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314, 722], \"text\": \"\", \"label\": \"answer\", \"words\": [{\"box\": [187, 693, 314, 722], \"text\": \"\"}], \"linking\": [[56, 21]], \"id\": 21}, {\"text\": \"INTERNATIONAL MARKETING RESEARCH CHANGE OF AUTHORIZED COST\", \"box\": [200, 88, 409, 116], \"linking\": [], \"label\": \"header\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"INTERNATIONAL\", \"box\": [200, 91, 287, 102]}, {\"text\": \"MARKETING\", \"box\": [291, 88, 352, 101]}, {\"text\": \"RESEARCH\", \"box\": [355, 88, 409, 101]}, {\"text\": \"CHANGE\", \"box\": [222, 103, 264, 116]}, {\"text\": \"OF\", \"box\": [270, 103, 284, 114]}, {\"text\": \"AUTHORIZED\", \"box\": [288, 101, 355, 115]}, {\"text\": \"COST\", \"box\": [359, 102, 387, 115]}], \"id\": 22}, {\"text\": \"6/ 21/ 90\", \"box\": [98, 128, 148, 145], \"linking\": [[0, 23]], \"label\": \"answer\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"6/\", \"box\": [98, 130, 113, 143]}, {\"text\": \"21/\", \"box\": [113, 128, 133, 145]}, {\"text\": \"90\", \"box\": [131, 128, 148, 142]}], \"id\": 23}, {\"text\": \"Hong Kong: Cigarette Market Monitor\", \"box\": [152, 149, 388, 169], \"linking\": [[1, 24]], \"label\": \"answer\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"Hong\", \"box\": [152, 155, 179, 169]}, {\"text\": \"Kong:\", \"box\": [184, 154, 219, 169]}, {\"text\": \"Cigarette\", \"box\": [230, 154, 290, 167]}, {\"text\": \"Market\", \"box\": [295, 152, 338, 165]}, {\"text\": \"Monitor\", \"box\": [341, 149, 388, 163]}], \"id\": 24}, {\"text\": \"MDR. 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Lee memo of September 11, 1989)\", \"box\": [57, 310, 537, 348], \"linking\": [[6, 37]], \"label\": \"answer\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"Original\", \"box\": [57, 321, 111, 334]}, {\"text\": \"MRA\", \"box\": [113, 320, 137, 334]}, {\"text\": \"did\", \"box\": [141, 317, 163, 331]}, {\"text\": \"not\", \"box\": [166, 318, 188, 332]}, {\"text\": \"include\", \"box\": [193, 317, 242, 332]}, {\"text\": \"cost\", \"box\": [244, 316, 275, 330]}, {\"text\": \"for\", \"box\": [281, 316, 302, 331]}, {\"text\": \"the\", \"box\": [304, 316, 326, 330]}, {\"text\": \"first\", \"box\": [330, 313, 364, 330]}, {\"text\": \"month\", \"box\": [369, 314, 403, 329]}, {\"text\": \"of\", \"box\": [406, 313, 423, 328]}, {\"text\": \"the\", \"box\": [427, 313, 447, 327]}, {\"text\": \"study\", \"box\": [453, 313, 488, 327]}, {\"text\": \"(see\", \"box\": [492, 310, 520, 328]}, {\"text\": \"L.\", \"box\": [524, 310, 537, 327]}, {\"text\": \"Lee\", \"box\": [57, 334, 79, 348]}, {\"text\": \"memo\", \"box\": [82, 335, 110, 346]}, {\"text\": \"of\", \"box\": [117, 334, 131, 348]}, {\"text\": \"September\", \"box\": [135, 332, 195, 346]}, {\"text\": \"11,\", \"box\": [200, 331, 220, 346]}, {\"text\": \"1989)\", \"box\": [226, 328, 261, 346]}], \"id\": 37}, {\"text\": \"Internal Init. Date\", \"box\": [59, 381, 182, 397], \"linking\": [[9, 38]], \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"Internal\", \"box\": [59, 384, 113, 397]}, {\"text\": \"Init.\", \"box\": [116, 383, 150, 396]}, {\"text\": \"Date\", \"box\": [155, 381, 182, 394]}], \"id\": 38}, {\"text\": \"Ext. Auth. 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Available:\", \"box\": [272, 401, 424, 419], \"linking\": [[40, 43], [43, 10]], \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"Current\", \"box\": [272, 404, 319, 419]}, {\"text\": \"Bal.\", \"box\": [325, 402, 350, 417]}, {\"text\": \"Available:\", \"box\": [358, 401, 424, 415]}], \"id\": 43}, {\"text\": \"This Change: (From Current Budget)\", \"box\": [274, 427, 410, 457], \"linking\": [[40, 44], [44, 11]], \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"This\", \"box\": [275, 430, 302, 443]}, {\"text\": \"Change:\", \"box\": [306, 427, 355, 442]}, {\"text\": \"(From\", \"box\": [274, 444, 310, 457]}, {\"text\": \"Current\", \"box\": [314, 443, 359, 456]}, {\"text\": \"Budget)\", \"box\": [365, 441, 410, 456]}], \"id\": 44}, {\"text\": \"Field Complete Wave(s)\", \"box\": [59, 482, 153, 513], \"linking\": [[9, 45]], \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"Field\", \"box\": [59, 482, 95, 497]}, {\"text\": \"Complete\", \"box\": [99, 483, 153, 496]}, {\"text\": \"Wave(s)\", \"box\": [74, 496, 119, 513]}], \"id\": 45}, {\"text\": \"Final Report Due (Supplier Rpt.) Wave(s)\", \"box\": [60, 557, 168, 600], \"linking\": [[9, 46]], \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"Final\", \"box\": [61, 560, 96, 573]}, {\"text\": \"Report\", \"box\": [99, 560, 142, 573]}, {\"text\": \"Due\", \"box\": [144, 557, 168, 571]}, {\"text\": \"(Supplier\", \"box\": [60, 573, 123, 587]}, {\"text\": \"Rpt.)