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splits/subfolder_2/PMC9137698_antibiotics-11-00562-f006_290926.jpg,What can you see in this picture?,Interactions of 3d (green) in the ligand-binding domains of M. tuberculosis InhA (4TZK) with NAD+ (in gray) and Tyr158 (in orange).
splits/sfolder_1/PMC8779777_sensors-22-00575-f002_172304.jpg,Can you identify the primary element in this image?,Few samples grape leaf image dataset. (A) Black rot leaf image; (B) Black_measles leaf image; (C) Healthy leaf image; (D) Leaf_blight leaf image.
splits/sfolder_2/PMC7019857_viruses-12-00013-f002_117609.jpg,What's the most prominent thing you notice in this picture?,"Virus-induced cytopathic effects (CPEs) in C6/36 cells. Panels (A–C): Mock-infected cells 3, 5, and 9 days post-inoculation (dpi) with phosphate-buffered saline (PBS). Cytopathic effects induced by the virus(es) stemming from spleen homogenates are shown for (D) OV610 at 9 dpi, (E) OV617 at 8 dpi, (F) OV682 at 9 dpi, (G) OV862 at 5 dpi, (H) OV867 at 4 dpi, and (I) OV926 at 9 dpi. All images were taken at an original magnification of 400×."
splits/subfolder_3/PMC5531498_pone.0180607.g002_196611.jpg,What is the main focus of this visual representation?,"Preparation of virus and identification of C9orf116 over-expression.(A) Viral plasmid was transfected into HEK293T cells, the left figure was bright field, the right picture was fluorescence (B) BRL-3A cells were infected with virus particles, the left figure was bright field, the right picture was fluorescence (C/D) The change expression of C9orf116 at both mRNA(C) and protein(D) levels in BRL-3A. The experiments were performed three times and three replicates in each one. The data were shown as the means ± SD. Representative images were shown ** Indicates p <0.01."
splits/subfolder_4/PMC8418715_Fig1_52075.jpg,What object or scene is depicted here?,"Immunohistochemical staining patterns of APCN. Representative images of APCN expression in colon cancer. A negative, B low positivity, C moderate positivity, and D high positivity. E Normal epithelium neigboring a colon tumor. Original magnification × 100, scale bar 200 μm"
splits/subfolder_3/PMC6706263_FIG2_27213.jpg,What stands out most in this visual?,"Intraoperative X-ray revealing the location of the bullet fragments (yellow arrowhead) and their anatomical relation to L1-L2, canal, and neuroforamen."
splits/subfolder_2/PMC4503627_pone.0132845.g004_406322.jpg,What can you see in this picture?,"Morphological features of recipient pancreatic adenocarcinoma cells following exposure to exosomal curcumin.PANC-1 and MIA PaCa-2 cells were exposed to curcumin-positive exosomes or exosome-free supplemented DMEM (untreated) for 24, 48 and 72 hours followed by imaging via Hoffman modulation contrast microscopy. White arrows indicate membrane blebs and cell shrinkage, morphological hallmarks of apoptosis. Results depicted represent findings from three independent experiments."
splits/subfolder_3/PMC5738934_F33_255668.jpg,What key item or scene is captured in this photo?,"The MRI follow-up controls (T1-w + CM) show an increased size after 5 months with regressive central contrast enhancement, after 8 months only marginal contrast enhancement and constant size. After 3 years, shrinking tumor with again homogeneous and intensive contrast enhancement."
splits/subfolder_3/PMC7985208_Fig1_397493.jpg,What key item or scene is captured in this photo?,"Morphological and cytological observations of the stamen. (A1–B1) Stamen primordia of L. chinense; (A2–B2) Stamen primordia of L. tulipifera; (C1–F1) Ddevelopment process of anther primordium of L. chinense; (C2–F2) Development process of anther primordium of L. tulipifera; A1, B1, A2, D1, E1, F1, C2, and F2: bar, 100 μm; B2: bar, 300 μm; C1, D2, and E3: bar, 20 μm; an anther, co connectivum, ep epidermis, fl fibrous layer, ml middle layer, ms microsporocyte, nu nucellus, po pollen, ppc primary parietal cell, psc primary sporogenous cell, sc sporogenous cell; st stamen, ta tapetum."
splits/subfolder_3/PMC3575297_F1_186175.jpg,What's the most prominent thing you notice in this picture?,"A) A computed tomography scan showing the left ventricular apical diverticulum: note the absence of thrombi. B) Intraoperative view of the cardiac apex: macroscopically, there is no evidence of a diverticulum, whereas the palpation reveals a soft portion. C) Careful preparation of a double pledgeted 30 Prolene purse-string suture around the diverticulum."
splits/subfolder_4/PMC4492074_Fig12_403121.jpg,What stands out most in this visual?,Case 9. A 71-year-old woman with moderate HV; antero-posterior radiographic images at: a Preoperative period. b 1-month follow-up. c 3-month follow-up. d 6-month follow-up. e 48-month follow-up showing the maintained correction of the deformity
splits/sfolder_2/PMC5854363_pone.0194408.g002_289438.jpg,What is shown in this image?,"Reconstructed CBCT images.Reconstructed CBCT images for the transverse (upper) and the longitudinal plane (lower). The display window was [0.10, 0.39] cm−1."
