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\"question\", \"words\": [{\"box\": [39, 275, 63, 283], \"text\": \"FO\"}], \"linking\": [], \"id\": 5}, {\"box\": [74, 303, 140, 317], \"text\": \"QUANTITY\", \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"box\": [74, 303, 140, 317], \"text\": \"QUANTITY\"}], \"linking\": [], \"id\": 6}, {\"box\": [327, 306, 411, 319], \"text\": \"DESCRIPTION\", \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"box\": [327, 306, 411, 319], \"text\": \"DESCRIPTION\"}], \"linking\": [[7, 39], [7, 40], [7, 41], [7, 42], [7, 43], [7, 44], [7, 45]], \"id\": 7}, {\"box\": [606, 306, 648, 321], \"text\": \"PRICE\", \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"box\": [606, 306, 648, 321], \"text\": \"PRICE\"}], \"linking\": [[8, 47], [8, 48], [8, 49], [8, 50]], \"id\": 8}, {\"box\": [64, 169, 99, 182], \"text\": \"Attn:\", \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"box\": [64, 169, 99, 182], \"text\": \"Attn:\"}], \"linking\": [[9, 32], [9, 33]], \"id\": 9}, {\"box\": [225, 820, 247, 831], \"text\": \"DATE\", \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"box\": [225, 820, 247, 831], \"text\": \"DATE\"}], \"linking\": [], \"id\": 10}, {\"box\": [226, 849, 250, 857], \"text\": \"DATE\", \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"box\": [226, 849, 250, 857], \"text\": \"DATE\"}], \"linking\": [], \"id\": 11}, {\"box\": [226, 877, 248, 884], \"text\": \"DATE\", \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"box\": [226, 877, 248, 884], \"text\": \"DATE\"}], \"linking\": [], \"id\": 12}, {\"box\": [304, 877, 317, 887], \"text\": \"BY\", \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"box\": [304, 877, 317, 887], \"text\": \"BY\"}], \"linking\": [], \"id\": 13}, {\"box\": [304, 849, 326, 860], \"text\": \"DATE\", \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"box\": [304, 849, 326, 860], \"text\": \"DATE\"}], \"linking\": [], \"id\": 14}, {\"box\": [47, 877, 75, 885], \"text\": \"OTHER\", \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"box\": [47, 877, 75, 885], \"text\": \"OTHER\"}], \"linking\": [], \"id\": 15}, {\"box\": [469, 834, 515, 849], \"text\": \"M14789\", \"label\": \"answer\", \"words\": [{\"box\": [469, 834, 515, 849], \"text\": \"M14789\"}], \"linking\": [[63, 16]], \"id\": 16}, {\"box\": [222, 795, 237, 816], \"text\": \"\\u2611\", \"label\": \"answer\", \"words\": [{\"box\": [222, 795, 237, 816], \"text\": \"\\u2611\"}], \"linking\": [[58, 17]], \"id\": 17}, {\"box\": [443, 878, 467, 888], \"text\": \"BUYER\", \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"box\": [443, 878, 467, 888], \"text\": \"BUYER\"}], \"linking\": [[18, 65]], \"id\": 18}, {\"box\": [443, 852, 464, 860], \"text\": \"DATE\", \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"box\": [443, 852, 464, 860], \"text\": \"DATE\"}], \"linking\": [[19, 64]], \"id\": 19}, {\"box\": [34, 818, 44, 893], \"text\": \"APPROVAL\", \"label\": \"other\", \"words\": [{\"box\": [34, 818, 44, 893], \"text\": \"APPROVAL\"}], \"linking\": [], \"id\": 20}, {\"box\": [43, 41, 96, 94], \"text\": \"\", \"label\": \"other\", \"words\": [{\"box\": [43, 41, 96, 94], \"text\": \"\"}], \"linking\": [], \"id\": 21}, {\"text\": \"THE AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY\", \"box\": [99, 39, 186, 