma sectionpattern{=,+,-}val Set or change the LMA address of any sections matching sectionpattern. The LMA address is the address where the section will be loaded into memory at program load time. Normally this is the same as the VMA address, which is the address of the section at program run time, but on some systems, especially those where a program is held in ROM, the two can be different. If = is used, the section address is set to val. Otherwise, val is added to or subtracted from the section address. See the comments under --change-addresses, above. If sectionpattern does not match any sections in the input file, a warning will be issued, unless --no-change-warnings is used. --change-section-vma sectionpattern{=,+,-}val Set or change the VMA address of any section matching sectionpattern. The VMA address is the address where the section will be located once the program has started executing. Normally this is the same as the LMA address, which is the address where the section will be loaded into memory, but on some systems, especially those where a program is held in ROM, the two can be different. If = is used, the section address is set to val. Otherwise, val is added to or subtracted from the section address. See the comments under --change-addresses, above. If sectionpattern does not match any sections in the input file, a warning will be issued, unless --no-change-warnings is used. --change-warnings --adjust-warnings If --change-section-address or --change-section-lma or --change-section-vma is used, and the section pattern does not match any sections, issue a warning. This is the default. --no-change-warnings --no-adjust-warnings Do not issue a warning if --change-section-address or --adjust-section-lma or --adjust-section-vma is used, even if the section pattern does not match any sections. --set-section-flags sectionpattern=flags Set the flags for any sections matching sectionpattern. The flags argument is a comma separated string of flag names. The recognized names are alloc, contents, load, noload, readonly, code, data, rom, exclude, share, and debug. You can set the contents flag for a section which does not have contents, but it is not meaningful to clear the contents flag of a section which does have contents--just remove the section instead. Not all flags are meaningful for all object file formats. In particular the share flag is only meaningful for COFF format files and not for ELF format files. --set-section-alignment sectionpattern=align Set the alignment for any sections matching sectionpattern. align specifies the alignment in bytes and must be a power of two, i.e. 1, 2, 4, 8.... --add-section sectionname=filename Add a new section named sectionname while copying the file. The contents of the new section are taken from the file filename. The size of the section will be the size of the file. This option only works on file formats which can support sections with arbitrary names. Note - it may be necessary to use the --set-section-flags option to set the attributes of the newly created section. --dump-section sectionname=filename Place the contents of section named sectionname into the file filename, overwriting any contents that may have been there previously. This option is the inverse of --add-section. This option is similar to the --only-section option except that it does not create a formatted file, it just dumps the contents as raw binary data, without applying any relocations. The option can be specified more than once. --update-section sectionname=filename Replace the existing contents of a section named sectionname with the contents of file filename. The size of the section will be adjusted to the size of the file. The section flags for sectionname will be unchanged. For ELF format files the section to segment mapping will also remain unchanged, something which is not possible using --remove-section followed by --add-section. The option can be specified more than once. Note - it is possible to use --rename-section and --update-section to both update and rename a section from one command line. In this case, pass the original section name to --update-section, and the original and new section names to --rename-section. --add-symbol name=[section:]value[,flags] Add a new symbol named name while copying the file. This option may be specified multiple times. If the section is given, the symbol will be associated with and relative to that section, otherwise it will be an ABS symbol. Specifying an undefined section will result in a fatal error. There is no check for the value, it will be taken as specified. Symbol flags can be specified and not all flags will be meaningful for all object file formats. By default, the symbol will be global. The special flag 'before=othersym' will insert the new symbol in front of the specified othersym, otherwise the symbol(s) will be added at the end of the symbol table in the order they appear. --rename-section oldname=newname[,flags] Rename a section from oldname to newname, optionally changing the section's flags to flags in the process. This has the advantage over using a linker script to perform the rename in that the output stays as an object file and does not become a linked executable. This option accepts the same set of flags as the --sect-section-flags option. This option is particularly helpful when the input format is binary, since this will always create a section called .data. If for example, you wanted instead to create a section called .rodata containing binary data you could use the following command line to achieve it: objcopy -I binary -O -B \ --rename-section .data=.rodata,alloc,load,readonly,data,contents \ --long-section-names {enable,disable,keep} Controls the handling of long section names when processing ""COFF"" and ""PE-COFF"" object formats. The default behaviour, keep, is to preserve long section names if any are present in the input file. The enable and disable options forcibly enable or disable the use of long section names in the output object; when disable is in effect, any long section names in the input object will be truncated. The enable option will only emit long section names if any are present in the inputs; this is mostly the same as keep, but it is left undefined whether the enable option might force the creation of an empty string table in the output file. --change-leading-char Some object file formats use special characters at the start of symbols. The most common such character is underscore, which compilers often add before every symbol. This option tells objcopy to change the leading character of every symbol when it converts between object file formats. If the object file formats use the same leading character, this option has no effect. Otherwise, it will add a character, or remove a character, or change a character, as appropriate. --remove-leading-char If the first character of a global symbol is a special symbol leading character used by the object file format, remove the character. The most common symbol leading character is underscore. This option will remove a leading underscore from all global symbols. This can be useful if you want to link together objects of different file formats with different conventions for symbol names. This is different from --change-leading-char because it always changes the symbol name when appropriate, regardless of the object file format of the output file. --reverse-bytes=num Reverse the bytes in a section with output contents. A section length must be evenly divisible by the value given in order for the swap to be able to take place. Reversing takes place before the interleaving is performed. This option is used typically in generating ROM images for problematic target systems. For example, on some target boards, the 32-bit words fetched from 8-bit ROMs are re- assembled in little-endian byte order regardless of the CPU byte order. Depending on the programming model, the endianness of the ROM may need to be modified. Consider a simple file with a section containing the following eight bytes: 12345678. Using --reverse-bytes=2 for the above example, the bytes in the output file would be ordered 21436587. Using --reverse-bytes=4 for the above example, the bytes in the output file would be ordered 43218765. By using --reverse-bytes=2 for the above example, followed by --reverse-bytes=4 on the output file, the bytes in the second output file would be ordered 34127856. --srec-len=ival Meaningful only for srec output. Set the maximum length of the Srecords being produced to ival. This length covers both address, data and crc fields. --srec-forceS3 Meaningful only for srec output. Avoid generation of S1/S2 records, creating S3-only record format. --redefine-sym old=new Change the name of a symbol old, to new. This can be useful when one is trying link two things together for which you have no source, and there are name collisions. --redefine-syms=filename Apply --redefine-sym to each symbol pair ""old new"" listed in the file filename. filename is simply a flat file, with one symbol pair per line. Line comments may be introduced by the hash character. This option may be given more than once. --weaken Change all global symbols in the file to be weak. This can be useful when building an object which will be linked against other objects using the -R option to the linker. This option is only effective when using an object file format which supports weak symbols. --keep-symbols=filename Apply --keep-symbol option to each symbol listed in the file filename. filename is simply a flat file, with one symbol name per line. Line comments may be introduced by the hash character. This option may be given more than once. --strip-symbols=filename Apply --strip-symbol option to each symbol listed in the file filename. filename is simply a flat file, with one symbol name per line. Line comments may be introduced by the hash character. This option may be given more than once. --strip-unneeded-symbols=filename Apply --strip-unneeded-symbol option to each symbol listed in the file filename. filename is simply a flat file, with one symbol name per line. Line comments may be introduced by the hash character. This option may be given more than once. --keep-global-symbols=filename Apply --keep-global-symbol option to each symbol listed in the file filename. filename is simply a flat file, with one symbol name per line. Line comments may be introduced by the hash character. This option may be given more than once. --localize-symbols=filename Apply --localize-symbol option to each symbol listed in the file filename. filename is simply a flat file, with one symbol name per line. Line comments may be introduced by the hash character. This option may be given more than once. --globalize-symbols=filename Apply --globalize-symbol option to each symbol listed in the file filename. filename is simply a flat file, with one symbol name per line. Line comments may be introduced by the hash character. This option may be given more than once. Note: this option cannot be used in conjunction with the -G or --keep-global-symbol options. --weaken-symbols=filename Apply --weaken-symbol option to each symbol listed in the file filename. filename is simply a flat file, with one symbol name per line. Line comments may be introduced by the hash character. This option may be given more than once. --alt-machine-code=index If the output architecture has alternate machine codes, use the indexth code instead of the default one. This is useful in case a machine is assigned an official code and the tool- chain adopts the new code, but other applications still depend on the original code being used. For ELF based architectures if the index alternative does not exist then the value is treated as an absolute number to be stored in the e_machine field of the ELF header. --writable-text Mark the output text as writable. This option isn't meaningful for all object file formats. --readonly-text Make the output text write protected. This option isn't meaningful for all object file formats. --pure Mark the output file as demand paged. This option isn't meaningful for all object file formats. --impure Mark the output file as impure. This option isn't meaningful for all object file formats. --prefix-symbols=string Prefix all symbols in the output file with string. --prefix-sections=string Prefix all section names in the output file with string. --prefix-alloc-sections=string Prefix all the names of all allocated sections in the output file with string. --add-gnu-debuglink=path-to-file Creates a .gnu_debuglink section which contains a reference to path-to-file and adds it to the output file. Note: the file at path-to-file must exist. Part of the process of adding the .gnu_debuglink section involves embedding a checksum of the contents of the debug info file into the section. If the debug info file is built in one location but it is going to be installed at a later time into a different location then do not use the path to the installed location. The --add-gnu-debuglink option will fail because the installed file does not exist yet. Instead put the debug info file in the current directory and use the --add-gnu-debuglink option without any directory components, like this: objcopy --add-gnu-debuglink=foo.debug At debug time the debugger will attempt to look for the separate debug info file in a set of known locations. The exact set of these locations varies depending upon the distribution being used, but it typically includes: ""* The same directory as the executable."" ""* A sub-directory of the directory containing the executable"" called .debug ""* A global debug directory such as /usr/lib/debug."" As long as the debug info file has been installed into one of these locations before the debugger is run everything should work correctly. --keep-section-symbils When stripping a file, perhaps with --strip-debug or --strip-unneeded, retain any symbols specifying section names, which would otherwise get stripped. --keep-file-symbols When stripping a file, perhaps with --strip-debug or --strip-unneeded, retain any symbols specifying source file names, which would otherwise get stripped. --only-keep-debug Strip a file, removing contents of any sections that would not be stripped by --strip-debug and leaving the debugging sections intact. In ELF files, this preserves all note sections in the output. Note - the section headers of the stripped sections are preserved, including their sizes, but the contents of the section are discarded. The section headers are preserved so that other tools can match up the debuginfo file with the real executable, even if that executable has been relocated to a different address space. The intention is that this option will be used in conjunction with --add-gnu-debuglink to create a two part executable. One a stripped binary which will occupy less space in RAM and in a distribution and the second a debugging information file which is only needed if debugging abilities are required. The suggested procedure to create these files is as follows: 1. ""foo"" then... 1. create a file containing the debugging info. 1. stripped executable. 1. to add a link to the debugging info into the stripped executable. Note---the choice of "".dbg"" as an extension for the debug info file is arbitrary. Also the ""--only-keep-debug"" step is optional. You could instead do this: 1. 1. 1. 1. i.e., the file pointed to by the --add-gnu-debuglink can be the full executable. It does not have to be a file created by the --only-keep-debug switch. Note---this switch is only intended for use on fully linked files. It does not make sense to use it on object files where the debugging information may be incomplete. Besides the gnu_debuglink feature currently only supports the presence of one filename containing debugging information, not multiple filenames on a one-per-object-file basis. --strip-dwo Remove the contents of all DWARF .dwo sections, leaving the remaining debugging sections and all symbols intact. This option is intended for use by the compiler as part of the -gsplit-dwarf option, which splits debug information between the .o file and a separate .dwo file. The compiler generates all debug information in the same file, then uses the --extract-dwo option to copy the .dwo sections to the .dwo file, then the --strip-dwo option to remove those sections from the original .o file. --extract-dwo Extract the contents of all DWARF .dwo sections. See the --strip-dwo option for more information. --file-alignment num Specify the file alignment. Sections in the file will always begin at file offsets which are multiples of this number. This defaults to 512. [This option is specific to PE targets.] --heap reserve --heap reserve,commit Specify the number of bytes of memory to reserve (and optionally commit) to be used as heap for this program. [This option is specific to PE targets.] --image-base value Use value as the base address of your program or dll. This is the lowest memory location that will be used when your program or dll is loaded. To reduce the need to relocate and improve performance of your dlls, each should have a unique base address and not overlap any other dlls. The default is 0x400000 for executables, and 0x10000000 for dlls. [This option is specific to PE targets.] --section-alignment num Sets the section alignment field in the PE header. Sections in memory will always begin at addresses which are a multiple of this number. Defaults to 0x1000. [This option is specific to PE targets.] --stack reserve --stack reserve,commit Specify the number of bytes of memory to reserve (and optionally commit) to be used as stack for this program. [This option is specific to PE targets.] --subsystem which --subsystem which:major --subsystem which:major.minor Specifies the subsystem under which your program will execute. The legal values for which are ""native"", ""windows"", ""console"", ""posix"", ""efi-app"", ""efi-bsd"", ""efi-rtd"", ""sal-rtd"", and ""xbox"". You may optionally set the subsystem version also. Numeric values are also accepted for which. [This option is specific to PE targets.] --extract-symbol Keep the file's section flags and symbols but remove all section data. Specifically, the option: * * * This option is used to build a .sym file for a VxWorks kernel. It can also be a useful way of reducing the size of a --just-symbols linker input file. --compress-debug-sections Compress DWARF debug sections using zlib with SHF_COMPRESSED from the ELF ABI. Note - if compression would actually make a section larger, then it is not compressed. --compress-debug-sections=none --compress-debug-sections=zlib --compress-debug-sections=zlib-gnu --compress-debug-sections=zlib-gabi --compress-debug-sections=zstd For ELF files, these options control how DWARF debug sections are compressed. --compress-debug-sections=none is equivalent to --decompress-debug-sections. --compress-debug-sections=zlib and --compress-debug-sections=zlib-gabi are equivalent to --compress-debug-sections. --compress-debug-sections=zlib-gnu compresses DWARF debug sections using the obsoleted zlib-gnu format. The debug sections are renamed to begin with .zdebug. --compress-debug-sections=zstd compresses DWARF debug sections using zstd. Note - if compression would actually make a section larger, then it is not compressed nor renamed. --decompress-debug-sections Decompress DWARF debug sections. For a .zdebug section, the original name is restored. --elf-stt-common=yes --elf-stt-common=no For ELF files, these options control whether common symbols should be converted to the ""STT_COMMON"" or ""STT_OBJECT"" type. --elf-stt-common=yes converts common symbol type to ""STT_COMMON"". --elf-stt-common=no converts common symbol type to ""STT_OBJECT"". --merge-notes --no-merge-notes For ELF files, attempt (or do not attempt) to reduce the size of any SHT_NOTE type sections by removing duplicate notes. -V --version Show the version number of objcopy. --verilog-data-width=bytes For Verilog output, this options controls the number of bytes converted for each output data element. The input target controls the endianness of the conversion. -v --verbose Verbose output: list all object files modified. In the case of archives, objcopy -V lists all members of the archive. --help Show a summary of the options to objcopy. --info Display a list showing all architectures and object formats available. @file Read command-line options from file. The options read are inserted in place of the original @file option. If file does not exist, or cannot be read, then the option will be treated literally, and not removed. Options in file are separated by whitespace. A whitespace character may be included in an option by surrounding the entire option in either single or double quotes. Any character (including a backslash) may be included by prefixing the character to be included with a backslash. The file may itself contain additional @file options; any such options will be processed recursively. ", "summarize: dh_installwm is a debhelper program that is responsible for generating the postinst and prerm commands that register a window manager with update-alternatives(8). The window manager's man page is also registered as a slave symlink (in v6 mode and up). It must be installed in usr/share/man/man1/ in the package build directory prior to calling dh_installwm. In compat 9 and earlier, the manpage was optional. --priority=n Set the priority of the window manager. Default is 20, which is too low for most window managers; see the Debian Policy document for instructions on calculating the correct value. -n, --no-scripts Do not modify postinst/prerm scripts. Turns this command into a no-op. -A, --all Modify scripts for window managers specified by command line parameters in ALL packages acted on, not just