splits/subfolder_5/PMC6404225_polymers-10-00568-f002_446027.jpg,What's the most prominent thing you notice in this picture?,"SEM images of (a,b) pristine cotton fabric and (c–f) CNT-cotton fabrics at different magnifications."
splits/subfolder_4/PMC3395147_fig5_144716.jpg,What is shown in this image?,(a) Histological image of the appendiceal specimen in Case 2.  (b) Histological image at higher magnification demonstrating adenomatous changes at crypt bases with abundant mucin which is characteristic of appendiceal cystadenoma.
splits/subfolder_3/PMC8759583_gf05_164375.jpg,Can you identify the primary element in this image?,"6-month follow-up computed tomography angiography 3D reconstruction showing complete exclusion of the aneurysm without any signs of endoleak, patency of the supra-aortic vessels, and no further aneurysm formation in the remnant aorta. (A) Sagittal view; (B) axial view; (C) coronal view."
ImageCLEFmed-MEDVQA-GI-2023-Development-Dataset/images/cl8k2u1qu1far08329jnfax2r.jpg,Is there a green/black box artefact?,Yes
splits/subfolder_3/PMC7661848_F1_296891.jpg,Describe the main subject of this image.,"Case 4: Two adjacent fusiform aneurysms were found in the left vertebral artery. (A, anteroposterior projection by DSA; B, three-dimensional reconstruction). One PED was deployed along the left vertebral artery (C), and both aneurysmal necks were completely covered. Two aneurysm domes were then packed with coils (D). Post-embolization angiograms showed good vascular reconstruction. The large aneurysm was almost completely embolized and the small aneurysm showed significant contrast stasis (E). Follow-up at 10 months with CTA showed complete reconstruction of the vessel with the aneurysm completely occluded (F)."
splits/sfolder_3/PMC3485548_fig3_163108.jpg,What is the main focus of this visual representation?,"Darkfield images of HER2-positive tissue sectioned after incubation with anti-HER2-targeted silica-gold nanoshells. (a) Surface of HER2-positive tissue, (b) 24 μm beyond the surface of the same tissue. (c) Scattering spectra of the fields of view depicted in (a) and (b). Additionally, spectra from the surface of HER2-positive tissue not incubated with silica-gold nanoshells are shown as a negative control. Scale bar = 50 μm."
splits/sfolder_2/PMC7366417_F4_215396.jpg,Can you identify the primary element in this image?,CT scan revealing the left Birmingham hip resurfacing cup anteversion angle of 22.5°.
splits/subfolder_2/PMC8534715_diagnostics-11-01884-f001_90962.jpg,What object or scene is depicted here?,"Ultrasound image of soleus muscle in healthy athletes. It shows a normal central IMT. Left panel: anatomic diagram of soleus muscle; Right panel: ultrasound image of the soleus muscle; Abbreviations: IMT, central intramuscular tendon."
roco-dataset/data/test/radiology/images/ROCO_44334.jpg,What can you see in this picture?,"Angiogram of B-RTO. A catheter is successively inserted into the right femoral vein, inferior vena cava, left renal vein, and shunt. Subsequently, the proximal region is occluded with a balloon (arrow), and the distal region is embolized with ethanolamine oleate."
data_PathVQA/pathvqa_maml/t0/train_unlabel/test_0818.jpg,Does this image show autoimmune hepatitis?,yes
roco-dataset/data/test/radiology/images/ROCO_45425.jpg,What is the core subject represented in this visual?,Angiogram performed at the end of the procedure showed exclusion of the aneurysmal sac.
data_PathVQA/pathvqa_maml/t0/train_unlabel/test_0971.jpg,"Does this image show heart, myocardial infarction, wavey fiber change, necrtosis, hemorrhage, and dissection?",yes
splits/subfolder_3/PMC5596201_f1_214936.jpg,Can you identify the primary element in this image?,"In vivo MRI findings. Representative images from two adjacent slices with the lesion on (a and c) T1-weighted image and (b and d) T2-weighted image in the upper panels. The magnified views of the lesion with each MRI sequence are shown in the lower panels: (e and g) T1-weighted image without contrast enhancement, (f and h) T2-weighted image, (i and k) SWI, and (j and l) ADC. The scale bar indicates 10 mm in actual length. (g, h, k, and l) A nodule with MRI signals characteristic for heavily calcification is indicated in red circles."
splits/subfolder_2/PMC6328180_pone.0210178.g001_421149.jpg,Can you identify the primary element in this image?,"FDG PET imaging results in patient with pancreatic adenocarcinoma using Metavol software.On the right panel, MIP (maximum intensity projection) image of FDG is presented. Cross mark indicates location of tumor. On the left upper panel showing fusion image of FDG and CT (same location of crossmark of right panel). Colors illustrates level of FDG activity. Red area indicates high FDG activity. Pancreatic cancer showing strong uptake. Another high uptake areas are normal kidney and intestine. On the left lower panel showing image of CT (same location of crossmark of right panel)."
splits/sfolder_3/PMC3239171_f2-can-5-237_119412.jpg,What stands out most in this visual?,Abdominal cross-section showing left adrenal mass and FDG uptake (upper panel). See text for time points.
splits/sfolder_1/PMC6079311_F3_351072.jpg,Describe the main subject of this image.,Electron micrographs of the ovarian tissue.
roco-dataset/data/test/radiology/images/ROCO_06673.jpg,What is being portrayed in this visual content?,MRI Brain (T2w image) scan shows residual tumor.