96], \"linking\": [], \"label\": \"header\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"THE\", \"box\": [101, 39, 135, 53]}, {\"text\": \"AMERICAN\", \"box\": [102, 53, 186, 67]}, {\"text\": \"TOBACCO\", \"box\": [99, 67, 177, 80]}, {\"text\": \"COMPANY\", \"box\": [99, 81, 177, 96]}], \"id\": 22}, {\"text\": \"PURCHASE REQUISITION\", \"box\": [492, 56, 702, 78], \"linking\": [], \"label\": \"header\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"PURCHASE\", \"box\": [492, 56, 584, 77]}, {\"text\": \"REQUISITION\", \"box\": [589, 57, 702, 78]}], \"id\": 23}, {\"text\": \"AT 135 \", \"box\": [644, 36, 701, 48], \"linking\": [], \"label\": \"other\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"AT\", \"box\": [644, 36, 655, 46]}, {\"text\": \"135\", \"box\": [658, 38, 671, 46]}, {\"text\": \"\", \"box\": [672, 38, 678, 46]}, {\"text\": \"\", \"box\": [679, 38, 701, 48]}], \"id\": 24}, {\"text\": \"STAMFORD, CT\", \"box\": [325, 85, 420, 102], \"linking\": [[0, 25]], \"label\": \"answer\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"STAMFORD,\", \"box\": [325, 85, 396, 102]}, {\"text\": \"CT\", \"box\": [398, 88, 420, 101]}], \"id\": 25}, {\"text\": \"AUTHORIZATION NO.\", \"box\": [483, 81, 558, 91], \"linking\": [], \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"AUTHORIZATION\", \"box\": [483, 81, 543, 91]}, {\"text\": \"NO.\", \"box\": [543, 82, 558, 90]}], \"id\": 26}, {\"text\": \"BUDGET NO.\", \"box\": [482, 110, 529, 120], \"linking\": [], \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"BUDGET\", \"box\": [482, 110, 513, 120]}, {\"text\": \"NO.\", \"box\": [515, 110, 529, 120]}], \"id\": 27}, {\"text\": \"Mr. G. Schumacher\", \"box\": [265, 122, 384, 136], \"linking\": [[1, 28]], \"label\": \"answer\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"Mr.\", \"box\": [265, 123, 283, 136]}, {\"text\": \"G.\", \"box\": [286, 124, 303, 134]}, {\"text\": \"Schumacher\", \"box\": [307, 122, 384, 135]}], \"id\": 28}, {\"text\": \"January 3, 1995\", \"box\": [66, 122, 166, 137], \"linking\": [[30, 29]], \"label\": \"answer\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"January\", \"box\": [66, 122, 118, 136]}, {\"text\": \"3,\", \"box\": [122, 123, 133, 136]}, {\"text\": \"1995\", \"box\": [137, 123, 166, 137]}], \"id\": 29}, {\"text\": \"DATE OF REQUISITION\", \"box\": [41, 106, 125, 118], \"linking\": [[30, 29]], \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"DATE\", \"box\": [41, 106, 62, 117]}, {\"text\": \"OF\", \"box\": [63, 108, 74, 116]}, {\"text\": \"REQUISITION\", \"box\": [75, 108, 125, 118]}], \"id\": 30}, {\"text\": \"WEBCRAFT TECHNOLOGIES INC\", \"box\": [64, 151, 280, 166], \"linking\": [[2, 31]], \"label\": \"answer\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"WEBCRAFT\", \"box\": [64, 151, 139, 165]}, {\"text\": \"TECHNOLOGIES\", \"box\": [145, 151, 253, 166]}, {\"text\": \"INC\", \"box\": [256, 154, 280, 165]}], \"id\": 31}, {\"text\": \"Mr. Steven Katz\", \"box\": [101, 168, 199, 182], \"linking\": [[9, 32]], \"label\": \"answer\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"Mr.