the first. wm ... Window manager programs to register. ", "summarize: The @TPUT@ utility uses the terminfo database to make the values of terminal-dependent capabilities and information available to the shell (see sh(1)), to initialize or reset the terminal, or return the long name of the requested terminal type. The result depends upon the capability's type: string @TPUT@ writes the string to the standard output. No trailing newline is supplied. integer @TPUT@ writes the decimal value to the standard output, with a trailing newline. boolean @TPUT@ simply sets the exit code (0 for TRUE if the terminal has the capability, 1 for FALSE if it does not), and writes nothing to the standard output. Before using a value returned on the standard output, the application should test the exit code (e.g., $?, see sh(1)) to be sure it is 0. (See the EXIT CODES and DIAGNOSTICS sections.) For a complete list of capabilities and the capname associated with each, see terminfo(5). Options -S allows more than one capability per invocation of @TPUT@. The capabilities must be passed to @TPUT@ from the standard input instead of from the command line (see example). Only one capname is allowed per line. The -S option changes the meaning of the 0 and 1 boolean and string exit codes (see the EXIT CODES section). Because some capabilities may use string parameters rather than numbers, @TPUT@ uses a table and the presence of parameters in its input to decide whether to use tparm(3X), and how to interpret the parameters. -Ttype indicates the type of terminal. Normally this option is unnecessary, because the default is taken from the environment variable TERM. If -T is specified, then the shell variables LINES and COLUMNS will also be ignored. -V reports the version of ncurses which was used in this program, and exits. -x do not attempt to clear the terminal's scrollback buffer using the extended “E3” capability. Commands A few commands (init, reset and longname) are special; they are defined by the @TPUT@ program. The others are the names of capabilities from the terminal database (see terminfo(5) for a list). Although init and reset resemble capability names, @TPUT@ uses several capabilities to perform these special functions. capname indicates the capability from the terminal database. If the capability is a string that takes parameters, the arguments following the capability will be used as parameters for the string. Most parameters are numbers. Only a few terminal capabilities require string parameters; @TPUT@ uses a table to decide which to pass as strings. Normally @TPUT@ uses tparm(3X) to perform the substitution. If no parameters are given for the capability, @TPUT@ writes the string without performing the substitution. init If the terminal database is present and an entry for the user's terminal exists (see -Ttype, above), the following will occur: (1) first, @TPUT@ retrieves the current terminal mode settings for your terminal. It does this by successively testing • the standard error, • standard output, • standard input and • ultimately “/dev/tty” to obtain terminal settings. Having retrieved these settings, @TPUT@ remembers which file descriptor to use when updating settings. (2) if the window size cannot be obtained from the operating system, but the terminal description (or environment, e.g., LINES and COLUMNS variables specify this), update the operating system's notion of the window size. (3) the terminal modes will be updated: • any delays (e.g., newline) specified in the entry will be set in the tty driver, • tabs expansion will be turned on or off according to the specification in the entry, and • if tabs are not expanded, standard tabs will be set (every 8 spaces). (4) if present, the terminal's initialization strings will be output as detailed in the terminfo(5) section on Tabs and Initialization, (5) output is flushed. If an entry does not contain the information needed for any of these activities, that activity will silently be skipped. reset This is similar to init, with two differences: (1) before any other initialization, the terminal modes will be reset to a “sane” state: • set cooked and echo modes, • turn off cbreak and raw modes, • turn on newline translation and • reset any unset special characters to their default values (2) Instead of putting out initialization strings, the terminal's reset strings will be output if present (rs1, rs2, rs3, rf). If the reset strings are not present, but initialization strings are, the initialization strings will be output. Otherwise, reset acts identically to init. longname If the terminal database is present and an entry for the user's terminal exists (see -Ttype above), then the long name of the terminal will be put out. The long name is the last name in the first line of the terminal's description in the terminfo database [see term(5)]. Aliases @TPUT@ handles the clear, init and reset commands specially: it allows for the possibility that it is invoked by a link with those names. If @TPUT@ is invoked by a link named reset, this has the same effect as @TPUT@ reset. The @TSET@(1) utility also treats a link named reset specially. Before ncurses 6.1, the two utilities were different from each other: • @TSET@ utility reset the terminal modes and special characters (not done with @TPUT@). • On the other hand, @TSET@'s repertoire of terminal capabilities for resetting the terminal was more limited, i.e., only reset_1string, reset_2string and reset_file in contrast to the tab-stops and margins which are set by this utility. • The reset program is usually an alias for @TSET@, because of this difference with resetting terminal modes and special characters. With the changes made for ncurses 6.1, the reset feature of the two programs is (mostly) the same. A few differences remain: • The @TSET@ program waits one second when resetting, in case it happens to be a hardware terminal. • The two programs write the terminal initialization strings to different streams (i.e., the standard error for @TSET@ and the standard output for @TPUT@). Note: although these programs write to different streams, redirecting their output to a file will capture only part of their actions. The changes to the terminal modes are not affected by redirecting the output. If @TPUT@ is invoked by a link named init, this has the same effect as @TPUT@ init. Again, you are less likely to use that link because another program named init has a more well- established use. Terminal Size Besides the special commands (e.g., clear), @TPUT@ treats certain terminfo capabilities specially: lines and cols. @TPUT@ calls setupterm(3X) to obtain the terminal size: • first, it gets the size from the terminal database (which generally is not provided for terminal emulators which do not have a fixed window size) • then it asks the operating system for the terminal's size (which generally works, unless connecting via a serial line which does not support NAWS: negotiations about window size). • finally, it inspects the environment variables LINES and COLUMNS which may override the terminal size. If the -T option is given @TPUT@ ignores the environment variables by calling use_tioctl(TRUE), relying upon the operating system (or finally, the terminal database). ","# tput > View and modify terminal settings and capabilities. More information: > https://manned.org/tput. * Move the cursor to a screen location: `tput cup {{row}} {{column}}` * Set foreground (af) or background (ab) color: `tput {{setaf|setab}} {{ansi_color_code}}` * Show number of columns, lines, or colors: `tput {{cols|lines|colors}}` * Ring the terminal bell: `tput bel` * Reset all terminal attributes: `tput sgr0` * Enable or disable word wrap: `tput {{smam|rmam}}`" summarize: Call the link function to create a link named FILE2 to an existing FILE1. --help display this help and exit --version output version information and exit ,"# link > Create a hard link to an existing file. For more options, see the `ln` > command. More information: https://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/link. * Create a hard link from a new file to an existing file: `link {{path/to/existing_file}} {{path/to/new_file}}`" "summarize: The logname utility shall write the user's login name to standard output. The login name shall be the string that would be returned by the getlogin() function defined in the System Interfaces volume of POSIX.1‐2017. Under the conditions where the getlogin() function would fail, the logname utility shall write a diagnostic message to standard error and exit with a non-zero exit status. None. ","# logname > Shows the user's login name. More information: > https://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/logname. * Display the currently logged in user's name: `logname`" "summarize: The iconv utility shall convert the encoding of characters in file from one codeset to another and write the results to standard output. When the options indicate that charmap files are used to specify the codesets (see OPTIONS), the codeset conversion shall be accomplished by performing a logical join on the symbolic character names in the two charmaps. The implementation need not support the use of charmap files for codeset conversion unless the POSIX2_LOCALEDEF symbol is defined on the system. The iconv utility shall conform to the Base Definitions volume of POSIX.1‐2017, Section 12.2, Utility Syntax Guidelines. The following options shall be supported: -c Omit any characters that are invalid in the codeset of the input file from the output. When -c is not used, the results of encountering invalid characters in the input stream (either those that are not characters in the codeset of the input file or that have no corresponding character in the codeset of the output file) shall be specified in the system documentation. The presence or absence of -c shall not affect the exit status of iconv. -f fromcodeset Identify the codeset of the input file. The implementation shall recognize the following two forms of the fromcodeset option-argument: fromcode The fromcode option-argument must not contain a character. It shall be interpreted as the name of one of the codeset descriptions provided by the implementation in an unspecified format. Valid values of fromcode are implementation-defined. frommap The frommap option-argument must contain a character. It shall be interpreted as the pathname of a charmap file as defined in the Base Definitions volume of POSIX.1‐2017, Section 6.4, Character Set Description File. If the pathname does not represent a valid, readable charmap file, the results are undefined. If this option is omitted, the codeset of the current locale shall be used. -l Write all supported fromcode and tocode values to standard output in an unspecified format. -s Suppress any messages written to standard error concerning invalid characters. When -s is not used, the results of encountering invalid characters in the input stream (either those that are not valid characters in the codeset of the input file or that have no corresponding character in the codeset of the output file) shall be specified in the system documentation. The presence or absence of -s shall not affect the exit status of iconv. -t tocodeset Identify the codeset to be used for the output file. The implementation shall recognize the following two forms of the tocodeset option-argument: tocode The semantics shall be equivalent to the -f fromcode option. tomap The semantics shall be equivalent to the -f frommap option. If this option is omitted, the codeset of the current locale shall be used. If either -f or -t represents a charmap file, but the other does not (or is omitted), or both -f and -t are omitted, the results are undefined. ","# iconv > Converts text from one encoding to another. More information: > https://manned.org/iconv. * Convert file to a specific encoding, and print to `stdout`: `iconv -f {{from_encoding}} -t {{to_encoding}} {{input_file}}` * Convert file to the current locale's encoding, and output to a file: `iconv -f {{from_encoding}} {{input_file}} > {{output_file}}` * List supported encodings: `iconv -l`" summarize: pmdabonding is a Performance Metrics Domain Agent (PMDA) which exports metric values from bonded network interfaces in the Linux kernel. , "summarize: Creates a document id for a local file that can be exposed to sandboxed applications, allowing them access to files that they would not otherwise see. The exported files are exposed in a fuse filesystem at /run/user/$UID/doc/. This command also lets you modify the per-application permissions of the documents, granting or revoking access to the file on a per-application basis. The following options are understood: -h, --help Show help options and exit. -u, --unique Don't reuse an existing document id for the file. This makes it safe to later remove the document when you're finished with it. -t, --transient The document will only exist for the length of the session. This is useful for temporary grants. -n, --noexist Don't require the file to exist already. -a, --app=APPID Grant read access to the specified application. The --allow and --forbid options can be used to grant or remove additional privileges. This option can be used multiple times. -r, --allow-read Grant read access to the applications specified with --app. This defaults to TRUE. --forbid-read Revoke read access for the applications specified with --app. -w, --allow-write Grant write access to the applications specified with --app. --forbid-write Revoke write access for the applications specified with --app. -d, --allow-delete Grant the ability to remove the document from the document portal to the applications specified with --app. --forbid-delete Revoke the ability to remove the document from the document portal from the applications specified with --app. -g, --allow-grant-permission Grant the ability to grant further permissions to the applications specified with --app. --forbid-grant-permission Revoke the ability to grant further permissions for the applications specified with --app. -v, --verbose Print debug information during command processing. --ostree-verbose Print OSTree debug information during command processing. ", "summarize: pcp-free gives a summary display of the total amount of free and used physical memory and swap in the system, as well as the caches used by the kernel. When invoked via the pcp(1) command, the -h/--host, -a/--archive, -O/--origin, -s/--samples, -t/--interval, -Z/--timezone and several other pcp options become indirectly available, see PCPIntro(1) for their descriptions. The displayed columns are: total Total installed memory (MemTotal and SwapTotal in /proc/meminfo) used Used memory (calculated as total - free - buffers - cache) free Unused memory (MemFree and SwapFree in /proc/meminfo) shared Memory used (mostly) by tmpfs (Shmem in /proc/meminfo) buffers Memory used by kernel buffers (Buffers in /proc/meminfo) cache Memory used by the page cache and slabs (Cached and SReclaimable in /proc/meminfo) buff/cache Sum of buffers and cache available Estimation of how much memory is available for starting new applications, without swapping. Unlike the data provided by the cache or free fields, this field takes into account page cache and also that not all reclaimable memory slabs will be reclaimed due to items being in use (MemAvailable in /proc/meminfo). The available command line options are: -b, --bytes Display the amount of memory in bytes. -c count, --samples=count, --count=count Terminate the display after count iterations. See also -s. -g, --gigabytes Display the amount of memory in gigabytes. -k, --kilobytes Display the amount of memory in kilobytes. This is the default. -l, --lohi Display detailed low and high memory statistics. -m, --megabytes Display the amount of memory in megabytes. -o Disable the display of a ""buffer adjusted"" line. If the -o option is not specified, free subtracts buffer memory from the used memory and adds it to the free memory reported. -r, --terabytes Display the amount of memory in terabytes. -s delay, --interval=delay, --seconds=delay Activate continuous polling delay seconds apart. You may specify any floating point number for delay, or indeed any valid pmParseInterval(3) specification, which includes microsecond resolution delay times. This can be used in conjunction with the -c option. -t, --total Display a line containing the totals. -V, --version Display version number and exit. -w, --wide Switch to the wide mode. The wide mode produces lines longer than 80 characters. In this mode buffers and cache are reported in two separate columns. -?, --help Display usage message and exit. ", "summarize: The paste utility shall concatenate the corresponding lines of the given input files, and write the resulting lines to standard output. The default operation of paste shall concatenate the corresponding lines of the input files. The of every line except the line from the last input file shall be replaced with a . If an end-of-file condition is detected on one or more input files, but not all input files, paste shall behave as though empty lines were read from the files on which end-of-file was detected, unless the -s option is specified. The paste utility shall conform to the Base Definitions volume of POSIX.1‐2017, Section 12.2, Utility Syntax Guidelines. The following options shall be supported: -d list Unless a character appears in list, each character in list is an element specifying a delimiter character. If a character appears in list, the character and one or more characters following it are an element specifying a delimiter character as described below. These elements specify one or more delimiters to use, instead of the default , to replace the of the input lines. The elements in list shall be used circularly; that is, when the list is exhausted the first element from the list is reused. When the -s option is specified: * The last in a file shall not be modified. * The delimiter shall be reset to the first element of list after each file operand is processed. When the -s option is not specified: * The characters in the file specified by the last file operand shall not be modified. * The delimiter shall be reset to the first element of list each time a line is processed from each file. If a character appears in list, it and the character following it shall be used to represent the following delimiter characters: \n . \t . \\ character. \0 Empty string (not a null character). If '\0' is immediately followed by the character 'x', the character 'X', or any character defined by the LC_CTYPE digit keyword (see the Base Definitions volume of POSIX.1‐2017, Chapter 7, Locale), the results are unspecified. If any other characters follow the , the results are unspecified. -s Concatenate all of the lines from each input file into one line of output per file, in command line order. The of every line except the last line in each input file shall be replaced with a , unless otherwise specified by the -d option. If an input file is empty, the output line corresponding to that file shall consist of only a character. ","# paste > Merge lines of files. More information: > https://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/paste. * Join all the lines into a single line, using TAB as delimiter: `paste -s {{path/to/file}}` * Join all the lines into a single line, using the specified delimiter: `paste -s -d {{delimiter}} {{path/to/file}}` * Merge two files side by side, each in its column, using TAB as delimiter: `paste {{file1}} {{file2}}` * Merge two files side by side, each in its column, using the specified delimiter: `paste -d {{delimiter}} {{file1}} {{file2}}` * Merge two files, with lines added alternatively: `paste -d '\n' {{file1}} {{file2}}`" "summarize: For each operand that names a file of a type other than directory or symbolic link to a directory, ls shall write the name of the file as well as any requested, associated information. For each operand that names a file of type directory, ls shall write the names of files contained within the directory as well as any requested, associated information. Filenames beginning with a ('.') and any associated information shall not be written out unless explicitly referenced, the -A or -a option is supplied, or an implementation-defined condition causes them to be written. If one or more of the -d, -F, or -l options are specified, and neither the -H nor the -L option is specified, for each operand that names a file of type symbolic link to a directory, ls shall write the name of the file as well as any requested, associated information. If none of the -d, -F, or -l options are specified, or the -H or -L options are specified, for each operand that names a file of type symbolic link to a directory, ls shall write the names of files contained within the directory as well as any requested, associated information. In each case where the names of files contained within a directory are written, if the directory contains any symbolic links then ls shall evaluate the file information and file type to be those of the symbolic link itself, unless the -L option is specified. If no operands are specified, ls shall behave as if a single operand of dot ('.') had been specified. If more than one operand is specified, ls shall write non-directory operands first; it shall sort directory and non-directory operands separately according to the collating sequence in the current locale. Whenever ls sorts filenames or pathnames according to the collating sequence in the current locale, if this collating sequence does not have a total ordering of all characters (see the Base Definitions volume of POSIX.1‐2017, Section 7.3.2, LC_COLLATE), then any filenames or pathnames that collate equally should be further compared byte-by-byte using the collating sequence