splits/sfolder_1/PMC2954374_F0024_75829.jpg,What stands out most in this visual?,"Mycobacterium tuberculosis (TB). TB mediastinal lymph nodes are typically markedly enlarged and of low attenuation on computed tomography, often demonstrating rim enhancement following contrast administration, as in this case"
splits/subfolder_4/PMC6409726_plants-08-00032-f004_447986.jpg,Can you identify the primary element in this image?,S. recta L. subsp. recta (a) plant in flowering stage; (b) detail of the flower; (c) detail of leaf.
splits/subfolder_2/PMC7960647_F1_391775.jpg,Can you identify the primary element in this image?,Isolation and identification of the TGEV HQ2016 strain. (A) Control (uninfected) PK-15 cells. (B) Cytopathic effect (CPE) induced by TGEV HQ2016 after infected 24 h in the PK-15 cell line. (C) Cytopathic effect (CPE) induced by TGEV HQ2016 after infected 36 h in the PK-15 cell line. (D) IFA identification of control (uninfected) PK15 cells. (E) IFA identification of TGEV HQ2016 infected PK15 cells. (F) Electron microscopy observation of TGEV HQ2016.
splits/subfolder_2/PMC6425689_Fig2_454100.jpg,What object or scene is depicted here?,"Postoperative 1-month status: collapsed varus alignment and broken distal screw (a); AP and lateral view of radiograph shows migration of the broken screw to the knee joint (b, c)"
splits/subfolder_2/PMC4886969_pone.0156480.g004_35920.jpg,What is being portrayed in this visual content?,"Immunostained tissue sections over the time course of acute anti-thy1 glomerulonephritis (aGN).Representative pictures showing IL-17-immunostained kidneys from con (PBS-injected control) animals, d5 = animals on d5 after aGN induction, d10 = animals on day 10 after aGN induction, d15 = animals on day 15 after aGN induction and nc = negative control are shown. IL-17 red, nucleus blue (magnification x 400)."
splits/subfolder_2/PMC7985776_curroncol-28-00090-f002_397703.jpg,What object or scene is depicted here?,"Histopathological features of the tumor. (A) At scanning power, the tumor was diffusely infiltrated in the eyelid, extraocular muscle, and retrobulbar soft tissue (asterisk). The optic nerve was spared (50× magnification). (B) Tumor cells diffusely infiltrated in the extraocular skeletal muscle, manifesting a destructive growth pattern and causing a limitation of eye movement (200× magnification). (C) A few tumor cells reveal a signet ring cell feature (arrow) (400× magnification). (D) Some of the tumor cells have enlarged nuclei, exhibiting a histiocytoid appearance (400× magnification)."
splits/subfolder_3/PMC9308579_Fig1_348342.jpg,What object or scene is depicted here?,"MRI, 18F-FDG, and 18F-SynVesT-1 PET/MRI images used for localization of the FCD II lesion in patient 8. a MRI image showed the thickening of the right inferior frontal gyrus; 18F-FDG PET and 18F-FDG PET/MRI images showed hypometabolism throughout the right inferior frontal gyrus and surrounding areas; 18F-SynVesT-1 PET and 18F-SynVesT-1 PET/MRI showed a more restricted area of low uptake in the frontalis inferior region (red arrows). b Overall electrode placement view. c Ictal (1) and postictal (2) SEEG recordings showed that the abnormal discharge area originated from the inferior frontal gyrus (II and III). d Postoperative pathology showed FCD IIb"
splits/sfolder_1/PMC6614403_Fig1_5452.jpg,What can you see in this picture?,Spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SDOCT) B-scans with segmentation errors correctly detected by both human graders and the deep learning algorithm. Class activation maps (heatmaps) on the right show the regions of the B-scans that had greatest weight in the deep learning algorithm classification. Probabilities of segmentation error given by the deep learning algorithm were all above 97.5% for these scans. (a) Segmentation error in the internal limiting membrane. (b) Segmentation error in the inner plexiform layer. (c) Multiple segmentation errors. (d) Small segmentation error.
splits/subfolder_2/PMC2374696_F6_22029.jpg,What object or scene is depicted here?,"Microvesicles budding from the flagellar pocket and plasma membrane of leishmania. Stationary phase leishmania promastigotes were fixed and coated for scanning electron microscopy as described in Materials and methods. (a) A leishmania promastigote, (b) 10× magnification of the exposed flagellar pocket region of panel a (square) after stage rotation, and (c) a promastigote in the process of differentiating into an amastigote. Arrowheads point to microvesicles."
VQAMed2019Test/VQAMed2019_Test_Images/synpic21789.jpg,what is abnormal in the ct scan?,ossification of stylohyoid ligament
roco-dataset/data/test/radiology/images/ROCO_23579.jpg,What is the core subject represented in this visual?,It is a post-embolization image which shows no more contrast extravasation and the presence of glue cast (solid arrows). The glue cast fills up the bleeder tract that opens to the pleural cavity and sealed off the arterial bleeder point
splits/sfolder_2/PMC5536065_ijms-18-01577-f006_197452.jpg,What is the central feature of this picture?,"Human airway epithelial cells in the presence of alternariol (AOH). BEAS-2B cells were incubated with 10 μM of AOH for 24 h under normal conditions at 37 °C, 5% CO2. The images were taken with confocal microscopy with a cell density of 5 × 105 cells/well (magnification 200×). (a) Untreated BEAS-2B cells at 24 h in color (upper left panel) and grey-scale (upper right panel); (b) BEAS-2B with 10 μM AOH at 24 h in color (lower left panel) and grey-scale (lower right panel). Scale bar = 100 μm."