\", \"box\": [101, 168, 121, 182]}, {\"text\": \"Steven\", \"box\": [124, 168, 165, 182]}, {\"text\": \"Katz\", \"box\": [170, 169, 199, 180]}], \"id\": 32}, {\"text\": \"Route 4 and Adams Station North Brunswick, NJ 08901- 0623\", \"box\": [64, 182, 270, 213], \"linking\": [[9, 33]], \"label\": \"answer\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"Route\", \"box\": [66, 182, 101, 197]}, {\"text\": \"4\", \"box\": [106, 183, 114, 194]}, {\"text\": \"and\", \"box\": [119, 184, 144, 197]}, {\"text\": \"Adams\", \"box\": [147, 184, 189, 197]}, {\"text\": \"Station\", \"box\": [190, 183, 237, 197]}, {\"text\": \"North\", \"box\": [64, 198, 100, 213]}, {\"text\": \"Brunswick,\", \"box\": [105, 198, 175, 212]}, {\"text\": \"NJ\", \"box\": [177, 200, 195, 211]}, {\"text\": \"08901-\", \"box\": [200, 200, 241, 211]}, {\"text\": \"0623\", \"box\": [242, 198, 270, 212]}], \"id\": 33}, {\"text\": \"NO SHIPPING REQUIRED\", \"box\": [388, 151, 546, 168], \"linking\": [[35, 34]], \"label\": \"answer\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"NO\", \"box\": [388, 151, 409, 168]}, {\"text\": \"SHIPPING\", \"box\": [413, 154, 472, 167]}, {\"text\": \"REQUIRED\", \"box\": [476, 152, 546, 167]}], \"id\": 34}, {\"text\": \"SHIP TO\", \"box\": [373, 137, 403, 148], \"linking\": [[35, 34]], \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"SHIP\", \"box\": [373, 137, 391, 148]}, {\"text\": \"TO\", \"box\": [392, 138, 403, 146]}], \"id\": 35}, {\"text\": \"SHIPMENT TO ARRIVE NOT LATER THAN\", \"box\": [39, 246, 187, 258], \"linking\": [[36, 37]], \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"SHIPMENT\", \"box\": [39, 246, 78, 257]}, {\"text\": \"TO\", \"box\": [80, 247, 90, 257]}, {\"text\": \"ARRIVE\", \"box\": [92, 247, 119, 257]}, {\"text\": \"NOT\", \"box\": [122, 247, 137, 258]}, {\"text\": \"LATER\", \"box\": [138, 247, 163, 258]}, {\"text\": \"THAN\", \"box\": [163, 247, 187, 255]}], \"id\": 36}, {\"text\": \"NO SHIPPING REQUIRED.\", \"box\": [64, 258, 230, 275], \"linking\": [[36, 37]], \"label\": \"answer\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"NO\", \"box\": [64, 258, 84, 272]}, {\"text\": \"SHIPPING\", \"box\": [88, 260, 152, 274]}, {\"text\": \"REQUIRED.\", \"box\": [155, 260, 230, 275]}], \"id\": 37}, {\"text\": \"NET 30 Days\", \"box\": [385, 279, 466, 295], \"linking\": [[4, 38]], \"label\": \"answer\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"NET\", \"box\": [385, 279, 410, 293]}, {\"text\": \"30\", \"box\": [413, 282, 428, 293]}, {\"text\": \"Days\", \"box\": [432, 282, 466, 295]}], \"id\": 38}, {\"text\": \"CARLTON \\\"Free\\\" Carton\\\" Direct Mail Piece\", \"box\": [179, 318, 442, 338], \"linking\": [[7, 39]], \"label\": \"answer\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"CARLTON\", \"box\": [179, 318, 243, 338]}, {\"text\": \"\\\"Free\\\"\", \"box\": [246, 318, 282, 338]}, {\"text\": \"Carton\\\"\", \"box\": [285, 321, 334, 338]}, {\"text\": \"Direct\", \"box\": [337, 321, 373, 336]}, {\"text\": \"Mail\", \"box\": [376, 323, 403, 337]}, {\"text\": \"Piece\", \"box\": [406, 323, 442, 336]}], \"id\": 39}, {\"text\": \"This Purchase order is to cover all costs incurred to- date listed below.\", \"box\": [179, 352, 538, 382], \"linking\": [[7, 40]], \"label\": \"answer\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"This\", \"box\": [179, 352, 206, 366]}, {\"text\": \"Purchase\", \"box\": [209, 353, 266, 367]}, {\"text\": \"order\", \"box\": [274, 352, 309, 367]}, {\"text\": \"is\", \"box\": [311, 355, 322, 365]}, {\"text\": \"to\", \"box\": [327, 355, 341, 365]}, {\"text\": \"cover\", \"box\": [344, 355, 379, 368]}, {\"text\": \"all\", \"box\": [381, 353, 396, 366]}, {\"text\": \"costs\", \"box\": [399, 353, 434, 366]}, {\"text\": \"incurred\", \"box\": [439, 353, 489, 366]}, {\"text\": \"to-\", \"box\": [494, 353, 504, 366]}, {\"text\": \"date\", \"box\": [506, 352, 538, 367]}, {\"text\": \"listed\", \"box\": [179, 367, 214, 381]}, {\"text\": \"below.