for the POSIX locale. The ls utility shall detect infinite loops; that is, entering a previously visited directory that is an ancestor of the last file encountered. When it detects an infinite loop, ls shall write a diagnostic message to standard error and shall either recover its position in the hierarchy or terminate. The ls utility shall conform to the Base Definitions volume of POSIX.1‐2017, Section 12.2, Utility Syntax Guidelines. The following options shall be supported: -A Write out all directory entries, including those whose names begin with a ('.') but excluding the entries dot and dot-dot (if they exist). -C Write multi-text-column output with entries sorted down the columns, according to the collating sequence. The number of text columns and the column separator characters are unspecified, but should be adapted to the nature of the output device. This option disables long format output. -F Do not follow symbolic links named as operands unless the -H or -L options are specified. Write a ('/') immediately after each pathname that is a directory, an ('*') after each that is executable, a ('|') after each that is a FIFO, and an at-sign ('@') after each that is a symbolic link. For other file types, other symbols may be written. -H Evaluate the file information and file type for symbolic links specified on the command line to be those of the file referenced by the link, and not the link itself; however, ls shall write the name of the link itself and not the file referenced by the link. -L Evaluate the file information and file type for all symbolic links (whether named on the command line or encountered in a file hierarchy) to be those of the file referenced by the link, and not the link itself; however, ls shall write the name of the link itself and not the file referenced by the link. When -L is used with -l, write the contents of symbolic links in the long format (see the STDOUT section). -R Recursively list subdirectories encountered. When a symbolic link to a directory is encountered, the directory shall not be recursively listed unless the -L option is specified. The use of -R with -d or -f produces unspecified results. -S Sort with the primary key being file size (in decreasing order) and the secondary key being filename in the collating sequence (in increasing order). -a Write out all directory entries, including those whose names begin with a ('.'). -c Use time of last modification of the file status information (see the Base Definitions volume of POSIX.1‐2017, sys_stat.h(0p)) instead of last modification of the file itself for sorting (-t) or writing (-l). -d Do not follow symbolic links named as operands unless the -H or -L options are specified. Do not treat directories differently than other types of files. The use of -d with -R or -f produces unspecified results. -f List the entries in directory operands in the order they appear in the directory. The behavior for non- directory operands is unspecified. This option shall turn on -a. When -f is specified, any occurrences of the -r, -S, and -t options shall be ignored and any occurrences of the -A, -g, -l, -n, -o, and -s options may be ignored. The use of -f with -R or -d produces unspecified results. -g Turn on the -l (ell) option, but disable writing the file's owner name or number. Disable the -C, -m, and -x options. -i For each file, write the file's file serial number (see stat() in the System Interfaces volume of POSIX.1‐2017). -k Set the block size for the -s option and the per- directory block count written for the -l, -n, -s, -g, and -o options (see the STDOUT section) to 1024 bytes. -l (The letter ell.) Do not follow symbolic links named as operands unless the -H or -L options are specified. Write out in long format (see the STDOUT section). Disable the -C, -m, and -x options. -m Stream output format; list pathnames across the page, separated by a character followed by a character. Use a character as the list terminator and after the separator sequence when there is not room on a line for the next list entry. This option disables long format output. -n Turn on the -l (ell) option, but when writing the file's owner or group, write the file's numeric UID or GID rather than the user or group name, respectively. Disable the -C, -m, and -x options. -o Turn on the -l (ell) option, but disable writing the file's group name or number. Disable the -C, -m, and -x options. -p Write a ('/') after each filename if that file is a directory. -q Force each instance of non-printable filename characters and characters to be written as the ('?') character. Implementations may provide this option by default if the output is to a terminal device. -r Reverse the order of the sort to get reverse collating sequence oldest first, or smallest file size first depending on the other options given. -s Indicate the total number of file system blocks consumed by each file displayed. If the -k option is also specified, the block size shall be 1024 bytes; otherwise, the block size is implementation-defined. -t Sort with the primary key being time modified (most recently modified first) and the secondary key being filename in the collating sequence. For a symbolic link, the time used as the sort key is that of the symbolic link itself, unless ls is evaluating its file information to be that of the file referenced by the link (see the -H and -L options). -u Use time of last access (see the Base Definitions volume of POSIX.1‐2017, sys_stat.h(0p)) instead of last modification of the file for sorting (-t) or writing (-l). -x The same as -C, except that the multi-text-column output is produced with entries sorted across, rather than down, the columns. This option disables long format output. -1 (The numeric digit one.) Force output to be one entry per line. This option does not disable long format output. (Long format output is enabled by -g, -l (ell), -n, and -o; and disabled by -C, -m, and -x.) If an option that enables long format output (-g, -l (ell), -n, and -o is given with an option that disables long format output (-C, -m, and -x), this shall not be considered an error. The last of these options specified shall determine whether long format output is written. If -R, -d, or -f are specified, the results of specifying these mutually-exclusive options are specified by the descriptions of these options above. If more than one of any of the other options shown in the SYNOPSIS section in mutually-exclusive sets are given, this shall not be considered an error; the last option specified in each set shall determine the output. Note that if -t is specified, -c and -u are not only mutually- exclusive with each other, they are also mutually-exclusive with -S when determining sort order. But even if -S is specified after all occurrences of -c, -t, and -u, the last use of -c or -u determines the timestamp printed when producing long format output. ","# ls > List directory contents. More information: > https://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/ls. * List files one per line: `ls -1` * List all files, including hidden files: `ls -a` * List all files, with trailing `/` added to directory names: `ls -F` * Long format list (permissions, ownership, size, and modification date) of all files: `ls -la` * Long format list with size displayed using human-readable units (KiB, MiB, GiB): `ls -lh` * Long format list sorted by size (descending): `ls -lS` * Long format list of all files, sorted by modification date (oldest first): `ls -ltr` * Only list directories: `ls -d */`" "summarize: ippeveprinter is a simple Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) server conforming to the IPP Everywhere (PWG 5100.14) specification. It can be used to test client software or act as a very basic print server that runs a command for every job that is printed. The following options are recognized by ippeveprinter: --help Show program usage. --no-web-forms Disable the web interface forms used to update the media and supply levels. --pam-service service Set the PAM service name. The default service is ""cups"". --version Show the CUPS version. -2 Report support for two-sided (duplex) printing. -A Enable authentication for the created printer. ippeveprinter uses PAM to authenticate HTTP Basic credentials. -D device-uri Set the device URI for print output. The URI can be a filename, directory, or a network socket URI of the form ""socket://ADDRESS[:PORT]"" (where the default port number is 9100). When specifying a directory, ippeveprinter will create an output file using the job ID and name. -F output-type/subtype[,...] Specifies the output MIME media type. The default is ""application/postscript"" when the -P option is specified. -M manufacturer Set the manufacturer of the printer. The default is ""Example"". -P filename.ppd Load printer attributes from the specified PPD file. This option is typically used in conjunction with the ippeveps(7) printer command (""-c ippeveps""). -V 1.1 -V 2.0 Specifies the maximum IPP version to report. 2.0 is the default. -c command Run the specified command for each document that is printed. If ""command"" is not an absolute path (""/path/to/command""), ippeveprinter looks for the command in the ""command"" subdirectory of the CUPS binary directory, typically /usr/lib/cups/command or /usr/libexec/cups/command. The cups-config(1) command can be used to discover the correct binary directory (""cups-config --serverbin""). In addition, the CUPS_SERVERBIN environment variable can be used to override the default location of this directory - see the cups(1) man page for more details. -d spool-directory Specifies the directory that will hold the print files. The default is a directory under the user's current temporary directory. -f type/subtype[,...] Specifies a list of MIME media types that the server will accept. The default depends on the type of printer created. -i iconfile.png Specifies the printer icon file for the server. The file must be a PNG format image. The default is an internally- provided PNG image. -k Keeps the print documents in the spool directory rather than deleting them. -l location Specifies the human-readable location string that is reported by the server. The default is the empty string. -m model Specifies the model name of the printer. The default is ""Printer"". -n hostname Specifies the hostname that is reported by the server. The default is the name returned by the hostname(1) command. -p port Specifies the port number to listen on. The default is a user-specific number from 8000 to 8999. -r off Turns off DNS-SD service advertisements entirely. -r subtype[,subtype] Specifies the DNS-SD subtype(s) to advertise. Separate multiple subtypes with a comma. The default is ""_print"". -s speed[,color-speed] Specifies the printer speed in pages per minute. If two numbers are specified and the second number is greater than zero, the server will report support for color printing. The default is ""10,0"". -v[vvv] Be (very) verbose when logging activity to standard error. ", "summarize: Lists the names of the installed applications and runtimes. By default, both apps and runtimes are shown, but you can change this by using the --app or --runtime options. By default, both per-user and system-wide installations are shown. Use the --user, --installation or --system options to change this. The list command can also be used to find installed apps that use a certain runtime, with the --app-runtime option. The following options are understood: -h, --help Show help options and exit. -u, --user List per-user installations. --system List the default system-wide installations. --installation=NAME List a system-wide installation specified by NAME among those defined in /etc/flatpak/installations.d/. Using --installation=default is equivalent to using --system. --arch=ARCH List apps/runtimes for this architecture. See flatpak --supported-arches for architectures supported by the host. -d, --show-details Show origin, sizes and other extra information. Equivalent to --columns=all. --app List applications. --runtime List runtimes. --all, -a List all installed runtimes, including locale and debug extensions. These are hidden by default. --app-runtime=RUNTIME List applications that use the given runtime. -v, --verbose Print debug information during command processing. --ostree-verbose Print OSTree debug information during command processing. --columns=FIELD,... Specify what information to show about each ref. You can list multiple fields, or use this option multiple times. Append :s[tart], :m[iddle], :e[nd] or :f[ull] to column names to change ellipsization. ", "summarize: lsipc shows information on the System V inter-process communication facilities for which the calling process has read access. -i, --id id Show full details on just the one resource element identified by id. This option needs to be combined with one of the three resource options: -m, -q or -s. It is possible to override the default output format for this option with the --list, --raw, --json or --export option. -g, --global Show system-wide usage and limits of IPC resources. This option may be combined with one of the three resource options: -m, -q or -s. The default is to show information about all resources. -h, --help Display help text and exit. -V, --version Print version and exit. Resource options -m, --shmems Write information about active shared memory segments. -q, --queues Write information about active message queues. -s, --semaphores Write information about active semaphore sets. Output formatting -c, --creator Show creator and owner. -e, --export Produce output in the form of key=""value"" pairs. All potentially unsafe value characters are hex-escaped (\x). See also option --shell. -J, --json Use the JSON output format. -l, --list Use the list output format. This is the default, except when --id is used. -n, --newline Display each piece of information on a separate line. --noheadings Do not print a header line. --notruncate Don’t truncate output. -o, --output list Specify which output columns to print. Use --help to get a list of all supported columns. -b, --bytes Print size in bytes rather than in human readable format. -r, --raw Raw output (no columnation). -t, --time Write time information. The time of the last control operation that changed the access permissions for all facilities, the time of the last msgsnd(2) and msgrcv(2) operations on message queues, the time of the last shmat(2) and shmdt(2) operations on shared memory, and the time of the last semop(2) operation on semaphores. --time-format type Display dates in short, full or iso format. The default is short, this time format is designed to be space efficient and human readable. -P, --numeric-perms Print numeric permissions in PERMS column. -y, --shell The column name will be modified to contain only characters allowed for shell variable identifiers. This is usable, for example, with --export. Note that this feature has been automatically enabled for --export in version 2.37, but due to compatibility issues, now it’s necessary to request this behavior by --shell. ", "summarize: This program dumps the given revisions in a form suitable to be piped into git fast-import. You can use it as a human-readable bundle replacement (see git-bundle(1)), or as a format that can be edited before being fed to git fast-import in order to do history rewrites (an ability relied on by tools like git filter-repo). --progress= Insert progress statements every objects, to be shown by git fast-import during import. --signed-tags=(verbatim|warn|warn-strip|strip|abort) Specify how to handle signed tags. Since any transformation after the export can change the tag names (which can also happen when excluding revisions) the signatures will not match. When asking to abort (which is the default), this program will die when encountering a signed tag. With strip, the tags will silently be made unsigned, with warn-strip they will be made unsigned but a warning will be displayed, with verbatim, they will be silently exported and with warn, they will be exported, but you will see a warning. --tag-of-filtered-object=(abort|drop|rewrite) Specify how to handle tags whose tagged object is filtered out. Since revisions and files to export can be limited by path, tagged objects may be filtered completely. When asking to abort (which is the default), this program will die when encountering such a tag. With drop it will omit such tags from the output. With rewrite, if the tagged object is a commit, it will rewrite the tag to tag an ancestor commit (via parent rewriting; see git-rev-list(1)) -M, -C Perform move and/or copy detection, as described in the git-diff(1) manual page, and use it to generate rename and copy commands in the output dump. Note that earlier versions of this command did not complain and produced incorrect results if you gave these options. --export-marks= Dumps the internal marks table to when complete. Marks are written one per line as :markid SHA-1. Only marks for revisions are dumped; marks for blobs are ignored. Backends can use this file to validate imports after they have been completed, or to save the marks table across incremental runs. As is only opened and truncated at completion, the same path can also be safely given to --import-marks. The file will not be written if no new object has been marked/exported. --import-marks= Before processing any input, load the marks specified in . The input file must exist, must be readable, and must use the same format as produced by --export-marks. --mark-tags In addition to labelling blobs and commits with mark ids, also label tags. This is useful in conjunction with --export-marks and --import-marks, and is also useful (and necessary) for exporting of nested tags. It does not hurt other cases and would be the default, but many fast-import frontends are not prepared to accept tags with mark identifiers. Any commits (or tags) that have already been marked will not be exported again. If the backend uses a similar --import-marks file, this allows for incremental bidirectional exporting of the repository by keeping the marks the same across runs. --fake-missing-tagger Some old repositories have tags without a tagger. The fast-import protocol was pretty strict about that, and did not allow that. So fake a tagger to be able to fast-import the output. --use-done-feature Start the stream with a feature done stanza, and terminate it with a done command. --no-data Skip output of blob objects and instead refer to blobs via their original SHA-1 hash. This is useful when rewriting the directory structure or history of a repository without touching the contents of individual files. Note that the resulting stream can only be used by a repository which already contains the necessary objects. --full-tree This option will cause fast-export to issue a ""deleteall"" directive for each commit followed by a full list of all files in the commit (as opposed to just listing the files which are different from the commit’s first parent). --anonymize Anonymize the contents of the repository while still retaining the shape of the history and stored tree. See the section on ANONYMIZING below. --anonymize-map=[:] Convert token to in the anonymized output. If is omitted, map to itself (i.e., do not anonymize it). See the section on ANONYMIZING below. --reference-excluded-parents By default, running a command such as git fast-export master~5..master will not include the commit master~5 and will make master~4 no longer have master~5 as a parent (though both the old master~4 and new master~4 will have all the same files). Use --reference-excluded-parents to instead have the stream refer to commits in the excluded range of history by their sha1sum. Note that the resulting stream can only be used by a repository which already contains the necessary parent commits. --show-original-ids Add an extra directive to the output for commits and blobs, original-oid . While such directives will likely be ignored by importers such as git-fast-import, it may be useful for intermediary filters (e.g. for rewriting commit messages which refer to older commits, or for stripping blobs by id). --reencode=(yes|no|abort) Specify how to handle encoding header in commit objects. When asking to abort (which is the default), this program will die when encountering such a commit object. With yes, the commit message will be re-encoded into UTF-8. With no, the original encoding will be preserved. --refspec Apply the specified refspec to each ref exported. Multiple of them can be specified. [...] A list of arguments, acceptable to git rev-parse and git rev-list, that specifies the specific objects and references to export. For example, master~10..master causes the current master reference to be exported along with all objects added since its 10th ancestor commit and (unless the --reference-excluded-parents option is specified) all files common to master~9 and master~10. ", "summarize: Create a temporary file or directory, safely, and print its name. TEMPLATE must contain at least 3 consecutive 'X's in last component. If TEMPLATE is not specified, use tmp.XXXXXXXXXX, and --tmpdir is implied. Files are created u+rw, and directories u+rwx, minus umask restrictions. -d, --directory create a directory, not a file -u, --dry-run do not create anything; merely print a name (unsafe) -q, --quiet suppress diagnostics about file/dir-creation failure --suffix=SUFF append SUFF to TEMPLATE; SUFF must not contain a slash. This option is implied if TEMPLATE does not end in X -p DIR, --tmpdir[=DIR] interpret TEMPLATE relative to DIR; if DIR is not specified, use $TMPDIR if set, else /tmp. With this option, TEMPLATE must not be an absolute name; unlike with -t, TEMPLATE may contain slashes, but mktemp creates only the final component -t interpret