1 |
00:00:00,000 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">[Music]</font> |
2 |
00:00:00,719 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">everywhere okay well we have Yan getting</font> |
3 |
00:00:03,080 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">that Varys locked in first for for him</font> |
4 |
00:00:05,279 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">on Team Liquid side over on fly Quest</font> |
5 |
00:00:07,080 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">they're going to answer immediately with</font> |
6 |
00:00:08,440 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">a Senna pick now thinking about what</font> |
7 |
00:00:10,599 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">they want to lock in for Jensen it looks</font> |
8 |
00:00:13,160 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">like the Annie worked out just fine in</font> |
9 |
00:00:15,200 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">game number two the Ari has also been</font> |
10 |
00:00:17,480 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">one that has been banned away from him</font> |
11 |
00:00:19,039 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">before but the Annie is going to be the</font> |
12 |
00:00:20,279 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">decision hey if it ain't broke don't fix</font> |
13 |
00:00:22,000 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">it yeah the Annie's much more team</font> |
14 |
00:00:23,760 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">oriented in the Ari they're like pretty</font> |
15 |
00:00:25,400 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">similar in in some of the plays they can</font> |
16 |
00:00:27,400 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">go for but Ari of course the single</font> |
17 |
00:00:29,560 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">Target then you're looking at um some</font> |
18 |
00:00:31,400 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">other Vibe priority here too but Annie</font> |
19 |
00:00:33,559 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">the AOE and the tippers damage just from</font> |
20 |
00:00:36,079 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">leandre's Burn was so effective in the</font> |
21 |
00:00:39,440 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">last game it still gets answered by the</font> |
22 |
00:00:41,640 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">dragon apas pulling out his other two</font> |
23 |
00:00:44,719 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">trick Champion tippers is just another</font> |
24 |
00:00:46,800 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">Min you can get star lust from ah I see</font> |
25 |
00:00:49,399 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">I see no problem execute y more Stacks</font> |
26 |
00:00:52,120 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">Max the stacks also we're finally going</font> |
27 |
00:00:54,160 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">to switch the supports this time around</font> |
28 |
00:00:55,920 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">the previous two games been bio's</font> |
29 |
00:00:57,559 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">Nautilus into core JJ's Tom Ken you have</font> |
30 |
00:01:00,640 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">one with a fishing hook and one that is</font> |
31 |
00:01:02,120 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">a critter but now it's going to switch</font> |
32 |
00:01:04,519 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">the other way we'll see how that match</font> |
33 |
00:01:06,520 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">up goes this time around as we're into</font> |
34 |
00:01:08,920 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">the second phase of the Bands I also</font> |
35 |
00:01:11,880 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">just think redside you have S you have</font> |
36 |
00:01:14,080 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">Tom kench we're getting spicy Jungle Top</font> |
37 |
00:01:16,320 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">from got a noan is that correct uh well</font> |
38 |
00:01:19,400 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">we'll we'll get an update on if that was</font> |
39 |
00:01:20,759 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">actually a misb or if that is a UI error</font> |
40 |
00:01:23,240 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">either way for fly Quest you know they</font> |
41 |
00:01:25,400 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">are on red side we're looking towards</font> |
42 |
00:01:26,680 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">BPO some sort of spicy counter pick you</font> |
43 |
00:01:28,400 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">know he's going to have the ability to</font> |
44 |
00:01:29,439 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">go towards that they're going to need</font> |
45 |
00:01:30,960 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">damage from Jungle and top you know it</font> |
46 |
00:01:33,000 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">could look towards something like the Le</font> |
47 |
00:01:34,119 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">in once again that has been working</font> |
48 |
00:01:35,360 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">really well for them obviously pairs</font> |
49 |
00:01:36,840 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">well with the Annie also user error on</font> |
50 |
00:01:39,360 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">fly Quest side and they will thus be</font> |
51 |
00:01:41,920 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">forced to lose the band so only four</font> |
52 |
00:01:44,439 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">bands for fly Quest this time skill</font> |
53 |
00:01:46,520 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">issue they were too slow locking it in a</font> |
54 |
00:01:48,680 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">true skill issue indeed as Team Liquid</font> |
55 |
00:01:50,960 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">said you know what inspired Lee pretty</font> |
56 |
00:01:53,520 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">damn good I don't want to play against I</font> |
57 |
00:01:55,079 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">agree I agree with this man</font> |
58 |
00:01:56,920 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">wholeheartedly take that thing out of</font> |
59 |
00:01:59,320 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">the game they do not want to mess around</font> |
60 |
00:02:01,360 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">with it especially because look at that</font> |
61 |
00:02:03,240 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">what FL Quest already have laid out for</font> |
62 |
00:02:05,159 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">themselves with a santat Tom kench Lane</font> |
63 |
00:02:06,840 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">bottom and an Annie mid it would have</font> |
64 |
00:02:08,440 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">been so perfect honestly keep on</font> |
65 |
00:02:11,038 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">targeting him uh follow it up here see</font> |
66 |
00:02:14,280 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">what they can go with the vi is still</font> |
67 |
00:02:16,000 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">available V and Z both options for ad</font> |
68 |
00:02:18,400 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">junglers we're really looking at some of</font> |
69 |
00:02:19,800 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">the ad</font> |
70 |
00:02:21,920 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">junglers let's see what this last one is</font> |
71 |
00:02:23,920 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">the real taken off the table fly quests</font> |
72 |
00:02:26,239 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">will spin their one second phase ban on</font> |
73 |
00:02:28,640 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">that tank engaged powerful option there</font> |
74 |
00:02:32,280 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">let's see Team Liquid wants to utilize</font> |
75 |
00:02:34,319 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">all their time thinking and they're</font> |
76 |
00:02:35,280 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">saying hey you know what whippo has</font> |
77 |
00:02:37,920 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">redside fifth pick he's the kind of guy</font> |
78 |
00:02:40,319 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">who would slam an Olaf let's keep him</font> |
79 |
00:02:42,120 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">away from it yeah going to be able to</font> |
80 |
00:02:43,560 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">ban that away I think it makes sense to</font> |
81 |
00:02:44,920 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">have some sort of a protection band I'll</font> |
82 |
00:02:46,760 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">be curious to see you know where we we</font> |
83 |
00:02:48,959 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">find impact actually goingo would make</font> |
84 |
00:02:51,360 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">sense you know another ad jungler there</font> |
85 |
00:02:52,959 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">especially the pairing with Annie is</font> |
86 |
00:02:54,519 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">really really strong and's all up up</font> |
87 |
00:02:56,239 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">front first vgo really needs that first</font> |
88 |
00:02:58,480 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">reset so you pair it with this champ</font> |
89 |
00:02:59,840 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">Champion you get that first kill you get</font> |
90 |
00:03:01,720 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">the resets vgo can go crazy um but I</font> |
91 |
00:03:04,519 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">really just want to know what is impact</font> |
92 |
00:03:06,120 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">going to pick here is it just going to</font> |
93 |
00:03:07,599 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">be Cante which is banned out excuse me</font> |
94 |
00:03:10,120 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">so it's got to be it can't be cassant</font> |
95 |
00:03:11,680 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">could be something like uder that we've</font> |
96 |
00:03:12,799 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">seen him go towards um you know Jax is</font> |
97 |
00:03:15,200 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">available we've seen him go towards that</font> |
98 |
00:03:16,519 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">blind a few times um otherwise you're</font> |
99 |
00:03:19,280 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">starting to move kind of like beyond</font> |
100 |
00:03:20,720 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">what is the The Meta picks at least for</font> |
101 |
00:03:23,480 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">him</font> |
102 |
00:03:25,000 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">well the jungle could just be locked in</font> |
103 |
00:03:28,040 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">first instead give him a little bit more</font> |
104 |
00:03:29,239 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">time to think about it ja could go to</font> |
105 |
00:03:31,480 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">either role true yeah got got a pent</font> |
106 |
00:03:33,680 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">kill on it yesterday so he can</font> |
107 |
00:03:34,680 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">definitely play that yeah well inspired</font> |
108 |
00:03:36,599 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">got a pent kill on Vio when he was in</font> |
109 |
00:03:38,400 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">Europe so as far as the jungler pentac</font> |
110 |
00:03:41,319 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">going they locked it for impact yeah</font> |
111 |
00:03:44,599 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">yeah yeah that's very common but not for</font> |
112 |
00:03:47,480 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">impact right not for</font> |
113 |
00:03:49,120 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">impct we're talking about Mr Cante</font> |
114 |
00:03:51,879 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">conting himself he's throwing off your</font> |
115 |
00:03:54,040 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">narratives all right no more narratives</font> |
116 |
00:03:56,040 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">for impact adtf locked in top I mean</font> |
117 |
00:03:59,560 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">there's a reason that those narratives</font> |
118 |
00:04:01,200 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">exist let's look through his his</font> |
119 |
00:04:03,239 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">Champions play all time it's like only</font> |
120 |
00:04:05,599 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">rain Champion play yes the game play</font> |
121 |
00:04:09,239 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">comes out for bipo we actually mentioned</font> |
122 |
00:04:11,560 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">this on the live on the live dive yeah</font> |
123 |
00:04:15,120 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">this is going to be interesting though</font> |
124 |
00:04:16,519 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">do do you actually like this matchup</font> |
125 |
00:04:18,440 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">though I feel like I feel like a TF</font> |
126 |
00:04:20,759 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">should just be able to play the barrel</font> |
127 |
00:04:21,959 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">game pretty damn well generally range</font> |
128 |
00:04:23,840 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">range tops can be kind of difficult uh</font> |
129 |
00:04:25,759 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">for GP because of that but the reality</font> |
130 |
00:04:28,639 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">is if you can win that Barrel game if</font> |
131 |
00:04:30,080 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">you can actually play it well it's going</font> |
132 |
00:04:32,919 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">to be really strong to be able to attack</font> |
133 |
00:04:34,880 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">other sides of the map because you're</font> |
134 |
00:04:35,840 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">going to be able to throw down the GP</font> |
135 |
00:04:36,840 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">Alti you'll have sen Al over the top so</font> |
136 |
00:04:38,880 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">two crossmap ulties to assist the vgo</font> |
137 |
00:04:41,120 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">and the Annie which are going to be the</font> |
138 |
00:04:42,199 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">ones that are really hinging around you</font> |
139 |
00:04:44,159 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">know for this composition so there's so</font> |
140 |
00:04:45,880 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">much upfront damage so much setup I do</font> |
141 |
00:04:47,720 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">think it makes a lot of sense there I'm</font> |
142 |
00:04:49,520 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">just really blown away that impact is</font> |
143 |
00:04:51,639 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">bringing out ADF cuz this feels like so</font> |
144 |
00:04:53,720 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">out of left field for him yeah I was</font> |
145 |
00:04:55,000 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">going to point out the burst damage that</font> |
146 |
00:04:56,600 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">that comes with your gang flank ultimate</font> |
147 |
00:04:58,520 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">in allowing you uh inspired in this case</font> |
148 |
00:05:00,919 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">to make plays with Jensen and just make</font> |
149 |
00:05:02,960 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">sure uh you can get some of these early</font> |
150 |
00:05:05,520 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">kills you have to worry about a minion</font> |
151 |
00:05:07,400 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">wave being built up on you Gangplank</font> |
152 |
00:05:09,120 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">always has to be very wary about early</font> |
153 |
