class label
25 classes
my back is hurting so much.
15back pain
when i wake up in the morning i feel dizzy
14feeling dizzy
there is a tingling sensation in my neck.
21neck pain
my daughter had her ears pierced and one of her ear lobes is bright red and burning hot.
3infected wound
it itches inside my ears.
23ear ache
the warming system of my house is broken and feel so cold
24feeling cold
my ear hurts when i touch it.
23ear ache
i feel a tightness in my chest
11hard to breath
i have an ear ache when showering
23ear ache
i can't stop coughing
i feel a clicking sensation in my knee each time i step.
10joint pain
mr hair is falling out just by combing it.
1hair falling out
i think i overdid it when i carried all that lumber from the yard. my lower back is killing me.
15back pain
i have a dry skin
7skin issue
i have pain like needles in my joints.
10joint pain
i have a blurry vision after my head was hit yesterday.
18blurry vision
i visited many doctors but they can't find the right treatment toget my hair back
1hair falling out
it hurts when i raise my arm up
5shoulder pain
i think there's something wrong with my wound, it does not seem to heal like it should.
3infected wound
my ear hurts when i touch it.
23ear ache
when i play sports i have some burning sensation in my spine
15back pain
when i get up i see my skin vague
7skin issue
i feel like i've always got something in my throat
i feel muscle pain every time i make an extra effort.
20muscle pain
i feel pain inside i do not know what it is
17internal pain
i have injured myself during the soccer match
6injury from sports
i can't ride my car at night because i have blurry vision.
18blurry vision
my head hurts me badly
12head ache
my neck hurts me and i can't look down or up
21neck pain
i have this strange rash on my arm.
7skin issue
i have a sharp pain in my ear
23ear ache
i have a dull ache in my stomach. it gets worse after i eat.
17internal pain
my head gets dizzy when i try to get up.
14feeling dizzy
i can't walk because i have a great foot ache
4foot ache
my ear hurts when i touch it.
23ear ache
i have a rash and it itches very bad.
7skin issue
i chopped off the tip of my finger while i was cutting some cardboard and i cannot stop the bleeding.
16open wound
i cut my foot at the pool and it breaks open every day when i walk on it.
16open wound
my grandmother last year went to hospital because she was having a hard time breathing
11hard to breath
the nerves were so damaged during the operation on my ankle that i cannot stand being touched on the scar.
4foot ache
i've noticed my hair falling out a lot lately.
1hair falling out
i cough a lot when i smell perfume, what is wrong with my lungs?
severe pain in the upper left side of chest and may have pain to back
2heart hurts
i feel suicidal.
0emotional pain
what helps cuts heal faster?
16open wound
i feel dizzy after doing a muscular effort.
14feeling dizzy
i have shoulder pain when i try to carry my groceries.
5shoulder pain
my chest acne breaks out and never clears up.
i have a strong shoulder pain
5shoulder pain
i get i joint pain when i try to bend my leg or my arm
10joint pain
i can't walk because i have a great foot ache
4foot ache
i have a back pain since i turned 70 years old.
15back pain
when i'm too high i start to feel dizzy
14feeling dizzy
after eating i have burning sensation inside of me.
8stomach ache
i have a dull ache in my lower back which makes it difficult to move
15back pain
i feel a great pain in my shoulder when i try to lift something heavy
5shoulder pain
i cut my foot at the pool and it breaks open every day when i walk on it.
16open wound
what helps cuts heal faster?
16open wound
my shoulder muscle hurts when i try to reach up.
20muscle pain
fell skull is cracked like nuts
12head ache
i feel back pain when i carry heavy things
15back pain
all of a sudden i felt dizzy when i stood up.
14feeling dizzy
my sore looks like its not healing well.
3infected wound
i feel a sharp pain in the stomach after eating
8stomach ache
when i eat sugar i notice my vision blurs.
18blurry vision
when i raise my hand i feel pain in my shoulder.
5shoulder pain
i feel pain in my back
15back pain
i complain alot with my neck pain and i really need to be better
21neck pain
i have a very bad cough
my body feels weak although i eat a lot, why?
13body feels weak
sharp pain and heavy breathing
17internal pain
i get clusters of pimples on my face that never go away.
my kneecap feels like it is grating bone on bone when i walk.
9knee pain
after playing tennis, i had a powerful sensation close to my neck
5shoulder pain
my back hurts me a lot
15back pain
i have shooting pain in my kneecap after working out.
9knee pain
when i stand up too quickly i start to feel dizzy and light-headed
14feeling dizzy
my knee feels weak and it gave way the other day at the top of the stairs. luckily there was a rail to hold on to.
9knee pain
i feel a huge emotional pain after i broke up with my girlfriend.
0emotional pain
my chest hurts when i go to take a breath
11hard to breath
i have a blurry vision since i woke up this morning, what could be the reason?
18blurry vision
i can't walk well i have an ache in my foot
4foot ache
i have a sharp pain in my abdomen.
17internal pain
my hair always falls out and i have lost a lot of hair lately
1hair falling out
i feel pain in my body
17internal pain
i feel head ache
12head ache
i was diagnosed with b12-deficiency anemia, which explains why i always felt cold.
24feeling cold
my sore isn't healing well and it's been like this for two weeks.
16open wound
i had a collision while playing soccer. my knee buckled and now it's unstable.
6injury from sports
in the morning my respiration is loud.
11hard to breath
my knees swell right below the knee cap and hurt when i put weight on them.
9knee pain
in highschool i had a lot of acne.
i feel pain in the knee when walking
9knee pain
i cut myself and i'm bleeding.
16open wound
it is hard to breath when i am in the underground metro station, why?
11hard to breath
when i'm awake in the morning i feel strange and have vertigo
14feeling dizzy
i have tried to relief it but i can't
13body feels weak
i have a problem in seeing objects it is too difficult to see
18blurry vision
i feel discomfort throughout the body in general
13body feels weak
when i get up, i feel dizzy and fall down.
14feeling dizzy