TEMPLATE as a single file name component, relative to a directory: $TMPDIR, if set; else the directory specified via -p; else /tmp [deprecated] --help display this help and exit --version output version information and exit ","# mktemp > Create a temporary file or directory. More information: > https://ss64.com/osx/mktemp.html. * Create an empty temporary file and print the absolute path to it: `mktemp` * Create an empty temporary file with a given suffix and print the absolute path to file: `mktemp --suffix ""{{.ext}}""` * Create a temporary directory and print the absolute path to it: `mktemp -d`" "summarize: This command shows the differences between two versions of a patch series, or more generally, two commit ranges (ignoring merge commits). In the presence of arguments, these commit ranges are limited accordingly. To that end, it first finds pairs of commits from both commit ranges that correspond with each other. Two commits are said to correspond when the diff between their patches (i.e. the author information, the commit message and the commit diff) is reasonably small compared to the patches' size. See ``Algorithm`` below for details. Finally, the list of matching commits is shown in the order of the second commit range, with unmatched commits being inserted just after all of their ancestors have been shown. There are three ways to specify the commit ranges: • : Either commit range can be of the form .., ^! or ^-. See SPECIFYING RANGES in gitrevisions(7) for more details. • .... This is equivalent to .. ... • : This is equivalent to .. ... --no-dual-color When the commit diffs differ, ‘git range-diff` recreates the original diffs’ coloring, and adds outer -/+ diff markers with the background being red/green to make it easier to see e.g. when there was a change in what exact lines were added. Additionally, the commit diff lines that are only present in the first commit range are shown ""dimmed"" (this can be overridden using the color.diff. config setting where is one of contextDimmed, oldDimmed and newDimmed), and the commit diff lines that are only present in the second commit range are shown in bold (which can be overridden using the config settings color.diff. with being one of contextBold, oldBold or newBold). This is known to range-diff as ""dual coloring"". Use --no-dual-color to revert to color all lines according to the outer diff markers (and completely ignore the inner diff when it comes to color). --creation-factor= Set the creation/deletion cost fudge factor to . Defaults to 60. Try a larger value if git range-diff erroneously considers a large change a total rewrite (deletion of one commit and addition of another), and a smaller one in the reverse case. See the ``Algorithm`` section below for an explanation why this is needed. --left-only Suppress commits that are missing from the first specified range (or the ""left range"" when using the ... format). --right-only Suppress commits that are missing from the second specified range (or the ""right range"" when using the ... format). --[no-]notes[=] This flag is passed to the git log program (see git-log(1)) that generates the patches. Compare the commits specified by the two ranges, where is considered an older version of . ... Equivalent to passing .. and ... Equivalent to passing .. and ... Note that does not need to be the exact branch point of the branches. Example: after rebasing a branch my-topic, git range-diff my-topic@{u} my-topic@{1} my-topic would show the differences introduced by the rebase. git range-diff also accepts the regular diff options (see git-diff(1)), most notably the --color=[] and --no-color options. These options are used when generating the ""diff between patches"", i.e. to compare the author, commit message and diff of corresponding old/new commits. There is currently no means to tweak most of the diff options passed to git log when generating those patches. ","# git range-diff > Compare two commit ranges (e.g. two versions of a branch). More information: > https://git-scm.com/docs/git-range-diff. * Diff the changes of two individual commits: `git range-diff {{commit_1}}^! {{commit_2}}^!` * Diff the changes of ours and theirs from their common ancestor, e.g. after an interactive rebase: `git range-diff {{theirs}}...{{ours}}` * Diff the changes of two commit ranges, e.g. to check whether conflicts have been resolved appropriately when rebasing commits from `base1` to `base2`: `git range-diff {{base1}}..{{rev1}} {{base2}}..{{rev2}}`" "summarize: This PMDA extracts performance data from memcached, a distributed memory caching daemon commonly used to improve web serving performance. A farm of memcached processes over multiple servers can be utilised by a single web application, increasing the total available object cache size, and decreasing the database load associated with smaller cache sizes. This system is described in detail at http://www.danga.com/memcached . ", "summarize: Quilt is a tool to manage large sets of patches by keeping track of the changes each patch makes. Patches can be applied, unapplied, refreshed, and so forth. The key philosophical concept is that your primary working material is patches. With quilt, all work occurs within a single directory tree. Commands can be invoked from anywhere within the source tree. Like CVS, Subversion, or Git, quilt takes commands of the form “quilt command”. A command can be truncated (abbreviated) as long as the specified part of the command is unambiguous. If command is ambiguously short, quilt lists all commands matching that prefix and exits. All commands print a brief contextual help message and exit if given the “-h” option. Quilt manages a stack of patches. Patches are applied incrementally on top of the base tree plus all preceding patches. They can be pushed onto the stack (“quilt push”), and popped off the stack (“quilt pop”). Commands are available for querying the contents of the stack (“quilt applied”, “quilt previous”, “quilt top”) and the patches that are not applied at a particular moment (“quilt next”, “quilt unapplied”). By default, most commands apply to the topmost patch on the stack. Patch files are located in the patches subdirectory of the source tree (see Example of working tree, under FILES, below). The QUILT_PATCHES environment variable overrides this default location. When not found in the current directory, that subdirectory is searched recursively in the parent directories (this is similar to the way Git searches for its configuration files). The patches directory may contain subdirectories. It may also be a symbolic link instead of a directory. Quilt creates and maintains a file called series, which defines the order in which patches are applied. The QUILT_SERIES environment variable overrides this default name. You can query the contents of the series file at any time with “quilt series”. In this file, each patch file name is on a separate line. Patch files are identified by path names that are relative to the patches directory; patches may be in subdirectories below this directory. Lines in the series file that start with a hash character (#) are ignored. Patch options, such as the strip level or whether the patch is reversed, can be added after each patch file name. Options are introduced by a space, separated by spaces, and follow the syntax of the patch(1) options (e.g., “-p2”). Quilt records patch options automatically when a command supporting them is used. Without options, strip level 1 is assumed. You can also add a comment after each patch file name and options, introduced by a space followed by a hash character. When quilt adds, removes, or renames patches, it automatically updates the series file. Users of quilt can modify series files while some patches are applied, as long as the applied patches remain in their original order. Unless there are means by which a series file can be generated automatically, you should provide it along with any set of quilt-managed patches you distribute. Different series files can be used to assemble patches in different ways, corresponding (for example) to different development branches. Before a patch is applied, copies of all files the patch modifies are saved to the .pc/patch-name directory, where patch-name is the name of the patch (for example, fix-buffer-overflow.patch). The patch is added to the list of currently applied patches (.pc/applied-patches). Later, when a patch is regenerated (“quilt refresh”), the backup copies in .pc/patch-name are compared with the current versions of the files in the source tree using GNU diff(1). A similar process occurs when starting a new patch (“quilt new”); the new patch file name is added to the series file. A file to be changed by the patch is backed up and opened for editing (“quilt edit”). After editing, inspect the impact of your changes (“quilt diff”); the changes stay local to your working tree until you call “quilt refresh” to write them to the patch file. Documentation related to a patch can be put at the beginning of its patch file (“quilt header”). Quilt is careful to preserve all text that precedes the actual patch when doing a refresh. (This is limited to patches in unified format; see the GNU Diffutils manual.) The series file is looked up in the .pc directory, in the root of the source tree, and in the patches directory. The first series file that is found is used. This may also be a symbolic link, or a file with multiple hard links. Usually, only one series file is used for a set of patches, making the patches subdirectory a convenient location. The .pc directory cannot be relocated, but it can be a symbolic link. Its subdirectories must not be renamed or restructured. While patches are applied to the source tree, this directory is essential for many operations, including popping patches off the stack and refreshing them. Files in the .pc directory are automatically removed when they are no longer needed, so there is no need to clean up manually. Quilt commands reference add [-P patch] {file} ... Add one or more files to the topmost or named patch. Files must be added to the patch before being modified. Files that are modified by patches already applied on top of the specified patch cannot be added. -P patch Patch to add files to. annotate [-P patch] {file} Print an annotated listing of the specified file showing which patches modify which lines. Only applied patches are included. -P patch Stop checking for changes at the specified rather than the topmost patch. applied [patch] Print a list of applied patches, or all patches up to and including the specified patch in the file series. delete [-r] [--backup] [patch|-n] Remove the specified or topmost patch from the series file. If the patch is applied, quilt will attempt to remove it first. (Only the topmost patch can be removed right now.) -n Delete the next patch after topmost, rather than the specified or topmost patch. -r Remove the deleted patch file from the patches directory as well. --backup Rename the patch file to patch~ rather than deleting it. Ignored if not used with `-r'. diff [-p n|-p ab] [-u|-U num|-c|-C num] [--combine patch|-z] [-R] [-P patch] [--snapshot] [--diff=utility] [--no-timestamps] [--no- index] [--sort] [--color[=always|auto|never]] [file ...] Produces a diff of the specified file(s) in the topmost or specified patch. If no files are specified, all files that are modified are included. -p n Create a -p n style patch (-p0 or -p1 are supported). -p ab Create a -p1 style patch, but use a/file and b/file as the original and new filenames instead of the default dir.orig/file and dir/file names. -u, -U num, -c, -C num Create a unified diff (-u, -U) with num lines of context. Create a context diff (-c, -C) with num lines of context. The number of context lines defaults to 3. --no-timestamps Do not include file timestamps in patch headers. --no-index Do not output Index: lines. -z Write to standard output the changes that have been made relative to the topmost or specified patch. -R Create a reverse diff. -P patch Create a diff for the specified patch. (Defaults to the topmost patch.) --combine patch Create a combined diff for all patches between this patch and the patch specified with -P. A patch name of `-' is equivalent to specifying the first applied patch. --snapshot Diff against snapshot (see `quilt snapshot -h'). --diff=utility Use the specified utility for generating the diff. The utility is invoked with the original and new file name as arguments. --color[=always|auto|never] Use syntax coloring (auto activates it only if the output is a tty). --sort Sort files by their name instead of preserving the original order. edit file ... Edit the specified file(s) in $EDITOR after adding it (them) to the topmost patch. files [-v] [-a] [-l] [--combine patch] [patch] Print the list of files that the topmost or specified patch changes. -a List all files in all applied patches. -l Add patch name to output. -v Verbose, more user friendly output. --combine patch Create a listing for all patches between this patch and the topmost or specified patch. A patch name of `-' is equivalent to specifying the first applied patch. fold [-R] [-q] [-f] [-p strip-level] Integrate the patch read from standard input into the topmost patch: After making sure that all files modified are part of the topmost patch, the patch is applied with the specified strip level (which defaults to 1). -R Apply patch in reverse. -q Quiet operation. -f Force apply, even if the patch has rejects. Unless in quiet mode, apply the patch interactively: the patch utility may ask questions. -p strip-level The number of pathname components to strip from file names when applying patchfile. fork [new_name] Fork the topmost patch. Forking a patch means creating a verbatim copy of it under a new name, and use that new name instead of the original one in the current series. This is useful when a patch has to be modified, but the original version of it should be preserved, e.g. because it is used in another series, or for the history. A typical sequence of commands would be: fork, edit, refresh. If new_name is missing, the name of the forked patch will be the current patch name, followed by `-2'. If the patch name already ends in a dash-and-number, the number is further incremented (e.g., patch.diff, patch-2.diff, patch-3.diff). graph [--all] [--reduce] [--lines[=num]] [--edge-labels=files] [-T ps] [patch] Generate a dot(1) directed graph showing the dependencies between applied patches. A patch depends on another patch if both touch the same file or, with the --lines option, if their modifications overlap. Unless otherwise specified, the graph includes all patches that the topmost patch depends on. When a patch name is specified, instead of the topmost patch, create a graph for the specified patch. The graph will include all other patches that this patch depends on, as well as all patches that depend on this patch. --all Generate a graph including all applied patches and their dependencies. (Unapplied patches are not included.) --reduce Eliminate transitive edges from the graph. --lines[=num] Compute dependencies by looking at the lines the patches modify. Unless a different num is specified, two lines of context are included. --edge-labels=files Label graph edges with the file names that the adjacent patches modify. -T ps Directly produce a PostScript output file. grep [-h|options] {pattern} Grep through the source files, recursively, skipping patches and quilt meta-information. If no filename argument is given, the whole source tree is searched. Please see the grep(1) manual page for options. -h Print this help. The grep -h option can be passed after a double-dash (--). Search expressions that start with a dash can be passed after a second double-dash (-- --). header [-a|-r|-e] [--backup] [--strip-diffstat] [--strip- trailing-whitespace] [patch] Print or change the header of the topmost or specified patch. -a, -r, -e Append to (-a) or replace (-r) the exiting patch header, or edit (-e) the header in $EDITOR. If none of these options is given, print the patch header. --strip-diffstat Strip diffstat output from the header. --strip-trailing-whitespace Strip trailing whitespace at the end of lines of the header. --backup Create a backup copy of the old version of a patch as patch~. import [-p num] [-R] [-P patch] [-f] [-d {o|a|n}] patchfile ... Import external patches. The patches will be inserted following the current top patch, and must be pushed after import to apply them. -p num Number of directory levels to strip when applying (default=1) -R Apply patch in reverse. -P patch Patch filename to use inside quilt. This option can only be used when importing a single patch. -f Overwrite/update existing patches. -d {o|a|n} When overwriting in existing patch, keep the old (o), all (a), or new (n) patch header. If both patches include headers, this option must be specified. This option is only effective when -f is used. mail {--mbox file|--send} [-m text] [-M file] [--prefix prefix] [--sender ...] [--from ...] [--to ...] [--cc ...] [--bcc ...] [--subject ...] [--reply-to message] [--charset ...] [--signature file] [first_patch [last_patch]] Create mail messages from a specified range of patches, or all patches in the series file, and either store them in a mailbox file, or send them immediately. The editor is opened with a template for the introduction. Please see /usr/local/share/doc/quilt/README.MAIL for details. When specifying a range of patches, a first patch name of `-' denotes the first, and a last patch name of `-' denotes the last patch in the series. -m text Text to use as the text in the introduction. When this option is used, the editor will not be invoked, and the patches will be processed immediately. -M file Like the -m option, but read the introduction from file. --prefix prefix Use an alternate prefix in the bracketed part of the subjects generated. Defaults to `patch'. --mbox file Store all messages in the specified file in mbox format. The mbox can later be sent using formail, for example. --send Send the messages directly. --sender The envelope sender address to use. The address must be of the form `user@domain.name'. No display name is allowed. --from, --subject The values for the From and Subject headers to use. If no --from option is given, the value of the --sender option is used. --to, --cc, --bcc Append a recipient to the To, Cc, or Bcc header. --charset Specify a particular message encoding on systems which don't use UTF-8 or ISO-8859-15. This character encoding must match the one used in the patches. --signature file Append the specified signature to messages (defaults to ~/.signature if found; use `-' for no signature). --reply-to message Add the appropriate headers to reply to the specified message. new [-p n|-p ab] {patchname} Create a new patch with the specified file name, and insert it after the topmost patch. The name can be prefixed with a sub-directory name, allowing for grouping related patches together. -p n Create a -p n style patch (-p0 or -p1 are supported). -p ab Create a -p1 style patch, but use a/file and b/file as the original and new filenames instead of the default dir.orig/file and dir/file names. Quilt can be used in sub-directories of a source tree. It determines the root of a source tree by searching for a directory above the current working directory. Create a directory in the intended root directory if quilt chooses a top-level directory that is too high up in the directory tree. next [patch] Print the name of the next patch after the specified or topmost patch in the series file. patches [-v] [--color[=always|auto|never]] {file} [files...] Print the list of patches that modify any of the specified files. (Uses a heuristic to determine which files are modified by unapplied patches. Note that this heuristic is much slower than scanning applied patches.) -v Verbose, more user friendly output. --color[=always|auto|never] Use syntax coloring (auto activates it only if the output is a tty). pop [-afRqv] [--refresh] [num|patch] Remove patch(es) from the stack of applied patches. Without options, the topmost patch is removed. When a number is specified, remove the specified number of patches. When a patch name is specified, remove patches until the specified patch end up on top of the stack. Patch names may include the patches/ prefix, which means that filename completion can be used. -a Remove all applied patches. -f Force remove. The state before the patch(es) were applied will be restored from backup files. -R Always verify if the patch removes cleanly; don't rely on timestamp checks. -q Quiet operation. -v Verbose operation. --refresh Automatically refresh every patch before it gets unapplied. previous [patch] Print the name of the previous patch before the specified or topmost patch in the series file. push [-afqvm] [--fuzz=N] [--merge[=merge|diff3]] [--leave- rejects] [--color[=always|auto|never]] [--refresh] [num|patch] Apply patch(es) from the series file. Without options, the next patch in the series file is applied. When a number is specified, apply the specified number of patches. When a patch name is specified, apply all patches up to and including the specified patch. Patch names may include the patches/ prefix, which means that filename completion can be used. -a Apply all patches in the series file. -q Quiet operation. -f Force apply, even if the patch has rejects. -v Verbose operation. --fuzz=N Set the maximum fuzz factor (default: 2). -m, --merge[=merge|diff3] Merge the patch file into the original files (see patch(1)). --leave-rejects Leave around the reject files patch produced, even if the patch is not actually applied. --color[=always|auto|never] Use syntax coloring (auto activates it only if the output is a tty). --refresh Automatically refresh every patch after it was successfully applied. refresh [-p n|-p ab] [-u|-U num|-c|-C num] [-z[new_name]] [-f] [--no-timestamps] [--no-index] [--diffstat] [--sort] [--backup] [--strip-trailing-whitespace] [patch] Refreshes the specified patch, or the topmost patch by default. Documentation that comes before the actual patch in the patch file is retained. It is possible to refresh patches that are not on top. If any patches on top of the patch to refresh modify the same files, the script aborts by default. Patches can still be refreshed with -f. In that case this script will print a warning for each shadowed file, changes by more recent patches will be ignored, and only changes in files that have not been modified by any more recent patches will end up in the specified patch. -p n Create a -p n style patch (-p0 or -p1 supported). -p ab Create a -p1 style patch, but use a/file and b/file as the original and new filenames instead of the default dir.orig/file and dir/file names. -u, -U num, -c, -C num Create a unified diff (-u, -U) with num lines of context. Create a context diff (-c, -C) with num lines of context. The number of context lines defaults to 3. -z[new_name] Create a new patch containing the changes instead of refreshing the topmost patch. If no new name is specified, `-2' is added to the original patch name, etc. (See the fork command.) --no-timestamps Do not include file timestamps in patch headers. --no-index Do not output Index: lines. --diffstat Add a diffstat section to the patch header, or replace the existing diffstat section. -f Enforce refreshing of a patch that is not on top. --backup Create a backup copy of the old version of a patch as patch~. --sort Sort files by their name instead of preserving the original order. --strip-trailing-whitespace Strip trailing whitespace at the end of lines. remove [-P patch] {file} ... Remove one or more files from the topmost or named patch. Files that are modified by patches on top of the specified patch cannot be removed. -P patch Remove named files from the named patch. rename [-P patch] new_name Rename the topmost or named patch. -P patch Patch to rename. revert [-P patch] {file} ... Revert uncommitted changes to the topmost or named patch for the specified file(s): after the revert, 'quilt diff -z' will show no differences for those files. Changes to files that are modified by patches on top of the specified patch cannot be reverted. -P patch Revert changes in the named patch. series [--color[=always|auto|never]] [-v] Print the names of all patches in the series file. --color[=always|auto|never] Use syntax coloring (auto activates it only if the output is a tty). -v Verbose, more user friendly output. setup [-d path-prefix] [-v] [--sourcedir dir] [--fuzz=N] [--slow|--fast] {specfile|seriesfile} Initializes a source tree from an rpm spec file or a quilt series file. -d Optional path prefix for the resulting source tree. --sourcedir Directory that contains the package sources. Defaults to `.'