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\"words\": [{\"box\": [7, 281, 102, 298], \"text\": \"Cigarettes\"}], \"linking\": [[5, 29], [5, 30], [5, 31], [5, 32], [5, 65], [5, 64], [5, 33]], \"id\": 5}, {\"box\": [381, 277, 452, 295], \"text\": \"Filters\", \"label\": \"header\", \"words\": [{\"box\": [381, 277, 452, 295], \"text\": \"Filters\"}], \"linking\": [[6, 40], [6, 41], [6, 61], [6, 62], [6, 42], [6, 43], [6, 44], [6, 63]], \"id\": 6}, {\"box\": [384, 476, 518, 498], \"text\": \"Responsibility\", \"label\": \"header\", \"words\": [{\"box\": [384, 476, 518, 498], \"text\": \"Responsibility\"}], \"linking\": [[7, 74], [7, 75], [7, 76], [7, 45], [7, 77]], \"id\": 7}, {\"box\": [27, 485, 86, 505], \"text\": \"apping\", \"label\": \"header\", \"words\": [{\"box\": [27, 485, 86, 505], \"text\": \"apping\"}], \"linking\": [[8, 34], [8, 72], [8, 35], [8, 36], [8, 37]], \"id\": 8}, {\"box\": [8, 638, 120, 656], \"text\": \"Requirements\", \"label\": \"header\", \"words\": [{\"box\": [8, 638, 120, 656], \"text\": \"Requirements\"}], \"linking\": [[9, 38], [9, 39]], \"id\": 9}, {\"box\": [10, 792, 80, 809], \"text\": \"Reports\", \"label\": \"header\", \"words\": [{\"box\": [10, 792, 80, 809], \"text\": \"Reports\"}], \"linking\": [[10, 83], [10, 84], [10, 85]], \"id\": 10}, {\"box\": [385, 46, 426, 63], \"text\": \"6030\", \"label\": \"answer\", \"words\": [{\"box\": [385, 46, 426, 63], \"text\": \"6030\"}], \"linking\": [[47, 11]], \"id\": 11}, {\"box\": [500, 219, 535, 237], \"text\": \"OGS\", \"label\": \"answer\", \"words\": [{\"box\": [500, 219, 535, 237], \"text\": \"OGS\"}], \"linking\": [[57, 12]], \"id\": 12}, {\"box\": [313, 221, 345, 241], \"text\": \"OGS\", \"label\": \"answer\", \"words\": [{\"box\": [313, 221, 345, 241], \"text\": \"OGS\"}], \"linking\": [[4, 13]], \"id\": 13}, {\"box\": [154, 222, 190, 237], \"text\": \"OGS\", \"label\": \"answer\", \"words\": [{\"box\": [154, 222, 190, 237], \"text\": \"OGS\"}], \"linking\": [[3, 14]], \"id\": 14}, {\"box\": [10, 222, 45, 239], \"text\": \"OGS\", \"label\": \"answer\", \"words\": [{\"box\": [10, 222, 45, 239], \"text\": \"OGS\"}], \"linking\": [[2, 15]], \"id\": 15}, {\"box\": [122, 313, 156, 326], \"text\": \"AMF\", \"label\": \"answer\", \"words\": [{\"box\": [122, 313, 156, 326], \"text\": \"AMF\"}], \"linking\": [[29, 16]], \"id\": 16}, {\"box\": [169, 341, 189, 356], \"text\": \"25.\", \"label\": \"answer\", \"words\": [{\"box\": [169, 341, 189, 356], \"text\": \"25.\"}], \"linking\": [[31, 17]], \"id\": 17}, {\"box\": [189, 342, 209, 359], \"text\": \"0\", \"label\": \"other\", \"words\": [{\"box\": [189, 342, 209, 359], \"text\": \"0\"}], \"linking\": [], \"id\": 18}, {\"box\": [169, 404, 198, 418], \"text\": \"554\", \"label\": \"answer\", \"words\": [{\"box\": [169, 404, 198, 418], \"text\": \"554\"}], \"linking\": [[33, 19]], \"id\": 19}, {\"box\": [585, 510, 641, 530], \"text\": \"Ammons\", \"label\": \"answer\", \"words\": [{\"box\": [585, 510, 641, 530], \"text\": \"Ammons\"}], \"linking\": [[74, 20]], \"id\": 20}, {\"box\": [580, 529, 644, 542], \"text\": \"Wicker\", \"label\": \"answer\", \"words\": [{\"box\": [580, 529, 644, 542], \"text\": \"Wicker\"}], \"linking\": [[75, 21]], \"id\": 21}, {\"box\": [585, 557, 631, 574], \"text\": \"Routh\", \"label\": \"answer\", \"words\": [{\"box\": [585, 557, 631, 574], \"text\": \"Routh\"}], \"linking\": [[45, 22]], \"id\": 22}, {\"box\": [602, 571, 616, 