00:05:11,720 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">pressure and early Tower Dives yes</font> |
154 |
00:05:14,080 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">especially if APA on his aurelian soul</font> |
155 |
00:05:16,720 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">actually does uh find time to roam</font> |
156 |
00:05:19,000 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">remember APA when he started out as an</font> |
157 |
00:05:21,520 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">aurelan Soul main it was the original</font> |
158 |
00:05:23,759 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">aelion soul that was a early game uh</font> |
159 |
00:05:27,199 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">roaming Beast now of course it's much</font> |
160 |
00:05:29,160 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">more scal but definitely still could go</font> |
161 |
00:05:31,800 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">for those looks I mean this is just so</font> |
162 |
00:05:33,280 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">interesting cuz impact he has played</font> |
163 |
00:05:35,319 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">forever there's so much talk about how</font> |
164 |
00:05:37,280 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">long this guy has been around he won a</font> |
165 |
00:05:38,600 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">World Championship in 2013 he has zero</font> |
166 |
00:05:41,199 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">Lucian top games zero Bane top games</font> |
167 |
00:05:43,159 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">zero Quinn top games in all of that time</font> |
168 |
00:05:46,240 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">and to me bringing out an adtf is much</font> |
169 |
00:05:49,000 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">more that than it is a Kon which is</font> |
170 |
00:05:50,880 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">something that he has played as a range</font> |
171 |
00:05:52,479 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">top but like this is so not his style at</font> |
172 |
00:05:55,159 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">all and you can see on your screen</font> |
173 |
00:05:56,840 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">congratulations to Jensen who has now</font> |
174 |
00:05:58,880 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">passed Wild Turtle for third all time in</font> |
175 |
00:06:02,479 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">career wins in the LCS</font> |
176 |
00:06:05,560 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">342 you want to talk about veterancy</font> |
177 |
00:06:08,240 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">there you go also got to talk about</font> |
178 |
00:06:09,599 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">Jensen so he is going grasp and I've</font> |
179 |
00:06:11,880 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">seen this where people go grasp and they</font> |
180 |
00:06:13,240 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">go double scaling HP runes um and you</font> |
181 |
00:06:16,080 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">can go overgrowth as well so he has</font> |
182 |
00:06:17,599 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">overgrowth I don't know if he has a</font> |
183 |
00:06:18,680 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">double scaling HP runes but I will</font> |
184 |
00:06:20,160 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">assume that he does because he's playing</font> |
185 |
00:06:21,479 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">this style and then with Annie You're</font> |
186 |
00:06:23,120 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">Building A lot of these kind of Bruiser</font> |
187 |
00:06:24,680 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">items you can get like 35 3600 HP and as</font> |
188 |
00:06:27,919 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">we're waiting on these minions to March</font> |
189 |
00:06:29,840 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">down their Lanes Raz is standing by for</font> |
190 |
00:06:31,560 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">an interview with Coach spawn that's</font> |
191 |
00:06:34,080 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">where I got coach spawn with me last</font> |
192 |
00:06:35,759 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">game bloody one but what were your</font> |
193 |
00:06:37,560 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">takeaways off of that the loss I mean I</font> |
194 |
00:06:39,919 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">just think we made too many unforced</font> |
195 |
00:06:41,400 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">errors honestly in the early game I</font> |
196 |
00:06:42,880 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">think that you know y ding bottom Lane</font> |
197 |
00:06:44,400 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">couple of deaths on the mid lane as well</font> |
198 |
00:06:46,000 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">uh just not great so they're playing</font> |
199 |
00:06:47,960 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">like we we call them stupid comps right</font> |
200 |
00:06:50,039 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">so like you know exactly what the comp</font> |
201 |
00:06:51,919 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">wants to do you know they're playing an</font> |
202 |
00:06:53,319 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">re and like two of the most F champions</font> |
203 |
00:06:55,440 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">in the game and we just didn't dodging</font> |
204 |
00:06:56,800 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">engage enough so get rid of a couple of</font> |
205 |
00:06:58,199 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">the picks makes sense this one is an</font> |
206 |
00:07:00,080 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">interesting one so first of all</font> |
207 |
00:07:01,720 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">reactions on stage to the the mband from</font> |
208 |
00:07:04,160 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">fly Quest but also a lot of people are</font> |
209 |
00:07:05,840 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">talking about the Twisted Fate just like</font> |
210 |
00:07:07,080 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">the Twisted Fate Top Lane cuz impact is</font> |
211 |
00:07:08,400 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">known for playing uh non- carry picks</font> |
212 |
00:07:10,479 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">just a overall reaction on the draft</font> |
213 |
00:07:12,000 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">from your side I mean yeah I I actually</font> |
214 |
00:07:13,919 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">talked about this when we signed impact</font> |
215 |
00:07:15,280 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">that like I think the whole oh weak side</font> |
216 |
00:07:16,879 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">top laner tank player only is like kind</font> |
217 |
00:07:18,560 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">of to be honest I think that</font> |
218 |
00:07:19,800 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">he's actually a pretty good tank player</font> |
219 |
00:07:21,039 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">so uh a carry player so like we're happy</font> |
220 |
00:07:23,560 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">with the matchup so we'll see how it</font> |
221 |
00:07:24,639 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">goes and the mban like I think that's</font> |
222 |
00:07:26,199 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">just them talking they got a couple of</font> |
223 |
00:07:27,400 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">yappers on their team so they're</font> |
224 |
00:07:28,360 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">probably just mulling over what they</font> |
225 |
00:07:29,400 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">want want to ban that's what I thought D</font> |
226 |
00:07:31,360 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">all right I'll send it straight to the</font> |
227 |
00:07:32,360 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">casters and get their thoughts yeah yeah</font> |
228 |
00:07:35,000 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">impact has already had some uh some good</font> |
229 |
00:07:36,919 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">carry Jacks games uh so far even as</font> |
230 |
00:07:39,080 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">recent as this season so definitely</font> |
231 |
00:07:41,639 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">rewarding the confidence there corejj</font> |
232 |
00:07:43,720 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">and Yan get the early level two so they</font> |
233 |
00:07:45,599 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">get the early beneficial trade off for</font> |
234 |
00:07:48,000 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">JJ's hook I mean imp fact has had some</font> |
235 |
00:07:49,800 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">good car games throughout his career but</font> |
236 |
00:07:51,759 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">let's be honest you guys are so doubters</font> |
237 |
00:07:54,319 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">well there there is a reason that there</font> |
238 |
00:07:55,759 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">is this narrative and it's because 80%</font> |
239 |
00:07:57,639 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">of his games over 11 years</font> |
240 |
00:07:59,960 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">guys fio is about to drop here in bottom</font> |
241 |
00:08:02,800 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">Lane he pops the thick skin to keep</font> |
242 |
00:08:04,639 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">himself safe yes the TP is going to</font> |
243 |
00:08:06,199 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">return him to the Lane but one Auto</font> |
244 |
00:08:07,919 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">attack away from Death down there in the</font> |
245 |
00:08:09,879 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">bottom 2v2 as top Lanes getting shoved</font> |
246 |
00:08:12,680 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">in so Whip's under some pressure now as</font> |
247 |
00:08:14,479 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">well 's just going to hang out in the</font> |
248 |
00:08:16,400 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">gromp rush and see if there's a play to</font> |
249 |
00:08:18,319 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">be made if they teleport boio in down</font> |
250 |
00:08:20,960 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">here and then these guys just get dove</font> |
251 |
00:08:22,360 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">with a wave it could be trouble but it</font> |
252 |
00:08:24,120 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">looks like Team Liquid does not want to</font> |
253 |
00:08:25,879 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">risk it here just yet up going to go for</font> |
254 |
00:08:27,919 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">the Grom yeah you saw some question mark</font> |
255 |
00:08:29,879 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">p here from blue side kind of uh trying</font> |
256 |
00:08:32,080 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">to figure out where inspired was on the</font> |
257 |
00:08:34,599 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">the wolf camp they're just going to</font> |
258 |
00:08:36,200 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">steal away the Grump and protect that</font> |
259 |
00:08:37,799 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">push in and go for the reset meanwhile</font> |
260 |
00:08:40,000 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">inspired will cross through mid lane he</font> |
261 |
00:08:42,559 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">was kind of hovering there for for any</font> |
262 |
00:08:44,240 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">sort of option that showed up but no</font> |
263 |
00:08:45,839 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">aggressiveness and this is this is just</font> |
264 |
00:08:47,399 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">going to be so exciting you know I'm</font> |
265 |
00:08:48,519 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">talking so much about Top Lane because I</font> |
266 |
00:08:49,760 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">think the game is going to Pivot a lot</font> |
267 |
00:08:51,279 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">around that right you know I do think</font> |
268 |
00:08:52,959 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">the impact uh he has the ability to</font> |
269 |
00:08:54,680 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">dominate this match up the champion I</font> |
270 |
00:08:55,920 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">think has the ability to dominate this</font> |
271 |
00:08:57,160 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">match up and this is potentially some</font> |
272 |
00:08:59,160 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">trouble</font> |
273 |
00:09:00,040 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">for all right inspired coming up but</font> |
274 |
00:09:01,839 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">it's double Mobility Summoners for</font> |
275 |
00:09:03,480 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">impact spectr all connects gold card</font> |
276 |
00:09:05,760 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">back onto the vgo cuz remember if you</font> |
277 |
00:09:07,200 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">try to stun GP he just eats the oranges</font> |
278 |
00:09:08,880 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">and gets away anyway so yeah impact pops</font> |
279 |
00:09:11,600 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">no Summoner spells there and still gets</font> |
280 |
00:09:13,800 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">away with about half HP he's a veteran</font> |
281 |
00:09:15,720 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">cool calm and collected on the top side</font> |
282 |
00:09:18,519 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">another trade into Boo's health</font> |
283 |
00:09:21,079 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">bar let's see yep a little bit more even</font> |
284 |
00:09:23,640 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">on the back hand with the piercing Arrow</font> |
285 |
00:09:25,399 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">but impact he gets right back to pushing</font> |
286 |
00:09:27,240 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">uh Duty here actually with the builtup</font> |
287 |
00:09:28,959 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">wave by bipo though even you see this is</font> |
288 |
00:09:31,200 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">one of the reasons that this is such a</font> |
289 |
00:09:32,160 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">hard match up though generally is</font> |
290 |
00:09:33,200 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">because you can do the auto and then the</font> |
291 |
00:09:34,440 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">W is an auto attack reset as you're</font> |
292 |
00:09:36,360 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">actually locking in the card so impact</font> |
293 |
00:09:38,240 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">did the instant double Autos onto the</font> |
294 |
00:09:39,959 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">barrel and that's generally how TF can</font> |
295 |
00:09:41,560 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">dominate the barrel game in this whippo</font> |
296 |
00:09:43,399 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">accounted for that timed it still hit</font> |
297 |
00:09:45,000 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">the barrel chain and these matchups when</font> |
298 |
00:09:47,160 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">you're playing range into GP come all</font> |
299 |
00:09:49,240 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">down to the barrel game because if</font> |
300 |
00:09:50,279 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">you're going to play ban or Quinn or</font> |
301 |
00:09:51,399 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">whatever into it if he's hitting those</font> |
302 |
00:09:53,079 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">barrels on you you don't have enough</font> |
303 |
00:09:54,120 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">sustain and all of a sudden he's hitting</font> |
304 |