splits/subfolder_4/PMC5577918_fig4s1_209597.jpg,Describe the main subject of this image.,"Confocal microscopy of the three aminergic neurons of the LON.(A) Confocal z-projection of SS01740 > UAS-myr::GFP (green) showing a stochastic single clone of SP2-1 neuron (yellow arrow) innervating the contralateral LON (arrowhead, serotonin (5-HT) in red). (A’) anti-5-HT channel shows the three 5-HT clusters from the lower and superior protocerebrum (LP and SP) and innervation in the LON (arrowhead). (B–C) Confocal z-projection of SS02149 > UAS-myr::GFP (white) showing stochastic single clone expression of sVUM2md (B) and sVUM2mx (C) innervating both LON (arrowheads). Scale bars: 20 μm."
splits/subfolder_5/PMC5422902_Fig1_161141.jpg,What is the core subject represented in this visual?,"Transthoracic echocardiography showed dramatic improvement of left ventricle wall thickness and systolic motion after prednisolone treatment (10 mg) for 3 days. a Parasternal long axis view before treatment showed increased wall thickness of the septum and posterior wall (arrowheads). b Apical four chamber view before treatment showed increased wall thickness of the inferior septum, anterior lateral wall and apex (arrows). c Parasternal long axis view after treatment showed resolution of thickened wall of the septum and posterior wall (arrowheads). d Apical four chamber view after treatment showed resolution of the thickened inferior septum, anterior lateral wall and apex (arrows)"
splits/subfolder_3/PMC6447645_Fig25_460896.jpg,Can you identify the primary element in this image?,"Posterolateral rotatory instability, stage 3B. Consecutive coronal T1-weighted MRI (a–c), and consecutive coronal FS PD-weighted MRI (d–f) showing an acute proximal full-thickness tear of the lateral ulnar collateral ligament and radial collateral ligament (white arrows) and anterior bundle of the medial collateral ligament complex sprain (white arrowheads)"
splits/subfolder_3/PMC4185420_fig6s5_325163.jpg,What is shown in this image?,"Overexpression of bip1, Nup98, and RpS8, and RNAi knockdown of other nucleoporins does not affect Pvr levels in the lymph gland.Compared with control levels (A, Hml-gal4), overexpression of bip1 (B, UAS-bip1LA645), Nup98 (C, UAS-Nup98 [Parrott et al., 2011]), or RpS8 (D, UAS-RpS8DP01446 [Staudt t al., 2005]) does not significantly affect Pvr levels (red). Likewise, RNAi knockdown of Nup154 (F), Nup214 (G), or Nup358 (H) (all with Hml-gal4) does not significantly alter Pvr level compared to controls (E), further supporting the specific function of Nup98 in Pvr regulation.DOI:"
splits/subfolder_3/PMC9389883_F5_376251.jpg,What object or scene is depicted here?,"The level of gastric mucosal lesions and cell proliferation. (A) Gross evaluation of the gastric mucosa. (B) Microscopic appearance of the gastric epithelium stained by hematoxylin and eosin staining (magnification ×40, ×100). (C) Immunohistochemical analysis of gastric mucosa sections for PCNA."
ImageCLEFmed-MEDVQA-GI-2023-Development-Dataset/images/cl8k2u1q41eh3083264l5ejih.jpg,Where in the image is the abnormality?,"Center, Upper-left, Upper-right, Lower-left, Lower-right, Center-left, Center-right, Upper-center, Lower-center"
splits/subfolder_3/PMC8138997_Fig3_446773.jpg,What can you see in this picture?,Case 3. Giant vertebrobasilar aneurysm. Gadolinium-enhanced MR angiogram (a) and Sagittal T1 sequence (b) demonstrate a partially thrombosed vertebrobasilar aneurysm (white arrow in A). Note the significant mass effect on the pons (black arrow). Fused conventional angiography 3D reconstruction and MR of the vertebrobasilar system with dolichoectatic vessels (red) and outline of partially thrombosed aneurysm (blue) (c). Conventional angiography with left (d) and right (e) lateral carotid injections demonstrating arteriomegaly of the anterior circulation
splits/subfolder_2/PMC5168418_fig1_106301.jpg,What can you see in this picture?,"Landmark scheme for the mandibular cross-sections. (a) Cross-sectional computed tomography (CT) reconstructions at the three regions of interest: first premolar (r4), second premolar (r5) and first molar (r6) with fixed landmarks (red) and semilandmarks (white). (b) Reconstructed mandibular outlines of all 450 sections after standardizing the location and orientation of the landmark configurations."
splits/sfolder_2/PMC9173207_F9_303385.jpg,What object or scene is depicted here?,"Structural connectivity between cortical regions specifically involved in task switching. (A and C) show the connectome between the cortical regions showing switch-related high-gamma augmentation. The blue and red spheres represent nodes in the right and left hemispheres, respectively. The light blue and purple lines represent the edges within the right hemisphere and across the hemispheres, respectively. Thick lines reflect greater numbers of streamlines identified on diffusion-weighted imaging tractography. (B and D) show the anatomical courses of given streamlines."
splits/subfolder_3/PMC4927991_fig8_46661.jpg,What is the central feature of this picture?,"Confocal microscopy images of cells seeded on (a, b) unmodified; (c, d) fibronectin modified; and (e, f) laminin modified PBS scaffolds; (g, h) TCP after (a, c, e, g) 10 days and (b, d, f, h) 20 days of incubation. Red stains show actin filaments in the cytoskeleton of the cells stained with Alexa Fluor® 546 Phalloidin and blue stains show the nucleus of the cells stained with TO-PRO-3® Iodide. Scale bars (a) 194 μm, (b) 70 μm, (c) 133 μm, (d) 106 μm, (e) 170 μm, (f) 97 μm, (g) 69 μm, and (h) 186 μm."