. -v Verbose debug output. --fuzz=N Set the maximum fuzz factor (needs rpm 4.6 or later). --slow Use the original, slow method to process the spec file. In this mode, rpmbuild generates a working tree in a temporary directory while all its actions are recorded, and then everything is replayed from scratch in the target directory. --fast Use the new, faster method to process the spec file. In this mode, rpmbuild is told to generate a working tree directly in the target directory. This is the default (since quilt version 0.67). The setup command is only guaranteed to work properly on spec files where applying all the patches is the last thing done in the %prep section. This is a design limitation due to the fact that quilt can only operate on patches. If other commands in the %prep section modify the patched files, this must happen first, otherwise you won't be able to push the patch series. snapshot [-d] Take a snapshot of the current working state. After taking the snapshot, the tree can be modified in the usual ways, including pushing and popping patches. A diff against the tree at the moment of the snapshot can be generated with `quilt diff --snapshot'. -d Only remove current snapshot. top Print the name of the topmost patch on the current stack of applied patches. unapplied [patch] Print a list of patches that are not applied, or all patches that follow the specified patch in the series file. upgrade Upgrade the meta-data in a working tree from an old version of quilt to the current version. This command is only needed when the quilt meta-data format has changed, and the working tree still contains old-format meta-data. In that case, quilt will request to run `quilt upgrade'. These options are common to all quilt commands. -h Print a usage message (for the given command, if one is specified, otherwise for quilt itself) and exit. --quiltrc file Use file as the configuration file instead of ~/.quiltrc (or /etc/quilt.quiltrc if ~/.quiltrc does not exist). The special value “-” causes quilt not to read any configuration file. --trace Run the command in the shell's trace mode (-x) for debugging of internal operations. --version Print the version number and exit. ","# quilt > Tool to manage a series of patches. More information: > https://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/quilt. * Import an existing patch from a file: `quilt import {{path/to/filename.patch}}` * Create a new patch: `quilt new {{filename.patch}}` * Add a file to the current patch: `quilt add {{path/to/file}}` * After editing the file, refresh the current patch with the changes: `quilt refresh` * Apply all the patches in the series file: `quilt push -a` * Remove all applied patches: `quilt pop -a`" "summarize: The nohup utility shall invoke the utility named by the utility operand with arguments supplied as the argument operands. At the time the named utility is invoked, the SIGHUP signal shall be set to be ignored. If standard input is associated with a terminal, the nohup utility may redirect standard input from an unspecified file. If the standard output is a terminal, all output written by the named utility to its standard output shall be appended to the end of the file nohup.out in the current directory. If nohup.out cannot be created or opened for appending, the output shall be appended to the end of the file nohup.out in the directory specified by the HOME environment variable. If neither file can be created or opened for appending, utility shall not be invoked. If a file is created, the file's permission bits shall be set to S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR. If standard error is a terminal and standard output is open but is not a terminal, all output written by the named utility to its standard error shall be redirected to the same open file description as the standard output. If standard error is a terminal and standard output either is a terminal or is closed, the same output shall instead be appended to the end of the nohup.out file as described above. None. ","# nohup > Allows for a process to live when the terminal gets killed. More > information: https://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/nohup. * Run a process that can live beyond the terminal: `nohup {{command}} {{argument1 argument2 ...}}` * Launch `nohup` in background mode: `nohup {{command}} {{argument1 argument2 ...}} &` * Run a shell script that can live beyond the terminal: `nohup {{path/to/script.sh}} &` * Run a process and write the output to a specific file: `nohup {{command}} {{argument1 argument2 ...}} > {{path/to/output_file}} &`" "summarize: tload prints a graph of the current system load average to the specified tty (or the tty of the tload process if none is specified). -s, --scale number The scale option allows a vertical scale to be specified for the display (in characters between graph ticks); thus, a smaller value represents a larger scale, and vice versa. -d, --delay seconds The delay sets the delay between graph updates in seconds. -h, --help Display this help text. -V, --version Display version information and exit. ", summarize: pmdamysql is a Performance Co-Pilot PMDA which extracts live performance data from a running MySQL or MariaDB database. , "summarize: Print the name of the next patch. The next patch is the unapplied patch that follows the current, topmost patch. An error message will be printed if there are no unapplied patches. -b , --branch= Use instead of current branch ", "summarize: The expand utility shall write files or the standard input to the standard output with characters replaced with one or more characters needed to pad to the next tab stop. Any characters shall be copied to the output and cause the column position count for tab stop calculations to be decremented; the column position count shall not be decremented below zero. The expand utility shall conform to the Base Definitions volume of POSIX.1‐2017, Section 12.2, Utility Syntax Guidelines. The following option shall be supported: -t tablist Specify the tab stops. The application shall ensure that the argument tablist consists of either a single positive decimal integer or a list of tabstops. If a single number is given, tabs shall be set that number of column positions apart instead of the default 8. If a list of tabstops is given, the application shall ensure that it consists of a list of two or more positive decimal integers, separated by or characters, in ascending order. The characters shall be set at those specific column positions. Each tab stop N shall be an integer value greater than zero, and the list is in strictly ascending order. This is taken to mean that, from the start of a line of output, tabbing to position N shall cause the next character output to be in the (N+1)th column position on that line. In the event of expand having to process a at a position beyond the last of those specified in a multiple tab-stop list, the shall be replaced by a single in the output. ","# expand > Convert tabs to spaces. More information: > https://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/expand. * Convert tabs in each file to spaces, writing to `stdout`: `expand {{path/to/file}}` * Convert tabs to spaces, reading from `stdin`: `expand` * Do not convert tabs after non blanks: `expand -i {{path/to/file}}` * Have tabs a certain number of characters apart, not 8: `expand -t={{number}} {{path/to/file}}` * Use a comma separated list of explicit tab positions: `expand -t={{1,4,6}}`" "summarize: In the simplest case strace runs the specified command until it exits. It intercepts and records the system calls which are called by a process and the signals which are received by a process. The name of each system call, its arguments and its return value are printed on standard error or to the file specified with the -o option. strace is a useful diagnostic, instructional, and debugging tool. System administrators, diagnosticians and trouble-shooters will find it invaluable for solving problems with programs for which the source is not readily available since they do not need to be recompiled in order to trace them. Students, hackers and the overly-curious will find that a great deal can be learned about a system and its system calls by tracing even ordinary programs. And programmers will find that since system calls and signals are events that happen at the user/kernel interface, a close examination of this boundary is very useful for bug isolation, sanity checking and attempting to capture race conditions. Each line in the trace contains the system call name, followed by its arguments in parentheses and its return value. An example from stracing the command ""cat /dev/null"" is: open(""/dev/null"", O_RDONLY) = 3 Errors (typically a return value of -1) have the errno symbol and error string appended. open(""/foo/bar"", O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory) Signals are printed as signal symbol and decoded siginfo structure. An excerpt from stracing and interrupting the command ""sleep 666"" is: sigsuspend([] --- SIGINT {si_signo=SIGINT, si_code=SI_USER, si_pid=...} --- +++ killed by SIGINT +++ If a system call is being executed and meanwhile another one is being called from a different thread/process then strace will try to preserve the order of those events and mark the ongoing call as being unfinished. When the call returns it will be marked as resumed. [pid 28772] select(4, [3], NULL, NULL, NULL [pid 28779] clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, {tv_sec=1130322148, tv_nsec=3977000}) = 0 [pid 28772] <... select resumed> ) = 1 (in [3]) Interruption of a (restartable) system call by a signal delivery is processed differently as kernel terminates the system call and also arranges its immediate reexecution after the signal handler completes. read(0, 0x7ffff72cf5cf, 1) = ? ERESTARTSYS (To be restarted) --- SIGALRM {si_signo=SIGALRM, si_code=SI_KERNEL} --- rt_sigreturn({mask=[]}) = 0 read(0, """", 1) = 0 Arguments are printed in symbolic form with passion. This example shows the shell performing "">>xyzzy"" output redirection: open(""xyzzy"", O_WRONLY|O_APPEND|O_CREAT, 0666) = 3 Here, the second and the third argument of open(2) are decoded by breaking down the flag argument into its three bitwise-OR constituents and printing the mode value in octal by tradition. Where the traditional or native usage differs from ANSI or POSIX, the latter forms are preferred. In some cases, strace output is proven to be more readable than the source. Structure pointers are dereferenced and the members are displayed as appropriate. In most cases, arguments are formatted in the most C-like fashion possible. For example, the essence of the command ""ls -l /dev/null"" is captured as: lstat(""/dev/null"", {st_mode=S_IFCHR|0666, st_rdev=makedev(0x1, 0x3), ...}) = 0 Notice how the 'struct stat' argument is dereferenced and how each member is displayed symbolically. In particular, observe how the st_mode member is carefully decoded into a bitwise-OR of symbolic and numeric values. Also notice in this example that the first argument to lstat(2) is an input to the system call and the second argument is an output. Since output arguments are not modified if the system call fails, arguments may not always be dereferenced. For example, retrying the ""ls -l"" example with a non-existent file produces the following line: lstat(""/foo/bar"", 0xb004) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory) In this case the porch light is on but nobody is home. Syscalls unknown to strace are printed raw, with the unknown system call number printed in hexadecimal form and prefixed with ""syscall_"": syscall_0xbad(0x1, 0x2, 0x3, 0x4, 0x5, 0x6) = -1 ENOSYS (Function not implemented) Character pointers are dereferenced and printed as C strings. Non-printing characters in strings are normally represented by ordinary C escape codes. Only the first strsize (32 by default) bytes of strings are printed; longer strings have an ellipsis appended following the closing quote. Here is a line from ""ls -l"" where the getpwuid(3) library routine is reading the password file: read(3, ""root::0:0:System Administrator:/""..., 1024) = 422 While structures are annotated using curly braces, pointers to basic types and arrays are printed using square brackets with commas separating the elements. Here is an example from the command id(1) on a system with supplementary group ids: getgroups(32, [100, 0]) = 2 On the other hand, bit-sets are also shown using square brackets, but set elements are separated only by a space. Here is the shell, preparing to execute an external command: sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, [CHLD TTOU], []) = 0 Here, the second argument is a bit-set of two signals, SIGCHLD and SIGTTOU. In some cases, the bit-set is so full that printing out the unset elements is more valuable. In that case, the bit- set is prefixed by a tilde like this: sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, ~[], NULL) = 0 Here, the second argument represents the full set of all signals. General -e expr A qualifying expression which modifies which events to trace or how to trace them. The format of the expression is: [qualifier=][!]value[,value]... where qualifier is one of trace (or t), trace-fds (or trace-fd or fd or fds), abbrev (or a), verbose (or v), raw (or x), signal (or signals or s), read (or reads or r), write (or writes or w), fault, inject, status, quiet (or silent or silence or q), secontext, decode-fds (or decode-fd), decode-pids (or decode-pid), or kvm, and value is a qualifier-dependent symbol or number. The default qualifier is trace. Using an exclamation mark negates the set of values. For example, -e open means literally -e trace=open which in turn means trace only the open system call. By contrast, -e trace=!open means to trace every system call except open. In addition, the special values all and none have the obvious meanings. Note that some shells use the exclamation point for history expansion even inside quoted arguments. If so, you must escape the exclamation point with a backslash. Startup -E var=val --env=var=val Run command with var=val in its list of environment variables. -E var --env=var Remove var from the inherited list of environment variables before passing it on to the command. -p pid --attach=pid Attach to the process with the process ID pid and begin tracing. The trace may be terminated at any time by a keyboard interrupt signal (CTRL-C). strace will respond by detaching itself from the traced process(es) leaving it (them) to continue running. Multiple -p options can be used to attach to many processes in addition to command (which is optional if at least one -p option is given). Multiple process IDs, separated by either comma (“,”), space (“ ”), tab, or newline character, can be provided as an argument to a single -p option, so, for example, -p ""$(pidof PROG)"" and -p ""$(pgrep PROG)"" syntaxes are supported. -u username --user=username Run command with the user ID, group ID, and supplementary groups of username. This option is only useful when running as root and enables the correct execution of setuid and/or setgid binaries. Unless this option is used setuid and setgid programs are executed without effective privileges. --argv0=name Set argv[0] of the command being executed to name. Useful for tracing multi-call executables which interpret argv[0], such as busybox or kmod. Tracing -b syscall --detach-on=syscall If specified syscall is reached, detach from traced process. Currently, only execve(2) syscall is supported. This option is useful if you want to trace multi-threaded process and therefore require -f, but don't want to trace its (potentially very complex) children. -D --daemonize --daemonize=grandchild Run tracer process as a grandchild, not as the parent of the tracee. This reduces the visible effect of strace by keeping the tracee a direct child of the calling process. -DD --daemonize=pgroup --daemonize=pgrp Run tracer process as tracee's grandchild in a separate process group. In addition to reduction of the visible effect of strace, it also avoids killing of strace with kill(2) issued to the whole process group. -DDD --daemonize=session Run tracer process as tracee's grandchild in a separate session (""true daemonisation""). In addition to reduction of the visible effect of strace, it also avoids killing of strace upon session termination. -f --follow-forks Trace child processes as they are created by currently traced processes as a result of the fork(2), vfork(2) and clone(2) system calls. Note that -p PID -f will attach all threads of process PID if it is multi-threaded, not only thread with thread_id = PID. --output-separately If the --output=filename option is in effect, each processes trace is written to filename.pid where pid is the numeric process id of each process. -ff --follow-forks --output-separately Combine the effects of --follow-forks and --output-separately options. This is incompatible with -c, since no per-process counts are kept. One might want to consider using strace-log-merge(1) to obtain a combined strace log view. -I interruptible --interruptible=interruptible When strace can be interrupted by signals (such as pressing CTRL-C). 