00:09:55,320 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">W's he just starts poking you down and</font> |
305 |
00:09:56,959 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">you can get pushed out but if you're</font> |
306 |
00:09:58,040 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">winning all those it can get really hard</font> |
307 |
00:10:00,000 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">for the GP and now we're in this</font> |
308 |
00:10:01,320 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">position where B is hit enough the</font> |
309 |
00:10:02,800 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">impact is having to back up and having</font> |
310 |
00:10:04,279 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">to play defensive and you need to be the</font> |
311 |
00:10:05,680 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">one pushing cuz you have no TP</font> |
312 |
00:10:07,279 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">especially when a gangplank gets an</font> |
313 |
00:10:08,640 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">early Sheen for that extra just snap</font> |
314 |
00:10:10,760 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">trading power it's pretty difficult to</font> |
315 |
00:10:12,839 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">go back and forth with it so I agree</font> |
316 |
00:10:14,360 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">with you Isaac that mini game with the</font> |
317 |
00:10:15,839 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">barrels will be so important for both of</font> |
318 |
00:10:18,240 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">these players as umpty and Jensen we're</font> |
319 |
00:10:21,120 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">both hanging around the top side River</font> |
320 |
00:10:22,800 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">Jensen has to head back over in mid as</font> |
321 |
00:10:24,240 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">umpty starts up those grubs and the</font> |
322 |
00:10:26,160 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">reason he just goes for it with full</font> |
323 |
00:10:27,600 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">confidence is because they've got the</font> |
324 |
00:10:29,480 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">support Rome up to the grubs you see</font> |
325 |
00:10:32,360 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">corejj now on Vision making his presence</font> |
326 |
00:10:35,480 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">known meanwhile they could see with</font> |
327 |
00:10:36,720 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">their minions in bottom Lane masu andio</font> |
328 |
00:10:39,040 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">bottom side easy pick up there on the</font> |
329 |
00:10:40,839 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">grubs for TL and we see APA going</font> |
330 |
00:10:42,959 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">aggressive with the flight there you're</font> |
331 |
00:10:44,760 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">just trying to farm Stardust basically</font> |
332 |
00:10:46,120 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">you're just trying to take these trades</font> |
333 |
00:10:47,279 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">when there's an opportunity when there's</font> |
334 |
00:10:48,279 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">no minions there you w forward you farm</font> |
335 |
00:10:50,200 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">it up as much as you possibly can and</font> |
336 |
00:10:52,000 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">and make take advantage of the windows</font> |
337 |
00:10:53,760 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">that your support is providing this</font> |
338 |
00:10:55,320 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">extra power so you know your opponent is</font> |
339 |
00:10:57,800 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">going to do anything about it take</font> |
340 |
00:10:59,519 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">advantage of the window grab some extra</font> |
341 |
00:11:01,240 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">little benefits and then corejj right</font> |
342 |
00:11:03,000 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">back down to bottom side as the wave is</font> |
343 |
00:11:04,760 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">going to crash in there so the timing</font> |
344 |
00:11:06,240 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">works out really nicely and Jax can just</font> |
345 |
00:11:08,360 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">transition down to bottom side Scuttle</font> |
346 |
00:11:09,920 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">crab and things are going fine for APA</font> |
347 |
00:11:12,200 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">here in the mid lane farming up Jensen</font> |
348 |
00:11:13,959 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">going to do what we saw him doing in the</font> |
349 |
00:11:15,639 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">previous game with the Annie trying to</font> |
350 |
00:11:17,040 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">maintain control over the lane with the</font> |
351 |
00:11:18,279 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">Tibbers it does get trapped in the</font> |
352 |
00:11:19,839 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">singularity as whippo uses his Alti to</font> |
353 |
00:11:22,000 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">force impact back away from the turret</font> |
354 |
00:11:24,040 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">impact still trying to hang around get</font> |
355 |
00:11:25,720 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">as many minions as he can but yeah</font> |
356 |
00:11:27,040 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">Whip's got enough damage he scares</font> |
357 |
00:11:28,600 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">impact all the way I mean this is</font> |
358 |
00:11:29,920 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">actually horrible for impact when you're</font> |
359 |
00:11:31,079 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">playing the range versus melee and you</font> |
360 |
00:11:32,680 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">don't have the push your TP is is so</font> |
361 |
00:11:36,320 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">important right and he doesn't have TP</font> |
362 |
00:11:38,279 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">whle tp's back pushes him out and now</font> |
363 |
00:11:40,480 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">wh's going to be zoning him completely</font> |
364 |
00:11:41,959 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">off yeah Whip's got him zoned away but</font> |
365 |
00:11:43,639 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">Boo's now the focus here with this bot</font> |
366 |
00:11:45,240 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">side</font> |
367 |
00:11:46,040 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">3v3 APA already used the falling star</font> |
368 |
00:11:48,399 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">back in mid to force Jensen away and</font> |
369 |
00:11:49,760 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">blow his flash but it's First Blood over</font> |
370 |
00:11:51,200 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">to up Jacks fly Quest now in Retreat as</font> |
371 |
00:11:54,800 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">inspired and masu try to get back</font> |
372 |
00:11:56,560 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">Jensen's made the rotation over but the</font> |
373 |
00:11:58,320 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">tippers was also used used earlier both</font> |
374 |
00:12:00,040 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">midlaners have joined the fight but it's</font> |
375 |
00:12:01,639 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">already over for fly Quest inspired</font> |
376 |
00:12:03,880 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">barely hanging on has to go all the way</font> |
377 |
00:12:06,040 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">back and Team Liquid has a one zero lead</font> |
378 |
00:12:08,360 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">that's huge for TL being able to push on</font> |
379 |
00:12:10,000 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">bottom side afterwards also and uh cuz</font> |
380 |
00:12:12,320 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">whippo was unable to add his ulti cuz he</font> |
381 |
00:12:14,399 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">had already used it they aren't able to</font> |
382 |
00:12:16,880 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">turn it back around full vision coverage</font> |
383 |
00:12:18,880 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">and control for TL around the Dragon</font> |
384 |
00:12:21,680 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">2 it's going to be an exciting game man</font> |
385 |
00:12:24,120 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">this one looking like it definitely</font> |
386 |
00:12:25,880 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">could go either way buto walking back</font> |
387 |
00:12:28,639 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">does have that double long sword now as</font> |
388 |
00:12:31,199 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">we're going to see this fight one more</font> |
389 |
00:12:32,399 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">time just started off by boo looking to</font> |
390 |
00:12:34,480 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">go in aggressive M heals up with the</font> |
391 |
00:12:36,600 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">honey fruit and is able to eventually</font> |
392 |
00:12:38,279 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">find this angle as Yan had a really nice</font> |
393 |
00:12:40,240 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">back step on the spectral M there Dodges</font> |
394 |
00:12:42,199 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">the stun Mt goes in gets the kill</font> |
395 |
00:12:43,920 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">flashes out before the route does</font> |
396 |
00:12:45,360 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">connect there from masu to keep himself</font> |
397 |
00:12:48,120 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">safe well back in mid Jensen versus APA</font> |
398 |
00:12:51,279 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">checking in on that Stardust AA sitting</font> |
399 |
00:12:53,880 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">at about 47 right now remember earlier</font> |
400 |
00:12:56,480 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">on it is going to be slower stacking but</font> |
401 |
00:12:58,160 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">once we get to the 20 minutes Mark or so</font> |
402 |
00:12:59,720 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">you're kind of looking for that 10 per</font> |
403 |
00:13:01,720 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">minute as sort of the Baseline what you</font> |
404 |
00:13:03,839 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">would measure it against bottom Lane 2v2</font> |
405 |
00:13:06,160 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">again just scrapping nonstop with these</font> |
406 |
00:13:08,760 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">guys masu trying to get as much damage</font> |
407 |
00:13:11,040 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">as he can on the back into the fight</font> |
408 |
00:13:12,240 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">utilizing the range and the power of the</font> |
409 |
00:13:13,800 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">center another extra lick from boio and</font> |
410 |
00:13:16,199 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">yawns down to half HP and honestly the</font> |
411 |
00:13:17,760 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">FL bot Lane doing quite well here</font> |
412 |
00:13:19,480 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">despite that early trade you know going</font> |
413 |
00:13:21,600 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">so bad they got the TP out of boio</font> |
414 |
00:13:23,399 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">almost immediately they stabilized in</font> |
415 |
00:13:24,760 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">this Lane they're doing well now um it</font> |
416 |
00:13:26,920 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">can get hard later on obviously for that</font> |
417 |
00:13:28,760 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">Tom though as Baris is pretty good at</font> |
418 |
00:13:31,160 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">punching through you wave right here</font> |
419 |
00:13:32,920 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">kind of hovering right in front of tower</font> |
420 |
00:13:34,800 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">as well they just clear out the vision</font> |
421 |
00:13:36,199 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">for impact so he can try and make the</font> |
422 |
00:13:37,399 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">most of it and then head on down let's</font> |
423 |
00:13:39,480 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">see if bumpty actually makes it in time</font> |
424 |
00:13:41,880 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">yeah they know that he's there because</font> |
425 |
00:13:43,240 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">of the control Ward as Jensen again just</font> |
426 |
00:13:45,959 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">trying to get away from the falling star</font> |
427 |
00:13:47,399 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">turns the ulti right back around on APA</font> |
428 |
00:13:49,639 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">neither one of these midlaners really</font> |
429 |
00:13:51,000 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">fit to fight anymore but inspired</font> |
430 |
00:13:53,079 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">finally clears out the control board</font> |
431 |
00:13:54,240 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">that spotted him earlier and he cannot</font> |
432 |
00:13:55,880 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">complete the Drake and does get there in</font> |
433 |
00:13:57,959 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">time though yeah they chase him right</font> |
434 |
00:14:00,000 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">off of it I mean the health bars are</font> |
435 |
00:14:02,000 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">pretty close after that but they are</font> |
436 |
00:14:03,639 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">going to get some more Stardust off of</font> |
437 |
00:14:05,560 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">that Tibbers as well so AA actually</font> |
438 |
00:14:07,600 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">still pretty happy about those ult</font> |
439 |
00:14:09,199 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">trades and every time you ult trade you</font> |
440 |
00:14:10,759 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">are also getting Stardust that the</font> |
441 |
00:14:11,839 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">connect you get five for every time you</font> |
442 |
00:14:13,079 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">hit some with your ulti so honestly not</font> |
443 |
00:14:15,240 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">that bad core finds a hook nicely done</font> |
444 |
00:14:17,199 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">from core JJ forcing out the devour from</font> |
445 |
00:14:20,639 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">boio to keep that Senna safe they also</font> |
446 |
00:14:23,800 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">get the gang plank ulti from Cross map</font> |
447 |
00:14:25,920 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">out of bipo so a lot of resources having</font> |
448 |
00:14:28,519 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">to be spent by fly Quest there core JJ</font> |
449 |
00:14:31,279 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">nice hook yeah really nice hook there</font> |
450 |
00:14:33,160 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">the GB Alti being down is always</font> |
451 |
00:14:34,880 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">something that's going to feel really</font> |
452 |
00:14:35,720 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">nice in the 1 V one for impact because</font> |
453 |
00:14:37,360 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">there's more threat now for him in that</font> |
454 |
00:14:39,360 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">isolated 1 V one he rushed tabies though</font> |
455 |