588], \"text\": \"\\\"\", \"label\": \"answer\", \"words\": [{\"box\": [602, 571, 616, 588], \"text\": \"\\\"\"}], \"linking\": [[77, 23]], \"id\": 23}, {\"box\": [159, 514, 208, 532], \"text\": \"White\", \"label\": \"answer\", \"words\": [{\"box\": [159, 514, 208, 532], \"text\": \"White\"}], \"linking\": [[34, 24]], \"id\": 24}, {\"box\": [161, 529, 203, 546], \"text\": \"Blue\", \"label\": \"answer\", \"words\": [{\"box\": [161, 529, 203, 546], \"text\": \"Blue\"}], \"linking\": [[35, 25]], \"id\": 25}, {\"box\": [161, 545, 210, 560], \"text\": \"White\", \"label\": \"answer\", \"words\": [{\"box\": [161, 545, 210, 560], \"text\": \"White\"}], \"linking\": [[72, 26]], \"id\": 26}, {\"box\": [177, 561, 194, 574], \"text\": \"\\\"\", \"label\": \"answer\", \"words\": [{\"box\": [177, 561, 194, 574], \"text\": \"\\\"\"}], \"linking\": [[36, 27]], \"id\": 27}, {\"box\": [648, 806, 676, 902], \"text\": \"00093726\", \"label\": \"other\", \"words\": [{\"box\": [648, 806, 676, 902], \"text\": \"00093726\"}], \"linking\": [], \"id\": 28}, {\"box\": [35, 311, 81, 325], \"text\": \"Maker\", \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"box\": [35, 311, 81, 325], \"text\": \"Maker\"}], \"linking\": [[29, 16], [5, 29]], \"id\": 29}, {\"box\": [34, 327, 91, 342], \"text\": \"Length\", \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"box\": [34, 327, 91, 342], \"text\": \"Length\"}], \"linking\": [[30, 67], [5, 30]], \"id\": 30}, {\"box\": [34, 342, 156, 357], \"text\": \"Circumference\", \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"box\": [34, 342, 156, 357], \"text\": \"Circumference\"}], \"linking\": [[31, 17], [5, 31]], \"id\": 31}, {\"box\": [32, 358, 95, 373], \"text\": \"Weight\", \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"box\": [32, 358, 95, 373], \"text\": \"Weight\"}], \"linking\": [[32, 68], [5, 32]], \"id\": 32}, {\"box\": [35, 406, 81, 421], \"text\": \"Paper\", \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"box\": [35, 406, 81, 421], \"text\": \"Paper\"}], \"linking\": [[33, 19], [5, 33]], \"id\": 33}, {\"box\": [36, 517, 92, 532], \"text\": \"Labels\", \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"box\": [36, 517, 92, 532], \"text\": \"Labels\"}], \"linking\": [[8, 34], [34, 24]], \"id\": 34}, {\"box\": [35, 532, 112, 545], \"text\": \"Closures\", \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"box\": [35, 532, 112, 545], \"text\": \"Closures\"}], \"linking\": [[8, 35], [35, 25]], \"id\": 35}, {\"box\": [36, 563, 103, 576], \"text\": \"Cartons\", \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"box\": [36, 563, 103, 576], \"text\": \"Cartons\"}], \"linking\": [[8, 36], [36, 27]], \"id\": 36}, {\"box\": [36, 577, 111, 592], \"text\": \"Markings\", \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"box\": [36, 577, 111, 592], \"text\": \"Markings\"}], \"linking\": [[8, 37], [37, 73]], \"id\": 37}, {\"box\": [36, 669, 130, 684], \"text\": \"Laboratory\", \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"box\": [36, 669, 130, 684], \"text\": \"Laboratory\"}], \"linking\": [[9, 38], [38, 79]], \"id\": 38}, {\"box\": [35, 687, 84, 700], \"text\": \"Other\", \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"box\": [35, 687, 84, 700], \"text\": \"Other\"}], \"linking\": [[9, 39], [39, 80]], \"id\": 39}, {\"box\": [412, 310, 451, 324], \"text\": \"Kind\", \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"box\": [412, 310, 451, 324], \"text\": \"Kind\"}], \"linking\": [[40, 60], [6, 40]], \"id\": 40}, {\"box\": [413, 342, 477, 356], \"text\": \"Process\", \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"box\": [413, 342, 477, 356], \"text\": \"Process\"}], \"linking\": [[6, 41]], \"id\": 41}, {\"box\": [413, 388, 535, 403], 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[654, 10, 696, 27]}], \"id\": 46}, {\"text\": \"Sample No.