\", \"box\": [126, 573, 160, 587]}, {\"text\": \"Wave(s)\", \"box\": [75, 587, 120, 600]}], \"id\": 46}, {\"text\": \"New Balance:\", \"box\": [277, 518, 355, 534], \"linking\": [[40, 47], [47, 13]], \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"New\", \"box\": [277, 520, 298, 534]}, {\"text\": \"Balance:\", \"box\": [302, 518, 355, 532]}], \"id\": 47}, {\"text\": \"Committed to Date: (Current Year)\", \"box\": [277, 566, 393, 595], \"linking\": [[40, 48], [48, 14]], \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"Committed\", \"box\": [277, 568, 338, 581]}, {\"text\": \"to\", \"box\": [341, 567, 355, 581]}, {\"text\": \"Date:\", \"box\": [359, 566, 393, 581]}, {\"text\": \"(Current\", \"box\": [277, 582, 330, 595]}, {\"text\": \"Year)\", \"box\": [337, 580, 368, 595]}], \"id\": 48}, {\"text\": \"This Amount (From Next Year's Budget)\", \"box\": [272, 466, 436, 494], \"linking\": [[40, 49]], \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"This\", \"box\": [275, 466, 302, 480]}, {\"text\": \"Amount\", \"box\": [307, 466, 348, 479]}, {\"text\": \"(From\", \"box\": [272, 480, 310, 494]}, {\"text\": \"Next\", \"box\": [314, 479, 341, 493]}, {\"text\": \"Year's\", \"box\": [346, 478, 385, 491]}, {\"text\": \"Budget)\", \"box\": [391, 478, 436, 493]}], \"id\": 49}, {\"text\": \"6/ 21/ 90\", \"box\": [430, 651, 515, 683], \"linking\": [[16, 50]], \"label\": \"answer\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"6/\", \"box\": [430, 654, 461, 683]}, {\"text\": \"21/\", \"box\": [455, 651, 498, 683]}, {\"text\": \"90\", \"box\": [487, 655, 515, 679]}], \"id\": 50}, {\"text\": \"4/ 22/ 90\", \"box\": [443, 687, 518, 714], \"linking\": [[17, 51]], \"label\": \"answer\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"4/\", \"box\": [443, 689, 470, 713]}, {\"text\": \"22/\", \"box\": [469, 687, 505, 714]}, {\"text\": \"90\", \"box\": [501, 691, 518, 709]}], \"id\": 51}, {\"text\": \"Project No.\", \"box\": [380, 753, 451, 768], \"linking\": [[52, 54]], \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"Project\", \"box\": [380, 753, 429, 768]}, {\"text\": \"No.\", \"box\": [433, 754, 451, 768]}], \"id\": 52}, {\"text\": \"Account Name\", \"box\": [381, 778, 461, 795], \"linking\": [[53, 18]], \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"Account\", \"box\": [381, 781, 428, 795]}, {\"text\": \"Name\", \"box\": [433, 778, 461, 793]}], \"id\": 53}, {\"text\": \"1989- 29\", \"box\": [465, 751, 512, 768], \"linking\": [[52, 54]], \"label\": \"answer\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"1989-\", \"box\": [465, 753, 497, 768]}, {\"text\": \"29\", \"box\": [497, 751, 512, 766]}], \"id\": 54}, {\"text\": \"Submitted By:\", \"box\": [63, 672, 147, 686], \"linking\": [[55, 20], [55, 61]], \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"Submitted\", \"box\": [63, 673, 124, 686]}, {\"text\": \"By:\", \"box\": [126, 672, 147, 686]}], \"id\": 55}, {\"text\": \"Approved By:\", \"box\": [63, 709, 142, 726], \"linking\": [[56, 21], [56, 60]], \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"Approved\", \"box\": [63, 711, 119, 726]}, {\"text\": \"By:\", \"box\": [122, 709, 142, 724]}], \"id\": 56}, {\"text\": \"Original-\", \"box\": [63, 750, 131, 763], \"linking\": [[57, 58]], \"label\": \"question\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"Original-\", \"box\": [63, 750, 131, 763]}], \"id\": 57}, {\"text\": \"Project File\", \"box\": [154, 744, 234, 760], \"linking\": [[57, 58]], \"label\": \"answer\", \"words\": [{\"text\": \"Project\", \"box\": [154, 746, 201, 760]}, {\"text\": \"File\", \"box\": [207, 744, 234, 759]}], \"id\": 58}, {\"text\": \"MRA File N. 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