00:14:41,519 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">as he was a little bit on the back foot</font> |
456 |
00:14:43,519 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">uh I'm expecting him to go shiv that's</font> |
457 |
00:14:44,720 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">pretty much what what everone does go</font> |
458 |
00:14:46,279 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">these days on on the TF top but we'll</font> |
459 |
00:14:48,240 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">see where he wants to go from there and</font> |
460 |
00:14:49,360 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">we also have to see how early he gets</font> |
461 |
00:14:51,320 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">active on the map right because you want</font> |
462 |
00:14:52,839 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">to be getting out on the map making</font> |
463 |
00:14:54,240 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">things happen with his tfl this Ward</font> |
464 |
00:14:56,320 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">this Ward behind Dragon saw him get in</font> |
465 |
00:14:58,399 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">there okay Uso's got to be careful</font> |
466 |
00:15:01,360 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">though he does not want to overcommit in</font> |
467 |
00:15:03,320 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">the botside river this was the tragedy</font> |
468 |
00:15:05,560 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">of game number one for fly Quest and now</font> |
469 |
00:15:07,800 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">an APA down here to help burn it away</font> |
470 |
00:15:09,920 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">there it is umpty can secure that Drake</font> |
471 |
00:15:11,800 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">and get out that was really nicely done</font> |
472 |
00:15:13,759 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">and even the little angle that APA took</font> |
473 |
00:15:15,600 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">here to add the extra damage make sure</font> |
474 |
00:15:17,320 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">he doesn't expose himself that's an ASO</font> |
475 |
00:15:19,399 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">main right there that is an ASO main</font> |
476 |
00:15:21,800 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">right there for APA uh also nice little</font> |
477 |
00:15:24,560 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">job just sneakily picking up this Dragon</font> |
478 |
00:15:27,000 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">because they also had gotten the first</font> |
479 |
00:15:29,000 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">first three grubs so even though you see</font> |
480 |
00:15:31,120 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">inspired and fly quest with the mid</font> |
481 |
00:15:33,839 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">priority into grubs now it's not going</font> |
482 |
00:15:35,800 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">to be like six grubs stacking for them</font> |
483 |
00:15:37,319 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">so not going to be super dangerous for</font> |
484 |
00:15:39,440 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">TL and TL actually taking the</font> |
485 |
00:15:41,079 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">opportunity to use their bottom side</font> |
486 |
00:15:43,240 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">presence to make sure uh they can get</font> |
487 |
00:15:46,120 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">some extra damage on this Tower get some</font> |
488 |
00:15:48,160 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">turret plate money for themselves and</font> |
489 |
00:15:49,720 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">maybe some catfish food let's see this</font> |
490 |
00:15:52,560 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">is a 3v1 Boo's going to try to endure</font> |
491 |
00:15:55,199 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">this tank it up the burst is pretty</font> |
492 |
00:15:57,880 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">significant though JJ one more turret</font> |
493 |
00:16:00,199 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">shot nearly kills him close don't count</font> |
494 |
00:16:03,319 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">Team Liquid pick up their second kill of</font> |
495 |
00:16:05,279 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">the game they're going to get a ton of</font> |
496 |
00:16:06,519 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">plate money too inspired masu and whippo</font> |
497 |
00:16:09,440 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">seeing if they can find some kind of an</font> |
498 |
00:16:10,759 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">answer across the map here but now a TP</font> |
499 |
00:16:13,880 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">will reinforce the bottom Lane turret</font> |
500 |
00:16:15,880 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">for fly qu the catfish is back as impact</font> |
501 |
00:16:19,000 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">gets Dove as the dawning Shadow does not</font> |
502 |
00:16:21,360 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">do enough damage to kill him off wio</font> |
503 |
00:16:23,360 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">still looking for one last shot the</font> |
504 |
00:16:25,120 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">point blank pistol as APA finishes him</font> |
505 |
00:16:28,600 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">that'll be one for one here in the Top</font> |
506 |
00:16:30,240 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">Lane yeah boo tp's back for round two as</font> |
507 |
00:16:32,600 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">they get the dive on impact and got all</font> |
508 |
00:16:34,279 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">his sums there as well and they're</font> |
509 |
00:16:36,199 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">pushing up mids there's action in all</font> |
510 |
00:16:37,800 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">three lanes constantly here I think boo</font> |
511 |
00:16:40,319 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">could have stayed under Tower if they</font> |
512 |
00:16:41,199 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">had GP all but because they didn't it</font> |
513 |
00:16:42,720 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">just felt too risky no one was tping</font> |
514 |
00:16:44,360 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">down actually save him in that 1v3</font> |
515 |
00:16:46,480 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">situation yeah you're the farming Tom</font> |
516 |
00:16:48,519 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">kench this time it's not like the</font> |
517 |
00:16:49,639 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">Nautilus from game one he is tankier but</font> |
518 |
00:16:51,920 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">still not close to tank you know</font> |
519 |
00:16:53,399 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">meanwhile then since we had APA going up</font> |
520 |
00:16:55,440 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">to try and cover impact there and like</font> |
521 |
00:16:57,560 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">bait in the kill onto B they did leave</font> |
522 |
00:16:59,880 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">up mid for one minion wave worth of gold</font> |
523 |
00:17:03,759 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">that Jensen was able to push in I got to</font> |
524 |
00:17:05,959 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">say man top is looking a little cooked</font> |
525 |
00:17:07,559 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">for impact it's it's going to be tough</font> |
526 |
00:17:09,199 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">now Essence Reaper already completed for</font> |
527 |
00:17:10,760 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">bipo so now he has infinite Mana he's</font> |
528 |
00:17:13,119 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">going to be pushing and he's he's</font> |
529 |
00:17:14,280 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">reached that level n from an advantage</font> |
530 |
00:17:16,839 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">he's taken more plates he's gotten a</font> |
531 |
00:17:19,039 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">kill like he is just going to be scaling</font> |
532 |
00:17:20,839 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">to infinity and you're going to be</font> |
533 |
00:17:22,480 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">playing a a champion that's losing in</font> |
534 |
00:17:23,959 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">Side Lane is just kind of running around</font> |
535 |
00:17:25,039 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">and gold carding people so he's got to</font> |
536 |
00:17:26,240 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">find some sort of action on the map okay</font> |
537 |
00:17:28,319 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">Jensen and inspired going to try to get</font> |
538 |
00:17:29,960 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">this kill on impact here they dropped</font> |
539 |
00:17:31,440 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">the timers but 's ready to respond now</font> |
540 |
00:17:34,200 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">the GP oh trying to keep Jensen alive</font> |
541 |
00:17:36,440 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">but it ain't going to work here just yet</font> |
542 |
00:17:37,679 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">inspired needs more damage they finally</font> |
543 |
00:17:39,720 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">kill impact off but Up's about to make</font> |
544 |
00:17:41,799 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">it two kills Whi barely surviving back</font> |
545 |
00:17:44,160 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">in the mid lane no he dies to the burn</font> |
546 |
00:17:47,000 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">from leandre's team liquid's got a 6 to2</font> |
547 |
00:17:49,880 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">game if they show the replay you'll</font> |
548 |
00:17:51,679 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">notice the split second that inspired</font> |
549 |
00:17:54,080 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">C's umpty Jensen still flashes in for</font> |
550 |
00:17:56,880 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">the play but but he actually backs off</font> |
551 |
00:17:59,120 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">so inspired backs off once they see him</font> |
552 |
00:18:01,440 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">Jensen still goes for it and then they</font> |
553 |
00:18:02,799 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">force it through and it results in</font> |
554 |
00:18:04,960 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">really big gains for to well three kills</font> |
555 |
00:18:07,240 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">on the Jax is a disaster the Jax is</font> |
556 |
00:18:09,600 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">going to be so strong he's got his</font> |
557 |
00:18:10,840 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">Triforce now already we saw him get a</font> |
558 |
00:18:13,280 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">pentac kill yesterday on this Champion</font> |
559 |
00:18:14,679 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">he is off the races when you're playing</font> |
560 |
00:18:16,200 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">from ahead you're going to be a monster</font> |
561 |
00:18:18,000 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">inide Lane APA is well really strong</font> |
562 |
00:18:21,080 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">gets a kill in mid lane he's got the</font> |
563 |
00:18:22,799 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">leandre's done and this is what you're</font> |
564 |
00:18:24,200 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">talking about it showed up a little bit</font> |
565 |
00:18:25,360 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">too late for to be able to highlight</font> |
566 |
00:18:27,039 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">what you were talking about yeah but</font> |
567 |
00:18:28,280 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">that that ump to go right in onto Jensen</font> |
568 |
00:18:30,600 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">because Jensen flashed for the play and</font> |
569 |
00:18:33,559 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">tried to force it there and then umpty</font> |
570 |
00:18:34,880 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">is able to pick the other one because he</font> |
571 |
00:18:36,280 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">flashes here they get the extra turret</font> |
572 |
00:18:38,120 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">shot and so as you say really early</font> |
573 |
00:18:40,760 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">Trinity Force bide immediately back from</font> |
574 |
00:18:43,480 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">the replay and booo is down important to</font> |
575 |
00:18:46,559 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">point out in that Top Lane dive that</font> |
576 |
00:18:48,240 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">inspired flashed when the turret shot</font> |
577 |
00:18:50,280 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">was already in motion so he loses that</font> |
578 |
00:18:52,039 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">Summoner spell for free there too Team</font> |
579 |
00:18:54,400 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">Liquid now up about 1 and 12,000 gold as</font> |
580 |
00:18:57,400 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">turret plates are about to fall and 15</font> |
581 |
00:18:59,159 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">seconds I mean this this hot debate of</font> |
582 |
00:19:01,440 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">uh of impact on carries we saw the video</font> |
583 |
00:19:04,039 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">from wio at the very beginning of the</font> |
584 |
00:19:05,919 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">day where he had this huge grin on his</font> |
585 |
00:19:07,919 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">face and he's like well impact if he's</font> |
586 |
00:19:09,760 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">not going to be able to carry then your</font> |
587 |
00:19:11,480 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">team's not going to be able to win but</font> |
588 |
00:19:13,200 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">he's sleeping he's watching the other</font> |
589 |
00:19:14,520 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">fight what is he doing he was asleep at</font> |
590 |
00:19:16,320 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">the wheel that is 100% he is he Ed top</font> |
591 |
00:19:19,280 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">and he's watching the dive happen top</font> |
592 |
00:19:21,400 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">and he lost way too much health where's</font> |
593 |
00:19:24,520 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">the typing where's the typing oh he he</font> |
594 |
00:19:26,520 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">typed APA is on a killing spr now is</font> |
595 |
00:19:29,320 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">again out of the replay we're back to</font> |
596 |
00:19:31,559 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">live and APA is 3 0 and Z on one of his</font> |
597 |
00:19:35,679 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">signature</font> |
598 |
00:19:36,840 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">Champions what what else can you say</font> |
599 |
00:19:38,760 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">besides o man when you die like that you</font> |
600 |
00:19:40,520 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">feel like a fool he said what are you</font> |
601 |
00:19:42,240 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">doing watch your screen that's what else</font> |
602 |
00:19:43,960 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">you could say he's letting wio know that</font> |
603 |
00:19:47,640 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">he's going to want that one back Team</font> |
604 |
00:19:49,720 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">Liquid up 2,000 gold they've got RI</font> |
605 |
00:19:52,240 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">tural in their pocket Boo's trying to</font> |