ImageCLEFmed-MEDVQA-GI-2023-Development-Dataset/images/clb0lbwzkdpa8086u5xkj8nyh.jpg,How many polyps are in the image?,0
splits/subfolder_3/PMC4619787_fig1_437118.jpg,What is the principal component of this image?,"Representative scanning electron microscope images (600x original magnification) of Y-TZP ceramic specimens debonded after cementation with Clearfil SA Luting. (a) Polished Y-TZP; (b) airborne abrasion with 50 μm grain-sized Al2O3; (c) Metal/Zirconia Primer, a zirconia primer applied on polished Y-TZP; (d) Metal/Zirconia Primer, a zirconia primer applied on Y-TZP after airborne abrasion; (e) Z-PRIME Plus, a zirconia primer applied on polished Y-TZP; and (f) Z-PRIME Plus, a zirconia primer applied on Y-TZP after airborne abrasion. The regions marked with white stars indicate the remaining resin cements."
splits/subfolder_2/PMC3178523_pone-0024687-g002_109489.jpg,What key item or scene is captured in this photo?,"In vivo behavior of hES and hiPS derived neural precursors.(a) Graphic representation of the volumes of hiPS- and hES-derived grafts. (b) Cell numbers in the core grafts. (c) Migratory behavior of transplanted neural precursors (labeled for human nuclear antigen, hNA, in red). Core grafts from all lines are in the striatum while the majority of cells traveled along the rostral migratory stream (RMS) reaching the olfactory bulb (OB). Scale bars, 100 µm. Errors are SD; total animal number = 20."
splits/sfolder_2/PMC6349329_pone.0211366.g006_427986.jpg,What is the focal point of this photograph?,"Impact of immobilized protein MBP-QQ-7 on S. epidermidis initial attachment.Proteins MBP-QQ-7 and MBP as control were immobilized on coverslips, which were inserted into flow chambers with a total volume of 1.3 mL. After 1 h adhesion, flow chambers were incubated for 3 h (short-term experiment) at a flow rate of 20 mL/h with 3% TSB medium. Adhered cells were stained with Syto9 and propidium iodide and visualized using (A) CLSM and (B) SEM."
splits/sfolder_1/PMC3596070_jbr-26-03-200-g001_191290.jpg,What can you see in this picture?,"Histopathological examination of the sciatic nerve in different groups.A: Cross-sectional profile of the sciatic nerve showed normal structure in rats treated with normal saline. B: significant degeneration of nerve cells in rats treated with a combination of streptozotocin and nicotinamide. C: normal growth in rats treated with a combination of metformin, pioglitazone and glimipiride. normal growth in rats treated with metformin combined with sitagliptin. Normal growth in rats treated with amitriptyline-sitagliptin combination (E) and significant growth in rats treated with sitagliptin (F) were observed."
splits/sfolder_1/PMC7286933_F2_189557.jpg,What can you see in this picture?,"Psydraxgialaiensis B.H.Quang, T.B.Tran & V.S.Dang A habit B branch C stipule D adaxial leaf surface E abaxial leaf surface F inflorescences G flowering branch I–J fruits (photos by H.Q.Bui & D.V.Hai)."
splits/subfolder_4/PMC4426775_fig2_384931.jpg,What's the most prominent thing you notice in this picture?,Radiographic (a) and histopathological images (b) of hind paws from representative rats on day 28. Note the evidence of swelling and tissue damage in the treatment rats compared with the control rats (a). Ciclamilast displayed potent and dose-dependent inhibitory effects on both swelling and bone changes and reduced the average radiographic (c) and histopathological scores (d).
splits/subfolder_2/PMC7900345_fig0010_372595.jpg,What is the central feature of this picture?,A. Microphotograph of the perforation site shows a perforated chronic ulcer. B. The intestine adjacent to the perforation site reveals heterotopic gastric mucosa with markedly thickened proper muscle and subserosal fibrosis. C. Heterotopic gastric mucosa consists of gastric foveolar epithelium along with abundant pyloric glands and a few fundic glands. D. Higher magnification of heterotopic gastric mucosa highlights fundic glands.
splits/sfolder_3/PMC4246612_f3-ol-09-01-0075_339805.jpg,What can you see in this picture?,"Electron microscopy of various types of tumor cell, including (A) apoptotic, (B) necrotic and (C) craniopharyngioma tumor cells (magnification, ×10,000)."