\", \"box\": [270, 43, 365, 63], \"linking\": [[47, 11]], \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"Sample\", \"box\": [270, 43, 329, 63]}, {\"text\": \"No.\", \"box\": [337, 45, 365, 63]}], \"id\": 47}, {\"text\": \"Type of Cigarette\", \"box\": [197, 74, 356, 95], \"linking\": [[48, 49]], \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"Type\", \"box\": [197, 74, 238, 94]}, {\"text\": \"of\", \"box\": [244, 75, 266, 93]}, {\"text\": \"Cigarette\", \"box\": [274, 74, 356, 95]}], \"id\": 48}, {\"text\": \"85 mm Filter\", \"box\": [387, 74, 499, 95], \"linking\": [[48, 49]], \"label\": \"answer\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"85\", \"box\": [387, 74, 407, 94]}, {\"text\": \"mm\", \"box\": [413, 74, 435, 92]}, {\"text\": \"Filter\", \"box\": [443, 74, 499, 95]}], \"id\": 49}, {\"text\": \"Batch Size\", \"box\": [263, 105, 358, 125], \"linking\": [[50, 51]], \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"Batch\", \"box\": [263, 105, 309, 125]}, {\"text\": \"Size\", \"box\": [317, 108, 358, 125]}], \"id\": 50}, {\"text\": \"50 lbs.\", \"box\": [385, 105, 451, 123], \"linking\": [[50, 51]], \"label\": \"answer\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"50\", \"box\": [385, 105, 406, 122]}, {\"text\": \"lbs.\", \"box\": [415, 106, 451, 123]}], \"id\": 51}, {\"text\": \"Original Request Made By\", \"box\": [7, 138, 229, 161], \"linking\": [[52, 53]], \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"Original\", \"box\": [7, 141, 85, 161]}, {\"text\": \"Request\", \"box\": [92, 138, 155, 158]}, {\"text\": \"Made\", \"box\": [163, 138, 199, 156]}, {\"text\": \"By\", \"box\": [208, 138, 229, 158]}], \"id\": 52}, {\"text\": \"Dr. A. W. Spears\", \"box\": [257, 135, 405, 157], \"linking\": [[52, 53]], \"label\": \"answer\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"Dr.\", \"box\": [257, 138, 285, 155]}, {\"text\": \"A.\", \"box\": [291, 138, 312, 152]}, {\"text\": \"W.\", \"box\": [318, 135, 340, 153]}, {\"text\": \"Spears\", \"box\": [348, 137, 405, 157]}], \"id\": 53}, {\"text\": \"September 21, 1976\", \"box\": [535, 133, 701, 154], \"linking\": [[1, 54]], \"label\": \"answer\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"September\", \"box\": [535, 134, 617, 154]}, {\"text\": \"21,\", \"box\": [627, 137, 654, 151]}, {\"text\": \"1976\", \"box\": [665, 133, 701, 151]}], \"id\": 54}, {\"text\": \"Sample Specifications Written By\", \"box\": [7, 169, 302, 190], \"linking\": [[55, 56]], \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"Sample\", \"box\": [7, 170, 66, 190]}, {\"text\": \"Specifications\", \"box\": [71, 172, 199, 187]}, {\"text\": \"Written\", \"box\": [207, 169, 273, 189]}, {\"text\": \"By\", \"box\": [281, 170, 302, 188]}], \"id\": 55}, {\"text\": \"W. E. Routh\", \"box\": [338, 166, 444, 186], \"linking\": [[55, 56]], \"label\": \"answer\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"W.\", \"box\": [338, 166, 360, 184]}, {\"text\": \"E.