1, anywhere no signals are blocked; 2, waiting fatal signals are blocked while decoding syscall (default); 3, never fatal signals are always blocked (default if -o FILE PROG); 4, never_tstp fatal signals and SIGTSTP (CTRL-Z) are always blocked (useful to make strace -o FILE PROG not stop on CTRL-Z, default if -D). --syscall-limit=limit Detach all tracees when limit number of syscalls have been captured. Syscalls filtered out via --trace, --trace-path or --status options are not considered when keeping track of the number of syscalls that are captured. Filtering -e trace=syscall_set -e t=syscall_set --trace=syscall_set Trace only the specified set of system calls. syscall_set is defined as [!]value[,value], and value can be one of the following: syscall Trace specific syscall, specified by its name (see syscalls(2) for a reference, but also see NOTES). ?value Question mark before the syscall qualification allows suppression of error in case no syscalls matched the qualification provided. value@64 Limit the syscall specification described by value to 64-bit personality. value@32 Limit the syscall specification described by value to 32-bit personality. value@x32 Limit the syscall specification described by value to x32 personality. all Trace all system calls. /regex Trace only those system calls that match the regex. You can use POSIX Extended Regular Expression syntax (see regex(7)). %file file Trace all system calls which take a file name as an argument. You can think of this as an abbreviation for -e trace=open,stat,chmod,unlink,... which is useful to seeing what files the process is referencing. Furthermore, using the abbreviation will ensure that you don't accidentally forget to include a call like lstat(2) in the list. Betchya woulda forgot that one. The syntax without a preceding percent sign (""-e trace=file"") is deprecated. %process process Trace system calls associated with process lifecycle (creation, exec, termination). The syntax without a preceding percent sign (""-e trace=process"") is deprecated. %net %network network Trace all the network related system calls. The syntax without a preceding percent sign (""-e trace=network"") is deprecated. %signal signal Trace all signal related system calls. The syntax without a preceding percent sign (""-e trace=signal"") is deprecated. %ipc ipc Trace all IPC related system calls. The syntax without a preceding percent sign (""-e trace=ipc"") is deprecated. %desc desc Trace all file descriptor related system calls. The syntax without a preceding percent sign (""-e trace=desc"") is deprecated. %memory memory Trace all memory mapping related system calls. The syntax without a preceding percent sign (""-e trace=memory"") is deprecated. %creds Trace system calls that read or modify user and group identifiers or capability sets. %stat Trace stat syscall variants. %lstat Trace lstat syscall variants. %fstat Trace fstat, fstatat, and statx syscall variants. %%stat Trace syscalls used for requesting file status (stat, lstat, fstat, fstatat, statx, and their variants). %statfs Trace statfs, statfs64, statvfs, osf_statfs, and osf_statfs64 system calls. The same effect can be achieved with -e trace=/^(.*_)?statv?fs regular expression. %fstatfs Trace fstatfs, fstatfs64, fstatvfs, osf_fstatfs, and osf_fstatfs64 system calls. The same effect can be achieved with -e trace=/fstatv?fs regular expression. %%statfs Trace syscalls related to file system statistics (statfs-like, fstatfs-like, and ustat). The same effect can be achieved with -e trace=/statv?fs|fsstat|ustat regular expression. %clock Trace system calls that read or modify system clocks. %pure Trace syscalls that always succeed and have no arguments. Currently, this list includes arc_gettls(2), getdtablesize(2), getegid(2), getegid32(2), geteuid(2), geteuid32(2), getgid(2), getgid32(2), getpagesize(2), getpgrp(2), getpid(2), getppid(2), get_thread_area(2) (on architectures other than x86), gettid(2), get_tls(2), getuid(2), getuid32(2), getxgid(2), getxpid(2), getxuid(2), kern_features(2), and metag_get_tls(2) syscalls. The -c option is useful for determining which system calls might be useful to trace. For example, trace=open,close,read,write means to only trace those four system calls. Be careful when making inferences about the user/kernel boundary if only a subset of system calls are being monitored. The default is trace=all. -e trace-fd=set -e trace-fds=set -e fd=set -e fds=set --trace-fds=set Trace only the syscalls that operate on the specified subset of (non-negative) file descriptors. Note that usage of this option also filters out all the syscalls that do not operate on file descriptors at all. Applies in (inclusive) disjunction with the --trace-path option. -e signal=set -e signals=set -e s=set --signal=set Trace only the specified subset of signals. The default is signal=all. For example, signal=!SIGIO (or signal=!io) causes SIGIO signals not to be traced. -e status=set --status=set Print only system calls with the specified return status. The default is status=all. When using the status qualifier, because strace waits for system calls to return before deciding whether they should be printed or not, the traditional order of events may not be preserved anymore. If two system calls are executed by concurrent threads, strace will first print both the entry and exit of the first system call to exit, regardless of their respective entry time. The entry and exit of the second system call to exit will be printed afterwards. Here is an example when select(2) is called, but a different thread calls clock_gettime(2) before select(2) finishes: [pid 28779] 1130322148.939977 clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, {1130322148, 939977000}) = 0 [pid 28772] 1130322148.438139 select(4, [3], NULL, NULL, NULL) = 1 (in [3]) set can include the following elements: successful Trace system calls that returned without an error code. The -z option has the effect of status=successful. failed Trace system calls that returned with an error code. The -Z option has the effect of status=failed. unfinished Trace system calls that did not return. This might happen, for example, due to an execve call in a neighbour thread. unavailable Trace system calls that returned but strace failed to fetch the error status. detached Trace system calls for which strace detached before the return. -P path --trace-path=path Trace only system calls accessing path. Multiple -P options can be used to specify several paths. Applies in (inclusive) disjunction with the --trace-fds option. -z --successful-only Print only syscalls that returned without an error code. -Z --failed-only Print only syscalls that returned with an error code. Output format -a column --columns=column Align return values in a specific column (default column 40). -e abbrev=syscall_set -e a=syscall_set --abbrev=syscall_set Abbreviate the output from printing each member of large structures. The syntax of the syscall_set specification is the same as in the -e trace option. The default is abbrev=all. The -v option has the effect of abbrev=none. -e verbose=syscall_set -e v=syscall_set --verbose=syscall_set Dereference structures for the specified set of system calls. The syntax of the syscall_set specification is the same as in the -e trace option. The default is verbose=all. -e raw=syscall_set -e x=syscall_set --raw=syscall_set Print raw, undecoded arguments for the specified set of system calls. The syntax of the syscall_set specification is the same as in the -e trace option. This option has the effect of causing all arguments to be printed in hexadecimal. This is mostly useful if you don't trust the decoding or you need to know the actual numeric value of an argument. See also -X raw option. -e read=set -e reads=set -e r=set --read=set Perform a full hexadecimal and ASCII dump of all the data read from file descriptors listed in the specified set. For example, to see all input activity on file descriptors 3 and 5 use -e read=3,5. Note that this is independent from the normal tracing of the read(2) system call which is controlled by the option -e trace=read. -e write=set -e writes=set -e w=set --write=set Perform a full hexadecimal and ASCII dump of all the data written to file descriptors listed in the specified set. For example, to see all output activity on file descriptors 3 and 5 use -e write=3,5. Note that this is independent from the normal tracing of the write(2) system call which is controlled by the option -e trace=write. -e quiet=set -e silent=set -e silence=set -e q=set --quiet=set --silent=set --silence=set Suppress various information messages. The default is quiet=none. set can include the following elements: attach Suppress messages about attaching and detaching (""[ Process NNNN attached ]"", ""[ Process NNNN detached ]""). exit Suppress messages about process exits (""+++ exited with SSS +++""). path-resolution Suppress messages about resolution of paths provided via the -P option (""Requested path ""..."" resolved into ""...""""). personality Suppress messages about process personality changes (""[ Process PID=NNNN runs in PPP mode. ]""). thread-execve superseded Suppress messages about process being superseded by execve(2) in another thread (""+++ superseded by execve in pid NNNN +++""). -e decode-fds=set --decode-fds=set Decode various information associated with file descriptors. The default is decode-fds=none. set can include the following elements: path Print file paths. Also enables printing of tracee's current working directory when AT_FDCWD constant is used. socket Print socket protocol-specific information, dev Print character/block device numbers. pidfd Print PIDs associated with pidfd file descriptors. signalfd Print signal masks associated with signalfd file descriptors. -e decode-pids=set --decode-pids=set Decode various information associated with process IDs (and also thread IDs, process group IDs, and session IDs). The default is decode-pids=none. set can include the following elements: comm Print command names associated with thread or process IDs. pidns Print thread, process, process group, and session IDs in strace's PID namespace if the tracee is in a different PID namespace. -e kvm=vcpu --kvm=vcpu Print the exit reason of kvm vcpu. Requires Linux kernel version 4.16.0 or higher. -i --instruction-pointer Print the instruction pointer at the time of the system call. -n --syscall-number Print the syscall number. -k --stack-traces Print the execution stack trace of the traced processes after each system call. -o filename --output=filename Write the trace output to the file filename rather than to stderr. filename.pid form is used if -ff option is supplied. If the argument begins with '|' or '!', the rest of the argument is treated as a command and all output is piped to it. This is convenient for piping the debugging output to a program without affecting the redirections of executed programs. The latter is not compatible with -ff option currently. -A --output-append-mode Open the file provided in the -o option in append mode. -q --quiet --quiet=attach,personality Suppress messages about attaching, detaching, and personality changes. This happens automatically when output is redirected to a file and the command is run directly instead of attaching. -qq --quiet=attach,personality,exit Suppress messages attaching, detaching, personality changes, and about process exit status. -qqq --quiet=all Suppress all suppressible messages (please refer to the -e quiet option description for the full list of suppressible messages). -r --relative-timestamps[=precision] Print a relative timestamp upon entry to each system call. This records the time difference between the beginning of successive system calls. precision can be one of s (for seconds), ms (milliseconds), us (microseconds), or ns (nanoseconds), and allows setting the precision of time value being printed. Default is us (microseconds). Note that since -r option uses the monotonic clock time for measuring time difference and not the wall clock time, its measurements can differ from the difference in time reported by the -t option. -s strsize --string-limit=strsize Specify the maximum string size to print (the default is 32). Note that filenames are not considered strings and are always printed in full. --absolute-timestamps[=[[format:]format],[[precision:]precision]] --timestamps[=[[format:]format],[[precision:]precision]] Prefix each line of the trace with the wall clock time in the specified format with the specified precision. format can be one of the following: none No time stamp is printed. Can be used to override the previous setting. time Wall clock time (strftime(3) format string is %T). unix Number of seconds since the epoch (strftime(3) format string is %s). precision can be one of s (for seconds), ms (milliseconds), us (microseconds), or ns (nanoseconds). Default arguments for the option are format:time,precision:s. -t --absolute-timestamps Prefix each line of the trace with the wall clock time. -tt --absolute-timestamps=precision:us If given twice, the time printed will include the microseconds. -ttt --absolute-timestamps=format:unix,precision:us If given thrice, the time printed will include the microseconds and the leading portion will be printed as the number of seconds since the epoch. -T --syscall-times[=precision] Show the time spent in system calls. This records the time difference between the beginning and the end of each system call. precision can be one of s (for seconds), ms (milliseconds), us (microseconds), or ns (nanoseconds), and allows setting the precision of time value being printed. Default is us (microseconds). -v --no-abbrev Print unabbreviated versions of environment, stat, termios, etc. calls. These structures are very common in calls and so the default behavior displays a reasonable subset of structure members. Use this option to get all of the gory details. --strings-in-hex[=option] Control usage of escape sequences with hexadecimal numbers in the printed strings. Normally (when no --strings-in-hex or -x option is supplied), escape sequences are used to print non-printable and non-ASCII characters (that is, characters with a character code less than 32 or greater than 127), or to disambiguate the output (so, for quotes and other characters that encase the printed string, for example, angle brackets, in case of file descriptor path output); for the former use case, unless it is a white space character that has a symbolic escape sequence defined in the C standard (that is, “\t” for a horizontal tab, “\n” for a newline, “\v” for a vertical tab, “\f” for a form feed page break, and “\r” for a carriage return) are printed using escape sequences with numbers that correspond to their byte values, with octal number format being the default. option can be one of the following: none Hexadecimal numbers are not used in the output at all. When there is a need to emit an escape sequence, octal numbers are used. non-ascii-chars Hexadecimal numbers are used instead of octal in the escape sequences. non-ascii Strings that contain non-ASCII characters are printed using escape sequences with hexadecimal numbers. all All strings are printed using escape sequences with hexadecimal numbers. When the option is supplied without an argument, all is assumed. -x --strings-in-hex=non-ascii Print all non-ASCII strings in hexadecimal string format. -xx --strings-in-hex[=all] Print all strings in hexadecimal string format. -X format --const-print-style=format Set the format for printing of named constants and flags. Supported format values are: raw Raw number output, without decoding. abbrev Output a named constant or a set of flags instead of the raw number if they are found. This is the default strace behaviour. verbose Output both the raw value and the decoded string (as a comment). -y --decode-fds --decode-fds=path Print paths associated with file descriptor arguments and with the AT_FDCWD constant. -yy --decode-fds=all Print all available information associated with file descriptors: protocol-specific information associated with socket file descriptors, block/character device number associated with device file descriptors, and PIDs associated with pidfd file descriptors. --pidns-translation --decode-pids=pidns If strace and tracee are in different PID namespaces, print PIDs in strace's namespace, too. -Y --decode-pids=comm Print command names for PIDs. --secontext[=format] -e secontext=format When SELinux is available and is not disabled, print in square brackets SELinux contexts of processes, files, and descriptors. The format argument is a comma-separated list of items being one of the following: full Print the full context (user, role, type level and category). mismatch Also print the context recorded by the SELinux database in case the current context differs. The latter is printed after two exclamation marks (!!). The default value for --secontext is !full,mismatch which prints only the type instead of full context and doesn't check for context mismatches. Statistics -c --summary-only Count time, calls, and errors for each system call and report a summary on program exit, suppressing the regular output. This attempts to show system time (CPU time spent running in the kernel) independent of wall clock time. If -c is used with -f, only aggregate totals for all traced processes are kept. -C --summary Like -c but also print regular output while processes are running. -O overhead --summary-syscall-overhead=overhead Set the overhead for tracing system calls to overhead. This is useful for overriding the default heuristic for guessing how much time is spent in mere measuring when timing system calls using the -c option. The accuracy of the heuristic can be gauged by timing a given program run without tracing (using time(1)) and comparing the accumulated system call time to the total produced using -c. The format of overhead specification is described in section Time specification format description. -S sortby --summary-sort-by=sortby Sort the output of the histogram printed by the -c option by the specified criterion. Legal values are time (or time-percent or time-total or total-time), min-time (or shortest or time-min), max-time (or longest or time-max), avg-time (or time-avg), calls (or count), errors (or error), name (or syscall or syscall-name), and nothing (or none); default is time. -U columns --summary-columns=columns Configure a set (and order) of columns being shown in the call summary. The columns argument is a comma-separated list with items being one of the following: time-percent (or time) Percentage of cumulative time consumed by a specific system call. total-time (or time-total) Total system (or wall clock, if -w option is provided) time consumed by a specific system call. min-time (or shortest or time-min) Minimum observed call duration. max-time (or longest or time-max) Maximum observed call duration. avg-time (or time-avg) Average call duration. calls (or count) Call count. errors (or error) Error count. name (or syscall or syscall-name) Syscall name. The default value is time-percent,total-time,avg-time,calls,errors,name. If the name field is not supplied explicitly, it is added as the last column. -w --summary-wall-clock Summarise the time difference between the beginning and end of each system call. The default is to summarise the system time. Tampering -e inject=syscall_set[:error=errno|:retval=value][:signal=sig] [:syscall=syscall][:delay_enter=delay][:delay_exit=delay] [:poke_enter=@argN=DATAN,@argM=DATAM...] [:poke_exit=@argN=DATAN,@argM=DATAM...][:when=expr] --inject=syscall_set[:error=errno|:retval=value][:signal=sig] [:syscall=syscall][:delay_enter=delay][:delay_exit=delay] [:poke_enter=@argN=DATAN,@argM=DATAM...] [:poke_exit=@argN=DATAN,@argM=DATAM...][:when=expr] Perform syscall tampering for the specified set of syscalls. The syntax of the syscall_set specification is the same as in the -e trace option. At least one of error, retval, signal, delay_enter, delay_exit, poke_enter, or poke_exit options has to be specified. error and retval are mutually exclusive. If :error=errno option is specified, a fault is injected into a syscall invocation: the syscall number is replaced by -1 which corresponds to an invalid syscall (unless a syscall is specified with :syscall= option), and the error code is specified using a symbolic errno value like ENOSYS or a numeric value within 1..4095 range. If :retval=value option is specified, success injection is performed: the syscall number is replaced by -1, but a bogus success value is returned to the callee. If :signal=sig option is specified with either a symbolic value like SIGSEGV or a numeric value within 1..SIGRTMAX range, that signal is delivered on entering every syscall specified by the set. If :delay_enter=delay or :delay_exit=delay options are specified, delay injection is performed: the tracee is delayed by time period specified by delay on entering or exiting the syscall, respectively. The format of delay specification is described in section Time specification format description. If :poke_enter=@argN=DATAN,@argM=DATAM... or :poke_exit=@argN=DATAN,@argM=DATAM... options are specified, tracee's memory at locations, pointed to by system call arguments argN and argM (going from arg1 to arg7) is overwritten by data DATAN and DATAM (specified in hexadecimal format; for example :poke_enter=@arg1=0000DEAD0000BEEF). :poke_enter modifies memory on syscall enter, and :poke_exit - on exit. If :signal=sig option is specified without :error=errno, :retval=value or :delay_{enter,exit}=usecs options, then only a signal sig is delivered without a syscall fault or delay injection. Conversely, :error=errno or :retval=value option without :delay_enter=delay, :delay_exit=delay or :signal=sig options injects a fault without delivering a signal or injecting a delay, etc. If :signal=sig option is specified together with :error=errno or :retval=value, then both injection of a fault or success and signal delivery are performed. if :syscall=syscall option is specified, the corresponding syscall with no side effects is injected instead of -1. Currently, only ""pure"" (see -e trace=%pure description) syscalls can be specified there. Unless a :when=expr subexpression is specified, an injection is being made into every invocation of each syscall from the set. The format of the subexpression is: first[..last][+[step]] Number first stands for the first invocation number in the range, number last stands for the last invocation number in the range, and step stands for the step between two consecutive invocations. The following combinations are useful: first For every syscall from the set, perform an injection for the syscall invocation number first only. first..last For every syscall from the set, perform an injection for the syscall invocation number first and all subsequent invocations until the invocation number last (inclusive). first+ For every syscall from the set, perform injections for the syscall invocation number first and all subsequent invocations. first..last+ For every syscall from the set, perform injections for the syscall invocation number first and all subsequent invocations until the invocation number last (inclusive). first+step For every syscall from the set, perform injections for syscall invocations number first, first+step, first+step+step, and