splits/subfolder_3/PMC8745068_ijms-23-00340-f007_159669.jpg,What key item or scene is captured in this photo?,"Representative immunofluorescence staining of Myh11eYFP+ cells, expressing (a) cleaved caspase 1, CD68 and (b) IL-1β, CD68 in the aortic roots of Apoe−/− Myh11ERT2-CreR26R-eYFP mice showing NLRP3 inflammasome activation in VSMC undergoing phenotypic switch in vivo, taken by confocal microscopy (LSM 800 Airyscan). Graph bars show the mean ± SEM of (c) Myh11eYFP+ CD68+ Cleaved Caspase1+ and (d). Myh11eYFP+ CD68+ IL-1β co-expressing cells as a percentage of all Myh11eYFP+ cells in the aortic roots plaquesm with n = 8/group and * p  <  0.05, ** p  <  0.01, unpaired t-test."
splits/subfolder_2/PMC5605687_Fig1_217571.jpg,What is the main focus of this visual representation?,Morphology of HPG in culture. (A) Phase-contrast image of a typical HPG explant (around 100 cells/colony) cultured in vitro (10x) 24 h after seeding. (B) Phase-contrast image of HPG epithelial cells forming a monolayer (confluence of 90%) after a month of culture. (C) Picture showing intracellular keratin filaments (indicated by the arrow). A representative image is shown. (D) Phase-contrast images (10X) showing the morphology of HPG cells cultured in expansion medium (without calcium) and in expansion medium with 2 mM calcium for 24 h.
roco-dataset/data/test/radiology/images/ROCO_69402.jpg,What is shown in this image?,Preoperative radiograph.
splits/sfolder_2/PMC6322781_pone.0209674.g010_419952.jpg,What is the focal point of this photograph?,"Reconstruction results of an abdomen image after six iterations obtained for a sampling interval of 10°.First row: ground truth; subsequent rows from top to bottom: images reconstructed using FDK, ART, and the 3-, 6-, and 26-directional gradient operators. Images from left to right show the sagittal, transaxial, and coronal sections of the abdomen. Areas marked by dotted rectangles are enlarged and displayed in Fig 11. Artifacts in the reconstructed images are more obvious than Fig 8. However, as seen in Fig 8, subsequent rows from top to bottom, the lower images in the figure, the smoother they are."
splits/subfolder_3/PMC3718724_F1_219267.jpg,What is the focal point of this photograph?,"Longitudinal18 F-FDG PET images of a mouse. With (A) U87 and (B) MDA-MB-231 implanted in the shoulder region. In the graphs, day 1 is the date when the first PET scan was performed."
splits/sfolder_1/PMC7767679_os12714-fig-0002_330543.jpg,What is the main focus of this visual representation?,"One female patient, 34 years old, with posteromedial tibial plateau fracture with anterior cruciate avulsion fracture caused by a car accident when riding a battery bike. (A, B) Preoperational anteroposterior and lateral radiographs of one posterolateral tibial plateau fracture. (C–E) More fracture details by 3‐D reconstruction of CT scan. (F, G) Anteroposterior and lateral radiographs of the patient acquired after open reduction and internal fixation with the plate."
splits/subfolder_2/PMC7765874_polymers-12-03017-f005_329480.jpg,What is the central feature of this picture?,"Field Emission-Scanning Electron Microscope (FE-SEM) images of fractural cross-section on natural fiber (NF) filled NR composites that were added with NR-g-St at compositions of (a) 0 phr, (b) 1 phr, and (c) 2 phr. All images are at 100× magnification."
splits/subfolder_2/PMC9035901_F4_264073.jpg,What's the most prominent thing you notice in this picture?,"60-year-old female (A) preoperative sagittal standing full spine X-rays, pelvic incidence (PI) = 58.5°, thoracic kyphosis (TK) = 8.4°, lumbar lordosis (LL) = −60.5°. (B) immediate postoperative X-rays, PI = 57.8°, TK = 24.7°, LL = −48.3°; ideal LL = 0.7*57.8 + 0.4*24.7 + 1 = −51.3°, ΔLL = 48.3–51.3 = 3.0°. (C) no mechanical complications at 2-year follow-up."
ImageCLEFmed-MEDVQA-GI-2023-Development-Dataset/images/cla820gl4s3tz071u1ewe1zbv.jpg,Is there a green/black box artefact?,Yes
splits/subfolder_2/PMC8234601_nutrients-13-02078-f002_480244.jpg,What does this image primarily show?,"Effect of tilapia collagen oligopeptides (TCOPs) on gastric (a) and duodenal (b) histomorphology in rats. Photomicrographs of HE (magnification 200 ×) stained sections from gastroduodenal mucosa. A: normal control; B: ethanol control; C: whey protein, 250 mg/kg of whey protein; D: 250 mg/kg of TCOPs-L; E: 500 mg/kg of TCOPs-M; F: 1000 mg/kg of TCOPs-H."
splits/subfolder_2/PMC6880226_F9_74720.jpg,What is the principal component of this image?,"Progressive fatty infiltration of the thymus. (A) 20-y/o female with myasthenia gravis; CT scan shows remaining thymic mass with density similar to muscle; pathologic diagnosis - thymic hyperplasia. (B) 28-y/o female, with myasthenia gravis; CT scan shows remaining thymic mass with early fatty infiltration; pathologic diagnosis – thymic hyperplasia. (C) 32-y/o female with myasthenia gravis; CT scan shows remnant of thymic tissue; pathologic diagnosis - thymic atrophy. (D) 46-y/o female with myasthenia gravis; CT scan shows replacement of the thymus by fat; pathologic diagnosis - thymic atrophy [4]."