606 |
00:19:54,080 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">join up with masu and inspired to grab a</font> |
607 |
00:19:55,720 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">kill on Yan but it ain't going to work</font> |
608 |
00:19:57,000 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">out here's your gang flank go team</font> |
609 |
00:19:58,720 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">Dawning Shadows not enough either now up</font> |
610 |
00:20:01,280 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">coming in Team Liquid is ready for the</font> |
611 |
00:20:04,080 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">fight up finds the lock up but Boo's got</font> |
612 |
00:20:07,120 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">the save inspired out of the heat for</font> |
613 |
00:20:09,640 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">now and here comes corejj now he's got</font> |
614 |
00:20:11,840 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">to be careful trying to get away from</font> |
615 |
00:20:13,280 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">this one umpty jumping right back to</font> |
616 |
00:20:15,520 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">make sure there's no kill onto the</font> |
617 |
00:20:17,320 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">Nautilus and that's going to be a</font> |
618 |
00:20:18,520 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">benefit for TL because they have APA</font> |
619 |
00:20:20,200 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">getting a tower on top side that's going</font> |
620 |
00:20:21,760 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">to be outer Tower gold for the aurelion</font> |
621 |
00:20:24,280 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">soul more Stardust to boot this Champion</font> |
622 |
00:20:27,280 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">scale so well still that even though</font> |
623 |
00:20:29,840 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">they give up their dragon on the bottom</font> |
624 |
00:20:31,520 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">side of the map they're going to be very</font> |
625 |
00:20:32,799 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">happy with that trade and when we heard</font> |
626 |
00:20:34,520 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">APA talk about their matchup against C9</font> |
627 |
00:20:37,480 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">and how they were able to beat them he</font> |
628 |
00:20:38,919 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">talked about how yeah they just gave us</font> |
629 |
00:20:40,520 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">too much free stuff in Sid Lanes like</font> |
630 |
00:20:42,640 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">they showed too many guys in too many</font> |
631 |
00:20:44,240 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">places at once and they were just out</font> |
632 |
00:20:46,240 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">rotating them around the map there's a</font> |
633 |
00:20:47,880 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">good example of that as APA picks up</font> |
634 |
00:20:50,440 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">some more free resources Team Liquid up</font> |
635 |
00:20:52,640 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">over 2,000 gold as fly Quest and TL are</font> |
636 |
00:20:55,600 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">tied in Drakes now yeah both does have</font> |
637 |
00:20:59,000 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">info that Mt is around so he's going to</font> |
638 |
00:21:00,600 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">have to back off but it's also pretty</font> |
639 |
00:21:01,840 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">problematic you know that inspired and</font> |
640 |
00:21:03,159 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">Jensen are getting behind in the pace of</font> |
641 |
00:21:04,280 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">the game because again the whole point</font> |
642 |
00:21:05,919 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">of that duo is that you get ahead you</font> |
643 |
00:21:07,840 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">onot someone you get the reset if you</font> |
644 |
00:21:09,360 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">can't get the reset vgo really does</font> |
645 |
00:21:11,480 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">struggle especially against a champion</font> |
646 |
00:21:13,400 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">like Jax you're just going to do so much</font> |
647 |
00:21:15,200 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">more if vgo's not getting that quick</font> |
648 |
00:21:16,960 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">kill and then if we see aeli and soul in</font> |
649 |
00:21:19,120 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">team fights lock up Tibbers with the E</font> |
650 |
00:21:21,880 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">then all the benefit that we saw from</font> |
651 |
00:21:23,880 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">Annie last time around where the tippers</font> |
652 |
00:21:25,440 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">was burning everyone and demolishing</font> |
653 |
00:21:27,159 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">these team fights isn't going to be</font> |
654 |
00:21:28,880 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">there as well I think there's a lot of</font> |
655 |
00:21:30,799 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">pressure on bipo to carry this game</font> |
656 |
00:21:33,159 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">because wio is the Hope for fly Quest he</font> |
657 |
00:21:35,080 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">is fed on gang plank he has the lead</font> |
658 |
00:21:38,240 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">Gangplank is a very very good uh Courier</font> |
659 |
00:21:41,480 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">for money this Champion uses money</font> |
660 |
00:21:43,960 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">incredibly well if you're able to hit</font> |
661 |
00:21:46,080 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">your Barrel chains later on but that is</font> |
662 |
00:21:48,039 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">the key Vision so that you can hit your</font> |
663 |
00:21:50,039 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">Barrel chains and really make use of the</font> |
664 |
00:21:52,400 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">crits GP is one of those few champions</font> |
665 |
00:21:54,440 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">in modern League of Legends that you</font> |
666 |
00:21:55,720 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">feel like can really pull off a 1 v9 if</font> |
667 |
00:21:58,120 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">you are playing it to the absolute</font> |
668 |
00:21:59,880 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">ceiling of what it can do we know that</font> |
669 |
00:22:01,880 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">wio has been very fond of this champion</font> |
670 |
00:22:03,960 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">in the past and the pressure is on now</font> |
671 |
00:22:06,159 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">for him to step up here in this game and</font> |
672 |
00:22:08,520 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">I think vision is so key like you're</font> |
673 |
00:22:09,799 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">talking about Kobe because especially</font> |
674 |
00:22:11,080 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">when there's you know multiple TF is</font> |
675 |
00:22:12,600 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">basically a marksman multiple Marksman</font> |
676 |
00:22:13,919 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">over on the other side with range Auto</font> |
677 |
00:22:15,799 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">attacks the barrels can just get killed</font> |
678 |
00:22:17,039 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">off instantly every time you're dropping</font> |
679 |
00:22:18,400 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">them in these later fights uh which can</font> |
680 |
00:22:20,120 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">make it almost impossible to get</font> |
681 |
00:22:21,520 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">anything done plus you have this</font> |
682 |
00:22:22,919 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">enormous amount of Zone control from a</font> |
683 |
00:22:24,600 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">champion like asou that makes it</font> |
684 |
00:22:26,559 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">difficult to actually walk up and even</font> |
685 |
00:22:27,760 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">be able to get in ra for these Barrel</font> |
686 |
00:22:29,320 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">combos because especially as you start</font> |
687 |
00:22:31,159 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">getting more and more Stardust and that</font> |
688 |
00:22:32,520 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">e gets bigger and bigger and bigger like</font> |
689 |
00:22:34,799 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">that thing is just a GP on a basic cool</font> |
690 |
00:22:36,840 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">down later in the game that executes</font> |
691 |
00:22:39,320 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">yeah bad very nice builtin Elder Dragon</font> |
692 |
00:22:43,400 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">on it what is it with the dragons in the</font> |
693 |
00:22:44,919 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">executes I just now realized it's a</font> |
694 |
00:22:46,240 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">common Fe where's shyvana's execute huh</font> |
695 |
00:22:48,400 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">shyvana's only half the original Shana</font> |
696 |
00:22:50,880 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">gets 5 Mr for killing a drag kind of</font> |
697 |
00:22:53,600 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">scaling is</font> |
698 |
00:22:54,679 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">that zero yeah Spyro gets to be the</font> |
699 |
00:22:57,960 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">Elder</font> |
700 |
00:22:59,080 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">as just gets to drop GP on a basic</font> |
701 |
00:23:01,440 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">ability Shana gets 5 Mr sivana came out</font> |
702 |
00:23:03,919 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">in 2012 all right Shana will have her</font> |
703 |
00:23:06,159 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">time event is actually just cosplaying a</font> |
704 |
00:23:08,799 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">dragon all right bottom Lane we have</font> |
705 |
00:23:11,400 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">what could be a dive on wio he's going</font> |
706 |
00:23:13,000 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">to try to turn it around Shadow sniped</font> |
707 |
00:23:16,080 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">onty out big shot coming in from masu</font> |
708 |
00:23:19,880 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">definitely some big defense there I</font> |
709 |
00:23:21,200 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">think it's just going to stop at the one</font> |
710 |
00:23:23,120 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">kill for fly Quest here but you'll take</font> |
711 |
00:23:25,279 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">any money that you can get to try and</font> |
712 |
00:23:26,440 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">get back into it um that</font> |
713 |
00:23:29,200 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">that is one of the Champions we didn't</font> |
714 |
00:23:30,799 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">quite mention uhoh Jensen gets caught by</font> |
715 |
00:23:33,000 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">the chain of corruption but there's</font> |
716 |
00:23:34,279 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">nothing else behind the chain so he'll</font> |
717 |
00:23:36,400 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">be just fine yeah no deep Vision here</font> |
718 |
00:23:39,039 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">for Team Liquid so they knew the</font> |
719 |
00:23:41,120 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">rotation was coming over from inspired</font> |
720 |
00:23:42,760 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">andio don't want to over Chase there</font> |
721 |
00:23:44,480 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">even if you hit your SK shot 3 0 and Zer</font> |
722 |
00:23:47,440 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">on the celan soul for APA 174 Stacks</font> |
723 |
00:23:50,799 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">like I was expecting around 20 minutes</font> |
724 |
00:23:52,480 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">and 200 is where it's going to equalize</font> |
725 |
00:23:54,039 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">and from there it'll just become more</font> |
726 |
00:23:56,360 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">and more of a frustrating issue for fly</font> |
727 |
00:23:58,600 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">Quest as Team Liquid will be happy to</font> |
728 |
00:24:00,720 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">give resources to this infinitely</font> |
729 |
00:24:02,960 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">scaling Omega bomb of a late game</font> |
730 |
00:24:05,840 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">Champion yeah and he's scaled already</font> |
731 |
00:24:07,520 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">it's two items he's the first to two</font> |
732 |
00:24:09,320 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">items here for the aurelian soul APA is</font> |
733 |
00:24:12,080 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">in such a critical position right now as</font> |
734 |
00:24:15,440 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">umpt is able to get the vision and and</font> |
735 |
00:24:16,960 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">they're rotating over but the plan is</font> |
736 |
00:24:19,000 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">try and play this split push you've got</font> |
737 |
00:24:20,520 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">TF here with double Mobility Summoner</font> |
738 |
00:24:22,799 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">spells and a static Shi who annihilates</font> |
739 |
00:24:24,679 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">minion waves and these are the last</font> |
740 |
00:24:26,200 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">couple lower bracket runs that we've</font> |
741 |
00:24:28,039 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">actually had you know that resulted in</font> |
742 |
00:24:29,640 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">wins I was actually looking back over</font> |
743 |
00:24:31,320 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">the last couple years it's actually</font> |
744 |
00:24:32,279 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">about 50/50 almost exactly 50/50 teams</font> |
745 |
00:24:34,440 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">winning from the upper bracket versus</font> |
746 |
00:24:35,720 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">the lower bracket so people like to talk</font> |
747 |
00:24:37,520 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">a lot about you know lower back</font> |
748 |
00:24:38,679 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">Advantage playing the extra games versus</font> |
749 |
00:24:39,919 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">upper back Advantage kind of getting</font> |
750 |
00:24:41,080 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">time to actually prepare specifically</font> |
751 |
00:24:42,320 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">for one team um but this is another one</font> |
752 |
00:24:44,799 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">where I think it's a little bit too</font> |
753 |
00:24:46,000 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">close to</font> |
754 |
00:24:47,080 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">tell and in this mid game I think the</font> |
755 |
00:24:50,240 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">critical you know issue is going to be</font> |
756 |
00:24:52,080 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">how to fly Quest deal with a Team Liquid</font> |
757 |