\", \"box\": [367, 169, 388, 186]}, {\"text\": \"Routh\", \"box\": [394, 168, 444, 183]}], \"id\": 56}, {\"text\": \"FINAL FLAVOR\", \"box\": [464, 197, 582, 214], \"linking\": [[57, 12]], \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"FINAL\", \"box\": [464, 197, 516, 214]}, {\"text\": \"FLAVOR\", \"box\": [522, 197, 582, 212]}], \"id\": 57}, {\"text\": \"Additional Spray\", \"box\": [605, 180, 753, 197], \"linking\": [[58, 59]], \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"Additional\", \"box\": [605, 180, 697, 195]}, {\"text\": \"Spray\", \"box\": [703, 182, 753, 197]}], \"id\": 58}, {\"text\": \"3. 4% PMO in EtoH\", \"box\": [606, 218, 758, 235], \"linking\": [[58, 59]], \"label\": \"answer\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"3.\", \"box\": [606, 218, 626, 235]}, {\"text\": \"4%\", \"box\": [628, 219, 641, 234]}, {\"text\": \"PMO\", \"box\": [648, 218, 682, 233]}, {\"text\": \"in\", \"box\": [690, 219, 708, 233]}, {\"text\": \"EtoH\", \"box\": [712, 218, 758, 235]}], \"id\": 59}, {\"text\": \"20 mm True plastic rod\", \"box\": [468, 303, 676, 329], \"linking\": [[40, 60]], \"label\": \"answer\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"20\", \"box\": [468, 309, 490, 326]}, {\"text\": \"mm\", \"box\": [499, 311, 519, 326]}, {\"text\": \"True\", \"box\": [525, 309, 568, 329]}, {\"text\": \"plastic\", \"box\": [571, 306, 638, 326]}, {\"text\": \"rod\", \"box\": [644, 303, 676, 323]}], \"id\": 60}, {\"text\": \"Rod Length\", \"box\": [413, 358, 507, 371], \"linking\": [[6, 61]], \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"Rod\", \"box\": [413, 358, 442, 371]}, {\"text\": \"Length\", \"box\": [450, 358, 507, 371]}], \"id\": 61}, {\"text\": \"Pressure Drop\", \"box\": [412, 372, 535, 389], \"linking\": [[6, 62]], \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"Pressure\", \"box\": [412, 374, 487, 388]}, {\"text\": \"Drop\", \"box\": [494, 372, 535, 389]}], \"id\": 62}, {\"text\": \"Plug Wrap\", \"box\": [413, 434, 504, 449], \"linking\": [[6, 63]], \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"Plug\", \"box\": [413, 434, 454, 449]}, {\"text\": \"Wrap\", \"box\": [459, 436, 504, 449]}], \"id\": 63}, {\"text\": \"Tipping Paper\", \"box\": [35, 420, 157, 437], \"linking\": [[64, 71], [5, 64]], \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"Tipping\", \"box\": [35, 420, 101, 437]}, {\"text\": \"Paper\", \"box\": [108, 420, 157, 435]}], \"id\": 64}, {\"text\": \"Filter Length\", \"box\": [35, 387, 155, 406], \"linking\": [[65, 70], [5, 65]], \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"Filter\", \"box\": [35, 391, 91, 406]}, {\"text\": \"Length\", \"box\": [101, 387, 155, 405]}], \"id\": 65}, {\"text\": \"Pressure Drop\", \"box\": [35, 376, 155, 390], \"linking\": [[66, 69]], \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"Pressure\", \"box\": [35, 376, 109, 390]}, {\"text\": \"Drop\", \"box\": [117, 376, 155, 389]}], \"id\": 66}, {\"text\": \"85 mm\", \"box\": [124, 325, 173, 342], \"linking\": [[30, 67]], \"label\": \"answer\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"85\", \"box\": [124, 325, 144, 342]}, {\"text\": \"mm\", \"box\": [149, 331, 173, 341]}], \"id\": 67}, {\"text\": \"To be det. (803 mg tobacco)\", \"box\": [102, 356, 351, 373], \"linking\": [[32, 68]], \"label\": \"answer\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"To\", \"box\": [102, 356, 126, 373]}, {\"text\": \"be\", \"box\": [130, 358, 152, 373]}, {\"text\": \"det.