\", \"box\": [216, 369, 258, 382]}], \"id\": 40}, {\"text\": \"42,000 lbs. of 80 lb Sterling C/ 2/ S - 36- 1/ 2\\\" roll\", \"box\": [179, 398, 469, 412], \"linking\": [[7, 41]], \"label\": \"answer\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"42,000\", \"box\": [179, 398, 221, 412]}, {\"text\": \"lbs.\", \"box\": [223, 399, 247, 412]}, {\"text\": \"of\", \"box\": [250, 398, 263, 411]}, {\"text\": \"80\", \"box\": [267, 399, 282, 412]}, {\"text\": \"lb\", \"box\": [285, 399, 300, 412]}, {\"text\": \"Sterling\", \"box\": [306, 399, 352, 412]}, {\"text\": \"C/\", \"box\": [355, 399, 366, 410]}, {\"text\": \"2/\", \"box\": [365, 399, 376, 410]}, {\"text\": \"S\", \"box\": [376, 399, 389, 412]}, {\"text\": \"-\", \"box\": [391, 401, 399, 409]}, {\"text\": \"36-\", \"box\": [402, 399, 420, 412]}, {\"text\": \"1/\", \"box\": [420, 399, 430, 410]}, {\"text\": \"2\\\"\", \"box\": [430, 399, 443, 412]}, {\"text\": \"roll\", \"box\": [447, 401, 469, 412]}], \"id\": 41}, {\"text\": \"31,000 lbs. of 80 lb. Sterling C/ 2/ S - 26- 1/ 2\\\" roll\", \"box\": [177, 413, 469, 429], \"linking\": [[7, 42]], \"label\": \"answer\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"31,000\", \"box\": [177, 413, 219, 427]}, {\"text\": \"lbs.\", \"box\": [222, 413, 246, 427]}, {\"text\": \"of\", \"box\": [250, 415, 264, 426]}, {\"text\": \"80\", \"box\": [267, 415, 281, 426]}, {\"text\": \"lb.\", \"box\": [285, 416, 299, 427]}, {\"text\": \"Sterling\", \"box\": [304, 415, 351, 429]}, {\"text\": \"C/\", \"box\": [355, 415, 366, 426]}, {\"text\": \"2/\", \"box\": [366, 415, 377, 426]}, {\"text\": \"S\", \"box\": [376, 415, 389, 428]}, {\"text\": \"-\", \"box\": [391, 418, 399, 426]}, {\"text\": \"26-\", \"box\": [402, 413, 420, 428]}, {\"text\": \"1/\", \"box\": [419, 415, 430, 426]}, {\"text\": \"2\\\"\", \"box\": [430, 415, 444, 428]}, {\"text\": \"roll\", \"box\": [448, 416, 469, 427]}], \"id\": 42}, {\"text\": \"Prep. (line negatives, paper prints, camera/ stripping)\", \"box\": [179, 444, 506, 460], \"linking\": [[7, 43]], \"label\": \"answer\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"Prep.\", \"box\": [179, 444, 213, 458]}, {\"text\": \"(line\", \"box\": [215, 444, 242, 458]}, {\"text\": \"negatives,\", \"box\": [247, 446, 310, 460]}, {\"text\": \"paper\", \"box\": [313, 444, 351, 459]}, {\"text\": \"prints,\", \"box\": [353, 444, 392, 459]}, {\"text\": \"camera/\", \"box\": [397, 444, 446, 457]}, {\"text\": \"stripping)\", \"box\": [446, 444, 506, 459]}], \"id\": 43}, {\"text\": \"Federal Express charges\", \"box\": [179, 472, 335, 489], \"linking\": [[7, 44]], \"label\": \"answer\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"Federal\", \"box\": [179, 473, 228, 488]}, {\"text\": \"Express\", \"box\": [230, 473, 279, 488]}, {\"text\": \"charges\", \"box\": [285, 472, 335, 489]}], \"id\": 44}, {\"text\": \"ALL MATERIALS HAVE BEEN CANCELLED.\", \"box\": [179, 504, 448, 518], \"linking\": [[7, 45]], \"label\": \"answer\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"ALL\", \"box\": [179, 504, 206, 518]}, {\"text\": \"MATERIALS\", \"box\": [208, 504, 283, 517]}, {\"text\": \"HAVE\", \"box\": [286, 504, 322, 517]}, {\"text\": \"BEEN\", \"box\": [327, 504, 363, 517]}, {\"text\": \"CANCELLED.