splits/subfolder_2/PMC8425918_acm213363-fig-0010_54047.jpg,What is the central feature of this picture?,"Screenshots of the approximated single‐source dwell position calculations for all locations between 0 to 90 (a) and 135 (b). A pseudo PTV contour, shown in red, was generated to allow dwell positions near a specified region of the scan. The two dwell positions, shown as red dots, where manually weighted based on dwell time so that the dominate position was five orders of magnitude larger than the second dwell spot and space geometrically far apart"
splits/sfolder_3/PMC6206378_Fig15_387462.jpg,What is being portrayed in this visual content?,"The skull of a 39-year-old man who died by asphyxia in an accidental fire at his home. a PMCT shows bilateral meningeal disruption with brain herniation (white arrows). b In the bone window, notice the important skull destruction with heat fracture and loss of temporal bones (dashed white arrow). c The autopsy photograph shows the burned herniated brain, which assumes a “cauliflower” or “mushroom” appearance (black arrows)"
splits/subfolder_3/PMC9263086_f1_333231.jpg,What is the dominant medical problem in this image?,"
(A) A pedigree of the family. The arrow indicates the proband. (B, C) Positron emission tomography with computed tomography scanning in (B) the cervical lymph nodes and (C) the right knee joint. (D) Contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging of the synovium of the right knee joint in T1 weighted image. (E) Computed tomography scan of the abdomen."
splits/subfolder_5/PMC7406194_f06_227742.jpg,What's the most prominent thing you notice in this picture?,"Photomicrographs showing the histological appearance representative of immunolabelling on Control, MTA and BIO-C PULPO for TNFα. Brownish colour presented predominantly in the cytosolic compartment of the cells and in the extracellular matrix. (A–O). Harris haematoxylin counterstaining. (scale bars: 100 μm; original magnification: 1000×)"
splits/subfolder_4/PMC6515080_materials-12-01279-f006_478982.jpg,What is being portrayed in this visual content?,Element distributions of the cladding layer obtained at the scanning speed of 10 mm/s.
splits/subfolder_5/PMC4573999_Fig1_424354.jpg,What is the focal point of this photograph?,"
a Initial chest computed tomography scan showing the tumor in the upper lobe of the right lung and enlarged mediastinal lymph nodes in the paratracheal position. b Computed tomography scan after 2 months, c after 1 year"
splits/subfolder_4/PMC4149017_f2_316552.jpg,What key item or scene is captured in this photo?,"A transmission micrograph of A. radiobacter DSM 30147T, using 200 kV transmission electron microscopy FEI Tecnai G2 20 TWIN (USA). The scale bar represents 1 μm."
splits/subfolder_3/PMC5855741_ijms-19-00519-f005_290095.jpg,What key item or scene is captured in this photo?,"Example of image processing using Fiji. A cell nucleus after selection and filtering (A), focus recognition (B), and identification (C). Image (D) demonstrates two dimensional (X,Y) focus movement inside a nucleus stabilized by rigid body transformation (see Section 4. Materials and Methods). A total of 25 irradiated nuclei per radiation type and 30 control nuclei were analysed."
splits/subfolder_3/PMC5770662_F8_264335.jpg,What is the core subject represented in this visual?,"Both CPn0572 and Tarp stabilize the actin cytoskeleton in HEK293T cells. F-actin staining of GFP-, GFP-CPn0572-, GFP-CPn0572-ΔDUF- or GFP-Tarp-expressing HEK293T cells exposed to the solvent DMSO (upper) or after treatment with cytochalasin D (lower). The actin cytoskeleton is shown in red and GFP signals in green. GFP-CPn0572 cables associated with F-actin are indicated by arrows, while GFP-CPn0572 and GFP-Tarp associated actin aggregates are marked by arrows. Data are shown as MIP images."
splits/subfolder_3/PMC7979597_Fig2_395663.jpg,What is the dominant medical problem in this image?,"Patient case 2—lumbar degenerative changes (bone window). This figure shows the lumbosacral spine of an 82-year-old female patient in standard-dose (SD) scans (D100P100, sagittal plane, bone and soft tissue window) and in simulated scans with virtual reduction of tube current (D50P100, D10P100, D5P100, and D3P100, sagittal plane, bone window) or sparse sampling (D100P50, D100P10, D100P5, and D100P3, sagittal plane, bone window). For image evaluation, all planes were available to the readers with individually adaptable windowing options. The patient showed multi-segmental non-calcified disc herniations, spondylosis, and pseudospondylolisthesis (L3/4) according to original imaging"
ImageCLEFmed-MEDVQA-GI-2023-Development-Dataset/images/clb0lbwz3doqs086u0kqy5ut2.jpg,Are there any anatomical landmarks in the image?,No
splits/subfolder_3/PMC7574212_Fig3_278446.jpg,What is the central feature of this picture?,"Contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) imaging (left) and corresponding grayscale ultrasound imaging (right): CEUS clearly showing that the abdominal aorta-like structure (white arrow), limb branch vessel-like structure (white arrowhead), and umbilical vessel-like structure (hollow arrow) in the mass are enhanced at 55 s (a), and the mass is persistently enhanced until 2 min and 14 s (b)"
splits/subfolder_2/PMC3724954_f2_220821.jpg,What does this image primarily show?,Ophthalmologic examinations of the left eye of the proband (III:20) from Family A. Slit-lamp photograph (A) and dilated fundus examination (B) show the floccular turbid of the vitreous body. B-mode ultrasonography shows the high echo in the vitreous body (C). Histochemical examination of vitrectomy specimen stained with Congo red shows amyloid deposits (in red; D).