00:24:54,000 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">split push because impact is not going</font> |
758 |
00:24:56,480 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">to stop static shift Twisted Fate with</font> |
759 |
00:24:58,000 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">double ability Summoner spells and a Fed</font> |
760 |
00:25:00,320 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">aurelian Soul are really good Sid laners</font> |
761 |
00:25:03,559 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">they can push in both side waves and</font> |
762 |
00:25:05,679 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">then look to make plays so it has to</font> |
763 |
00:25:07,200 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">come from something surprising here with</font> |
764 |
00:25:09,200 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">an Annie stun or an inspired stun making</font> |
765 |
00:25:12,440 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">use of their Flash and then you know</font> |
766 |
00:25:13,840 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">game plank ultimate and just trying to</font> |
767 |
00:25:15,240 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">trying to pick people off but TL if TL</font> |
768 |
00:25:17,880 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">are careful in their split push feel</font> |
769 |
00:25:20,039 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">like they should be able to ACR multiple</font> |
770 |
00:25:21,840 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">advantages it's really interesting cuz I</font> |
771 |
00:25:24,000 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">also think there's an argument for later</font> |
772 |
00:25:25,480 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">on for actually just putting Jack in the</font> |
773 |
00:25:27,039 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">Sid Lane have G have have impact grou</font> |
774 |
00:25:29,120 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">the Milky Way argument I like that one</font> |
775 |
00:25:30,840 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">have impact group and then be able to</font> |
776 |
00:25:32,480 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">just ult the sly and actually assist him</font> |
777 |
00:25:34,039 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">for things like Dives and whatnot cuz</font> |
778 |
00:25:35,399 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">Jax is going to skill so well in that</font> |
779 |
00:25:36,760 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">sidelane and umpty likes his odds in</font> |
780 |
00:25:38,919 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">that fight just chunks out half of</font> |
781 |
00:25:40,600 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">inspired's Health right before the</font> |
782 |
00:25:41,919 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">dragon I think you earn that privilege</font> |
783 |
00:25:44,120 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">when you get a pentac kill got got Jack</font> |
784 |
00:25:47,039 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">you uh you have unlocked the flip</font> |
785 |
00:25:49,480 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">privilege as a jungler DLC you now get</font> |
786 |
00:25:51,840 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">Sid Lane gold y we will give you solo</font> |
787 |
00:25:53,799 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">Tower gold we will give you minion waves</font> |
788 |
00:25:55,919 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">fly Quest trying to come up and</font> |
789 |
00:25:57,000 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">challenge as TL wants to go for the</font> |
790 |
00:25:58,520 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">Drake whippo flashing over the wall to</font> |
791 |
00:26:00,559 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">keep himself safe as up tries to engage</font> |
792 |
00:26:02,399 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">on Jensen who has to flash out to barely</font> |
793 |
00:26:04,399 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">Escape himself The Singularity is down</font> |
794 |
00:26:06,480 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">fly Quest is on the Run whip inspired to</font> |
795 |
00:26:08,520 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">Jensen all barely hanging on as Monster</font> |
796 |
00:26:10,039 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">tries to cut it out he BPS the cleans to</font> |
797 |
00:26:11,480 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">get away from the gold card impact has</font> |
798 |
00:26:13,279 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">to escape off to the side Team Liquid</font> |
799 |
00:26:15,640 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">has somehow not found a single kill off</font> |
800 |
00:26:18,200 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">of that fly Quest will retreat in time</font> |
801 |
00:26:21,440 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">that Singularity was insane from APA</font> |
802 |
00:26:24,440 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">dragging inspired away from the kill on</font> |
803 |
00:26:27,480 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">to umt so neither team drops a champion</font> |
804 |
00:26:30,840 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">but TL come out with the objective okay</font> |
805 |
00:26:33,559 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">now oh no boio the Tom catch tries to</font> |
806 |
00:26:36,760 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">flash out and live through it the thick</font> |
807 |
00:26:38,640 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">skin he gets over the wall and boio</font> |
808 |
00:26:42,039 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">lives I got to say I'm actually shocked</font> |
809 |
00:26:43,799 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">that he bought a heart steel this late</font> |
810 |
00:26:45,039 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">in the game he's going to get no stacks</font> |
811 |
00:26:46,480 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">on that thing on the Tom catch yeah</font> |
812 |
00:26:49,480 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">currently Max Health gain zero I mean he</font> |
813 |
00:26:51,760 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">got he got it late right but it's like</font> |
814 |
00:26:53,360 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">who are you going to be autoing in these</font> |
815 |
00:26:55,000 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">fights where you're supposed to be</font> |
816 |
00:26:55,919 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">getting these Stacks it just doesn't</font> |
817 |
00:26:57,799 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">really have a lot of value unless you</font> |
818 |
00:26:59,240 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">can get early and stack it up but we can</font> |
819 |
00:27:00,399 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">watch this fight one more time as fly</font> |
820 |
00:27:02,600 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">Quest were trying to push in the river</font> |
821 |
00:27:04,039 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">but it was TL that laid the Trap they</font> |
822 |
00:27:06,200 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">were waiting core hex flash over the</font> |
823 |
00:27:08,120 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">wall does look for the hook it's</font> |
824 |
00:27:09,440 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">responded to by that flash and then MPT</font> |
825 |
00:27:11,159 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">goes in on the other side flly look to</font> |
826 |
00:27:13,039 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">try to turn around on him but this is a</font> |
827 |
00:27:14,279 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">singularity you're talking about when</font> |
828 |
00:27:15,720 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">you get rooted up the singularity still</font> |
829 |
00:27:17,679 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">pulls you so you get ver assaulted</font> |
830 |
00:27:19,000 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">you're still getting pulled into the</font> |
831 |
00:27:20,279 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">middle of that Singularity yeah and then</font> |
832 |
00:27:22,440 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">they limp away and even though fly Quest</font> |
833 |
00:27:24,039 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">members do live in the end their health</font> |
834 |
00:27:26,399 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">bars have sustained too much damage so</font> |
835 |
00:27:29,120 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">the objective and all these flashes</font> |
836 |
00:27:31,679 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">critically go the side of Team Liquid</font> |
837 |
00:27:33,760 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">they just burned the uh masu Flash The</font> |
838 |
00:27:37,399 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">wio Flash as well as the boio flash all</font> |
839 |
00:27:41,480 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">these timers here uh really taking down</font> |
840 |
00:27:43,679 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">nobody on the side of fly Quest now has</font> |
841 |
00:27:45,640 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">that get out of jail free card Team</font> |
842 |
00:27:47,840 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">Liquid see if they can abuse that</font> |
843 |
00:27:49,200 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">Advantage something that's actually</font> |
844 |
00:27:50,600 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">really critical as well is playing</font> |
845 |
00:27:51,799 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">around uh the Falling Sky skies I</font> |
846 |
00:27:53,919 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">believe it is is the upgraded Sky</font> |
847 |
00:27:55,320 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">descend Sky descend it's oh it's falling</font> |
848 |
00:27:57,000 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">star yeah I got the yeah um so Sky send</font> |
849 |
00:28:00,000 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">the upgraded ultimate for the ASO which</font> |
850 |
00:28:02,000 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">is now ready for APA so if you can try</font> |
851 |
00:28:04,080 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">to force that out try to put pressure on</font> |
852 |
00:28:05,960 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">him before some sort of major fight it's</font> |
853 |
00:28:07,960 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">actually pretty critical because it is</font> |
854 |
00:28:09,480 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">very hard to win a 5v5 that isn't just</font> |
855 |
00:28:11,760 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">going horribly for the a when he has</font> |
856 |
00:28:13,760 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">that thing it's going to Splash on every</font> |
857 |
00:28:15,799 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">single member that puts riy on you that</font> |
858 |
00:28:17,559 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">puts LeAndre on you that does lots of</font> |
859 |
00:28:19,080 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">damage Jensen now engaged on by op they</font> |
860 |
00:28:22,919 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">bring in the Firepower from the gang</font> |
861 |
00:28:24,640 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">plank cannon mirage to guarantee that</font> |
862 |
00:28:26,480 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">Jensen gets out but that's a big cool</font> |
863 |
00:28:28,399 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">down man Team Liquid happy to force that</font> |
864 |
00:28:30,840 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">one as they continue moving forward</font> |
865 |
00:28:32,840 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">establishing Vision lines and</font> |
866 |
00:28:34,519 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">controlling the fly Quest side of the</font> |
867 |
00:28:36,080 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">map and they're actually potentially</font> |
868 |
00:28:37,399 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">just going to move over towards Baron</font> |
869 |
00:28:38,519 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">area try to claim Vision they can start</font> |
870 |
00:28:39,760 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">threatening that cuz now no GP alt no an</font> |
871 |
00:28:41,799 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">Alti that's kind of what makes you</font> |
872 |
00:28:43,440 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">scared to started enough is that AOE ywn</font> |
873 |
00:28:45,399 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">though caught out ywn gets rooted up by</font> |
874 |
00:28:47,480 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">the Senna but fly Quest as soon as they</font> |
875 |
00:28:49,200 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">see the TF over their heads they retreat</font> |
876 |
00:28:52,000 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">they do not want to overcommit yeah nice</font> |
877 |
00:28:54,000 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">little collapse there and that was kind</font> |
878 |
00:28:55,519 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">of</font> |
879 |
00:28:56,480 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">a let's see here they are corejj goes</font> |
880 |
00:28:59,679 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">for a dredge line but he ain't going to</font> |
881 |
00:29:00,880 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">get anything from it just yet umpty is</font> |
882 |
00:29:02,399 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">off to the side he was looking to be</font> |
883 |
00:29:04,240 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">there to cut off the Escape Route if</font> |
884 |
00:29:05,880 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">that engage worked out yeah nice little</font> |
885 |
00:29:08,200 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">Shadow there that they try and use</font> |
886 |
00:29:09,640 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">though to get the surprise don't land</font> |
887 |
00:29:11,760 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">the hook don't get the play but you</font> |
888 |
00:29:13,640 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">still can just go right back to the</font> |
889 |
00:29:16,080 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">original plan push on your side waves</font> |
890 |
00:29:18,320 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">and then keep this pressure on fly Quest</font> |
891 |
00:29:20,840 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">continue to get small</font> |
892 |
00:29:22,679 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">advantages the flashers are going to</font> |
893 |
00:29:24,559 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">come back up though so fly Quest are</font> |
894 |
00:29:26,000 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">pretty happy um breath this sigh of</font> |
895 |
00:29:28,559 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">relief that nobody got hooked in in this</font> |
896 |
00:29:30,559 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">mid lane attempt at a pick because now</font> |
897 |
00:29:33,039 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">once they start to get their flashes</font> |
898 |
00:29:34,399 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">back then they can hope for that big</font> |
899 |
00:29:36,399 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">dream team fight again where they get</font> |
900 |
00:29:38,120 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">these resets for inspired where the gang</font> |
901 |
00:29:40,200 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">plank pops off uh and they just blow up</font> |
902 |
00:29:42,880 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">a couple of the early members and it</font> |
903 |
00:29:44,320 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">looks like bbo is probably just going</font> |
904 |
00:29:45,519 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">towards collector third so he's going to</font> |
905 |
00:29:46,880 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">be on three crit items he's going to be</font> |
906 |
00:29:48,880 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">16 relatively soon he is 15 I'm not sure</font> |
907 |
00:29:51,519 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">exactly how close he is actually to</font> |
908 |
00:29:52,840 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">getting 16 let's see uh it's going to be</font> |