so on. first..last+step Same as the previous, but consider only syscall invocations with numbers up to last (inclusive). For example, to fail each third and subsequent chdir syscalls with ENOENT, use -e inject=chdir:error=ENOENT:when=3+. The valid range for numbers first and step is 1..65535, and for number last is 1..65534. An injection expression can contain only one error= or retval= specification, and only one signal= specification. If an injection expression contains multiple when= specifications, the last one takes precedence. Accounting of syscalls that are subject to injection is done per syscall and per tracee. Specification of syscall injection can be combined with other syscall filtering options, for example, -P /dev/urandom -e inject=file:error=ENOENT. -e fault=syscall_set[:error=errno][:when=expr] --fault=syscall_set[:error=errno][:when=expr] Perform syscall fault injection for the specified set of syscalls. This is equivalent to more generic -e inject= expression with default value of errno option set to ENOSYS. Miscellaneous -d --debug Show some debugging output of strace itself on the standard error. -F This option is deprecated. It is retained for backward compatibility only and may be removed in future releases. Usage of multiple instances of -F option is still equivalent to a single -f, and it is ignored at all if used along with one or more instances of -f option. -h --help Print the help summary. --seccomp-bpf Try to enable use of seccomp-bpf (see seccomp(2)) to have ptrace(2)-stops only when system calls that are being traced occur in the traced processes. This option has no effect unless -f/--follow-forks is also specified. --seccomp-bpf is not compatible with --syscall-limit and -b/--detach-on options. It is also not applicable to processes attached using -p/--attach option. An attempt to enable system calls filtering using seccomp-bpf may fail for various reasons, e.g. there are too many system calls to filter, the seccomp API is not available, or strace itself is being traced. In cases when seccomp-bpf filter setup failed, strace proceeds as usual and stops traced processes on every system call. --tips[=[[id:]id],[[format:]format]] Show strace tips, tricks, and tweaks before exit. id can be a non-negative integer number, which enables printing of specific tip, trick, or tweak (these ID are not guaranteed to be stable), or random (the default), in which case a random tip is printed. format can be one of the following: none No tip is printed. Can be used to override the previous setting. compact Print the tip just big enough to contain all the text. full Print the tip in its full glory. Default is id:random,format:compact. -V --version Print the version number of strace. Multiple instances of the option beyond specific threshold tend to increase Strauss awareness. Time specification format description Time values can be specified as a decimal floating point number (in a format accepted by strtod(3)), optionally followed by one of the following suffices that specify the unit of time: s (seconds), ms (milliseconds), us (microseconds), or ns (nanoseconds). If no suffix is specified, the value is interpreted as microseconds. The described format is used for -O, -e inject=delay_enter, and -e inject=delay_exit options. ","# strace > Troubleshooting tool for tracing system calls. More information: > https://manned.org/strace. * Start tracing a specific process by its PID: `strace -p {{pid}}` * Trace a process and filter output by system call: `strace -p {{pid}} -e {{system_call_name}}` * Count time, calls, and errors for each system call and report a summary on program exit: `strace -p {{pid}} -c` * Show the time spent in every system call: `strace -p {{pid}} -T` * Start tracing a program by executing it: `strace {{program}}` * Start tracing file operations of a program: `strace -e trace=file {{program}}`" summarize: Data file related processing. , "summarize: pmdaib is a Performance Metrics Domain Agent (PMDA) which exports information and performance metrics about local Infiniband HCAs and local or remote Infiniband GUIDs. A brief description of the pmdaib command line options follows: -c Location of the config file. By default, the config file is named $PCP_PMDAS_DIR/infiniband/config. See CONFIG FILE for more information. -D A debug values, as specified by pmdbg(1) -d Specify an alternate performance metrics domain number. Almost never necessary. -l Location of the log file. By default, a log file named ib.log is written to $PCP_LOG_DIR/pmcd. If the log file cannot be created or is not writable, output is written to the standard error instead. -w Write out the default config file to $PCP_PMDAS_DIRS/infiniband and exit immediately. The written config file will contain the local HCA ports. It will not overwrite an existing file. This argument should only be used to create the template config file and should never appear in pmcd.conf. See CONFIG FILE for more information on the file format and on monitoring remote GUIDs. ", "summarize: Compare two files byte by byte. The optional SKIP1 and SKIP2 specify the number of bytes to skip at the beginning of each file (zero by default). Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too. -b, --print-bytes print differing bytes -i, --ignore-initial=SKIP skip first SKIP bytes of both inputs -i, --ignore-initial=SKIP1:SKIP2 skip first SKIP1 bytes of FILE1 and first SKIP2 bytes of FILE2 -l, --verbose output byte numbers and differing byte values -n, --bytes=LIMIT compare at most LIMIT bytes -s, --quiet, --silent suppress all normal output --help display this help and exit -v, --version output version information and exit SKIP values may be followed by the following multiplicative suffixes: kB 1000, K 1024, MB 1,000,000, M 1,048,576, GB 1,000,000,000, G 1,073,741,824, and so on for T, P, E, Z, Y. If a FILE is '-' or missing, read standard input. Exit status is 0 if inputs are the same, 1 if different, 2 if trouble. ","# cmp > Compare two files byte by byte. More information: > https://www.gnu.org/software/diffutils/manual/html_node/Invoking-cmp.html. * Output char and line number of the first difference between two files: `cmp {{path/to/file1}} {{path/to/file2}}` * Output info of the first difference: char, line number, bytes, and values: `cmp --print-bytes {{path/to/file1}} {{path/to/file2}}` * Output the byte numbers and values of every difference: `cmp --verbose {{path/to/file1}} {{path/to/file2}}` * Compare files but output nothing, yield only the exit status: `cmp --quiet {{path/to/file1}} {{path/to/file2}}`" "summarize: The chmod utility shall change any or all of the file mode bits of the file named by each file operand in the way specified by the mode operand. It is implementation-defined whether and how the chmod utility affects any alternate or additional file access control mechanism (see the Base Definitions volume of POSIX.1‐2017, Section 4.5, File Access Permissions) being used for the specified file. Only a process whose effective user ID matches the user ID of the file, or a process with appropriate privileges, shall be permitted to change the file mode bits of a file. Upon successfully changing the file mode bits of a file, the chmod utility shall mark for update the last file status change timestamp of the file. The chmod utility shall conform to the Base Definitions volume of POSIX.1‐2017, Section 12.2, Utility Syntax Guidelines. The following option shall be supported: -R Recursively change file mode bits. For each file operand that names a directory, chmod shall change the file mode bits of the directory and all files in the file hierarchy below it. ","# chmod > Change the access permissions of a file or directory. More information: > https://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/chmod. * Give the [u]ser who owns a file the right to e[x]ecute it: `chmod u+x {{path/to/file}}` * Give the [u]ser rights to [r]ead and [w]rite to a file/directory: `chmod u+rw {{path/to/file_or_directory}}` * Remove e[x]ecutable rights from the [g]roup: `chmod g-x {{path/to/file}}` * Give [a]ll users rights to [r]ead and e[x]ecute: `chmod a+rx {{path/to/file}}` * Give [o]thers (not in the file owner's group) the same rights as the [g]roup: `chmod o=g {{path/to/file}}` * Remove all rights from [o]thers: `chmod o= {{path/to/file}}` * Change permissions recursively giving [g]roup and [o]thers the ability to [w]rite: `chmod -R g+w,o+w {{path/to/directory}}` * Recursively give [a]ll users [r]ead permissions to files and e[X]ecute permissions to sub-directories within a directory: `chmod -R a+rX {{path/to/directory}}`" "summarize: The chsh command changes the user login shell. This determines the name of the user's initial login command. A normal user may only change the login shell for her own account; the superuser may change the login shell for any account. The options which apply to the chsh command are: -h, --help Display help message and exit. -R, --root CHROOT_DIR Apply changes in the CHROOT_DIR directory and use the configuration files from the CHROOT_DIR directory. Only absolute paths are supported. -s, --shell SHELL The name of the user's new login shell. Setting this field to blank causes the system to select the default login shell. If the -s option is not selected, chsh operates in an interactive fashion, prompting the user with the current login shell. Enter the new value to change the shell, or leave the line blank to use the current one. The current shell is displayed between a pair of [ ] marks. ","# chsh > Change user's login shell. More information: https://manned.org/chsh. * Set a specific login shell for the current user interactively: `chsh` * Set a specific login [s]hell for the current user: `chsh -s {{path/to/shell}}` * Set a login [s]hell for a specific user: `chsh -s {{path/to/shell}} {{username}}` * [l]ist available shells: `chsh -l`" "summarize: This command displays the performance difference amongst two or more perf.data files captured via perf record. If no parameters are passed it will assume perf.data.old and perf.data. The differential profile is displayed only for events matching both specified perf.data files. If no parameters are passed the samples will be sorted by dso and symbol. As the perf.data files could come from different binaries, the symbols addresses could vary. So perf diff is based on the comparison of the files and symbols name. -D, --dump-raw-trace Dump raw trace in ASCII. --kallsyms= kallsyms pathname -m, --modules Load module symbols. WARNING: use only with -k and LIVE kernel -d, --dsos= Only consider symbols in these dsos. CSV that understands file://filename entries. This option will affect the percentage of the Baseline/Delta column. See --percentage for more info. -C, --comms= Only consider symbols in these comms. CSV that understands file://filename entries. This option will affect the percentage of the Baseline/Delta column. See --percentage for more info. -S, --symbols= Only consider these symbols. CSV that understands file://filename entries. This option will affect the percentage of the Baseline/Delta column. See --percentage for more info. -s, --sort= Sort by key(s): pid, comm, dso, symbol, cpu, parent, srcline. Please see description of --sort in the perf-report man page. -t, --field-separator= Use a special separator character and don’t pad with spaces, replacing all occurrences of this separator in symbol names (and other output) with a . character, that thus it’s the only non valid separator. -v, --verbose Be verbose, for instance, show the raw counts in addition to the diff. -q, --quiet Do not show any warnings or messages. (Suppress -v) -f, --force Don’t do ownership validation. --symfs= Look for files with symbols relative to this directory. -b, --baseline-only Show only items with match in baseline. -c, --compute Differential computation selection - delta, ratio, wdiff, cycles, delta-abs (default is delta-abs). Default can be changed using diff.compute config option. See COMPARISON METHODS section for more info. --cycles-hist Report a histogram and the standard deviation for cycles data. It can help us to judge if the reported cycles data is noisy or not. This option should be used with -c cycles. -p, --period Show period values for both compared hist entries. -F, --formula Show formula for given computation. -o, --order Specify compute sorting column number. 0 means sorting by baseline overhead and 1 (default) means sorting by computed value of column 1 (data from the first file other base baseline). Values more than 1 can be used only if enough data files are provided. The default value can be set using the diff.order config option. --percentage Determine how to display the overhead percentage of filtered entries. Filters can be applied by --comms, --dsos and/or --symbols options. ""relative"" means it's relative to filtered entries only so that the sum of shown entries will be always 100%. ""absolute"" means it retains the original value before and after the filter is applied. --time Analyze samples within given time window. It supports time percent with multiple time ranges. Time string is a%/n,b%/m,... or a%-b%,c%-%d,.... For example: Select the second 10% time slice to diff: perf diff --time 10%/2 Select from 0% to 10% time slice to diff: perf diff --time 0%-10% Select the first and the second 10% time slices to diff: perf diff --time 10%/1,10%/2 Select from 0% to 10% and 30% to 40% slices to diff: perf diff --time 0%-10%,30%-40% It also supports analyzing samples within a given time window ,. Times have the format seconds.nanoseconds. If 'start' is not given (i.e. time string is ',x.y') then analysis starts at the beginning of the file. If stop time is not given (i.e. time string is 'x.y,') then analysis goes to the end of the file. Multiple ranges can be separated by spaces, which requires the argument to be quoted e.g. --time ""1234.567,1234.789 1235,"" Time string is'a1.b1,c1.d1:a2.b2,c2.d2'. Use ':' to separate timestamps for different perf.data files. For example, we get the timestamp information from 'perf script'. perf script -i perf.data.old mgen 13940 [000] 3946.361400: ... perf script -i perf.data mgen 13940 [000] 3971.150589 ... perf diff --time 3946.361400,:3971.150589, It analyzes the perf.data.old from the timestamp 3946.361400 to the end of perf.data.old and analyzes the perf.data from the timestamp 3971.150589 to the end of perf.data. --cpu Only diff samples for the list of CPUs provided. Multiple CPUs can be provided as a comma-separated list with no space: 0,1. Ranges of CPUs are specified with -: 0-2. Default is to report samples on all CPUs. --pid= Only diff samples for given process ID (comma separated list). --tid= Only diff samples for given thread ID (comma separated list). --stream Enable hot streams comparison. Stream can be a callchain which is aggregated by the branch records from samples. ", summarize: pmdarabbitmq is a Performance Metrics Domain Agent (PMDA) which exports metric values for each RabbitMQ queue configured on the local system. , "summarize: pmcpp provides a very simple pre-processor originally designed for manipulating Performance Metric Name Space (PMNS) files for the Performance Co-Pilot (PCP), but later generalized to provide conditional blocks, include file processing, in-line shell command execution and macro substitution for arbitrary files. It is most commonly used internally to process the PMNS file(s) after pmLoadNameSpace(3) or pmLoadASCIINameSpace(3) is called and to pre-process the configuration files for pmlogger(1). Input lines are read from infile (or standard input if infile is not specified), processed and written to outfile (standard output if outfile is not specified). All C-style comments of the form /* ... */ are stripped from the input stream. There are no predefined macros for pmcpp although macros may be defined on the command line using the -D option, where name and value must follow the same rules as described below for the #define directive. pmcpp accepts the following directives in the input stream (like cpp(1)): • #include ""filename"" or #include In either case the directory search path for filename tries filename first, then the directory for the command line infile (if any), followed by any directories named in -I command line arguments, and finally the $PCP_VAR_DIR/pmns directory (the latter is for backwards compatibility with earlier versions of pmcpp and the implied used from pmLoadASCIINameSpace(3)). #include directives may be nested, up to a maximum depth of 5. • #shell ""command"" or #shell 'command' The shell command will be executed and the standard output is inserted into the stream of data to be processed by pmcpp. Functionally this is similar to a #include directive, except input lines are read from a command rather than a file. The #shell directive is most useful for including or excluding #define or #undef directives based on run-time logic in the command. • #define name value or #define name ""value"" or #define name 'value' Defines a value for the macro name which must be a valid C- style name, so leading alphabetic or underscore followed by zero or more alphanumerics or underscores. value is optional (and defaults to an empty string). There is no character escape mechanism, but either single quotes or double quotes may be used to define a value with special characters or embedded horizontal white space (no newlines). • #undef name Removes the macro definition, if any, for name. • #ifdef name ... #endif or #ifndef name ... #endif The enclosing lines will be stripped or included, depending if the macro name is defined or not. • #else Within a #ifdef or #ifndef block, #else may be used to delimit lines to be included if the preceding ``if'' condition is false. Macro substitution is achieved by breaking the input stream into words separated by white space or characters that are not valid in a macro name, i.e. not alphanumeric and not underscore. Each word is checked and if it matches a macro name, the word is replaced by the macro value, otherwise the word is unchanged. There is generally one output line for each input line, although the line may be empty if the text has been stripped due to the handling of comments or conditional directives. When there is a change in the input stream, an additional output line is generated of the form: # lineno ""filename"" to indicate the following line of output corresponds to line number lineno of the input file filename. The available command line options are: -D name[=value], --define=name[=value] Defines a macro with an optional value, as described earlier. -I dir, --include=dir An additional directory to search for include files. -P Suppresses the generation of the linemarker lines, described above. -s, --shell Changes the expected input style from C-like to shell-like (where # is a comment prefix). This forces the following changes in pmcpp behaviour: • The control prefix character changes from # to %, so %include for example. • No comment stripping is performed. -r, --restrict Provide finer control of macro expansion - this option restricts macro substitution to words that match the patterns #name or #{name} or if -s is specified, then %name or %{name}. In this mode, the macro name alone in the input stream will never be expanded, however in control lines (like #ifdef) the macro name should appear alone with out the prefix character or the curly braces (refer to the EXAMPLES below). Important cpp(1) features that are not supported by pmcpp include: • Macros with parameters - the pmcpp macros support only parameterless string substitution. • #if expr ... #endif • Nested use of #ifdef or #ifndef. • Stripping C++ style comments, as in // comment. • Error recovery - the first error encountered by pmcpp will be fatal. • cpp(1) command line options like -o, -W, -U, and -x. -?, --help Display usage message and exit. ", "summarize: coredumpctl is a tool that can be used to retrieve and process core dumps and metadata which were saved by systemd-coredump(8). The following options are understood: -h, --help Print a short help text and exit. --version Print a short version string and exit. --no-pager Do not pipe output into a pager. --no-legend Do not print the legend, i.e. column headers and the footer with hints. --json=MODE Shows output formatted as JSON. Expects one of ""short"" (for the shortest possible output without any redundant whitespace or line breaks), ""pretty"" (for a pretty version of the same, with indentation and line breaks) or ""off"" (to turn off JSON output, the default). -1 Show information of the most recent core dump only, instead of listing all known core dumps. Equivalent to --reverse -n 1. -n INT Show at most the specified number of entries. The specified parameter must be an integer greater or equal to 1. -S, --since Only print entries which are since the specified date. -U, --until Only print entries which are until the specified date. -r, --reverse Reverse output so that the newest entries are displayed first. -F FIELD, --field=FIELD Print all possible data values the specified field takes in matching core dump entries of the journal. -o FILE, --output=FILE Write the core to FILE. --debugger=DEBUGGER Use the given debugger for the debug command. If not given and $SYSTEMD_DEBUGGER is unset, then gdb(1) will be used. -A ARGS, --debugger-arguments=ARGS Pass the given ARGS as extra command line arguments to the debugger. Quote as appropriate when ARGS contain whitespace. (See Examples.) --file=GLOB Takes a file glob as an argument. If specified, coredumpctl will operate on the specified journal files matching GLOB instead of the default runtime and system journal paths. May be specified multiple times, in which case files will be suitably interleaved. -D DIR, --directory=DIR Use the journal