\", \"box\": [366, 504, 448, 518]}], \"id\": 45}, {\"text\": \"Charges to 1 /4 /95\", \"box\": [419, 542, 677, 672], \"linking\": [], \"label\": \"other\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"Charges\", \"box\": [419, 542, 489, 580]}, {\"text\": \"to\", \"box\": [503, 543, 523, 572]}, {\"text\": \"\", \"box\": [543, 545, 607, 574]}, {\"text\": \"\", \"box\": [571, 561, 677, 641]}, {\"text\": \"1\", \"box\": [581, 634, 594, 656]}, {\"text\": \"/4\", \"box\": [589, 623, 618, 672]}, {\"text\": \"/95\", \"box\": [620, 613, 654, 658]}], \"id\": 46}, {\"text\": \"$20, 580. 00\", \"box\": [575, 398, 642, 412], \"linking\": [[8, 47]], \"label\": \"answer\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"$20,\", \"box\": [575, 398, 597, 412]}, {\"text\": \"580.\", \"box\": [598, 398, 625, 412]}, {\"text\": \"00\", \"box\": [624, 398, 642, 411]}], \"id\": 47}, {\"text\": \"$15, 190. 00\", \"box\": [574, 415, 642, 429], \"linking\": [[8, 48]], \"label\": \"answer\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"$15,\", \"box\": [574, 415, 596, 429]}, {\"text\": \"190.\", \"box\": [598, 415, 625, 428]}, {\"text\": \"00\", \"box\": [624, 415, 642, 428]}], \"id\": 48}, {\"text\": \"$431 .25\", \"box\": [592, 444, 643, 459], \"linking\": [[8, 49]], \"label\": \"answer\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"$431\", \"box\": [592, 444, 621, 458]}, {\"text\": \".25\", \"box\": [623, 446, 643, 459]}], \"id\": 49}, {\"text\": \"$48 .75\", \"box\": [599, 473, 642, 488], \"linking\": [[8, 50]], \"label\": \"answer\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"$48\", \"box\": [599, 473, 623, 486]}, {\"text\": \".75\", \"box\": [624, 473, 642, 488]}], \"id\": 50}, {\"text\": \"DEPARTMENT CHARGED\", \"box\": [35, 764, 127, 775], \"linking\": [[51, 56]], \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"DEPARTMENT\", \"box\": [35, 764, 87, 775]}, {\"text\": \"CHARGED\", \"box\": [88, 765, 127, 772]}], \"id\": 51}, {\"text\": \"ACCOUNTING CHARGE NO.\", \"box\": [256, 764, 358, 775], \"linking\": [[52, 55]], \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"ACCOUNTING\", \"box\": [256, 764, 309, 774]}, {\"text\": \"CHARGE\", \"box\": [309, 765, 343, 775]}, {\"text\": \"NO.\", \"box\": [344, 765, 358, 775]}], \"id\": 52}, {\"text\": \"EXTRA COPIES TO:\", \"box\": [378, 763, 448, 776], \"linking\": [[53, 54]], \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"EXTRA\", \"box\": [378, 763, 405, 776]}, {\"text\": \"COPIES\", \"box\": [408, 765, 435, 776]}, {\"text\": \"TO:\", \"box\": [437, 765, 448, 775]}], \"id\": 53}, {\"text\": \"D. Barcia\", \"box\": [385, 777, 443, 791], \"linking\": [[53, 54]], \"label\": \"answer\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"D.\", \"box\": [385, 778, 399, 791]}, {\"text\": \"Barcia\", \"box\": [402, 777, 443, 791]}], \"id\": 54}, {\"text\": \"Adv. Expense\", \"box\": [261, 777, 346, 792], \"linking\": [[52, 55]], \"label\": \"answer\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"Adv.