909 |
00:29:55,120 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">a while um but when you get that level</font> |
910 |
00:29:56,679 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">three ultimate plus you have you know</font> |
911 |
00:29:58,279 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">death daughter the true damage in the</font> |
912 |
00:29:59,519 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">middle plus you have the triple crit</font> |
913 |
00:30:01,039 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">items now done like one ulti plus that</font> |
914 |
00:30:03,880 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">center of the ultimate uh with a barrel</font> |
915 |
00:30:06,039 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">chain can be that's it like that could</font> |
916 |
00:30:07,960 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">be your full health bar as a squishy</font> |
917 |
00:30:09,799 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">Champion so it does get very very scary</font> |
918 |
00:30:11,440 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">you can see APA actually picked up The</font> |
919 |
00:30:13,279 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">Verdant barrier uh so working towards</font> |
920 |
00:30:15,120 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">that banshees Veil which I think is</font> |
921 |
00:30:16,399 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">really smart against this burst comp</font> |
922 |
00:30:18,880 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">uhoh corejj getting jumped on there by</font> |
923 |
00:30:20,760 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">inspired he goes back in for the drench</font> |
924 |
00:30:22,440 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">line Team Liquid loses their support</font> |
925 |
00:30:25,240 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">before the fight even really starts but</font> |
926 |
00:30:26,679 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">now jens's about to drop to the</font> |
927 |
00:30:27,960 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">Singularity they barely keep him alive</font> |
928 |
00:30:29,679 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">thanks to boio and inspired gets shot</font> |
929 |
00:30:31,840 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">down by y whipper wants to get in there</font> |
930 |
00:30:33,919 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">but he can't do any damage with the</font> |
931 |
00:30:35,080 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">barrels up drops and Jensen's the one</font> |
932 |
00:30:37,919 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">dropping him Team Liquid has lost</font> |
933 |
00:30:39,840 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">support and jungler both and yon has no</font> |
934 |
00:30:42,399 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">health and no Summoner spells fly Quest</font> |
935 |
00:30:44,640 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">is heading towards the baron and a a PA</font> |
936 |
00:30:46,919 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">on defense oh masu actually tagged it</font> |
937 |
00:30:48,880 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">too uto start going off taking a little</font> |
938 |
00:30:51,000 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">bit of extra damage as we get the reset</font> |
939 |
00:30:53,000 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">here I don't think they want to mess</font> |
940 |
00:30:54,200 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">around with this one that is too much</font> |
941 |
00:30:56,039 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">damage cor jjo he gets caught flashes</font> |
942 |
00:30:58,440 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">out and then hooks immediately back in</font> |
943 |
00:31:00,840 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">on the call for the turn but is</font> |
944 |
00:31:02,919 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">immediately deleted and it leads to too</font> |
945 |
00:31:05,399 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">much pressure here we go all right whip</font> |
946 |
00:31:07,279 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">getting jumped on by impact with APA</font> |
947 |
00:31:09,320 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">right there Whip's flash is wasted that</font> |
948 |
00:31:12,200 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">is a huge pick for team liquid umpty is</font> |
949 |
00:31:14,679 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">respawning in 3 seconds and wio won't</font> |
950 |
00:31:16,840 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">come back for another 40 this is just</font> |
951 |
00:31:18,360 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">really nice for TL and now they're going</font> |
952 |
00:31:19,679 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">to I think potentially start up the bar</font> |
953 |
00:31:21,200 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">and they saw that whle was around he was</font> |
954 |
00:31:23,000 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">trying to play that Barrel game with ap</font> |
955 |
00:31:24,760 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">they call up impact they pop the ulti</font> |
956 |
00:31:26,639 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">they spot him out they get get that kill</font> |
957 |
00:31:28,840 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">they haven't started it up just yet but</font> |
958 |
00:31:30,480 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">with M running back out there is an</font> |
959 |
00:31:32,360 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">angle for them to start and potentially</font> |
960 |
00:31:33,639 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">look for the turn so they're going to be</font> |
961 |
00:31:34,559 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">hitting it now and it's going to go on</font> |
962 |
00:31:35,799 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">fast to this Varys this TF and this ASO</font> |
963 |
00:31:39,000 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">it's so much Baron DPS for TL's side fly</font> |
964 |
00:31:42,559 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">Quest you can see their contemplating</font> |
965 |
00:31:44,519 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">making some kind of an approach but</font> |
966 |
00:31:46,399 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">there's just no point in it man that</font> |
967 |
00:31:48,039 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">Baron is TL's all day 3 and half th000</font> |
968 |
00:31:51,480 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">gold lead five kills ahead for Team</font> |
969 |
00:31:53,559 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">Liquid it's such a good lesson even in</font> |
970 |
00:31:55,639 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">LCS finals reminder that sometimes it</font> |
971 |
00:31:58,519 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">matters even more what you do after the</font> |
972 |
00:32:00,639 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">team fight you know sticking around</font> |
973 |
00:32:02,360 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">poking the baron couple of extra Autos</font> |
974 |
00:32:04,120 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">little bit of extra damage there then</font> |
975 |
00:32:05,519 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">going up to the minion wave and TL take</font> |
976 |
00:32:07,799 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">advantage of it we finally see impact</font> |
977 |
00:32:09,960 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">with a huge Twisted Fate ult to get them</font> |
978 |
00:32:12,120 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">the pick that results in Baron and now</font> |
979 |
00:32:14,799 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">the better split push team has the baron</font> |
980 |
00:32:17,600 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">buff to split push with he annihilates</font> |
981 |
00:32:19,679 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">the turret on Tower side uh on top side</font> |
982 |
00:32:22,399 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">there a nice little sneaky Dragon here</font> |
983 |
00:32:23,960 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">from fly Quest but they're going to lose</font> |
984 |
00:32:25,159 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">so much of their</font> |
985 |
00:32:26,399 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">base okay there's your gang plank Alti</font> |
986 |
00:32:29,600 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">there's the dawning Shadow and they</font> |
987 |
00:32:31,159 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">immediately kill umpty before Team</font> |
988 |
00:32:32,840 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">Liquid can fight back impact wants to</font> |
989 |
00:32:34,799 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">make a collapse from the side but Whip's</font> |
990 |
00:32:37,320 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">fighting him off the rest of TL</font> |
991 |
00:32:39,039 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">disengage so it's just a single kill</font> |
992 |
00:32:41,600 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">going over to fly Quest but importantly</font> |
993 |
00:32:43,440 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">it puts the breaks on the TL War Machine</font> |
994 |
00:32:45,760 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">yeah exactly it's going to slow down</font> |
995 |
00:32:47,000 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">that Baron push a little bit at least</font> |
996 |
00:32:49,240 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">here and that is quite nice get that</font> |
997 |
00:32:51,320 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">kill onto Mt impact now does have that</font> |
998 |
00:32:54,320 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">third item goes for the storm Riser so</font> |
999 |
00:32:56,039 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">it's really all about that upfront that</font> |
1000 |
00:32:57,480 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">first Auto with the rapid fire with the</font> |
1001 |
00:32:59,320 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">Shi proc with the storm Razer proc and</font> |
1002 |
00:33:01,080 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">that gold card trying to get picks</font> |
1003 |
00:33:02,840 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">around that but flag Quest is going to</font> |
1004 |
00:33:04,799 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">have a harder and harder time finding</font> |
1005 |
00:33:06,320 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">the correct Target to actually dive on</font> |
1006 |
00:33:07,960 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">you Yan is going towards wit end there's</font> |
1007 |
00:33:09,720 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">a locket uh on Cor JJ that is going to</font> |
1008 |
00:33:12,080 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">help him survive we already have the</font> |
1009 |
00:33:13,480 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">Banshees Veil done for APA impact you</font> |
1010 |
00:33:15,559 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">could probably zero but like kind of who</font> |
1011 |
00:33:17,320 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">cares he's not really the important</font> |
1012 |
00:33:19,240 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">member uh it's really tough to to know</font> |
1013 |
00:33:21,799 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">which Target you're going to have to</font> |
1014 |
00:33:22,840 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">commit to also since you don't have</font> |
1015 |
00:33:24,480 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">control of the minions you aren't going</font> |
1016 |
00:33:25,960 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">to have control of the vision setup uh</font> |
1017 |
00:33:28,200 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">cuz you always have to play catch up you</font> |
1018 |
00:33:29,720 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">have to catch these waves so you don't</font> |
1019 |
00:33:30,919 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">fall behind the experience in gold and</font> |
1020 |
00:33:32,480 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">so that allows uh the other side to</font> |
1021 |
00:33:35,240 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">constantly move in and take away the</font> |
1022 |
00:33:37,080 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">surprise opportunities that you might</font> |
1023 |
00:33:39,559 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">try and go for uh and on top of that</font> |
1024 |
00:33:42,600 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">they've also got a Twisted Fate ultimate</font> |
1025 |
00:33:44,080 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">that will reveal you even if you do have</font> |
1026 |
00:33:45,639 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">a surprise play coming so see if fly</font> |
1027 |
00:33:48,679 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">Quest can can actually make it happen</font> |
1028 |
00:33:50,440 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">here and carve out a comeback play for</font> |
1029 |
00:33:53,080 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">themselves Team Liquid grouped up bottom</font> |
1030 |
00:33:56,519 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">ready to push towards the tier</font> |
1031 |
00:33:58,440 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">Jensen andio having a back away that</font> |
1032 |
00:34:01,120 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">tier two is not long for this world Yan</font> |
1033 |
00:34:02,880 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">gets rooted but there not like there's</font> |
1034 |
00:34:04,480 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">going to be any followup to it really</font> |
1035 |
00:34:06,360 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">the turret dropped Team Liquid up almost</font> |
1036 |
00:34:08,839 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">5,000 gold still feel like they do such</font> |
1037 |
00:34:11,159 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">a good job of checking their Vision</font> |
1038 |
00:34:12,639 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">boxes first they move in they get their</font> |
1039 |
00:34:14,480 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">Wards they pop the Twisted bait ultimate</font> |
1040 |
00:34:16,480 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">they slowly and safely take the tower</font> |
1041 |
00:34:19,639 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">and you can see how much range APA has</font> |
1042 |
00:34:21,520 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">now you know on that que over the wall</font> |
1043 |
00:34:23,199 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">he's just spamming the que out he has</font> |
1044 |
00:34:24,918 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">his Singularity takes up about 2/3 of</font> |
1045 |
00:34:26,960 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">the lane at this point point it's so</font> |
1046 |
00:34:28,440 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">much it's very difficult to actually</font> |
1047 |
00:34:30,239 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">play around especially when there's</font> |
1048 |
00:34:31,440 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">additional poke and whatnot that's going</font> |
1049 |
00:34:32,679 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">to be thrown out too yeah he's got a</font> |
1050 |
00:34:34,199 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">full twole lead onto Jensen here uh you</font> |
1051 |
00:34:37,280 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">can see the experience bar the little uh</font> |
1052 |
00:34:39,359 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">purple bar underneath their icons there</font> |
1053 |
00:34:41,839 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">he's he's almost halfway to to 17 as</font> |
1054 |
00:34:44,359 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">well meanwhile Jensen here sitting on</font> |
1055 |
00:34:45,839 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">the Annie has had a pretty rough time</font> |
1056 |
00:34:48,679 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">and you can see the same thing is true</font> |
1057 |
00:34:49,639 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">in bot Lan you know Yan is is level 14</font> |
1058 |
00:34:51,918 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">he's closing in on 15 he's going to be</font> |
