import os |
import json |
import argparse |
import tqdm |
import glob |
from clean import clean |
def format_channel(metadata): |
return f'[Name: #{metadata["name"]}; Description: {metadata["topic"]}; Guild: {metadata["guild"]}]' |
def worker_parse(filename, out_filename=None, **kwargs): |
data = json.load(open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8')) |
messages = data['messages'] |
metadata = data['channel'] |
metadata['guild'] = data['guild']['name'] |
msgs = [] |
for message in tqdm.tqdm(messages): |
msg = '' |
if 'anonymous' in kwargs and kwargs['anonymous']: |
author = '' |
else: |
author = message['author']['name'] + ': ' |
if message['embeds']: |
embed_content = '' |
if message['embeds'][0]['title']: |
embed_content = embed_content + f'Embed Title: {message["embeds"][0]["title"]};' |
if message['embeds'][0]['description']: |
desc = message['embeds'][0]['description'] |
if desc[-1] == '.': |
desc = desc[:-1] |
embed_content = embed_content + f' Embed Description: {desc};' |
msg = f'[{embed_content}]' |
if message['attachments']: |
if message['attachments'][0]['url'].endswith(('.png', '.jpeg', '.jpg')) and message['attachments'][0]['url'].startswith('http'): |
msg = '[Image attached]' |
if message['content']: |
msg = '' |
msgs.append(f'{author}{clean(message["content"])}{msg}') |
if out_filename == None: |
out_filename = filename.replace('.json', '.txt') |
with open(out_filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: |
f.write('⁂\n'+format_channel(metadata)+'\n⁂\n') |
f.write('\n'.join(msgs)) |
return (metadata, len(msgs)) |
def worker_dl(channel_id_path, auth_token): |
channel_id_data = json.load(open(channel_id_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8')) |
channel_ids = [] |
print('Loading channel ids\nYou need to be in the following guilds to construct the dataset.\n') |
for guild in channel_id_data['guilds']: |
print(f'[Guild: {guild["name"]}; Invite: {guild["invite"]};]') |
for channel in guild['channels']: |
channel_ids.append(str(channel)) |
print(f'\nTotal channels: {len(channel_ids)}\nTotal guilds: {len(channel_id_data["guilds"])}\n') |
print('Downloading messages...') |
channel_ids = ' '.join(channel_ids) |
os.system(f'discord-chat-exporter-cli export -t {auth_token} -f Json -c {channel_ids}') |
print('Moving files...') |
if not os.path.exists('raw/discord/'): |
os.mkdir('raw/discord/') |
for filename in glob.glob('*.json'): |
os.rename(filename, f'raw/discord/{filename}') |
def dump_stats(s): |
stats = {} |
if os.path.exists('stats.json'): |
stats = json.load(open('stats.json', 'r', encoding='utf-8')) |
if 'discord' not in stats: |
stats['discord'] = {} |
else: |
stats = {'discord': {}} |
stats['discord'][s[0]['guild']+' - '+s[0]['name']] = s[1] |
with open('stats.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: |
json.dump(stats, f) |
def parse(args=None): |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Process Discord JSONs') |
parser.add_argument('-f', '--file', type=str, help='file to process', required=False) |
parser.add_argument('-a', '--anonymous', action='store_true', help='anonymous author') |
parser.add_argument('-i', '--in_dir', type=str, help='directory to process', required=False, default='./raw/discord') |
parser.add_argument('-o', '--out_dir', type=str, help='directory to output', required=False, default='./data/discord') |
parser.add_argument('-d', '--dl', type=str, help='json file containing channel IDs to download', required=False) |
parser.add_argument('-t', '--token', type=str, help='discord auth token', required=False) |
parser.add_argument('-s', '--stats', action='store_true', help='write to stats', default=True) |
args = parser.parse_args() |
if args.dl: |
if not args.token: |
print('Please provide a Discord auth token') |
exit(1) |
worker_dl(args.dl, args.token) |
exit() |
if args.file: |
s = worker_parse(args.file, anonymous=args.anonymous) |
if args.stats: |
dump_stats(s) |
exit() |
if args.in_dir and args.out_dir: |
if not os.path.exists(args.out_dir): |
os.mkdir(args.out_dir) |
files = glob.glob(args.in_dir+'/*.json') |
for file in files: |
try: |
s = worker_parse(file, out_filename=args.out_dir+'/'+file.split('/')[-1].replace('.json', '.txt'), anonymous=args.anonymous) |
if args.stats: |
dump_stats(s) |
except json.JSONDecodeError: |
print(f'JSON Validation error in "{file}", skipping.') |
continue |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
parse() |