\", \"box\": [261, 777, 290, 792]}, {\"text\": \"Expense\", \"box\": [293, 777, 346, 792]}], \"id\": 55}, {\"text\": \"Brand Operations\", \"box\": [60, 778, 175, 789], \"linking\": [[51, 56]], \"label\": \"answer\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"Brand\", \"box\": [60, 778, 102, 789]}, {\"text\": \"Operations\", \"box\": [105, 778, 175, 789]}], \"id\": 56}, {\"text\": \"STATE TAX STATUS\", \"box\": [35, 792, 109, 802], \"linking\": [[57, 59], [57, 58]], \"label\": \"header\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"STATE\", \"box\": [35, 792, 60, 802]}, {\"text\": \"TAX\", \"box\": [60, 792, 75, 802]}, {\"text\": \"STATUS\", \"box\": [77, 792, 109, 802]}], \"id\": 57}, {\"text\": \"NOT TO BE CHARGED BY SUPPLIER\", \"box\": [236, 804, 364, 817], \"linking\": [[58, 17], [57, 58]], \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"NOT\", \"box\": [236, 804, 251, 815]}, {\"text\": \"TO\", \"box\": [256, 806, 264, 814]}, {\"text\": \"BE\", \"box\": [267, 806, 275, 816]}, {\"text\": \"CHARGED\", \"box\": [278, 804, 314, 817]}, {\"text\": \"BY\", \"box\": [317, 806, 327, 816]}, {\"text\": \"SUPPLIER\", \"box\": [325, 806, 364, 817]}], \"id\": 58}, {\"text\": \"\\u2610 TO BE CHARGED\", \"box\": [432, 804, 500, 816], \"linking\": [[57, 59]], \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"\\u2610\", \"box\": [432, 804, 440, 814]}, {\"text\": \"TO\", \"box\": [441, 806, 451, 816]}, {\"text\": \"BE\", \"box\": [453, 807, 464, 815]}, {\"text\": \"CHARGED\", \"box\": [464, 807, 500, 815]}], \"id\": 59}, {\"text\": \"LOCAL APPROVAL\", \"box\": [47, 820, 118, 830], \"linking\": [], \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"LOCAL\", \"box\": [47, 820, 74, 828]}, {\"text\": \"APPROVAL\", \"box\": [75, 820, 118, 830]}], \"id\": 60}, {\"text\": \"ADMIN CTR/MGMT CTR. (AS REQUIRED)\", \"box\": [47, 846, 198, 860], \"linking\": [], \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"ADMIN\", \"box\": [47, 846, 74, 859]}, {\"text\": \"CTR/MGMT\", \"box\": [77, 846, 119, 859]}, {\"text\": \"CTR.\", \"box\": [123, 848, 141, 859]}, {\"text\": \"(AS REQUIRED)\", \"box\": [142, 849, 198, 860]}], \"id\": 61}, {\"text\": \"LOCAL P/ORELEASE NO.\", \"box\": [306, 821, 398, 831], \"linking\": [], \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"LOCAL\", \"box\": [306, 821, 330, 829]}, {\"text\": \"P/ORELEASE\", \"box\": [332, 821, 381, 831]}, {\"text\": \"NO.\", \"box\": [383, 823, 398, 831]}], \"id\": 62}, {\"text\": \"ADMIN CTR/MGMT CTR PURCHASE ORDER NO.\", \"box\": [443, 821, 617, 833], \"linking\": [[63, 16]], \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"ADMIN\", \"box\": [443, 821, 465, 832]}, {\"text\": \"CTR/MGMT\", \"box\": [469, 823, 514, 833]}, {\"text\": \"CTR\", \"box\": [515, 821, 530, 832]}, {\"text\": \"PURCHASE\", \"box\": [534, 824, 575, 832]}, {\"text\": \"ORDER\", \"box\": [577, 824, 602, 832]}, {\"text\": \"NO.\", \"box\": [603, 824, 617, 832]}], \"id\": 63}, {\"text\": \"January 3, 1995\", \"box\": [469, 855, 568, 871], \"linking\": [[19, 64]], \"label\": \"answer\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"January\", \"box\": [469, 855, 519, 870]}, {\"text\": \"3,\", \"box\": [524, 856, 534, 871]}, {\"text\": \"1995\", \"box\": [539, 855, 568, 870]}], \"id\": 64}, {\"text\": \"M. Stock/ smm \", \"box\": [468, 876, 654, 901], \"linking\": [[18, 65]], \"label\": \"answer\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"M.\", \"box\": [468, 878, 486, 892]}, {\"text\": \"Stock/\", \"box\": [486, 878, 522, 892]}, {\"text\": \"smm\", \"box\": [521, 880, 550, 891]}, {\"text\": \"\", \"box\": [552, 876, 654, 901]}], \"id\": 65}]}" |