files in the specified DIR. --root=ROOT Use root directory ROOT when searching for coredumps. --image=image Takes a path to a disk image file or block device node. If specified, all operations are applied to file system in the indicated disk image. This option is similar to --root=, but operates on file systems stored in disk images or block devices. The disk image should either contain just a file system or a set of file systems within a GPT partition table, following the Discoverable Partitions Specification[1]. For further information on supported disk images, see systemd-nspawn(1)'s switch of the same name. --image-policy=policy Takes an image policy string as argument, as per systemd.image-policy(7). The policy is enforced when operating on the disk image specified via --image=, see above. If not specified defaults to the ""*"" policy, i.e. all recognized file systems in the image are used. -q, --quiet Suppresses informational messages about lack of access to journal files and possible in-flight coredumps. --all Look at all available journal files in /var/log/journal/ (excluding journal namespaces) instead of only local ones. ","# coredumpctl > Retrieve and process saved core dumps and metadata. More information: > https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/coredumpctl.html. * List all captured core dumps: `coredumpctl list` * List captured core dumps for a program: `coredumpctl list {{program}}` * Show information about the core dumps matching a program with `PID`: `coredumpctl info {{PID}}` * Invoke debugger using the last core dump of a program: `coredumpctl debug {{program}}` * Extract the last core dump of a program to a file: `coredumpctl --output={{path/to/file}} dump {{program}}`" "summarize: For each “Name ” or “” from the command-line or standard input (when using --stdin), look up the person’s canonical name and email address (see ""Mapping Authors"" below). If found, print them; otherwise print the input as-is. --stdin Read contacts, one per line, from the standard input after exhausting contacts provided on the command-line. ","# git check-mailmap > Show canonical names and email addresses of contacts. More information: > https://git-scm.com/docs/git-check-mailmap. * Look up the canonical name associated with an email address: `git check-mailmap ""<{{email@example.com}}>""`" "summarize: cg_diff diffs two Cachegrind output files into a single Cachegrind output file. It is deprecated because cg_annotate can now do much the same thing, but better. -h --help Show the help message. --version Show the version number. --mod-filename= [default: none] Specifies an s/old/new/ search-and-replace expression that is applied to all filenames. --mod-funcname= [default: none] Like --mod-filename, but for filenames. ", "summarize: Iterate over all refs that match and show them according to the given , after sorting them according to the given set of . If is given, stop after showing that many refs. The interpolated values in can optionally be quoted as string literals in the specified host language allowing their direct evaluation in that language. ... If one or more patterns are given, only refs are shown that match against at least one pattern, either using fnmatch(3) or literally, in the latter case matching completely or from the beginning up to a slash. --stdin If --stdin is supplied, then the list of patterns is read from standard input instead of from the argument list. --count= By default the command shows all refs that match . This option makes it stop after showing that many refs. --sort= A field name to sort on. Prefix - to sort in descending order of the value. When unspecified, refname is used. You may use the --sort= option multiple times, in which case the last key becomes the primary key. --format= A string that interpolates %(fieldname) from a ref being shown and the object it points at. If fieldname is prefixed with an asterisk (*) and the ref points at a tag object, use the value for the field in the object which the tag object refers to (instead of the field in the tag object). When unspecified, defaults to %(objectname) SPC %(objecttype) TAB %(refname). It also interpolates %% to %, and %xx where xx are hex digits interpolates to character with hex code xx; for example %00 interpolates to \0 (NUL), %09 to \t (TAB) and %0a to \n (LF). --color[=] Respect any colors specified in the --format option. The field must be one of always, never, or auto (if is absent, behave as if always was given). --shell, --perl, --python, --tcl If given, strings that substitute %(fieldname) placeholders are quoted as string literals suitable for the specified host language. This is meant to produce a scriptlet that can directly be `eval`ed. --points-at= Only list refs which points at the given object. --merged[=] Only list refs whose tips are reachable from the specified commit (HEAD if not specified). --no-merged[=] Only list refs whose tips are not reachable from the specified commit (HEAD if not specified). --contains[=] Only list refs which contain the specified commit (HEAD if not specified). --no-contains[=] Only list refs which don’t contain the specified commit (HEAD if not specified). --ignore-case Sorting and filtering refs are case insensitive. --omit-empty Do not print a newline after formatted refs where the format expands to the empty string. ", "summarize: The top program provides a dynamic real-time view of a running system. It can display system summary information as well as a list of processes or threads currently being managed by the Linux kernel. The types of system summary information shown and the types, order and size of information displayed for processes are all user configurable and that configuration can be made persistent across restarts. The program provides a limited interactive interface for process manipulation as well as a much more extensive interface for personal configuration -- encompassing every aspect of its operation. And while top is referred to throughout this document, you are free to name the program anything you wish. That new name, possibly an alias, will then be reflected on top's display and used when reading and writing a configuration file. ","# top > Display dynamic real-time information about running processes. More > information: https://ss64.com/osx/top.html. * Start `top`, all options are available in the interface: `top` * Start `top` sorting processes by internal memory size (default order - process ID): `top -o mem` * Start `top` sorting processes first by CPU, then by running time: `top -o cpu -O time` * Start `top` displaying only processes owned by given user: `top -user {{user_name}}` * Get help about interactive commands: `?`" "summarize: The unshare command creates new namespaces (as specified by the command-line options described below) and then executes the specified program. If program is not given, then ""${SHELL}"" is run (default: /bin/sh). By default, a new namespace persists only as long as it has member processes. A new namespace can be made persistent even when it has no member processes by bind mounting /proc/pid/ns/type files to a filesystem path. A namespace that has been made persistent in this way can subsequently be entered with nsenter(1) even after the program terminates (except PID namespaces where a permanently running init process is required). Once a persistent namespace is no longer needed, it can be unpersisted by using umount(8) to remove the bind mount. See the EXAMPLES section for more details. unshare since util-linux version 2.36 uses /proc/[pid]/ns/pid_for_children and /proc/[pid]/ns/time_for_children files for persistent PID and TIME namespaces. This change requires Linux kernel 4.17 or newer. The following types of namespaces can be created with unshare: mount namespace Mounting and unmounting filesystems will not affect the rest of the system, except for filesystems which are explicitly marked as shared (with mount --make-shared; see /proc/self/mountinfo or findmnt -o+PROPAGATION for the shared flags). For further details, see mount_namespaces(7). unshare since util-linux version 2.27 automatically sets propagation to private in a new mount namespace to make sure that the new namespace is really unshared. It’s possible to disable this feature with option --propagation unchanged. Note that private is the kernel default. UTS namespace Setting hostname or domainname will not affect the rest of the system. For further details, see uts_namespaces(7). IPC namespace The process will have an independent namespace for POSIX message queues as well as System V message queues, semaphore sets and shared memory segments. For further details, see ipc_namespaces(7). network namespace The process will have independent IPv4 and IPv6 stacks, IP routing tables, firewall rules, the /proc/net and /sys/class/net directory trees, sockets, etc. For further details, see network_namespaces(7). PID namespace Children will have a distinct set of PID-to-process mappings from their parent. For further details, see pid_namespaces(7). cgroup namespace The process will have a virtualized view of /proc/self/cgroup, and new cgroup mounts will be rooted at the namespace cgroup root. For further details, see cgroup_namespaces(7). user namespace The process will have a distinct set of UIDs, GIDs and capabilities. For further details, see user_namespaces(7). time namespace The process can have a distinct view of CLOCK_MONOTONIC and/or CLOCK_BOOTTIME which can be changed using /proc/self/timens_offsets. For further details, see time_namespaces(7). -i, --ipc[=file] Create a new IPC namespace. If file is specified, then the namespace is made persistent by creating a bind mount at file. -m, --mount[=file] Create a new mount namespace. If file is specified, then the namespace is made persistent by creating a bind mount at file. Note that file must be located on a mount whose propagation type is not shared (or an error results). Use the command findmnt -o+PROPAGATION when not sure about the current setting. See also the examples below. -n, --net[=file] Create a new network namespace. If file is specified, then the namespace is made persistent by creating a bind mount at file. -p, --pid[=file] Create a new PID namespace. If file is specified, then the namespace is made persistent by creating a bind mount at file. (Creation of a persistent PID namespace will fail if the --fork option is not also specified.) See also the --fork and --mount-proc options. -u, --uts[=file] Create a new UTS namespace. If file is specified, then the namespace is made persistent by creating a bind mount at file. -U, --user[=file] Create a new user namespace. If file is specified, then the namespace is made persistent by creating a bind mount at file. -C, --cgroup[=file] Create a new cgroup namespace. If file is specified, then the namespace is made persistent by creating a bind mount at file. -T, --time[=file] Create a new time namespace. If file is specified, then the namespace is made persistent by creating a bind mount at file. The --monotonic and --boottime options can be used to specify the corresponding offset in the time namespace. -f, --fork Fork the specified program as a child process of unshare rather than running it directly. This is useful when creating a new PID namespace. Note that when unshare is waiting for the child process, then it ignores SIGINT and SIGTERM and does not forward any signals to the child. It is necessary to send signals to the child process. --keep-caps When the --user option is given, ensure that capabilities granted in the user namespace are preserved in the child process. --kill-child[=signame] When unshare terminates, have signame be sent to the forked child process. Combined with --pid this allows for an easy and reliable killing of the entire process tree below unshare. If not given, signame defaults to SIGKILL. This option implies --fork. --mount-proc[=mountpoint] Just before running the program, mount the proc filesystem at mountpoint (default is /proc). This is useful when creating a new PID namespace. It also implies creating a new mount namespace since the /proc mount would otherwise mess up existing programs on the system. The new proc filesystem is explicitly mounted as private (with MS_PRIVATE|MS_REC). --map-user=uid|name Run the program only after the current effective user ID has been mapped to uid. If this option is specified multiple times, the last occurrence takes precedence. This option implies --user. --map-users=inneruid:outeruid:count|auto Run the program only after the block of user IDs of size count beginning at outeruid has been mapped to the block of user IDs beginning at inneruid. This mapping is created with newuidmap(1). If the range of user IDs overlaps with the mapping specified by --map-user, then a ""hole"" will be removed from the mapping. This may result in the highest user ID of the mapping not being mapped. The special value auto will map the first block of user IDs owned by the effective user from /etc/subuid to a block starting at user ID 0. If this option is specified multiple times, the last occurrence takes precedence. This option implies --user. Before util-linux version 2.39, this option expected a comma-separated argument of the form outeruid,inneruid,count but that format is now deprecated for consistency with the ordering used in /proc/[pid]/uid_map and the X-mount.idmap mount option. --map-group=gid|name Run the program only after the current effective group ID has been mapped to gid. If this option is specified multiple times, the last occurrence takes precedence. This option implies --setgroups=deny and --user. --map-groups=innergid:outergid:count|auto Run the program only after the block of group IDs of size count beginning at outergid has been mapped to the block of group IDs beginning at innergid. This mapping is created with newgidmap(1). If the range of group IDs overlaps with the mapping specified by --map-group, then a ""hole"" will be removed from the mapping. This may result in the highest group ID of the mapping not being mapped. The special value auto will map the first block of user IDs owned by the effective user from /etc/subgid to a block starting at group ID 0. If this option is specified multiple times, the last occurrence takes precedence. This option implies --user. Before util-linux version 2.39, this option expected a comma-separated argument of the form outergid,innergid,count but that format is now deprecated for consistency with the ordering used in /proc/[pid]/gid_map and the X-mount.idmap mount option. --map-auto Map the first block of user IDs owned by the effective user from /etc/subuid to a block starting at user ID 0. In the same manner, also map the first block of group IDs owned by the effective group from /etc/subgid to a block starting at group ID 0. This option is intended to handle the common case where the first block of subordinate user and group IDs can map the whole user and group ID space. This option is equivalent to specifying --map-users=auto and --map-groups=auto. -r, --map-root-user Run the program only after the current effective user and group IDs have been mapped to the superuser UID and GID in the newly created user namespace. This makes it possible to conveniently gain capabilities needed to manage various aspects of the newly created namespaces (such as configuring interfaces in the network namespace or mounting filesystems in the mount namespace) even when run unprivileged. As a mere convenience feature, it does not support more sophisticated use cases, such as mapping multiple ranges of UIDs and GIDs. This option implies --setgroups=deny and --user. This option is equivalent to --map-user=0 --map-group=0. -c, --map-current-user Run the program only after the current effective user and group IDs have been mapped to the same UID and GID in the newly created user namespace. This option implies --setgroups=deny and --user. This option is equivalent to --map-user=$(id -ru) --map-group=$(id -rg). --propagation private|shared|slave|unchanged Recursively set the mount propagation flag in the new mount namespace. The default is to set the propagation to private. It is possible to disable this feature with the argument unchanged. The option is silently ignored when the mount namespace (--mount) is not requested. --setgroups allow|deny Allow or deny the setgroups(2) system call in a user namespace. To be able to call setgroups(2), the calling process must at least have CAP_SETGID. But since Linux 3.19 a further restriction applies: the kernel gives permission to call setgroups(2) only after the GID map (/proc/pid*/gid_map*) has been set. The GID map is writable by root when setgroups(2) is enabled (i.e., allow, the default), and the GID map becomes writable by unprivileged processes when setgroups(2) is permanently disabled (with deny). -R, --root=dir run the command with root directory set to dir. -w, --wd=dir change working directory to dir. -S, --setuid uid Set the user ID which will be used in the entered namespace. -G, --setgid gid Set the group ID which will be used in the entered namespace and drop supplementary groups. --monotonic offset Set the offset of CLOCK_MONOTONIC which will be used in the entered time namespace. This option requires unsharing a time namespace with --time. --boottime offset Set the offset of CLOCK_BOOTTIME which will be used in the entered time namespace. This option requires unsharing a time namespace with --time. -h, --help Display help text and exit. -V, --version Print version and exit. ","# unshare > Execute a command in new user-defined namespaces. More information: > https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/userspace-api/unshare.html. * Execute a command without sharing access to connected networks: `unshare --net {{command}} {{command_arguments}}` * Execute a command as a child process without sharing mounts, processes, or networks: `unshare --mount --pid --net --fork {{command}} {{command_arguments}}`" summarize: pmdagpfs is a Performance Metrics Domain Agent (PMDA) which exports metric values from the /usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/mmpmon program to provide information on mounted gpfs filesystems. , "summarize: Switch to a specified branch. The working tree and the index are updated to match the branch. All new commits will be added to the tip of this branch. Optionally a new branch could be created with either -c, -C, automatically from a remote branch of same name (see --guess), or detach the working tree from any branch with --detach, along with switching. Switching branches does not require a clean index and working tree (i.e. no differences compared to HEAD). The operation is aborted however if the operation leads to loss of local changes, unless told otherwise with --discard-changes or --merge. THIS COMMAND IS EXPERIMENTAL. THE BEHAVIOR MAY CHANGE. Branch to switch to. Name for the new branch. The starting point for the new branch. Specifying a allows you to create a branch based on some other point in history than where HEAD currently points. (Or, in the case of --detach, allows you to inspect and detach from some other point.) You can use the @{-N} syntax to refer to the N-th last branch/commit switched to using ""git switch"" or ""git checkout"" operation. You may also specify - which is synonymous to @{-1}. This is often used to switch quickly between two branches, or to undo a branch switch by mistake. As a special case, you may use A...B as a shortcut for the merge base of A and B if there is exactly one merge base. You can leave out at most one of A and B, in which case it defaults to HEAD. -c , --create Create a new branch named starting at before switching to the branch. This is a convenient shortcut for: $ git branch $ git switch -C , --force-create Similar to --create except that if already exists, it will be reset to . This is a convenient shortcut for: $ git branch -f $ git switch -d, --detach Switch to a commit for inspection and discardable experiments. See the ""DETACHED HEAD"" section in git-checkout(1) for details. --guess, --no-guess If is not found but there does exist a tracking branch in exactly one remote (call it ) with a matching name, treat as equivalent to $ git switch -c --track / If the branch exists in multiple remotes and one of them is named by the checkout.defaultRemote configuration variable, we’ll use that one for the purposes of disambiguation, even if the isn’t unique across all remotes. Set it to e.g. checkout.defaultRemote=origin to always checkout remote branches from there if is ambiguous but exists on the origin remote. See also checkout.defaultRemote in git-config(1). --guess is the default behavior. Use --no-guess to disable it. The default behavior can be set via the checkout.guess configuration variable. -f, --force An alias for --discard-changes. --discard-changes Proceed even if the index or the working tree differs from HEAD. Both the index and working tree are restored to match the switching target. If --recurse-submodules is specified, submodule content is also restored to match the switching target. This is used to throw away local changes. -m, --merge If you have local modifications to one or more files that are different between the current branch and the branch to which you are switching, the command refuses to switch branches in order to preserve your modifications in context. However, with this option, a three-way merge between the current branch, your working tree contents, and the new branch is done, and you will be on the new branch. When a merge conflict happens, the index entries for conflicting paths are left unmerged, and you need to resolve the conflicts and mark the resolved paths with git add (or git rm if the merge should result in deletion of the path). --conflict=