\", \"box\": [158, 359, 196, 373]}, {\"text\": \"(803\", \"box\": [207, 356, 245, 373]}, {\"text\": \"mg\", \"box\": [250, 359, 272, 373]}, {\"text\": \"tobacco)\", \"box\": [281, 356, 351, 371]}], \"id\": 68}, {\"text\": \"To be determined\", \"box\": [166, 370, 317, 390], \"linking\": [[66, 69]], \"label\": \"answer\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"To\", \"box\": [166, 373, 191, 388]}, {\"text\": \"be\", \"box\": [193, 373, 217, 388]}, {\"text\": \"determined\", \"box\": [225, 370, 317, 390]}], \"id\": 69}, {\"text\": \"20 mm\", \"box\": [172, 390, 222, 405], \"linking\": [[65, 70]], \"label\": \"answer\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"20\", \"box\": [172, 390, 189, 405]}, {\"text\": \"mm\", \"box\": [197, 390, 222, 404]}], \"id\": 70}, {\"text\": \"30 mm\", \"box\": [170, 420, 223, 438], \"linking\": [[64, 71]], \"label\": \"answer\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"30\", \"box\": [170, 420, 188, 434]}, {\"text\": \"mm\", \"box\": [196, 420, 223, 438]}], \"id\": 71}, {\"text\": \"Tear rape\", \"box\": [35, 547, 122, 562], \"linking\": [[8, 72], [72, 26]], \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"Tear\", \"box\": [35, 547, 73, 561]}, {\"text\": \"rape\", \"box\": [84, 547, 122, 562]}], \"id\": 72}, {\"text\": \"Sample No. on overwrap\", \"box\": [134, 574, 257, 608], \"linking\": [[37, 73]], \"label\": \"answer\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"Sample\", \"box\": [134, 577, 188, 591]}, {\"text\": \"No.\", \"box\": [197, 574, 228, 591]}, {\"text\": \"on\", \"box\": [236, 574, 257, 591]}, {\"text\": \"overwrap\", \"box\": [135, 591, 213, 608]}], \"id\": 73}, {\"text\": \"Tobacco Blend\", \"box\": [413, 513, 537, 528], \"linking\": [[74, 20], [7, 74]], \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"Tobacco\", \"box\": [413, 513, 479, 528]}, {\"text\": \"Blend\", \"box\": [487, 513, 537, 527]}], \"id\": 74}, {\"text\": \"Filter Production\", \"box\": [413, 529, 574, 542], \"linking\": [[75, 21], [7, 75]], \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"Filter\", \"box\": [413, 529, 469, 542]}, {\"text\": \"Production\", \"box\": [478, 529, 574, 542]}], \"id\": 75}, {\"text\": \"Making & Packing\", \"box\": [413, 543, 563, 560], \"linking\": [[76, 78], [7, 76]], \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"Making\", \"box\": [413, 543, 470, 558]}, {\"text\": \"&\", \"box\": [480, 545, 490, 558]}, {\"text\": \"Packing\", \"box\": [499, 543, 563, 560]}], \"id\": 76}, {\"text\": \"Sample Requisition [Form 02: 02: 06]\", \"box\": [415, 575, 582, 606], \"linking\": [[77, 23], [7, 77]], \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"Sample\", \"box\": [415, 575, 469, 589]}, {\"text\": \"Requisition\", \"box\": [480, 575, 582, 588]}, {\"text\": \"[Form\", \"box\": [425, 591, 474, 606]}, {\"text\": \"02:\", \"box\": [481, 590, 505, 606]}, {\"text\": \"02:\", \"box\": [507, 590, 535, 605]}, {\"text\": \"06]\", \"box\": [535, 587, 566, 603]}], \"id\": 77}, {\"text\": \"Brown /Routh\", \"box\": [585, 542, 688, 559], \"linking\": [[76, 78]], \"label\": \"answer\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"Brown\", \"box\": [585, 542, 632, 559]}, {\"text\": \"/Routh\", \"box\": [631, 542, 688, 557]}], \"id\": 78}, {\"text\": \"3 cartons\", \"box\": [154, 669, 238, 684], \"linking\": [[38, 79]], \"label\": \"answer\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"3\", \"box\": [154, 669, 167, 683]}, {\"text\": \"cartons\", \"box\": [172, 669, 238, 684]}], \"id\": 79}, {\"text\": \"20, 000 cigts.