1059 |
00:34:53,359 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">15 about the same time as masu and busio</font> |
1060 |
00:34:55,320 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">are actually 13 so uh they have some</font> |
1061 |
00:34:57,800 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">major level leads umt again going to get</font> |
1062 |
00:35:00,200 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">locked up Pops The Counter Strike dredge</font> |
1063 |
00:35:01,760 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">line from core ain't going to hit</font> |
1064 |
00:35:02,720 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">anybody rain of arrows tags inspired by</font> |
1065 |
00:35:04,560 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">the chains of corruption don't lock down</font> |
1066 |
00:35:06,280 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">fly Quest long enough for Team Liquid to</font> |
1067 |
00:35:08,200 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">make a followup play Fly Quest they are</font> |
1068 |
00:35:11,839 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">praying for the barrel chain to turn it</font> |
1069 |
00:35:15,040 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">around wide whippo needs to make an</font> |
1070 |
00:35:17,839 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">appearance here there aren't too many</font> |
1071 |
00:35:19,280 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">brushes to hide in but that is certainly</font> |
1072 |
00:35:21,240 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">one of them only the ones really close</font> |
1073 |
00:35:23,240 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">to your base and those are the ones that</font> |
1074 |
00:35:24,800 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">TL are going to suspect it's going to be</font> |
1075 |
00:35:26,680 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">really tough you can see impact now has</font> |
1076 |
00:35:27,960 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">a qss as well so really they're trying</font> |
1077 |
00:35:30,040 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">to just kind of check off all the boxes</font> |
1078 |
00:35:31,560 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">like nope can't one shot this guy nope</font> |
1079 |
00:35:33,320 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">can't flash tippers this guy you know</font> |
1080 |
00:35:35,040 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">really making it harder and harder and</font> |
1081 |
00:35:36,400 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">harder I you know probably going to be</font> |
1082 |
00:35:38,560 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">getting something a little bit tanky as</font> |
1083 |
00:35:39,880 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">his next item I don't know if he's going</font> |
1084 |
00:35:41,040 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">to go towards GA or just a full-on tank</font> |
1085 |
00:35:42,800 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">item I think either or completely</font> |
1086 |
00:35:44,040 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">reasonable choices you just need to make</font> |
1087 |
00:35:45,599 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">sure that ERS engage with vgo doesn't</font> |
1088 |
00:35:48,359 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">get an instant kill and if anything that</font> |
1089 |
00:35:50,119 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">doesn't happen it's going to be so hard</font> |
1090 |
00:35:51,920 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">for fly quest to win fights checking in</font> |
1091 |
00:35:53,960 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">on the stacks APA has cleared 300 on the</font> |
1092 |
00:35:57,040 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">aelion just just about 30 minutes into</font> |
1093 |
00:35:58,640 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">the game over on the other side masu</font> |
1094 |
00:36:01,040 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">just about to tick 140 on the Senna so</font> |
1095 |
00:36:03,680 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">some serious range stacking up for him</font> |
1096 |
00:36:05,880 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">and we've been talking about this all</font> |
1097 |
00:36:07,480 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">split long but he when he's playing zigs</font> |
1098 |
00:36:09,720 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">when he is playing ASO he's so in his</font> |
1099 |
00:36:11,359 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">comfort zone even if you pick him off</font> |
1100 |
00:36:12,599 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">inside Lane even if you get kills on him</font> |
1101 |
00:36:14,040 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">early on he knows how to Pilot these</font> |
1102 |
00:36:16,119 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">champions in the team fights he knows</font> |
1103 |
00:36:17,760 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">how to get that damage done and the</font> |
1104 |
00:36:20,200 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">record speaks for itself right people</font> |
1105 |
00:36:22,240 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">don't always want to spend the bands cuz</font> |
1106 |
00:36:23,680 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">think ah it's not the player we need to</font> |
1107 |
00:36:25,400 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">worry about or it's not the champion we</font> |
1108 |
00:36:26,760 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">need to worry about but he makes people</font> |
1109 |
00:36:28,680 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">pay for it time and time again it's the</font> |
1110 |
00:36:30,839 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">player and the champion combo here</font> |
1111 |
00:36:33,359 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">exactly</font> |
1112 |
00:36:35,079 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">AA quite the specialist quite the</font> |
1113 |
00:36:38,240 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">controversial uh you know member of the</font> |
1114 |
00:36:40,839 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">team as well but I feel like I've seen</font> |
1115 |
00:36:43,040 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">more and more people actually going to</font> |
1116 |
00:36:45,640 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">his side after uh being critics of the</font> |
1117 |
00:36:48,280 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">trash talking it's it's been a bit fun</font> |
1118 |
00:36:50,839 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">for everybody now Team Liquid still with</font> |
1119 |
00:36:53,319 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">control over the whole Rift the next</font> |
1120 |
00:36:55,440 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">Drake spawns in 30 seconds Baron also</font> |
1121 |
00:36:57,920 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">alive in under a minute TL the world is</font> |
1122 |
00:37:01,599 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">theirs this is their game to lose at</font> |
1123 |
00:37:03,240 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">this point APA ready with the sky</font> |
1124 |
00:37:05,079 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">descend if fly Quest try to engage on</font> |
1125 |
00:37:07,119 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">them and this is just so annoying cuz</font> |
1126 |
00:37:08,440 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">even though impact didn't really do</font> |
1127 |
00:37:09,480 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">anything in Lane hasn't really done much</font> |
1128 |
00:37:10,720 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">in this game he's just non-stop going to</font> |
1129 |
00:37:12,319 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">be walking down the Sid Lane pushing it</font> |
1130 |
00:37:13,640 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">saying you got to come or you're going</font> |
1131 |
00:37:14,680 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">to lose your base you got to come</font> |
1132 |
00:37:15,839 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">respond constantly where FL wants to be</font> |
1133 |
00:37:17,920 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">grouped as five looking for these fights</font> |
1134 |
00:37:19,280 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">you know getting that one shot getting</font> |
1135 |
00:37:20,480 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">that engage he's just constantly going</font> |
1136 |
00:37:22,119 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">to draw you down and make someone</font> |
1137 |
00:37:24,520 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">respond to him Quest trying to push out</font> |
1138 |
00:37:27,520 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">out down the mid lane here and once</font> |
1139 |
00:37:29,000 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">again it's going to be inspired Jumping</font> |
1140 |
00:37:30,640 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">On Core JJ but he's got to be careful</font> |
1141 |
00:37:32,800 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">imp that jumps in the middle of</font> |
1142 |
00:37:33,800 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">everybody corejj is still barely going</font> |
1143 |
00:37:35,280 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">to stay alive for now the skies descend</font> |
1144 |
00:37:37,040 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">but nobody's dead on flight Quest just</font> |
1145 |
00:37:38,359 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">get Humpty kills off whip inspired dying</font> |
1146 |
00:37:40,760 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">to the Breath of Life as Humpty grabs</font> |
1147 |
00:37:42,359 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">the double kill and booo heads for the</font> |
1148 |
00:37:44,119 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">hills he tries to escape but it's masu</font> |
1149 |
00:37:46,599 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">about to die next they can't quite find</font> |
1150 |
00:37:48,599 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">him and APA is Unstoppable masu and</font> |
1151 |
00:37:51,480 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">Jensen are running the wrong way and APA</font> |
1152 |
00:37:55,119 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">is about to show him why a double kill</font> |
1153 |
00:37:57,720 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">to the dragon and Jensen has nothing to</font> |
1154 |
00:38:00,480 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">do but wait for his own demise he'll</font> |
1155 |
00:38:02,839 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">even waste the teleport trying to get</font> |
1156 |
00:38:04,839 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">away a triple for APA and the game is</font> |
1157 |
00:38:08,480 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">about to end TL split push eventually</font> |
1158 |
00:38:12,880 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">gets their Victory they're on to Nexus</font> |
1159 |
00:38:16,359 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">turrets now</font> |
1160 |
00:38:18,520 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">15-6 impact on the TF top APA on the</font> |
1161 |
00:38:23,079 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">aurelian soul mid and Team Liquid is</font> |
1162 |
00:38:26,280 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">going to match point</font> |
1163 |
00:38:28,040 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">deathless on the signature aurelian soul</font> |
1164 |
00:38:31,560 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">for APA fully stacked Bounty Team Liquid</font> |
1165 |
00:38:37,079 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">cruising to another Victory here as they</font> |
1166 |
00:38:40,160 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">move to two and one APA played a really</font> |
1167 |
00:38:42,760 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">good game on the ASO and another great</font> |
1168 |
00:38:45,040 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">game here from umpty on the Jacks</font> |
1169 |
00:38:47,440 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">looking strong as TL are looking tough</font> |
1170 |
00:38:51,040 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">to beat flag Quest bounc back in a major</font> |
1171 |
00:38:53,720 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">way in game two but game three again</font> |
1172 |
00:38:56,079 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">pretty one-sided it really only felt</font> |
1173 |
00:38:58,440 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">like Top Lane went the way for a flag</font> |
1174 |
00:39:00,280 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">Quest that they would have hoped whpo</font> |
1175 |
00:39:02,400 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">got an advantage was able to you know</font> |
1176 |
00:39:03,880 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">get this bad base timing for impact you</font> |
1177 |
00:39:05,720 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">know created an edge there but it never</font> |
1178 |
00:39:07,720 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">amounted to anything because they're on</font> |
1179 |
00:39:09,520 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">the back foot so heavily they couldn't</font> |
1180 |
00:39:11,200 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">really find the angles to get those</font> |
1181 |
00:39:12,480 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">fights that they were looking for and he</font> |
1182 |
00:39:14,240 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">was kind of tracked in every single team</font> |
1183 |
00:39:15,880 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">fight and when you have a split P</font> |
1184 |
00:39:17,319 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">Advantage like that and they keep on</font> |
1185 |
00:39:18,480 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">using it that's where these level leads</font> |
1186 |
00:39:20,160 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">come from that's where multiple roles</font> |
1187 |
00:39:22,160 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">have two level leads and then they're</font> |
1188 |
00:39:24,400 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">eventually able to push the Minions on</font> |
1189 |
00:39:26,200 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">the side so that you have to go for an</font> |
1190 |
00:39:27,720 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">engage you can see the pressure before</font> |
1191 |
00:39:29,400 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">this game or before this play right here</font> |
1192 |
00:39:31,280 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">they're like oh my God flag we have to</font> |
1193 |
00:39:33,079 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">go for something that's when the Trap</font> |
1194 |
00:39:35,640 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">closes for TL in fact he teleports in</font> |
1195 |
00:39:38,640 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">with his ulti he has his double Summoner</font> |
1196 |
00:39:40,880 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">spells plus his qss to make sure that he</font> |
1197 |
00:39:44,040 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">is able to get out and TL are able to</font> |
1198 |
00:39:46,560 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">chase down all of them and to me it's</font> |
1199 |
00:39:48,720 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">just so much about howt and APA zero out</font> |
1200 |
00:39:51,960 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">Whipple in that fight he's the strong</font> |
1201 |
00:39:53,280 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">member they immediately go for him they</font> |
1202 |
00:39:54,839 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">fly in on top of they drop the</font> |
1203 |
00:39:56,119 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">singularity he's on the run right off</font> |
1204 |
00:39:58,599 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">the bat has no opportunity to be able to</font> |
1205 |
00:40:01,160 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">actually find any sort of a barrel combo</font> |
1206 |
00:40:03,000 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">and they Team Liquid moves to match</font> |
1207 |
00:40:05,240 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">point and we're heading on over to the</font> |
1208 |
00:40:06,400 |
<font color="white" size=".72c">LCS Lounge to break it down</font> |