splits/subfolder_3/PMC7406601_Fig35_227914.jpg,What is the central feature of this picture?,"A 2-year-old male patient with recurrent urinary tract infection underwent a US exam and a midline cystic lesion was seen posterior of the bladder (not shown). Confirmatory MRI exam shows a tear-drop shaped midline cystic lesion (arrows) on the sagittal plane T2W image. The cystic lesion was extending above the posterior superior margin of the prostate, highly suggestive for the Mullerian duct cyst"
splits/sfolder_2/PMC7870731_Fig3_363958.jpg,Describe the main subject of this image.,"B-Mode US: transverse scan of the cost-clavicular space which highlights the anterior scalene muscle (short arrow), the middle scalene muscle (long arrow), and the posterior scalene muscle (long-dashed arrow). Subclavian artery (head of arrow). Subclavian vein (dashed short arrow)"
splits/sfolder_1/PMC4437394_fig2_387852.jpg,What is the central feature of this picture?,"A Patient with avid and high-attenuation right internal mammary lymph node (arrow) on axial CT (a), axial PET (b), sagittal CT (c), and sagittal PET (d) images. Chest CT images prior to talc pleurodesis are not available."
splits/subfolder_5/PMC7322860_Fig2_201255.jpg,What can you see in this picture?,A 53-year-old female had multiple HEHE lesions in the right hepatic lobe. a-b: Multiple homogeneous signal masses were observed on T1WI and T2WI. c-e: The enhanced scan showed rim enhancement in the arterial phase and progressive centripetal enhancement in the portal and delayed phases. f: Magnification 200×. Epithelium-like tumor cells were closely arranged. A few lumens and RBCs in the lumen were observed
splits/subfolder_5/PMC6437187_Fig3_458448.jpg,What is the central feature of this picture?,"Assessment of dopaminergic neurodegeneration as revealed by TH+ cell immunostaining. Immunohistochemical staining of TH+ cells visualized in (A) SN and (B) VTA neurons; quantification of TH+ cells performed in (C) SN and (D) VTA dopaminergic neurons. Bars represent percent of control; TAM – tamoxifen, SAL – saline, REB – reboxetine; TAM + 7, TAM + 10, TAM + 13:7, 10, 13 days after induction of the mutation (tamoxifen application). Data are the mean ± SEM; ***p < 0.001, *p < 0.05 vs control (w/t) group; #p < 0.05 vs TIF-IADATCreERT2 at relevant time point; n = 4."
splits/sfolder_1/PMC7064849_fig7_131574.jpg,What stands out most in this visual?,5-year postoperative radiography.
splits/subfolder_2/PMC5554783_fig2_202710.jpg,What's the most prominent thing you notice in this picture?,"Three perspective views of the reference whole-heart geometry, and the left/right atria (LA/RA) and ventricles (LV/RV) plotted separately. The colorwash indicates percentages of patients whose heart dose distributions, mapped to the reference geometry, have values ≥63 Gy somewhere along lines perpendicular to the image plane. Data are shown for the 51 patients with VHeart63>1 cm3 (left) and the 20 patients with the highest Heart-PC6 scores (right)."
splits/subfolder_4/PMC7231379_medicina-56-00188-f005_172608.jpg,What is the central feature of this picture?,"Magnification of the biopsy exhibiting necrosis and inflammatory infiltration of acinar cells, foci of malpighian metaplasia in residual channels and some acini in canalicular transformation."
splits/subfolder_4/PMC8569994_Fig2_104270.jpg,What stands out most in this visual?,"Magnetic resonance imaging of case 1. Nodular masses with low-signal intensity in both T1-weighted imaging (A and D) and T2-weighted imaging (B and E) were observed at the interlaminar spce of C4–5, C5–6, and C6–7. These lesions were surrounded by areas of intermediate-sginal intensity area on T1-weighted imaging and by areas of high-signal intensity area in T2-weighted imaging, and the short tau inversion recovery (STIR) sequence (C) was used to demonstrate the edematous change"
splits/subfolder_3/PMC4574475_pone.0136233.g002_424672.jpg,What is the main focus of this visual representation?,"RESOLFT nanoscopy of methanol fixed cells.Comparison of RESOLFT super-resolution microscopy and the corresponding confocal microscopy images of CV-1 cells decorated with primary antibodies against vimentin (A), α-tubulin (B) and the nuclear pore complex protein Nup153 (C). (D) Line-profiles of the fluorescence intensities recorded between the arrowheads in (A-C), as indicated (confocal: light blue; RESOLFT: red). The line profiles in (1–3) are averaged across five adjacent line profiles that were perpendicular across the respective filament. The distance between two adjacent line profiles was the edge length of one pixel. Scale bars: 1 μm."
splits/subfolder_2/PMC5711097_acm20089-fig-0002_247366.jpg,What key item or scene is captured in this photo?,Sample transverse images of the electron density maps for (a) the polystyrene phantom and (b) the head CT.
splits/subfolder_4/PMC8365548_ccr34448-fig-0001_35012.jpg,What is the dominant medical problem in this image?,PET‐CT of liver shows a hypodense nodule in segment 56 with heightened metabolic activity