\", \"box\": [152, 682, 275, 700], \"linking\": [[39, 80]], \"label\": \"answer\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"20,\", \"box\": [152, 686, 172, 700]}, {\"text\": \"000\", \"box\": [172, 684, 208, 699]}, {\"text\": \"cigts.\", \"box\": [218, 682, 275, 699]}], \"id\": 80}, {\"text\": \"Smoke Analysis PMO Analysis\", \"box\": [190, 743, 319, 780], \"linking\": [[82, 81]], \"label\": \"answer\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"Smoke\", \"box\": [191, 744, 236, 761]}, {\"text\": \"Analysis\", \"box\": [244, 743, 319, 758]}, {\"text\": \"PMO\", \"box\": [190, 760, 221, 774]}, {\"text\": \"Analysis\", \"box\": [226, 760, 301, 780]}], \"id\": 81}, {\"text\": \"Laboratory Analysis\", \"box\": [10, 729, 185, 748], \"linking\": [[82, 81]], \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"Laboratory\", \"box\": [10, 730, 105, 748]}, {\"text\": \"Analysis\", \"box\": [110, 729, 185, 747]}], \"id\": 82}, {\"text\": \"Written by\", \"box\": [36, 823, 130, 839], \"linking\": [[10, 83], [83, 87]], \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"Written\", \"box\": [36, 823, 103, 837]}, {\"text\": \"by\", \"box\": [108, 824, 130, 839]}], \"id\": 83}, {\"text\": \"Original to\", \"box\": [36, 838, 139, 852], \"linking\": [[10, 84], [84, 88]], \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"Original\", \"box\": [36, 838, 113, 852]}, {\"text\": \"to\", \"box\": [122, 839, 139, 852]}], \"id\": 84}, {\"text\": \"Copies to\", \"box\": [38, 853, 122, 868], \"linking\": [[10, 85], [85, 86]], \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"Copies\", \"box\": [38, 853, 97, 867]}, {\"text\": \"to\", \"box\": [102, 855, 122, 868]}], \"id\": 85}, {\"text\": \"Dr. F. J. Schulz Dr. H. J. Minnemeyer\", \"box\": [151, 851, 338, 886], \"linking\": [[85, 86]], \"label\": \"answer\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"Dr.\", \"box\": [152, 851, 180, 869]}, {\"text\": \"F.\", \"box\": [186, 853, 207, 868]}, {\"text\": \"J.\", \"box\": [216, 852, 236, 870]}, {\"text\": \"Schulz\", \"box\": [244, 852, 311, 869]}, {\"text\": \"Dr.\", \"box\": [151, 869, 180, 886]}, {\"text\": \"H.\", \"box\": [189, 867, 209, 884]}, {\"text\": \"J.\", \"box\": [214, 867, 234, 881]}, {\"text\": \"Minnemeyer\", \"box\": [244, 867, 338, 882]}], \"id\": 86}, {\"text\": \"P. D. Schickedantz\", \"box\": [151, 817, 320, 841], \"linking\": [[83, 87]], \"label\": \"answer\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"P.\", \"box\": [151, 818, 172, 839]}, {\"text\": \"D.\", \"box\": [180, 823, 198, 841]}, {\"text\": \"Schickedantz\", \"box\": [205, 817, 320, 837]}], \"id\": 87}, {\"text\": \"Dr. A. W. Spears\", \"box\": [152, 837, 303, 854], \"linking\": [[84, 88]], \"label\": \"answer\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"Dr.\", \"box\": [152, 837, 183, 851]}, {\"text\": \"A.\", \"box\": [187, 837, 208, 854]}, {\"text\": \"W.\", \"box\": [216, 837, 236, 851]}, {\"text\": \"Spears\", \"box\": [244, 837, 303, 854]}], \"id\": 88}, {\"text\": \"Spray 50 lbs. tobacco with solution of 880 g (= 1. 94 lbs.) PMC in 1175 ml of denatured alcohol. This should give 3. 4% PMO add- on (3. 3% PMO contained) assuming 88% spraying efficiency. PMO delivery from 85 mm cigarette smoked to 30 mm butt should be 6. 5 mg/ cig.\", \"box\": [388, 669, 735, 778], \"linking\": [[90, 89]], \"label\": \"answer\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"Spray\", \"box\": [388, 672, 433, 689]}, {\"text\": \"50\", \"box\": [443, 673, 461, 686]}, {\"text\": \"lbs.\", \"box\": [471, 672, 505, 687]}, {\"text\": \"tobacco\", \"box\": [517, 672, 580, 686]}, {\"text\": \"with\", \"box\": [585, 670, 624, 685]}, {\"text\": \"solution\", \"box\": [633, 669, 708, 684]}, {\"text\": \"of\", \"box\": [716, 670, 734, 683]}, {\"text\": \"880\", \"box\": [388, 690, 415, 700]}, {\"text\": \"g\", \"box\": [425, 690, 435, 703]}, {\"text\": \"(=\", \"box\": [446, 689, 461, 702]}, {\"text\": \"1.\", \"box\": [469, 689, 477, 700]}, {\"text\": \"94\", \"box\": [480, 689, 505, 700]}, {\"text\": \"lbs.)\", \"box\": [517, 687, 558, 701]}, {\"text\": \"PMC\", \"box\": [568, 687, 597, 700]}, {\"text\": \"in\", \"box\": [608, 687, 625, 700]}, {\"text\": \"1175\", \"box\": [634, 686, 670, 700]}, {\"text\": \"ml\", \"box\": [680, 687, 698, 700]}, {\"text\": \"of\", \"box\": [707, 687, 728, 698]}, {\"text\": \"denatured\", \"box\": [388, 704, 469, 717]}, {\"text\": \"alcohol.\", \"box\": [478, 703, 551, 717]}, {\"text\": \"This\", \"box\": [571, 703, 607, 717]}, {\"text\": \"should\", \"box\": [616, 701, 672, 715]}, {\"text\": \"give\", \"box\": [680, 703, 718, 716]}, {\"text\": \"3.\", \"box\": [388, 718, 403, 732]}, {\"text\": \"4%\", \"box\": [405, 718, 426, 731]}, {\"text\": \"PMO\", \"box\": [433, 718, 462, 731]}, {\"text\": \"add-\", \"box\": [471, 719, 506, 730]}, {\"text\": \"on\", \"box\": [507, 719, 524, 730]}, {\"text\": \"(3.\", \"box\": [538, 718, 559, 731]}, {\"text\": \"3%\", \"box\": [560, 718, 578, 731]}, {\"text\": \"PMO\", \"box\": [589, 719, 617, 730]}, {\"text\": \"contained)\", \"box\": [627, 718, 715, 729]}, {\"text\": \"assuming\", \"box\": [390, 733, 461, 748]}, {\"text\": \"88%\", \"box\": [471, 732, 498, 747]}, {\"text\": \"spraying\", \"box\": [508, 730, 579, 748]}, {\"text\": \"efficiency.\", \"box\": [589, 730, 691, 747]}, {\"text\": \"PMO\", \"box\": [708, 730, 735, 747]}, {\"text\": \"delivery\", \"box\": [388, 749, 461, 763]}, {\"text\": \"from\", \"box\": [469, 747, 507, 761]}, {\"text\": \"85\", \"box\": [517, 749, 537, 762]}, {\"text\": \"mm\", \"box\": [542, 749, 563, 762]}, {\"text\": \"cigarette\", \"box\": [571, 749, 652, 764]}, {\"text\": \"smoked\", \"box\": [662, 747, 718, 760]}, {\"text\": \"to\", \"box\": [390, 765, 410, 776]}, {\"text\": \"30\", \"box\": [415, 764, 435, 778]}, {\"text\": \"mm\", \"box\": [441, 764, 461, 775]}, {\"text\": \"butt\", \"box\": [469, 764, 505, 777]}, {\"text\": \"should\", \"box\": [515, 764, 569, 775]}, {\"text\": \"be\", \"box\": [580, 761, 600, 775]}, {\"text\": \"6.\", \"box\": [609, 763, 616, 778]}, {\"text\": \"5\", \"box\": [619, 763, 637, 776]}, {\"text\": \"mg/\", \"box\": [642, 761, 671, 776]}, {\"text\": \"cig.\", \"box\": [672, 761, 710, 776]}], \"id\": 89}, {\"text\": \"Special Requirements\", \"box\": [387, 633, 574, 653], \"linking\": [[90, 89]], \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"Special\", \"box\": [387, 633, 454, 653]}, {\"text\": \"Requirements\", \"box\": [459, 633, 574, 653]}], \"id\": 90}, {\"text\": \"Manager, H.J. Minnemeyer Research\", \"box\": [415, 925, 708, 987], \"linking\": [], \"label\": \"other\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"Manager,\", \"box\": [415, 961, 489, 976]}, {\"text\": \"H.J. Minnemeyer\", \"box\": [441, 925, 708, 972]}, {\"text\": \"Research\", \"box\": [500, 973, 573, 987]}], \"id\": 91}]}" |